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Lolita Izumi

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Everything posted by Lolita Izumi

  1. Probaly either Rin Kamishiro from Maburaho or Lucy from Elfen Lied ^^
  2. I havn't seem FMPF in forever, but it's still one of my favorite animes.... Ugh. I wanna watch it now -.-;;;
  3. Thanks for the tips you guys ^_^ I'll try that stuff out next time :animesmil
  4. [SIZE=1]So, this is the only really good job I've done using photoshop. So, can you guys tell me what you think and what I could do to make it look better?? Thanks. ^_^ [URL=http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/27937514/]Here it is. It looks better in full view[/URL]
  5. [SIZE=1]When you have nothing better to do, take a nap ^_^[/SIZE]
  6. I would consider it fake anime. Because it was done by Americans and yet there are articles about it in anime mags such as Newtype. And there is fake dubbing O.o;;
  7. I would be a magical girl with long flowing blue hair. I would have a shiny Katana. She would have the power to put all her magic into her sword and destroy anything if she had to. She would live in Kyoto, Japan and go shopping wearing a pretty blue and black kimono :animesmil
  8. When people are more annoying than me. :animeangr [COLOR=Red]Edit: Please explain why this is your pet peeve. What does it take to be more annoying than you? What do you consider annoying? Please elaborate on your answer. As it stands now your response is spam. If you would like to use the edit button on this post you can add to your response and delete this warning. Please put more effort into your responses in the future. If you have questions about posting quality feel free to PM myself or any of the other moderators. Thanks! -Panda[/COLOR]
  9. I only have number three. i have to buy more. but I've read reviews on the other ones. I think the only other one i have read other than three is one *shrugs* I can't remember
  10. [FONT=Arial]I love lots of yaoi. But my personal favorite is Gravitation ^.~ The anime is good but the Manga is even better X3[/FONT]
  11. [FONT=Arial]I absolutly love the Manga DOLL by Mitsukazu Mihara. Is anyone else interested in this Manga? ^_^ If you don't know what is is here is a link: [url=http://www.tokyopop.com/dbpage.php?propertycode=DOL&categorycode=BMG]Doll manga website[/url][/FONT]
  12. [COLOR=Blue][FONT=Arial]Schwartz Stein - Perfect Garden [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v192/takaaki/emoticons/dance.gif[/IMG] [/FONT][/COLOR]
  13. [quote name='Epsilon][SIZE=1][COLOR=SlateGray]If you can seriously do that, I highly admire you. Gothic Lolitas' dresses look like they'll always be hot or uncomfortable.[/COLOR'][/SIZE][/quote] [COLOR=Blue][FONT=Arial][SIZE=2]It's actually not that bad. ^_^ The clothing sort of breathes.....considering that alot of them are made out of layers of lace. But personaly I think that they are the most comfortable clothes that I have ^.~ EDIT: Thank you everyone [IMG]http://chezdophy.com/Emoticons_Gifs_Smileys/Kaos/Amoureux/ka9.gif[/IMG][/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR]
  14. [COLOR=Blue][FONT=Arial]I love Full Metal Alchemist's story line. It's wonderful. I also like Inuyasha's story line. Either one works for me :animesmil[/FONT][/COLOR]
  15. [COLOR=Blue][FONT=Arial]Subs. I love listening to the Japanese voices. I hate dubbing so much. i will watch anime in English but i enjoy them spaeking in Japanese better ^_^[/FONT][/COLOR]
  16. [COLOR=Blue][FONT=Arial]My first manga was Sailor Moon. I still read it ^^ I loved it so much. that was also the first anime i ever saw :animesmil [/FONT][/COLOR]
  17. [COLOR=Blue][FONT=Arial]My username says that I am a Gothic Lolita obsessed with Jrock bands, my sig says i am cute and lovable and my avatar says more about being obsessed with Jrock ^.~[/FONT][/COLOR]
  18. [COLOR=Blue][FONT=Arial]Hello loves. :love2: I am into the whole Gothic Lolita fashion in Japan....in fact it's the way i dress :catgirl: I am just looking for some other people that are into it as much as i am. :animesmil Love, Kayako ^.~[/FONT][/COLOR]
  19. [FONT=Arial][COLOR=Blue] :catgirl: The strongest emotion i've ever felt is Love.....I'm in love right now come to think of it :animeshy: [/COLOR] [/FONT]
  20. [FONT=Arial][SIZE=3][COLOR=Blue]Kk. ^^ well, this has to be one of the best Malice Mizer album out there. *nods* Now, I want to ask all of you......which song is your favorite song off of this album. Mine definatly gas to be 'Kagami no butou genwaku no yoru' I know all the dance steps to it and everything :D [/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  21. hm. Let me see. For Inuyasha a hat. so he can hide his ears and keep people from pulling on them For Chiyo-chan another pair of pigtails. You never know when she will need another pair. :D For Toboe someone to loooove him. Cuz he is such a cute little wolf ^^
  22. [I][COLOR=Blue]Hm....Ouiji you say?? :( I have had horrible experiences with those. they do work :nervous: I once used one at my friends pary and @ like 1:00 AM we used it. we thought that one of our friends was moving it so we didnt freak out....but then the board said that the spiret was in the vase next to us....noone was in it and it fell off of the table and smashed :shifty: an since I am the youngest out of all my friends I screamed and started crying like the little wimp that I am :crying: I was freaked to the bloodiest parts of hell :faint: we are still trying to find out what happened :huh: but we can't find out :nope: :heart: Suchista-chan :love2: :luv: :smooch: [/COLOR][/I]
  23. Well, I believe that it really depends on where both of your hearts lead. If they both take a path that could mean love then you two were meant to be together. But it seems as if her heart went off of the path that it was once on. So that pretty much shows that if you were to get back together with her the same kind of thing could happen. And you wouldn't really want that to happen. You probaly still like her a little but that happens right after it ends. Do you should really wait for someone that could truly love you. *pant pant* ///_- i need to stop doing that ^^;;; Oh well. I hope that it helps though. I will always be fo help if you need it darling. on_no
  24. [COLOR=Blue][FONT=Book Antiqua]My Favorite song i would have to say is ... hm. N.P.S.N.G.S by Malice Mizer and.... the whole Nocternal Opera albam by Moi-Dix-Mois n_n[/FONT][/COLOR]
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