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Everything posted by GothikMoon
Name: Scarlett Alisha Rose Age: 15 Gender: Female Appearance: [URL=http://i74.photobucket.com/albums/i271/songbird1289/dark.jpg](pic)[/URL] Scarlett is a goth, so she always wears black clothing and dark makeup. She's usually found in a dress or skirt, but every once in a while she'll wear leather pants. General Mood: Very solumn and quiet. She doesn't like to talk much, inless it's about something morbid, or art. Since she's an orphan, most people don't tend to notice her anyway. She hates the world and everyhing about it, the only she looks forward too in life is too finf a good home, where she's accepted for who she is. Quirks: Scarlett is always starring at people, she'll stare at anyone for an hour strate without a blink or movement, it really freaks people out. Powers: A fear powered telekenetic, she can only use her power if scared, angry, or thinks she's in danger. Background: Scarlett was born in Britain, and moved to the U.S. when she was twelve with her mother. Her father died when she was a baby, so she never knew him, and her mother was an abusive drunk. She was constantly beat by her mother and her mothers boyfriends, until she couldn't take it anymore. One night while her mother and one of her boyfriends were arguing, she drew a penta gram on the floor, and tried too summon her fathers spirit from the netherworld, but before she could finish the spell, her mother barged in the the room and started screaming. When mother saw what she was doing, she grabbed her by the hair and threw her into the wall, knocking her unconciese. While in a dream-state she saw a man, who she prosumed to her father standing over her, she tried to reach out to him, but couldn't find the strength. He smiled and took her hand, helping to her feet. She gazed at him curiously, but his face was shadowed. Leaning over he whisped in her ear. " Use your power, summon your strength." After hearing this she looked at her mother through groggy eyes and lifted her hand. "I hate you mother." Suddenly her mother screamed and was thrown across the room. She tried to run away. but was stopped by objects being thrown at her violently.Scarlett smiled as the mans hand rested on her shoulder. "Good, now sleep." He slowly lifted his hand to her face and a mysterious powder covered her eyes. When she awoke, she saw her mother lying on the floor dead, with cuts and scrapes all over her. Then, as she looked at her, she remembered her dream, and the man with strange powder.After her mothers death, Scarlett was adopted by the Prepatory School she was attending Now she lives at the school and works on her art. Though she's always finding herself thinking back too that night. Occupation: Student
Akasha sighed and walked up to her new companions. "Here's the deal. If you fuck with me, then I won't hesitate to take your precious wings away and slowly torture you,until you die a very painful death." "You've deffinately changed." "Yeah, It's what happens over the span of hundreds of years." She closed her eyes and turned back into her human form. Smiling she took out her gun and twirled it in the several times before quietly sitting down on the rough cold pavement. "I hate this. I wasn't supposed to work with you concieted ass holes again." The men grinned and stood behind her playfully pissing her off with the littlest touches or taunts. "Stop it!"
Akasha laughed as she dropped the recently gouged heart from her hand. The angel fell to the ground immidiatly and disappeared. Hearing a slight scream she turned around too see Michael's life being drained. A warm tear rolled down her cheek and the blood rushed through her veins in anger. Her eyes turned pitch black and large onyx winges pertruted from her white skin. Long flowing black hair took place of her once crimson locks and swayed in the harsh wind surrounding her entire bare flesh.(She's not naked, but her elfit is really revealing, like in demon pic.) A wicked grin smothered her delicate features and a long metalic whip lashed at the oncoming parade of holy avengers before her. The sounds of pain and anguish soured down the streets as Akasha whipped and lashed through the angels as if they were air. Warm blood drenched her soft exterior as she stood infront of Michael. She slowly touched his pale, cold cheek and rubbed it with her thumb. He opened his eyes slightly as pain shot through his body. The inch of life slowly fading from his eyes. "I'm sorry. You didn't choose this." She hugged him hesitantly trying to avoid the sword as she leaned forward. Her lips quickly latched on to his without care. She could fell him tense a bit then die beneath her. Releasing him she bit her lip and watched his body dissapear in flames. Closing her eyes she could see him traveling through the flames and transforming as he landed in front of Lucifer. Quickly opening her eyes she found herself in front of Lucifer herself. "What the hell? How the hell did I get here?" Lucifer smirked a nd laughed as he saw Michael struggle before him. Suddenly he appeared infront of Akasha with a frown on his face. Then without a word, he backhanded her so hard she almost flew backwards onto the burning embers beneath her. "How dare you show your face here without completing your mission!" Akasha touched her burning cheek and stood obediantly before her master. "I didn't try to." "So, you teleported, without knowing it?" "I guess...master." "Don't do it again! Now leave. They need you." "Yes master. Fucking prick." "What?" "I said, FUCKING PRICK!" "Ok. That's more like it. Anger is key luv." She smiled and closed her eyes again and reappeared on the top of the tower. Her wings fully spread and a sadistic laugh echoed through the air.
Eris smirked as she sliced the mans neck open. She had been needing some practice, and now she was bored. The past few days had been hell and now she was waiting for her men to show up. *This is bull shit. First I get murdered, then I have to come back and kill a little bitch who wants to save the world. Just let it burn! I hate all these weak pathetic humans and their pitiful lives.* She opened the window and peered out impatiently. The next time either of those idiots were late she would snap. Suddely a figure stood in front of her on the window ledge. "Your late."
Akasha knelt down next to the angel and smiled. "Hey Michael. It's been a long time." Michael turned his head towards her and frowned. "Akasha...how's Lucifer?" "Oh, please." "I know the only reason you betrayed us and became a demon is because Lucifer told you too. Even before he fell, you and Lucifer were close. Than out of the blue you kill half of our troop, and run too him." "You have no idea what your talking about." "I don't lie. You know that." "Shut up!" "He's a bastard Akasha. Don't let him rule your life." Akasha's entire body burned as her hand smacked the side of his face. "You have no idea what it's like to have your entire life ruined in an instant! During that war I lost everything, including you..." She wipped the tear from her eye and put the gun to his head. "This is my life now Michael. No matter how I felt about you or Lucifer doesn't matter. He's my master now, and your my enemy. Now talk." He smiled and layed back as Gea walked over. "What's all the commotion over here?" "Nothing. Do your thing, and call me over when your done." She walked over to the ledge and closed her eyes.The memories of her past flooding in. "Hey Drake?" "Yeah." "Why did you join Lucifer's side?
Akasha laughed and looked Drake over. "Very...intimidating, but I'm used to this by now." She shoved her hand through on of his spikes and watched the blood run down her arm lustfully. Her eyes closed as she pulled her hand off the spike and licked the blood around the newly formed hole in her palm. "It's almost amazing how much the prick of pain this caused me, could make a human quiver and fall in an instant. The human body is very fragile, very weak. Yet their souls are of such impotance to Lucifer. It always makes me wonder." She opened her eyes and looked at her fully healed hand. "But luckily we have no worries of where our non-existent souls shall go. We are already damned to the eternal fire at which our sins lye. Our fears diminish, and the screams of tortured souls never rest." A smile crept across her face, and she lowered her hand. Looking at Drake, she laughed and rubbed her hands through her crimson hair. "Sorry about that. Sometimes I speak my mind, and it can be akward. I won't do it again." A sad expression took over her features and she started to walk out the door.
Name: Kinna Williams Age: 19 Gender: Female Personality: Her dedication to fighting and learning is overshadowed by her arrogance and hostility towards anyone she perceives to be greater than her. She hates fire, and will jurt anyone who uses it against her. If she is not training or fighting, Kinna can be a very shy, and nice person. She's very competative, arrogant, cautous, short tempered, and sometimes nice. Appearance:[URL=http://www.midway.com/images/forum/mk_Frost_render.jpg]Kinna[fighting uniform][/URL] Rencarnation of: Del- Of the Ice Power: Abilities to form solid weapons by freezing surrounding water vapor, and freeze anything, even opponents (if she uses enough power). Weapon: Ice daggers [when using power], one double edged kitana, and throwing daggers. Bio: Kinna was ten when her father died, while saving a family from a fire. Afterward she became deathly afraid of fire and wouldn't go anywhere near flames. She moved in to her grandfathers dojo, and began to learn multiple Martail Arts. Since then, she has become a great fighter and also very competitive. Kinna discovered her powers when she was eleven years old, while she was walking with her mother, they were attacked by thieves and she tried to run away, but she wasn't fast enough. They cought her, and were about to kill Kinna and her mother, when the bullets froze in mid-air and the thieves did as well. The energy used to stop the thieves knocked her unconcious, and her mother took her back to the dojo. Kinna immidiatly became obcessed with her powers, and practiced her skills whenever she was alone, along with her Martail Arts training. Now she has nearly mastered her ice, and fighting abilities together. Revealing a deadly combination.
Akasha sighed and put on a pair of black under garments. She looked at her self in the mirror and smiled, then rubbed her stomach. 'Man I'm hungry, oh well' Frowning she walked out in her bra and underwear, without hesitation. She slyly walked into the bathroom and opened the curtains. Drake opened one eye and smiled. "What?" "Oh, nothing. I just wanted to see you naked. You seem more muscular than before." He smiled and turned off the water. Akasha smirked and stole his towel. "Give it to me." "No." She laughed and ran out of the bathroom. "I just want to have a little 'fun' Drake. Plus, their leaving anyway. I hate being bored."
Akasha got out of the car and opened the drivers seat door. She smirked and grabbed Lee by his hair throwing him out of the car. ?I?m driving.? Smirking, Akasha looked back at Lee who grunted and sat in the back. She smiled and slammed the gas without hesitation. The tires squealed and smoked before jetting forward and quickly reaching eighty. Drake looked at her and sighed. ?Always have to cause a scene don?t you?? ? It?s no fun without chaos.? Suddenly red and blue lights screamed behind them and everyone grunted. ?Don?t worry. I can handle this. Everyone hold on.? She stuck her hand out the window and flipped the police off and her eyes turned pitch black. Drake?s eyes widened and he turned to her quickly. ?Akasha your not..? Before he could finish his sentence the car erupted in flames and disappeared. In a puff of flames the car landed in front of the preys house. Akasha smiled and pulled out her guns. ?My turn.? She opened the car door and walked up to the house door kicking it open. A sadistic smile crept across her face and she entered the house. Screams were heard from the house and a few minutes later Akasha walked out covered in blood and holding a boys head. She threw it on the ground and it disappeared in smoke. ?That was fun.? She got back in the car and threw the keys to Lee. ?All done.?
Name: Eris (Air-reese) Hellinger Age: 19 Gender: Female Personality: Eris is a cold-hearted, strong willed, killer. She never takes no for an answer, and she'll stop at nothing to get what she wants. Appearance: [URL=http://us.codejunkies.com/images/article_images/images/MKdeception_MILEENA.jpg][pic][/URL] Weapon(s): Two sai's like in pic. Position: Black Heart
Name: Akasha Lynn Age: 23 Demon Age: 547 Gender: Female Personality: Akasha is a very sadistic, short tempered, serious kind of women. She never takes anyones crap, and she'll kill you on the spot if you annoy her. She's like this in her human and demon form. Human Appearance: [IMG]http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/thumb/d/d6/DMC_Lucia.jpg/441px-DMC_Lucia.jpg[/IMG] Demon Appearance: [IMG]http://profiletagger.com/fallin2lv6pg.png[/IMG] Human Weapon: Two hand uzi's. Demon weapon: A long chain whip [URL=http://www.trueswords.com/images/prod/c/TS-CHNWHIP78_540.jpg][pic][/URL] , and a pair of Katars. [URL=http://images.slboutique.com/images/items/79797_1.jpg][pic][/URL]
Name: Avangelin Withers Appearance: [img]http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/e/ed/Asuka2.jpg[/img] Advantage: Avangelin is very fast and is a master of the copoeira style. Disadvantage: Avangelin is a girl, so like all women she has a period of time where she is very emotional and weak. If an opponent fights her at this time, she'd probably lose.
Name: Rugue Myers Race: The Firrerreo (also referred to as Firrerreon) were natives of the planet Firrerre. They resembled humans, but had two-tone hair and nictitating eyelids. They also had the ability to heal quickly. In addition, they had gold-colored skin, which would turn silver when scarred. The species also had extremely long canines capable of snapping a humanoid's spine. Age: 22 Gender: Female Rank: Jedi master Personality: Rogue is very strong willed, and hates when people under her rebel. She looks beautiful, but if you want your life you shouldn't mess with her. Since she's a good temptress she always gets what she wants. Appearance: [IMG]http://images.wikia.com/starwars/images/thumb/a/a0/Firrerreo.jpg/269px-Firrerreo.jpg[/IMG] Bio: Rogue was always a defient child with a fiery attitude. So when she was old enough, her parents sent her to be trained in the arts of the Jedi. She had a rough time at first because of her attitude, but eventually she got the hang of it. When she finally finished her training the council was impressed, and after a few years she joined them. Since then she only fights when she has too or if she happens to be very irritated. When she heard of the new forces afoot in the galaxy she immediatly wanted a piece of the action.
Nike frowned and feel to her knees. I thought there was a village here. I must have taken a wrong turn or something.* She lookede out across the layers of sand and acroos the water, then smiled. *Well atleast it's pretty.* A man walked out of the woods a few yards away and he had created a fire. She could smell fresh meat burning on the fire. *Looks like this beach is occupied. I better sleep high tonight.* Artemis, Hermes, and Ares all looked at her, with a hungry expresion on their faces. "Fine. I'll go get some fish for you." Nike smiled and grabbed a small dagger from her bag. She walked down the beach to the sea's edge and walked in about knee deep. "I hate doing this." She held the dagger tightly with one hand and dove into the water. A minute later she popped up with two decent sized fish on her dagger and soaking wet. Her three companions jumped happily and stole the fish when she made it back. "You guys are pigs. It's getting too dark. I can't fish anymore, so your going to have to do with what you got." She grabbed her bag and walked back into the woods. With a few tries Nike was laying on a large branch, looking over the whole beach. "Now this is nice. Don't you think?" The three moogles nodded in agreement and huddled next to her falling asllep. Nike smiled and watched the people on the beach hesitantly. *I'm not getting any sleep tonight.*
Sky smiled and stroked her master's leg. "Where are we going today master?" He smirked and rubbed her head. "You'll see..." "A surprise...hmmm...this should be interesting." She smiled and layed down at his feet happily. The thoughts of the past quickly filled her mind as she closed her eyes. Women and children were screaming as her master scowered the city. She did her own helping of killings as well, but nothing compared to him. Blood was everywhere, along with fire and the scent of dead bodies. The smell was the worst. She hated it more than anything. Killing was fine, burning was fun, screaming was tolerable, but that smell of burning and rotting corpses could be too much. [I have to go, i'll do a longer post next time}
Lilith smirked as a young boy around eight chased a big dog around the corner. His blonde hair and bright blue eye's seemed to shimmer in the moon light as he looked at her. [I]So innocent, so pure. What a pitty.[/I] She smiled and wrapped her hands around the boy. He laughed and hugged her back. "Thank you for getting my dog back." "No problem. Aren't you out a little late for a boy your age?" "Ummm... no. Why do you care anyway? Your out here alone." "On the contrare. I have an adult with me." The boy lokked around and smiled. "Your lying. I don't see anyone." A black figure dropped behind him and he turned around with a lttle scream. A man around twenty with crimson hair and eyes bent down and placed his hand on the boys shoulder. "Your mother is out looking for you. Go home." "But.." "Now!" The boys eyes widened and he ran off down the street. "I wouldn't talk kids like that." "Why not?" "You know why. We should go, if the elders found out you snuck out again your going to be in big trouble." Lilith frowned and hugged him tightly. "How did you find me anyways Vic?" "Your not that hard to track." "Lets go." She squeezed his hand tightly and they disappeared in a cloud of dust.
Nike smiled as the sudden gust of wind almost blew her off the mountain path. "You guys better hold on! It's gonna get rough up ahead!" Artemis, Hermes, and Ares struggled to fly against the wind with little success. Artemis's wing hit a dangling branch and she was blown off the mountain into the trees below. "Artemis!" Nike quickly tied a rope to a large rock and jumped down into the forest below. She landed in a ground role and untied the rope from her waist. Hermes and Ares were already on the trail of Artemis's sent when Nike landed. "Hermes! Ares! Where are you?" Three high pitched coo's echoed through the woods and Nike ran toward the sounds. When found the moogles two of them were huddled around the third one, sopeaking to it in there own language. "Artemis are you ok?" Artemis tried to move her wing but only pain surged through her body. Then she let out a quite wail and crawled into Nike's arms. "It's ok girl...it looks like sprained wing. I'll fix it." Nike took her green carrying bag off her back and took out some bandages from the front. Then she took a small twig to hold the wing in place and wrapped the wing carfully. "There tht's better. Were only a few miles from the next town, lets go." Artemis sat on Nike's shoulder as the others followed.
Name: Nike Assure Age: 20 Gender: Female Appearance: [URL=http://burnfeather13.joueb.com/images/rikku.jpg]Nike[/URL] Personality: Nike is a fun, loving, optimistic girl. She doesn?t usually get angry, but when she does you better watch out. Bio: Nike has always been an adventurer, so she?s always traveling, and is never in one place. On her travels she heard stories of dragons and the Ore. Eventually she decided that she would change at least one of her animals into a dragon, and it would most likely be Ares. So she went searching for the Ore. Animal: Three moogles, [IMG]http://www.gamongirls.com/IMG/jpg/11-2.jpg[/IMG] Animal's Name: Hermes (bottom left), Artemis (top), and Ares (bottom right) Animal Description: Artemis - A kind, loving creature. Doesn?t like to fight. Hermes - A mischievous creature, which always loves to play and mess with people. Ares ? The leader of the group, he?s fierce, but loyal. He would do anything for his master.
Name: Sky Age: Looks around 18 Gender: Female Appearance: [URL=http://www.animegalleries.net/albums/userpics/15055/angel%202.jpg]Sky[/URL] Weapon: An ax/spear (A long ax with a hidden spear in th inside [URL=http://www.bladereplicas.com/assets/images/United/swords/2091ax.jpg][pic][/URL] Race: Demon Side: Evil Personallity: Sky is a loyal pet, she only responds to her masters voice and does whatever he says, without hesitation. Sky would die for her master, nomatter what because of this it makes it hard for anyone to talk to her, inless her master allows it. She is always found lying at her masters feet, inless they're in th midst of battle then she's ready for action. Bio: When Sky was young the Demon saved her life from a group of demon hunters who slaughtered her family, then he took her in. Since then she's vowed to repay him with her life. She's never left his side since then, and has become his own personal pet. Sky does whatever he asks nomatter how rediculous, and loves it. He taught her how to fight and use her power to the fullest, and for that she loves him with all her heart. Evan if he doesn't love her back, she'll always be there when he calls. Sky loves her master and would kill anyone or do anything to make him happy.
Name: Lilith Genevive Race: Vampire Age: 500(looks about 12) Gender: Female Class: Childer Personality: Lilith is a seriuos non-joker kind of girl. She hates it when people joke about serious matters and usually has her bodygaurd punish them for it. I you get on her good side she'll always have your back, but if you get on her bad side she'll do what she can to make sure you never have any peace. Lilith may look like an innocent child on the outside, but on the inside she's a full grown woman filled with hatred and never ending lust for the sight and taste of blood. Appearance: [IMG]http://i45.photobucket.com/albums/f84/jeidee/mY%20aNimE%20piC/GothiC/GothiC%20aNimE/blackdress.jpg[/IMG] Weapon: Lilith uses a Nasek serpent dagger [URL=http://www.fantasyweapons.co.uk/acatalog/ucykr0014.jpg][pic][/URL] Bio: Lilith was twelve when an elder vampire turned her. He slaughtered her family, but kept her alive for reasons unknown. She was found by another turned vampire and she took her to the vampire elder of that region. It wasn't until years later that she found out that Kredion was the one who turned her. This angered her, but she only confronted him once. He never told her why he kept her alive, only that he was consumed by the thirst and couldn't control himself. Afterward he assigned a bodygaurd to watch out for her, and teach her everything she should know to survive. Lilith still wonders about the reasoning of her existince, and any other existince for that matter. Now most the time she just reads books on history and war to try and figure out her purpose. She's learned how to control her thirst and her anger, but she longs to know what life would be like if she had been a few years older when she was turned. Would life be any different, or the same, would Kredion have saved her, we she have fallen in love and got married? I don't think she'll ever know. But she does still hope to find another childer like her, and maybe..just maybe fall in love herself. p.s. Kredion if you don't want to be in my post just tell me
Name: Jake Rippner Age: 20 Gender: Male (my first male rp) Occupation: A little rich girls body guard. Bio: Jason's Great grandfather had raped a wealthy heiress, and from then on anyone of his blood was forced to serve the family in any way to repay the debt. Jason was part of his bloodline, so he was forced to become the bodyguard/servant of the next born into the family. He was eight when the baby girl was born, and has been taking care of her ever since. Jason always had a certain rebellious side to him and got beaten or whipped allot for just questioning authority. He first realized his power when he dreamt that one of the kids at the prep school got hit by a car, and the next day he found out that it really happened that night. Ever since then he's kept his powers a secret, and works on them when nobody's around. Sometimes he'll accidentally kill an animal, but he has nothing else to practice or he'd be a murderer. Now he has his powers almost completely controlled and he's taking care of an annoying, self-centered, arrogant, spoiled twelve-year-old girl who has a huge crush on him, and wants to marry him when she gets older. Personality: Jason hates it when annoying people talk to him (usually beats them up if they do). Doesn't like to talk about his past or family, can be secluded but if he likes you he'll talk. Prefers secluded areas like libraries, allies, or his room. Loves to escape into books and practice his gun handling at the shooting range. Home City and Current Residence: Athens, Greece. The Same place. Powers/Abilities: He?s a hallucinagist (He can make people see things that aren't there), plus he can do the Freddy thing, and go into people?s minds and use their worst fear to actually kill them in their head (like Freddy the wounds will appear on the out side, but nothings there).
The light consumed the dark room as she opened the window. Her eyes pulsed with pain from the brightness and she put on her sunglasses. Anami walked over to her closet and pulled out a full body black cat suit and boots. The suit followed her every curve and movement which was pleasing to the eye of most the men here. Next she grabbed her silver belt which held her hand cuffs, two hand guns, and a chain. Then she grabbed her lazer shooter(It's a device that fits on the upper hand like a glove and shoots a red lazer beam that can cut through anything or anyone). She opened the door and slowly walked out and headed towards the interegation room. She loved to see people get tortured, it was a wierd obcession she developed over the years. The masters at their best..supposible. She could have done it herself...but she had more important things to deal with than reeducation. Two guards entered the room pulling a boy with them. Then sat him down in the center chair. *Well this one looks like a trouble maker. This should get interesting.* A sadistic grin creeped across her face and she looked at the boy and took off her glasses, revealing two icy blue eyes that seemed to glow in the dark.
Anami licked the blood from her lip and smirked. " Ohh...nice punch, but I'm still not doing it." "When I give you an order I expect you to follow it, no complaints!" A slight chuckle escaped her lips and she turned towards the door. "I listen to no one but the commander. Not wannabe mommas boys with pricky little attitudes like you..." The man scowled but said nothing. *That's what I thought..stupid skyla..* Anami smiled, put on her sunglasses and walked out the door. **I have to get off. I'll do a better post later**
Name: Anami Ino *Age: 21 *Gender: Female Race: "Vamp"(A human-like species with long canines,sensitivity to bright light, fast reactions, and a slight blood lust;not for drinking, for seeing) *Occupation: A special agent for the Big 8 militia, and an agent for the outcasts.(Double agent kinda thing, except she prefers the Outcasts) *Side: Outcast *Appearance: [IMG]http://www.consoles-games.com/media/images/pn03_260203_15.jpg[/IMG] Personality: Anami is the silent type until she needs to speek her mind, then she's the easilly annoyed dominatrix type. She's bipolar and sadistic at times, she also enjoys watching people get tortured (it calms her some how). Plus she hates taking orders (she's very independent). *History: Anami wasn't a typical child, she excelled in martial arts at a young age and was smarter than both her parents combined. When she was ten the Big 8 killed her parents for "Military reasons" and captured her. They used her "gifts" and trained her for their army. Using a microchip they implanted in her head the 8 were able to anhance her abilities ten fold. This made her faster, smarter, stronger, and less controlable. Now she's a fully trained killing machine used for tracking down outcasts and other "problems" the 8 faces.
Sign Up Tonight I Wanna Cry - M-LS possiable V
GothikMoon replied to The_Mix_Breed's topic in Theater
Name: Dierdre(broken hearted) Nasume Age: 17 Gender: Female Personality: Dierdre is a very depressed, lonely, ghost like kind of girl. She doesn't talk much and she doesn't usually leave her house inless at night. It would take alot to get her back on her feet again. Apperence: [URL=http://www.scanraptor.com/cabernet/vicfrances/pages/Legacy_Art_VF_013_Favole.htm]Dierdre[/URL] Home: Little River History: Dierdre was born into a small, rich, and lonely family. Her mother died at her birth and her father fell into a deep depression before hanging himself five years later. Melony her fathers step sister took Dierdre in, but she knew it was only so she could get her greedy hands on her fathers inheritance wich was to given to Dierdre on her eighteenth birthday. Dierdre grew up a very lonley and depressed child, wearing all black, hardly talking, staying locked up in her room, cutting her wrist on occation, and crying herself to sleep. When one day while strolling in her rose garden she met a young man named Dante. They both became very good friends and before she knew it they were engaged to be married. For once Dierdre was happy and not alone. Then life turned again. On the way to thier wedding Dante was attacked by thieves on the back roads. He was shot in the head and died instantly. When Dierdre heard the news she ran to her room and didn't come out for weeks. Now a year later some people will occationally see her laying in front her fiance's grave stone(in pic) , or strolling through the town late at night almost like a ghost of a lost soul. Other : Dierdre will talk to people occationally if they want to, but it usually depressing. She lives in a gothic style mansion in the woods, and she usually wears gothic/medieval style clothing.