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Everything posted by GothikMoon

  1. Sindel smiled as she heard Bravie preparing to fight. This was going to be fun. She immediatly lifted from the ground, soaring to he sky's just out of any arrow range. She had made that mistake once before, and was unable to fly for weeks because ofit. she wasn't going to make the same mistake twice. *Finally, I'm starving!* With this thought a large smirk crept across her face, and she dove straight into a group of soldiers beneath her, crushing one beneath her feet. It had been a while since she smelt fresh human blood, and she enjoyed it very much.Wipping out her spear, she started to fight one of the soldiers, he was an easy kill, so was the next, and the next, and the next. She was very surprised how easily they fell beneath her blade. Though she didn't mind that much. Suddenly, a sharp pain darted across her hip, and she let out a crippling screech. Twirling around, she found a cocky leutenant before her wiping his sword. "Well, what a vile little creature you are. I shall enjoy taking your life...haha!" The leutentants obnoxious voice hammered Sindels head, as she gripped her spear. "We shall see human..." She smirked and lunged at him. He dodged the attack easily and landed another blow across her back, Sindel cringed and nealed on one knee. The leutenant laughed again, and raised his blade to finish her off, but stopped once he realized she was grinning madly at him. "What are you grinning about fiend, I'll destroy you!" Sindel continued to grin and pionted to the sky, a large cloud had covered the sun, shading the world grey."I can hear your heart beating human, your frightened. You should be!" Quickly removing her bandanna, her peircing white eyes seemed to glow in the darkness. She grabbed his sword and tossed it aside, evading every move he made. Then lustfully sunk her fangs into his throat, ripping, and tearing until the beating of his hideous heart subsided. Slowly rising, she turned her head towards the other soldiers who had rushed to help heir commander, her chest smothered in crimson and her arm stretched forth towards them. "Come loves..." *Evil smirk*
  2. Sindel smirked and pulled her long bow off her back, reconnecting the wire and stretching it. It had been a while since she had been in a real battle. She mostly did stealthy kills, only killing a few at a time. Though, this sounded quite fun. "I am Sindel by the way. My mother was a bat vampire(vampeer), and my father was a human. I know I may look like a monster, but I would never betray those I trust. So, I hope I will be able to trust you."[I] (Sindel has a Transylvanian accent. So the W's sound like V's, and the TH's sound like Z's.)[/I] She untied her bandanna, revealing her pale eyes, and peered around her surroundings, and recently obtained companions. They seemed adequate enough, though she preferred to work alone. Perhaps they could be of some assistance on her mission. She'll have to see. "By the way, I am most liable at night. I have very good night vision, and blend in very well in the darkness. If we are attacking at night, I would be very useful." Sindel frowned and retied the bandanna.
  3. Sindel rummaged through her pack and pulled out a black bandana, quickly wrapping it around her eyes. She hated the light, it always burned her eyes and blinded her almost completely. The night was her only ally, her only friend. It sheltered her from the light, and the eyes of those who would scorn her. She was growing impatient. *Hmm...I need to find this camp. I've been traveling all day and I can't seem to find it. They were good at hiding, I can give them that. Though, I am blind at he moment...oh when shall the darkness fall? My beautiful night...* As she flew over a clearing, she finally found it, well she thought. She could hear many voices, and it smelled of wet dog...it must be it. Landing softly on the ground near a tent, she listened intently and heard some girls talking of soldiers. This seemed intriguing enough, so she decided to check it out. The girls smells were fascinating, like she'd never smelt before, though she had only been around humans her whole life. She had never smelt a Halfling before. Sindel quickly hid behind a tree near the girls, and listened. * I wish I could see them. I wander if they look as good as they smell...I am very hungry. Wait...I probably can't eat them, too bad.* As the girls finished talking, Sindel emerged from behind the tree and walked over to them. "...Um...if your needing some assistance with the humans, I would be happy to drain them for you. I'm dying for some fresh blood."
  4. Name: Sindel Niet (night) Age:20 Personality: Sindel is very cold and distant. She has a hard time trusting people and is always on gaurd. Because of her appearance, many are afraid of her, so she hates big crowds. She's also very introverted and pestamistic. Appearance: [URL="http://www.cadavermill.com/Portfolio/2d_Design/DemonGirlCloseUp.jpg"]http://www.cadavermill.com/Portfolio/2d_Design/DemonGirlCloseUp.jpg[/URL] Sindel isa half-human and half- bat. She is blinded by the light, but can see very well at night. Weapon: Silver Long bow, and a Celtic spear. Abilities: [I]Fly[/I]- Speaks for itself. [I]Screech[/I]- She releases a very high-pitch scream, which temporarily paralysis her opponents. [I]Gales[/I]- She flaps her wings very vigorously, creating a strong wind which blows her opponents away (this is usually an escape move, unless the opponent is strong enoug were they are only knocked over). Bio: Sindel was very young when her parents were killed, so she barely remembers them. After they died she was taken by the humans whom killed her parents, and kept her as a slave. She was constantly beaten, tortured, and raped as a child, and when she was older they mainly "used" her to make money. Selling her off to the highest bider. Eventually she stopped selling so well, because of the many scars that covered her body, nobody wanted a deformed, blind girl. Though, she didn't mind. Once Sindel turned sixteen, she finally got the courage to run away. She stole some money from her "owners" and tried to make it on her own. The first year was the worst. She ran out of money quickly, and everyone would scowl and curse her for her appearance, so even if she did find the money, the Inns would be sufficiently "sold out". Then one day an old man approached her on the streets and offered to give her shelter, food, and clothing if she would become his student. Sindel was very confused about why he would want her, but she didn't complain. When they arrived back at his home, he told her that he had seen her at night, sweeping from house to house unseen by anyone, stealing a meal or two. The old man saw her potentail, and was glad she accepted his offer. For the next two years, she trained tidiously. She barely had any rest, but it was worth it. Unfortunetly, the humans had found out that the old man was keeping her, and he was hanged. This sparked an infinate hatred towards the humans, and she devoted her life to getting revenge. Once she heard of the group of hybrids, she decided to check it out, maybe she could find a diligent partner, whom shared her hatred.
  5. Name: Leia Age: 19 Personality: Leia is head strong and independant. She loves a good fight, and never backs down. Has trouble trusting people, and tends to work alone. You have to gain her trust, to gain her loyalty. Appearance: [URL="http://www.bunnycosplay.com/paineart.jpg"]http://www.bunnycosplay.com/paineart.jpg[/URL] Make the black part of the elfit white, and long white hair. Weapon: Crescent blades and an ice spear. (She freezes the precipitation in the air to form a spear.) Clan: North-Western Main Spell: Crystal Rain- She freezes rain into ice shards. It usually isn't lethal, unless the shards knick an artery. Blizzard- Exactly how it sounds, she makes a blizzard. It's a cloaking spell, she uses it when she's about to attack. It blinds her enemies. Bio: Leia's mother was a warrior from the Northern clan, while her father was a mage from the Western clan. They had a secret affair, and Leia was born. She lived with her mother until she was twelve, learing how to fight and track down her enemies. Once she finished her training, her father took her to the western clan to teach her how to control her magic and combine her own techniques with magic. Now, she's a warrior for both sides, helping both however she can.
  6. Quickly placing her rifle on its stand, she peered through the scope. Silently and patiently, she waited for the blue 69' mustang to come into her vision. Her index finger curled sround the trigger, fidgiting in its excitement. The driver was an older man, with short blonde hair, and fakely tanned skin. His mouth was moving rapidly at his cell phone, loudly screaming at the recipient on the other line. Glancing up the road, he immediatley sped up and shot past the gleaming red light before him. Tires screeched, and hornes blaired in his free ear, causing him to smirk wildly. This only made him seem even more despicable. Mileena had been hesitant about this target, he was some big shot lawyer with a supewriority complex, and a bad habbit of gambling with the wrong kind of people. That's why "they" called her, he needed to be exterminated...and quickly. Luckily, he was hard to miss. A smug look crossed her lips as she pulled the trigger. The bullet flew through air quick as lightning and nailed him right between the eyes. She always had been a pretty good bullseye. "Well, that was fun. Another prick off the streets...hehe" Sirens soon howled at the cars before them, and made there way to the scene. By this time Mileena was already there. Her rifle was stored away with her bike, and she was back to "normal". She stared at the picture in front of her, and it was marvelious. She loved to see her work. Suddenly, a long white cane caught on her skirt, and the man behind it dramatically fell on his face. "Oh! Are you alright? I'm so sorry...", She cried sympathetically, as she lifted him to his feet. The man's eyes were frail, and his skin was pale. Yet, beautiful all together. She blushed a little, but luckily he couldn't see that. "Hmmm..i'm fine." The man said begrudgingly. "Ummm...I'm Millena by the way." "Ryo...Ryo Hughes." She smiled, still blushing, and turned back to the scene.
  7. [B][U]Name[/U][/B]: Mileena Chero'-- A.K.A. Masked Rider Black Widow (20) [U][B]Rider description[/B][/U]: [B]Rider Form[/B]: [URL="http://img254.imageshack.us/img254/4843/gwspiritbeautiful1rq0.jpg"]http://img254.imageshack.us/img254/4843/gwspiritbeautiful1rq0.jpg[/URL] With black ninja mask and henshin device on chest. [B]Normal Form:[[/B] [URL="http://www.creativeconfections.biz/mediac/400_0/media/victoria-frances-1.jpg"]http://www.creativeconfections.biz/mediac/400_0/media/victoria-frances-1.jpg[/URL] [B][U]Henshin Device:[/U][/B] Venom Choker-- A black choker with a black widow hanging from it, a red crystal on its back. Mileena squeezes the crystal and shouts "Henshin!", the spider stretches across her chest and the crystal glows creating the suit. [B][I]Finishers:[/I][/B] " [B]Razor Web[/B]!"-- Mileena uses her sais to rapidly slice her opponent with lightning speed cutting them to pieces. Usually it's done in an instant if anyone sees it at all. [B][U]MotorBike:[/U][/B] [URL="http://www.suzukicycles.com/Products/GSX1300BKK8"]http://www.suzukicycles.com/Products/GSX1300BKK8[/URL] Her bike can also ride along walls. [B][U]Weapons:[/U][/B] Mileenas uses two long black sais,and throwing weapons such as: a long web like wire that shoots from her wrist (which she can use to tie someone, grab weapons from others, and used to reach high places) and spider shuriken that can clamp onto you if needed. Not to mention her own martial arts abilities. [B][U]Story:[/U][/B] Mileena was born into a high-class family. Her mother was a violinist, and her father was an agent for the government( no one really knew what he did). She had a pretty average child hood, other than the constant moves due to her fathers occupation, and mysterious men always following her around. At the age of twelve, she hired a personnal instructor and started to learn Russain Martial Arts. After several years she mastered her techniques and joined a tournament being held in Tokio, Japan. When she arrived, she quickly fought her way up the ranks to the last man. To her surprise, it was her father who she had to fight. In the end she lost the fight, due to respect for her father, and started her own investigation into his "secret" life. On her seventeenth birthday,her investigation lead her to a secret organization called "Shocker". It turned out that her father had been working for them all along,as a weapons dealer. Once her father realzed she new, he had to deal with the issue,wihout killing her. Shortley after her and her fathers "discussion", she was taken. After escaping Shockers clutches, Mileena went rogue. Now, she works for whoever has the most money, killing, stealing, kidnapping, whatever she's paid to do. Though, she's mostly an assassin at best, doing whatever she pleases. (Mileenas a neutral party. She helps those she wants to.)
  8. GothikMoon


    Name: Lex Age: 17 Gender: Female Description: [URL="http://photobucket.com/mediadetail/?media=http%3A%2F%2Fi224.photobucket.com%2Falbums%2Fdd179%2Fwhite_wolf14%2Fbrexipunkyhk01.jpg&searchTerm=anime%20goth%20girl&pageOffset=9"]http://photobucket.com/mediadetail/?media=http%3A%2F%2Fi224.photobucket.com%2Falbums%2Fdd179%2Fwhite_wolf14%2Fbrexipunkyhk01.jpg&searchTerm=anime%20goth%20girl&pageOffset=9[/URL] Faction: Federation Commander: Blaine Biography: Lex heard of the take over from her grandmother Agatha. Since Agatha is an Elite Four, She had to join the federation, she would never betray family. When Lex was younger she had won many battles with her trusted Oddish, and gained many compaions along the way. Her Oddish is her most trusted ally and is never seen inside his pokeball, he hates it. After Oddish was well trained, Lex started to collect pokemon, mostly dark and psychic. When she was fourteen she beat the Elite Four with her current pokemon and was put in the Hall Of Fame. Once the take over came about, it wasn't long before Blaine recruited her into his squad. She had always had an obcession for fighting, and his squad was perfect. Though she had no fire pokemon with her, she was still a good member. She quickly worked her way past private, and is now a Corporal. Her experience and lust for winning helped her with this greatly. List of Service Pokemon: Oddish--A.K.A--Oddy Umbreon Hoindoom Azelf Shuppet Espeon (Tell me if you want anything more)
  9. Name: Christine (Chris) Galastinose Age: 19 Personality: Chris is a very rebellious, independent young girl. She hates being ordered around, and loves a good fight. Apperance: [URL="http://photobucket.com/mediadetail/?media=http%3A%2F%2Fi83.photobucket.com%2Falbums%2Fj312%2FXxNaruto_GirlxX%2FBadAss.jpg&searchTerm=anime%20paine&pageOffset=13"]http://photobucket.com/mediadetail/?media=http%3A%2F%2Fi83.photobucket.com%2Falbums%2Fj312%2FXxNaruto_GirlxX%2FBadAss.jpg&searchTerm=anime%20paine&pageOffset=13[/URL] Origins: Christine was adopted into royalty. She never sees herself as anyone of importance, and tends to neglect all her duties. Her only real passion is her servant Nate, he is usually found following her around everywhere and never talking. This is Nate: [URL="http://photobucket.com/mediadetail/?media=http%3A%2F%2Fi112.photobucket.com%2Falbums%2Fn193%2FTimster103%2FEmo_Boy_by_emo_girl_anime.jpg&searchTerm=anime%20goth%20boy&pageOffset=14"]http://photobucket.com/mediadetail/?media=http%3A%2F%2Fi112.photobucket.com%2Falbums%2Fn193%2FTimster103%2FEmo_Boy_by_emo_girl_anime.jpg&searchTerm=anime%20goth%20boy&pageOffset=14[/URL] Crest:[URL="http://photobucket.com/mediadetail/?media=http%3A%2F%2Fi188.photobucket.com%2Falbums%2Fz75%2Fsalemsblue%2Fl_d7b1df884cb1be628500eff816d8814b.jpg&searchTerm=royal%20crest&pageOffset=5"]http://photobucket.com/mediadetail/?media=http%3A%2F%2Fi188.photobucket.com%2Falbums%2Fz75%2Fsalemsblue%2Fl_d7b1df884cb1be628500eff816d8814b.jpg&searchTerm=royal%20crest&pageOffset=5[/URL]
  10. Name: Alexial Mai (Morrigan) Mythology: In Celtic mythologies she is usually seen as a terrifying figure. She is associated with war and death on the battlefield, sometimes appearing in the form of a carrion crow, premonitions of doom. Gender: Female Appearance: [URL="http://i77.photobucket.com/albums/j48/Selene_Lilitu/fantasy/VictoriaFrances.jpg"]http://i77.photobucket.com/albums/j48/Selene_Lilitu/fantasy/VictoriaFrances.jpg[/URL] Personality: Alexial is a very dark, solemn, and timid girl. She has problems trusting people and doesn't talk much. She can usually be found in the forest with her raven, which she saved. Most people tend to see her more of a ghost than a person, since she tends to roam around in a distant state. Not talking to anyone or acknowledging anything. If someone does earn her trust though, they learn she is a very nice girl with a broken heart. Her parents were killed when she was a child, and she was adopted by an old librarian who taught her many things about mythologies, and fantasies through his stories. Alexial especially loved the stories of war and death. She would spend hours reading in the woods, and return home late at night, if at all.
  11. Name: Ashrah (Ash) Mai Race: Human Age: 19 gender: Female Appearance (You can use a pic if you'd like): [URL="http://www.projet-area.net/images/tira-entier.jpg"]Ashrah[/URL] Weapon (if any): Two sai's, and a kitana. Magic (If any): None, but is very good at creating urbal healing remedies. History: Ashrah was ten years old when her village were destroyed by a group of bandits, her home was burnt down and she saw her parents murdered. One of the bandits saw her passed out on the burning floor of her house, and decided to take mercy on her. He took her to their leader, and they decided to raise her as one of their own. For the next five years they trained her in various forms of martail arts( including Ju jutsu, and Hop ku do), and helped her master her weapon of choice, the sai. She also had to learn the kitana as part of her training, and eventually they let her go on little missions. Once she turned fiteen her training was finished, and she was officailly part of the "Reapers". This did not last long though, once she realised her skills were greater than her companions she took the opportunity to "practice" on them. They were no match for her blades and she quickly sliced her way up the ranks of the guild. Her only real threat though, was her master Orinchi. She had become very close to her former master and felt pitty for him, so she left him wounded. After her massacre, she left the camp and headed out into the world. Eventually, she decided to use her skills, and became an assassin. One night, while on a mission, she overheard an elf talking about the "Blood Stone" and decided to try and find it herself, after she killed the elf of course. Personality: Ashrah is a bipolar, no nonsense kind of girl. At times she can be hyper, outgoing, and child like. Then a second later she's hot tempered, pestamitic, introverted, and very domineering. As long as you know what not to do, she won't kill you on the spot.
  12. Name: Aracne Age: 556, looks 18 Gender: Female Apperance: [URL="http://crisortega.com/english/image054-en.htm"]http://crisortega.com/english/image054-en.htm[/URL] Her size ranges from three inches too six foot. She can also transform into a spider if needed. Side: Evil Creature or Human: Spider Pixie Pesonality: Aracne is a very concieted, dark, independent, rebel of her kind. She hates people who interfere with her business, and loves a good fight. Bio: Aracne always had a hatred towards other creatures. Especailly humans. She believed them to be selfish, arrogent, stupid, incompatent fools, who were undeserving of life. Her hatred for them grew even more, when her mother was caught by a human and killed, because if his naivness towards pixies. This caused her to join the the allience of the evil ones, so she could desroy the human world forever. She would love nothing beter, and when she was through with them, she would move on to the next race. Until every weak pathetic race was gone. Leaving only the strong behind. Her dream may seem far fetched, but with her power, and an army of followers, she could rule the fools in no time. So she thought...
  13. Kira watched silently from a large tree a few yards away, as the battle ended. *This Nami girl has some powerful friends, too bad they were so caring. It will be their down fall. Only the strong hearted will survive this war!* She smiled slightly while she watched as Rei ran away like a coward. *Weakling...he should of atleast killed some of them first!* Suddenly Rei appeared under the tree staring at her angrilly."Get down Chyoko!", he said in an annoyed tone. Kira laughed and dangled her legs from the tree branch, "Chyoko? That sad excuse for life isn't awake at the moment." Rei grunted, "Just shut the hell up Kira, and awaken Chyoko. I need her too fix my leg." Kira smirked and gracefully jumped from the tree, landing on the ground softly. She quickly wiped the long black hair from her eyes and sighed, "Fine." Her eyes closed and her body went limp falling to the ground. Then a quiet mummbling escaped her lips. She slowly stood from the ground and rubbed her head, "Wha...what's going on? Oh, my god Rei! Are you ok? Does it hurt, can you feel anything?! I'll get you fixed right up." Rei *humghed* and sat on the ground looking at the sky. Chyoko frantically started throwing things from her bag, and gathering some herbs that were near by. "I know i'm not an expert or anything, but these herbs will help you heal faster." She quickly chopped up the herbs with her kunai and placed them aside, grabbing a small towel, which she had soaked with water from her cantene. She slowly rubbed his leg and washed the blood away best she could. Then she placed the recentlyt chopped herbes and placed them on his wounds. Rei winced a little, but said nothing. Finally she wrapped his leg and put her things away. Chyoko smiled and placed her hand on his." I'm sorry about Kira, she can be a real witch. Just don't get her angry, or she'll use our techniques on you." Suddenly, Myoko and Kyuchi appeared frrom deeper within the woods and frowned. " W here the hell have you been? We don't have time for this!" Chyoko smiled and put her pack on, and helped Rei off the ground."Lets go!"
  14. GothikMoon


    "If it is your wish." Adrielle slowly bowed her head and walked out the door. This was a huge surprise to her. It had been ages since anyone of such great authority and importance had called upon the Master to send one of her priestesses to the castle. It must be something of great importance. Quickly, she ran to her room and started to pack. She hadn't many clothes, or anything at all really. All she really owned was her staff, bow and arrows, and a few herbal remedies she had made. *Well, I guess this will have to do. Hopefully it'll be enough. I'll just pick some fruits on the way.* Throwing everything into an old brown back pack and holding her staff, she was ready for a very, very short journey. Too bad it was going to take two days.. ------------------------------------------------ The sweet burst of flaver and juice ran down her throaght as she ate the ripened peach. Normally, she would never think of stealing from someones garden before, but this was an exception. She hadn't aten in nearly two days, and she was about to DIE! Ok, maybe not die, but fall over at least. She thought it would be easy finding food, but boy was she wrong! Every time she found somwthing edible, an adorible little starving animal would beg for it, and she couldn't resist helping the little guys. So, now she's stuck stealing, I mean "barrowing" other peoples food. After finishing he peach, Adrielle was back on her way. Fortunetly the castle was only a few more miles to go. A large smile quickly darted across her face as she aprouched the castle. She had finally made it! Suddenly, she remembered what she looked like. When she first started her journey, she looked great, but after two days of traveling and scrounging the forest for food, she didn't look so hot. "Umm...excuse me mr. gaurd sr, but I was sent here by the king." The gaurd looked her over and smiled. "Well then, go right ahead." "Thank you." "Oh, and there's a shower you can use on the second floor. Just ask Maricia to show you." Adrielle smiled brightly and boweed. "Oh thank you, thank you!" "Hurry on now, the King doesn't like to wait." "right." The guards slowly opened the doors, and maids were waiting to usher her inside. She wasn't used to so much attention, acually it was almost frightning, but no matter, she had more important things to worry about. "Are one of you Maricia by the way?" "I am she. Do you need something?" "Acually, I was wondering, if it wasn't to much trouble, i mean f you wanted too.." "Yes?" "Could you...possible...take me to a shower?" "Oh, well oof course. Right this way." She quickly followed the young maid up the windind staircase, and into a small room. "The bathroom is to your left, I'll wash and fix your dress while you get ready...oh, and the king would like you to meet him for lunch. In about an hour." "Ok, and thank you." The maid bowed and smiled.
  15. Name- Chyoko/Kira Kagura Age-17 Clan- Kagura clan Bloodline trait- The ability to see peoples greatest fears, and use illusions to play with their minds. Alias-The Reaper Side-Akatsuki Rank- ANBU Personality- Chyoko is a very shy, self conscience girl. She hates big crowds, peppy people, and frogs (No one knows why). Her past has lots of secrets and death, which is why she is the way she is. Most people would say she's an anti-socail goth, but she's really very nice and misunderstood. If it was her choice, she wouldn't fight anyone, but her darker side switches on when she gets angry. (This side of her is named Kira) When Kira comes out she becomes a blood thirsty monster who shows no mercy...killing everyone. Thus her name...The Reaper. (yes, she's a schitso) Appearance-[URL="http://images.quizilla.com/S/SH/SHI/ShinigamiGirl/1144259609_es78550f2d.jpg"]http://images.quizilla.com/S/SH/SHI/ShinigamiGirl/1144259609_es78550f2d.jpg[/URL] Chyoko Weapons-Powers-Jutsu's- Six Kunai, one Kusarigama ( A small scythe connected to a chain), and two Katars (The claw ones). She uses the Katars for close range attacks, and the scythe for long range. Jutsu's- Mind Puppet jutsu: This jutsu Takes over the mind of a weak opponent and controls them for as long as the user wishes. Dark Shadow jutsu: With this jutsu, the user releases a black mist from their hands with is pitch black, and poisoness. The third Hokages Forbidden jutsu: With this jutsu, the user summons the reaper the trap a persons soul, with the cost of their own. Summoning jutsu: This jutsu summons a giant spider, even the littlest spiders can be deadly if bitten. Bio- Chyoko was born in the village hidden in the mist, by her parents Konkura and Shoji Kagura. Her father was a gounin from the leaf village when he married her mother, a common villager fromm the mist village. He decided to move to the mist village and keep his daughter from fighting. Unfortunetly, his past caught up with her, and she decided to go to the academy anyway. Her skills definately showed while in the academy. She surpassed all of her classmates, and passed the academy at the age of nine. She quickly climed the ranks of chunin to gounin, and was a ANBU black op by the time she was twelve. Since then, Kira joined Akatsuki's group and Chyoko had to go along with it. Though, she tries her best to calm her other team members down.
  16. Name: Adrielle Amoria Age: 20 Gender: Female Appearance: [URL="http://code5.cc/auron/misc/yunalesca1.jpg"]http://code5.cc/auron/misc/yunalesca1.jpg[/URL] Personality: Adrielle's personality is perky and optimistic, although her positive nature hides her being concerned and worried. She hates to see people fighting, and is always trying to break up any arguments. Although, at times, she may seem very naive and immature, she is acually very intelligent and responsible. She tends to put up a facade to hide her doubting, worryful side. This is due to her belief in always being strong for others, and being an inspiration. She is also very good at keeping her temper, rarely if ever will she show her anger to someone. They would have to hit her were it urts her the most. Race: Guado Job: Priestess Weapon: A long bow with magic arrows.(The arrows magic only works when she wields them.) They were both made from a sacred tree, giving them their ability. Snippet: A slight breeze hit her face as Adrielle sat her hand made basket into the green full grass. Leaning over and smiling a bit, she picked a blue flower and put it to her nose. The scent was a blend of roses and lilac. Placing it into her basket, she continued to pick a bouquet of beautiful multicolored flowers. Suddenly, a huge gust of wind knocked her on her back, and all of her flowers landed on her stomach. She sighed and gathered the flowers, placing them back into the basket. As she got up a young girl ran towards her with a big smile on her face. "Adrielle! Master wishes to see your presence in his quarters. I think it's something important." "Oh really? That's great! I hope everything ok. I would be very distrought if it wasn't." She quickly grabbed her basket and ran a short way through the woods, until a small cottage came into view. Immediatly she took off her sandals and bowed at the door. Then she got up and walked across a narrow hallway, into a small room.Inside was two rugs and a table, located in the center of the room. On the table was a medium sized bowl, with a strange red liquid inside. She sat on the rug infront of the table and bowed her head. The sound of shoes and something tapping came towards her, and sat infront of her, on the other carpet. Adrielle opened her eyes, and saw her master sitting there. She was a beautiful woman, with long white hair, and a blue robe. Her pale eyes seemed to gaze into your soul, but that was impossible. Since they couldn't see anything. Adrielle smiled and placed her hands onto her masters hands. "You wished to see me master." "Yes. I have had a vision consurning you." "A vision? What did you see?" "You will leave us, and go on a journey." "A journey, where?" "This message was sent to me from our king. He has summoned my best girl. I have chosen you." "Me" But master! Leana is much better than me." "That may be, but her heart is weak, and can be easily swayed by temptation. Your heart is pure, and untainted. You are ready." "If it is your wish." With that she bowed her head once more, and left the room.
  17. Ashrah bowed and stepped back, putting her weapons away. Rising she smiled hesitantly. "If this is your wish, then I shall leave you to your own battles. Farewell." A large gush of wind surrounded her and then she was gone. Landing on large tree branch several yards away she watched curiosly. *Too strong for me huh? I doubt it. Those protigee types are so overrated anyway. Oh, well. This isn't my fight.* She sighed and jumped down from the tree, landing softly on her feet. Her eyes grazed the forest and she ran deeper in the woods. The deeper she ran, the more free she felt, the wind rubbing her face like soft velvet, the hot sun beating down on her like a warm blanket. She loved the woods. When she was a child, she would spend hours wandering around the woods. Once she spent a week alone in the woods. She found her own food nad comfort every night. Plus, she'd always been good with animals, they would help her find nuts and wild fruits. Stopping suddenly, Ashrah looked behind her and saw a figure in all black, then it dissapeared. "I guess now's a good time to head back to the academy." She smiled and back towards the academy. Though she had an eerie felling that someone was watching her.
  18. GothikMoon


    Scarlets eyes widened as she saw the event that had just happaned. At first she thought she was dreaming again. That was the man from her dreams, but who was it? She'd always assumed it was her father, but now... Her eyes closed softly and she started to mumble quietly under her breath. She quickly opened her eyes gain and turned around to see a woman passed out on the ground a few feet infront of her. A sigh escaped her lips and she ran over to the woman and a man who was knelt beside her. " Hey, is she alright?" The man quietly replied in a confused tone. "Uh... uh, no, no, I don't... she just, passed out..." "Well, your no help. Anyone can see that. I asked if she was alright, that means, is she injured in anyway." The man looked at her and she sighed sorrowfully. "Sorry...didn't mean to make you look like an idiot...much..." She forced a slight smile and started to run towards the direction the car had gone. In her heart she knew she wouldn't have a chance of finding it, but..she had to. As she ran, she heard voices yelling after her, but she kept running. Her eye fixed on the image of the car. No matter what it took, she would have to find him, have to talk to him, have to know the truth.
  19. Ashrah dully pecked away at the table with her pencil. The wait was killing her. When were these brats going to get into teams already?! She just wanted to get this over with. One moment.. Another moment.. *Ok! When is this going to end? I hate kids!* The rising anger flowed out of her hand as the table was slowly being etched away by her pencil. By now the whole class was starring at her, and this only made her more angry. Suddenly a girl popped out her seat and started yelling about someone in the woods, but by now, ashrah was already ready to jump off the roof of boredom. Of course someone had to go check it out, and guess what? Big surprise! Now he's missing to, huh no! Yeah, now it's my turn. Ashrah slammed the pencil on the table, and jumped out of the window. She softly landed on her feet and disappeared into the woods. *Finally! Some action. Who needs kids?*
  20. Name: Scarlet Grey Age: 22 Personality: A silent, misunderstood and very angry young woman. She hates authority, and loves to take charge. One of her many pet-peeves is when men think their better than her because she's a woman (They tend to be taught a very big lesson.) Weapons: One sniper riffle, which she carries on her back, and two uzis. Skills: A deadly shot and perfect aim. Used to be military police for the marines. Then she became an assassin. Bio: Scarlet was living a normal life, well as normal as life can get as an assassin, and was minding her own "buisness", when suddenly hords of demons started to appear out of no where and kill her employers and victims. Of course, this did not suit well in her mind, so she decided to to go on a killing rampage with her guns. She'd always wanted, but there was no reason to, until now. Oh yeah, mass murder and mayhem is always fun. Since the, she's been tracking a certain demon, who lead her to the wierd tower that stands before her now. Appearance: (I put an appearance because I think it's easier to imagine the story if you know what they look like.)[URL=http://www.ergoproxy.com/visual/wallpaper/Wallpaper01.jpg]Scarlet[/URL] (I had to do this quick, so tell me if I need to add anything)
  21. Name- Ashrah Mei Age- 17 Personality- Ash is a very honorable, live by the code kind of girl. She does everything by the book, and never disagrees with ranks above her, unless she is absolutely certain she's right. Special jutsu's or attacks- Rain of fire jutsu- A specail fire jutsu that rains fire from the sky in a certain area, that the wielder chooses, as long as it is in a two mile ratius of the wielder. Blood rain- A secret technique that can only be used when wielding her Kitana. The wielder becomes possesed by an ancient spirit from whom the sword originally belonged to. Then the wielder uses a string of lightning fast attacks to slay the wielders apponent. Appearance(pic or detailed description)-[URL=http://i44.photobucket.com/albums/f24/Gacktsgurl08/Anime/FemaleFireSwordsman.jpg]Ashrah[/URL] Weapons- Two Sai's and an ancestrial kitana. Rank- Genin Bio(at least 1-2 paragraphs long)- Ashrah was born in the Mist village, and was an orphan by the time she was five. Her parents were killed in action and she was sent to live with her uncle in the leaf village. After she moved to the village her life seemed to become normal again. She made lots of new friends in the village, and her uncle was great. He was very strict and bound to rules, but he was very nice and loving. He lost his sight years ago, and needed help every once in a while, so when Ashrah was ten, he married a young women named Mai Linn. Mai taught Ashrah the basics of fighting and how to use shurikan and kunai. Han( her uncle) taught her how to greet and respect her elders and when she was ready, he sent her to school. School was easy enough for her, and she passed easily. She met her sensai and and made friends with her team. They trained and passed the chounin exams, with the loss of on e of her teamates, as the reward. She took it hard, but had to move on. Once she passed the exams, Han gave her a Kitana was passed down to to the ninjas of her family for generations. It had strange marking along the base of the sword, that would glow when touched with blood. She found it fascinating and sarted to research the swords markings. One night while researching in the library she sliced her finger on the sword and the markings started to glow red. Afterward she felt a burning on her neck and then she passed out. When she awoke she looked in the mirror and found the same mark on her neck. Now, whenever she uses her sword she blacks out, and doesn't remember what happens, but the last time she used it, all of her enemies ended up diced to pieces. So, now she only uses it when she has to.
  22. Name: Rayven Klien Age: 19 Gender: Female Side: Team Rocket Likes: Odish, Fighting, her brother, and blood Dislikes: Girly- girls, Pink, and Weaklings. Personality Quirks: She is very aggressive and concieted. Her love for the fight tends to get her alot of trouble but she knows what she's doing. Plus her sadistic nature makes her very frightning at times. Appearance:[URL=http://fc01.deviantart.com/fs15/f/2007/062/0/1/itachi_sexy_no_jutsu_concept_by_schellen.jpg]Rayven[/URL], this is Rayven except take away the clouds, and replace with one "R" on the left side of her chest. Pokemon Team**: Odish(Oddy)-45,M Umbreon(Sly)-60,M Houndooom(Skull)-56,M Shuppet(Shadow)-53,M Mightyena(Ruby)-52,F Espeon(Syth)-57,F Biography: Rayven was born into an average family with a mother, a father, and an older brother. Her brother left when she was five to start training and when he came back, he was part of Team Rocket. Since she had just turned ten, she decided to start her training and then join her brother in Team Rocket. Her first and favorite pokemon was a male Odish, whom she named Oddy. After capturing Oddy she traveled to the mountains and cought her second pokemon Sneasel,whom she named Syth. Once studying up on her pokemon, she became obcessed with dark and psychic pokemon, and became a dark/psychic pokemon collector, with the exception of Odish. Once she turned fifteen, she joined team Rocket and teamed up with her brother Alex(20),who was an Eevee collector. He had all evolutions(Eevee,Vapoeon,Jolteon,Flareon,Espeon, Umbreon,Leafia,and Glacia), and this is where she recieved Espeon and Umbreon. Together they captured and trained their pokemon. Waiting for the day to beat the Weaklings that confront them, and make the Boss proud.
  23. *Sorry about it being so long. I kind of got into the story, and got carried away.* Name: Samantha(Sam) Semore Age: 19 Appearance: [URL=http://img99.imageshack.us/img99/8444/revyenaccion6wf.jpg]Sam[/URL] Personality: Sam is a very domineering, self-centered, ego-centric, determined young woman. She loves to get attention, and has to always be right. She has her own honor code, and will kill or badly injure anyone who breaks it, and if she likes you, she's loyal till the end. Her one goal in life is too find her brother, and kill Sasu. How he/she got The Curse: Sam was an ordinary rebellious pre-teen, with a twin brother named Alex, a drug endused mother, and an abusive, alcoholic father. She was always getting picked on by kids at school, and her family rarely had enough money to but lunch. Her brother was the only one that ever knew what she went through, and loved her. They were always together, and did EVERYTHING together (not anything incestrious) and were only happy when together. Alex was always talking about running away forever, and becoming famous and stuff. You know, like all kids do. As the years went bye, her hopes diminished, until one day. Samantha was silently walking home from a typical day at school, when she saw a bunch of cops around her house. Panic rose through her as she thought of what could have happened. Alex had stayed home sick today, and now there?s cops everywhere. She quickly ran up to the nearest cop and grabbed his arm. "Where is he?!" The cop looked at her sorrowfully, and answered. "I'm sorry, but your mother and father are dead." "But where?s my brother?" "We don't know. We haven?t found any trace of him, but we think he might have killed them." A sudden shock ran through her as the cop's answer ran through her head."...he killed them". *I can't believe it. He couldn't have. Oh, Alex. Where are you?* Warm, salty tears immediately gathered in her eyes, and started to run down her pale cheeks. She buried her face into her hands and hastily ran down through the ally way next to their apartment complex. The wind was cold today as it flew by her face and arms. Her entire body shivered uncontrollably as she fell to the ground and wept. The hard rocky pavement seemed to spin as he lie there, slowly slipping into the dark solitude of unconsciousness. A faint whisper suddenly engulfed her ears as she hovered above the ground, half conscious. A pair of soft long arms were holding her comfortingly, waiting for her to awake fully. "Sam..Sam..wake up. You have to get up. He's coming." She slowly opened her eyes and saw the figure before her. Her mout widened and she quickly wrapped her arms around Alex's neck. "Oh, my god! Your alive! I was so worried. The cops said you killed mom and dad. I'm so confused. You couldn't have. You couldn't have.." Alex smiled happily and helped Sam to her feet. Then he grabbed her wrist and tugged her along. "We have no time for this Sam. I'll explain everything later, but we have to go." "Why?" "Because "he's" looking for me." "Who's he? What are you talking about? Are you feeling ok?" "Oh, never mind...quickly!" It seemed as if hey were running forever when we finally arrived at a nice little park. The park was full of a rainbow of flowers, and little children, and dogs running about. A smile crept over her face as she looked at them. How happy they were. How free, and happy. If only she knew how it really was at home. To know if they felt as she felt. Went through the same things she did. But this didn't matter now. Alex was acting weird, and she was going to get to the bottom of it. "Ok. Now listen. I'm getting tired of all this crap! You tell me what's going on NOW!" Alex sighed and looked around suspiciously. "It's like this. I was on the couch watching some Jackie Chan marathon on Spike, when I heard mom and dad at each others throats again. I didn't want to get in the middle of it, so I went up stairs to take a little nap. When I woke up I felt this strange stinging on my wrist, and when I looked at it, there was this strange marking on it. I starred at it for few seconds, then suddenly a random wired guy pops out of nowhere and tells me about this cure thing. I thought he was crazy or something, but he just smiled at me, and the next I knew we were down stairs and mom and dad were dead. They were dead, but it didn't look like them. They were older looking, and their skin was sunken in. Like that one mummy movie where he sucks the lfe out of them, or all there fluid or something. It was really freaky. Well, he smiled again and told me he would be back for you. So, I waited where the cops wouldn't find me. Then I saw you passed out in the ally." The shock of his story flew through her entire body. She couldn't move, couldn't talk, couldn't breath. Alex waited and then shook her a bit. "Are you ok? Sam!" Suddenly the sky seemed to darken, and the mysterious man appeared in front of them. "STAY AWAY FROM HER!" Alex quickly stood in front of her, but was easily tossed away. Sam screamed and tried to run away, but the man snatched her throat and grinned. He lifted her in the air, as her neck burned under his palm. He dropped her and picked up the unconscious Alex. She screamed again and watched as the man slowly disappeared with her brother in his arms. "Alex!" Suddenly her eyes went dark. hen she awoke everyone in the park was dead. The stench of the rotting corpses overwhelming her. She looked around and saw their torn bodies scatered about the park. She looked at her blood soaked hands and clothes, and screamed in complete horror. --------------------------- This was four years ago, and now she travels the land searching for her brother. She's become very cold hearted, and mean. But it's the good of others, She doesn't want to get close too anyone. She never leaves anywhere without her guns, and will not stop searching, until she has her brother back, and Sasu is dead.
  24. GothikMoon


    Scarlett sighed as she pulled the silky black dress over her head. The dress slipped down her body easily and slightly touched her knees. She quickly put her smooth black hair into identicle pig-tails, and let her long bangs fall over her face. Her hands quickly grabbed a black choker with several chains and a cross necklace, and put them on gracefully. Heading for the door, she buckled her large leather boots and padded down her dress hesitantly.As she opened the door to her dorm, the wind coldy swept across her body, causing a shiver to run down her spine. Quickly reaching back behind the door, she grabbed a leather trench and slipped it on. The air was dry and cold as she walked down the sidewalk. Kids were running through the yard, as adults watched them carefully. A smile crept across her pale face as a couple of chipmonks raced across the street. Turning the corner, Scarlett saw a girl leaving a pet shop with a bag of food. She started to wave, but thought that Ashley was probably too busy to notice her anyway, so decided to head to the park. After a few minute of staring into space, she noticed that Ashley was going the same way she was. Suddenly a drop of cold precipitation landed on her forhead, then before she knew it, a shower of water poured over the land. *Crap..that's just my luck. Now my makeups going to run.* Hurridley, she ran to the town square and ducked for cover. She looked around and wiped down her clothes desgustidley. " Hey Scarlett!" Scarlett quickly turned around, and saw Ashley standing behind her soaked, with a bag of rabbit food. "Hi..."
  25. GothikMoon


    The dark bold strokes whisped across the paper, as a slender white hand spread the crimson paint into an indeffinate shape. The girl slightly smiled, and sat the brush in the paint canaster infront of her. She ran her fingers down her left cheek, leaving four blood red claw marks down her face. "Hey Scarlett, nice work. I love the passion and ferocity in your work." The woman laughed and gazede at the portrait before her. "Thank you miss Stephani." Scarlett rolled her eyes and walked over to the classroom sink, and slowly washed the dark paint off her hands. "If it isn't the little goth whore. How is the family? Oh, I forgot...their dead." The group of tall skinny blonde's laughed loudly and walked away. Scarlett scowled and quickly walked up behind the girls leader and tapped her shouldewr hesitantly. The girl stopped and shrieked when she turned around. "EWW.. I can't believe you just touched me!" Scarlett grinned evily and quickly threw red paint in the girls face and slapped herv angrilly. "Don't you ever come near me again, or i'll rip your heart out!" The girl screamed and ran out the room, as Miss Stephani ran to the girls." What's going on here? Scarlett, waht's gotten in to you?" Scarlett turned her head and walked out the door, without a word. She rounded the corner and sprinted out the door, ignoring her teachers screams down the hall way.
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