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Everything posted by ssj_kakkarot

  1. i know exactly how that feels:) its not alays easy to say the right thing
  2. hmmmm.........:) i kinda figured the reaction to be more bouncy, kinda relaxing, invigorating, you know what i mean, right?
  3. have you heard the chocobo racing them in ff7, it is really cool
  4. depends i prefer the chocobo hot or cold music to the feild music, what about you
  5. thanks to all who posted and id like to offer any assistance needed, ff7,8,9 ive finnished most and allmost finnished 9, any questions requests or anything really just pm, post or email me
  6. yeah i think kuja has a point the american version aint got it, the brittish one ain't got it i aint so sure about the japanese but he is right about one thing where he said it would be all over the net well he was right it really would be and i aint found a way without the gameshark
  7. um so wich one goes over mountains in 9 if there isn't a green one
  8. does anyone know where, when or how to goet a green chocobo on final fantasy 9
  9. i think is kinda a sequil to abe's exedous or sumfin bt i don't know the plot or the levels or nufin really
  10. if you are as boared as me or you want someone to talk to im on all day and night so please!!! just chat wiv me for a while;)
  11. only on the jappanese version but you might be on to sumthin if that isn't a import your'e playing
  12. i have enough cleaning at home to last me a lifetime
  13. hah. nice try but im still going to be bored
  14. man this is really boaring, should a picket a better subgect
  15. is anyone as boared as i am if so do you want to chat or sumthin
  16. i was around level 50, no level 4 limit breaks no mastered magic, no mago summons (only ifrit, shiva, buahmunt, ramuh) tifa,cloud and yuffie all umtimate weapon, ultima, comet 2, no mime, no w-summon/magic/item, yuffie only limit 1, cloud limit 2, tifa limit 3. and i had no magor items only 7 mega elixers
  17. what is it with everyone i mean sure yuffie can be kinda funnie sometimes but i mean come on what is she 16 man tifa is what like 22 and she is by far the better looking of the two, tifa that is :D , don't get me wrong you wouldn't turn down anyone that looked that good, man you'd have to be insane, oh and eh that pic is pretty cool, but i'd love to see heidiggers head there:devil: :laugh:
  18. there is the 2x cut and mega all materia wich give either slash all or 2x cut/4xcut
  19. um my favorite sword is the masmune, duh and the force stealer:)
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