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Everything posted by CaptainAnarchy

  1. Who likes punk rock? Whats not to like bout Chuck Taylor wearing hotties that sing? Woo-hoo!
  2. You may think she's so beautiful, All dolled up in Coach, With those pristine lips and flawless skin, You may think she's so beautiful, But no beauty lies within. You may think she's so beautiful, In her custom tailored dress, With those shiny tresses and svelte shape, You may think she's so beautiful, But no beauty lies within. She snuffs, She puffs, Then has just a few ritzes for dinner, After she vomits, For hope she'll get thinner. You may see a movie star, But I see an ill woman, You may be jealous For her looks, And I'll admit she's pretty,too. But there isn't anything pretty About those rosy cheeks turning Sickly blue. She's never been happy, She's always been blue, So she snorts little crystals, For an artificial happiness, For a joy that's untrue. You may think she's so beautiful, Waving to all her fans, With those long eyelashes and designer shoes, You may think she's so beautiful, But no beauty lies within. Its very amateur, but I'm a 6th grader 0_0, whatcha expect? C'mon everybody! I want some feedback, positive or not...you can say it sucks and I have no talent and I will still be happy you bothered:) [font=Verdana][size=1][color=red]Please do not double post. Simply edit the original post to include the new message. ^_^ -- Lady Asphyxia[/color][/size][/font]
  3. I had really strong feelings for this guy...then got rejected. Im so sad, so only post nice things or similar experiences.
  4. Ramune (or lamune, as me and my friends call it) is an AWESOME flavor. When my friends from japan first gave me some ramune candy, I was like "What the hell is that, its soo good!" and then I figured out its ramune. mmmm...
  5. When I was nine I was Sailor Cosmos (sailor moon manga) for Anime Boston...
  6. My school is highly labeled. Everyone seems OK with what they're labeled, but I personally don't label people. I was labeled a punk (by myself), then according to the labelers there is: Wangstas, jocks, punks,tomboys,preps,goths...and the "nerds". We usually label ourselves, then everyone just sticks with what you labeled yourself. Unless you're a "wangsta" thats labeling themselves "goth" or something.lol
  7. How cool. I was studying evolution in social studies. Its so neat, I mean hobbits aren't just a myth anymore (sort of)
  8. Whoa... Not to offend the people of the Congo, but thats really sick. Way to go.
  9. Hey, my friends over in japan send over some delicious candy once in a while. My favorite is the foamy blue bubblegum, how about you?
  10. Peta people scare me....if chickens were made to be edible, then they were made to be eaten. their meat would contain anti-freeze if they weren't meant to be eaten.
  11. I love it. I would never have the time nor patience to create such nice artwork. Good job. [color=teal]Please try to go into [i]why[/i] you like it, explaining specific features of the banner that you find intruiging, or perhaps things that could be improved. -Syk3[/color]
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