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Everything posted by CaptainAnarchy

  1. I adore it. Its something me and my family can watch together. Its very dark, and morbid...Tim Burton is a genius. I just watched his movie "big fish" last night. He has such a unique way of directing movies. I love it.
  2. Hmmm...pro horse trainer, roadie for a famous band...I really don't know. Maybe two jobs, one as a chocolate tester, then another as a fitness equipment tester.
  3. Green Day rocks, I am getting AI and Dookie for christmas! They are going very very very mainstream though:(
  4. I listened it alice in chains...its pretty OK.
  5. [SIZE=1]Don't you love on track 7 on Nevermind, when it goes: Come on people now, Smile on your brother, Everybody get together, Try to love one another, Right nowwwwww! Right before the song? Its sang sooo funnily (is that a word?) and I crack up badly every time I hear it.[/SIZE]
  6. I really want everyones input on [U]The Darkness[/U] , which is a rock band (I dunno what genre...some kind of metal going on there I believe.) they are the band who did "I Believe In A Thing Called Love" and when people don't know who they are I'm like "They sing "I Believe In A thing Called Love" " and they usually say something like " Ooo...with that guy who sings like a girl?". Yes, Justin Hawkins, the lead vocalist is very high pitched but alot of people just say he sounds like a girl 0.o My personal favorite song of theirs is "Love On The Rocks With No Ice"...their CD is awesome I got it for my b-day and would reccommend it to anyone.
  7. [SIZE=1]I am usually seen in ripped knee pants,an assorted top from hot topic or a raggedy grunge shirt...then I usually wear fishnet armwarmers...if not my hello kitty armwarmers! I wear volatile and converse shoes...I wear very,very,very, heavy eyeliner and sometimes do a little Cleopatra-type thing at the folds of my eyes or little triangular shapes under my eyes. I wear two belts and/or a hot pink metal chain on my pants and I love wearing neckties...and then there is my lucky black hat with some real estate name on it...I believe its "Century 21"...or my ever so sexy Krispy Kreme hat. For my purse I always carry around either a white or a black Louis Vuitton...my style says alot about me...0.o I get stared at...[/SIZE]
  8. [SIZE=1][quote name='Manic]CaptainAnarchy, can you calm it down just a tad? We get that you like Nirvana [i]a lot[/i'], but some of your replies in their defense come off as a little... um... hyper.[/quote] No prob....I drink lots of coke (the beverage of course)...therefore I am quite hyper. But its mostly just my obsession with Nirvana that makes me umm...jump onto peoples heads when they insult them...[/SIZE]
  9. [SIZE=1]Eck...you have your opinions,deary but so do I. I don't think any of the bands you mentioned "rock" Nirvana. Pearl Jam and Soundgarden in my opinion suck eggs real bad. I like Stone Temple Pilots...but not so much that it tops Nirvana...and I've never heard Alice In Chains so I can't actually say anything nasty about them....I'm so mean:)[/SIZE]
  10. I need my helmet! Its vewy dangewous wifout my helmet on! Gahhh!
  11. Could anyone make me a punkish looking Kurt Cobain/Nirvana av and banner w/ my name in small print on the right bottom corner? As you can see I dont have a banner...and Im using an AIM buddy icon as an avatar...so I'd really appreciate it if you would do this as a favor...thanks!
  12. Im not sure but I'm known for memorizing it...without knowing what it means. Once I was with my friend and I was like: "Hey I can sing in Japanese." "Really." "Yeah." "Dooo it!" "K." *sings the kenshin end theme* "Wow." "Yeah." "What were you saying?" "Dunno..." "o.0 Really..."
  13. Yeah, they just look kind of big and impressive. I first saw one in a darkness music video and I was like "holy &*%! Cool!" and so ya know...I am a lead singer in [B]The Corporate Flunky Project[/B] and I really want to take up guitar...
  14. I have lately had a fascination with triple neck guitars...are there any t.n.g. players out there? How hard are they to play? It sure looks difficult...I mean it must take alot of time and effort to memorize which neck to use and such during a song...jeez i envy any t.n.g. players! Awesome!
  15. 1.[B]Nightmare Before Christmas[/B] because it it very crazily done and I [I]love[/I] Tim Burtons style of childrens movies...very morbid but not so much that my 4 year old sister cant like it. Its also is very touching and can be a halloween movie,too! 2.[B]Its A Wonderful Life[/B] Chibihorsewoman pretty much covered it...but I almost cry when george just read terrances letter and the bell rings and his little girl says "I heard whenever a bell rings an angel gets its wings"...
  16. [QUOTE=Juuthena][color=deeppink][size=1]I'm seeing them at a gig on Dec 10th with MUSE!!!!, Franz Ferdinand!, Modest Mouse, Interpol, and Taking Back Sunday. I've only sampled a few of their songs, but I guess I'll go and download a few. >.>; Any suggestions in particular? [b][Edit:][/b] Hmm, never mind. Just mass-downloaded. 'Somebody Told Me' is going to be so much fun live. >.>[/color][/size][/QUOTE] I love all those bands! Float On is one of my favyrite songs! Yay!
  17. Yes...I am the grunger who worships nirvana in my basement lol jk
  18. I just wanted to know how everyone is labeled...I've been labeled a number of things...punk,goth,bandie and my favorite...grunger! I dislike being labeled but I don't mind being called a grunger because grungers are rare nowadays...endangered label! lol...
  19. I really am starting to like the Band [U]Velvet Revolver[/U] (not as much as Nirvana though...teeheehee)...I love the song [B]Fall To Pieces[/B] ! It really speaks to me...and the blonde is really cute:)
  20. Smells Like Teen Spirit can't get ANY better than it is...it is served at its fullest potential!
  21. They are aight....I don't think they rock my pants but I do catch myself singing 1985 in the shower sometimes...
  22. I'm starting a band called [B]The Corporate Flunky Project[/B] and we are gonna we a mix between extreme punk and death metal. I have a bassist and a guitarist already, both named kelsey, and I am looking for a drummer. Im the vocalist! yay! I also want to cover some (of frickin course) Nirvana songs.
  23. I really think they should have gone with a more anime like show...I hate the cheeesy animation of Hi Hi Puffy AmyYumi
  24. You have a band? I'm starting a band...The Corporate Flunky Project....
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