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Everything posted by Tozoku

  1. -salutes- Okay! ^.^;; My apologies for the double-post. I'm working on the broken links. One of the free image hosts I use, tinypic.com, had a crash a while back, which is why a lot of my images don't work anymore. So, I'm just going through, locating and fixing... every... single... dead... link. =____= It's a long process, so please bear with me. x_x Edit: Okay! A Photobucket account is now up and running. Sorry ^^;
  2. Really? Why's that? -unfamiliar with this board- Eep. A few people have told me that. A lot of the links seem to only work with some computers. x_x I'll see what I can do.
  3. Hi guys! Sorry to suddenly reappear like this, but I need your help... December 5th is my one-year 'anniversary' with that which for lack of a better word I shall refer to as my boyfriend. x3;; And so, I shall now begin a secret project to make an excellent gift for him! Now, here is what I want to do, what I'll need, and how you can help: I want to make a DVD (preferably... more on that in a minute) for him called "The Random Adventures of Shadow and Hai-chan" (Shadow being one of my aliases, Hai-chan being my nickname for him- it's short for Haipazaru). What I really want is animations (static or otherwise) and comics. But I also would like couple art, short stories- anything you can think of. Be creative! Of course, I won't expect you to just do this for free. I would be glad to draw something for you if you'd like. ^^ [url="http://www.freewebs.com/projectanniv/"]Here[/url] is the website with all of the pertinent information (yeah, I used the Freewebs builder even though I know HTML. Do feel free to point and laugh). It has details (a ridiculous amount of them) and reference pictures for both of us (our characters that are based on us, that is, so you don't have to draw from photos), as well as suggestions and guidelines for what you can do. Also, I could use help with how I can put all this together to give to him. He won't have computer access on the day, so I hope to put it onto a DVD. If I must, I think can make it into one big WMV to burn onto a DVD that'll play in a DVD player, but I don't want to resort to that.. As soon as I finish making this post, I'm going to start researching methods, but if anyone happens to know how I can do this, I'd really appreciate the help. Sorry for the long ramble ^^; Thanks so much to anyone who helps out! [color=teal]EDIT:[/color] PS. If the images won't work, just tell me. That happens on some computers. [color=teal]Please do not double post. It is against the rules we have set up on this board, since it clutters the topic up and you can just as easily edit your post by using the button at the bottom of your posts. -Syk3[/color]
  4. [QUOTE=Boo][color=gray][size=1][url=http://www.freewebs.com/tozoku_oc/vaga.html]http://www.freewebs.com/tozoku_oc/vaga.html[/url] That is vaga. Just some character made up by someone.[/color][/size][/QUOTE] -nods- What she said.
  5. [quote name='Erika][size=1][font=Verdana][color=royalblue]Ok, ok. [i]Who the hell is Vaga?![/i] I definitely know you'll luff me forever and ever if I draw this for you, and I will, but I need a picture to go by first! @_@[/color][/font'][/size][/quote] Yay! ^^; His name is a link to his profile. It has pictures and stuff.
  6. I beg you, draw [URL=http://www.freewebs.com/tozoku_oc/vaga.html]Vaga[/URL] as a cat (with cat ears and tail, that is, or any other way you choose to show that he is a kitty), please... I shall luff you for always and forever. And if you want, I can draw something for you in return. Post it here or PM me if you do, 'kay? Sankyuu!
  7. Okay, glad you like it. ^^ Do feel free to edit, I just put the name in because the empty space was bugging me. ^_^;;
  8. It's really bad, but here's my attempt: [IMG]http://tinypic.com/prtad[/IMG] [url]http://tinypic.com/prtad[/url]
  9. Hey presto! [url]http://img109.exs.cx/img109/1430/uhav.jpg[/url] [url]http://img109.exs.cx/img109/7997/uh.gif[/url]
  10. Those are really cool. I myself like how the Hellsing one came out, I think the background does go with the picture perfectly.
  11. Well, I am by no means very good at this, but I'll give it a shot... [url]http://img128.exs.cx/img128/2536/kozipro.jpg[/url] [url]http://img128.exs.cx/img128/6374/koziban.jpg[/url] [url]http://img128.exs.cx/img128/8535/koziav.jpg[/url] Are these anything close to what you wanted? ^^;
  12. Hi, I'm Tozoku, resident n00b and self-loathing extraordinare ^^ Try not to hate me too much. Anyway, I'll probably wind up starting a thread in the parent forum of this for art trades, but for now, would anyone be so kind as to draw Hosoku? [URL=http://www.freewebs.com/tozoku_oc/hosoku.html]Here[/URL] is his profile- it has all the info and pictures you'll need. Thanks so much! ^_^
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