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Everything posted by Lunai

  1. [font=georgia][color=blue][i]To be honest, I am more than a little tired of all this Rin-bashing. Alright. So you're upset behind the comment her husband made. And you don't understand where she's coming from with her set of personal values regarding the internet, and interpersonal relationships. Deal. And move on. I'm sure that we can all find something better to do than gang up on two members because you've decided that you feel slighted and that her views are "old fashioned". Enough is enough.[/font][/color][/i]
  2. [font=georgia][color=blue][i]I wear anything from jeans to tee shirts to button up blouses to Moroccon clothes...on any given day. So I guess my clothes style is mine.[/color][/font][/i]
  3. [font=georgia][color=blue][i]This is fun. I'll stick around & see how it turns out.[/font][/color][/i]
  4. [font=georgia][color=blue][i]At the time I did often think of myself as "only 15"...perhaps not for the reasons you might think, but I'll not get into that here or now. I cannot speak on what is not fair...fair & justified in this instance is, to me, an issue of point of view. From your point of view, it wasn't. I'm sorry you feel that way, even though I was not one of the members to comments on your manners, or lack thereof. At this point I am only happy to have clarified the matter regarding Rin's age when she met Ranger...a 31 year old Ranger dating a 14 year old Rin is an image that is innaccurate, and one I didn't wish to be held in common opinion of him, as his friend.[/font][/color][/i]
  5. [quote name='Baron Samedi][size=1]Well, there was no indication of that in her post. Maybe she was being sarcastic, but if she was, it was pretty useless. And it isn't as if 19 and 36 are all that close either. I'm amazed to see you didn't find some other way to 'prove me wrong' on my other points too. Could I possibly [just possibly'] be correct?[/size][/quote] [font=georgia][color=blue][i]I'm not trying to prove you wrong, on one point or the other. Only trying to steer you from making a factual statement from something that is not fact in the first place. Your other points, as you put it, are valid, because they are your [u]opinions[/u] concerning other people's reactions. I have to in fact remember that according to My Otaku you are only 15. And my original post in response to you was only an attempt to get you to see where other members where coming from in their comments regarding your manners. However, since I am quite sure that I've known Rin much longer than any other Otaku member, I can with some assurace say that no, you are not correct.[/font][/color][/i]
  6. [font=georgia][color=blue][i]Knowing Rin, I'd have to say that her comment to Laura L. was [b]sarcasm[/b]. And to be honest, I was surprised that everyone else didn't realize it was too. I'm sure Laura might not have, but Rin's post as I remember was pointing out how much of a fool Laura was in general.[/font][/color][/i]
  7. [font=georgia][i][color=blue]*ahem* and to actually answer the question at hand.... Being practically broke, while I was living on my own up until November, I ate at Carl's Jr. on a regular basis during the week. Otherwise I ate at Panda Express. There wasn't much of a chance for me to buy groceries...when I did it was only chicken breast pieces and rice, to be stir fried with onions, cumin & thyme. I hadn't bought fruit in months. But now that I live with my mom, and she is more than willing to buy the groceries, my diet has improved. I eat alot of sausages (chicken & pork, lots of different flavors) along with a little bit of fruits, alot of juices in the last week especially (since I was running a fever & risking dehydration), tons & tons & tons of vegetables. I've found that these eating habits have made it seem easier for me to function in general...I don't feel as sluggish as I did when I was a regular at the Carl's Jr. across the street from me. And when I worked at Starbucks I drank an awful lot of "bar" drinks - drinks made using the espresso bar - but got sick of Frappuccinos quite quickly, especially working for the highest selling Frapp store in the district.[/font][/color][/i]
  8. [QUOTE=Baron Samedi][size=1]Amazingly, Lady Rin quoted exactly what I said, [i]but still failed to see the meaning of it[/i]. I didn't ask her how old she was, so you can all go to hell. All she had to say was '17 years'. So, I resent every single one of you for your comments about my lacking in 'etiquette' and 'manners'. Read the words, people. And, 14 [when Rin started going out with Ranger] would have made him 31. Now, how strange is a 14 year old going out with a 31 year old sounding? Later on in life, that kind of age difference is acceptable, but I would feel disconcerted if I knew someone around my age who was dating somone more than twice hers. Oh, and to add something more to my first paragraph, I'm sooo scared of 'time-out', Ranger.[/size][/QUOTE] [font=georgia][color=blue][i]Hold, on Baron. Before you get all upset at people telling you about etiquette, understand that Rin said it was rude to ask anything that implied a woman's age, and that a woman might be offended. Asking the age difference between a woman & her husband is most definately directly related to her age, is it not? And Rin & Ranger did not start dating when she was 14, I know this for [b]fact[/b]. She was 19 years old, an adult for all intents and purposes. Geeze. :grumble: [/font][/color][/i]
  9. [font=georgia][color=blue][i]"I'm too sexy for my name.."[/font][/color][/i]
  10. [QUOTE=Wave_of_Death]...But I get off subject. Even if there [I]were[/I], supposedly, various clues, hints, shall we say, to the end of the world, we would never be given the exact time, so we'd just end up wondering...waiting for the end...never realizing how close it actually is until it happens. Except me, 'cause I'll be too busy, as previously stated, going on with my normal life. Yes, I'm an existentialist.[/QUOTE] [font=georgia][color=blue][i]Sorry, I didn't feel like quoting the entire post, especially since it's right above me. The point, Wave_of_Death, is that this is strictly a silly as all get out question. If, surpassing all known laws of whatever, that there were not clues, or hints, or suppositions, to when the world would end, but if you knew the exact DATE and TIME, what would you be doing? In other words...what's the one thing you must do before you die. [b]Right[/b] before, if you knew the rest of the known world was going out at the same time. Would it change the way you lead your life? Humor us.[/font][/color][/i]
  11. [font=georgia][color=blue][i][SIZE=2]Well, gee. I think I have an awful lot of bad habits.. [list] [*]I tend to fall in love with friends of mine [*]I bite my cuticles (and my nails when I'm not wearing acrylics) [*]I say "like" way, way too much [*]I sing to myself on public transit [*]I cannot budget to save my li8fe [*]I hang up on those who annoy me [*]I bite the inside of my lip [*]I cannot avoid chocolate or the computer [*]I look at too much hentai [/list] And that is all I can think of at the moment.[/SIZE][/font][/color][/i] :babble:
  12. [font=georiga][color=goldenrod][i]The job I want, the one that I am going to go to school for years and years in order to be able to have, is a translator. Specifically for Spanish, French, Japanese, Arabic & English. The job that I would think is the absolute coolest, and that I would email or call everyone I've ever known if I got, would be one of the artist for Magic: The Gathering cards.[/font][/color][/i]
  13. [font=georgia][i][color=blue]Look Ma! I'm winning![/font][/color][/i]
  14. [font=georgia][color=blue][i]"1985" is one of those songs that gets stuck in your head, no matter what. I don't really know if the band is any good or not. I have the feeling that they might turn into a 1 hit wonder...[/font][/color][/i]
  15. [font=georgia][color=blue][i]I'm thankful for my mom. Without her I wouldn't be able to lead the life I have right now. And I'm thankful for my boyfriend, for giving me what I really needed..a break from my life at the time. And I'm thankful for my family for letting me back in to the fold.[/font][/color][/i]
  16. [font=georgia][color=blue][i]I saw this movie last week while I was visiting my boyfriend. He lives in Witchita and I'm from the Bay Area, California. I started cracking up at the beginning of the movie when Mr. Incredible was driving through the streets of Berkeley, since I used to live & work there! Frozone & Edna were two of my favorite characters. I didn't see the baby's ability coming, to be really honest. I definatly thought it was cool. And I did't really understand Mirage's ability...maybe I just missed something.[/font][/color][/i]
  17. [font=apple chancery][color=orange]Even though you aren't a big fan of it, Juu, I like "Silence is Golden". I just like the image. I think it's really cool.[/font][/color]
  18. [font=georgia][color=purple]This is the second anime forum I've seen this question in the past week. Since I didn't reply to that one, I'll post here. I really depends on the context. I tend to make racial remarks in jest..so does my boyfriend. Because we both grew up in areas where we were the minority. In different ways. If the context is negative, meant to do damage, then I'm telling them to take a long walk off a short pier. Because there are enough problems in the world without all that going on, too. My boyfriend said something on the other forums: Living with racism is like living with cockroaches: When people don't see it, they don't tend to think about it. But when it's there right in front of a person, it's the center of attention.[/color][/font]
  19. [QUOTE=Lady_Rin]You can start with the thread on getting chicks. Most of the idiotic things that have been said in relationships were said there. Laura L. told me that I was really to young to have a long term relationship with Ranger. She also once asked Ranger didn't he think I was a little too young for him...[/QUOTE] [font=georgia][color=purple]Was this in recent years? Are you kidding? You guys are way past the initiation into grown up age! What was she thinking!??!?! I had an ex boyfriend from high school who once emailed me through a friend's email account and called me a skany hoe, and alot of other things (none of which had proper grammar or spelling) about 3 years after we had not seen each other. Does that count? Also, my friend the great flirt keeps trying to suggest that maybe being with someone who is on active duty might be too much of a strain on me: [quote name='Flynn'] well when um i mean if you change your mind...give me a call[/quote] That's idiotic, in my book. I mean, I love the boy, but I'm pretty happy at the moment.[/color][/font]
  20. [font=georgia][color=purple]*glances at [b]Lady_Rin[/b]'s post.* I knew she was going to say something like that! lol Anywhosits: This Christams I know I'm going to get some bath stuff from my uncle, but as far as what my Mom, her boyfriend, my aunt and my boyfriend are getting me...I have no idea. My boyfriend's gift is sitting here in the living room, but I can't open it until Dec. 25th. He'll be in UAE then. Best Christmas gift: I dunno. I've had some sucky ones. Worst: Not getting any gifts for a few years in a row (like, 3 or 4). Why? Dunno.[/font][/color]
  21. [font=comic sans ms][color=blue] :sweat: Gee, Rin, I hope you're not mad that I took me so long to get here! Well, I've got an interesting perspective on this. From the age of about 9 - 18, I was being rasied by my Godmother. She had seemed to my Mom to be a good example of a woman who had raised several children, all of whom were productive & seemingly happy adults, without polic records or dangerous addictions. But my Mom didn't know that my Godmother has problems. Problems of the sort that turned into me being abused, and my Mom being lied to. As far as a village raising a child, I sometimes wonder how different it would have been for me growing up if someone had bothered to say something. Teachers of mine who knew that something was wrong. Schoolfriends who thought it was a bit weird that I never got to go out after school and do anything. And as far as our troops go: I have recently started a relationship with a young man who is a Staff Sergeant in the Air Force, and is being shipped out to UAE in the next 3 weeks. For at least 3 months. And I am terrified, especially after spending 8 days with him. Absolutely terrified that the first person I have ever felt this way for will be taken away from me in a battle that I am politically against. So what did I do? I told him. Told him about my love and my fears. I let him know how I felt. I gave him my heart and soul (and I doing so, followed some great advice from Lady_Rin). There are no guarantees, but I can do my best. I can write my letters and send my gifts and make my prayers.[/font][/color]
  22. Lady_Rin[quote]Most parents will never say this to you. It is something we learned the hard way and now I say it to all three children. Today I say it to you, "We are very sorry; we truly do want only the best for you".[/quote] [font=comic sans ms][color=purple]In this I know that I am one of the luckier ones. Growing up was hard for me: I was living in a psychologically and physically abusive situation with my godmother and her family, I was removed from school (which was something I was good at and I enjoyed) and I was lied to about whether or not my mother wanted me. But now, 2 years after I left that situation, my mother always makes me feel as though this statement is true. She never judges. Never tells me that I'm stupid or wrong or anything like that. She supports me, gives me advice, and asks me my opinion. Every day. But I know people who have parents who don't do this. My grandmother is one of those parents. But they love you, in most situations (parents who don't are furhter & farther inbetween than you might think). And sometimes you have to wait until you're older to see it. Or for your parents to see that they are doing you more harm than good.[/font][/color]
  23. [font=apple chancery][color=darkorchid][size=2]Thank you, thank you, thank you! These are lovely! And I have to admit 64x64 is pretty sucky for avatar sizes. ~Caitlin Chiaki[/font][/color][/size]
  24. [font=bookman old style][color=blue]I had to vote for Aerosmith. I think that I've been listening to some of their music forever! And I like almost everything that they come out with.[/font][/color]
  25. [font=comic sans ms][color=blue]Right now my hair is a medium brown with darker browns mixed in. My best hair experience was a few weeks ago, when I dyed it a very nice shade of red. At the time my hair was in very tight "wet" styled curls, which I had worn for a little over a year. So two weeks ago I decided to straighten it (after I had colored it)...but I bought the wrong kind of relaxer and all of the red got stripped right out and I went back to being a brunette...something I haven't been for about 6 years now. But at least it's not as dark as when I was in grade school. I don't think I've had a really bad hair experience yet. Then again, I haven't had my hair styled in years.[/font][/color]
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