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Everything posted by kenshin91785

  1. I really enjoy this series, that's probablly why i went and bought the whole series box set and all 3 movies. My favorite semi-villian is this christain guy after Shishio, but that is all i will say for i do not want to spoil it. There is alot i'd like to talk about this series but i'm not the spoiling type, all i say is watch the series and enjoy and come up with your own conclusions.
  2. Thank god the the administrators blacked out your spoilers. I'm glad because things like that really spoil the anime for others, a little too late for me though since i got the post through e-mail as soon as it was posted, you really pissed me off by that. I think gundam seed destiny has its ups and downs, but for those up it is well worth watching the anime. My favorite parts are whenever kira battles, i like seeing him just tearing his enemy apart like nothing. My favorite part is between him and athrun, but i wont spoil it for you so i wont tell you what happens, you'll just have to find out for yourself. :animeangr so please no spoilers.
  3. Personally I like Gundam Seed Destiny better. I have every episode of gundam seed uncut in a dvd box set and have all Gundam Seed episodes that are out so far, (won't say how i got the gundam seed destiny episodes :animeswea ) I like how Kira is like 10x better than any of the other gundam pilots in gundam seed destiny, even though he is not a major character. I also like that they finally have more female pilots. My two favorite episodes so far are episodes 23 and 28. My favorite episodes in the first one is the ones that are in the final battle. I'd like to know wht u think of the two and reply, thx.
  4. I think Gundam Seed's Gundams would be the winner by far, they have no support line like the Eva's. Also I think Gundam Seed is a much better series, it is in my opinion that the battles and storyline are alot better in Gundam Seed way surpass Neon Genesis Evangelion.
  5. kenshin91785


    Sadly Fable is a short game but there is 3 ways to beat it. #1: beat it as pure evil, you will have horn sticking out of your head, this is the easiest way to beat it. #2: beat it as pure good, you will have a halo above your head, this is the 2nd hardest to beat. #3: beat it as neutral, haven't beaten it this way yet so I don't know what you look like I think you just look norma, this is the hardest to beat it as,l it's between good and evil, very hard to balance it out just right. The evil is easier than good because when your evil and you need money, you can just steel it, a good person could do it too, but that person would have to eat 1 tofu each steal to balance it out.
  6. kenshin91785


    I think fable is awsome game. The graphics are unbelievable. I have all my stats maxed out already. The only bad thing is that it is too short and a little too easy. Besides that, it is one of the best rpg's i have ever played. o wht do you think? So tell me 1-10 1 being bad and 10 being awsome, i give it a 9, how about you? :D [color=#4B0082]Merged this with the original Fable thread. Please read the [url=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=37270][u]How to Post in Play It[/u][/url] sticky thread for details on posting new threads in this forum. - [i]Desbreko[/i][/color]
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