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Everything posted by GothikMoon
Sign Up Paradox- My Story <M-V,L> (Relativly open story)
GothikMoon replied to PWNED's topic in Theater
Character Generation Name: Catrina Mackaline Age: 19 Gender: Female Race:Elf Class-Archer Weapon: Long bow, short bow,a cross bow, throwing daggers, and her ring (magical). Armour: Her elfit was made from is a magical cloth passed down from her ancestors. Personality- Catrina is not a very talkative person until she gets to know you. Then she'll always speak her mind. She is not merciful at all when it comes to battle inless theres a child taken hostage then she'll be more cautious, but since she has such a good aim she will always kill the enemy. Biography- Catrina was 13 when her parents were killed by a group of thieves. She was sent to an orphanage where she started to learn archery. Four years later when Catrina was 17 she was released from the orphanage to live on her own. She traveled back to her old home and found some her mothers old belongings in the attic. While she was looking Catrina found a ring that was passed down through the woman in her family. (The ring was gold with a navy blue jewl) Catrina put on the ring and started to cry. A tear fell on the ring causing strange markings to appear on the band, and the jewl to glow light blue. Catrina looked at the ring and the room started to turn blue as well. And she passed out with shock. --------------- When Catrina awoke she was in a the woods near a river. Two years later she found the theif laying on the ground uncontouse. Appearence- [URL=http://exhibition.dragonsworn.com/ellerton/8.jpg]Catrina[/URL] -
Jake winced and fell against a tree. "Son of a b*tch!!" A little boy about three with silver hair and green eye's, ran out of the forest laughing. Jake looked at him and frowned. *NO!!* The boy looked at Jake then smiled, and started to run towards him. "Hi daddy!" "Kyle!! Get out of here!!" Sabortooth smirked and picked up kyle by the collar of his shirt. "So the wolf has an offspring. I would have never guessed." Kyle yelled and started to kick and scream. "Let me go! Let me go! Let me go!!" Jake stood up and spread his claws. "Move again and i'll slice your little brat in two b*tch!" ---------------------------- Alex opened her eye's and looked around. "What the hell happaned?" Alex rubbed her head and sat up.She looked at Loki and Kuken. "Whats going on? Why am I bound?" When no one answered she looked at the ground and sighed. She looked at the man in red and frowned. "I don't like you already, you stupid MOTHER F*CKER!!" :cussing:
Alex and Jake and Kay were in a tree a few yards away when Kuken was attacked. Jake frowned and looked at Kay. "I think we should help him." "This is none of our buisness, we shouldn't get involved." "I can smell him." "Who." "Sabertooth. He reeks. I have to get him." "What! No, your staying right here." "No." Jake jumped down and set Alex down. "Me and Saber have unfinished buisness." Then he ran off towards the school. Kay looked at Alex and smirked. "Go. But were be back." He dissapeared into a black portal. ---------------- Jake snuck up behind Sabortooth and tapped him on the shoulder. Sabor turned around and smiled. "Jake. I thought Kay killed you." "Nope. I only lost my left arm and eye." He undid the white bandage around his arm revealing that it was also robotic. ( He has gotten an eye patch by now. And his arm is like ed's from full metal alchemist.) Jake smelled the air and turned towards the woods as a girl with a short skirt and a whit T-shirt and long brown hair walked out carrying a sniper riffle. Jake smiled and walked over to her. "Meg what are you doing here? And wheres Kyle?" "I knew you were in trouble so I came here. And kyle is with Greg, don't worry he'll be fine." Sabortooth growled and tried ramming into Jake but he quickly jumped put of the way onto a tree branch. "Hey, if were gonna fight we should at least fight fair." He jumped up and did a back round house into Sabors head, causing him to fly backwards. ------------------------ Alex ran out of the woods straight into magneto throwing him into the ground. She put her hand over his mouth freezing the air causings his lungs to freeze as well. Magneto grabbed her wrists but she wouldn't budge. His whole body started to freeze as her eye's started glowing light blue and her chip fried. Alex looked at the teacher and an icicle sliced his cheek. "Put him down or I swear i'll kill Magneto and blow your f**king head off!!!" The teacher slowly set Kuken on the ground and looked at Magneto's frozen body. "Don't worry I can unfreeze him, without killing him. But if any of you guys try he'll brake into a million little peices." A wave of icicles flew up from behind her and flew at the teacher slicing up his body pretty bad but not killing him. Alex ran over to kuken and placed her hand on his heart giving his system a little "shock" waking him up instantly. "Hi." She looked up at the rain and smirked. All the rain turned into icicles and flew towards the rest of magneto's crew. -------------------- Jake flew into a tree and got back up. He kicked Saber in the face three times and Sabor fell to the ground uncontous. Jake smirked and saw the rain turn into ice. "Oh sh*t!!" He grabbed Meg and ran into the forest.
Sign Up Full Metal Alchemist: Corruption's Demise [PG-VL]
GothikMoon replied to Che's topic in Theater
Name: Kattsumi Hemmings. (Some call her Katt.) Age: 19 Position: Corruptions Demise. Personality: Kattsumi has a the type of personality where if she's angry she's really angry, and if she's happy she's really happy, ect. But she's usually a b****. Appearance: Kattsumi has long green hair almost to her waist and it covers half her face. Her eye's are dark green with light blue around her pupil, and a long scar over her left eye, she also has poisoness lips so they look like they have green lipstick on them ( She can control if she poisons someone though). She wears a short geen sleeveless dress thats unzipped half way down the front with the japanese symble for light on the right and dark on the left in black (You can see some of her black bra in the front). She has black gloves that connect to her the bottom of her middle finger up to the middle of her forearm, and slip on long metal nails (there about 4 inches long). She wears skin tight black and green boots that go a liittle past her knee's ( I'm not sure the material, but it's stretchy^_^). She also wears a necklace with the symble for trap on it, and has an her Alchemy symble under her dress on the left side of her "chest". Alchemy: She does poison Alchemy. Weapon: Alchemy, and metal nails Bio: Kattsumi was biten by a very poisonous snake when she was nine and was thought to die in a day, but she lived and the poison turned her blood into a poisoness acid. Her father was a famous scientist who worked with all reptiles including snakes, so he tried to make a cure but when nothing worked he gave up. A year later when she was ten she found out about Alchemy and decided to see what she could do. Later she descovered that her dads tests made her immune to all poisons and she could evan create new poisons to do different things. Thats when she decided to do poison Alchemy. A few years past and she now had knowledge and control of all known poisons and some that weren't, of all shapes, liqiuds, gases, and all else. Since different poisons do different things she could do almost any thing with them. She could knock you out, make you fall in love, parralize you, and of course kill you, either very slowly or quickly. Her father died of a bullet to the head by a state Alchemist who "accidently" shot him in a cross fire. Kattsumi swore revenge on the state alchemist and decided to help her younger half sister in C.D. Three years later while following Ed and Al she met Scar and became his partner and lover. Now a year later there all still after the state and anyone that gets in there way. She still helps her sister when she needs help, but she usually prefer's to get back at the state her own way (She's an assasin). -
Name: Jane Hawkins Nickname: Frisky J. Gender: Female Age: 19 Appearance: [URL=http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y76/ManaHitori/Anime/cowgirl.jpg]Frisky J.[/URL] Personality: Jane is a major flirt, who loves the bad boys. She always hitting on the them, and the other bodyguards. But secrectly she is looking for her lost boyfriend. Occupation: ( bodyguard) She's just a regular ol' cowgirl, who likes to round up a few outlaws. Hobbies: Her hobbies are practising her shot. And reading. Weapons/Possessions: She has two black pistols. Other Information: Jane Hawkins is really not Jane Hawkins at all. She is "sniper" a mercilous, cold hearted, "X" outlaw with an deadly reputation and a evan deadlier shot. She traveled from town to town robbing banks and hijacking frate trains with her boyfriend [URL=http://im-linked.ggsekai.net/fanstuff/fanart/Legato_dark.jpg]Jay Jay (pic)[/URL] and there crew. But gradually over time some of there men left or died until it was just her and Jay Jay. Instead of getting worse, they became more famouse than ever. ------------------------- A year later when "Jane" was 18, J.J. was cuaght by a group of bounty hunters and was thrown in jail and sentenced to death, but the city was a few days away and by the time she got there he had already escaped. She tried searching for him with no luck. Then she found Dustero Town and decided to go hide out there for a while until she hears word about J.J. And since it has a large bank, she's pretty sure he'll show up sooner or later.
Katt watched Erriku leave and scowled. *Sen would never two time on me.....would he? Ohhh...I hate this. Damn you Erriku!!* "DAMN YOU!!!" She slammed her head on the wall cracking it slightly. Blood ran down the back of her head and down her neck. -------------10 minutes later------------------- She clenched her fist as tight as she could digging her nails into them, causing them to bleed. She smirked and her eye's started glowing black. Katt let out a scream as the shackles broke off the walls. *Wow!! I havn't done that in years...thank you mom.* She quietly ran down the hall almost tripping on her broken shackles. She saw the door to Erriku's room and quickly walked in and locked the door. She heard the shower running and sat on his bed. Erriku walked out with a towel around his waist and drying his hair. He looked up and saw Katt laying on his bed holding his weapons and his eye's widened. "What the hell are you doing here?!!" Katt smirked and sat up. "You of all people should know my mother was an escape artist. So of course she taught me some tricks." "If you managed to get out then why wouldyou come here instead out of here.?" Katt stood up walked over to him. "I came here because...after escaping I had quite a bit of blood loss so I don't have enough energy to get away from Ranifa." "I still don't see why you would come here...." "I need a place to crash until Ranifa realizes that I'm gone." Katt looked at him in towel and pulled it off. "Hey!!" "What? It's not like I havn't seen you naked before." She smiled and handed him his clothes. He quickly took them and put the on. "How do you know that I won't just take you to him?" Katt wrapped her arms around his neck and smirked. "Because...I know you would never do that to me." She slowly leaned in and kissed him. ---------------------------- "Let me stay." "Fine, but only until Ranifa finds you gone, then you better leave or i'll get into huge trouble. You ow big time, ya now." "Yeah. Yeah. I know." She layed on his bed and immediatley fell asleep. Erikku smiled and sat down next to her.
Alex saw the man and she glared at him. All of the ground turned to ice and large icicles shot up from the ground all around him, and his legs were frozen solid. "You little b****!!" She felt claws around her neck and new it was Jake. She gasped but didn't move. He leaned down next to her ear. "Shhh...make a move and your little boyfriends dead. He pointed to the forest and she saw his older brothers leaning against a tree. They both looked exactly the same except one was smiling and the other looked pissed. "The one that looks pissed is Kay my older half brother. He's a trained assasin who travels through portels, so he can appear right infront of Kuken and slice his f**ing head off. The other ones Greg but you shouldn't worry about him, he only saves people." He smirked and looked at the others. "Try and come after me, and i'll kill you." He let go and ran off so fast you could hardly see him move. --------------------Meanwhile---------- :D Greg appeared right next Alatariel and smiled. "There pretty good." Alatariel jumped back with a shocked look on her face. "Where did you come from?" "Over there." He pointed over to the woods. His smile was bright and kind, unlike his brothers. He had light brown eye's and ear length black hair. He was wearing a black trench coat with a white T-shirt, black baggy pants, and black high top converses. He also had a black choker.( He's nineteen.) "Sorry if I scared you.. If you ever get into to much trouble. I work down the road at the childrens hospital." "Your a doctor? Aren't you only like nineteen?" "Yes,...but I was a child genious and was done with school when I was twelve. I've been a doctor for three years now." She smiled and looked over at all the commotion. "Yeah...I gotta go, Danny has a heart transplant in a half hour and He won't do anything inless i'm right there with him." *Poor kid. He's only seven.* "I never got your name." "I'm Alatariel." "Hi. I'm Greg. Well gotta go. Bye." He waved good bye to Kay and disapeared into the woods.
Aiya walked into her room. "This should be fun." She strapped on her communicater. *Here we go.* She kissed the picture of her dead fiance and opened the door. She walked into the hall and saw Matthew coming out of his room. She walked over to him put her arm on his shoulder. "Hey, looks like were gonna work together...it sounds like a pretty intense mission. I can't wait...well I guess the Marines and the C.I.A will do that to you." He looked at her with a raised eyebrow. "You don't talk to me for weeks until we get a mission, then you just pop up and start talking again." "Don't take it personally..I do that to everyone...well seeya." She patted him on the head and walked into the armory.
Alex watched as they ran out into the field with Bob and Frank in defencive. "This is gonna get rough, I can tell. I wish I could help them." She thought for a moment and looked down at the field. *I could turn the field to ice around them, but I think I'd get in trouble. Hmmm.." She looked up at the sky and smirked. *If I could get someone to make it rain, I could freeze the water under Bob's and Frank's feet, or trap them in an ice baracade. Then no matter how srong they are, thay couldn't break through it.....well until I ran out of energy. Since I wouldn't be freezing them, I'm pretty sure it could work.* She looked at Duo and saw her fiddeling with water. "Hey Duo, could you use your powers to make it rain?"
Alex looked at Duo and Tammy then smiled. "Hi. I'm Alexis, but you can call me Alex." "Hi. I'm Duonai but you can call me Duo." "Hi. I'm Tammy nice to meet ya." Alex smiled at both of them and waited for the guys to come out. "I hope they don't get into to trouble with Bob again." She looked at the girls and got up. "I'll be right back." She walked over to the locker room and put her head up to the door. Duo walked up behind her. "What are you doing?" "Oh...I was...uhhhh..just checking in on them thats all." "Riiiight." Alex heard Bob and leaned in again, but couldn't hear very well and leaned in more. Tammy walked up without Alex noticing and startled her. "Hi guys!" "Whoa." Alex had a cleche moment and fell through the door. "Ahhhh...hi. I was just...ahhh..bye." She quickly got up and looked at everyone and blushed. Then slowly shut the door. Duo and Tammy were both laughing histaraclly and trying to say stuff. "I hate my clumsiness. I trully do."
Katt winced as he sliced her face. "Ow. Just wait till I get out i'll tare you limb from limb!! Like my father should have." A tear rolled down her cheek and Ranifa stopped it with his finger. "You aren't gonna start crying now are you? We havn't evan started yet." He smirked and looked her over. "You know your very strong..for a woman." He grabbed her chin and lifted her head so her eye's were evan with his. " A strong woman like you would have strong children as well...and if you had a powerful husband, then they would be evan more powerful. Like if you were to go with someone like me or evan..Erriku then you be pretty much set. Don't you think?" Katt frowned. "Like I would ever go with you or Erriku. Plus Eriiku hates me." "Who ever said that?" Katts eye's widened. "No way. He couldn't." "Why do you think I always send him after you? Because he insists on it..I mean you guys do have a history together don't you? I heard you guys used to date in your younger years. Before you found out that he was one of the guys that killed your parents. Right?" "Well...I..uhh..yes." Ranifa smiled and stepped backwards. "This is gonna be fun." He dissapeared in the shadows again and Katt jerked at her chains again.
Alex looked at Kuken and pulled up her sleeve revealing a scar from the strange mark Jake gave her. "Is it gonna be anything like this? It seals my powers from hurting the guy who sliced my stomach up." Kuken looked at the scar. "Practicley except it's for all the students." Alex smiled and stopped in front of him. "I just wanted to say thanks for helping me earlier, evan if I did look like an idiot." Alex slowly leaned in and pressed her lips against his. Her lips were soft and warm, but her icy cold breath went down his throaght and quickly serged through his body like a very large chill, but in a pleasurable way. She let go and blushed evan more than usual. Kuken smiled. "Wow!! What a rush!" Alex smiled then turned around to see everyone starring at them. :animeshy: *That was awsome!! I can't beleive I did that!!* She thought starring at them. Alex hid behind Kuken barely peeking at the people. She looked down and smirked. *He has a hot a**!!* She thought smiling. "Uhhh... sorry Kuken, I don't know what came over me. Oh...and I....ahh...damn you have a hot a**..... Oh.. crap!! Did I say that out loud to?! Sorry." :animeswea Now she looked evan more imbarrased. :animeblus
Katt watched as Ranifa and Anileah walk out. "Hey Ranifa!! F**K YOU!!! A** HOLE!!" She pulled a small long dagger from her rist and threw it at his back. Ranifa turned around and the dagger hit him directly in the middle of his chest. This surprised him so he tummbled backwards into the door. Anileah starred at him then back at her with a shocked look on her face. *How dare that stupid cat strike him!! Especailly when she could already see he's p*ssed.!!* She thought as he fell. Katt laughed and starred at him fall. "Oh, the almighty Ranifa. Che..my A**!!" Ranifa pulled out the dagger and threw into the wall right next to her head. :mad: "Time to teach Katt a thing or two about respect!! Anileah...Erriku!!! Leave us!!" Anileah and Erriku left the room and Ranifa smirked then put on some gloves. Katt smiled and leaned her head against the wall. "Lets see what you got, PRETTY BOY!!"
Name: Liren M. Age: 16 Short Description/Short Bio: Liren has long brown hair put up in pick tails, with dark brown eye's, tan skin, and stands around 5'9. She wears a white T-shirt with a dragon on it and baggy jeans with white tennishoes. Liren lives in Tokyo, Japan with her parents and older brother. (She can speak English quite well.) Character Name: Sakura :catgirl: Character Age: 17 Character Apearance: [URL=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v221/Maluka-chan/Blog/samurai_girl_jss.jpg]Sakura[/URL] she looks exactly like this, down to the last detail. Except for the sword is a little different. Character Weponry: One long sword with a silver dragon wrapped around the handle, and glows blue when in use (see pic). Lev.4
Katt watched them leave. And about ten men jumped out from the tree's swinging around weapons trying to intimidate her. Katt just smirked. "Are you guys supposed to be intimidating or something. Come on! You guys look like a bunch of drunken monkeys trying out for balle or something!!" They all just smiled and jumped towards her. She just looked at her spikey brass knuckles and smiled. "This should be fun." Katt jumped up and sliced the first guy in half. The other guys looked at there dead comrad. "I thought the boss said that this was gonna be an easy mission." ---------Eight gory deaths later------------ Katt looked at the last soldier left and his sword. "Whats up with the extra long sword, atre you compencating or something?" The man smiled and lunged at her. She easilly dodged and plunged her hand into his chest, and he fell to the ground. Katt dropped the man's heart on the ground and squished it. -----------Later at in Katt's bedroom------------- Katt put some more different brass knuckles in a backpack, and some medical supplies for training. And sat it on the bed. Katt turned around and saw Erriku standing there with daggers in his hands. Before she could react he had her pinned to the wall with a dagger to her neck and stomach. "Well what do you know. I was supposed to get you after Alphiya, but I guess I can take you to Ranifa now." "What? Like hell you are!!!" "Your a good fighter Katt. But you know you can't kill me. I killed your father, and he was the best at hand-to-hand combat. So trust me, I know your skills." Katt frowned as he lightly sliced a small cut on her neck. "This dagger has toxins that could kill you, but since it is such a small cut youll only be knocked out." Katt started to feel a little light headed then passed out. ---------------------------------------------------------------- Katt woke up in a cell chained to the wall. "Damn that Erriku!!!" Right then Ranifa walked in with a large smirk on his face. "Hello Kattsukie."
Katt senced something to, and she didn't like it. She started sniffing the air but she had no lead. "Darn!!!! Without already knowing there sent then it's hard to track them....wait." She sniffed the air again and looked towards the woods. "I smell something...it's deffinatley not human, I can tell you that much." She looked at the rest of the group and spread her claws then smirked. "You guys get out of here. I'll take care of whoever is in there, and don't wait up I have all your scent's, so I can find my way to your dojo. Oh, and I need to get some stuff from my house and visit someone..so I might be a liitle late getting back." Everyone looked at her. And Lolita smiled. "I wanna help." "You can't help. All of you need to protect the girl with your lives, it is your mission." Everyone looked confused. "Mission?" "Oh..did I say mission? Sorry. Just got cought up in the old days there for a second."
Alex smiled and her stomach growled. "Yeah I guess I am hungry." They both started walking down the hall to the lunch room. "We never got a proper intoduction. I'm Alexis but everyone calls me Alex." "I'm Kuken and everyone calls me.... well just Kuken." They both smiled and Alex blushed again. "You have a cute smile." "Thanks....I guess." She held her stomach as a wave of pain went through her whole body. She leaned against a locker for a moment and started to walk again. Kuken looked at her with a worried look on his face. "Are you ok?" "Yeah. I'll be fine, it just starts hurting if I walk for to long, but it shouldn't happen for another....15 minutes at least." She smiled and looked at the ground. "Hey Kuken." "What?" "Why did you help me when we first met? I mean I must have looked like a complete idiot in that hall."
Katt looked at her and smirked. "Well then, do you have good reflexes?" "What?" Katt whacked her in the head and Alphiya stumbled a little before falling over. "This is gonna be hard." "Oww...that hurt." Lolita quickly helped her up and glarred at her. "Hey, if you want me to teach her then you can't protect her 24-7." Alphiya held her head and starred at her. "I can do this. No matter how much I get hurt."
Alex blushed again and walked over to Kuken. "Hey, sorry you had to see that, my cut was pretty bad. So much for my first day. Well I least one thing went right today." She looked at him and smiled with her big icy blue eye's gleaming in the light. She put her hand on the back of his head and a cold rush went into his head like putting an ice pack on it. "Now you don't need an ice pack anymore." Kuken smiled and blushed alittle from the little incident earlier. "Sorry about walking in on you earlier. I..we..didn't know." "Yeah, the nurse should keep her door locked next time." She smiled again and took her hand off his head.
Katt smiled and put her hand on her head ruffling her hair. "Don't get to over confident. I've had over confident people before and it wasn't pretty....at all, probably because a large boulder fell on him smooshing him like a pancake. oh well not everyone has my dad's genes." Katt smiled and walked over to lolita. "I think we could do it, but my training takes a while and I have no idea how long yours will take. So...how much time do you think we have before Ranifa finds out?......If he did come after us then I could take him on...but he has a pretty big army and I can only do so much...inless he hurt my Sen, then I could kill them all!!" :mad: She gave Sen a large hug and started playing with his hair. :D
Alex turned around seeing no one she recognised and went back to Kuken. She looked at the new guy and smiled. "Hi...i'm Alex." She looked down at Bob then at Loki. "Cool!!" She patted Loki on the head and she went to the nurses office. The nurse looked at her and smiled. "Lay down I never got to stitch you up. And take off your shirt. " Alex took off her shirt and sat it on the counter then layed down. The nurse took out neddle and thread then started to sew. Alex let out a little yelp when the nurse started to sew, but after a little while she got used to it. When the nurse got done she put some ointment on her wound and wrapped it up. Alex hopped down from the bed and streched her arms. Loki and Kuken opened the door and saw her standing there with her shirt off. Alex blushed intensley as Kuken starred at her. She grabbed her shirt and quickly put it on. The nurse looked and them. "What do you want?" "We came to get an ice pack." Alex grabbed her stuff and looked at Kuken and Loki. "I have to...uhhh...bye." :animeblus Alex ran out and shut the door. *Oh...crap.*
Name: Veline Gender: Female Race: Vampire Position:Malik's. Inless she gets a reason to switch. She's Malik's younger half sister. (They have different mother's.) Ability: She's very fast, and good at aiming. (She has the normal seduction as well.) Appearance: [URL=http://images.quizilla.com/R/reshavalentine3173/1103096774_gothic_anime_girl_2.jpg]Veline[/URL] looks like this with long black nails and two loop earings on each ear. The leather things hanging on the side's are her whips.^_^ She also has an up to date hand gun. Personality: Veline is a bi*** with a nasty bite...literally. She can be nice but only if she likes you or is trying to seduce you. Character Snippets: Veline shoved the boy against the wall and started kissing his neck very slowly, she could feel his warm, fresh blood flowing through his veins and smirked. The boy moved his hands up her leg and up her back with pleasure, and smiled as she kissed his neck and rubbed her hands against his chest. " To bad you aren't strong enough to be like me. You would have been fun." "What?" "That's life." She quickly sunk her teeth into his throaght the warm blood ran down her throaght and she closed her eye's. The boy struggled but she had him pinned. A couple seconds later he fell uncontous and she finished him off. ----------------A half hour later--------------- Veline walked through the door of the old mansion and walked up the long staircase. The hall was long and dark with a few candles here and there. She walked up to a large black door with silver dragons on the door and ruby red eye's. She opened the door and walked in her room. She layed down on her large bed, with black silk covering's and strange designs on her bed posts. She hugged her pillow and looked up at the ceiling with a smile on her face. "Today was a good day. To bad I had to kill that human though, he was really cute. Oh....well. I already have someone." Her eye's closed and she drifted away in a harmless slumber until her boyfriend Bre'on walked in the room and took off his leather jacket with a large smirk on his face. "Hi. Welcome back." He wrapped his arm's around her waist and slowly kissed her neck as they fell on the bed. Veline let out a slight moan and took off his black silk tank top. She slid her hands down across his six pack and took off his belt. [COLOR=DarkRed](I won't go into major detail about that. :animeswea You can just guess what happens next. :D )[/COLOR]
Alex looked at Kuken and smiled. She rubbed her hands through his hair then stopped and blushed when she saw what she was doing. *I'm always getting people in trouble...I'm going to kill Jake evan if I end up dying!!* :animeangr She got up and went to her locker and punched it. "Damn you dad!!Why did you have to find out N.A.S.A.'s secret, now I have assassins on my ass!! And there ruining everything!!" She sat on the floor and started to cry. *I can't beleive he found me...again!! Well i'm not leaving. If he wants to kill me then he'll just have to live here." She smiled at the thought. "Let's see him kill me with a bunch of other mutants around." Alex picked up her books and walked down the hall to the lunch room. She pulled out her lunch bag and looked in it. "Damn!! I forgot my lunch. Today is not my day. And i'm usually good at hiding my powers to.......hmmmmmmmm........It must be stress I mean it is the ten year anniversary of my parents death." Everyone in the cafeteria was looking at her cause she was talking out loud. *Did I just say that out loud? I'm so stupid.*
Alex grabbed the bandage from his eye and kicked him in the head. The boy fell backwards holding holding his head where she kicked him. She looked at him and saw a large cut over his left eye with stiches, but that wasn't what surprised her...it was that his eye was robotic. He saw her starring and quickly put his hand over his eye. He grabbed his bandage from the ground and put it back on. "Well I guess now you know." "What happened Jake? Was it your brother again?" "That's none of your damn buisness!!!" Jake spread his nails and smirked. Alex tried to freeze him but nothing happened. She looked at her arm and saw a strange marking that was bleeding. "What the heck?" "It's a mark so you can't use your ice power's on me." Alex grabbed her bag and ran as fast as she could towards the school, but it was a mile away so she couldn't out run him. Jake just stood there a little longer shaking his head. He looked down and saw a peice of paper, and read it. "Kuken...this will come in handy." He laughed a little then ran after Alex. Alex could see the school through the tree's. "Only a couple more yards.." Right then a hand grabbed her hair and waist . Jake pulled her to the ground and pinned her to the ground. She tried to get loose but she was to weak after today. "Did you really think you could out run me? I'm a wolf." He wrapped one of his hands around her neck and squeezed. Alex tried to pull his hand away, but he was strong. Jake took his other hand and shoved it into her stomach, causing her struggle more wich only made him smile. "You shouldn't struggle it only makes it hurt more." "Hey jake!!! Where the hell are you?!!" Jake grunted and looked behind him. "I'm buisy god dammit!!!!!!!!!!!!" An arm came out of the shadow of a tree behind them and grabbed Jake by the throaght and slammed his head into the tree and threw his into a different tree. "How dare you talk to me that way!!!" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Alex took her chance and ran to the school holding her stomach. She ran down the hall with a trail of blood behind her. She turned the corner and ran staight into Bob. "Oh...shit." Bob looked at her and snarled.
Alex opened her eye's and sat up. "What happened?" The nurse walked over and gave her an ice pack. "You passed out from over exerting yourself. Well according to Kuken. Oh...here this is for you." The nurse handed her the note and walked over to examine the freshmen. Alex read the note and blushed. *Kuken huh...I like that name.* "Wait...he wants to see me..me of all people!" "What?" "Nothing..I was just talking to myself." She put the note in her notebook and walked out. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Alex ran into her math class and stopped in front of the teacher and bowed. "Sorry i'm late but therewasthisguyandthentherewasiceandpeoplefellandIfaintedthenIwokeupandtherewasthisnurseandanotethenIranhere and thats why i'm late!" Everyone in the room starred at her with a confused look on all there faces. "Ididn't understand anything you just said but I bet it was interesting. Now go sit down and open your book to page 60." Alex sat down and opened her calculous book. *Here we go. Another easy assignment. I might as well do all my homework for the rest of the week, I have time."* She thought as she opened her book. ----------------------30 minutes later----------------------- Alex closed her book and fell asleep. The teacher walked over and slammed her ruler on the desk, but she didn't wake up. So she decided to shake her. Alex mumbled something in her sleep and woke up screaming. "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!" Five icicles flew out of nowhere and pinned the teacher to the board. "Oh..my..god!! I am so sorry!!" She started to run over to the teacher but her stomach started throbing and she fell to the floor. And the icicles shattered all across the room. Everyone jumped to the floor as ice shards flew over there heads and shot into the walls, desks, and broke the windows. "What the hell is wrong with me?" Alex got up and ran out of the classroom. "I could have killed someone! I'm getting out of here!!" She ran down two stories to her locker and shoved all her books into her backpack and ran outside. ---------------------------1 mile in the forest----------------- Alex sat against the tree to catch her breath. "I should have never come here!!" "No..you should have. If you didn't then I would have never found you." She looked up and saw a boy about 18 wihth layered silver hair, one yellow wolf eye and an eye with a bandage over it. He had wolf ears, a tail,fangs,and sharp claws. He had on a black T-shirt and baggy jeans with a hole in one knee. :catgirl: Alex tried to scream but he covered her mouth and picked her up. "I've been looking for you. Ever since I found out you were still alive." He slid his nail across a large scar on her stomach( that went from her skirt to her upper chest) and smirked. "I guess slicing you open didn't kill you. So i'll have to try a different style."