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About MaineOtakuNo2

  • Birthday 03/25/1989

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  1. I only have one tip, and it's short, but very helpful. Out of all the guys I know, all of them want the girl to make the first move. No one wants to screw up, but a guy can screw himself up mentally if he asks at the wrong time. I don't want to include sexual relations in this but I guess I should with so many young people getting laid nowadays. It sucks being a guy in a relationship, you all need to realise that. A guy is usually expected to make the moves, and if he goes too fast it can ruin the moment/day/month/year/life/relationship. So lady's, make the first, and every other move, show the guys when your ready, cause no guy wants to be a failure. P.S. I'm a 15 year old guy, all my friends are around that age too.
  2. Techno Vs. Anime for me. Unless it was The Pillows (FLCL) I'd go with techno. For me the ending theme in most animes pisses me off. I hate how they leave the cliffhangers and just drop you off. That and most animes I watch have a slower paced romantic type theme to them (I'm a dramatic).
  3. Well with the shoes, last night I was at a punk concert (Hoobastank, Three Days, Grace and Letter Kills) and they did O.K. Also I work at McDonalds so I'm used to standing by now. Now I really don't have a nickname besides DoNut from my old CS days (hopefully we won't have a CS fan start ranting), so I guess I'll just put my name. Maybe I'll modify it a little bit.
  4. Anime Boston 2005, run by the New England Anime Association, I was thinking of going, if I can get the money. However, I am a newbie at conventions and thought it would be good to get some input on what to expect. I hope its not as hectic as Comic Party but I guess it could be. Also the registration form says I need a "name printed on badge", being a newb I have no idea so any input would be good. By the way its held in the Hynes Convention center and their expecting a very large crowd, I beleive over 2000. So is anyone else going, or for that matter gone to either of the other Anime Boston's?
  5. [quote name='ScirosDarkblade']Art doesn't need to be some noble endeavor to remain art. Art driven just by a desire to tell something is no more "proper" than art driven by greed, hate, bees, or necessity.[/quote] I disagree. Art forced upon the artist is not as good as art made because the Artist wanted to draw color or paint. Although, yes, the art may still be good, artwork with soul will be better. Back on topic, The first season, and the first games, and the first set of cards, and the first fans, were the best.
  6. Although I am once again in a bad mood I think I can get my true thoughts out on this: You have the responsibility to be armed, however this does not mean a gun. I have heard a story like this one and the attackers were unarmed, therefore they stated that she used unnecessary force. Back to my point, in the US it is stated you are responsible, not able, but responsible to bear arms. That may, however be my interpretation. In the case of defending yourself, If you have a chance fight, If we let them all go we will have to sacrifice again and again, and those perps you let get away, could kill your family one day. I feel that if someone commits an unjust action let them take the unjust consequence.
  7. If you make it big you have to share with all your OB friends! Especially the ones that helped you out. As I've said before (was never answered) why did you think this was a bad idea. I've thrown the story around my school an most of the anime/manga fans like it. I just want an update to see if you are actually going to put some effort into it , and maybe see if you've made changes.
  8. Taken from the games correct... that or I'm just tired. Anyways the font looks a bit off. I'd try to get one somewhat like the start screen for The World in the games. Also I see Sanjuro and Balmung who dont really fit the Wavemaster scoop... Other than that I think its good... also I'm in a bad mood so it may seem kinda harsh
  9. It may be smart to give up love for some time in school but dont be so stuck up about it you dont go out and hang with guys and such. My policy is to be open, and if you get rejected go about life as normal, love is too painful to ignore. Anyways keep looking around, just make sure you dont get caught up in anything too serious you become emo... god I hate that word.
  10. All that I can say without using tags is FF7 when Sephiroth just guides his sword right through the character. It was both tragic and amazing, as Sephiroth found a way so that you could not revive the character, and yet also it was very sad because I think when playing such an RPG you feel connected to the characters, which for me, was most common in FF7. Also its funny whenever Pikachu almost dies in Pokemon.
  11. Well I only read about 2 posts but I'll tell my story anyways. Mid-way through last year my best friend and I both met this girl that hung with our group of friends. We both thought she was cool but she instantly took a liking to him and hated me because I beat on him. Well time passed and she found out I'm not that bad so we became friends. However with that happening I found out that both my best friend and the female "liked" each other. So being the nice guy I am I set them up later to find out she had feelings for me too. Well they are still together and I'm now over it. I figure shes happier with him so I gave up till they are done, I'm now both of their best friends though.
  12. I don't see why your complaining about the anime, in some ways it is just like the game. The repetitive battles, what FF does not have the same moves over and over with the same actions every time you use them. The story may suck but thats because it would do better in a game. You don't want to wait through the series to find the story, but thats what you have to do for a lot of games. Anyways the CG where he uses the maggun is awesome.
  13. [quote name='DerelictDestiny][COLOR=DarkRed']Yea.. you're probably right but at 15 there isn't really any job anyone would be willing to give you that would go somewhere. So at least it'd be counted as work experience for future opportunities. Unless you work in MacDonalds XD you can look forward to being manager after several 'loyal' years.[/COLOR][/quote] O.k. don't diss McyD's cause I'm getting a job there soon. In about a week. McyD's may be gross but you can get a pretty good paycheck and a lot of hours. I'll be working my top 20 *can only work 20 hours a week except on holidays mind you* anyways that job is BS, its obvious. If you got the system rolling theyd boot you out and just keep the money most likely.
  14. Wow, good idea, very original ideas with the portrayals of the different areas. But having their artwork come to life, Can you imagine about 30 Inuyashas in the same room... that would destroy the island. O yes and the all powerful mods... REVOLT!... ok maybe not... well anyways as long as the mods arent power hungry rapists then its ok!
  15. Ruin it? Impossible. Balmung is too sexay to be ruined. I say that and still redeem my manhood.
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