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Everything posted by GothikMoon

  1. Name: Athena Age: 2500 Gender: Female Race: Goddess of war, wisdom, justice. Appearance:Athena has two different looks, the first is her warrior look, and second is her suffisticated look. [URL=http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b94/blaze08_83/Anime/anime-blindfolded.jpg]Warrior Athena[/URL] [URL=http://koti.mbnet.fi/nanime/Tree.jpg]Athena normal[/URL] except with hair down. Personality: Athena is a very forward, opinionated, knowledgable, nice, kind of woman. Since justice is blind Athena is blind as well when she's in her warrior mode. Athena can be very self-contained at times but she's usually puts her opinion in most conversatons, but most people learn to be carefull not to say the wrong thing 'cause when she gets angry heads are gonna role. If she isn't talking or arguing, then she is usually seen reading a book, playing with her owl, helping random travelers, or strolling through Demeters garden. Bio: Athena was born out the top of her father's(Zues) cleaved head fully grown and fully armored ready for battle. Athena never had any enemies or children, acually she is still a virgin(according to the myth). Over the years Athena has helped many travelers seeking wisdom, and warriors who need guidence. Among these travelers were heroes such as Oddysseus, Hercules, and Jason(Jason and the argonots). Athena was strolling through Demeters garden reading a book when she heard about Hades plot from her owl Hoot(she can talk to him), she emediatly ran to Zues's throne room and consolted him on the vital issue at hand. After they talked Athena decided to go searching the heavens and earth to find who would aid them on the war that was about to unfold. Alliance: Olympia
  2. Name: Elle K. Age: 18 Gender: Female Appearance: [URL=http://bestanime.co.kr/BAPDSFEB1001/image/img/SUGAR+++++/SUGAR+++++img023.jpg]Elle[/URL] Personality: Elle is a hyperactive, dimwitted, optamistic, annoying, immature eighteen year old. Some people think she's crazy since she'll do almost anything, inless it involved hurting gods creatures. Weapons/Powers: Elle uses two [URL=http://www.extremely-sharp.com/es/images/31086.jpg]hook swords[black one][/URL] and she has the power to morph into any creature [mystical to]. Bio: Elle had to kill off a hord of mutated animals. Since she loves all gods creatures this was very difficult. She is on the good side.
  3. Yumi searched through the store trying to find a good kimono. "Man..this sucks. I can't find anything good." Yuki[the kitten] popped his head out of her perse and jumped out. Yumi frowned and sarted chasing him around the store. She foud the kitten in the back of the store playing with the sleeves of a wjite and blue kimono."Wow...this kimono is perfect for the festival." Yumi hugged the kitten and smiled."Thank you." She tried on the dress and smirked."Perfect fit!" [URL=http://photobucket.com/albums/b289/TwinMoonBlades/Anime%20Pics/?action=view¤t=deadlybeauty.jpg][Click][/URL] OOC: This is a pic of her with her entire elfit, hair crown and all. OOC2: I'm at school so it's a short post.
  4. Yumi finished puting on her dress and tying the bows to her braids then rushed out the door. Today was the big party and she wasn't about to stay home and babysit her sister again. She sprinted around the corner 'til a little white kitten ran infront of her. Her feet stumbled to a stop before tripping over the kitten or herself. The kitten starred at her with it's big eyes and purred slightly. Yumi smiled and picked it up.* I'm sure they won't mind if I brung you with me..I hope* She quickly ran up to the door and knocked. Jun opened the door and smiled."Hi...whats up with the cat?" Yumi scratcheed the kitten behind the ears and smirked. " He almost killed me..so I decided to take him along." She laughed a little and walked in "I hope you don't mind." She set the kitten on the floor and it quickly started running around the house. "He's very active I presume." "I guess.." Yumi sat on the couch and started eating some chips.
  5. Name: Teigra Yumi [Beatiful Tiger] Creature: White Siberian Tiger Age: 15 Description: [URL=http://photobucket.com/albums/b289/TwinMoonBlades/Anime%20Pics/?action=view¤t=ChineseGirl.jpg]Yumi[/URL] Short Bio: [I'll finish later]
  6. Name: Alya Age:18 Gender: Female Apperance: [URL=http://www.freedesktopwallpapers.ru/desktop.php?pid=2221&theme=%E0%ED%E8%EC%E5]Click[/URL] Alya without the horn. She also has character for [URL=http://students.washington.edu/jingjing/Images/Black_Dragon_Character.gif]"Black Dragon"[/URL] tattooed on her lower back. Bio: Alya was the sweet little girl who lived with her parents in a small village on the outskerts of a large forest. The forest was rumored to be cursed by an evil witch disguised as a beautiful young maiden, and once you fell in her trap your soul would be trapped forever. One day her village was attacked by a band of thieves and her home was burned to the ground with her mother inside. Out of despare her father taught her archery and how to hunt/gut any animals incase of emergencies. After that he left into the forset to find the witch and ask for her help, but inorder for the witch to help him he had to sacrafice Alya. Since he could not do this the witch bound his soul to the forest forever. Alya was 11 at the time and after everything that happened she couldn't bare it. She ran back to the ruined village and cried as hard as she could, while she cried she spotted a shiney object sticking out of some rebel of her old home and slowly picked up the large stone with a smile on her face. The stone belonged to her father and was the only thing she had to cherish. After a couple days of wandering across the field separating her village from the next, her stone hatched into a beautiful black dragon. For the next few years she wandered from town to town stealing supplies and raising her new friend. Now they are best friends and Alya is an expert rider. While she was wandering Alya found an old trainer and learned how to fight, sword fight. She heard about the allience and decided to kill them as her father would have if he were alive. [Her father was an ex-military officer] Personality: Alya is cold hearted rebel with pessimistic outlook on life. She looks down on people lower than herself and isn't afraid to kill anyone who annoys her. Side: Zogorth Weapon(s): A long sword[Like one in pic], a long dagger, and a long bow. [She likes the long weapons] Dragon- Name: Than [Death] Apperance: [URL=http://www.babagene.net/download/wallpaper/Dragon.png]Than[/URL] [May take a minute to load] [URL=http://dark.darkemud.com/playerpic/pics/Dark_Dragon.jpg]Than if other pic doesn't work.[/URL] Personality: Than is very short tempered. He also hates dragons lower than him but won't kill them for it. The only person he likes is Alya so if anyone tries to touch him he'll probably snap at them. Than breathes a black fire wich also is a deadly poisonous acid.
  7. Alex sat next Kuken and laid her head on his shoulder. "I'm really tired....are we gonna be talking long? I can't think straight this early in the morning..." She slowly dozed off as she murmered her last words. :sleep: As she closed her eye's, she quickly slipped off Kukens shoulder and fell face first into his lap. ".....Kuken...I want..." Suddenly, her eyes snapped open, "TACOS!" she shouted loudly before falling back to sleep on his lap. :sleep: OOC: Sorry it's so short, I'm at a friend's house, and I can't be too long... :animeswea
  8. Name: Alexis(Everyone calls her Alex) Nickerson Age: 22 Gender: Female Appearance:[URL=http://photobucket.com/albums/b289/TwinMoonBlades/Anime%20Pics/?action=view¤t=Lula.jpg]Alexis[/URL] (Except no wings) Personality: Alex is normally a shy person inless she knows you, then she's clumsy, funny, and sometimes wild. Ability: Alex can control and make ice. She can also freeze water as well. Bio:Alex was seven when she first discovered her powers. She was playing in her kitchen when she suddenly felt a huge chill cross over her. She ran to her parents room while the ground beneath her froze. She hugged her parents tightly and when she looked up both her parents were frozen solid, they both died instantly. After her parents deaths she was sent to an orphanige, where she stayed until she was thirteen. When she turned thirteen she ran away from the orphanige and started living on her own. (While in the orphanige she learned Ti Kwon Do. T.K.D. does alot of kicking techniques in stead of punching techniques like Karate. So she has good leg's.) At first it was hard, but then she found a job at an icecream shop (For two years)until she got enough money to leave for good. A year later she joined Serenity View where she met Duo, Luki, and Kuken. Now 5 years later Alex lives with her fiance' Kuken next to Duo and Loki. She is a figure skater(she's won many metals but hasn't gone to world championships yet) and a part time nurse. She has gotten almost full control of her powers, except for a few very highly skilled attacks that usually knock her out. Other than that she's mastered all her techniques. OOC: Jake's son (Who is 8 now) from the first one is also in this story, and he is a wolf just like his father, except he is on the bad side...for now. [URL=http://photobucket.com/albums/b289/TwinMoonBlades/Anime%20Pics/?action=view¤t=snowstuff.jpg]Jake[/URL] [COLOR=DarkOrange](P.S. If Kuken is still joining then you can P.M. me if you want to make it so their married or just friends, if not then their still just fiance's.)[/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue]OOC: We just got a new phone at my house and we have to get a new interenet conection, so I won't be posting everyday till we get a new one. (I'm using the school com. right now.)[/COLOR]
  9. Name: Violae X.(Creature) Megan Quin(Human) Age: 18(Megan) 77(Violae) Creature: Dragon Folk Realm: Frayear Appearance: [URL=http://www.animevisions.net/Pictures/girls/demon01.jpg]Violae,[/URL][URL=http://www.animevisions.net/Pictures/girls/girls16.jpg]Megan[/URL] Bio: Megan was born into an average middle class family. Her mother was a cook at *Jon De Plur* a famous french restaurant, her father worked for a(n) construction company, and one older brother who is now 23 and going to collage to be a doctor. Megan grew like any average child and had A's and B's throughout school. She had lots of friends but only a few she was really close to.
  10. Name: Kara Hunn Age: 17 Gender: Female Appearance: [URL=http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b289/TwinMoonBlades/Anime%20Pics/Amber.jpg]Kara and weapon.[/URL] Her weapon does catch on fire, but not magically or anything. She just pushes a button in the middle of the staff, and it sends a spark to the ends of the staff catching the staff on fire. Dorm: North Bio: Kara had always been the rebelious spoiled little rich girl, who hung out with wrong crowd. She loved to fight other rivel gangs and had been arrested a few times. On her fifteenth birthday she snuck out with her boyfriend, and was caught when she got home. The next week she was sent to Knockdown high with other teens like her. Personality: Kara is a bada** b**ch. She hates anyone weaker than her, and won't give anyone any respect inless they're higher ranking or beat her in a fight (wich isn't very easy). She doesn't hold back for anyone, that includes begginers. If their stupid enough to fight her anyway, then they deserve to get the sh** beat out of them She loves other bada**es like her, and will usually be seen hanging around them. If there's any fighting trouble around school she's usually part of it.
  11. Mailynn smiled as she wiped the tears from her eye's. She quickly stood up and hugged Makai tightly. "Your right. I shouldn't have been so stupid." "Your not stupid....at least I don't think so." Mailynn frowned and playfully whacked him over the head. She kissed his neck and laughed a little. " You smell good. That might sound wierd wierd but it's true." Mailynn looked at the teacher and quickly pulled Makai into the janitors closet. " Always take advantage of the cliché closet. It works every time.[I] She laughed a little and waited for the teacher to pass then tried to open the door[/I]. Until the door locks behind you." Makai sighed and sat down. "This doesn't surprise me." Mailynn sat down next to him and pulled out a couple apples from her bag. "Ya want one?" "sure." He took the apple and took a bite the same time Mailynn did. " Layla doesn't acually hate Desu as much as she just likes to annoy or battle him. I acually think they have a brother siter relationship. He hates her because she's annoying and she just loves to annoy him." Mailynn smiled and took another bite.
  12. Mailynn walked through the halls as people talked and pointed at her. It was just like old times again, so she didn't really care. Actually it made her laugh which made people stare even more. *Man this has been the wierdest weekend ever. I wander if Makai is coming to school today.* Mailynn stopped at her locker and grabbed her math text book. *Last night was definitely crazy. Layla seemed really ticked...* She started to walk to her class when the principal grabbed her arm. "Mailynn we need to talk." "What about? It isn't because I carry around a bat in my bag is it?" "No..but we will talk about that later. I wanted to talk to you about your grades and...Makai." Mailynn rolled her eye's and grunted.? I already know exactly what your going to say. The school thinks that I shouldn't be hanging around Makai because you think he's a bad influence, and you don't want me to ruin my chance at a scholarship. Trust me he won't make a difference if I get my softball scholarship or not. Plus he's nothing like people say he is...he's a nice guy." The principal straightened his glasses and frowned. "Fine, but if you fail one class this semester...i'll make sure you don't get that scholarship." "You can't do that!! If I get an F than I can still make it up!! You can't make sure I don't get it!!" "Then I propose you get your life back on track....speaking of track there's a meeting after school, and I expect to see you there." The principal smirked and walked into his office. Mailynn sighed and slid down the locker to the floor. "F*cking b*stard...it's not fair. This isn't my life anymore." She pulled her knee's up to her face and started to cry. Everything had finally sank in...this wasn't her life anymore. Her life is helping Layla...her life was helping Makai. She was practically his partner. At the same time Desu and Layla were enemies. She couldn't hold it in anymore....she needed someone to be there, or she would break down.
  13. Name: Haruko Anime: FLCL Invitation: Nope and their gonna pay *Hehe* :demon: [IMG]http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y238/evo_ghost/flcl-haruko.gif[/IMG]
  14. Name: Samantha (Sam or sammy) Mire Thief name: Scarlet(Incase you get confused) Age: 17 Day Appearance: [URL=http://images.epilogue.net/users/deedlit/motr.jpg]Sam normally[black hair in second pick] [/URL] or [URL=http://img.sheezyart.com/medium/19/190596.jpg]Sam if wearing dress[/URL] Night Appearance: [URL=http://www.angelfire.com/games5/shadowman009/images/ffx2pain.jpg]Sam (Give her the hair style in second pic)[/URL] Personality: Sam was born into a pretty wealthy family and you can tell. Her father is in the Russian mafia and her mother is a C.I.A agent, so she grew up a very secretive and mysterious person along with her twin brother [URL=http://www.animevisions.net/Pictures/angelsanc/DarkS02.jpg]Kurt[click][/URL] , a famous hacker and thief. (Samantha has been a professional thief since she was 14 and never passes an opportunity to steel something worth while.) IC: Sam quickly slid down the long black rope hanging from the window over head. Her feet softly landed on the ground and she leaned down to the floor taking out a small chip and placing inside the computer. A ?[I]type in your password[/I]? popped up on the screen and she pressed the communicator in her ear and spoke quietly. ?Yo Kurt?I put in the chip now it?s your turn. I need you to hack into the computers mainframe and download all the information into my laptop.? ?I?m on it Scarlet?ok got it. Your all set.? ?Well that was fast.? ?Of course it was I?m the best. Plus this is only a little bank, totally easy.? ?A little bank. This is the second largest bank in America.? ?Like I said easy.? ?Whatever. Bye? Sam moved silently ducking and jumping over the red lasers scattered across the floor. She had done this a billion times in her simulation room, not to mention all the places she?s robbed over time. The vault was very big, one of the biggest she?d ever seen. *[I]Here we go[/I]* Her hand reached down to open a small black bag and pulled out a small black laser. *[I]Lets hope your invention really worked[/I]* She pressed the little button on the bottom and a red laser hit the vault. The laser slowly cut through the thick steel like butter as she cut a hole big enough to fit her self and a few bags in. As she walked in her eye?s widened. ?Holy *****!? The room was Huge. She smirked and ran over to one of the little vaults in the wall. *This looks like it belongs to someone of great impotents. They should have some priceless items!* Sammy quickly cut open a hole with her laser and reached inside.* Damn there?s not?huh* She pulled out her hand and opened it, revealing a small gold stone. ?Hey Kurt. Your not going to believe this.? She held the gold piece up to the light and smirked. *Take them all* She looked at the stone and smiled. "Trust me I will.*[I]I'm going crazy[/I]* Oh well" [I]OOC:I hope this is ok. I didn?t have time to tell about her escape, but it wouldn?t be that amazing anyway.[/I] The stone i'm interested in: Gold stone, greed
  15. Mailynn slowly slid her katana from it?s sheath and her eye?s turned black again. A black lightning shot from the sky and hit Mailynn in the forehead turning her into layla. Her hair was much shorter now and she had an evil smirk on her face as she walked next to Makai. ?Hey Desu, long time no see.? She looked him in the eye?s and smiled. Desu grunted and turned to the assassin. ?I have no time to deal with you layla.? ?You never have time to ?deal? with me. Your so predictable.? She disappeared and reappeared behind the assassin. Her sword was surrounded by black lightning , and she quickly sliced him straight down the spinal cord. The asassin fell to the ground as Layla smiled. ? I was an expert at quick and extremely painful deaths.? Desu smirked and looked at Layla.? You havn?t changed. Lets end this.? Layla smirked as well and took out another sword. ?Bring it on?tiny" Desu glared at her as she laughed."That was one night. So shut up." Layla smiled and disapeared.
  16. Name: Lirin Gender: Female Race: Yokai Appearance: [URL=http://www.shagojyo.net/layouts/flirin.jpg]Lirin[/URL] Personality: Lirin is a free spirit, carefree and happy even with the horrors which go on around them. She is obssessed with Sanzo, and even though he treats her like dirt, she still tries to follow him. Character Snippet: "I'm huuuuuuuuuuuungry!!" Lirin and Goku said jumping up and down infront of Sanzo. Sanzo glared at them and smacked them both over the head with his paper fan."Shut up you stupid little brats!!! I don't care if your hungry! You both can starve!" Lirin frowned and started to whine frantically until Kougaigi walked in the room. "What the hell is going on here?!!" "Onii-chan!!! Your awake. *She pionted wildly at Sanzo and frowned.* The droopy-eyed baldy wouldn't give me any food!!!!!!!!" Kougaigi put his hand over his face and walked back to the room. "I can't handle this right now. I'm going back to bed." And with that he was gone. "Stupid bald priesty! You scared him away!" Sanzo's eye twitched and hit Lirin over the head again. "Shut up!! And who you calling bald?!" Lirin rubbed her head and walked outside. *I'm really hungry. Maybe i'll find some fruit to eat.* Weapons: Her fists and innacent looks. Powers: Evan though she's small, Lirin is very strong and usually does a powerful punch attack.
  17. Kalli stormed into Koenma's office and back handed him as hard as she could in the face. "Why the hell are you sending f*cking detectives after me....again!!!?" Koenma rubbed his red cheek and sighed. "You stole an anciont artifact that belonged to the humans. I had to send them after you." Kalli glared at him and cracked her knuckles. "If your gonna send stupid humans after me...atleast make sure thay can catch me!! Just so you know.. I killed them all." Koenma eye's widened and sat back in his chair. "How could you kill all of them? Kalli i'm gonna have to put you on probation...here in human world, and you'll become one of my detectives until your probation is over." She smirked and took his hat. "Only if you can catch me..." With that she was gone. "Damn! She took my hat too." ------------------- Kalli poked the hat on her head and smiled. "Stupid little brat. Lets see if he can send anyone better to catch me."
  18. Grim quickly slithered around Mailynns arm as his head wrapped around her neck hanging off her shoulder. He lifted his head to Mailynn and stuck out his tongue. Mailynn smiled and kissed Grim on the head. She walked over to her bed and sat down petting the long snake. "Well...lets see. I'm 15 years old, I have the rep. of beating guys over the head with baseball bats, and I love cats and reptiles. My parents were killed when I was five and was addopted by my new mom who is a rich and famouse veteranarian. A few years after I was adopted my mom married a traveling animal doctor, and we have been traveling ever since. Acually this year was the first year they acually let me stay home. Anyway...my mom is allergic to cats and when she's around them to much she gets sick, so I wasn't allowed to get one. I ended up getting the next best thing...my little python from Africa. Well..he was little when I got him. :animeswea And from what I know, my ancestor is Layla. She was a skilled dark ninja with the power of dark lightning. My sensei told me that she had a secret love affair, but whenever I try to ask her all she says is *[I]You don't need to know. It was a forbidden affair.[/I]* Oh...my sensei taught me everything I know about ninjitsu and weaponry. I think thats it." (As mailynn was talking her and Makai didn't notice that Grim had slithered out of her room.) Mailynn hesitantly looked around her floor when she noticed her door was open. "Oh..sh*t! Come on Makai. If he gets loose.." She quickly ran out her door and looked over the railing and saw the end of Grim's tail fall out the window. Mailynn and Makai ran down stairs and sprinted out the door(Mailynn is still faster). She hesitantly grabbed Grim's tail trying not to startel him. Grim hissed and snapped at her, just missing her face. Mailynn jumped back and glared at the large snake. "What are you doing?!" Grim slithered around her again and hissed at Makai as he ran up. "Stop that. Makai's ok, you don't have to eat him." Grim slowly slithered on to Makai's shoulder. "I think he's starting to like you." She smiled and softly kissed Makai on the lips.
  19. Mailynn heard something downstairs and quickly jumped down. She landed soft and quiet on her feet, and saw a figure standing in the dark. "Who's there?" Mailynn slowly pulled out a small dagger from her thigh, and put it up to the figures neck. Makai felt the dagger on his neck and sighed. "Hey it's me, you don't need to chop my f*cking head off." Mailynn smiled and put her dagger away. "Sorry. Didn't expect to fid you wandering around my house." The door opened all the way, and a woman walked in holding a little dog. Mailynn smiled and hugged her. "Hey mom. What are you doing here?" "I forgot muffies suitcase. [I]*She looked at Makai and back at Mailynn*[/I] Mailynn I told you no boys over while i'm gone?" "I know, but it's not like that..he just...wanted to feed Grim. He loves pythons[URL=http://www.bluechameleon.org/Photo%20&%20Image%20Stockpile%20-%20BCV/Python%20regius,%20amelanistic%20on%20black.jpg][click][/URL]. Her mom smiled and picked up muffies suitcase. "Ok then. Luv ya..bye." She kissed Mailynns cheek and ran out the door into her limo. Mailynn smiled and dragged Makai into her room. "This is Grim. He's loves me and will strangle anyone else who touches him, or I tell him to." Grim turned his head towards Makai and hissed.
  20. Are there gonna be other original characters or is there only Koenma and Botan?
  21. [B]Name[/B]- Kalli [B]Age[/B]-Looks 15 (She's really 177) [B]Gender[/B]- Female [B]Race[/B]- Fire Demon [B]Personailty[/B]- Kalli is the a innacent girl next door, who's can be very seductive. But when she's angry, she's a major b*tch who'll slice your head off. [B]Weapons[/B]- Hell Fire and a sword [I]Flaming sword- Her sword is engolped by flames from hell. Shinigami- She summons her hell fire out of the ground, burning her opponent to death very slowly.[/I] [B]Appearance[/B]-[URL=http://www.freewebs.com/godsanimefreak/Sword%201.5.JPG]Kalli[/URL] [B]Bio[/B]- Kalli was seven when her parents were killed, and her twin brother was kidnapped by a band of theives. She was taken in by an old ninjistsu grand master where she learned everything about ninjtsu, and sword fighting. After her sensei died, Kalli joined a band of theives to try and find her lost brother. Now she is one of the most famouse theives in demon world, other than Hiei. She never did find her brother, (at least not yet) and koenma has sent the decetive to capture her.
  22. Mailynn jumped out the window and headed home. Her parents were in Hawaii for a new assignment, and would be gone for god knows how long. She walked in the dark house and ran up stairs to the attic. *It's been a while since i've been up here.* She let out a couple caughs and pulled the string connected to the lightbolb. The bolb switched on revealing aton of old boxes covered in dust and cobwebs. Mailynn walked over to the wall and scooted a few boxes away, revealing a small door. She grabbed the key from her pocket and slowly placed it in the slot and twisted it. With a *click* the door opened, and she crawled in. It was a small room filled with old artifacts and weaponry. These things were passed down from generation to generation and now it was her's. She opened a large chest with ninja gear and weaponry. Her sensai told her that everything in that chest belonged to Layla. Mailynn picked up the chest, and walked back down to her bedroom. She placed the chest on the floor and reopened it. "This stuff is really dirty, I should wash it." -----------------------------(I had the pic. in my sign up, but i'll put it here in case you don't remember.) [URL=http://www.dragonbbs.com/members/1967/ninja_girl.jpg]layla elfit and weaponry.[/URL] Mailynn put on her now clean elfit, and finished polishing her weapons. She placed her weapons back in there holsters and looked in the mirror. *Hmmmm....looks nice. Kinda showoffy but nice.* She quickly jumped out the window and off to whatever was gonna come next.
  23. Mailynn is still a virgin, and will only have sex if she gets into a serious reletionship.
  24. Cathi quickly grabbed her CD player, then walked out the door. It was 6:00 A.M. and she was on her usual morning jog. *Beautiful morning. Great day for running.* Her cellphone started to vibrate on her waist, and she put on her headset. "Yo. Whats up?" "Private McClain, the command center is of need of your services." "Right, i'll be right there." She hung up her cell, and turned back to her appartment. *Finally* ---------------------------- Mailynn stepped out of the shower and got dressed. She grabbed her trench coat and grabbed her keys from the coffee table, then locked the door. Mailynn quickly pulled the cover of her black motorcycle and headed to the command center. She parked her motorcycle and walked into the center, it was something you could easilly get lost in the C. if you didn't know your way around, but she knew this place inside out. Mailynn opened a door and sat in a chair,along with the other privates. "I see were still waiting for the commander."
  25. Mailynn smirked as shun jumped off the roof chasing Lee. "So it has begun." She turned around and looked at Makai. "Good. Now follow me..if you can." She quickly kissed his cheek and ran off after Lee. After about a minute Mailynn was run and jumping directly beside Shun. "Your a fool, thinking [I]you[/I] can save him. I can return him back to normal, just like I did centuries ago." "Who the hell are you? And what are you talking about?" "You'll see." She smirked and quickly sprinted past him. ------------------ Mailynn jumped and landed directly infront of Lee, and back round housed him in the head, causing him to fly backwards. "Remember me?....I killed you." Her eye's turned black again, and a black lighning bolt shot out of the sky into Lee's forehead. Mailynn walked over to him, and picked him up by his collar. "Release him you fool!!"
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