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Everything posted by Kippky

  1. I don't know if anybody has seen the X-episode, but I just watched it! ((The one cartoon network couldn't show and then we were all left scratching our heads and asking what? How did he get those magic bullet-things? Yeah, that one!)) Turns out they went to a hot-spring planet! ^^ (I'm bored, just post, k? 'Cause this ish just for funn!!) :wigout: And Aisha was in lava! Cause the water wasn't hot enough!
  2. Worst ending? hmmmm, Cowboy Bebop takes the cake there. As does Helsing...Alucard is_____ ...*ish maddened* :flaming: HE CAN:T BE______! And Spike _________!!! That's just wrong! He needed to marry Fay! :D :flaming: WHY IS ALUCARD________?!?!?!?! ((I added blanks so I don't spoil anything 4 anybody...))
  3. :wigout: I've asked this so many times at school and have only gotten one straight answer from asking over like 5 million people. And with the world all trying to be so messed up right now, I have to ask, do otakus believe in gay marriage?
  4. [QUOTE=the running man]I was just wondering, what is it that keeps us from just exploding when we get angery. I think it has to do with the fact that we play violent video games and things like that. I think if we can simply and a little bit at a time release that anger, that hate we can control how we feel(at least about that).I really think it would be easier if we would just hit the person who had it coming in the first place.if we could really controll our hate why would we need punching bags? I will gladly appriciate any comments on the subject. :) p.s. sorry this post is so short.[/QUOTE] Hmmm...very plasable...because now a dayz video games make violence look so real that it feels like you're actually killing
  5. I've been a FFNut for a while and was wondering if anybody had a favorite?
  6. The much-asked question! Who will the demon choose? Well, I dunno, but what do you think he'll choose in the end? Dead pristess or living school-girl?
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