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Everything posted by Moi

  1. Alright, as most of you know I like to post my life situations on here for feedback, and here is my newest situation, so please give feedback and advice. My "ex-girlfriend" never broke up with me to my face, so I assumed we weren't dating. She told my friend we're still going out, but I haven't talked to her since I thought it was over. And I like a different girl, which I think will go out with me. I like them both, but I think my "ex" is kind of hot, basically I wanna you-know-what... Anyway, what do I do? AAA
  2. [COLOR=DarkOrchid][B]This is where all discussion for The Redwind will go. Please don't spam the Adventure Inn with questions. Thank you. I'll keep sign-ups open for a while, so you have plent of time to sign up. Thanks again.[/B][/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR=DarkRed] "After all of these years, it is finally completed. The airship to rule them all! The Redwind! Ah, the name alone is beautiful, is it not?" The tall, old-aged man grinned down at the cloaked boy beside him. "Hmmm. It...is attractive. But you know that's not what I'm interested in. I want to know: does it work? My crew doesn't need to die because of a faulty toy of yours. I need to know if it will make it safely to Telemnar." The boy pulled down his hood to reveal a face of innocent beauty, yet he was such a masculine figure. "It will easily make it to Telemnar. I'm positive." "Are you? How many times have you tested it I wonder? Or have you even tested it yet?" The boy looked menacingly up at the aged man in the white coat. "Well," the man shifted uneasily, "we haven't really got around to it yet." The boy suddenly became angry and his eyes flashed with rage, "You haven't tested it yet, but you were just about to let me and my men leave on it immediately!? You bastard! Who actually made this ship? I can only hope that it was not you!" The man stepped back, "Kozi, please do not be upset with me. I made the ship, I designed it! But you see, I could not test it. I have found no one brave enough yet to test the ship, and that's when I called for you. I am truly sorry I didn't mention it earlier." Kozi looked admiringly at the ship, which was stationed beautifully right in front of them. Its body was painted a magnificent mahogany, and the rails were a deep black. Every part of the ship boasted elegance and nobility. "Well, Dr. Arby, I'd be glad to take this ship out, on one condition: you let us keep the ship for free." Dr. Arby winced at the last word Kozi had said, "Well...you must...oh, alright. Take the ship and be on your way. I trust you will at least send word of how the ship works when you reach Telemnar?" Kozi replied immediately, "Oh, of course Doctor. Now let's load up this ship, there's no time to waste." And with that Kozi and Dr. Arby began the loading of the ship. They made ten trips to and fro until they were finally finished. Kozi brushed back his hair and whistled loudly with his fingers in his mouth. The next moment six people came hurrying out from the lounge and laid their eyes on the most beautiful ship they had ever seen. Kozi smiled when he saw the looks on their faces, "Well, we're headed to Telemnar. Everyone on board!" Just then they all ran on board. Kozi shook the doctor's hand, "I thank you for this gift, Dr. Arby; it is the most beautiful ship I have ever seen. I just have one question before I leave: what ever does this ship run on?" The doctor smiled when he answered this question he had been waiting for, "It runs on...spiritual energy, my boy! Ha ha! Surprised I presume?" Kozi's eyes were wide as he nodded. "It took me thirty years to make it correctly, and this is the finished product. You'll never have to worry about breaking down you see! Now let's just hope that I am correct in my calculations and that it really will fly!" The doctor laughed at what he had just said. "Good luck my boy!"[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkGreen][CENTER][B]PLOT[/B][/CENTER][/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkGreen]Kozi is the young son of an infamous pirate, and he plans on carrying on the family legacy. Kozi has gathered a team of five pirates, and together they are going to conquer the skies! Kozi is first going to go to Telemnar, a grand kingdom far away, and kidnap the princess. He will stop at nothing to get there and make his name known to everyone. He's just now gotten his first ship, the Redwind, and he is now set to to begin his voyage.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Navy][CENTER][B]SIGN-UP[/B][/CENTER][/COLOR] [COLOR=Navy] I want everyone signing up to be descriptive and use good post quality. I, of course, will play Kozi, and I will post my sign-up when I get back from Florida in two weeks. While I'm gone I hope that I get all the roles filled. I'll answer all questions as well when I return. Please don't sign up unless you are serious and dedicated. Thank you. P.S.: I'm not a new member, this is just a new account. I've been on OB for a year now. Here are the roles I need filled: pirate 1 pirate 2 pirate 3 pirate 4 princess (If anyone can think of another role that would work in this story, you may post for it, but I will decide if it is accepted, thank you.) Role: Name: Age: Gender: Bio: Appearance: (you may use a picture if it's good) Weapons: (if any)[/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR=DarkRed]Charles stood silently staring at Cassie and Connor. He couldn't believe it. He was now very upset; she thought he was just some rich boy with a selfish heart, but she was wrong, so very wrong. The only selfish desire in his heart was her love. That's all that he wanted. He would give away every earthly possession of his for her. Charles was surprised to find that a tear was running down his face. He shook himself out of his miserable trance and wiped his face. He turned around and walked over to Alan. He needed to talk to someone to get Cassie off of his mind. [B]Charles:[/B] [I]Hey Alan, what's happening? I noticed you like Sakura?[/I] [B]Alan: [/B] [I]Yeah, man. She's cute, don't you agree?[/I] Charles looked over at Sakura coming out of the chocolate shop. She had a bag full of chocolate in her hand and it looked like she was headed his way. [B]Charles: [/B] [I]Yeah, I guess. Look, man, she's headed this way. Have you told her you like her yet?[/I] [B]Alan:[/B] [I]Well, uh, kind of, man. I just don't know the right words to say. You should know, Charles, what should I say? [/I] Charles was just about to reply when Sakura came skipping up to them. She had a big smile on her face. She handed the bag up to Alan. Charles finally saw what Alan was talking about. Sakura was gorgeous! Her rosy cheeks and big eyes made her look like an innocent angel. [B]Alan:[/B] [I]What's this? Chocolate? Uh, thanks, Sakura! Haha, that's a lot of chocolate. How'd you get it? Isn't it expensive?[/I] [B]Sakura:[/B] [I]Kim bought it for me. She's being really nice to everyone. I thought I should give it to you since I stole your's earlier. Sorry again about that.[/I] Alan handed the bag back to Sakura. [B]Alan:[/B] [I]You keep it, silly. I don't want it. Haha.[/I][/COLOR]
  5. [COLOR=DarkRed]DEAN Chocolate Candy is my favorite. Chocolate, for those who are clueless, is the best damn junk-food-group on the face of the earth. Dean chocolate bars are the best chocolate you can get over the counter (if, of course, that counter is in Japan). Three bars of Kit-Kat size dark chocolate that is filled either with evenly spaced cookie balls or peanuts. Yum! Yum! YUM! Beyond the luscious taste of Dean is the packaging. They come in boxes that are, for all purposes, the equivalent of cigarette hard-packs. Wow! There are also about 6 designs of boxes that each have a different face of a circa. 1920s-1930s caucasian kid on it. And we're worried about kids smoking because of Joe Camel over here in the U.S. of A! In Japan they eat their chocolate out of cigarette boxes that have little kids faces on them! I wish I could share these all with you, but sadly I can't. My only advice for those who want to experience the chocolate pleasure that is DEAN chocolate, all I can say is make friends with someone in Japan or find a decent Japanese supermarket near you. [/COLOR] - [COLOR=DarkGreen]http://www.cardhouse.com/x13/candy.htm[/COLOR]
  6. This poem is nice, I like it. So how long did it take you to write this? I think I should put up a cat poem, since I have a great cat, too, lol. I think this poem is expressive enough, how many poems have you made? I'd like to see something a bit longer and detailed though, but this is good, don't get me wrong. Nice, I give it a 5/10, enjoy!
  7. That's an awesome banner I admit. What did you use to make it, Flash? I love it, do you think you could make me a banner like that of DragonBall Z? LOL, I'd like that. This banner I think deserves a 9/10, it's amazing. I think that the pwned thing is weird, but oh well, it's cool, lol. Nice job, put up some new banners to show off, I wanna see!
  8. [COLOR=DarkRed]Charles was relieved that the race was finally over. He wiped his forehead off with his arm, and then he noticed that Connor was standing beside a sad looking Cassie. Charles knew that he had to do something or Cassie would be Connor's, and no offense to Connor, but he didn't want that to happen. Charles walked nonchalantly over towards Cassie and Connor, then he looked over to Cassie. [B]Charles:[/B] "Umm, Cassie? Can I talk to you alone for a minute?" Cassie looked up at Charles with tears running down her soft cheeks. She nodded and looked over at Connor. [B]Connor:[/B] "Uh, okay. Well, I guess I'll, umm, talk to you later Cassie. See ya." Connor turned and walked away with his head down. He then went over to talk to Kim. Charles kneeled down beside Cassie and looked at her in the eye. He wasn't great at speaking his feelings, but he knew he had to, and this was his chance. [B]Charles: [/B] "Hey, Cassie. What's the matter?" Cassie looked directly into Charles's eyes. [B]Cassie:[/B] "Oh, don't worry about it. I don't really feel like talking about it right now, maybe later okay?" Charles looked nervous, and he was beginning to sweat more rapidly. [B]Charles:[/B] "Well, Cassie, there's something you should know. You see, ever since I first saw you, I thought you were the most beautiful girl I'd ever seen. You let off this radiance I've never seen before, and I...I...I want to be with - AHEM- I want to be with you, Cassie!" Charles looked down, blushing uncontrollably. Cassie looked surprised, and shifted positions. [B]Cassie:[/B] "Gee, I didn't know you felt that way about me, Charles. Well, I don't know what to say. Actually, to be honest, I kind of like you too..." Charles looked up at Cassie, his cheeks fiery red.[/COLOR]
  9. Hmmmm....erm...okay. Right....well, okay. *AHEM* Well, nice work, I think. I mean, yes, great work, lol. These poems, honestly, are strange. They, however, are a bit creative and therefore you deserve some good credit. Now about the Raditz poem, that was strange, but the other ones were enjoyable, lol. Nice work, I'd like to see what else you are capable of indeed. I rate these poems altogether 4/10, nice job.
  10. Ozzy Osbourne is the greatest man! I know many people will disagree with me about this, because it's such a widely opinionated subject, but it's true man. I mean, if you think about it, Ozzy is credited as being the godfather of metal. And I think he's credited with that for a reason don't you? He's great, and that's all there is to it. Give it up for Ozzy Osbourne ladies and gentlemen! Aiyeee Aiyeee Aiyeeee....
  11. I think Yu Yu Hakusho is a great anime. It has been out forever though, lol. My cousins watch this anime like every night, but personally, I never watch it really at all. It has a good story though. Yusuke Urameshi is a spirit detective that kills evil spirits, correct? Well, I think the show deserves overall a 7/10. Maybe a 8/10 at times, lol. I don't know much about this show, but have watched the movie, and I really liked it. This is definitely a classic series I'd say.
  12. Charles was replenished finally after the great meal they had just enjoyed. He was now eager more than ever to get to the village so as to finish the task. The trees loomed over the party like giants as they marched onward to their victory. Charles was sure they were going to win this challenge seeing how far ahead they already were, but he didn't want Cassie to feel like a failure. Alan came up beside Charles with his black shades on and his shirt tied around his waist. Alan: "Hey Charles, do you know how much longer we have to walk? I'm ready to give in now." Charles looked over at Alan with his eyebrows raised. Charles: "Give up? You dumbass! We've only got like a mile left until we reach the village. Just keep walking and stop complaining. Sheesh." Alan shrugged his shoulders and fell back to the back of the party, slugging slowly along. "Would you hurry up and stop mopin around?" Alan: "Ugh. I'm ready to pass out." Alan was sweating like mad. His face was soaked, and he used his shirt-sleeve to wipe off his forehead. Even his sunglasses had been soaked by his sweat, and they were now starting to slide off his face. "How can you guys stand this? I don't care anymore...if we win...ugh." Kim pushed Alan on from behind, her hand in Aria's as they trudged on. Within a few minutes they came upon a sinkhole in the middle of the path that was much too deep to think about crossing. Aria walked to the front of the crowd and got everyone's attention. Aria: "Alright, everyone! There's a sinkhole in the path, so we're going to have to go around through the trees and weeds to get by. Everyone stay together and follow Kim and me, alright? No slackers!" Aria took Kim's hand once again and led the team into the dense of the forest, which slowed them down by at least ten minutes. Charles: "Give me a break..."
  13. I personally think Final Fantasy is a great series, but it's not the best thing ever made like many people say. It has great storylines, yes, but it's not something that grips me for hours on end. I have all the Final Fantasy playstation games, but I haven't beaten one of them yet, though I am close. But to answer the question asked, Final Fantasy is overall definitely hot! It's just not too hot to handle, lol.
  14. Final Fantasy Unlimited? Hmm...I've never heard of this anime, but I have heard of Final Fantasy X having an anime. I don't think I would want to watch this anime to be honest. I am actually a big fan of the games of Final Fantasy, but I didn't like [I]The Spirits Within[/I]. It was way far from the video game type of story I thought. I would like to see the anime made from one of the games. Like, I'm looking forward to Advent Children, because it is from the seventh game. I want to see an anime from Final Fantasy 9 personally. But from what I've heard, I wouldn't want to see FF Unlimited. Oh well...
  15. Moi

    This Girl

    Well, it lasted about a week or two at the longest. I now, well, don't like her, but I do, you know? It's a feeling deep inside you know? And, I just never really took initiative. I just need to know how to be a good people-person maybe. i want to be, but I'm not really. But girls have crushes on me, but I don't want to disappoint them, cause I aint good socially.
  16. [COLOR=DarkRed]Charles was gradually becoming more tired. He was running out of breath, and Alan was already struggling for oxygen. These hills were relentless on the team's legs, and Charles felt like he would soon collapse if they didn't rest very soon. The sun was shining right in his eyes, so he got out his orange shades and put them on. Alan was already wearing a pair of black Oakleys. Charles wasn't worried about the race, even though it was supposed to be his main concern. He could only think about Cassie and her lovely smile. Charles couldn't wait to return to the villa tonight. He had plans to talk to Cassie tonight about his true feelings, and he was determined to not miss his chance. Charles knew that Connor felt for Cassie, but he wouldn't let that stop him. At the next moment someone came up and pushed Charles from behind. Connor: "Let's go dumbass! Stop walkin' like my grandma and get moving! We're trying to win, not lose." Connor huffed and walked past Charles, hitting him offensively against the shoulder. Charles: "Oh, sorry, dude. I was thinking about...Cassie. She's been on my mind all day." Charles grinned, knowing that this would get on Connor's nerves. Connor quickly turned around. Connor: "Cassie doesn't even like you, moron! I'm sure she thinks you're an annoying loser just like you are. You try to flirt with all these girls that you have no chance with. You're just a rich preppy boy." Charles was slightly shocked by these last few statements. Did Cassie really hate him? Did she tell Connor that? Charles frowned and put his headphones on, turning up the music to max volume so as to drown out surrounding noise. He didn't care anymore about anyone. He was seriously pissed. Just then Kim came up and put an arm around Charles, who took off his headphones and looked angrily at her. Kim: "Don't worry about him, Charles. He's just mad is all. Listen, if you ever need someone to talk to, come to me, okay? Now cheer up and don't look so down! We're supposed to have fun remember?" Kim walked back to talk to Aria, who was giggling. Charles started thinking to himself. [I]Did Kim like him? Did she really have feelings for him or something? RRRR!!! Confusion...everywhere...[/I][/COLOR]
  17. Alright, my girlfriend just broke up with me. Everyone warned me she was a slut, but I don't know. She said it wasn't working out, and is now being mean to me. I think I was too nice to her and not controlling enough. She makes me so mad. Like she says it isn't working out, but she just stands there, and doesn't hold hands with me. She does think I'm hot, though, lol. What do you think she wants, a one-night stand? Help me!! If possible.... lol
  18. Charles was tired and sleepy; he was extremely pissed that he had to get up at 9:00 in the morning for a little challenge. He would've rather flirted with the girls. He wanted to be on the other team, because that was where Cassie was. He had feelings for Cassie ever since he first saw her, and he was determined to make her his. After all, he didn't have a girlfriend back home, he had just ended his last relationship. Right now Charles was walking beside Alan listening to his Gackt CD. Alan tapped him on the shoulder, and he removed his headphones. Alan: "Hey man, uh, you got a breath mint I could have? My breath wreaks." Charles: "Uh, sure man. Here you go." Charles gets his cinnamon Altoids from his right pocket and hands two to Alan. "Enjoy, hehe." Alan: "Thanks, man. So, how do you like this place so far man? Personally, I think it stinks so far. People make me angry!" Charles: "Well, dude, I don't know honestly. I'm having an alright time, but I want to hook up with Cassie. That would make my day to tell you the truth. She is so cute, and I just want to be there for her, you know man?" Alan nods his head in acknowledgement. Charles puts his headphones back on and looks back to see if he can see Cassie yet, but he can't. [I]Man, I wish I was on Cassie's team.[/I]
  19. I am having the worst hair incident ever to me right now. The beautician cut my hair too short and way far from what I was wanting. It's too short so I can't spike it now or grease it back, and it looks gay on me. I was so pissed at the beautician, but what can I do? It will only last a couple weeks hopefully. Uhhh...
  20. My favorite Japanese song is Beast of Blood by Malice Mizer. It's a J-Rock song that came out a few years ago and is sang by Klaha. It's a great rock song, and it sounds really wicked. I love the voices and the music, which uses organs to make it sound even more wicked. It's got a Castlevania feel to its sound with the organ and all. The guitarist and synthesist is Mana, and he's great for the song. This song I would give a 10/10, definitely.
  21. [COLOR=DarkRed]Charles was finally done putting all of his clothes into the dresser. He was now ready to get something to eat; he left his room and walked down the hall. Before he descended the stairs he remembered that he forgot his chopsticks in his room. Charles never went into a kitchen without his chopsticks; he didn't like to use silverware. Charles hurried to get his chopsticks then ran downstairs, jumping to the floor at the bottom. He brushed aside the hair in his eyes and put on his blue shades, seeing as how he was about to make a first impression with the ladies. Charles popped a mint into his mouth and walked into the kitchen with a big smile on his face, not remembering that he had taken off his jeans and was now only in boxers. Charles: Hey, how's it going? I'm Charles, uh, what is there to eat here? Kim and Cassie had silenced their conversation and were now grinning at the sight of Charles, who was roughly shaved, had on blue shades, and was only in boxers. Charles: Am I missing something? What's so funny? If I was rude, sorry. I get a little excited sometimes, hehe. Cassie: Umm...Charles? You look a little funny you think? Charles looked down and blushed uncontrollably. Charles: Oh shit! Umm...DAMN! Sorry, I'll be right back. Charles turned around and ran back the way he came to get his jeans.[/COLOR]
  22. The sun was already setting over the distant mountains as Charles's Lamborghini pulled up in the large circular driveway of the villa. Charles got out of his car and slammed the door shut; obviously he was angry. Charles opened his trunk and got out his black acoustic guitar. It was battered and dirty from all the abuse it had been given. Charles locked the door with the press of a button and looked up at the large mansion. Charles was used to this type of place, seeing as how he lived in a mansion and his dad was a millionaire. Charles didn't see anyone outside, so he figured that he was supposed to go outside. He opened the door and walked warily inside, looking hesitantly around. Charles decided to go into the next room, which happened to be the kitchen. He immediately saw two people sitting down at a large table talking. One was a cute girl with blue hair, and one was a guy who looked like he was about to fall asleep. Charles was going to say hi, but decided not to. The two people hadn't noticed him, so he turned to leave. When he went around the corner he bumped into a guy who looked depressed. CHARLES: Whoa! Sorry dude. Uh, could you help me out a little? ALAN: Ummm, I guess. Who are you anyway? CHARLES: Call me Charles; I just got here, I'm really late. Could you show me where my room is? ALAN: Uh...Just go upstairs and find a door with your name on it I guess. I'm just going to sleep outside myself. The moon is full tonight, and the stars are beautiful. CHARLES: Yeah, great, whatever. Uh, thanks man. Charles walked past Alan and hurried up the steps. He kept walking until he found a door with a tag reading: "Charles Hupp" [I]Guess this is it...[/I] Charles opened the door and looked around to see a big bed, a plasma television, and a dresser. [I]Wow, this looks nice. [/I]
  23. Name: Charles Hupp Age: 17 Gender: Male Appearance: [see thumbnail] Personality: Charles is a cool guy, and he is considered a ladies' man. Charles is nice to mostly everyone, though sometimes his temper gets out of control. Charles always does nice things for his girlfriends like giving them flowers or reading them poetry; he loves romantic environments and looking at nightscapes. Hobbies: Charles enjoys many hobbies including: drawing, viewing nightscapes, reading, racing his car, playing guitar. Best Subject: Art Personality Trait: Confidence :smirk:
  24. Alright, Chi_16, you need to be much more descriptive and creative in my rpg if you want the role, alright? sonata, you need a more detailed appearance of the character, Lisa is not an appearance, it's a name. Hope you knew that. Alright, so work on that, and more people need to join definitely. Thanks so far.
  25. Oh, thank you Baron for adding to the pile of criticism I get every day. Hmm, most scientists don't become rich or famous, well, MAYBE THAT'S WHY THEY WANT TO BECOME RICH AND FAMOUS WITH THIS DISCOVERY! Oh, and different genes? Different genes doesn't mean different species, Baron. I study biology, different genes could just mean that they were a different "form" of human. Don't get that confused with species.
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