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Everything posted by Lunai

  1. [font=trebuchet ms][color=darkorchid]That is the point I was attempting to make...although I think you did a much better job of it, Generic NPC#3.[/font][/color]
  2. [font=trebuchet ms][color=darkorchid]Oh, I'm not saying that there isn't a book called The Necronomicon, that was published at some point in the 20th century, I'm just informing everyone of the origins.[/font][/color]
  3. [font=trebuchet ms][color=darkorchid]The Necronomicon is a fictional book that author H.P. Lovecraft spoke about so much in his books, people actually thought it was real:[/color] [quote]Frequently, Lovecraft made reference to ancient, mouldering tomes that contained secrets man was not meant to know. Most of these were fictional, but a few of them were ?legitimate? occult works. By mentioning factual and fictional documents in the same context, this helped to make the false books seem real. Lovecraft made only brief mentions of these books, primarily to add atmosphere, and rarely described them in any detail. The best-known of these fictional manuscripts is his Necronomicon, about which he said the most. So well-constructed was his information on this fabled text (helped along by modern-day hoaxers bent on making a profit from the ignorance of others) that people to this day believe this book to be real.[/quote] [quote]The first appearance of the Necronomicon was in Lovecraft?s ?The Hound? (September 1922), although Abdul Alhazred, the book?s author, was mentioned earlier in ?The Nameless City? (January 1921). It was in this latter tale that the best-known quote from The Necronomicon first appeared: That is not dead which can eternal lie, And with strange aeons even death may die.[/quote] [color=darkorchid]Source: [url]http://www.hplovecraft.com/creation/tomes.htm[/url][/font][/color]
  4. [font=trebuchet ms][color=darkorchid]I like Harlock, and it's true that he's quite popular and has been around for quite a while...but you must understand that a lot of anime stores cater to the newer anime fans, who know about anime through television - i.e., people who have never read Galaxy Express 999. I live near Berkeley, CA and I have been in the little anime store we have...there definately isn't any Harlock merchandise there.[/font][/color]
  5. [font=trebuchet ms][color=darkorchid]I would have to say that the ending to [b]Final Fantasy 9[/b] ws a bit disappointing. I saw then ending coming from miles away and [spoiler]that final boss fight was much too easy.[/spoiler][/font][/color]
  6. [font=trebuchet ms][color=darkorchid]I have to agree with Dooby about Katamari Damacy. It's one of those games that you get as much out of watching someone else play as you do playing yourself. MSN's Zone.Com games like Mah Jong Quest & Jewel Quest I have clocked in hours & hours in the past week alone. Also Final Fantasy Tactics Advance. That game is outright addictive. I'm sure my roommate could name a few more, but nearly every game in his eyes is addictive. He's a hardcore gamer.[/font][/color]
  7. [font=trebuchet ms][color=darkorchid][b]Why MyO?[/b]: Because I was searching for another fun anime forum to belong to (I also belong to one called Twin Moons, but we're a whole lot smaller), and I see this thing called My Otaku. It looked like a neat way to get to know a lot of the more interesting members of OtakuBoards (I must admit, I get a little sad everytime someone who seems cool doesn't have a MyO I can go check out). I also love the way it can be customized... [b]Why blogging?[/b]: I don't know. I've been doing the online blog thing since bolt.com and I was 14, 15. That's about 6 years now. I'm a writer...a lot of my thought process of the moment goes into planning out how I might write down what's going on around me & inside my head. I also keep a paper journal, which is usually filled with my extreme joys & lows, & my trippy little panic freakouts. I blog because I'm looking for the help that you can get allowing people outside of your life to get a good look at what's going on. I also try to give the same help to others. I often have fears concerning making new friends...I find that I can do that easier with sites like MyO and LiveJournal (granted, my LJ friends list is full of people I know in the world as is). Does that explain anything?[/color][/font]
  8. [font=trebuchet ms][color=darkorchid]I hate to say it, but living in California the death penalty doesn't mean much of anything. A whole lot of criminals (well, perhaps not a whole lot. I avoid the news like it's the Black Plague) end up on Death Row in California. Know how many people have actually been executed here in the last 12 years? Less than 5.[/font][/color]
  9. [font=trebuchet ms][color=blue]Thank you so much, doukeshi03. One down, one to go. ~_^[/color] [color=darkorchid]Is there anyone who can help me with the 2nd avatar & banner request?[/color][/font] :(
  10. [font=trebuchet ms][color=blue]I think it has a lot to do with the type of anime it is, i.e. what is their target audience. If they are attempting to get at teens or twenty-somethings, then they are going to be a bit unrealistic in the female image.[/font][/color]
  11. [FONT=Georgia]Hello everyone! I would like an avatar & banner for OB using the first attached image. Anything with a cursive script would appeal to me. I would also like an 64 by 64 avatar & a 400w by 100h siggy banner for another site, Twin Moons Anime, using the 2nd attached image. Thanks a lot. ~Lunai[/FONT]
  12. [font=comic sans ms][color=blue]I am 20 years old, and I only joined OtakuBoards earlier this winter. I am not new to anime forums, however...I have belonged to the same one since I was 15.[/color][/font]
  13. Lunai

    HBO shows

    [font=comic sans ms][color=blue]I have watched the Sopranos from time to time, but most likely it would never be something that I would make it a point to watch week by week. I enjoyed 6 Feet Under while I had acess to HBO and dearly miss it. I also have every intention of purchasing the first season of Carnivale sometime between now and WonderCon (Feb. 18 - 20). While I probably won't be able to see the new season when it starts, I can at least catch up on the old one.[/font][/color]
  14. [font=comic sans ms][color=blue]My list is awfully short: *a basket of lavender bath supplies (salts, bubble bath, etc.) *a lee jean jack with faux fur lining (this is from my grandmother, and it's a really cool jacket) *a white button up sweater *a small purse with the letter "c" on it *a rose quartz pendant *a long black scarf (which I've needed forever) *a small set of the body shop perfumes *$25 *c.j. cherryh's "precursor" (the only book in a 6 book set I didn't have) *a glass jar full of bath beads from my favorite store *Jada & James Collectable Millitary Porcelain Dolls (that's from Nicholas) and last but not least: STREP THROAT! I am contaigous until Tuesday. Because of that, I haven't been able to get my gift from my best friend Margot. When I do, I'll update this list.[/color][/font]
  15. [font=comic sans ms][color=blue]Most likely I will go over to my friends Jeff & Adriane's house, and see whatever they've got planned for the evening. My other friend Keith most likely would be out in the City at a bar, where I can't get in (being only 20)...Ralph & Kenyatte might have a party, but I wouldn't want to be in their neighborhood late at night unless I was getting a ride with someone. So I really don't know. Guess we'll see.[/font][/color]
  16. [font=comic sans ms][color=blue]I live in Oakland, CA, USA. There is plenty to do, especially in the San Francisco area, if you know where you are going or if you have a car. Or, in some cases, a fake ID. Since all I have are a bunch of friends who are all older than I am, most of the time I spend at the board game/RPG store in Berkeley, where I know all the employees, and then go hang out at friends' houses to play games or drink or whatever. It's a nice environment, but it has it's quirks like everywhere else. But we do have the #1 mass transit system in the States: BART! (Bay Area Rapid Transit) Oakland is also the historical birthplace of the Black Panther Movement and held one of the highest homicide rates in the country last year.[/color][/font]
  17. [QUOTE=AzureWolf][FONT=book antiqua][SIZE=2][COLOR=blue] The burden of proof lies on your side of the fence: you are trying to show how homosexual love is just like heterosexual love, but at the same time, your arguments are justifying other types of love you wouldn't approve. It's hypocritical, really.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/QUOTE] OK, wait just a moment. I personally do not understand how burden of proof comes in to play when you are talking about the emotions and relationships of two consenting adults of the [b]human race[/b] (note the bold type, please). We are not discussing bestiality. Or any situation in which one party is unable to say "no" or make the decision to stop. We are talking about 2 people, over the age of 18, whom are of the same sex and wish to get married. Honestly, I don't give a rat's *** if the whole of Otaku Boards believes that sexual acts between two men together or two women together are disgusting. And how can anyone ask if a homosexual couple would be productive to society? Aren't the majority of law abiding citizens productive to their current society? What does whom they sleep with have to do with that? When they are adults? My argument does not justify anything in which there is a [u]victim[/u]: a person who suffers from a destructive or injurous action or agency. My argument is regarding consenting adults. Some members, I would imagine, need to get out of high school and into the real world with the rest of us. 常の愛 Caitlin
  18. [color=green]I now have an addition... A new CD player! Since I auspiciously broke mine on the bus earlier today.[/color]
  19. [color=green]I have a perspective on this... I realized when I became sexually active (at the ripe age of 19) that I was bisexual. It had nothing to do with experimentation, although I've heard a lot of comments to that effect. It wasn't a choice I made...simply put, I am attracted to both males & females and enjoy having relationships & sexual relations with both. This isn't something that I flaunt. I just don't feel the need. The majority of those who know me well enough to have my phone number are quite aware. But I've never personally felt the need to advocate it. I can feel for you, Miryoku. I am very aware that my grandmother wouldn't understand or accept my bisexuality. She has enough trouble with the idea that I have male friends I spend time with and don't sleep with! Sometimes, you just have to try. With parents, I would imagine that it's much harder to try. And by try, I mean try to get everyone to an acceptance point. Perhaps they don't want to meet any of your significant others...[i]ever[/i]...but perhaps at some point they won't be cold towards you for your lifestyle. As far as homosexual rights concerning marriage is concerned, I think that if you're a consenting adult, you should be able to marry another consenting adult. No matter what the sex. Now, as far as marches in San Francisco and wearing t-shirts, and things of that nature concerning gay rights go: I cannot help but compare it to racial equality movements of a few decades ago (the 60s). Perhaps this has something to do with my being Black. But historically it seems to me that anytime there is a political platform which includes telling someone that you cannot do what everyone else does because of [u]insert reason here[/u] then I see people marching, organizing against it. As far as nearly everything goes, I am a big fan of the paraphrased Hippocratic Oath: "First, do no harm."[/color]
  20. [font=georgia][color=blue][i]It's really interesting, because in the wider world, there are a lot of companies and places that would much rather you don't read the fine print at all. I've found this to be true, both in looking for a job in the adminstrative field and in signing leases for apartments. When someone doesn't really want you to read all that closely, they will try to paraphrase the context. I once had a leassing agent tell me that a paragraph was about "simple liability stuff' when in actuality the lease was stating that I was waiving my rights to sue the property management company for any damages incurred to my person and/or belongings. That included, but was not limited to, the building not being earthquake safe and collasping during and earthquake, or getting poisoned from the asbestos in the ceiling. So I try my hardest to always read the fine print. If I'm too tired to read it, then I'm not signing it.[/font][/color][/i]
  21. [font=georgia][color=blue][i]The only game that I have played and comes to mind as absolutely, positively sucky is Lemony Snicket's Series of Unfortunate Events for GBA. I bought this game because I own the books and the movie looks funny. But 13% into it I'm stuck, I have no idea why and guess what? The walkthrough written for it doesn't cover the GBA platform. Ain't life funny? Most of the Sonic the Hedgehog games got on my nerves. I never found all of the time warps, or hidden areas, or any of that happiness. It would just frustrate me to no end.[/color][/font][/i]
  22. [font=georgia][color=blue][size=2][i]My hobbies are: Magic: The Gathering. I just recently started this one, since I only learned how to play mid-November. But I have a pretty cool deck. thanks to my boyfriend. He used to do tournaments. Reading. Right now I'm reading a book by CJ Cherryh, and another one by Stephenson; "A Lady's Illustarted Primer". It's by the same guy that wrote "Snow Crash", another favorite of mine. Photoshop. This one I just started this week. I created one greeting that's on TheOtaku. I'll get better, I'm sure. The internet is something of a hobby for me. Just because it seems like I'm constantly on it. MyO especially. Video Games. Currently playing Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events for GBA (& subsequently stuck 13% into it) and Chrono Chross for PSOne. Art. Watercolors & sketching. Guess that's it. [/font][/color][/i][/size]
  23. [font=georgia][color=blue][i]I don't have a worst moment. Not just one. I'm afraid that my memory is no longer that exact.[/font][/color][/i]
  24. [font=georiga][color=blue][i]I cannot think of a least favorite female villan right now. I'll come back to it. My least favorite male villains from anime are: Pegasys (did I spell that right?) from YuGiOh. Because I didn't really understand why someone didn't just order a hit out on the man, for crying out loud. A good sniper and no more of that high flung idiot. He worked my nerves so much when I first watched YuGiOh. There didn't seem to be any rhyme or reason to his actions...he would suck people's souls into cards because he could. That purple guy - you know, Vegeta's boss - from Dragon Ball Z. Granted, I view DBZ as an anime soap opera and tend to avoid it like the plague. but this guy....well, let's just say that for the first 7 episodes I saw him in, I though he was a she.[/color][/font][/i]
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