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Everything posted by Readordie

  1. Okay, this is the third and last manga I've been drawing currently. Here goes: Whisper is about a nameless girl who is taking a train ride home from collage. When she arrives home she discovers that her parents are not alive, not really. They act emotionlessly, and are almost like empty husks. After a week of living in their house, the girl finally gives up on humanizing her parents and walks outside. Waiting for her is a young, beautiful, floating little girl in a dress that seems to hang off of her, concealing her feet. The little girl is totally unresponsive, so the girl walks to the front yard to find her two parents with huge smiles on their faces, facing up to the sky. She whites out, and when she wakes up, her parents are dead and the little girl is sitting on the fence that marks the property line. When she finally goes off the property she realizes that her parents had kept her prisoner, and she begins to explore, finding no trace of human life except her, the floating little girl, and a strange man who seems to narrate everything that happens around him. Now the girl, the little girl who seems to talk in a way that weaves a net of riddles, and the entirely unhelpful narrator go to look for something...or anything, really. (Oh, and I left everyone nameless purposefully)
  2. Thank you, it's been driving me insane. I really wanted to know when the next volume would finally come out.
  3. And now back to the life and times of Irvine Kinneas. (A Hallmark special production(tm)(hm)(C)(R) and any other copyright law peice of crap we can dig up. do not watch if you have a history of seizures or heart disease, if you are on medication, or if there is a phone that operates on 900 MhZ in the room. May cause stigmata in Mexicans. Do not sing along to the theme song or you will be dead very, very fast. May cause joint pain in the elderly(provided elderly qualifies as one month old and higher). You will feel a sudden urge to stand up and scream 'Queer as FOLK'. Resist this at all costs. Do not take any material from this, for we reserve the right to eat you with a power tool if you do. Do not mixe with Zoloft and remember...Big Brother is watching you.)
  4. Heh, I read this far. Now, MORE DUBBEH NEWS I found that I preferred the English voice for Chloe in Noir(I've watched more of it now) to the japanese, but I like Kirika's better in japanese. My feelings about Mirielle and her wonderful preformance have stayed the same, although I kind of lost respect for Shelley Calene-Black when I found she was in the Rune Soldier dub. Oh, and Amanda Winn Lee and Wendee Lee are different people? O_o(has been looking on ANN)!? For some reason I thought they were one in the same. I mean, Nancy Makuhari sounds almost exactly like Faye...but a bit more nasal.
  5. Okay, I have the first volume planned out. Oni arrives at her new school, already irked at the fact that her skirt tears when the wind blows and that the 'fingertip length' rule means nothing at her new school. After her entire gym class finds out she doesn't like to catch cards (the national pasttime where she is), chaos ensues. 'Oni doesn't like to catch cards!' 'Oni doesn't like to catch cards!' 'Oni doesn't like to catch cards!' 'Herby doesn't like to make toys! Wait, what?' After making the nasty little discovery that is Blob the Bob in her jell-o, she a monster named 'W' attacks. She rushes into the drama club's costume closet and finds nothing but a Gothic Lolita dress looking like a certain Robin Senna's. Hoping beyond hope that it fit and that it would work, she dons it. Enjoying her new power over flame, she sets off to do het duty... Yes, she has gone to [B]BurnUpW[/B] !
  6. Okay, another manga I'm working on, the second of the three that dominate my daily life. This, folks, is kleptomania, and as opposed to 'Gothic Magical Girl Oni-chan' and 'Whisper', this is an action manga, let there be no doubt. Plot Summary: Jackie, Joan, and Jerome are a trio of theives-for-hire who aptly (and uncreatively) bill themselves as 'The J Trio' Jackie is an expert hacker descended from high society. Joan is their 'meatbag', or, more aptly, the one they use to take out the gaurds. Jerome is the guy they use to get past any and all security contraptions (security cameras, motion detectors, swinging blades of death, ect.). One day the government comes a-knocking, and they discover they have a choice: They will be killed for their crimes against society, or they can join the government. It was an obvious choice. After they go to work for the government, they are sent to steal something from the Vatican. Before they go, Jackie find out something she shouldn't have, and suddenly, her family dies. What did she find out, and how does this all relate o the Dead Sea Scrolls?
  7. I have...wow. I have more than 20. I wasn't expecting so much. okay, this ain't gonna be alphabetized... Noir, 19 episodes out of 26: Wow, this just makes me GIDDY with joy. Big eyes, big guns, big...I'll stop while I'm ahead. I love this anime with all my heart, although the digital omake in the first DVD could have been less explicit. Worth every cent. Cowboy Bebop, complete: It's Bebop. Enough said. Read or Die OAV: I love it for the same reasons I love Noir. Princess Mononoke: Miyazaki Miyazaki Miyazaki Miyazaki Miyazaki Miyazaki Miyazaki Miyazaki Miyazaki Miyazaki Miyazaki Miyazaki Miyazaki Miyazaki Miyazaki Miyazaki... Spirited Away: Miyazaki Miyazaki Miyazaki Miyazaki Miyazaki Miyazaki Miyazaki Miyazaki Miyazaki Miyazaki Miyazaki Miyazaki Miyazaki Miyazaki Miyazaki Miyazaki... Laputa, Castle in the Sky(on tape): Miyazaki Miyazaki Miyazaki Miyazaki Miyazaki Miyazaki Miyazaki Miyazaki Miyazaki Miyazaki Miyazaki Miyazaki Miyazaki Miyazaki Miyazaki Miyazaki... Bubblegum Crisis, complete but on tape: Wow, I have a collection normally featuring strong women in tight uniforms, don't I? Rune Soldier: See description of Bubblegum Crisis Cowboy Bebop, the Movie(on tape): It's Bebop, again, 'nuff said Witch Hunter Robin, episodes 1-9: Beautiful visuals and music, but not enough action Evangelion, episodes 1-4(P.S., I've seen more episodes than that): Nice artwork and characters, lacklustre animation. The animation picks up for battles, however.
  8. Anyone ever read this manga? It's by CLAMP and I have yet to find anyone who has read it. Also, as question #2, is there more than one volume out?
  9. Okay, I have an idea for a manga, and I've already got some pages made. It's called 'Gothic Magical Girl Oni-chan' yes, I spelled 'Oni' right, it's a play on words. Anyway. It's basically a generic anime spoof, semifocused on magical girl anime. Plot Summary: Oni has the ability to gain the power of any anime character whose costume she dons. After being rejected from the 'Xavier School for Children with Extraordinary Abilities' for getting the school blown up in what was to be later known as the 'Cyclops Incident'. Her family puts her in another magical school skipping over 'Hogwash' as the airfair was a bit too pricey for their tastes. After shipping her to 'Saint Sakura's School for Girls with Extraordinary Abilities(All Of Whom Happen To Be Catholic)', her parents run off leaving her with an amorphus 'Magical Pet' named Blob the Bob, who reports himself to be 'Cafeteria Jell-o That Escaped'. Across the street from 'SSSfGwEA(AOWHTBC)' lies 'Saint Sayoran's School for Complimentary Gay Guys' because, as Blob wittily points out, no magical girl manga is complete without a gay guy. Greg is a closeted straight guy at 'SSSfCGG'. He's very talented with a needle and thread and makes all of Oni's anime costumes for her, from Robin Senna to Nancy Makuhari, to Kirika Yuumura, no anime is safe and nothing is held sacred from Oni, Greg, and Blob's droll spoofery as she battles her way through hordes of monsters that seem to materialize out of nowhere. But where IS nowhere, exactly? Not concerned the slightest about the sake of the world and driven through pure curiosity, Oni sets out to find out where these monsters are coming from, and why they keep coming.
  10. Noir really did have an amazing Dub. Shelly Calene-Black was riveting in her coldness in her part as Mirielle. I even preferred her over the sub. Actually, as a whole, I prefer the dub over the sub. I thought Rune Soldier's dub was atrocious. It turned the mildlly funny into...just...eew, and turned the halarious into passable. Hearing Louie and Merill scream 'BONZAI BONZAI BONZAI BONZAI' is a lot funnier than hearing them titter 'we did it we did it we did it'
  11. Easily the Sylph from Tales of Symphonia. I had a horrible time beating those three, because the one witht he sheild kept getting in my way and the sword one kept halfing my life in one hit.
  12. I think it's a pretty funny show. The animation style is...interesting, and the 'misadventures' they get into are pretty funny. Their songs are good, I like them a lot. And you're right, they are like Starfire and Raven. I just didn't notice before.
  13. I think they were both enthralling games in their own right. I think they were equal, but for different reasons. Both had great graphics FOR THEIR TIME, so you can't really compare the two because they came out years apart. I liked X-2's gameplay better, but X wins out on plot. So, they're even. But either way, Tales of Symphonia and Baten Kaitos sets them both to shame.
  14. [quote name='Dan Rugh']Yeah... I bet all that just came off the top of your head.... Why didn't you just copy and paste the Anime News Network voice actor list? Anyway, the topic of this thread is best/worst dubs, not your favorite voice actors.[/quote] There's...an anime news network? I just know this because I just study this stuff almost religiously. I hit the pause button when watching the credits roll on an anime I have on tape/DVD. Also, all of Kari Wahlgren's roles sound alike(Robin sounds EXACTLY like Haruko...minus the insanity, not to mention how much Raine and Cher sound alike...). I'm obsessed with...Anime...Dubology. The only thing I learned with help was Wendee Lee's many...many names. Oh, and Veronica Taylor also IS Ash from pokemon.
  15. I think FLCL had some amazing characterization. All of the characters have their own quirks, and while the mood of the series is relatively happy, the main cast consists mainly of people who seem like very, very bad people when explained to a friend. Mamimi is a child molesting arsonist. Haruko is a homocidal maniac. Ninamori is a sneaky little *****, Kamon is a letch, Shijekuni is like Kamon but with 20-30 years on him, and Amarao is an overcompensating idjit. But what's amazing about it is that none of them can be catigorized as 'bad people'. Most of the characters (besides Ninamori, Naota, and Mamimi to an extent) are static but that doesn't really matter because there are only six episodes. While there's not much room for character DEVELOPMENT in that small amount of time, but there is plenty of time to explore a character's psyche and get to know them. Despite their raging flaws and no matter how criminal or homocidal or bipolar they get, you can't hate them because they are all so humanly characterized that each character has something you can identify with, even if it's not necessarily burning down buildings or having robots come flying out of your forehead on a weekly basis. At the risk of repeating my words in the 'Fooly Cooly' thread, I think that the show should be viewed as a character study, and it does a wonderful job at that. Well, that's my two cents.
  16. [quote name='Dan Rugh][size=1']Furi Kuri has an excellent English dub. Many reviews I have read on it say that it's dub is better than the original Japanese track. I don't know if I agree with this, but I think I prefer the Japanese track for this as well. I do really like Naota's English voice actor since I don't believe I've heard him in any other series before unlike many of the recycled VAs we know of today. Haruko's voice was also done very well because she sounds damn close to the seiyuu who voiced her originally. That was a good move.[/quote] Yes, you HAVE heard the voice actor who did Naota's voice before. Barbara Goodson has been in just about every dub since 1990. She was the pet store owner in the second episode of Cowboy Bebop, and was Kitsune in Love Hina(WHICH IS THE WORST DUB EVER). I can gaurintee that she has at least attributed her voice to about 60% of anime dubs ever, even if it's just background voices. Also, Kari Wahlgren did the voice of Haruko and did an outstanding job. She was also Robin Senna from Witch Hunter Robin, Raine Sage from Tales of Symphonia, Cher Degrey is Wolf's Rain, and I beleive(though I could be wrong) was Sakura in CCS. Now, if you don't want to hear my incessant ramblings about my faovirte dub actors and what roles they've played, stop. Right. Now. Kari Wahlgren was amazing in her roles, as mentioned above. Melissa Charles is someone I have to give major cradit to. She was Gaz from Invader Zim, which is the more dreary and depressing character ever, and then she was Radical Edward from Bebop, who is like a a shot of speed to counteract Gaz's dopamine. She was Kanako in Love Hina Again(worst...letdown...ever!) and also Ninamori in FLCL which is her most straight-laced role, which I though was odd as she played a sexual predator(Kanako), a manic psycho(Edward), and violent video game addict(Gaz) Wendee Lee/Amand Win Lee/Wendee Swan/Wendy Lee/ Wendy Swan is odd...she goes by five names, and I've loved half of her roles and HATED the other half. I loved her as Faye Valentine(Bebop) and Miss Deep(RoD), and any other femme fatale roles she's played, but I could have strangled her for her preformance in Love Hina as Kaolla Su and any of her SWEET SIXTEEN AND SUPER SQUEAKY roles. David Lucas, because there must be a guy on my list, just makes it. He's pretty versatile in his own right, played Spike from Cowboy Bebop, Roger on Big O, and Masashi in FLCL. Well...there's my two...okay, four cents.
  17. When I first watched FLCL was expecting a zany comedy, as explained by a friend 'Azumanga Daioh meets Golden Boy' now, as disturbing of a combo as that sounds like, I simply had to watch it. It was not at all what I expected, and that was a very, very good thing. I was surprised about how slowly it started, but I really didn't care. The animation was pretty enough to keep me occupied. I started to get bored, and then it hit me: I was FAR too occupied looking for the comedy of the series, so it just drowned out the rest, such as how simplistically and beautifully profound some of Naota's internal monolouges are, how Haruko, when she's not acting crazy, was so sensual it was just about disturbing, how Mamimi retains a certain quiet sweetness to her throughout the series, no matter how sexually twisted her actions towarnds Naota become, and that Kamon is the only character who appears to be there just for comic releif. It was a series that can be viewed as a comedy, but if to be appreciated fully, should be viewed as an action and a character study rolled into one. And if there's any confusion as to what I mean by character study, I mean an anime or a movie that simply revolves around the characters to drive its plot foreward, bringing up obstacles to see how they react. Now, this was a good deal more zany than '1000 Clowns' or, say, 'Barbershop' but I beleive it was a character study nonetheless.
  18. Okay, I've got the game. And it was EVERYTHING yes, EVERYTHING I had hoped it would be. The graphics, the odd characters, the battle system, and the pure uniqueness just MAKE this game. My only problem is that the English dub is absolutely terrible. Everyone is talking in monotone.
  19. [QUOTE=Dagger IX1]Am I, by any chance, the only person who saw strong shoujo-ai hints between Yomiko Readman and Nancy Makahari (the two main characters)? ~Dagger~[/QUOTE] No, you're not the only one who noticed like when [spoiler]Nancy's clone kissed Yomiko's neck. Sure it was to put the tranquilizer on her, but couldn't she have just smeared it on her from her finger or when Nancy asked Yomiko about whether real love or fictionalove was better, which I think was suspect in itself even though she was talking about the I-gin guy[/spoiler] [COLOR=#503F86][SIZE=1][b]Added [spoiler] tags. I don't know how much of a spoiler it actually is, but I didn't want to risk anything. And I removed the code, too- it'd be much appreciated if it could be posted normally in future. It's just easier to read and quote from. -Solo[/COLOR][/SIZE][/b]
  20. [QUOTE=Dagger IX1]In the meantime, you can always post about it in the AL. :p ~Dagger~[/QUOTE] What's AL?
  21. [quote name='AzureWolf][FONT=book antiqua][SIZE=2][COLOR=blue]Yeah, that's a huge gripe I have at the moment because I was going to submit a review and the anime I did it on wasn't listed. What a major bummer - there should be an "other" option. I mean, sure, there's no content for the anime at the time, but how can you expect to get any if no one can submit anything for it?[/COLOR][/SIZE'][/FONT][/quote] Yeah, Iw as talking about TheOtaku, sorry for not elaborating. I already have a review written out for Rune Soldier(It's on the messageboards on animeacademy.com if you're curious)) and I was really disappointed as to the fact that it was missing.
  22. I have noticed two animes missing for your directory. Read or Die(OAV and TV0 is not in your directory, and neither is Rune Soldier Louie. If you cannot enter this into your directory without some sort of media (fanart, review, ect.) I would gladly submit one, but I don't think it is fair that these two animes(even if one is mediocre) get ignored.
  23. Oh god...my head feels like it's about to explode...too tough of a question, you evil evil person you. But probably Merrill from Rune Soldier wins on sheer originality
  24. I'm doin' a top three folks, so get ready for a long-winded post. 1. Read or Die OAV. Easily. EASILY. The animation is drop dead gorgeous, better than Disney could ever dream of and the only thing I can think of that even comes CLOSE to measuring up is the not-Disney-possibly-made-by-Fox's-animation-studio movie Anastasia that came out a while back. 2. FLCL wins second on sheer viriety. Depending on the scene, it varies from realistic(the more serious scenes) or gets as goofy as a Wile E. Cyote sketch(most noticeably the end to episode 3). Three times over the course of the series it completely changes animation styles, like in episode five with the few seconds that were in South Park mode and the first and last episode with the comic-book scenes. 3. Tie for third. Wolf's Raine and Witch Hunter Robin both win on the same grounds: attention to detail, excellent fluidity, graphics flawlessly integrated...you get the idea.
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