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Everything posted by GothikMoon
Name: Kitton Monasuke (kitt) Age: 18 Gender: Female Place of Origin: Tokyo, Japan Personality: Kitt is a short tempered, self centered, arragent b*tch.She can be nice at times but only if she likes you. She hates happy, preppy type people, and she despises hyper active good hearted people. Appearance:[URL=http://www.ottawa-anime.org/~eyevocal/beingupfront/pictures/jubeicha.jpg]kitt[/URL] She looks like that except with no patch over her eye and she has all black hair and her elfit is all black as well. Bio: Kitt was 6 when both her parents were killed by her greedy grandfather.Her father was rich and her mother was a fire priestess, but they were forrbidden to be together so they ran away together and had a daughter but they were found 5 years later by her grandfather's personal army. Kitt was always tortured by her grandfather and brutaly abused by his army.A year later her mother was burned alive right and front her and her father was be-headed in front of her as well. After her parents death she swore revenge.Kitt lived with an old ninjitsu,tijutsu, sensai(master) and he took care of her. He taught her everything he knew, and they trained every day until she was 16 , thats when her sensai was killed by her grandfather's army, and that was his last mistake.. At that time she went back to her old home and killed everyone,evan inocent children.It was a masacre and none were left alive except for her 5 year old cousin Taki. Two years later while doing an assasination job she met a man named shique and he told her about man named Kage who might have a job for her so she went.
[COLOR=Black]Desire walked down the street with Fang and Midnight on her shoulders and ignoring everyone as usual. She walked into the mall and went into Hot Topic and looked around. A boy about 19 with spikey black hair, a baggy t-shirt that said "Skate or Die" on it in red letters and baggy black pants with chains hanging off them , with a cross necklace and two silver loop earings in his left ear, and a spike bracelet, walked over and rest his arm on her shoulder. "Hey Desire whats up!?" A girl walked up and wacked him on the head. "Stop flirting with the costumers and get back to work." "Fine. And I wasn't flirting with her, were friends." "Yeah sure whatever." He looked at Desire and smirked "Can I "help you?" Desire did a half a smile and shoved a(n) elfit (consisting of a black and red plad skirt and a tight t-shirt with a evil looking kitty on the front with bat wings and red eyes) into his arms and started look around again. "I want this elfit so go ring it up or something.Oh, and Mark I like the elfit." Mark smirked and brought the cloths up to the register and rung them up. Desire walked up to the counter and leaned over to play with a chain that was hanging from the cash register. "That'll be $61.95.But i'll make it free since your so cute." He said with a wink."It'll come off my pay, how does that sound?" Desire blushed and turned her head towards the ground. "I...ah..I..thanks but you, but you didn't have to." Mark handed her the bag of clothes and stepped out from behind the counter. "I'm done with my shift, do you wanna go take a walk and maybe get some lunch? Don't worrt it's not a date or anything just as friends, what do you say?" Desire looked up (still blushing) and Marl smiled.*How can I resist that smile? He's so cute..no...he's hot totally hot.* "Sure why not." Mark put his hand in his pockets and and walked out the door and Desire followed and when they walked out of the mall Fang landed on Mark's shoulder. "Wow!!Sweet, is he your's?" "Yeah I guess so, do you like him?" "Yeah I love bats there awsome.I didn't know you liked bats." "Acually I'v always liked bats, funny huh.?" "Yeah..I think that's totally hot." Mark said smirking petting Fang.Desire started to blush again as they walked down the street (1 hour later) Mark and Desire walked by a house and saw a wolf laying on the porch and a couple teens walk by the window with cleaning supplies. "I wander whats going on in there. Do you think there volunteer workers or something.?" Mark said."Hey there's a wolf." Mark ran up to the wolf started to pet it's head. Desire ran after him. "Mark thats dangerous, it could bite you." "Come on don't you trust me? I used to always get bit ,but lately after I had amnesia or something a few days ago it's like animals are attacted to me or something, it was kinda wierd but I don't really care." Desire smiled and nodded her head in agreement. Then the wolf sat up and looked strait into her eyes.[/COLOR]
Desire screamed and ran off down the street.*Why did I do that?Whats happening to me?* "Your just delusional, get over it." *I'm going crazy!" "No your not look down." She looked down and saw her stuffed anomal cat starring at her. "I knew it I am crazy." Her voice was calm and soft with a hint of care in the depths. "So she finally decides to talk. God I thought you were gonna talk in your head all day. How boring, I mean I have to read your mind to see what all the comotion is about." "How are you talking?" "I have no idea I just started...ummm...I think it was a spell or something I can't remember." "Whoever made you like this they made me alive well mostly, I still have a stuffed animal body." "What exacly can you do anyway?I mean can you only talk or do you like fly or something?" "No I can't fly I can..well have you ever played Final Fantasy X?" "Yeah why?" "Well You know Lulu? I'm kinda like her stuffed animals, I can do physical/element attacks (he can't do long distance he can only run up and attack you with any element Desire wants him to) and thats it, oh and I can talk." Desire smirked and hugged midnight. "Can't breath.." Desire stopped and started to walk down the street, until she noticed a swarm of bats hovering over her head and people starring at her. Then a single bat wich looked like the leader of the swarm landed on her other shoulder (Midnight was on the other one) now she had a bat, and a stuffed animal onher shoulder and a swarm of bats following her. "This is wierd I mean why are these bats following me. Can I make them go away?" "Sure, they only came cause you wanted them to." Desire looked at him in bewilderment and looked at the bats. *So they did come from my anger. I knew it...I wanted them all to go away..to leave me alone..I..I...wanted them dead!!!!!* Desire ran into the park and ran behind a group of tree's like she usually did and started to cry."I didn't really want them dead..I'm a murderer, evan if I didn't know I could call the bats...." Desire turned to the group of bats and scowled."Go away ..JUST LEAVE ME ALONE!!!!!!!" The bats did as she said and flew away, except for the leader bat it just sat there on her shoulder not caring what she said, it just starred at her then bit her finger. "Ow..what the f*ck did you do that for?" The bat just starred at her and turned his head to the side and flew into one of the tree's. Desire looked at the bat and smiled. *I'll call you fang er somtin.*She thought while petting Midnight.
SORRY I COULDN'T POST BUT MY COMPUTER WAS GETTING REPARED SO I COULDN'T. SO IF YOU DON'T WANT ME TO POST JUST SAY SO. Desire stood at the edge of the forest with her stuffed cat in her arms."What happened?I can't remember a thing." She started to run again, she was alot faster than she remembered almost like she was gliding on the air.Then she relized she was gliding cause her feet wern't touching the ground.She stopped and rubbed her eye's.*I must be dreaming.I can't fly.I'm probably just fell asleep in the park or the old carnival, like I always do. *Well if this is a dream and I can fly then I can just jump off that cliff over there and land on my feet without getting hurt.* Desire ran as fast as she could and jumped off the cliff. Her long black hair flowed in the wind and her arms were holding her dress down as she landed on her feet without a scratch.*I knew it, I am dreaming.* "Wow how did you do that?"A crowd of people had gathered around Desire and were talking about her."Are you crazy you could have died doing that you know!!!?" She looked around and saw all the people."What is she?""I don't know but she seems really wierd.""Yeah...maybe we should call the cops..oh to late." The cops shoved through the crowd and grabbed her arm."All right wise guy.Your coming with us." Desire closed her eye's and tried to wake up, but she couldn't.Right then a large group of bats flew in and attacked everyone except Desire.*Where did they come from?It's like they came out of my rage and fear.I'm not dreaming!!!Holy sh*t.hat the.....* Desire felt a very wierd feeling when she saw a young officer around 25 neck who was holding her.*He looks so young, so full of life*right then her eye's turned a pitch black,*so tasty*Desire grabbed the man and slowly sank his teeth into his neck.She felt her self getting stronger and happier by the second.Then the man dropped dead,but he wasn't youmg anymore he was old very old.*Oh my god!!Isucked the life out of him!!!*
Sign Up Our Macabe Evolution (M-VL, S if you want it)
GothikMoon replied to Engel's topic in Theater
Hey when are we gonna start this thing?It sounds really cool!!!!^_^ :animesmil -
Sign Up Our Macabe Evolution (M-VL, S if you want it)
GothikMoon replied to Engel's topic in Theater
Name: Desire(de-zer-ae) Carlile Age: 18 Gender:Female Appearance:See thumbnail.She looks like the thumbnail except her hair is down and she has silver eyes. Power: She has the powers of vampires other than strength(flying, fangs, deception) and no vampire weaknesses, but in stead of sucking blood she sucks the life out of you in a matter of seconds. She can also summon bats. Personality: Desire is a very shy person with a short temper, she can be nice at times.Most people thimk she's wierd because she carrie's around a stuffed cat at her age. Bio: Desire was always kinda anti-socail ever since she was a kid, the only things she would ever talk to was her mom's grave and her stuffed cat midnight that her mom gave her before she died. Her mom died when she was 11 and she never knew her father. She was sent all around to different orphanage's until she was 15, then she ran away with her stuffed cat.While she was in the orphanige she learned martail arts from an orphan she met from Japan. She learned to live on her own until she made friends with a girl named Eve while walking in the park one night.Theyere best friends until Eve was hit by a car and put into a coma. Shortly after that NASA found her. -
Sign Up Inuyasha: Search for the Sword[M-LVS]
GothikMoon replied to lil kitsune boy's topic in Theater
Name: Kitana Age: 11 Gender: Female Species: half wolf, quarter human, and quarter other demon (I don't really know what Naraku is). :catgirl: Eyes: Really light blue Hair: black hair put up in a ponytail with one strip of hair on each side, the strip on the right is all white Height: 4'5" Weight: 75 lbs Weapons/Powers: Kitana has two fan blades, they look like curved swords but when she wants they spread apart like a fan. Kitana's power is that she is a pretty powerful psychic, she uses telepathy, mind reading, and telekanesis, but she usualy makes a black orb of psychic energy which she uses to throw at people, spy on people, control people and make forcefields Personality: Kitana is a pretty serious person with a very short temper. She can be nice at times but not usually only when she likes the person Background: Kitana's mom died when she was nine and was taken in by Sango and Kohaku after Naraku was killed, she knew Kohaku when he was under Naraku's rule and they became best friends. Kitana is really Naraku's only daughter, Naraku was always trying to use Kitana's power for his dirty work and he usually did, nobody knows that she is Naraku's daughter except for Kohaku. Even Sango doesn't know. Kitana doesn't want people to know because they might look down on her and think she was evil like her father. Mission: Kitana wants to find the sword so she can kill Naraku, so he can't use the sword and become all powerful and destroy everything even if it costs her her life. ----------- Sorry I'm so late. My computer was busted -
[QUOTE=Methuselah][COLOR=LightBlue][SIZE=1]I'd like to start this and I'm glad that those who singed up are interested, but at the moment I don't have enough people signed up. I'll just sit and hope that enough join...eventually, heh. cheese master, I suggest that you seriously work on your post quality, it's not good enough for the standard I'd like in this RP, sorry.[/SIZE][/COLOR][/QUOTE] I posted at school and I only had like two minutes to post so it was in a hurry!!!SORRY!!Usually my posts are better but if I try to post at my house I don't have cookies so it doesn't work so I have to find time at school!!!
Name:Nikkie C. Codename:ying yang Dragon Country:france Position:Rebel leader Gender:Female Age:23 Appearance:Shoulder length blonde hair(flipped out at the end).One light blue eye almost white and one really dark brown eye almost black.She wears a tight black leather tanky belly shirt,black baggy pants with one long hanging all around her pants, a black burea,and black tenashoe's. Preferred Weapon:A spikey chain whipp she wears on her pants and six throwind knives hiden all over her clothes. Personality:She is usually nice and caring but bug her once and she'll snap on you like theres no tomarrow so you better watch out!!! Bio:Nikkie grew up in a large house with her father in paris until she was 15 when her father was murdered by brithish soldiers.Her mother was killed when she was 2 so she never really knew her.She started a rebel group when she was 18.She was trying to find a way to get back at Britain ever since. I did this at the end of class and I only had like 2 minutes .
All you have to do is find a way to get your memory back and you'll do just fine .I mean if you try to put your mind to it you can I know you can and if you don't i'm gonna have to kick your a.."Mark was interapted by Kaylie shoving her hand over his mouth."Are you crazy you can't swear!!And your suppost to be a pure angel,gease!!"Mark bit her hand and kaylie screamed and quickly pulled her hand away."Dang Mark you stupid...ahhh!!You bit me look at this i'm bleeding!!God Mark bite hard enough already!!"Mark smirked and rubbed the blood off his lip."Oh..woops I for got to mention Sakura's getting a surgery she won't be any vampire anymore.""Kaylie did a half smile."Yeah great." Mark gave Kaylie her gun back."Hey I gotta go I promised Sakura I would be there when she woke up.Well seeya.""Hey Mark can I come I have nothin to do anyways."I don't know..""Oh please.When it comes to it i'm really good at fighting inless i'm trying to fight you, but thats another story."Mark smiled."Sure why not but be careful ok it's dangerouse."Mark disapeared and Kaylie grabbed her coat.*Now I can finally get rid of Sakura once and for all.And Mark will be mine!!*"haha" Mark walked into the temple and sat next to Sakura and held her hand and laid his head on her stomach and fell asleep.Kaylie walked and saw both of them asleep."Dang it Marks here now i'll have to wait in less." Kaylie pulled out her gun and pointed it at Sakura's head."To easy.."Kaylie heard someone behind her and she quickly put her gun away.'Who are you?"Kaylie turned around and saw Anna rite behind her."Hi i'm Kaylie Sakura and Marks friend." Sakura opened her eye's and saw Kaylie and Anna."Hey guys.Kaylie what are you doing here." "I'm here to see if you wre alright."Mark woke up and looked at Sakura."Sakura your awake are you ok." "Yeah of caurse I am." Mark hugged Sakura and kissed her.Kaylie glared at Sakura."Whats wrong Kaylie are you alright." "Yeah i'm just fine!!"Kaylie stormed out of the room and slammed the door. Sakura got up and walked out of the room with mark and grabbed her bag and walked outside in the rain."Great just what I needed."Mark spread one of his wings out and put over her head."Thanks.Aren't you gonna cover yourself up?" "No, I like the rain it soothes me."Ok then.Just don't be getting a cold thts the last thing I need right now."Sakura said smiling.
Sakura followed Anna to the temmpleand laid down for the surgery.Mark followed and held her hand."I'll be hear when you wake up.I promise!"Mark left the room and Anna put Sakura to sleep. Mark walked out side and put on his jacket and flashed away.(ANGELS TRAINING GROUND SECTOR 2).Mark walked over to a girl wearing a long white dress and two guns strapped to her sides."Hey kaylie.Whats up."Kalylie quickly turned around and slammed Mark to the ground and put a gun to his head."What are you doing hear Mark you know your not allowed in hear!?"Mark grabbed the gun and put it up to her chin."To slow.Your lucky I don't kill you right now but I need your help."Mark took the gun away from her head and put it in his pocket on the inside of his coat and slappec the back of her head. Kaylie rubbed her head and tried to hit him back but failed and ended up face first on the ground with her arm behind her back."Have you forgot everything I taught you or are you just a dimwit!?"What!!Of caurse not I just....uhhhhhh.."Mark helped her up."Thats what I thought.You'l never learn will you?"Kaylie put her hand on her head and smiled."Maybe your right.I'm just a stupid blonde or brunet or am I red head I can't remember.Kaylie looked at her hair smiled slightly.Or maybe i'm siverhared oh close enough."Mark looked at her confused and patted her on the head."Thats ok you'll learn inventually."Kaylie smiled and and hugged Mark tightly."You really think so?"
Sakura looked at Mark and smiled."Hey...you all right your looken kinda pale.?"Sakura knodded and layed on the bed to rest."I'm not feeling so well I have a headache and stomach hurts but I think I'll be fine.Mark i'm gonna get that surgery!I'm gonnatell Aravor tomarrow morning." Mark smiled and took Sakura in his arms."You'll be fine I promise you you'll liveand you won't be a vampire again...I won't let you."Sakura hugged Mark and started to cry on his shoulder."You can't be to sure about it can you?I mean you don't know your not a freaking phychic you know.I don't want you to worry about me you should worry about your self.."Sakura paused and looked at a larbe wound on Marks neck that went down in his shirt.Sakura ripped his shirt and saw the wound go down his chest to the middle of his stomach. Sakura gasped and looked at Mark."What happened!!!?""I got in a fight with Victor a few days ago before you came.It's nothing really.""NOTHING!!!Are you crazy?this could of killed you."
Sakura and Mark look at griff in the same manor and then looked back at Victor."Seeya Vic.......later."Sakura watched as Victor left and followed as Aravor left to the hotel."Hey Mark you coming or what?" Mark put his sword away and turned away."No....I think i'm gonna stay here for a minute I'll be over there later." Mark looked to the sky and spread his wings and in a white flash he was gone.Sakura watched as Mark legt and she layed down on the grass and looked to the sky and held onto a cross witha heart wrapped around it necklace and closed her eye's. [i]Mark walked up to Sakura and gave her a kiss and sat on a rock next to the waterfall."Hey happy birthday!"[/i]
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mark walked out of the room and looked at Sakura who was leaning on the door looking at the floor."So it's true i'm gonna turn into a vampire again ain't I.Inless I do the surgery right?"Mark sighed and walked over to Sakura."Yeah...Sakura I...I'm sorry I couldn't cure you all the way.It's all my falt I didn't know how to purefy you all the way because my master was another pure and he died and I never got to finish my training all the way with him...i'm so sorry!"Mark's eye's started to water and he fell to the ground and put his arms over his head."If I lost you I would have nothing to live for and I could never kill you just like I couldn't kill you before!" Sakura nelt down and wrapped her arms around him."It's not your folt at all plus if you didn't evan purefy me most of the way I wouldn't evan be here with you.So don't blame yourself if anyone's to blame it would be me.I mean I should've noticed the sign's before." Mark put his hand on Sakura's cheek and looked into her eye's and smiled then he pulled her closer and kissed her and he scooted her agains't the wall and pressed his lips harder to really deepen the kiss and he wrapped his arms around her waist. Mark and Sakura walked out of the room and looked out the window and saw angels and the black mage outside."Mark what doe's the surgery really do I mean I heard it when you guys wre talking but you never said what it did like if it just totally cured me and thats it or if took my powers to or what because i'm confused?" "I'm not sure she didn't say but we better get out there it looks like Viktor might be coming soon." "Yeah I know I can sence him coming." Mark and Sakura ran out to Aravor and the others to see what was up."Hey guys whats going on.Aravor are you all right I mean you don't look to good.You all right?" Aravor looked at Sakura."I'm fine you shouldn't worry so much about me when you have yourself to worry about." "I guess your right! Sakura pulled out her blades and got ready incase of any fight and Mark pulled out his sword as well wich started to glow a whitesh aura around it and strange markings covered it.Sakura looked at the blade."I never saw it do that before where did you get that anyway?" "I gat it from my master he left it to me he said it was specail and it helped him when he fought.I didn't know what he meant then but I do know it's like it expresses the same feelings I do like when i'm mad it glowsc a red aura and so on.It's kindove wierd I still havn't figured out how to handle it all the way and i'v had it since I was ten." Mark looked at Viktor and smirked."So your the almighty Victor i'v been hearing about.You don't look like a very powerful vamp to me but I guess from what I heard I would be wrong."Sakura looked at Victor and smiled."Hi Vic remember me?You look like you've gotten better while I was gone.Am I right?"Victor looked at Sakura and smirked."Sakura.So your still alive I see.I figured you would be since you were never a weak girl."Mark looked back and forth at Victor and Sakura confused."You know him?" "Yeah we go way back don't we Vic!" "Don't call me Vic!How many times do I have to tell you Sakura!?"
Mark and Sakura followed Aravor into the room and sat down while she went to talk to Anna."I wonder what's taking so long?I mean she's been in there a while and I thought I heard something in there."Mark looked at Sakura and shook his head."Don't worry,she's fine.Well I think she is...." "What do you mean you think?Do you think something happened to her?" "Let's go check just make sure alright?Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaasssse!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "Fine." Sakura and Mark ran into the room and saw Aravor standing there looking at the ground."Hey Aravor you alright we thought we heard something?" "I'm fine.It was nothing don't worry."Sakura ran up and looked around the room."hmmmmmmmmm.......I since something was here....right here." Aravore looked at Sakura suspicoucly."You could sence something here?" "Yup." "Oh Mark Anna wanted to see you."
The next day Sakura got up and looked at Mark who was still asleep under a tree.Sakura smiled and stood up."It's still dark I wonder if I can catch the sunset before Mark wakes up?"Sakura saw a big hill and decided to walk up it she grabbed her jacket and started walking.Sakura got to the top of the hill and sat down and started to watch the sunset.As the sun rose the warmth embraced her whole body and she closed her eye's and enjoyed her few minutes of utter silence and peace.Sakura felt a hand on her shoulder and she opened her eye's and saw Mark sit down next to her and watch the sun."It's beautiful isn't it?"Sakura smiled."Yeah it is."Mark put her hand on Sakura's and Sakura laid her head on his shoulder then Mark gave Sakura a light kiss on the lips and Sakura wrapped her arms around hid neck to deepen the kiss.Then they both looked at eachother and smiled then they started to kiss again. Mark and Sakura walked down the hill to the tree were everything was."Hey Mark." "Yeah.."Sakura looked at him and put her blades in her back pack."I was wondering how many are there of your kind?"Mark looked at her confused."What do you mean?""You know pure angels how many pure angels are there?"Mark looked at her and didn't say anything."What is it Mark what's wrong did I say something wrong?" "No......it's just that..oh never mind." "Come on Mark you can tell me anything." "I'm the only pure angel left.There used to be lots of us but the vampires liked to kill them the most because there some of the most powerful angels since they can purefy vampires if they touch them.We can eather kill them if there were born vampires or turn them back into humans if they were bit."Mark looked at Sakura and smiled."Or kiss them and turn them into angels like I did with you."Sakura smiled and kissed Mark on the cheek."Now get dressed in your human clothes or you will be arrested because they will think your a luny dressed like that out in public."Mark grabbed his clothes and walked behind the bushe's to get dressed.Mark walked out wearing a black no sleeve t-shirt that said D12 in white letters and baggy blue jeans with whole the knee and black sneakers his hair was already short white and spikey and one loop earing in his left ear.Sakura smiled."Now your ready to go." Sakura and Mark walked to the arcade and played games until nightfall.Sakura walked out and started busting out laughing."I can't beleave I beat you every time at Soul Calibur 2 man you suck!!"Mark smirked."I wouldn't be talking mrs. smarty pants cause I beat you every time at Tekken 4 thank you very much! Plus I let you win Soul Calibur 2 anyways since you lost every time at Tekken4!!"Sakura stopped laughing."Yeah right I totally let you win!" "Sure..I let you win!" "No I let you win." Whatever!" They both said in unison. They both looked at each other and started to laugh then they started walking to a dance club or somewhere they might find vampires trying to pick up someone.Sakura and Mark walked into a large dark ally with one flickering light in the corner. "I think we took a wrong turn maybe we should go back." Then an arrow flew out of a dark corner and hit Sakura in the back of her lower leg.Sakura winced and fell to the ground.The arrow had gone through her leg so half was sticing out the other side.Mark pulled out his sword from what seemed like knowhere and blocked a few more arrows that came from the same corner.Sakura pulled out some throwing knives from her bag and threw at the corner and something in the corner burst into flames and dissapeared.Mark looked at Sakura's leg."Are you gonna be ok?Can you walk on it?" "Yeah i'll be fine but I can't walk on it I think it's broken."Sakura looked at the sky and her eye's started to glow a light blue and the cloud's turned black and they covered the whole sky.Sakura lifted up her hands and the wind started to blow really hard."Hold on to something Mark because it's about to be a large lightning storm." A lightning bult came down and Sakura cought it and both her hands started to glow blue as well and it started to rain and thunder.Aton of lightning started to pour out of the sky like rain and it hit the ground and it shocked Mark and he fell to the ground."Watch were you aim those things ok!" *Come on Sakura you can do this.*Sakura thought.Sakura held out her hand towards one of the many vampires that came after the sky turned evan blacker than usual and blasted her with a orb of lightning.Sakura started to feel very sleepy from the loss of blood from the wound.The sky went back to normal and so did sakura's eye's and hands.Mark picked her up and srpread his golden wings and he flew into the sky and stopped right above the ally and made a white ball with his hands and he his eye's and whole body started to glow white.Sakura felt an enormass amount of energy coming from him.*Wow I never saw him do this before and man he looks really ticked.I don't want to get him angry.*Sakura thought. Mark shot the blast and hit then it spread out like a bomb all over the city but only vampires that didn't get away were killed by the blast and that was quite a bit.Mark turned back to normal and started to pant."I havn't done that in a while." Sakura smiled and then she passed out.
yo mai when is this gonna start i've beem waitin a while so hurry alright!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :sleep: :babble: :smirk:
[COLOR=Red]Sakura fell to the ground and looked to the sky and starred for a moment and got up.*I wounder were I landed.*Sakura thought.Sakura looked at her clothes,she was wearing her human clothes but she still had her blades connected to her pants in case of a fight. *I better hide these in my jacket or I might give myself away.*Sakura thuoght. "You must be the newbie."A man with all white pants and and shirt with a white cape me ou from behind a tree. Sakura looked at him and smiled then hit him slightley in the stomach with her elbow."Nice to see you to Sakura.Geeze ya know that's tender spot." 'Ya havn't changed a bit since you left Mark."Sakura ran up and gave Mark a big hug."I've missed you!Why havn't you visited or anything since you left I've been worried sick about you!"Mark walked over and leaned agains a tree and looked at the clouds and then back at Sakura."I've had no way of connectng you. Especailly since the vammpires have started to grow.I think they might be finding ways to catch us better, but my thoughts."Sakura looked at him."It's almost night fall we better get ready the vamp's should be heading out so nows the time to be on gard.Were should we head out to?Have any major vampirr sightings or any major feeding grounds yet?" "A couple but nothing to seriouse though." Mark grabbed Sakura's hand and Sakura laid her head on his shoulder.Mark and Sakura walked down the street until they heard a noise in the ally. Sakura put her hands on her one of her weapons and let the other hang loose and Mark did the same. They both stopped and looked down the ally and heard a scream coming from the end of the ally. Sakura and Mark ran down the ally and saw a dark figure holding a young teenage girl with two holes in her neck. Sakura pulled out her blades ang got ready to fight but before she could charge the figure vanished into the night leaving the girl lying on the ground. Sakura ran to the girl and pulled out a white cloth and put it on the girls neck to stop the bleeding.The girl looked white shade of pale colour then she tried to say something but before she could the girl took a last breath and her heart stopped."I can help her still there's time to heal." Mark put his hand on her shoulder."It's to late she's already turning the poisen is already in her system.We have to kill her before she become's one of them".The girl jumped up and tryed to bite Sakura but Mark pulled out his sword and stabbed the girl thruogh the heart and she screamed and burst into flames and dissapeared in the wind. "They turn alot quicker than I remember"."Yeah I know thats why there sending more angels down to fight them theyvebecome evan more dangerous than ever know".Mark held out his hand and lifted Sakura off the ground and they both walked out of the ally.Sakura held her head and looked aruond then she fell to the ground and her nose started to bleed and her head started to feel like it was about to explode.Mark nelt down next to her and put his hand on her back."Are you alright Sakura?What's wrong?"Sakura tried to speak but her head hurt to much then she got enough energy to say something."I can sence something..I think it's ...it's the vampire that killed me I can still feel him when he's around I still have a connection evan when I was cured from being a vampire years ago.But I thought...I would stop feeling his presence if I was killed and became an angel it doesn't make any sence only vampires can sence the one's who bit them inless I wasn't cured all the way then.. well never mind that can't be true I can't still be part [/COLOR] [COLOR=Red]vampire[/COLOR][COLOR=Magenta]".*Can I?*[/COLOR] Sakura thought.
Sakura walked down the hall to the training room.*Hello Sakura wuz up?I heard master Sashie was sending more worriors to earth to hunt down vampires!!*Sakura looked at her and confused.*How do you know that katty wre you eve's dropping? You know your gonna get in huge trouble if they find out and master Sashie is gonna kick your..*Sakura was interapted by a familiar voice.* Sakura master sashie wants to see you.* Sakura walked to a large room with weapons all over.Two guys waqlked out smiling and they looked at her and smirked.*good luck.*The boys said in unison.Sakura walked in and sat down in a chaisr next to a girl with long blond hair and siver eye's.*Hello master Sashie.What did you want me for?*.*Sakura I want you to go with the earth worriors to track down vampires.**But master Sashie..**Sakura i'm not your master any more your thruogh with your training.Now it's your turn to finally do what you've been training to do!!Seeya!!*Sakura looked confused, then a hole appeared and Sakura fell through. i have to edit later cuoldn't edit have to go eat!!!!!!!!!
my fav is dearest from inuyasha it's awsome and really relaxing!!!!!!!!! :sleep: :D
Name:sakura monatoya Age:57(looks 16) Race:angel Bio:sakura is a middle class worrior angel.She was killed by a vampire at the age of sisteen and was planning on revenge ever since.She is more of the class clown type than a worrior though, she is a skilled fighter, but she hardly ever acually fights in less she needs too.She is looked down by most of the other angels because they think she's wierd,she doesn't care what other people think of her and she doesn't take any crap from any one and she is really sassy at times. appearance:She has dark purple hair shoulder high with light purple tips with one light purple eye and one blood red eye.She usually wears white bell bottoms with chains and a baggy white shirt and a choker in order to blend in with humans or a short silver white flowy skirt with a silver white top and two cresent blades incase of a fight.She has no wings but she can fly if she wants.She can be seen by humans or anything if she wants them to see her wich she usually doe's in order to seem normal so vampires won't notice her as easy!!
Digidestined Name: katty (katt) hitaruko Age: 14 Gender: female Appearence: [URL=http://pantransit.reptiles.org/images/1997-03-09/viper203.jpg]Click[/URL] Bio:katt(y) is a hyperactive, average fourteen year old.She geta average a's and b's at school, she not popular and has a few friends.She came to the digital world while playing with her digivice.She met Gatomon while she was wandering and became partners almost instantly, now there out to save the digital world from ever being over run by evil digimon. Personality:katt is a very happy,hyper, and fun loving girl who will do anything for her friends. Digivice: Just a regular first season digivice Digimon Baby Form: Name: SnowBotamon Type: Micro Attribute: Data Attack(s): Diamond Dust Appearence: [URL=http://ca.geocities.com/digi_josied7/images/SnowBotamon.gif]Click[/URL] In-Training: Name: Nyaromon Type: Lesser Attribute: Data Attack(s): Galactica Magnum Tail, Atomic Bomber Tail, Tail Whip Appearence: [URL=http://cf.geocities.com/digi_josied5/images/Nyaromon.gif]Click[/URL] Rookie: Name: Salamon Type: Mammal Attribute: Vaccine Attack(s): Puppy howling, Petit punch, Sledge crash Appearence: [URL=http://cf.geocities.com/digi_josied6/images/Salamon.gif]Click[/URL] Champion: Name: Gatomon Type: Animal Attribute: Vaccine Attack(s): Lightning Paw, Cat's Eye Hypnotism, Rapid Punch, Punch-Headslam-Kick, Rumble Ram, Dash Punch Appearence: [URL=http://cf.geocities.com/digi_josied3/images/Gatomon.gif]Click[/URL] Ultimate: Name: Angewoman Type: Angel Attribute: Vaccine Attack(s): Celestrial Arrow/Heaven's Arrow, Heaven's Charm Appearence: [URL=http://cf.geocities.com/digi_josied/images/Angewomon.gif]Clcik[/URL] Mega: Name: Ophanimon Type: Angel Attribute: Vaccine Attack(s): Sephirote Crystal, Shining Javelin Appearence: [URL=http://cf.geocities.com/digi_josied5/images/Ophanimon.jpg]Click[/URL]