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Everything posted by MaineOtakuNo2

  1. I find this quite funny. Although this is my first time being a member to Otakuboards I do remember visiting and watching all the old topics mount up. Once a weekend I'd come in to hear the new storys or watch two people flame it out. It was quite exciting. All the old names bring back many topics. I regret never signing up and randomly putting in my two cents like I do now. As time moves on friends grow apart. It's a part of life. Just remember you will be alone after death so get your fun now.
  2. I have no idea why you would put down (as in insult, sorry I realized my mistake too late) an idea like that. Yet on the basis of art styles why not include both. Why do all mangas have to be one or the other? I know that many artists choose one or the other but why not be original? Anyways it is your choice so I won't input much more besides the love story thing. I think almost all love stories are great and inspiring, just don't make it too corny :)
  3. I didn't bother to read most of the other posts but I have to put in my two cents. I'm in High School too (Sophemore), so I thought I'd know more than some of the adults. Yet before I do help you I have to tell the females out there that its a lot better for the guy if u make the move first. O.k. so your at the bus stop right, not the best place to randomly kiss her. Make your way to a movie, or if parents will allow it in a bedroom. I have to express that making sure she's comfortable is a must. Start kissing her cheek or if ur cuddling the top of her head. Over time (not months, maybe even in the same day) move your way to her mouth. It'll help her feel secure with you if you don't just barge in. When you do end up frenching her don't have a mouthful of spit, I screwed up there my first kiss. Most of the time you will have to make the first move so just play with her tongue/lips and such. It's nothing complicated especially if it's her first also. As time moves on be more daring. By the way I have all this information because my 3 best friends are all female... I am a lucky man ;) ;) .
  4. Although everything that has been said is very visually appealing I have to note on one of the two series I've seen that includes manga. Most of you know I'm about to say FLCL (Fooly Cooly), and many of you may think its not deserving. I think that it does well in the first and fifth episodes incorporating the manga. Also when you read between the lines of the script you find that there is a very deep story. The animation may contradict this at times but it makes the more depressing parts seem more entertaining to me. I mean the guys going through immense pain pulling a guitar out of his head but isnt it funny?
  5. O man asking this is as wide as asking who is your favorite Football team to a bunch of old cranky football stars. My favorites, being poor and only watching what I can afford, has to be Rikku, from FFX, and Yuna, also from FFX. Although I don't want to make a fool of myself I must say that the hottest one I just can't put a name on. It's the melee-attacking wolf-transformer from .Hack//Twilight (the series currently on fridays at midnight I think.)
  6. My first Thread, I did search so don't call me a newb if this has already been asked but how do you all feel about this new Anime Network on demand, Anime Network channel, and Adult Swim on demand. I think it is a great way to show some of the old shows and see which new one will be popular enough for Adult swim. Yet, I must say that they sometimes cancel some of the series right when I get into them. That and they keep it to a maximum of three episodes per series tops. I understand they have limited room but I wish they could be more generous. With all that said I need to state that it is a great chance to preview anime and can quite useful for anyone that does not want to go out and spend over a 100$ on a series just to figure out it wasnt worth their money.
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