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Everything posted by Mirushi

  1. Oh well. I'm beginning to read the manga versions anyway so I'll be able to meet all of the characters. That is, I'm borrowing these books from a friend so I hope she has all of them. Too bad they won't make one more DVD. It's still a good series too.
  2. I agree with ice-kitsune on the sensitive girl part. They are very whiny and unbearable to stand. I also think the reason why male villains are more liked than the "heroes" are that you see too much of the hero's problems and life and it sometimes gets a bit repetitive. On the other hand, for the villains, you don't know much about them and when you figure something out, it is usually shocking or at least interesting. And they are usually the better fighters at the beginning.
  3. Oh. Thanks for the explanation. I know there are only four DVDs out now but I'm pretty sure more will be coming out. I haven't even met all of the characters yet...I think. Too many to keep track of. I also like Tohru, except for the fact that she likes to please people too much. She just needs to find time to please herself too.
  4. Mirushi


    I can wait that long. Can't wait to see it! ^_^
  5. Mirushi


    Your handwriting isn't that bad. You are really good with drawing, especially real life pictures. Some parts may be a little off but overall, they are great. And the coloring is good too. can you also post the one in charcoal?
  6. I have no clue what dubbed means so I won't say anything about it except that it would be nice if someone wanted to tell me. Anyway, I've seen the first four DVDs. I don't really like Yuki that much even though I did at first because he doesn't do anything anymore. Kyo is one of my favorites along with most of the Sohma family except for Kagura, Ayame, Ritsu, and Akito, who I believe is supposed ot be a [spoiler]girl.[/spoiler] I also don't like Tohru too much because she always tries to impress other people too much. However, without her, there probably wouldn't be much of a show.
  7. hmmm....least favorite villain...I don't think I really have one right now because I can't think of any. Most teh ones I do think of are cool ones. If I ever remember, I'll post it. Well, maybe it's Naraku in his monkey suit from Inuyasha because it's never him and it's just plain weird looking. Oh, and those two brothers that Naraku made: the one with the purple pink hair and it's brother who is tiny and was inside of his mouth. You know, the ones in that were kept in cages and Inuyasha and Koga both tried to get rid of them. They were both plain weird, especially the smaller one that fed off of people's insides. Does any of this make sense? probably not.
  8. Mirushi


    Though I know the first one's colors are supposed to be like that, it's a little too pink. I like the second one where you can't really see the face. No offense if any taken. It just looks cool with the light supposedly shining into the face from the computer screen. The third one is just a little weird and I agree that it's a little too close up. But I do like the black and white colors better because color photos can sometimes ruin everything. just one question, how are you going to draw the whole thing? Wouldn't it be kinda hard?
  9. I like a whole bunch of different characters from different shows. but my favorites are Kenshin from Rurouni Kenshin because he is just the best swordsman around, and either Youko or Hiei from Yu Yu Hakusho because they are both demons and have really cool weapons. They also know how to act cool and fight well. But Sniper is the newest cool character from Yu Yu Hakusho becuase he can shoot things really far away and hit his targets.
  10. [COLOR=Navy]You do have talent. It's just not a topic I would normally pick to write about. But it's good all the same.[/COLOR]
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