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Everything posted by CaptainAnarchy

  1. They were the best...case closed. No overratings...they were simply THE KINGS of the 90s grunge scene...they switched us from that terrible glam metal from the 80s to the awesome sounds of punk/grunge...
  2. Thy shall not strike thee with large meteor!
  3. They aren't overrated...they were the BEST...can't convince me otherwise. Their songs are full of meaning...I mean its great,man.... :D
  4. [SIZE=1][FONT=Arial]I thought that Nirvana should be recognized with a thread. They were wonderful artists and Nirvanas CD [I]Nevermind[/I] is the only CD I have come across that I like [U]every single song[/U] on... I think that Kurt Cobain was pretty gosh darn sexy,too :love: hehe...and he was talented....I'm very sad he took his own life because I would of[B] LOVED[/B] to see Nirvana in concert...:( They (in my opinion) were the greatest rock musicians who had ever lived...[/FONT][/SIZE]
  5. I want some CDs, new chuck taylors,a machine gun and some ramune bubblegum! Hooray....and I also want some random clothing from hottopic and some stuff for meh pony!
  6. [SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Anime is an art form. No way around it, its the truth. But there are some animes that have lost their art form and is now just a FoxBox money scheme, Pokemon for example. There is nothing special of artistic value of it, its just a scheme....what anime do you believe is now just a scheme? [/COLOR] [/SIZE]
  7. Wow, that was a very morbid story that made me keep reading. It also has a wonderful moral to it....don't do/deal drugs... Let me ask this, is this a true story? And I really do wonder if hes still around today....
  8. ah..the darkness...my only thing I live for...lol
  9. I guess art can be disguisting...look at Maplethorpe's "art"....I am definetaly an Eminem hater.
  10. I want a banner with sailor neptune and kenshin on it...I would prefer it pink with a "pixely" or "cubey" background...I am NOT gifted at any of this stuff so I need someone to do this for me! It would be highly appreciated!
  11. I like this band dubbed "Coheed and Cambria". They are a truly unique punk band that has that classic punk sound with bits and pieces of metal in it as well. I love their song "Embodied In Love And Shadow". Its kind of like "New Found Glory meets Sevendust". Cool band....I order you to check it out. They are frequently on the Music Choice "Alternative " channel....so keep listening!
  12. I give it two thumbs up. I thought your dark poem was riveting and compelling. I think you have mastered dark poetry and served it at its prime. Way to go, you have some serious talent on those hands of yours.I'd like to see more work...
  13. Damn lawyers...I can't sleep at night knowing such scum is on the loose...
  14. Hello there. I am very interested in this "Meine Liebe" series you speak of. Not only does the animation sound good, but I have very rarely seen an anime that has been set in Europe. Where could I see or purchase this anime? I am very curious about this series since you say its a good one "for the ladies". What era or time is it set in? I would love to see a "medieval" era anime, since it is such a rarity (even though I still anticipate seeing it if its modern time or what not). So fill me in!
  15. Wow...I like how you used the actual Otaku Board members in the story...and how you depicted the Otaku Boards as a town. I also love the lawyers-arent-as-bad-as-murderers thing. Thats classic. I also have to agree that the "Makes you poop" line is simply so stupid that it is remarkably hilarious. Cheers to you, you certainly have a talent for writing.
  16. Pfftt...If I were a man I wouldn't judge a girl on weight. As long as a girl is nice and loves you, then guys, you should love her back.
  17. Oh my god....Ashlee and Avril are like Brittany Spears with a few studded belts on hand...they are the polar opposites of "gothic". Alot of people classify Avril as "punk" but she doesn't even fit into that genre. Ashlee isn't even a poser (as Avril is). I don't think she even is trying to be "punk" or "goth". I think she is a BrittanyClone with black hair. I am in tears of laughter after that very humorous comment that you made, Lava Lamp. Thank you for making me laugh, you made my day. By the way, I love The Cure and Nirvana (which is more grunge, I know).
  18. Yes...if only everyone chugged nasty hotsauce concoctions....
  19. Today my friend got a new videocam. We shot a movie of us doing stupid things. One example is that I chugged a glass full of apple juice mixed with hot sauce. I vomitted.
  20. That was a great work of art...it speaks out. Sometimes poems dont make sense-they just rhyme. But yours rhymed and made sense. Bravo.
  21. I looove Puffy,any Puffy song...and then I like "Freckles" By Yuki (The fast Samurai X theme song) and then the Samurai X end song...
  22. I thought Samurai X (Ruroni Kenshin, as some may call it) was a great show which achieved an excellent storyline as well as a wonderful cast. You got Kaoru, the IN YOUR FACE girl, Kenshin the mellowed out killaholic, Sanosuke the idiot, and Yahiko the stupid little boy. Yay. I HATED Wedding Peach. It was VULGARLY HORRIBLE...ugh...it was like Sailor moon meets a gender-confused satan...(wow...NO idea where THAT came from)
  23. Can someone explaine Fooly Cooly to me? I started watching it late and it was so random that I didnt even bother watching the rest.lol. Can someone explain the anime to me?
  24. Hooray for the octopus people! *snorkle snorkle snorkle*
  25. Shizumai Katari is the greatest swordsWOMAN of the year 2311. Swordsmanship has become a way of survival, as did in the medieval ages. She goes into space to go into intense martial arts training at a space station -until they hit a black hole- then she is warped back in time to the Meiji Era (think Kenshin's time) where she is mistaken for a rich housewife, Yoko Amei. She then defies the swordsmen and no one knows why "Yoko" is a swordsmaster all of the sudden . She then remembers reading about historic events that happened then, and realizes she was a part of every one of them.
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