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Everything posted by Kwany Kon
[COLOR=RED]I must say that the anime was great but it seems to have no great reason to watch. I have seen all 26 episodes and thought that the manga was a bit better then the anime. Even though it was also funny in many parts, it was still something I would have never watch if I was bored. I know this might be a little off-topic to say...but I am glad I am back to this forum. I lost the link here a long time ago and I am glad to be back. :D I hope I can have a great time just like I did when I posted here last time in April. :animeshy: [/COLOR]
[color=red]OOC: Sorry about the missing posts from me. I have been a little busy with other stuff to post. As for John walking in the girl's room, I don't think he would do that. So, I am going to countinue his little story. IC: As John walked back to the villa he stop for a second. He forgot the note back in the trees. When went to go get it, he started to remember Tina again. He remembered how they would always train afterschool. Even though that Tina was just looking at John train, he knew that no matter how much he asked her, Tina would never want to learn to fight. Thats when John made the promise to Tina. He would always keep trainning to keep her safe from harm. When John got the note, he saw something in the trees. It looked like someone was hiding in the trees, but John just shaked his head and said to himself that it was just a cat. As John put the note somewhere safe, he remembered how he had almost lost a fight if it wasn't for Tina. It happend with a couple of school bullies. As he was fighting with one bully, the other one pulled out a pair of brass knuckles. Before John was hit in the back of the head, Tina kicked the other bullies hand so that the brass knuckles went into the air. When John saw this, he tossed the first bully, got the brass knuckles, and kicked the second bully in the face. When John took Tina back to her home, he asked her a question. John: Umm Tina, Why did you kick the other bully? Tina: Well, he was about to hit you with those brass knuckles. John: Well, ok. Did you get hurt? Did he punch you or kick you? Tina: No, he didn't hurt me. Why you ask? John: Well, I am worried about you. I didn't want you to get involved. Tina: Really? *starts to blush* Thank you, but I can defend myself you know. John: I know you can, but when there is more then one guy, you can't handle that much pressure. That is why I protect you, you really can't handle more than one guy. Tina: Ok then. But are you going to be there for me when I need you? John: Yes I will. I will protect you no matter what. As John went back to the villa, he though about the promise. Would he keep that promise even though she was far away? He turned around and sat near the lake. John knew that now he needed more trainning. The fight with Drake showed himself that he needed to boast his endurance a little bit. John took off his shoes and put his feet in the water. He then laid back with his feet still in the water. As John was looking at the sky, he started to fall asleep. [I] I will countinue to train while I am here. I will get stronger so that I may return home and protect Tina from the DC. [/I] OOC: Well, thats my post for the day. I hope to at least post up more often for this rp. [/color]
[color=red]OOC: Well I guess since that Drake wants to be involved in John's life, i guess thats ok with me. Anyways, here I go again, typing up the next post. IC: As John sat there holding the place where Drake had kicked at, he thought about what Drake had said. He was right about what was wrong with John. John was still thinking about trying to find a way to save Tina from his mess. John needed a plan to face the DC. He would have to save his family & save Tina from where he was now. This would not be an easy task for John to plan out. It would need the help from 3 other people execpt from Tina & his family. He knew he could take about 30 people on by himself, but what if he had to face 50 people. This worried John, he knew this would be a tough thing for him to do by himself. John finally got up, picked up his longblade, and started walking back to the villa. This day would be something John would remember as the turning point of the strugle of his life & against the fight against the Dragon Clan. OOC: Sorry about the short post. I am at my birthday party having fun. :D [/color]
[color=red]OOC: Ok then. Sorry about the wait Sonata, I had some other things to do. Anyways, back to the post i have been working on. IC: As Kim put her hand on John's leg, he felt sort of strange. He knew that she would keep anything secret from the others. He sort of felt like he was at home, like no one could hear him say anything. So he went on telling Kim about some of his past, like how his parents were killed, about the DC, and of Tina. When he reached about Tina, he went on talking about their days trainning together in the woods. Then he went on to say something he thought he would never say. [I]John: There is one thing about Tina I haven't told you yet. But please keep it a secret, ok? Kim: Sure, what is it? John: Well, I sort of love Tina. I love her, but I think I will never have the chance to say it. [/I] Just then John heard someone coming, it was Beth and Aria. If that wasn't a bad enough time to catch John taking with Kim, they were also nude. John could also see that they were both mad about something. John knew this would spell trouble for him if he stayed. After a conversation, Kim left with Beth & Aria. After they left, John picked up the longblade, got up, and went back to the house. Now John had the sword of his father & the longblade of his uncle. This would help out John if he just had remembered something. It would be hard to carry his father's sword & his uncle's longblade. John then decided that he would think this over after breakfast. OOC: Well, here is what they talked about. Hope this satisfies everyone. It was hard to think up, and to make sure it went along with Sonata's Post.[/color]
[color=red]OOC: Ok, so someone here in this rp might have an idea where I am going with John. Yet, not entirely all of it. Well, this post might be hard to do , but here goes nothing. IC: As John was amazed with Drake's predictions he thought of something. Maybe Tina is his girlfriend, but she couldn't. Tina might have found someone else to have as her boyfriend, but would she do that to John after so many years of being friends. After this thought, John shaked his head to return to reality. John: Listen, Tina is not my girlfriend. She is just my friend, nothing else. Drake: Sure she isn't. Why don't you say she is your girlfriend? Is it so wrong to say she is? John: It's not that, it just that Tina wouldn't consider a relationship. Now if you excuse me, I am going to do something important. *jumps off rock* Drake: Does it involve Tina? John: *turns to be face to face with Drake* Its none of your business!! John leaves Drake at the rock mad & confused. Why does he wanna know about Tina? She is just a normal girl, that I know. Its not liked we consided to start a relationship. As John went into the forest, he remembered something. Was the date with Tina the first step of their relationship? Was in going to be followed by more dates, more get-togethers, more leaving off to the forest for training together? And could this end up with John asking Tina to marry him? Just then John hit a tree a anger, leaving a dent in the bark. If the DC found out that Tina was John's friend, then they would go after her. Then after that they would go find John's uncle, Tom, for telling John the ways they could get into anywhere they wanted to be in. This would leave John alone, again. If John found his uncle living in the mountains, then maybe, just maybe, there would be another family member to find. Even if John found another family member, would they join the fight to defeat the DC? This made John even more mad, just then he saw something in the bush. As John pushed off the leaves, he saw something he never thaught he never see again. It was the longblade his uncle showed him when he was 14 yrs old. He saw it once on his uncle's bed, but never saw it again. Next to in was a note, it was from Tina. [I] Dear John, Your uncle told me the whole story, why didn't you tell me your were leaving? I thought the clan had burned you with your house. Your uncle told me you left a couple of hours before they came. If you were going somewhere, I would have understood you. So listen, I will be here waiting for you when you come back home. I asked him if he can at least send you one of his weapons. We hope it gets there ok. See ya later. Love, Tina. P.S. Tom told me to tell you something. He found a family member alive, its your cousin Tad. He lives somewhere in the city. We are going to meet him later to talk about getting him to join your Turtle Clan.[/I] This suprised John. Not only did the weapon seem ok, his uncle Tom found his cousin. This made John a little relaxed. Then John read his letter again, and started to think. Maybe he should have told Tina about him leaving. Now John felt sad, why is she waiting for him? He didn't want the DC to find her. If they did, then his date with her would never happen. OOC: If someone wants to talk with John, go ahead. He'll talk with you, he isn't gonna be like he did in Drake's post. Just remember, he still is a little mad. So watch yourselves when you talk with John, you might never know if you find yourself in a fight with him. [/color]
[COLOR=DarkRed]OOC: Sorry for this long post, some people have been e-mailing me about who is Tina. Well here is the answer. I know this doesn't include in the story, but its something to show about John's Past. IC: As John woke up, he went back to his closet to retrieve his letters from last night. He threw the DC letter on his bed, & opened his letter from his uncle. He skimmed until he found her name. He Knew Tina was going to come to his house. Tina use to always check on John. As John read the letter again, he had a flashback from his past. ~Flashback~ After about 5 years after the murders, John found his uncle living in the mountains. Even though his new parents didn't like him, John stayed with his uncle. While living with his uncle, John started to learn fighting techniques of the TC with the help from his uncle. Uncle Tom had once been a member of the DC but left to join his brother with the TC. Tom even taught young John some tricks the DC taught him. After school, John would come to his uncle's house in the mountains. Then one day, as John was coming home he saw some kids hitting a girl. John never liked bullies, he pushed them out to the side, then got the girl, and took her to his home. After Tom cleaned the girl's cuts, John introduced himself. John: I'm sorry those kids picked on you. Oh, and my names John. ????: Thank you, and the names Tina. Those boys were mean to me. John: Why did they start to hit you for anyways? Tina: They wanted me to do their homework. I said no, so they started hitting me, & calling me names. Soon afterwards Tina started crying. John didn't know why she started crying, so he asked. John: Why are you crying? Tina: I miss my dad. He's a scientist. He follows his job wherever it is. John: Its ok. You're very lucky to still have a dad. *tear falls down John's cheek* I never knew my dad. Tina: Sorry. Well, since you saved me, want to be friends? John: *stops crying* Sure. *cleans out face* well, lets get you home, ok? Tina: Sure... Since then John & Tina were friends. John made no other friends, since he always started to beat up a kid if they made Tina sad. Tina, in return, made sure John never went into fights he wasn't suppose to be in. *years later* Before he left for the villa, Tina wanted to do something. Tina: Hey John! John: What do you want? Tina: I just want to know *starts to blush* if you are ever going to ask me out on a date? John: Hmm, maybe someday. I don't know. I guess tomorrow if I don't have anything to do. Tina: Ok then, sure. *follows John to school* John couldn't tell Tina he was going away for 5 weeks. When school was over John left for home, soon Tina came up to him. Tina: What time you want me to come over? John: *turns around* For what? Tina: *starts to blush* FOR OUR DATE! WHAT ELSE?!?! John: I don't know. *starts to think* Maybe 9:00, is that ok? Tina: Ok. See you later! *runs home* ~End of Flashback~ That was the last time John saw Tina, he never could take her out on that date. He would have but had to come to the villa. This would be the only time John would have time by himself to find some information about the DC. He worried that she was gonna leave him. Tina was the only true friend that John had. He now was ready, he wasn't going to let that DC kill him, or Tina. He would fight to the end, even if it means killing himself to save Tina. As John went to his closet he said to himself: [I]No matter what happens in 3 days, I will go home. I will return back to the villa alive. I will take Tina out on a date.[/I] OOC: I thought this post might shed some light on why John is the way he is. And again, Sorry about the long post[/COLOR]
[color=red]OOC: Ok, I need to post more often than this. It might be a few more days before I post again since I am working on something else. So then, on with my post. IC: After the cops left, John decided to go inside to go back to bed. As he went inside, he saw something on his window. There were two letters. One from the Dragon Clan. And another one from his uncle. He was amazed to see that his uncle wrote to him, or at all in that fact. He put the letter from his uncle on his bed, then opened the one from the DC. It said: [I]Dear John, Since you chased me off the other day, I never told you my name, but lets down to business. We here at the clan are gonna give you three days to prepare yourself. For in three days, we will be waiting for you in the forest, at midnight, to challange you to a brawl. Since you are the only one left of the Turtle Clan, we decided to send 20 of our best fighter to kill you. We wanna end your clan once and for all. Your clan seemed to always stop our plans in the past, ever since your father was the leader. Your mother was such a beautiful fighter. We had to kill them, for your father had defeated our Leader in a tournament of fighters. Well, good night John. Hope to see ya there. From, Steve Leader of the Fire Tribe of the DC.[/I] This really pissed off John. Why would anyone would want to kill his father over a stupid tournament? After about 5 minutes of walking in circles, he remember his letter from his uncle. John never really expected his uncle to write to him, since his uncle was drunk 24/7. His letter said: [I]Dear John, Sorry I never really had the time to write to you untill today, sorry about the wait. Anyways, the DC was at your house just 3 hours after you left for the villa. They burned it to the ground. Then they placed a headstone containing your name in front of your house. After they left, I went to take down the headstone to protect your family from more sadness. Soon afterwards, that young lady named Tina came looking for you again. I told her you went off somewhere, and that you would come back soon. She said ok, and told me that her father still has not returned from that important discovery. She told me to tell you to be careful, and to come back home alive. We wish you good luck and hope you return alive. Love, Uncle Tom[/I] As John read the letter he remember something. Steve said to meet him in the forest in 3 days. This would not be enough time to recruit new members. After 10 minutes of thinking, John made his final decision. He would battle them alone, so that no one here at the villa would have to join his fight. He put down his letters and went to his closet. There laid on the floor, covered in silk cloth, lay his father's sword. John never used it for battle. His uncle gave the sword to him before he left his home. He told him it was to be used for good and not for evil deeds. John picked up the sword, removed the cloth, and started to clean it. For in three days, this blade would be used to kill 20 DC members who wanted to finish John and the Turtle Clan. OOC: I thought this post would be something to keep in mind if I stop posting for a little while. Also, I will reveal who is Tina, and maybe a little background about the two friends. Well gotta go again. See ya later. Peace! [/color]
[COLOR=DarkRed][I]OOC: Here is my post. I guess I will be a scientist. I will change it later on to be more right. Tell me if there is anything that needs to be changed.[/I] [B]Name[/B]: Paul Monda [B]Age[/B]: 29 [B]Gender[/B]: Male [B]Appearance[/B]: About 6' tall. Has short, black hair, and brown eyes. He is built to carry many supplies since he carries the supplies around. He is always wearing his glasses. Is always seen wearing a lab uniform (shirt, lab coat, and pants). [B]Personality[/B]: He will examine anything for long hours if it interests him. He always seems to get into trouble without him noticing himself. He is very cautious about many discoveries he has found. He mostly is quiet though. [B]Bio[/B]: He has dreamed of finding Atlantis since he was a child. His father gave him every bit of money so he can learn whatever it took to get to Alantis. He must find Atlantis not only because it is his dream, but to make his father proud. [/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed]A gift for each one of my favorite anime characters for Christmas. Ok here I go. [U]Love Hina[/U] Naru: A new mini-skirt. Her old one must be a worn-out Mutsumi :love: : A truck full of Watermellons. She does like watermellons. Keitaro: A pair of glasses. Some that don't break so easly. Kisune: A bottle of sake for christmas night. Enough said. Su: An island full of bannanas & turtles. She needs to leave Tama-chan alone. Sara: A doll. I not made of money to buy her something good. Motoko: A used sword from the fedual era. I know she will like that. Seta: A some digging tools. Maybe his old ones are rusty?? Shinobu: Some decent clothes. She needs to look stylish for the guys. Nyamo: Plastic surgery. She looks just like Shinobu. Its scary. Haruka: A pack of cigarettes. Kanako: A 3-day, 4-night cruse on a singles cruse. Tama-chan: Some turtle wax for her shell. :laugh: Believe me, the whole Hinata Inn will be full of laughter and confusion. This is the turtle, signing off...[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed]OOC: The turtle's back with vengence. Sorry, I've been having some computer problems and now they are fixed. I see that everyone is into singing. This might be a little hard for John but here goes nothing. IC: After the previous singing, John decided to go at least do something new for a change. He had search for songs after songs and found his favorite. He liked Yellowcard so he picked out "Ocean Avenue" as the song. John slowly walked up to the mic and started to sing the song: [I]There's a place off Ocean Avenue Where I used to sit and talk with you We were both sixteen and it felt so right Sleepin' all day stayin' up all night There's a place on the corner of Cherry Street We would walk on the beach in our bear feet We were both eighteen and it felt so right Sleepin' all day stayin' up all night If I could find you now Things would get better We could leave this town And run forever Let your waves crash down On me and take me away[/I] John now starts to step to the beat not caring if anyone will say anything or not. [I]There's a place of you that's here with me It's everywhere I go it's everything I see When I sleep I dream and it gets me by I can make believe that you're here tonight If I could find you now Things would get better We could leave this town And run forever I know somewhere somehow We'll be together Let your waves crash down On me and take me away I remember the look in your eyes When I told you this was goodbye You were begging me not tonight Not here, not now We're looking up at the same night sky Keep pretending the sun will not rise We'll be together for one more night Somewhere, somehow If I could find you now Things would get better We could leave this town And run forever I know somewhere somehow We'll be together Let your waves crash down On me and take me away[/I] As the song finally finishes, John starts to remember his family & wonders if he will ever be happy like this when he leaves the villa. OOC: Sorry for the long post, but I need to put up something if my computer ever goes buggy again. So, sorry again. Peace :D [/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed]OOC: I'm back. Its really hard to do this post, do my homework, and type up my other story at the same time. I doing this only because I just have a gap in my agenda. Anyway, here we go. (again.) IC: As John rushes back to Corey he sees Alan near him. John then suddenly saw someone in the distance that looked familiar, but didn't care right then and there. He needed to take Corey inside for some help. John: Hey Alan!! Has he moved yet from his spot. Alan: No. He has been like this for a while now. John: Ok, then we need to get him inside. Go fix up the couch & I will carry him inside. GET GOING!! Alan: Ok. As Alan ran back inside, John picked up Corey & turned around. The same guy was just standing there. John started to worry why this person was here & why he was just standing there. John forgot about the person & took Corey inside for some help. Alan was waiting next to the couch for John & Corey. John then just put Corey down, then left to go outside. Just then Alan said something to John. Alan: Why are you leaving him with me? Where are you going? John: I saw someone out near the lake. He looks different from the rest of the people here. I gonna go look to go see what is his problem. You stay here & take care of Corey. I don't know crap about what to do right now. Alan: Ok, then. See ya. John: Bye. John ran out the door to see the man now near the forest John had gone through earlier that day. As the man turned to the forest, John tried to talk to him. John: Why are you here? What do you want? ?????: Nothing John. Just wanted to check up on you. John: Who are you? How do you know my name? Just then the man ran off into the forest. John followed right after him. As John chased the man in red, he got to thinking. [I]How does he know me? Why was he checking on me?[/I] After about a 10 minute chase, John lost the man. John walked back to the villa untill something caught his eye. It was the jacket the man was wearing. Just then John realized what the jacket had come from. It had a dragon on the back with a sword in its head. This was the same kind of jacket the people who killed his parents were wearing the day of the murder. John finally got out of the forest and looked at the jacket one last time. This really made John worry now. Now that the people knew where he was, are they gonna attack him. If this was case, then John would have to leave the villa or wait for them. [I]Am I gonna run away like a child or am I gonna stay like a man. Thats it then, I am gonna stay & wait for them. But am I gonna really risk my friends life just to wait for revenage. This is hurting my head to much. I think about tonight it during my trainning hours then.[/I] OOC: Hope this brings some fire to the story. I did this so there can be a little action in this story. Ok, then. PEACE :D [/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed]OOC: Sorry, again. I been doing something else on the boards, and I been also trying to rebuild my computer. I have been updated lately by the boards on the rp, so here is my characters post. IC: [I]Boy, was that a long hike. I guess this is going to be a good vacation after all.[/I] John had returned back from the forest of the mission his team was involved in. He just entered the front of his door reliezed of the promise that Aria was going to keep her promise she made before this had all started. He got to wodering, again. Was he able to walk around the villa in the mourning with Aria walking around naked? This was going to be some very strange mournings. He walked to his bed , then sat down to think. [I]How am I ever going to ask her out if she going to be walking around like that. I can't look at someone naked. Its going to be hard even to walk around not looking ahead of me so that I don't see her like that.[/I] John got back up and left his room. He went outside to see someone else outside walking around. It looked like Corey. He was holding his stomach in pain. John also saw pain in his face. Next, he saw Corey vomitting on the ground. Then Corey just passed out. This worried John. He didn't want anyone to get sick here at the villia. He didn't think of anything else execpt to do one thing. He went back to the villia to yell at the top of his lungs inside. [I]Hey, Corey passed out on the lawn!! Someone get the first aid kit out here. [/I] John went back outside to go get Corey , from the tree, to put him inside so that someone could help him. He really didn't know how to help someone if they passed out, but he hoped someone did.[/COLOR]
[quote name='Moi']This poem is nice, I like it. So how long did it take you to write this? I think I should put up a cat poem, since I have a great cat, too, lol. I think this poem is expressive enough, how many poems have you made? I'd like to see something a bit longer and detailed though, but this is good, don't get me wrong. Nice, I give it a 5/10, enjoy![/quote] [COLOR=DarkRed]Thanks for the score Moi. It tooke me about 2 minutes to make. I have made about 5 poems regarding my cats. The first poem was really made last year when my cat was around. :( It has been over a year since I saw her. She ran away one day when I was at school. You want a longer story then, fine here is a poem I made today trying to remember my cat. [CENTER] "Waiting" I have been here for weeks, she hasn't returned. She left when I was in school. Why did she leave? Was it how I cared for her, or was it the way she was treated like. She will be missed here, and is welcomed to come back She must be hungry without me feeding her. Her food is getting cold, untill her kittens eat it. Her fur must be a mess, since I'm not there to clean her. She is maybe scared so much, since I am not there for her. I worry about her everyday, even though my family has given up hope. She has been missing for months now, but I will still be waiting.[/CENTER] Here it is enjoy.( I need a hug. :( )[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed][I]Here is my poem on my cat. Hope everyone likes it.[/I] :D [CENTER] "Meow" Many days go by, darkness is all I see. All I do is listen, listen for mom to say "lunch". Today is the day I finally see, it is very bright. All I see is a giant, unknown if good or bad. There is only one thing to say, All I know is what he will hear. All he will hear is "meow".[/COLOR][/CENTER]
[COLOR=DarkRed]John woke up hearing someone in his room in the mourning. ?????: I can't believe that he reads manga! John: Who are you? What are you doing in my room reading my manga? ?????: I'm Sakura. I thought you was still asleep, so I came in and read your manga. John: You still should have waited untill I was awake to ask me. Oh well, I guess you can still read some more of my manga. I going downstairs, if you need anything just tell me and i'll try my best to do what you want. Ok? Sakura: Ok. Bye. John: Bye. John was very suprised that someone would come in his room. After his shower, John went downstairs to see if he could get something to eat since he didn't feel like eating another health bar. As John entered the kitchen, he noticed one of the girls already in there. ?????: Mourning. John: *yawn* Mourning. Sorry I didn't introduce myself yesterday. My name is John. ?????: It's ok. My name is Beth. There is some bacon and eggs if you want to eat something. John: Thanks. Hey, who's letter is that? Is it for me? Beth: No. Its a challenge for the people of the villa. Here, read it. As John got his eggs and bacon, he got the letter from Beth to read it. As John read the letter, his expression on his face changed to suprise. He noticed that he was going to be in a challenge with Alan in a team event. This would be his first time in a team challenge. John: I guess i'm going to be in a team against you. Oh well, no hard feelings. Beth: Ok then. John: Well, i'm done. I'm going outside to wait for my team. Beth: By the way, we're going to have a pizza party afterwards. Can you put some money in for some pizza. John: Yeah, here you go. (Passes some money to Beth.) Beth: Thanks. John: Bye. John left to go outside to wait for Alan and his fellow teammates for the event. [I] Finally, a mission I can finally test my strength in.[/I][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed]OOC:Hey I'm back. Sorry it took me so long to put up something. I had to go to work right after school. Anyway, to make everyone clear John is not gay. Alright, I hope no one starts any bad posts with John, ok. IC: Just as John left the tent, he noticed that someone else had arrived at the villa. [I]Well, here comes another person. I hope there is going to be enough room for us all. Oh well, I guess I'll just go back inside to go to sleep.[/I] John had enought manga reading for the night so he went inside. When he noticed that everyone was talking, he decided not to bother their talks with everyone else. As John was going to the room, he remembered he still hasn't eaten anything since he had arrived. [I]Boy, am I hungry. I guess I just well eat another health bar tonight.[/I] When John entered his room, he went to his bag. He just ate a health bar, then just went to bed. His thoughts where messed up with what he had saw earlier. [I]Man, it is going to be hard to sleep tonight with all this noice. Oh well.[/I] When John was finished putting away his weapons, clothes, and manga away, he laid down to sleep. As John went to sleep, he started having the same dream he has had for the past 4 months. The horrible nightmare of his family getting killed. This would be the only time John was ever scared or even being lonely.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed]As soon as Alan left the room, John thought to him self. [I]This is gonna be some weird 5 weeks here. Well, its almost 7:00 p.m. time to read some manga.[/I] As John got up he heard some of the other students laffing outside. He went to go look out the window only to be shocked. [I]Holy moly, one of the girls is nude! Hey, she doesn't look half bad.[/I] This was the first time John ever saw a girl nude & be someone he would have to live with. John snapped back to realitiy only to find himself sweaty. This never happened to him at school or with other women. He then just hit his head to remember what he was gonna do. So he just decided to just get out one of his manga books before something else distracted him. [I]Which one? Love Hina Vol. 12, Chobits Vol.4, or OnePiece Vol.3? I think Love Hina will do just fine. Should I read it inside or outside?[/I] It took him a good half an hour before he finally knew where he was gonna read it. [I]I think I should read it outside next to my boulder. There should be no one outside now.[/I] So John checked outside to make sure. Bad to his reasons, now there was a someone else outside with one of girls. He decided to just put away his book for when no one else was outside. Before his eyes left the window, he noticed that his friend Alan was setting up a tent outside. This made him worry that his only friend felt out-of-place with all these people here. [I]I should go ask why he is outside alone. He is , maybe, a little embaressed to sleep by himself.[/I] As John was going outside he was thinking to himself. Why did he blank out when he saw that girl nude & why did find himself sweaty after snapping back to reality? He then saw Alan outside looking up at the sky. John: Hey Alan! Why are you outside by yourself setting up a tent?[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed][I]Well Alan seems ok. I guess he can join my trainning.[/I] "Yo Alan", I said, "You wannna join me in some trainning." "No." said Alan, "I rather look at the sky." [I]There seems to be something wrong with him. I wonder what?[/I] "Ok then.", I said, "I bored, I going inside to do stuff. You gonna come along?" Alan:.................... [I]He just looks at the sky. I wonder why? Is it because he has no friends?[/I] "Alright then, just knock on my door if you need anything." Alan:............. John left to see Alan still looking at the sky. He never had a friend like him that seem so strange. John noticed that some of the people was going inside so he decided to go in as well to put his bags away. After putting away his stuff, John laid down on his bed in his room. John never had a person talk to him since he never wanted to talk at all. His life was full of painful experinces. He had witnessed his family & his fellow fighters die when he was just a child. There was just one problem, after the huge murder he had witnessed he could never remember who was his father's name, his mother's name , or if had any bothers or sisters. This is why John could never talk to no one, because he barely trusts anyone. [I]I wonder if I can ever find the people who killed my family. If I ever find them, I will kill them in the name of my family. What the...[/I] Just then John heard a knock on the door. He wondered who would want to talk to him. John: Who is it?[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed][I]Boy this is so boring. I wonder when I will get there. He said their would be enough stuff to pound here.[/I] John had enough of waiting to come to the french villa. He had been waiting for 3 hours now. John had been choosen by his P.E. teacher to come to this villa. He had been looking for something to do nowadays. His trainning would still be done anywhere he chose, even if it is in a french villa next to a lake. [I]Finally, I've been waiting forever. I hope no one will bother my trainning.[/I] John can finally see the french villa. He can now finally countinue his trainning. John knew this would be only for a little while, but he still had this feeling that this french villa had something wierd about it. This would be the first time he would be alone again without someone he knew since what had happened to his family 13 years ago. He got off the bus to notice this little villa & the lake that was right behind it. He also saw some of the other students by a tree talking. He wouldn't care if they noticed him walking pass them to the other side of the lake. John finally found some boulders to pound on. [I]Well, its a start. I hope there is someother stuff I can find to improve my power. I guess I better start.[/I] John trains all day not to only improve himself, but make himself stronger so that one day he can finally find the people who killed his family & his fellow fighters.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed][B]This is all I got so far but I will edit later when I have more time. So hope you guys like this character. I have no picture yet, but will execpt anything good. I don't mind being single. I know no one will be my girlfriend.[/B][/COLOR] Name:John Slicer Age: 16 Gender:Male Appearance:Always wearing a martial arts uniform. On some rare events, he wears a muscle shirt with long pants. He has black eyes, with brown hair. Personality:John fights anything that comes between him and his goal. His past is has been erased from his mind. He has no family due to a huge murder streak on his family of many fighters of great power. He acts tough in battle but he acts normal when he is not fighting or trainning. He can cook, clean, and does stuff for other people when he has nothing else to do. Hobbies:Pounds boulders for fun, reads at night when no one is looking, & trains under all harsh conditions to improve strength. He mostly reads manga. Best Subject:Math Personality Trait:Strength
[SIZE=2][B]HELP![/B][/SIZE] I need a bannar & an avatar containing Love Hina's :love: [COLOR=Pink]Mutsumi Otohime[/COLOR] :love: & Tama-chan. I need it to have a[COLOR=Red] red[/COLOR] backgound & to have my name in it. Thank you to anyone who does this.
I like Yu-Gi-Oh, Shaman King, & Hikaru No Go. But I like Naruto the best. It is full of comedy, romace, and confusing situations. Naruto is the best series in Shonen Jump. :smirk:
I have lots of favorite songs... I just can't choose one My list includes: *Happy Happy Rice Shower by Naru fromLove Hina (Japanese of course) *Heat Up,Up Girl by Kaolla Su from Love Hina (Japanese again..) *Friendship by :love: [COLOR=Pink]Mutsumi Otohime[/COLOR] :love: from Love Hina (Guess what language?) There is more songs on my list (most of them from Love Hina) ,but I can't think of any of them right now.
This game is so long it took me 2 years to have everything in the entire game. My best character is Marth. I use him with grace and speed. Every person I play against using Marth says I use him with a weird style. They always say this to me after I smash them 123 kills to 3 kills. I still haven't been beat with Marth for the past 300 games. Every person I have beat won't play with me because I keep beating them with Marth. I tell them i'll use Roy instead... They still lose to me :cool: . This game can be difficult to play even if your control can't go down no more. It is really hard to beat Event 51 with Jigglypuff. They should make a sequal to it having at least 50 different characters. [SIZE=2]It would rule to the extreme![/SIZE]
At the end of the world, where will you be?
Kwany Kon replied to Doukeshi's topic in General Discussion
I know what I will be doing near the end of the world.... :D I will be holding a Grand anime Party in Las Vegas. Everyone will invited to the party including anime fans [SIZE=2]around the world[/SIZE]! We shall be watching FF7 Advent Children untill the world finally blows up. (Now stuffing lettuce in mouth.) And during the end of the world, I shall be the "[COLOR=YellowGreen]Ruler of all Tutles[/COLOR]"!! :devil: Bwa ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!! :devil: Then I will donate 1 thousand shells to the "Tutles without Homes" program. While this is all happing, I shall be watching all Love Hina Eps. with :love: [COLOR=Pink]Mutsumi[/COLOR] :love: in them.