[COLOR=DarkRed][B]Name: [/B] SuperMan
[B]Alter Ego:[/B] Clark Kent
[B]Age:[/B] 35
[B]Super Powers:[/B] Super-speed, Flight, Super-strength, Invulnerability, X-Ray Vision, Super Intellect, Enhanced Sences, Laser Eye Beams.
[B]Biography:[/B] The planet Krypton had been home to a highly technologically advanced society for hundreds of thousands of years. It had been a utopia until a Clone War almost destroyed its society. The world that rebuilt itself was one of the most advanced in this Galaxy, but all creative and original thought was lost. The society was dying in more ways than one. A strange "Green Death" was killing the population. Twenty million had already died before the scientist Jor-El discovered that the cause was the side-effect of an aborted detonation of a doomsday device during the Clone War. The native elements of the planet were fusing together to form a new radioactive element called Kryptonium. The pressures created by this reaction were causing earthquakes and would eventually result in the destruction of the planet.
Jor-El was a man of ideas and ideals in an age where they were an unknown (he was greatly influenced by an encounter with a time lost Starman VII who taught him about Earth). He had been selected by computer to be the father of a new child (after the death of another had left an opening in the Register of Citizens) with the lady Lara. Ever since he had first seen her image Jor-El had been smitten by her and used every chance to hear news of her. Genetic material was taken from Jor-El and Lara and placed in an artificial womb called a Birthing Matrix. Jor-El knew that the only way for Krypton to evolve would be to take to the stars. He had already designed a prototype Hyperdrive and had removed the genetic flaw from his child (introduced by into the Kryptonian race by Kem-L) that stopped them from leaving the planet.
The three month investigation into the "Green Death" concluded before the birth from the Matrix of the child Kal-El. The pieces were in place. Jor-El knew that neither he nor Lara could survive away from Krypton, but their unborn son shielded from the Kryptonium radiation in his Matrix might have a chance. With little time left Jor-El attached the Matrix to his Hyper-Drive. This aroused the notice of Lara who confronted Jor-El over his actions (this was the first time that they had actually met). He managed to convince her of the impending doom of Krypton and together they launched the Matrix into space. As Krypton died Jor-El told Lara that he loved her, an emotion alien to that world.
The Matrix took a hyper-light journey covering the fifty light-years that separated Krypton and Earth in just under twenty years. However due to time dilation effects the occupant had only just reached the end of the gestation period when he exited hyperspace close to Earth. The Manhunters knew that a Kryptonian raised under Earth conditions would be vastly powerful. They sent a ship to intercept the Matrix, but were delayed by a contingent from the Green Lantern Corps giving the Matrix enough time to crash land. The crash site was found by Jonathan and Martha Kent. When inspected the Matrix opened (effectively giving birth to Kal-El). Believing the child to be part of an Earth space programme they decided to keep him rather than hand him over to the heartless authorities than had sent him into space. Naming him Clark after Martha's maiden name they took him back to their farm just as the largest blizzard of the century hit Smallville cutting them off for five months. The blizzard had been created by the Manhunters to stop anybody reaching the crash site before them. After failing twice to capture the Matrix occupant the Manhunters decided drastic actions was required to monitor Kal-El. They replaced the Smallville doctor with a disguised Manhunter and implanted every child born from then on in the town with a mind control device.
At first young Clark Kent seemed a perfectly normal baby boy. His new parents were able to announce him to the world as their own natural born son. By kindergarten age he had already formed a strong friendship with best friends Lana Lang and Pete Ross. It was only at the age of eight that things began to change. Clark was using a neighbours field as a shortcut when his father saw him charged down by a bull. Jonathan ran to the spot where his son had gone down expecting to find a bloody mess. To his surprise Clark was untouched. Unbeknownst to the Kents Clark's Kryptonian cells were storing solar energy and converting it into superpowers. The invulnerability developed first followed by strength, speed, stamina, all his senses and in his final year of high school he discovered he had the power of flight as well.
A natural sportsman Clark found success on the football field with the Smallville Giants. While nowhere near his adult power levels Clark still outstripped every opponent. Most, such as his team-mates and coach, just saw Clark as an amazing athlete, but for others living in the shadow of Clark Kent feeling of jealousy were never far from the surface. Kenny Braverman was born the same day as Clark Kent, his metagene was activated by Kryptonium radiation from a fragment of Kryptonite embedded in the tail fin of Clark's Hyperdrive. The side-effects made him suffer an on-off radiation sickness. When fit he always came second to Clark Kent. The final straw came when Kenny asked Lana out to the school dance only to find out that she had accepted Clark's invitation. He would carry a grudge against Clark for the rest of his life eventually becoming the supervillain Conduit.
Clark's parents realised that with great power comes great responsibility. A philosophy that Clark learned the hard way. Two incidents really drove home Clark's responsibilities. The first occurred when he was involved in a car crash on the way home from a party. The driver, Scott Brubaker, had been drinking and was left in a vegetative state. Clark had offered to drive, but Scott insisted. It taught Clark that while he may be superhuman the people around him were all to mortal. The second incident happened after Clark had practically won the final game of his last High School season single-handedly. His father confronted him over the use of his powers and revealed to him that he had been adopted, showing him the rocket ship that had brought him to Earth. For the first time Clark saw himself in the larger picture.
The growing realisation of his responsibilities to less gifted people and the revelation of his adoption left Clark with some hard thinking to do. He had to help people secretly because if his identity was ever revealed he would never live a normal life again. Before he left Smallville Clark revealed his abilities to Lana. She had been hoping that Clark was going to propose marriage, but he explained why he had to help other people. Lana was initially devastated by the news because she knew that Clark saw her more as a sister that as a sweetheart. In time she would come to see Clark's trust as an honour and would marry Pete Ross.
After leaving Smallville Clark travelled around the world aiding the flood relief in India, earthquakes in Asia and even raising the odd headline sunken ship. After the world tour Clark returned to the US and enrolled in Metropolis University. While there he worked in Balducci's Restaurant as a short order chef. A waitress there called Ruby Carson introduced Clark to the city and turned a young country boy into a city dweller. At U.Met Clark majored in journalism and took minors in almost every diverse course he could. It was on one of these courses that he first met Lori Lemaris. Clark had seen Lana and Ruby as friends and sometime girlfriends, but Lori was different. He fell in love with her. Eventually Clark proposed marriage to her. However she declined and broke off the relationship. Clark later learned that she was a mermaid from Tritonis and had left because she knew a relationship between a surface dweller and an Atlantian could never work despite her feelings for him.
After graduating Clark went overseas wandering around Europe before being taken under the wing of Parisian journalist Simone DeNeige. Clark decided on a career in journalist because it allowed him to keep track of potential disasters and to compete on a level playing field with other people. Simone was beautiful, worldly and taught Clark how to network and make contacts. After Clark left Paris he returned to Metropolis, applied to the Daily Planet and Managing Editor Perry White agreed to give him an interview a few days later. While killing time Clark decided to attend the two hundred and fiftieth anniversary celebrations of the founding of the city. The main event was to be the landing at Metropolis International of the experimental NASA space plane Constitution.
Clark was among the watching from the crowd when a civilian light aircraft breached the secure airspace and collided with the Constitution. The two planes locked together and began to tumble out of the sky. There was no way to stop the media seeing him, but Clark knew he had to save the Constitution. Leaping into the air he moved with superspeed (so that nobody could get a good look at him) and caught the Constitution lowering it to the runway. Before he could make a getaway he was cornered by the reporter Lois Lane who had been on the Constitution. That moment was enough for the watching crowd to descend on them, each of them wanting something, a favour, a promotion, a sales opportunity. In fright Clark took to the air and only stopped when he reached Tibet. There on a remote mountain peak he sat and shook with fear of the emotions that he had unleashed in people. They knew of him now and his world could never be the same again.
[B]Appearance: [/B] [URL=http://www.universohq.com/quadrinhos/2004/imagens/superman-lee.jpg]Superman[/URL] and [URL=http://www.pazsaz.com/pic/fsupclrk.gif]Clark Kent[/URL]
[B]Gender:[/B] Male[/COLOR]