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Everything posted by MillenniumChaos

  1. I watched the first episode a few weeks ago, and I've been prodding everyone I know to watch it since (though nobody has, as far as I know...sigh). It's hard to say what really hooked me. I think a lot of it was the art. I'm a sucker for pretty things (though, the music isn't too shabby either). But, aside from that, the plot turned out to be enjoyable and not nearly as intimidating as I thought. The best thing it has going, in my opinion, is that it manages to encompass a lot of different interests. It has the historical setting, but it also has action, mystery, and the supernatural going for it. I do feel as though I'm missing out on a bit since I don't know very much about French history or the specifics of Catholicism, but it's easy enough to follow even on limited (or in my case, next to no) knowledge.
  2. I don't know about you, but 8 DVDs for $110 seems a bit too good to be true, since most DVDs are usually around $20 apiece. That's usually the first warning sign-- if the DVDs are more inexpensive than most, it's possible they're bootlegs (unless you're buying from a reputable source that's having a big sale or something). Robert's Anime Corner Store has a rather good guide to identifying bootlegs [I][URL=http://www.animecornerstore.com/faq.html#1-5]here[/URL][/I]. You could always try [I][URL=http://www.amazon.co.uk/b/ref=amb_link_19548965_3/203-7904697-9503162?ie=UTF8&node=3336941]Amazon.co.uk's anime section[/URL][/I]. Amazon is usually pretty good about having legit stuff. Sorry to hear you got cheated out of so much money, though. I hope you can find a good solution.
  3. Actually, I joined OB finally after a couple of years. I was hesitatant at first because I have a very hard time keeping up with conversation (it would help if I'd visit more than once every three months, though), but I finally gave in to the hype. I'm actually pretty pleased with the fourms. People actually follow the standard rules of grammar. I can't read writing with symbols and numbers stuck in odd places, so this is a lovely reprieve from the stupid. ^_^
  4. I really hate posts like this. I mean, the problem is that you really can't classify people into neat little categories. The world just doesn't work that way. There are uber-dorks in IB like me that are football players and cheerleaders and on the dance team. Are they nerds for getting all the perverted math pick-up lines? Or are they jocks for doing sport-ish stuff? Stereotypes often create problems. My most hated stereotypes are that fat people are inherently lazy and that all gay people are super-flamboyant and fashion-savvy. I do enjoy things like horoscopes and personality tests (even though most of them are wrong because they miss an aspect of my character). It's stupid stereotypes that I can't stand. What's a Goth? If I dress in black all the time and like Marilyn Manson, am I one? Just because I change my style does that mean I get shunted into a new category and totally lose all of my old characteristics. I just don't buy this classification crap. I don't think that anyone here can honestly place themselves fully into any of those categories. Hence the problem.
  5. I'm digging Dark Cloud 2 at the moment. The graphics are pretty good (not at Final Fantasy level, but still pretty nice) and they do manage to slip in a few breathtaking scenes. I wouldn't recommend it if you have a horrible fear of clowns, though. Because this will only enhance it (though after you get through Chapter 1, I think they leave you alone). Sly Cooper is always a hoot and a half. You get to steal stuff! And you're a racoon! With a cane! I thought ICO looked pretty cool. >.>
  6. Wow...I don't feel like reading all that. Hmmm... I think I'll do [B]IceRose[/B] The name reminds me of BlackRose from the dothack games. So, maybe you're one of those outspoken sorts of people who tells it like it is. The Ice part...well...might have something to do with being an aloof sort of person socially, but maybe it is really more the unaging beauty of a frozen rose that you want to convey. The end. :) Man, we so need to bring the old emoticons back.
  7. Hmmm...I have a lot of favorites actually. "Yasashii Yoake" from .hack//SIGN, "My Will" from InuYasha (I thought it was catchy...), "Pleasure Line" and "Sayonara Solitaire" from Chrno Crusade... I can't stand it when dubbing companies change the theme music. Look at the 4Kids fiasco! They either sing the entire plot accompanied by a key-tar or sing about something totally unrelated (a la One Piece). Horrible! I'm also not so hot on Fushighi Yuugi music and the constipated guitars that accompany Dragonball Z and the movies. My ears bleed. ;.;
  8. Lesee, I've gotten: "Anime? Like that Sailor Moon crap?" Yes, genius, because everyone in anime runs around in a super-short skirt and throws love magic at people. Didn't you see that episode of DBZ? Man, Goku looked fine in that man-skirt. I get more insults from within the anime community. A lot of guys/girls feel the need to outright state that they're not gay. Most guys in my local anime club refuse to watch anything with even mild homosexuality in it because they're afraid to catch "gay." I'm always super-insulted because a lot of my friends are gay. I would think that anime fans would be more open minded. I'm slightly disappointed.
  9. Man, I love you. Unfortunately, I think the primitives cannot read things about themselves. I've only ranted, like, four times about certain problems with some sites on MyO, and nothing has changed. There's still broken image links, too many images, background music (arrrgh!), and posts consisting of "Gee, life sucks. I'm gonna go watch some yaoi." I do love pecan pie. Mmmm...
  10. There are a few I miss. ;.; [B].hack//SIGN[/B]: I miss it so. It was a very deep series, which doesn't seem to last on CN very long (see Gundam SEED). Not only that, but it got so many people into the dothack fold. Some days, I get really sad because there aren't more series like dothack on CN or AS now (a la Zatch Bell and DICE). [B]Serial Experiment Lain[/B]: I only got to see a few episodes and I really wish they'd rerun it so I could get more into it. It's kind of like dothack, I guess. I'm still fuzzy on the plot... The art style is really awesome too. ^^ I'd watch it just for the pretty. [B]Witch Hunter Robin[/B]: Didn't they end this before the series was over? And it was getting so good. :( I wasn't too keen on it at first, but it got soo much better. And then school started and staying up until the wee hours of the morning was no longer feasible. [B]Mon Colle Knights[/B]: I loved this series some time ago. It's a little childish, but I need cute sometimes. ^^;; And I never saw all the episodes. ;.;
  11. I've had some pretty bizarre moments... I can tell intimate details of someone's dreams. I think I've walked into dreams before. >.>;; I didn't remember the dream, but once my mom started to describe it, I could fill in details like the style of house, the side things were on, colour of cars, etc. I also hear voices. I know, crazy-sounding, huh? But, seriously, I got a five-minute lecture from a shadow in front of my window. Mebbe it was because I'd just awoken. ^^;; Or crazy.
  12. Eheh. I have to agree with everyone. Uncut Gantz (even edited Gantz at times) is super-gory. I mean, a bathtub full of blood? :animestun Samurai Shamploo is a pretty good series, but it has its moments. Maybe I'm super-sensitive, but I flinched while someone was breaking a man's fingers. O__o Samurai X is a bit on the gory side, but, I mean, assassin+sword=blood. I can't think of any others that would be even a bit gory. I'm too sensitive to gore. :animeswea Oh, but a lot of mystery series tend to be gory, like Detective Conan (Case Closed) and Ayasuri Sakon. Decapitation, anyone?
  13. *sigh* I wish I could see more, but I can't download anime on this computer. >.>;; And my anime club discontinued it. ;.; I really like that it has a strong lead female, rather than a pseudo-lead female that ends up relying on the "macho" guys. It's not that I have anything against those anime, but this is a nice change of pace. Maybe I can find a way to see it...maybe. ^^;;
  14. Eheh. I never could do body mod. I don't even have my ears pierced since I'm terrified of needles. O__O Some of it doesn't sound so bad. I mean, a hole the size of a staple or of a paperclip seems okay, but a sharpie marker cap is a little too far for someone like myself. Can you reverse it, by the way? I always wondered. ^^
  15. I really hope 4 Kids doesn't get Naruto. There would be mutiny. I wouldn't put it past them, though. They took Yu-Gi-Oh!, Shaman King, and One Piece even though they would be considered teenage series in the U.S. It's horrible. All the dialogue and names get changed. Sakura would be Sarah! O___o *musn't think of that* I think I heard a rumor that AS was picking up Samurai Shamploo, but I haven't actually read any news sites recently to confirm this. ^^;; And if I remember correctly, they pushed back showing the first InuYasha movie until spring (I think they were supposed to show it in November, but there were legal issues). Sorry if I was a bit repetitive. I'll see if I can scope out more news. ^_^ ~MillenniumChaos~
  16. [FONT=Arial Narrow][SIZE=2][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue] Sigh, no one can seem to get over politics nowadays. ;.; It does tend to get a little annoying seeing everything commercialized. It kind of blunts the fans' liking of the show when it's been shoved down your throat all the time. Not only are people commercializing anime, but they're selling Asia in the process. Now it's cool to decorate with Asian stuff and wear Asian clothes and eat Asian food. Makes me sad. [/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  17. [FONT=Arial Narrow][SIZE=2][COLOR=RoyalBlue] I saw a bit of that a few weeks ago. Personally, I thought it was really cool (little girl+ big sword= cool). I kind of like the fact that it isn't excessivley fanservice-y; I'm not a big fan of fanservice (since it's usually for guys anyway). My favorite character so far is the little brother. He's so cute. Aww... ^^ [/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  18. [FONT=Arial][SIZE=2][COLOR=Indigo] I think it's pretty common for people to feel as if they are 'not enough.' I believe there is a saying that says something like 'Do not compare yourself to others, but rather compare yourself to your morals.' Yeah, that's definately not the quote... Close enough. Anyway, you seem to be plenty more than enough. In fact, you're all that and a box of Pocky. :D ~MillenniumChaos~ :flush: Gee, how many times has this happened to you? [/FONT] [/SIZE] [/COLOR]
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