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Everything posted by GothikMoon

  1. Aiya looked at her guns in the closet, and pulled out her sniper riffle . "Time for shooting practice." She walked into the shooting range and put on her silencer. She turned on the sniper simulation and walked into the room. *This should be easy." Aiya laid on top of the building and waited with her sniper riffle ready to blow some peoples head's off. [SIZE=2]-----------------------5 minutes later-----------------------[/SIZE] Aiya had her lazer scope on a man's head. She smirked and slowly waited for a perfect shot, then the shot came. Aiya pulled the trigger and the man's head had a very small hole directly in the middle. The bullet went right through the man's head and it ricochet off another man's gun and shot another man in the heart. "The perfect shot..I love this job." --------------30 minutes (and alot of more people dead) later--------------- Aiya walked out and went back to her room to take a shower and put her gun away. The water felt really nice as it quickly smuthered her body. The warm water reminded her of the old day's when she went skinny dipping with Jake in the high school pool. She got in a lot of trouble when the principle found out, but they would do it again anyway. The thought made her laugh a little, and she looked at her wedding ring on her necklace. She rubbed the ring with her finger's and got out. She wrapped a towel around her self and got dressed in her usual elfit. She walked over to her dresser and picked up the picture of her and Jake, it had been exacly one year since he was murdered and the memory of them kissing before he died filled her mind. Aiya hugged the picture and started to cry. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Aiya walked out with her gun's srapped to her back and an angry look on her face. Everyone was used to her looking angry every day, but she looked more angry than usual. She looked like she was ready to kill. And she was ready to kill. Ever since her husbands death she always seemed angry. She also loved the feeling of killing, wich would have been odd two years ago, but not anymore, now it was typical. She walked to the command room and walked up to her commander. "I'm ready."
  2. Alex walked past the people in the hall and looked at them. She noticed Kuken and blushed slightly. :animeblus *He's really cute.* She thought as she looked at him. Kuken looked at her and she blushed more. She smiled and slowly walked away to find her next class. "Dang. I hate being new." She looked over her map again and looked down the hall. "Is it just me. Or do all the hall's look exactly the same.?" She turned around and walked over to the rest of the group. Her note books covered her face so you could only see her icy blue eye's. "Ummm..........can one of you help me find my next class? Please. I've been late for almost all my classes because i'm having trouble." :animeswea *I'm so imbarrased right now. Oh my god!! He's evan cuter up close. Wait...what am I thinking? I have to concentrate on getting to my next class.........but then again..he's so damn hot!!* She thought as she asked them. She looked into his eye's and the whole floor turned to ice and the pipes froze. Students and teachers who were walking in the hall immediatly slipped and fell on there faces. "Oh..no!! Not all ready!!It's only my first day!! Now everyone's gonna hate me!! And i'm gonna get kicked out!!.....I don't feel so good." She felt a little light headed, then she passed out.
  3. Katt smirked and helped Sen up. "I'm an exspert in hand to hand combat. So I should start off easy, or I might kill her. But if she wants to get really good, it would take years. And that's for regular demons. I have no idea how long it would take for a half-breed..no offence. Inless you want the "Human" way. Then it shouldn't take to long." She looked down and patted Alphiya on the head. "I hope your "muscles" can take it." She smirked and did three back flips, and did a back round house kick into a tree and it fell over. Everyone starred at her. "Wow!! I never saw you do that before."
  4. Ivy looked at Fang and got up. "You don't have to hold him down. I can take care of him." She walked over to Fang and laid her hand on his head. She sat down and lightly ran her finger's down his neck and back. Fang lokked at her with a sad look and closed his eye's/ "Fang do you remember when my parents died? You wrapped your wings around me as I cried and vowed to always protect me. For once in a long time.. I felt really safe, wrapped up in your big warm wings. I felt like I could sit there forever. If you killed me, then you'll be braking your own vow. So calm down..and turn back to the Fang I love and trust...with my life." Fang smiled and licked her face. Ivy looked at him and saw peace back in his eye's. and hugged him again.
  5. Here is my schedule 1. Homeroom 2. English 3. Martail Arts 4. Ice control 5. Archery 6. Math (Calculous... She's smart :animeswea ) 7. Track ( Long distance races. She has good legs since she was a black belt in Tai Kwon Do when she was in the orphanige. She can run fast for very long periouds of time.)
  6. Here is the registration form. Name: Alexis Nickerson ( people call her Alex) Age: 16 Gender: Female Appearance: [URL=http://img1.zenhex.com/quiz5/20686/res3.jpg][Click][/URL] She looks exactly like this!! :animesmil Clothes and all!! :D When she is not wearing a uniform, she usually wears a dark blue tank top that said "Ice Princess" in frozen letters.A short dark blue skirt practicley like the one in the pic. except with a white belt. And knee high white socks with white sneaker's that has dark blue Niki sign's on the sides. ( Her hair stays the same inless she nedds her bow for something). Personality: Alex is a shy girl most of the time. But once she gets to know you she's funny and nice. She very secluded because of her past. Bio: Alex was seven when she first discovered her powers. She was playing in her kitchen when she suddenly felt a huge chill cross over her. She ran to her parents room while the ground beneath her froze. She hugged her parents tightly and when she looked up both her parents were frozen solid, they both died instantly. After her parents deaths she was sent to an orphanige, where she stayed until she was thirteen. When shen she turned thirteen she ran away from the orphanige and started living on her own. (While in the orphanige she learned Ti Kwon Do. T.K.D. does alot of kicking techniques in stead of punching techniques like Karate. So she has good leg's.) At first it was hard, but then she found a job at an
  7. Name: Aiya Minasuko (I'-ya Min-a-soo-koe) Age: 25 Gender: Female World of Birth: Ours Race: Human Appearance: [URL=http://www.freewebs.com/adriannah/Anime_Angles_FD21.jpg][Click][/URL] She looks exactly like this with no wings and blue eye's. (She refuses to wear a uniform.) She's about 6'2. (Both of her parents were tall.) Aiya uses any kind of gun. But her favs. are the Sniper Rifel, the AK-47, and a silver Cross Bow. Personality: Aiya is a selfcentered, arragent, pecamistic, b**ch. She wasn't always that way, but thats her usual mood. Bio: Aiya was a fun, happy little rich girl. Aiya and her parents were a loving family, until one day when she was seven her family was murdered by the Russain Mafia. (Her family moved around alot so she had no specific home.) She had no other family so she lived with a little boy (Jake) one year older than her, who was a good friend of her's. She was a child prodigy with long distance weapons. Acually she excelled in aiming more than anything, so after high school she jioned the marines and became the top sniper. Usually they wouldn't let a female be a sniper but she was the best and the most stubbern. (She can speak Russain, German, Japanese, and English.) When she was 22 she jioned the C.I.A. with Jake. One years later Jake proposed and they were gonna get married 2 months later. But one month before the wedding they were sent on a mission to russia and he was killed by a double agent. A year later she found the agent that killed Jake and murderded her. Ayear later she was found by EDRI while on a mission.
  8. Katt looked at Alphiya and stood up. "I know who killed your parents." Alphiya looked at her. "Really. Who?" "King Ranifa of the demon's. He killed my parents as well. But for a totally different reason. He killed my parents because my father used to be the general of his army, but he quit and ran off with my mother, a few years later my father returned and faught with the king. My father was the one who taught Ranifa how to fight, so Ranifa lost, but instead of killing him, he let him live and suffer the embarrasment. That didn't set to well with the king so he sent his army to track down my parents and kill them. It took them a few more years but thay finally did. And I shall kill Ranifa and his army for what they did.!" Everyone just looked at her with a surprised look on their faces. Sen wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed her cheek. "It's ok. Don't go crazy on me."
  9. Ivy rubbed the scar on her neck and started to cry. *Why would Fang do this? He was always so gentle. He never hurt me ever!!...........Inless...he was jealous!!* She jumped onto a tree banch and her leg dangled in the air. Jason walked over and leaned against the tree trunk. "I'm sorry about wht happened." "It's ok. I never saw him this jelous before. This sucks." Ivy smiled at him and jumped down from the tree. She grabbed Jason by the collar and kissed him.
  10. Kattsukie ears twitched and she turned around. "I sence my Sen has returned." She ran on all fours and flashed away in a white light. Everyone looked up as a large flash of light appearded over there heads. Kattsukie fell out of the light directly on top of Sen. "Sen!!!Your back!!!" Katt hugged him very tight and slowly kissed him. She forgot she was still had her wolf ear's, fang's, eye's, claw's, and tail. So she totallt stuck out. :catgirl: Kattsukies tail wagged wildly as she kissed him. She sat on her knee's and hugged his waist tightly. "[COLOR=Blue]Don't you ever leave me again!!!You hear me!!?! Or i'll seriously hurt you, I mean you havn't left me ever since I first started following you 2 years ago.Your my best friend and I don't like it when you leave[/COLOR]!!" [SIZE=2][COLOR=Red](Look on my sign up if you get confused about Katt and Sen)[/COLOR][/SIZE] :animeswea Sen rubbed her head and smiled.
  11. Kattsukie awoke from the freeze and ans stared at the girl that beat her. She smirked at the girl in defeat and sat next to her. The girl was a demon Kattsukie could sence it. This made her happy. She felt at home again. *I don't know who this girl is. But I like her.*She thought. Katt rubbed her head against Lolita's leg and made a slight purring sound. She looked at Specter and growled again. *I don't like him!!! Wheres Sen?!! I miss him already.*She thought. A tear rolled down her cheek and hit the ground as she thought about Sen leaving her. *Maybe I should go talk to Ranifa. He should know.* Kattsukie got up and ran really fast down the roud on all fours and in a flash dissapeared. Katt landed in demon world and looked around. "Ranifa's castle. I wander if he'll remember me.!!"
  12. Kattsukie watched as Sen walked into the shadows and a girl watching him. *Hmmmmmmmm.....I wander who that girl is.......I hope she's not gonna take him away from me cause if she does.....she's gonna be hurt!!* "Crap he's gone!!" She ran over to the spot where Sen disapeared and sniffed the air. *He seemed to have had interest in this girl sooooooooooo...I'll follow her. For now.* Katt' followed Alphiya to a bench and saw her talking to a guy. "Time to go meet her." She walked up to Alphiya and Spector. She Came up on all fours and started sniffing them both and then itched her nose, like she smelled something bad. Alphiya looked at her confused so did Spector. "What are you doing?" They both said in unisun. Kattsukie looked up and glared at them. "Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
  13. Name:Kattsukie (most people call her Katt) Age:looks 18 Gender:Female Race:Wolf Demon :catgirl: Appearance: Katt has layered shoulder length silver hair.She has icy blue eyes and tan skin.If she is in the Demon world she has wolf ears, long sharp caws,a long bushy tail, and sharp fangs. When she is in the human world she's normal except for the fact that she's really fast. She wears a sparkley see through silver belly shirt with a silver bra. She wears short silver shorts and no shoes. She has cut off gloves with spikey brass nuckles. She has white bandage around half her feet up to her knee's and around her upper arm. She also has a spike choker with a loop hanging on it. Reason:Katt follows Sen where ever he goes. Bio:When Kattsukie was 8 when her whole family was killed by Ranifa's army. She didn't want another family so she started living on her own.When she was 14 she jioned a group of theives and lived with them until she waas 17. After she left the theives she decided to see what was up in the human world.One day while wandering around the human world she spotted Sen and decided to spy on him, after about a week she found a great interest in him and decided to meet him. Kattsukie never talked much evan when her family was still alive, so meeting him would be a little complicated, but she finally did and she started following him everywhere he went and they became friends, but she was more like a pet than a good friend.She lookes up to Sen and would do anything for him evan die. How:She was with Sen when they met Alphiya, but she was hiding so it wasn't really meeting. oh well.
  14. *I loved my younger brother...I reallly did but I had to do it!! It was my job!!I didn't have a choice!! Did I?* Katana looked at her bloody hands and then at her brothers bloody corpse. She tried to make it so it wouldn't be as painful as the other asassination jobs she did but he was a fighter and A good one at that. He was an exspert in gun fighting and she was a master of double sword fighting so it got really messy. *I didn't want to kill him, acually I didn't want to fight him at all but thats how life goes, sometimes you have to kill the one's you love in order to acheive your goal.....evan if....ifalmost kill yourself in the process.* -------------------------------------------~~~~~~----------------------------------------------- "I used to think like that when I was younger, man I was really stupid. Thinking about my family as if they really cared about what I did or me really. I mean "hey" hows a girl like me supposed to make a living doubting on the past or trying to regain my families honor or for killing my brother. Exactly you can't. You have to live your own life by your own rules. . . . yeah thats the way to be." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ "Hey mommy." "Yes dear." "What is ah....sex appeal?" "Where did you hear about that?" "I heard grandma say that when she was younger she used sex appeal to distract her enemies. Do you use sex appeal on your enemies?" " Well I did a little but mostly only on one." She turned her head and winked at her husband who smirked and put his arm around her neck. "Yeah a "few" enemies." A group of men wearing black ninja elfits and one woman wearing the same thing, surrounded them and grabbed Katana by the hair and threw her into a barrel of tomatoes. "Katana are you all right!!!" Katana got up holding her arm as she watched her parents fight the people who invadede their life. Katana watched as her mother fell to the ground with four daggers in her stomach. "M....mmmm..MOOOOOOOOOOMY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!" Katana tried to run over to her mother but she was stopped her father picking her up and putting her in a dark corner. "Katana stay here and don't interfere at all. Promise me that you won't!!!" "I..I...can't do that I have a feeling I can do something..and I WILL!!!!!" Katana got up and shoved her father out of the way. One of the men ran over and put his sword to her fathers neck. " Sorry about your wife but the boss always gets her way." The woman walked over and put her hand on his chin. "Yuki it's been a long time. I'v missed you. I heard you have Five kids now impressive I must say. But now that that "woman" is out of the way you will be mine." Katana picked up a dagger and threw it directly at the man's head. "Bullseye!!" Katana pulled out the dagger and ran over to her mother. "Mom...mom..Don't die!! Please don't die!!!" She looked up and... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Katana woke up with sweat dripping down her face and the sun shining in her face. She got up and walked over to her bathroom and took a shower then got dressed. She walked over to the front door and saw a note: Hey Katana whats up?!!! Me and the other dorks have been worried about you...well at least I was. Dad is still kinda pissed at you and gramps is having some trouble getting over it. Well gotta go. luv ya!! B. P.S. I'm sending you these daggers. Take a good look at them you'll remember. ^_^ Katana smiled and hugged the daggers. "I love you mom. I'll charesh these forever.Brian is so cool!! I love him!!!* She smiled and looked out the window. ---------------------------------------------5 MINUTES LATER-------------------------------------------------- Katana walked to her closet and pulled out her silver plated cross bow. She opened the window and aimed the bow at a tall man with long black hair and a trench coat. "Target spotted." *Lets get this thing over with.* She looked at the picture she got and examined the profile. *Well a drug dealer and a father of two. How sweet...not.* She put her eye on the scope and waited silently for the man to get in a good shooting range. Then the time came. She aimed percisley at the mans forehead and in a blink of an eye the man fell to the ground with a large hole in the middle of his head and blood everywhere. "Mission accomplished. Time for my pay."
  15. Ivy got up and saw everyone. "Dang.....I can help." Right then Fang in large form walked over to Ivy and nealed down.Ivy jumped up on Fangs back and pulled out her bow. "Come on Fang I have the right kind of medicine." Fang flew to the rest of the group and landed next to Levvy. "Hey whats up? Do you guys need any help?" Ivy pulled out another bottle of strange liquid and gave it to Levvy. "Here you can have it. I have alot." Fang turned small again and walked over to Ivy. A green liquid started to drip out of Fangs mouth and he started to snarl. "Fang whats the matter. Are you all right." Ivy reached down to see what was wrong when Fang jumped up and sunk his teeth really deep into Ivy's neck. Ivy's vains started to turn green as Fang dug into her neck. Ivy sarted to feel light headed as she lost aton of blood.She tried to pull Fang away but his bite is extremely deadly and can't come off easilly. Ivy screamed. Then she passed out from all of the blood loss. Fang let go of her neck with blood dripping from his mouth. Fang turned to Jason and turned large again. [SIZE=3][COLOR=DarkRed]"Ivy's mine!!! And your not gonna take her!!! Evan if She dies!!!"[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  16. There was hair laying all over the ground and Ivy looked at Jason and smiled. "That looks alot better!!" His hair lay down a little past his ears and his bangs covered most of his eyes. Since she used a dagger it wasn't perfectly even but it looked hot randomley anyway. Ivy wiped off Jasons clothes and face then put her dagger away. She sat next to him and looked at the sky sadly. "I wonder where Fang went anyway? I figured he went to follow Kaige when I saw him leave but I wonder why?" Ivy thought for a second and then she knew. "Kaige is in trouble!!" "what!" Jason looked up at her surprised. "Fang never leaves without telling me inless....someone or something is in deep trouble. For some reason he can always sence these things or something. It's wierd but it's totally awsome. But if he is in trouble Fang would come get me so I guess i'll just have to wait. [I]I hope he's ok[/I]." Jason half confused and half getting it got up and held her hand. "He'll be ok. I promise." Ivy smiled and hugged him tightly. [I]"I hope your right. I really do."[/I] [COLOR=Red][I]Ivy put her hands through his hair and slowly kissed his lips. Ivy and Jason stood there for couple minutes and then Ivy let go and smiled.[/I][/COLOR] "You do look really cute with your har cut and your armor off..it's totally [COLOR=Red]SEXY[/COLOR]!!!!!" [I][COLOR=Red]Ivy laughed and kissed him again. Except this time it was longer and harder.[/COLOR][/I]
  17. I looooooooooove Hiei he's the best!! He's totally sexy!! :naughty: :shifty: Kurama is hot but I prefer him as Yoko!!! He's fluffy!!! :catgirl: I love Goku from saiyuki he's so cute and adorable!! :heart: And you can't forget about Hakkai!!! Oh my god he's soooooooo cute!!! I saw the movie and Hakkai has the sexiest voice ever!!!!!! :drool: I have alot more but I guess my last one would have to be Sesshoumaru!!! He's totally sexy and he has a six pack!!! And a big fluffy tail talk about nearly perfect!! :luv: I always liked the dark quiet typs or just shy. But at the same time I love the hyper active annoying ones!! Yes I know I'm really wierd. :D
  18. Ivy watched as Kaige flew away on his dragon. *Hmmm....I wonder how the rest of the group are coming along?* Ivy thought not loooking where she was going and running straight into a tree....like an idiot. "Owww....that hurt." Ivy got up and walked over to Jason. [COLOR=Red]"Hey J!!! Thanks for helping me back there. And sorry it's kinda a natural reaction for me to punch someone. Your just lucky I didn't have my dagger at the moment or you could have been decapitated." Ivy laughed a little and kissed Jason softley on the lips.[/COLOR] Jason blushed a little and smiled. :animeblus Ivy ruffled his hair a bit and walked over to Fang and held him in her arms and scratched his head. "You did great Fang, I'm very proud of you!!!" Ivy hugged Fang and started to pet him until he fellasleep in her arms silentley. Ivy sat against a tree and looked at the sky and smiled. * This is gonna be a long journey.* Ivy looked at Fang and smiled as he shifted around to get more comfortable." I love you Fang." Ivy bent down and kissed him on the head. [COLOR=Navy]Ivy looked at Jason and smiled.* I wonder if he'll ever cut his hair? Then he'll look really hot!!!* Ivy laughed. "Just a thought....just a thought[/COLOR]." Ivy leaned her head back and slowly dosed off into a deep sleep. Fang opened his eyes and slowly crawled out of her lap and walked over to Jason. [COLOR=Blue]Fang leaned his head to the side and opened his mouth as if to say something and then closed it again. He jumped on Jasons lap and started licking his face...alot. Jason laughed and started to shove Fang away.[/COLOR] "Stop it Fang." Fang jumped off Jason and flew off towards the sky and started following Kaige into the distance and disapeared. Ivy opened her eyes for a moment and saw Fang disapear into the distance. [COLOR=Red]"Fang!!!"[/COLOR] [[COLOR=Magenta]SIZE=2](Yes Fang is supposed to leave and follow Kaige. So nobody try and catch him.) :animestun [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  19. Ivy jumped from tree to tree looking for Fang until she finally found him face to face with another dragon. "Fang don't be afraid!!! Just transform and you can easilly win!!!" Ivy pulled out an arrow from her pouch and put it on the bow quickly. Fang transformed and did a dragon smirk and clawed the other dragons eye's out. The other dragon screamed in pain and fell over and tried to blow a fire ball at Fang but missed by a mile and another dragon on his side. Ivy watched as the arrow flew threw the sky and a soldier on his dragon a few yards away. She smirked jumped on Fangs back. "Come on Fang it's time to kick some imperial ass!!!" Fang grined and showing his ovely large fangs. Fang flew high into the sky and baricated afew dragons in his way. The two dragond glared at him and smoke rings flew from there noses. The dragons both shot fire balls from there noses and Fang easilly dodged them and flew over them. A soldier looked at Ivy and grinned." Hey baby why don't you come down here and i'll show you some real action huh!!" Ivy grinned and jumped off Fang and landed on the other dragon. She pulled out a dagger from her shoe and put it up to the soldiers neck and smirked. "I'm down here now wheres the action...BABY!!!" Ivy plunged the dagger into the mans *you know* and he screamed in pain. "I'm sorry did that hurt? Maybe you should think before trying to hit on a girl your in battle with or you might lose something you might need in the future!!" She pulled out the dagger and sliced the mans neck open and put the dagger back. The soldiers body fell to the ground and Fang hit the dragon on the head with his tail knocking it off course. Ivy jumped back on Fang and pulled out an arrow and started shooting soldiers directly in the middle of the forehead. "Bullseye!! Fang rip this dragons throught out and show him what you got!!!" Fang's teeth gleamed in the sun as he sank his teeth into the dragons neck. The blood flowed through Fangs mouth and hit the ground and made a large puddle where it lay. The dragon fell to the ground it's neck completly torn out. Fang dropped the *inards* out of his mouth and his eye's turned completly green and a green mist formed around his body and the hole sky.Ivy pulled out a poisen mask and put it on. [COLOR=DarkGreen]"Hey everyone hold your breath!!!!"[/COLOR] Fang let out a loud grawl and everyone and everything that didn't have a mask or didn't hold there breath quickly inhaled a large amount of poisen into there system and would die in 2.5 seconds. [COLOR=DarkRed]Fang screamed and fell to the ground as a large fire ball hit his head and knocked him uncontious. Ivy flew off and hit into the top of an old building and fell 4 stories and the ground uncontious.[/COLOR]
  20. Ivy glared at the new comer in a frightning way. *I hate hyper active, naive little b**ches!!!*She [COLOR=Green][SIZE=2]thought[/SIZE][/COLOR] intentively. "I'm Ivy.........."She stated dully. "Newmp!!!"' Fang looked around at the other dragons that were unbarebly huge to him at this point. So he decided to grow larger for the time being. Ivy walked to the bar and sat in a stool. Ivy took a bottle of scotch and bowl from the counter. *Ummmm..scotch..* Ivy quickly put the bottle to her lips and chugged the whole thing in one drink.Everyone (except the knocked out one) starred at her for a moment since she hadn't passed out yet and frankley thats wierd. Ivy just smirked and licked her lips. "I can't get drunk..so I can drink as much as I want." Fang (not liking being large) turned back to his normal height and sat next to Ivy and nugged her arm. "Oh yeah sorry Fang.Ivy pulled out bottle from her bag and put the liquid in the bowl she stole. There you go little guy drink up." Fang drank the potion and nugged the empty bottle on the counter. Ivy smiled and poured some scotch from another bottle into his bowl and patted his head softley. "Don't drink to much..or you won't be able to fly very well tomarrow." Fang fell off the stool and walked over to Kaige and scratched him hard on the face. Ivy ran over and snatched Fang by the neck hard. "Fang what are you doing!!!!!Are you crazy you can't just scratch people like that, you could have really hurt him!!" Fang squirmed out of her grip and quickly flew out the door. He flew past he other dragons and landed on top of a building about a mile away. He curled up in a ball and closed his eye's witha sad look on his face. Ivy pulled out another bottle from her bag and put it on a piece of cloth she took from her pocket. "I am so sorry about Fang. He's usually so nice to people." She slowly wiped the blood from his face and placed the cloth on the scratches. There were three slashes on his cheek diagnolly on his left cheek. "This might sting a little bit." The liquid turned a bright blue when it touched his wound and the pain was gone. Ivy looked at the scares on scratches on his cheek and slowly kissed his cheek and walked away to find Fang.
  21. Ivy ran through the forest towards the edge of the cliff. Her long green hair (a trait she inharited from her father) flowed in the wind as she pulled out an arrow. She pulled back her bow and watched as the arrow flew through the air and sliced through a mans skull. Ivy stopped in front of the mans decaying corps and pulled the arrow from his head and put it back in it's pouch on her back. A small dragon appeard on her shoulder and made a slight cheeping noise. "Hey Fang, look at that sunset."Ivy's eye's widened in shock. "Oh f***!!!!!I'm gonna be late!! Fang get ready to fly fast cause i'm gonna be in a shit load if we don't hurry.!! Fang wined and green flash surrounded him and he turned into a large dragon again. Ivy jumped on his back and petted him slightly on the head before heading off into the sunset. (5 minutes later) Ivy looked down over the city of Tar Valon as she glided across thesky on her dragon. She looked down and saw two me and ther dragons talking to each other. Fang swooped down towards the men and landed in front of them nearly crushing both. The wind thrust though did slam them both face first in the ground.Ivy back flipped off Fang and landed in front of the two men gracefully. Fang turned back to his normal small self and landed on her shoulder again. "Hi...the names Ivy and if you tick me off I'll shoot you f-ing head off!!!" Ivy said evily, then she smiled. "Nice to meet you!!heehee!!"
  22. Name:Ivy Hinyou Age:18 Gender:Female Personality:Ivy is a short tempered b****, she can be nice at times but not unless she likes you.If she doesn't like you she'll shoot an arrow in your a**. Appearance:[URL=http://people.mills.edu/dfitzgib/Arts-Angel.JPG]Ivy[/URL] Except she has green hair. City:Frenas Weapon: Bow and Arrow. Bio: Ivy was born into a rich family and was given a small dragon when she was born. When she turned 7 her whole family was murdered and she was protected by her pet dragon wich she named Fang since he had very sharp teeth and he bit people alot.Fang was almost killed protecting her, but Ivy knew alot about medicines and healing magic.As Ivy got older her and Fang got really close and became best friends. Ivy decided to devote her life to training in martail arts, archery, and training her dragon. By the age of 15 she was an exspert in all of these fields. And for the next couple years she spent her time traveling the country, and doing some assassin jobs for rich slobs, and batteling other dragon trainers. Dragon Profile Name:Fang Gender:Male Type:Poison Appearance:[URL=http://pierrot.jp/title/saiyuki_movie/characters/hakuryu.jpg]Small Fang[/URL] He is usually about three feet long inless you add the tail then he's 6 feet.Except he is green and has a spike choker and arms.He can grow bigger to the normal size of a dragon but he only doe's that to fly Ivy around or to scare his enemie's.[URL=http://www.canadiandragon.com/gallery/drawings/dragon-vaner.jpg]Big Fang[/URL]
  23. Name: Katana Makagie Age: 22 Appearance:[URL=http://www.megahorrorgifs.de/a-ga-021.jpg]Katana[/URL] She looks like that except her clthes and hair are black and her eye's are icy blue. Biography:Katana was born in Japan. She had three older brothers (triplets) and one younger brother. Her mother died when she was five so she was raised by her father and grandfather.Katana has always had a hard a** personality with a very short temper. Her grandfather was a master at ninjitsu and her father was a master at tijutsu. Katana on her own was always good at dodging and blocking attacks. She learned them both and was a master by the age of fifteen, since she lived with men all her life she missed out on a lot of "girlish" activities and from this she was a major tomboy. Most people wouldn't think so by looking at her but once you get to know her you'll figure it out quickly. She was always good with long range shots and her nickname became Sniper. She learned to use her gun's, and throwing dagger's from her older brother's who are exsperts in that area. She was already good with an kitana all her own. Katana started doing assassin jobs when she was 17 and she has been doing it ever since until she was hired. Weapons:Katana has one kitana, two cresent blades (like in pic), and three hand uzi's.She can also do archary very well but she doesn't want to carry a bow around. She wares one uzi on a gun holder on her right, and one on her left thigh, and she has one dagger in her right, and left shoe, and one on a strap on her upper arm, and her last dagger is a secret. Her kitana is on her back.
  24. yo when are we gonna start this thing....................? :animecry: :catgirl:
  25. "Desire!!Desire!!!Where are you going?"Mark ran after her as she entered the church. "I saw a girl run in here.I think she's one of us."Desire ran inside (she changed into her new elfit) and saw teenage boy talking to a priest then walk into a room. "What do you mean one of us?" "I'll explain later..."Mark grabbed her arm and pulled her into a dark corner. "No..you'll tell me now."Desire shifted and patted Midnight on the head. "Ok...me and a..well i'm not sure how many kids have gotten amnesia and I saw a few people running in the woods and they looked angry. What i'm trying to say is I think you have powers to." "No...way. How..I mean my dad promised...HE PROMISED!!!!!!!!!"Mark slammed his fist against the wall and Desire's heart jumped but not out of fear it was like it was made to jump, Mark's eye's turned red and so did some strips of hair. Her heart jumped again but this time her heart started to spead up at an alarming rate..at a fatal rate, then all of her air left her body. Desire held her throat and tried to breath but nothing came in. Her heart skipped a few beats then a huge thump hit her chset and blood spat out of her mouth and she fell to the ground[FONT=Courier New]."Mar...k...ar..k.."[/FONT]Desire fell over as her heart stopped. Mark turned towards as she hit the floor. "Desire.....oh my god."Mark fell to the ground and grabbed Desire.He looked at a piece of hair that was red, and looked back down at Desire. His hand glowed blood red as as a strange aura surrounded it.*What is this?What happened?*Mark slowly put his hand on her chest where her heart would be. He closed his eye's and his hand sank into her chest and he gently grabbed her heart and the aura shot into her heart and it started to beat again, the beat was very loud in his ears, but something was wrong he didn't hear her heart but anyone's heart within a 10 mile radious. but every heart was had it's own unique quality to it like a song or rythem. Desire's heart beat was back to normal but in his ear's it was it's own melody. The priest starred at them from afar and was stunned.He wnted to go get Johnny and Cassie but he was to scarred at the sight he just saw. Desire opened her eye's and coughed."Mark.." Desire looked down and saw Marks hand still on her chest. She raised her hand and slapped him as hard as she could. Mark's face flew into the floor and blood trickled from his mouth and he looked at Desire with a surprised look on his face. "Pervert!!!"Desire was covering her chest. "Hey it's not what you think!!I'm not a pervert I swear.!!!Plus I just saved your life.!!Why can't you just be grateful or happy. "I'm sorry Mark I..."She touched his arm and she felt a worm sensation pass through her blood and she smiled."Mark I'm so sorry!!Oh...my...god your bleeding how gross." Mark just looked at her. "Are you ..ok."Mark grabbed her arm and turned her around. "Just act normal you don't have to lie." Right then Desire went back to normal and she scooted away. "What happened it's like I wanted to act normal something was controling my emotions." Mark looked her and smirked. *Wow she looks really hot in that skirt.* Mark thought and at the same time Desire felt that same warmth go throuigh her body and she smirked. She wiped the hair from her eye's and and put her hands through Marks hair and her other hand slowly went up his leg. "Mark...do think i'm sexy?I know you do..don't worry I want you to!!" She pulled his hair back and his head hit the wall. She moved in closer and slowly put her lips close to his but Mark pushed her away. "Look as much as I want this to be real..I know it's not." *Man it's like her body's reacting to my feelings or something...thats it. She is reacting to my feelings. I thought she looked hot and she was still touching me so her body reacted..thats why she died...I wanted to kill him......man I wish I knew how to control this, that b**terd* "Lets see if this works," Mark grabbed her arm"be normal er like you normal." The same feeling passed through her body and she held her head. "I'm soooo sorry...I don't know what came over me..it's like I wanted to but I didn't...what did you do to me?" She scowled and slapped him in the face .... again. They both got up and walked over to Johnny and Cassie. "Oh..hey Mark whos your dad any way.?" She said laying her hand on his shoulder"You seemed really mad at him." Mark looked at her and rubbed his neck. "He's...a..a scientist at NASA..and I went to go see like I do every month..and I walked in on him and the other scientist..and they were doing wierd exsperiments on some teenagers .....and I saw my little sister..BUT SHE DIDN'T MAKE IT..I SAW HER DIE WHEN I WALKED IN SHE WAS ONLY 6 SHE DIDN'T DESERVE TO DIE!!!!!!!!!! My dad said if I didn't tell he wouldn't do anything...I found my older brother in the other room lying on a bed with blood all over him... and wires...but he was still alive and they were still doing stuff to him..and I couldn't take it.! I hated NASA so much..thay already used my mom and dad in an exsperiment when they were 20 to see if they could make them stop aging, it worked but there was no cure and it was a very costly exsperiment..you know it's wierd, my dad only looks a year older than me and the same as my brother so does my mother.My brother is very strong so he could survive any treatment evan torture and that did happen when he got captured by the russain mafia, when he was 16 but he survived..personaly I think he is a massacist since he always kinda enjoyed it when the guard dogs always attacked him,or he got electricuted,or have to fight the body guards, but he would always win since he's an awsome fighter, he learned every fighting style ever, I mean he started karate when he was three. He knows stuff like karate, ti kwon do, ninjitsu, boxing, and lots of other stuff.I only know karate and ti kwon do for the best punching technique's. Jake's cool though evan though he has a very very very short temper, so if you ever meet him don't get in a fight, argue, mouth off, or try to boss him around cause if your a girl and you do that he'll think your really...well that turns him on I guess." Desire looked at him with a surprised look and walked over Johnny.
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