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Everything posted by Infinite2002

  1. [QUOTE=Rattlehead]Hello this is rattlehead on the air! badjesus is dead and buried and will never see you again. to kick of with a fresh start here i thoght i'd just finish this topic off, about ten messages ago I said that your eyes chage color due to light passing across the membranes on the eyeball and every one repeats me also check my message on racial backgrounds because there is no other scientific method of describing it my point is its a very simple notion.[/QUOTE] Well I guess I should've read all of the posts.-lol- I guess all I did was go further in depth.
  2. Afire was on the right track with his/her description of spiritual balance, however, I believe he/she didn't go far enough into detail as the host of this thread would like. In order to fully define universal balance, one must first consider half of everything is true and the other half of everything is false. With this in mind you may now develop a further understanding of balance. Because half of everything is true and half of everything is false the reality of balance is now unveiled. We now know there are two sides to all that exists (i.e. every action has an equal and opposite reaction, light and dark, day and night, good and evil, yin and yang, etc). Because of this we know that everything be it spiritual, physical, metaphysical, emotional, mental, and even metaphorical must be divided in half to be completely understood. Before that, the true meaning of metaphysical must be established. Metaphysics is an underlying philosophical or theoretical principle such as the belief in luck. Metaphysics, in actuality, is the study of the nature of reality which is the definition carried into it's descriptive form; metaphysical. Back to the explanation...Man can only appreciate the nature of balance for it always has been and always will be, balance is everlasting. There will always be a good and evil, a light and dark, an old and new, a yin and yang, a day and night, etc. However, the reason balance is everlasting is because it is tied to an everlasting being...something that balance MUST attach to to set order to all that exists. That being is God, without God there would be absolutely no balance and all that is created shall be destroyed in the same matter and reverted to the form in which it originated. This form is nothingness; empty space. A further description and also the relevance of God in this topic would be Gods omnipotence and eternal wisdom. God knows all and is the wisest of all that are wise thus God can never be wrong. If God were to be wrong at any time then God would no longer be omnipotent and all shall fall out of balance and cease to exist. Because of such a strong position on the positive side of the scale there must be an opposite entity that is ALWAYS wrong. This entity must be like God, however, cannot BE God for God already exists. This entity is Satan. Satan is the opposite of God; all that is created he seeks to destroy, all that God loves he hates, etc. Because God is the ultimate good Satan must be the ultimate bad and therefor creating a universal balance. The principal of yin and yang allow us to further understand this. God is evenly balanced at 360 degrees, he makes his own decisions and is the epitome of perfect. Angels and demons (including Satan) only posses 180 which means they can only perform on one side of the scale, either good or bad, there is no in between for them. Man was created to be perfect and posses the perfect physical form of God hence man was created to posses a balance of 360 degrees also. This gives us our free will, our ability to make our own decisions be they good or bad. Jesus was sent to save mankind which would restore the balance of the universe for God so loved ALL He created. Now we are balanced once again until the second coming.
  3. My post physically painful experience would have to be the recovery period after my second knee operation. I tore my ACL and injured my PCL and received a need based surgery so that I could play sports. However, there were complication with the operation and the time of the procedure increased from 2 hours to 3 hours. Because of this the doctor had to take extensive measures to correct the complication and complete the operation thus leaving me with increasingly painful scar tissue and swelling. The first operation was not as bad. The experience in which my description lies was seconded only by the shot wound I received on my right shoulder blade while coming home from school. Being as how it was a ricochet and during an adrenaline rush, the pain was dramatically decreased.
  4. [QUOTE=Heero Darkangel]Thanks for all the feedback didn't think it would turn out like this!..Very cool But I have one problem: and here it is: Why the hell ask for proof on a subject like this!!! I mean there's no way in hell you can prove this sort of thing on the internet...I could put my self on here and show you a range of pictures with my eyes( but I don't have any..i'm not vain thanks!) which change colour...BUT!!! because of enhanced computer software noone would actually believe it because they just turn around and say things like...you used photoshot, or digital imaging or come up with a whole heap of notions to strike you down with...so why the heck ask such a dumb question!...anyone can turn around and say that their eyes change colour and show you pic's but then easily change the eye colour to make it look as though they do....I mean please...so stop with the asking for proof "BS" because would you actually believe it if someone did show their eye colour on the internet?..didn't think so!!! By the way thanks Duo and Ugamon and everyone else.[/QUOTE] Okay, I'm going to solve your problem. Your eyes change color metaphorically, it's more like the angle at which light makes contact with your eyes. More often than none, eyes that seem to change color are actually a unique shade of whatever color is natural to the person...when the light makes contact your eyes adjust to the level of light energy and this change in pupil size causes the light to reflect differently hence the angle at which you view allows the color to vary. I, personally, have eyes that react the same way, if you were to look at my eyes from time to time you would notice that I have a limited number of colors in which my eyes can appear. The same should be for you. Because my eyes are naturally deep hazel, my eyes can brighten to true hazel, brown, dark brown, black (when I'm sick), burnt sienna, and a dark shade of heather grey. Your eye colors should also be limited to whatever your shade can produce. Remember, different colors reflect different colors all light used to distinguish the color of eyes is white.
  5. Also, I would like ta clarify the cause of SHC to cease. The flames only die out because of the lack of fule to burn NOT the lack of oxygen. If the flames were doused, or "suffocated," due to lack of oxygen the victim would have had to been contained in a vacuum. Thus, lack of oxygen is not an option because of the atmosphere's chemical make up, which is, I believe, if my memory serves correct, at least 20 percent oxygen, 77 percent nitrogen, 1 percent argon, and the final percent, hydrogen; helium; and other gases. The fule I would be referring to would be the victim's flesh.
  6. As I was describing in my preceeding post. There is even scientific evidence behind this phenomena. By relaxing your body and utilizing your mental abilities to the fullest extent of your abilities you can gain further control and unlock hidden potential in the human physique. Your glands produce horomones which enable the brain to complete more difficult tasks and thus allows it to send more complex signals to the nerves which act obediently and send the "message," if you will to the corresponding parts of your body. The horomones cause a chemical reaction in the brain which allows it to manipulate internal matter, mainly fluids, the chemical reactions either speed up or slow down process in the molecular level causing a steady, yet powerful, increase or decrease in physical energy. The energy is then transferred along with the signal to the part of the body which has been "ordered" to act upon the "commands" of the brain. This is will allow you to understand the "unlocking" of our physical limitations. It is even believed that with enough dicipline and control over these energy transfers that even independent human flight or levitation may become possible. Being as how we were designed to resemble God, we cannot fathom anything that is impossible to do in the physical plain, this includes but is not limited to Astral Projection or OBE (Outer Body Experience), which will be discussed later. With this said, even with the intervention of scientific experimentation, human beings can do wonderess things such as breathing under water without the aid of tanks filled with oxygen (proof of this would be the ability of a fetus to thrive without "dry" air to breathe inside of the womb), and even teleportation, which is being studied and defined as "jumping" through space through openings in space and time. This is possible by creating a "worm hole" and simply stepping through the "gate" and instantly stepping out of the other end. This is broken down into simpler terms which are, dare I say, "super speed," moving as such momentum the sudden vanishing and reappearance of and object of being appears spontaneous and instantaneous. In order to move from one place to another, one must travel a distance, teleportation simply speeds the process to unimaginable levels and also provides a "short cut," a shorter and more direct route to the traveler's destination. Moving on from my digression, Ki is the mental dicipline that allows one to teach him or herself to manipulate things with one's mind. This has been demonstrated in real time numerous times. Telekineses and psychic abilities are simply harnessing the energy within the concious mind and manifesting it externally. The stronger this ability is the more this ability can accomplish. Altering an object's position, reading one's mind, sensing danger, and even transmitting thoughts from one's self to another are all possible, as demonstrated live on the Opera Winfry Shoe years ago by I man I cannot bring myself to identify presently as his identity I cannot recall. In any event, this man also demonstrated Astral Projection or an Outer Body Experience, if you would like, but randomly choosing members of the crowd to "touch," if I may with his mind. His body became limp and heavy as if lacking life and completely random members of the audience felt his presence and even contained proof of it for he had implanted a thought in their minds which he had only shared with Oprah previous to this demonstration. Those who master this dicipline can progress as far as sensing presences and mental awarenesses of beings that are miles away at times. On to the text topic of discussion, Jing. Jing is the often destructive force linked to Chi energy. This energy is harnessed for self defense and those who agress often become weaker than normal because of lack of focus. Jing is demonstrated in Anime such as Dragonball Z/GT and YuYu Hakasho. This is the energy that many claim cannot only be felt, much like Chi and Ki, but seen. Although this remains to be proven, one can visualize his or her own Jing...with their eyes closed and in deep meditation of course. Jing can be used on objects, unlike Chi, as well on biological beings. Jing is often times deadly and associated with exacting aim and technique on pressure points and the explosive release of energy which destructively follows through far beyond one's striking distance. A master of Jing may possess a shocking, fiery, icy, abnormally heavy, and/or abnormally light touch; as are the 5 elements associated with the studies which are: lightning, fire, water, earth, and wind. These master posses exacting aim and technique and often do not attack unless provoked because their abilities are extremely dangerous and even deadly. A master of the highest Dans may demonstrate its mastery by studying the subtle vibrations of the moving air around him or her and striking a distant target and causing it to either explode or implode, spontaneously expel settled dust and even by putting out candles without having blown at or even approached, let along observed visually. Ultimately, what I believe about this subject does not matter at all, for the evidence I have been provided and shared with those open-minded individuals who have read this information has been proven to be legitimate, clear and concise.
  7. I was doing and online search on this topic and came across these forums and had to join so that I could participate in the discussion. The first point I would like to make is this: "Spontanious Human Combustion is caused when the electrical wiring in your body misfires so severally and for such a time that it catches the ignightable fat in your body on fire. This soon spread througout your body through you fat, and then eventually goes out do to lack of oxygen." This is untrue from all angles of your arguement. SHC happens most frequently when the human body has consumed abnormally high amounts of alcohol and has incorporated it in the blood stream. The alcohol content makes the blood highly volatile and causes it to catch flame easily which makes the blood vessels throughout your entire body combustable, hence the name of the condition, "spontaneous human combustion." Being as how I had to study this phenomanon in my high school physics class to learn how this happening occurs, I have gathered that depending on the alcohol level of the "victim," or subject, if you will, even a high fever can cause the body to randomly burst into flame. The fever is caused by the body's natural reaction to the alcohol, which is why you become intoxitated to begin with, alcohol is, in essence, a poison for the human body. Other causes would be the sudden rising of the body temperature by standing too close to an open flame or standing under or near hot lights or even power lines that generate enough heat to trigger the reaction. The blood ignites and flames are so hot they are invisible to the human eye, much like the "invisible" flame that encompases a victim of a NASCAR accident who is covered by the doctored fule of the vehicle and is set aflame by the sparks from the explosion. Afterwhich, the body becomes nothing more than fragments of unburned matter and ash. This is not me being a smartass but me stating a scientific fact. E-mail me at [email]Jay_tres2002@yahoo.com[/email] for links of data, photographs and reports of this instance. The next point I would like to bring up is the existence of Ki and Chi. I've been looking into both rather frequently as of late. Ki psyonic energy and Chi is energy manifested in the physical. Chi is more closely related to Jing and gives the possiblity of "super" natural abilities of humans and even animals who have learned to harness this energy. The study of Chi originated in the countries of the Orient that studied a more effective method of hand to hand combat, searching for a way to become more powerful during battle. By realising the body uses some form of energy to live, as well as operate, they set out to distinguish the two forms. An electro static energy required by all living things to dwell in the physical is the Chi energy being discussed. It resides in larger amounts closer to the center of gravity where the majority of bodily activity takes place. Because we don't have a pre-installed "gyro" (an object which spins rapidly to create or control gravitiational force much like a planet) we must posses a way to balance ourselves, hence the energy is mainly focused there. Those who study Chi will notice that control over the energy through their chakras, transfer and build up points of the chi energy, will enable them to take "superhuman" actions. Abilities such as increased strength, speed, endurance, flexibility, agility, psychic traits, and even telekineses are all possible when this energy is harnessed properly. I will continue in my proceeding post.
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