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Everything posted by Wolfsrain141

  1. [FONT="Book Antiqua"][SIZE="1"][COLOR="DarkOrange"]I miss the slumber parties and all of the pizza that came along with them. I miss the time that Desbreko and I climbed to the top of Mt. Everest wearing nothing but our boxers. I miss when I used to log on and get bombarded with private messages asking me the size of my shoe. Oh, I remember. But most of all, I miss never actually being a part of this site at all. I mean come on, this is only my eighth post in four years.[/COLOR] [/SIZE][/FONT]
  2. Chapter 3 begins with Kimiharu lying in bed talking to the wolf who resides in his conciousness. "Who are you?" he asks the wolf. "I am the one who will win the the tournament of the god's and receive their power." "What? How do you plan do do that?" "Through you of course how else." "Why me?" "All of humanity suffers, they are drowned in sorrow every day but you see with the power of the god's I can put an end to all of that. I can even reunite you with your parent's." "How would you release people of their suffering?" "Before the time that the god's arose and gave the gift (life) to the people we were all souls. we knew nothing, we felt nothing. You know the old saying ignorance is bliss. I plan to take away the gift of life the god's gave us and return us to what we once were, but to do so I need a person who willingly volunteers to do my bidding in the tournament." After hearing all that the wolf spirit had to say Kimiharu began to grow afraid. There was no way that he would let this thing kill the world. "your crazy! There's no way in hell I'll do this for you now leave me at once." "Fool you are sure of this? I will not spare you in the tournament then. I will truly show you what suffering is, I will show you true terror!" Kimiharu began to hear the wolf saying 3 things over and over again in his head. "death,terror, suffer,death, terror, suffer. Then the wold came out in a blurry of snow out of his side and blew away in the wind. Kimiharu decided right then and their that he would have to win the tournament or else he would surely lose all he had left, Takahashi.
  3. Do any people out there know of any websites that I can download anime off of?
  4. Chapter 2, The White Wolf: Chapter 2 starts off one week after chapter 1 ended. The beggining shows Kimiharu and his sensei, Master Takahashi dueling with wooden swords. Kimiharu just swings blindly at Takahashi well Takahashi easily avoids the strikes. Angry with himself for not being able to land even a single blow on his master Kimiharu lashes out towards Takahashi but before he even get's near him the side of his stomach starts to hurt. Kimiharu's pain continues to grow until it becomes almost unbearable. Everything starts to fade away and Kimiharu is left in a world of darkness. Throughout the never ending darkness he seef a faint light. As he strains his eye's he then realizes that the light is coming from a white wolf. Without realizing it he begins to crawl towards it. Wondering what to do once he get's to the wolf or if he should even do anything at all. He notices that as he get's closer to the wolf the pain in his side begins to go away. He finally get's face to face with the white wolf and thinks to himself that it is the most beautiful thing he ever saw. when he looks into the wolf's eye's he realizes that it was the same wolf that was chasing him in chapter 1 and that the pain in his side was being caused by the wound he received from the wolf. He thinks to himself "what the hell's going on here?" He hear's a voice in his head and it says "We are one. You and I. I will be loyal to you and... you to me. As long as we remain true I will be there to protect you.... I promise"..."What is it you ask of me stranger" Kimiharu replies. "Only that you fight for existence... and no other... What say you?" answers the wolf. " I agree" say's Kimiharu. "Then fear none" "Your enemies will never be a surprise. When your eye's are open you see through them when they are closed I will see through them and into your world. Never sleep in fear again child." The wolf turns to snow and enters Kimiharu's wound. Things start to reappear around Kimiharu. He finds himself in a bed with Master Takahashi nursing his wound... Day's pass and things go back to normal and Kimiharu start's thinking that what happened was all just a crazy dream until one day bandits come and try and take over Master Takahashi's camp. All seven of them start to gang up on Kimiharu. All of a sudden when he fears the worst he hear's the wolf's voice inside his head again. Kimiharu screams " I thought you said you would protect me" "...And protect you I will" replies the wolf. "Pick up the sword" Just then Kimiharu rushes inside the tent and comes out with his wooden sword. The bandits just laugh. "Now what?" Kimiharu ask's. "wait for them to attack and at the first sensation of pain from their blow think of one thing... survival then shing your sword." Okay. The bandits rush towards him and punches Kimiharu straight in the side. As instructed Kimiharu swings his sword at them and out of it emerges a glowing wolf in the form of snow. The snow starts to circle around the bandits and then they turn to ice. After every bandit was frozen the snow re enters Kimiharu. Kimihar just stands there terrified... and then begins to cry. end of chapter 2.
  5. I haven't seen to much of read or die. Just the movie but that was enough for me to realize that it was a very interesting and amazing masterpiece. There were only a couple of drawing flaws in it. Some of the character's in it were... how do I say a little etchy? The main character however was perfectly fine I saw no flaws in her what so ever. I admit it was a while back when I saw this movie though so this question might seem a little stupid but... how did the people get their powers? I'm sorry if this is an idiotic question but I really don't remember. Overall I love this anime. Almost as much as I love Cowboy Bebop....Almost
  6. I would have to say that CowBoy Bebop has the best characterization of any anime I've ever seen. When the series first started out I didn't see anything that special about it because you barely understood anything about the character's or their pasts for that matter. But as the story progresses you learn about Spike and how though he doesn't seem it is the deepest character in the series. You geet to see the world through his eye's, or eye for that matter. And you also learn [spoiler]how hi life is actually one big story that end's tragically[/spoiler]. Next comes Faye. [spoiler]Who was in an accident when she was younger, then frozen and operated on and then unfrozen around 100 years later. She has to start all over and when she finally joins up with Jet and Spike her true personality starts to unfold. Little by little. She seems to be selfish and conceited which she is but there is a deeper level to her than that. She cares alot for Spike, Ed, Ein, and Jet. During the last episode of the series when Spike goes to kill Vicious Faye cries her eye's out because they all know he's going to his death. She say's "My memory came back but nothing good came of it. And now your going to." Spike then say's "I have to know" Then he leaves. FAye watches his ship leave and that's when she starts to cry. That there show's how caring and how much Faye loves all of them.[/spoiler] Jet is next. There isn't that much of a past that they show on him but the way he act's and think's show's his true self. I'm not sure about this but I think I might be the only one who see's him like this but... I think Jet is somewhat of a father figure to Faye on the show. And last of all is Ed. Ed may be my favorite character on the show. Ed is the type of person that never let's anything get her down.She is the one that keep's everyone on the ship together and happy. Or as happy as they ever get. This is why I say Cowboy Bebop has the best characterization of any anime. [COLOR=#503F86][SIZE=1][b]Added spoiler tags, heh. -Solo[/COLOR][/SIZE][/b]
  7. Usually I don't pay attention to the voices of people inside of an anime but mostly the story, which to me is what's important. If I actually had the Japanese and English version of an anime then I would be able to tell, though without both I wouldn't have the slightest idea but I wouldn't really care. Actually on second thought now that I think about it I can tell some voices in English dub's that are bad. For example take Marty from Shaman King. He's a junior high student when his voice sometimes sound's like a a full grown man's and at some points it sounds like a child's voice. I don't know though maybe they just do that to add to the humor of the show.
  8. THIS IS MY FIRST MANGA I EVER MADE PLEASE TELL MEHOW YOU LIKE IT BY POSTING ON THIS THREAD OR PM ME THANK YOU. My manga starts off with a young teenage boy running through the woods getting chased by a pack of wolves. As he's being chased he see's a gigantic birll starting to fly and decides to try and jump on it. He misses and falls off a cliff.Next it shows an old man at the bottom of the cliff fighting a couple of bandits who were trying to rob him of his money. Just as the old man's about to win the boy who fell off earlier lands on him and the thief get's away with the money. The old man immediately starts to yell at the boy but then notices he is all scratched up and has a bite mark on his stomach which is bleeding badly. Just then the boy passes out so the old man starts to nurse him back to health. A day later the boy wakes up in a tent with the old man standing over him nursing his wound. The man asks him whats his name and where he's from but the kid passes out before he says anything. 2 hours later the boy wakes up just to see the old man training with a magnficent sword. That night the boy asks him where he got the sword from and how he came to wield it so well. The old man says that it took him 2000 years to be able to wield it so well. The boy asks him how can you live so long? The man replies by saying it's due to the power of the sword. The sword in itsel is immortal. It was passed on to him from Asakura. The Asakura? The samurai that won Green Shire's independance? The boy asks. Yes thats it he's the one the old man say's. The sword was made from that of liquid gold gifted to the earth from the god's. Once every 1,000 years a tournament made by the one who wields the power of the god's is conducted fir the all who seek to have it next. It is immpartial I will give it to the one who wins no matter his intentions...even if he plan's to throw the world into darkness. The boy asks if he's aloud to enter and the old man just laughs at him. Are you that eager to throw your life away lad? He ask's. The old man say's anyone who is 13 or up is aloud to enter. The boy say's that's great I'm 14. The old man look's at him blankly and asks him if he's really going to enter. The boy say's yup. If I wanna be a hero I have to start somewhere. The old man ask's him what he means by that. The boy say's It's always been my dream to be a hero like my dad. The old man then ask's about his parent's but the boy doesn't answer at first he just stares at the camp fire. He finally answers by saying his mother died giving birth to him... and his father died saving a school from being drowned in a flooding. The old man then say's well then we better start your training. The boy just looks at him blankly then say's I thought the tournament was impartial? The old man say's yes it is but the tournament doesn't start for another year so we have plenty of time. By the way whats your name old man? The boy asks. It's Takahashi. But foy you it's Master Takahashi. What's your name kid? it's Kimiharu. Kimiharu huh...that's an od name but then again so is Takahashi. Ok then Kimiharu prepare yourself this is going to be horrible. (when I look back at my time with Master Takahashi I now realize those were the best day of my life.) End of Chapter One
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