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Everything posted by GothikMoon

  1. Eon gaged and started to reach for the blue dragon on her shoulder, but stopped when she saw them running away together. A tear escaped her eye as she watched them. *How strange. They look just like...us. The day we were shunned by the gods for our love.* Crawling over to Luthian, she hugged him tightly and cried into his chest. "I love you..." Intertwining her fingers with his, she smiled and faded into the darkness. Victoria gasped for breath as she dragged John through the woods. Looking back, she noticed Eon wasn't following them, actually it was very quiet. Resting John against a tree, she sat next to him and caught her breath, "Hey John, you ok? John?" His pale skin was freezing cold as she touched his cheek. "No...John...Wake up...please!" The tears flowed from her eyes as she hugged him, praying it was all dream. Suddenly, a bright light appeared before them and turned into Eon and Luthian. Victoria's eyes widened and an orb vapored in her hand. "Wait, there is no need to try and fight. That orb wouldn't effect our souls anyway." Smiling, she lowered herself next to john and poked his chest. A spiral-like dragon appeared over his heart and his body twitched, then started to turn pink. " These are my gifts to you." "For what?" " Saving us. We were cursed many centuries ago for our forbidden love. Now we are finally free." They both smiled at eachother and kissed. Then vanished. Looking at John, Victoria smiled and pressed her lips against his. "Ha! I knew it!" Tetra popped out from a bush and laughed. "I knew you two would get together. Where the hell are we anyway? The last thing I remember is walking home form school, then nothing." John breathed deeply and opened his eyes. "Wha...what happened? Did you beat her?"
  2. Sasuki laughed and sat down next to Iza. " Oh quit Natsu. Your not intimidating. Lighten up a little will you." Stroking Iza's hair, she quickly tied her hair in two pigtails with ribbons. "I am getting very irretated with sitting in this rotten cave, can we please get the hell out of here...I just got a huge craving for some fresh fish. yummmm....fish...." Slowly licking her lips, she stood up and stretched. "Well, I'm gonna go down to the river. See you guys later." Smiling, she walked out of the cave. After a short walk through the woods, she arrived at a small stream. *Well, it's no river, but it'll do.* Scanning the water, she watched the fish flutter bye, and memorized there patterns. Continuously stabbing her sword into the water, she grinned at the many fish potruding from the sharp steel. " It looks like someone won't be getting one. Hmmm...oh well." Walking back to the cave, she handed everyone but Acolyte a fish and smiled. "Sorry, I forgot about you." Sitting back next to Iza, she quickly cut up her fish, and ate the sections she enjoyed.
  3. Sasuki got up and quickly put on her clothes. The anger was pulsating through her as she found her Katana. Twirling it around a few times, she noticed Izanami slip out, and she followed closely. She watched with a large smile on her face as the farmers fell. *It's been a long time since I killed a man...* Unsheathing her katana, she seductively walked to the horde of farmers. She smiled sweetly and bowed. "Hello, I'm sasuki. I would greatly appreciate any woman and children to leave. I would absolutely hate to kill them." Smiling again she waited patiently for them to leave. " Were not making them leave for you! I would hate for my loved ones to see me kill you." The small man screamed at her with utter fear in his eyes. He wanted to run away himself. Suddenly, a large man shoved his way through the crowd and smirked at her. A large ax in his hand. " What is a delicious woman like you doing with a ruthless band like them? You could do so much better, especially with that body." He grinned and looked her over lustfully. She hardened her grip on the katana and sighed. "Your right. What am I doing with these savages...when I could have someone like you?" She purred and wrapped her arms around the man. Grinning, she shoved her lips against his. After a moment, the mans body began to go limp and he shoved her off. " What the hell?! What did you do to me?" Stumbling backwards, he fell to the ground and took one last gasp before dying. Sasuki laughed and wipped her lips. *God I hate slobs like him! Unfortunately, my powers haven't been fully restored, so I had to make contact longer than I hoped.* "Ugh! He tastes like cheap saki!" Glaring at the cowering men before her, she grinned evilly and raised her sword. " I belong to no one! No band, no race, and especially no man!" Screaming, she lunged at the crowd, quickly maneuvering her way through their flesh like butter, and laughing as they fell. Starring at the last man in her way, she licked the blood off the tip of her katana and smiled at him. He was a young one, barely 16 by the looks of him. He was leaning against a tree, his eyes scanning the surroundings, searching for a way to escape. "Tell me child, why are you here?" The boy looked up at her cautiously and answered. "Umm...my father brought me here. H...he thought it would be a good experience for me a..a passage into manhood or something." Tears were rolling down the boys cheeks now, and he fell to the ground. "Please...I don't know who you guys are. I don't know anything." Sasuki sighed and sheathed her katana. "Alright...but go quickly. The others won't be so merciful." The boy smiled and ran into the woods. "Thank you." Running her fingers through her hair, she walked back to the cave, and stealthily climbed her way to the top of the cave. Finding Acolyte watching them, she grunted and kicked the back off his head, causing him to fall to the ground. "Don't ever think you can control me! No amount of pain will make me serve a thug like you! The only reason I'm staying here, is to find my daughter. I will do nothing against my will." Frowning, she took Acolytes old seat and watched the action.
  4. "Aww...it looks like love won't win this time little one." Eon chuckled and transformed back into her human form. She smiled and unsheathed her riddick claws. "Let's get this over with." Glancing to Luthian, her eyes turned crimson as blood rolled down her cheeks. "No more magic. Just a one on one fight to the death." Raising her claws, she rushed Victoria on foot. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sorry, ran out of time:animeswea
  5. Sasuki smiled and picked up the girl into her arms. "I got you darling. Don't worry. I see you haven't got your memory back yet. It's alright, I understand." Walking back to the cave, she slowly sat Izanami down on a large rock and hugged her. " Your freezing Iza!" She looked at the man who awoken them and grunted. " I hope you have something for her. You men are all the same, no respect for a woman's body." Glaring at Acolyte, she stood up and walked up to him. " So, what's your plan? You must have some big plan to go through all the trouble to wake us up."
  6. Sasuki shoved at the man on top of her, but her small body could do nothing to lift the large man from atop of her. She could feel the poison running through her veins, quickly weakening her with every movement. Her body was looming on the edge of unconsciousness as a sharp pain coursed through her body. She immediately screamed and clawed at the man trying to get free, but the man only laughed and sunk deeper. Suddenly, the man's face became disfigured and morphed into another man, someone she had killed, then another man, and another, on and on every one a man she had murdered. She squeezed her eyes shut and opened them after a moment. Opening her eyes, she saw a little girl with a silver tail running through the woods. Her sapphire eyes darting violently back and forth trying to find some place safe. The girl leaped into an ancient oak and continued to make her way across the branches. Trailing close behind her was a hoard of vicious demon slayers. They screamed and frivolously stalked her, shouting mercilessly and disdainfully at the young child. Sasuki ground her teeth and unsheathed her sword. Instantly, she sprung into offensive, quickly gaining on the hunters, she leaped in front of them and attacked. Unfortunately, she was nothing but a ghost to them. Every slice of her sword swung through the crowd like a mirage and touched no one. She screamed watched as one of the hunter's arrows pierced the girl's calve. She fell hard to the ground and landed hard, her blood spewing from the open wound. The girl's eyed widened in fear. "Please, don't kill me! What did I do?" She squirmed backwards onto a tree behind her. A large man emerged from the crowd and stood over her. "You are a half-breed. Demon scum! The humans hate your Demon blood, while the Demons hate you for your human blood. Your own parents abandoned you. Haha! Your death is needed." He laughed evily and raised his sword. Tears smeared the girl's face as she screamed.... "Saih!!" Sasuki screamed and shot up from the ground. Without hesitating, she shoved past the man before her and into the night. Her nude body shimmering beneath the moonlight. * Mommies coming baby!!* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OOC: Here are some pics of Kauran(Her old lover) and Saih (Her daughter) for future references. Kauran- [URL="http://www.quizilla.com/user_images/A/AN/ANI/AnimeWolfPrincess16/1184706072_cturesharu.gif"]http://www.quizilla.com/user_images/A/AN/ANI/AnimeWolfPrincess16/1184706072_cturesharu.gif[/URL] Saih- [URL="http://i161.photobucket.com/albums/t203/crumblingheart/anime/dot%20hack%20legend%20of%20the%20twilight/yyh_OuKabig.jpg"]http://i161.photobucket.com/albums/t203/crumblingheart/anime/dot%20hack%20legend%20of%20the%20twilight/yyh_OuKabig.jpg[/URL] She's not mommies little girl anymore^.^
  7. Luthian laughed and jumped off the cliff. Suddenly, a burst of flame exploded into the air and a large dragon flew into the air. It seemed to smirk as it it landed on the edge of the cliff. In a deep voice it said, " If you want to get to her, you'll have to go through me first." It laughed and inhailed deeply. Upon exhalation, a large stream of fire potruded from it's throat. Eon smiled and jumped from the water, landing behind the hero's. Now the kids were surrounded. Infront of them was a death by excrusiating burning, and behind them was a deffinate dinner. It was time for them to choose.
  8. Scarlett rubbed her eyes and slowly sat up. She instantly winced as the pain in her shoulder shot down her arm. Looking to the chair beside her, she saw Izu silently sleeping. She smiled and ruffled his hair. Sighing when it did nothing, she removed her covers and hopped out of bed. Laying the covers over Izu, she slipped her shirt back on, and walked out of the room. Eyeing the ship, she noticed no one was out. *Hmmm....they must all be sleeping.* She grinned and ran to the back of the ship. Gleaming at the black water, she sighed and remembered the fun she used have there. She used to be quite an excellent swimmer, but not so much anymore. Smiling, she also remembered what else she did for fun when she was young. Climbing the long rope, she arrived at the top of the mass. She chuckled slightly and unsheathed her swords, holding them both out parallel to her shoulders. Closing her eyes, she immediately started practicing her techniques while walking across the rope. This helped her keep good balance and light footing. Quickly gaining speed, she swung back and forth, swinging and twirling her swords as she pleased. Eventually it was like nothing, she didn't even start to slip, she was flipping and spinning forward and backward, completely compelled with the movements. Upon reaching the end of the rope, she back flipped off the rope and land hard on the wooden floor. Finally opening her eyes, she smiled proudly and sheathed her weapons. Taking a deep breath, she began to stretch her body, doing Tae Kwan Do was very relaxing, and helped form her concentration. Starting with simple stretches, she worked her way to actual fighting stances and defensive techniques. Breaking a sweat, she started moving faster and much more ferociously. Every strike serged with intensity, eventually actually producing electricity. Making her final move, she shot out her palm, producing a wave of lighting that vibrated the ship and sky alike. Wiping the sweat form her brow, she looked to the sky and smiled as the rain started to pour upon her steaming flesh.
  9. "Damn! Not now..." Scarlett swore under her breath and looked over the ships. Finding the one she wanted, she instantly turned into lightning and zapped to the ship. Landing on the front deck, she was instantly surrounded by Marines. "Move! I need to speak with General Verunka." The men smiled and moved out the way. "Right away princess. Hehe..." She frowned and stomped past him. Arriving at the captain's corters, she angrilly kicked down the door and stormed into the room. A large, muscular man stood erect near the window, a long cigar petruding from his scarred mouth. He took a long breath of his cigar and lowered it next to his waist. "What the hell are you doing here?" The General scoffed and walked up to her. "I came to get rid of some pests. Finding you was luck." He eyed her angrilly and fiddled with his crimson mustach. "It 's time for you to go home! You've been playing around for too long." Scarlett chuckled and rested her hand on her sheath. "Playing? I denounced my heritage years ago! I wouldn't call that playing." "It is not in your power to do so. The only way you will ever lose your name is in marriage. Speaking of...I ahve arranged something for you." "Hell no! I am not going to marry him! You don't control me." "Like hell I don't! I am your father and your going to do what I say!" "Forget it. I'm leaving." She sighed and started to leave. The general grabbed her arm and forcefully threw her onto the deck. Throwing off his jacket, he picked her off the ground and blew a puff of smoke in her face. "To bad, I was hoping you would become an elegant young woman. You could have had everything." Scarlett grabbed his wrists and shocked him, he reluctantly released her. "I am not some whore you can sell off to the highest bidder!" "Baby, I already have. Your absence is costing me good money by the way." He smiled and twirled a pair of handcuffs around his finger. Her eyes widened, the rage quickly consuming her. "Fuck you!" She unsheathed her swords and lunged at him with lightning speed. He easilly dodged the attack and back-handed her. "Ha! Did you forget who taught you in the first place?" she smiled and drew her neddles from the pouch on her leg. "Your right. This one's new..." Throwing the needles into his hands, he winced and laughed. "That's it?" "No." Snapping her fingers, a bolt shattered the the sky and hit the neddles, sending electricity to bounce back and forth between the needles. Thus, frying everything inbetween. The general coughed and fell to the floor. His men gathered around him and starred, unable to figure out what to do. "Is he dead?" "Unfortunetly no." Suddenly, a tall young man shoved his way through the crowd and stood before her. Realizing who it was, she hugged him and smiled. "Brian, your alive!" He smiled brightly and shoved the gun to her chest. "What?" "Sorry babe, but i'm never been good with getting dumped." He grinned and shot. The sound echoed through the air as blood spewed from her chest. A tear rolling down her cheek. "Damn." She could feel the icy waters consume as the darkness crept over her eyes. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- OOC: Evil father... Bwahahahahahaha!!!! *Dun* Dun* *DUN!!*
  10. Ripping her hand away, she quickly raised her sword to Izu's throat. "Touch me again, and i'll cut it off, and I'm not talking about your hand. " She smirked and lowered her sword. Izu grinned, "Ooh, fiesty." Scarlett smiled and put her hand on his chest. A small bolt rippled through his body, and he fell to one knee. " That's better." he chuckled and followed Vixen. Entering Vixen's ship, she stopped and turned around. "It's Scarlett by the way." Grinning, she winked at him and made her way to the front of the ship. It was her favorite part of a sailing, she loved to stand and watch the black waters flow beneath them. She had actually fallen off a few times when she was young. She sat on the railing alot, and waves would toss her overboard. Even now, she sometimes randomly jumps overboard for a swim. Taking a deep breath, she inhaled the sweet scent of ocean air, and her mind was flooded with forgotten memories. Many of which were not so pleasant, her love and hatred for the sea were an equal mix. Turning her head, she watched Vixen and Izu talk. *Hmm...I suppose I'm not the only one with family secrets.*
  11. The man quickly flew into the the bottles of alcohol behind the counter. Glass shattered everywhere and liquid spewed across the bar. Instantly, the man started twitching violently as electricity surged through his body. "You son of a bitch! How dare you touch me!" Scarlett jumped over the bar and picked up the grubby man by his coat. Kicking him through the door, she stomped on his chest and unsheathed one of her short swords. Slowly raising it over her head, she smirked evilly and swung the steel down hard. Just before the sword went in, a strong hand grabbed her wrist. "Let me guess, he fondled you didn't he? Though, i've never seen you try and kill someone for that." The man looked at her and smiled. She twisted her arm away and sheathed her sword. "The dirty bastard stuck his hand down my pants! Being killed is the least of his problems..." She gritted her teeth and kicked at the shivering body beneath her. "Oh, this is..." The man was quickly cut off. " Vixen? Yeah I heard of her. Why should I care?" She glared at the silent woman starring at her. " So Hammer, why are you going around with a girl like her?
  12. Name: Sasuki Mai Age: 23 Appearance: [URL="http://img181.imageshack.us/img181/1852/girlsxswordssunset21024sg1.png"]http://img181.imageshack.us/img181/1852/girlsxswordssunset21024sg1.png[/URL] Personality: Sasuki is very dominant and agressive. She hates being ordered around, especially by men. She's very feministic and tends to hate and not trust most men. With woman on the otherhand, she is very protective and motherly. She can't stand to see woman being demeaned and abused, and usually makes it her mission to destroy anyone who would do that to them (whether they want her to or not). She also has a big soft-spot for nature. Weapon: A large kitana (the one in pic) Power: Her body is poison. She draws toxins and potions from plants as well as from her own bloodstream. She has the power of seduction and toxic death. She uses her powers to lure men in, then kill them with a deadly kiss. How did you decide to join the group?: Sasuki was raped, poisoned, and let for dead when she was 16. The poison however, had an unusual effect on her body, instead of killing her, the poison soaked into her bloodstream and combined with her DNA, creating a living, breathing, toxic demon set on revenge. Since then, she has hated men. Seeing everyone of them as the one that tried to kill her. She devoted her life to protecting woman (and boys if need be) from the same fate as her. Discovering that revenge was very hard alone, she found the blood-thirsty gang and decided to join them, but only until she had found the real perpitrator and slaughtered him. Unfortunetly, she fell in love with a wolf demon and stopped her escipade with the gang when she bore his child. They did not take her leaving lightly, and took her daughter hostage until she rejoined them. After that incident, she was very reluctant to follow them, but eventually came around. Though, she would wander off constantly to visit her half-breed daughter and wolf demon lover.
  13. OOC: Sorry, I didn't have much time. -------------------------------------------------------- Luthian laughed and pulled two katanas from his back." Ooh feisty. This will be fun." Jumping into the air, he raised his swords over his head, and immeidiatly swung them into the ground, creating two walls of fire that crashed through the wall. John's path would be a grueling one. "Come and get me baby." ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Eon smirked and created a large ball of energy in her hand. "Bye-bye..." Victoria burst through the wall as the energy blasted her stomach. She grunted and shakely stood up. Eon was laughing hard now, her eyes gleaming gold. She smiled sweetly and raised her arms. The room began to shake, then the walls broke down and flew in to the red, spiraling sky above them. The sky suddenly turned a pitch black and lightning instantaneously pounded the air and ground. She looked behind her as the ground broke into the dark sea. "Luthian, quit playing! Kill him now!" She snarled at Victoria and dove into the mercy waters below. The sky suddenly turned to normal and all was quiet...At that moment, a gargantuan wave arose from the bottom of the cliff and splashed onto the heros. Everyone looked towards the cliff, as a large bluue, dragion-like creature sprung forth from the sea.
  14. Ira awoke in her bed. She was now clean and in a fresh white nightgown. The old butler smiled and walked up to her a tray of steaming soup. "I'm glad your finally awake. We have alot to talk about, but first, eat your soup. It'll give you the strength you need." Sat next to her on the bed and patted her head. Ira sat up and slwly nibbled the fresh vegetables in her soup. It was very hot, but she could easily cool it when entered her mouth. "Thank you Henry." After a few moments the memory of what happened filled her mind. She couldn't contol the tears as they dropped on the bed. Henry hugged her tightly and wiped away her tears. "Now, now. You know Azazel would hate it if you cried for him. Be strong now child. Once you regain your strength, I can teach you how to properly control that beast of yours." Ira looked at him confused and scooted off the bed. "What do mean?" The old man grinned and long fangs extended past his lips and a long split tongue slithered down his chin. He smiled and returned to normal. "I've known about you all along young one. I suggest you watch yourself around Avian. She's trouble..." "Wait. How do you know her? Or any of this? Who are you?" She quickly backed away and extended her claws. "There isn't time for this. Lets just say I'm a friend. I was sent here years ago...to help you. You see, Avian is lying! She wants to use for her own gain. She doesn't want to save the planet. She wants to control it herself, with your help. Zith isn't bad, he only wants to help. He can save you." "Why should I believe you?!" "Why should you believe her!? You've known me for years. I would never lie to me. Your like daughter to me. I was born there Ira, I know the truth. You were born here, you have no idea what the planet is like." She contemplated for a moment and lowered her claws. "I guess your right. I don't know her or any of them. Alright, what do I need to do?" Henry smirked and handed her her short swords. " Come with me. There is blood to be shed." ----------------------------------------------------------- OOC: Plot twist! DUN DUN DUN!! Yes, he's a bad guy, buy she doesn't know that yet.
  15. Nyx grinned and watched Zues make his little speech. He was so cocky.* Ha! He is so pathetic, he has to rape everything that moves, and not even that. Even his own sister!* She frowned when she heard about the human thing. How the hell was she supposed to protect herself from the pervert if she was a human. Especially when her son wasn't around. She sighed and closed her eyes. Raven awoke on a hard wooden floor. Looking around she saw Arion sleeping on the couch. She searched the dump that was her apartment and sighed. *Seriously! Were Gods and this is all we can come up with? * She hated it here. She longed to be free, to wander like she always did. She wanted to raom the woods in peace. No war, no death, just a peacefull serenity alone in the darkness... in the night. Unfortunetly she was stuck here, so she'll have to try. She opened the window and smiled as the moon shone in on the room. She noticed a large spider on the windowsill and placed it on her hand. Walking over to Avian, she sat next to him on the floor and stroked her spider while she waited for him to awake.
  16. Ira's eyes widened and she took a step back. "Wow wow wow! Do you really expect me to just give up my life here to save some planet I never even heard of? Do you know who my boyfriend is? He's a crime boss. Your asking me to help kill someone who does the same thing we do every day? I kill people! It's seems a little hypocritical. Unless I had no reason to live, I would never join your suicidal crusade!" She rampaged up the stairs and slammed the door. Avian following close behind. Avian grabbed her arm and turned her around. "What about your powers? I can help you." "Fuck you! I can learn to control it myself. I don't need your help. I don't anyone! Especially from a psycho bitch from a "different planet"!" She screamed and slammed the door. After a few minutes of running,a can drove up and she flagged it down. The rain was pouring now, as she got into the car. She took off her soaked jacket and sat it next to her. "Where to little lady?" He smiled and gazed at her through the mirror. "2114 East. Saints street." "Ah! The old Nutely mansion. Why is a sexy thing like you hangin' around with those thugs?" "I'm a government trained operative trained to track, infiltrate, and assassinate Azazel Nutely. Why?" She smiled crossed her legs. "Oh, really. Well I wish I had a fox like you trying to kill me." He laughed and eyed from the mirror. "Good. Now get your perverted ass moving before I blow your fucking head off." She pulled a 9mm that was attached to her thigh, and shoved into the back of his head. "Now!" The caby stepped on the gas and sped off. "Wow! No need for that. I was just playing." ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Arriving at the mansion, she got out of the cab and watched the man speed away. She smiled and knocked on the door. The butler answered the door and smiled. "Miss Ira. I'm glad to see you back. I wasn't expecting to see you again for a while after that fight last night. Unfortunetly Mr. Azazel is in an important meeting right now though. So why don't you wait in the kitchen"" Ira frowned and threw off her jacket. She walked to the kitchen and grabbed a cookie. Suddenly, a multitude of gunshots fired from upstairs. She quickly ran upstairs and pulled out her gun. Slowly raising her gun to her shoulder, she walked up to the main office door and kicked it open. Blood was everywhere, and a half a dozen bodies lay scattered around the room. Many of them were already dead, while the rest moaned and cried in pain, trying to inch their way to safety. Scanning the room, she realized Azazel wasn't there, and she ran out. Upon exiting the room, a figure grabbed her arm. She instantaneously threw it down and stood on it's chest, pointing the gun at it's head. It was a young Asian male, he had several gunshots to the chest, and would most likely not live long. She grabbed him by the collar and screamed. "Where is Azazel?!" "H...he...i..s..go..." The man coughed up blood and gurgled as he spoke. Unfortunetly, he did not answer her question before he died. Dropping the corpse she ran to Azazel's bedroom. Azazel lay on the bed, his clothes drenched in fresh blood. The bed also was turning a dark crimson. His skin was deathly pale, and his breathing was slight. Ira ran to him and held him in her arms. He looked at her through dreary eyes and smiled. "Hey babe. Took you long enough." Ira smiled and kissed his cheek "This isn't the time Azazel. We gotta get you to a hospital. "No...Theres no use. I'm done babe." He pulled her head down and kissed her. "I'm sorry about last night. I was a total ass." "Its ok. I forgive you." She slightly laughed, a tear rolling down her cheek. "I love you." "I love you too..." He grinned and then his eyes went blank. She could feel, his life leaving him. It was too much for her to bare. She hugged him tightly to her and sobbed into his breathless chest. All the pain inside her welled up and exploded. Her eyes turned bright blue and black and white fur sprouted across her body. Large black and white spotted wings sprung from her back spread from wall to wall. Aggressively storming out of the room, she savagely ripped the moaning bodies to pieces and sniffed out any survivors, slowly gnawing them while they screamed. Once she was finished, she crawled next to Azazel and passed out. Transforming back into her now naked human form, covered in blood. ------------------------------------------ OOC: Well someone had to be rebellious. Now she has lost everything, so she'll be coming back to you guys in a bit. Or you could come to her. Either way works.
  17. Ira sat next to Chance and grabbed some salad. She lustfully eyed the nearly raw steak, but ignored the temptation and crunched down her salad. She always had cravings for raw meat, but after a certain incident a few years ago, she became a vegetarion. She listened intently to everyones stories. When it went silent for a bit, she decided it was her turn. "Um...I'm Ira. I'm half white siberian and half pinto or spotted bat. So I know how you feel Zum. My elements are ice and snow. My ice can get out of hand sometimes, as some of you know from last night...but I can control it most the time. I change forms when I become really weak or as a last resort when I feel my life is in danger. Lets see...I own an icecream shop near the park and my personality changes at night. I can be a real sadist sometimes. So, I worked as a Dominatrix for a while last year, actually, that's where I met my botfriend. I just realized how weird that is.*laughs* Anyways...Yeah thats me." She grinned and chuckles under her breath as she sipped on her water. It was akwardly silent now. "Uh..was that to much information? I'm sorry... I guess you guys probably didn't want to know about kinkyness."
  18. Ira smiled brightly as she handed the three little girls their icecream cones. Today was a busy day, custumers were pilling in to get away from the boiling sun. Luckilly, icecream was perfect for colling people down. It had to be her best day yet! The bell above the door rang as a tall muscular man walked in. He looked like he had just ran a marathon or something. The man walked up to the counter and bregrudgingly eyed the menu. He stood there for a few minutes contemplating what he wanted. "Umm...sir? I don't mean to rush you or anything, but I have somewhere I have to be today. So i'm closing early." She smiled and continued washing the counters. With a great sigh, he ordered a chocolate-twist ice cream cone. After a moment she gave him his order and walked out from behind the counter. "Hey, what about the pay?" "No worries. It's on the house. I had a good day togay, so lucky you." She laughed and walked him outside as she closed up. "Thanks." He smiled slightly. Ira put the keys in her purse and started walking down the street, but the man stopped her. "Do you have a car?" She frowned and looked to the ground. "Well...my boyfriend and I had a little fight last night...so...not at the moment." "I could give you a ride. Um...I mean, it's the least I could do for the icecream and all." She thought for a moment and cheerfully agreed. "Okay! You seem harmless enough." She followed him to his vehicle and got in. *Hmm..he has an interesting scent. Reminds me of that girl from last night....* "So, where to?" He said as he started the vehicle. "Actually, I got the address right here." She handed him the address from Avian. He starred at it and then back at her. Now he remembered where he had seen her. She was the girl who passed out at the club last night, but she looked so different. "Um, if it's a problem I can just walk." He snapped out of his thought and laughed. "Oh no. It's fine. I was actually going that way already." "Oh..good! I would hate to be any trouble. "I'm Ira by the way." "Chance." ---------------------------------------------------------------- OOC: Ok. she met up with Chance if that's ok. I didn't really get into the night before, but you can tell it wasn't pretty.
  19. So, are the traitors running from genesis, or trying to destroy their escapade through the help of digimon? Will they be hunted by other digimon as well that are wild? It's sounds pretty cool, I just want to know the plot. And you said that they are attempting to bring the digimon to the real world, so will that eventualoly happen later in the RPG?
  20. Ira's eyes shot open, now a pale blue. Sitting up, she noticed the room was completely covered in ice, everyone frozen in time. Except her, she wasn't even cold. She ran to the door and kicked it, shattering it to hundreds of pieces. Looking around, she noticed she was back in the lounge, well an igloo looking lounge anyway. "What the hell?" A tear fell from her eye and shattered as it hit the ground. Searching the whole club, everything had been turned to ice, but how? Then it hit her. Something like this had happaned before when she was a little girl. Her whole town had been frozen over, in the middle of summer. She had randomly passed out before that ice age as well. Pulling a small mirror out of her wallet, she looked at herself, seeing her pale eyes and pointed teeth. "Wha...not again!" Throwing the mirror, Ira quicly ran back up stairs and found the iced Azazel. Closing her eyes, she slowly blew her breath at him, instantly melting the ice. Azazel fell to the ground gasping for air. "Holy shit! What the fuck!!" He tried getting to his feet, but kept slipping on the sleek ice. Ira looked at him and thought about how she had just been running all over, not coming close to slipping. Looking down at her feet, she noticed her shoes were gone, only furry cat-like feet remained. Her eyes widened and a screeching scream erupted through the air. Suddenly, everything started to crack and melt. Leaving the original in tact. Everyone was on the floor gasping for air on the now puddled floor. Her eyes turned back to a dark green, and she was back to normal. Looking at everyone, she immediately ran out of the club, tears in her eyes. Azazel following close behind.
  21. Ira laughed and took another drink. "Are you serious? Why would I want to go to a kiddie club." Azazel rolled his eyes and took the drink from her." Okay, I think you had enough. It's something new, we've been to all the other clubs already. Plus, I don't control this one yet." He looked out the window and lit a cigarette. Ira sighed and sat on his lap. "Very funny. I haven't had nearly enough to be drunk. I guess your right. I'll go. No fighting though! I want to actually have fun, not watch you forcefully take over another business through violence and money." Azazel smiled and kissed her cheek. Grabbing her wrist,he lead her to the silver corvet waiting in front of the mansion. ---------------------------------------------------------- Ira sighed as she entered the club. It was very large, and a long line stretched from the "kids" section. She waited at the door for Azazel and walked up to the bouncer once he arrived. "I.D. please." She groaned and handed him her I.D. "Well, can I go in?" She smiled at him seductively. "Well, your only 19, so no drinking. I'll tell the security guards." He smiled and handed it back to her. Opening the door, they arrived on a large dance floor. Ira smiled. "Ooh! Lets dance." She grabbed Luthian and dragged him to the center of the dance floor and started grinding. It had been a while since they had danced, so this excited her. After about an hour they decided to go to the lounge to relax. Azazel ordered a scotch on the rocks and Ira ordered a cocktail (non-alcoholic). Breathing deeply, Ira lightly started nibbling on his ear and neck. The light pounding music downstairs echoed through her ears, it was very relaxing. Almost too relaxing. Grabbing her drink from the wiatress, she siped on the cocktail. Suddenly, the music seemed to turn rabid in her head and an overwhelming atrocious smell filled her nostruls, then...darkness.
  22. Eon grunted and threw John through the portal. He landed hard on the ground and sat up, his eyes widened as he looked around. Eon smiled and walked to the egde of the cliff. "Do you remember this place? This is where you died. No temple this time. I thought it would be perfect for Luthian to come back where he left, and you died where you did sooo long ago." She smirkeed and dragged him to the edge, hanging him over the black water below. "There will be no friends to save you this time. I made sure to close the portal, and there's no way they know where you are. Hahaha!" She laughed evily and dropped him. John screamed and quickly landed in the water. The liquid consumed him, and froze him to the bone. He tried desperately to reach the surface, but a strong hand grabbed his ankle, pulling him deeper into the depths. Fighting as hard as he could, John tried to break free, but the darkness overtook him. When he awoke, his limbs were shackled down to a golden slab. The room was dimly lit with candles, and golden trinkets lay scattered about. Turning his head, a wrapped mummy lay next to him, a large dagger in it's hands. "So you've awoken. I've been waiting." "What the hell! Get way from me you crazy bitch!" Anger gleamed in his eyes, and he struggled uselessly to get free. "Now now...there's no need to get angry. It'll all be over soon." She smiled and walked over to the mummy kissing its forhead, and taking the dagger. Grabbing a black book from a sarcophigus, she started reading. It was an ancient language, it sounded like a mix between Latin and Egyptian. John screamed and starred horrified at what he saw. As she spoke, the spirit of Luthian was trying to escape, stretching and ripping john open from the inside out. Eon sliced a marking into Johns stomach and raised the dagger over her head. Screaming the ancient language, lightning erupted from the dagger, piercing the marking she had just carved. The spirit suddenly stopped, and the room went silent. "Ready?" She laughed and lunged the dagger into his stomach. Blood splattered the walls as the spirit dove from John, into the mummy laying next to him. The mummy twitched and jumped up, ripping off its wrapping and throwing them to the liquid covered floor below. Luthian smiled, his body fullty intact, except for the large scar across his chest. Eon took his hand and lead him to the next room. Turning back , she looked at John. " I'll be back to finish you off, but first..." A large smiled crossed her face as she passionatley kissed Luthian, slowly closing the door behind her.
  23. Name: Scarlett V. Age: 19 Appearance: [URL="http://media.photobucket.com/image/anime%20pirate/topadzidza/Anime/Anime3/Karelle_pirate_by_Hito76.jpg?o=94"]http://media.photobucket.com/image/anime%20pirate/topadzidza/Anime/Anime3/Karelle_pirate_by_Hito76.jpg?o=94[/URL] Personality: Scarlett is silent but deadly. She tends not to talk much, unless she really needs to. She's never afraid to get into a fight, actually she does quite often, since she has alot of pet peeves. She's very independant, so she's not good at taking orders, and tends to do her own thing. She'll work with others, but only if she trusts them, or using them for her own gain. Devil fruit: Goro Goro fruit ( Shock shock fruit). She can produce as well as become lightning. Weapon: Throwing needles (for conducting lighting into whatever she throws them at), and two short swords.
  24. Ira slowly removed her robe and stepped out of the bathroom. She walked over to her closet and looked at her dresses. She had many, but none seemed right for tonight. Azazel was taking her out for their 2 year anniversary dinner, tonight they would finally be alone. No bodyguards, henchman, or parties, just the two of them. A pair of soft hands grasped her waist, and pulled her back. She smiled and Azazel gently kissed her, slipping a diamond necklace around her neck. "Happy Anniversary Baby." He smirked and licked her neck. "Actually, I need to talk you." "About what?" She turned around and hugged his neck. "I know we were supposed to have dinner tonight, but...something came up." "Figures..." She frowned and sat on the bed. "Hey, don't get mad. Actually, I want you to come with me." "Where?" "Well, J. just found out that Kevin has been laundering money from the old man. So Pops wants me make an example out of him. What do ya say?" Ira stood up and walked up to him. "Your going to blow off our dinner to torture somebody?" "Ummm...yeah." "Great! I hate fancy rich person shit anyway." She laughed and ran to her closet quickly slipping on her leather pants and tight black t-shirt. She smiled and grabbed her leather jacket."Lets go!" She pulled his arm and lead him down stairs. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Blood splattered across the wall as the man fell to the floor, a large gash quickly draing him of life. He slowly crawled backwards and cried, pleading forgiveness. "P..p..please...i'm..ss..sorry.." Azazel laughed and swiftly kicked him in the jaw, making his head pound into the ground. The man groaned and laid there. Ira walked up and smiled. "Finish him off Azazel, he's pathetic." Azazel turned towards her and smiled. "I want you to." "Finally..." She smirkerd and pulled out one her short swords attatched to her belt. Slowly walking over to the wounded man, she knelt down next to him and whispered in his ear. "Don't worry Kevin. I'll make it quick." She quickly stood up and thrust the sword between his eyes, instantly killing him. She pulled the sword from his skull and wipped it clean with Kevins shirt. An eerie smile crossed her lips, and she slipped it back in its hilt. Azazel kissed her cheek and pulled her outside. "Boys, clean up this mess." The men shook their heads and started cleaning. "I have a surprise for you." "Ooh...I wander." She slid into the back of the limo and closed the door. After a while, they arrived at a private beach. The full moon shown brightly over top of them as they walked along the shoreline. Azazel suddenly stopped and embraced her. He pulled out a small box and opened it. A small diamond ring shone against the moonlight, and gleamed in her eye. "Marry me?" Ira's eyes widened and she grinned closing the lid. "Only if you catch me first." She laughed and ran down the beach. Azazel smiled and ran after her.
  25. Axela grunted and watched Leon slide down the line. She got up and ran behind an old building, kneeling down, she opened her palm and a crystal orb appeared there. "Find machine number TEX45730." The orb shimmered and an image of a machine standing in front of an army of other machines appeared."TEX!" Suddenly, Tex's head turned around and seemed to stare at her. It tilted it's head and the image disintegrated. Axela frowned and the orb disappeared. *Damn! Figures TEX wouldn't be alone.* She stood up and locked in LEX's location from the orb. "Oh well, I'll deal with him when this is over." She smiled and ran up to Leon. " Lets destroy these fuckers...I bet I can kill more." She smirked and released her energy swords. Looking at him one last time, she launched forward and landed in a group of infantry drones. Laughing, she began to spin viciously, slicing drones with every spin. (sorry for the short post, have to go)
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