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About SlimSL

  • Birthday 06/11/1988

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  1. Yo Have you listened to any AC/DC or Guns N' Roses? They are my favorite bands after Metallica, not sure if they are you style or not but I like most of the Bands you listed, so you should give em a listen.
  2. Well I'm addicted to Cowboy Bebop so I'm gonna say Faye Valentine for reasons that have already been stated, she is is hotter than an ancient form of Wasabi used to kill small animals. :D Second place: I have always thought that Lina Inverse from Slayers (My first anime ever!) is very cute despite the fact that she isn't nearly as perfectly propotioned as Faye, Ive always liked her, guess I got a thing for Redheads.
  3. Yo That is fairly disturbing, makes you realize how backwards parts of the world are. Shows how scary superstition and unchecked religion can be. I havent't heard about this happening anywhere and I keep fairly up to date on international news. I'm not sure what can be done about it, govenrmental (Congo's Government not ours, we got enough on our plate already.) intervention seems like the only solution but I'm fairly certain that Congo's government doesn't havem much power or funds and it is most likely curropt. A difficult situtation from all angles. Oh, it's odd that this should be brought up because my English class has been focusing on the Witch Hunts for the last few weeks, Ironic Eh?
  4. Yo If the world was going to end I would try like hell to survive because frankly I don't give a d*mn if I have a "Right" to live or not, just there are other things I would rather do than die. Guess I'm an inherently selfish person but self-reliance and adaptabilty to survive have always been traits I have admired. And saying nobody has the right to live because we are human is slightly odd, because if there is any judge deciding if a particular species has the right to live, then how are we to know what the criteria are? since every single perception we have and thought comes from a human mind,how are we to know anything else? Sure humanity has it's share of slimeballs just look at John Kerry :D . ( I realize from reading the majority of other signatures I've seen on these furoms that I just made alot of enemies but oh well, Bring it ;) ). And finally to answer the Question If I live to see Doomsday and there is Zip, Zero, Nada chance for survival I want to be getting Laid when the world ends, Die happy. :devil:
  5. Yo I have only seen a few anime mostly the stuff on Cartoon Network, but I would have to say my Favorite Anime Character or any Character in general would have to be Spike Spiegel From Cowboy Bebop. Why? first off he has an air of coolness and control despite the situations he gets into. And he is a badass but he has style as well. I also like how laid back he is, because alot of other characters I have seen in anime (which isn't all that much) have alot of emotionial issues and let things get to them easily where most of it doesn't seem to really matter to Spike, especially how he doesn't mind dropping the hammer on somebody (unlike Vash from Trigun, which don't get me wrong is a good show but Vash is a wimp.). I also like how [I]human[/I] he is, l other characters I've seen are almost[I] superhuman[/I] For example: they don't get hit in firefights, they always win, etc. Where Spike gets his A** beat on several occasions and he doesn't always catch the bounty which makes him unique from most other sci-fi/fantasy "heroes" I have read and watched. And finally to sum it all up I like how Spike is a "Lone Wolf" while at the same time not being a complete antisocial. I may just be in the middle of an obsession (Okay definatley in the middle of an obsession. :cool: ) but as of right now Spike is my Idol, when I first saw him I was amazed how much like me he is, sure I'm not exactly like him but our general demeaneors are the same. Hopefully this was an okay First Post.
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