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Writing My Star Wars Story [PG -- V]
...Coolness... replied to Farto the Magic's topic in Creative Works
[quote name='Farto the Magic']I just want o know what you think. Good or bad, it will probably help. I just want to know if I should continue on it. Once again, any input is good input. (Even bad input.)[/quote] Hey, I don't know about anyone else who may have read this, but I like it so far. I think you should defenitely continue. Your descriptions are detailed, making it easy to imagine the scene. I am not a Star wars lover(I actually prefer Star Trek...haha) but I like this story.The only thing I noticed that could be corrected were typos, but that is to be expected. Other than that, It's great. I look forward to the rest of it. I always respect people who can write better than I can.(meaning [U]all[/U] writers.) Have fun! -
Stand up or Die?..you choose
...Coolness... replied to Heero Darkangel's topic in General Discussion
I have already posted on this...but I would like to say more. Many people believe that carrying guns protects them. A lot of times, tho, it may actually get them killed. It is all a cycle. The homicide rate is high, so people go out and buy guns for protection. This tho, increases the homicide rate even furher. SO, more people buy guns....and on and on and on. How will it stop? By guns? no way. You can do your part, and stay away from guns. -
Stand up or Die?..you choose
...Coolness... replied to Heero Darkangel's topic in General Discussion
Personally, I refuse to take up any firearms of any kind. In the event of a mugging, I would allow them to take my things, for they are only material, unneeded, and the robbers will soon get theirs anyway. If My life was threatened, I would not attempt to kill the person. Instead, I would fight to get away, and then take off. I would not just let myself get beat up, but I will not kill them either. I would probably be praying to God, and I know that would give me stregnth to go on.Though, my opinion may differ from others, that is just what I think. :p -
Whether you like it or not, people first see the way you look. Its the way we are, since we can't readd someone's mind just by passing them on the street. I finally cam to understand this a few years ago, and since then have tried to find out what people are like before judging them. Yet, I still notice and have preferences on someone I would be attracted to. Yet, this does not mean I will not talk to you if you if you are not like this. I like guys who are not macho- implied in the sense that they view girls as weaker, or not equal(yes I have encountered people like this) ,and I appreciate if they can beat me at arm wrestling(which is actually saying something, I am q bit strong). Also, I like them to have a style and brain of their own, and not just brainwashed by the trends and fads of the world. I do not like people who will be controlling, or in any way disagree with my choices(including my strange way of finding clothes to wear..haha) Guys who show they care about how people view them, but do not worry about it overexcessivley, that is what I am talking about. Guys who have hobbies also appeal to me, hobbies other than watching tv all day, or playing video games only.... Basically, they should be active. I love people who are opiniated, and who have sharp wits.(great conversationalists). When a guy is too feminine, I am immediately turned off. I like it when people try to learn something, if they dob't already, showing an appreciation for knowledge. I have a preference for asian guys, just because I love asian people, and I(not meaning to stereotype) have friends who are SO cool, but nothing compared to the asian guys I know. But overall, I think that beauty is in the eye of the Beer holder(not a typo). HAHAHAHA
[QUOTE=Afire][FONT=Trebuchet MS][SIZE=2][COLOR=Red]Dear Coolness, I am loved by my creator and my parents. I don't have a god of death. I have a God of life. I ask you this: What good Father would let his beloved child die? My own father would die in my place if he could. My God did die in my place. Yours did nothing worth mentioning.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/QUOTE] I was not speaking of YOUR father. God did do something worth mentioning-he sacrifced his son for us. That was LIKE sacrificing himself. But he couldn't do the latter, for he cannot adn will not expire. God also created all humans. that was and is worth mentioning. Obviously so, because the bible exists.
Adahn][b][font=Trebuchet MS][size=2][color=darkolivegreen]So, we are not reborn in Christ? Congratulations, you just denied Jesus and proved you are not a Christian in any way.[/color][/size][/font][/b] No we are not reborn in Christ. At what point do you get that from? No I am not denying christ, and I am still Christian. Jesus got rid of death, yes. Immediately? no. Adahn[b][font=Trebuchet MS][size=2][color=#556b2f]I don't believe in Karma. Reincarnation is a biblical thing, just not conventionally. Those who are reincarnated continue to die because they don't want to live forever, plain and simple.[/color][/size][/font][/b] You make no sense. Reincarnation is not at all a biblical thing. It is something man created back in ancient times, with pagan religions. Adahn[b][font=Trebuchet MS][size=2][color=#556b2f]It involves faith in life, not death.[/color][/size][/font][/b] True, in a sense. It does not only involve faith, it involves acting on that faith. In order to do that, we have to follow the scriptures. Adahn[b][font=Trebuchet MS][size=2][color=#556b2f]Let's see.[/color][/size][/font][/b] [b][font=Trebuchet MS][size=2][color=#556b2f][/color][/size][/font][/b] Ecclesiastes 9:5,10- The living are conscious that they will die, but as for the dead, they are [b]conscious of nothing at all[/b]....All that your hand finds to do, do with your very power. For there is [b]no work of devising or knowledge or wisdom[/b] in Sheol [b][font=Trebuchet MS][size=2][color=#556b2f]You also said everybody has to go there. Here's a newsflash, you've already been there. Am I so ridiculous, or are you just blind?[/color][/size][/font][/b] I believe that you are the one who is acting blindly in this sense. You seem to be twisting the bible to your own liking. That scripture is saying that the dead are conscious of nothing. Also meaning that they are not conscious. You are alive in the womb. The Hebrew translation for "sheol" is the same for Hell. Hell is the commmon grave of mankind. Then so is sheol. Adahn[b][font=Trebuchet MS][size=2][color=#556b2f]The Bible doesn't say alot of things that I believe. It's called interpretation. You do it too.[/color][/size][/font][/b] You are mistaken. I interpret what the bible says, according to the bible. You interpret what you believe is contained in the bible. You are no better than what you say about the christians, and that they are teaching falsely Adahn[b][font=Trebuchet MS][size=2][color=#556b2f]I know what I know. Revelation is not my forte, and you can show me how it hasn't happened just as well as I can show you how it has. We'll essentially get nowhere in that area.[/color][/size] [/font][/b] I agree, but that is the most important part of the bible, because it pertains to our day. I suggest you atleast read it and try to understand it. Adahn[b][font=Trebuchet MS][size=2][color=#556b2f]I expect you back, but I'll expect you to have your eyes open.[/color][/size][/font][/b][/QUOTE] My eyes have been open, and they remain open. That is how I came to my conclusions. I hope that you will see the insight in my words
Afire-------- Once again, I am confronted by someone who has no clue of what they speak of. I am not a Jehovah's witness, or else I would not be on this page, debating why you all are such idiots. I once studied with them, yes. But we conflicted in our beliefs and the study was ended. But, they had some good points, which I still believe today. You rant on about how you have found joy. But it is only false joy, as you have not found truth. Thieves and murderes find joy, too. Yet the joy escapes them as they are handcuffed and locked into jail. This so-called "joy" you speak of will escape you as well, when you are judged, and most likely destroyed. Is that what you want to happen to you? I suppose you do, if you continue to refute the truth in my words. Someday, too late, you will recognize what I said will happen and is happening. 1 Timothy 3:1-5 speaks of people "having a form of godly devotion but proving false to it's power". Therefore, it speaks of you. What upsets me the most about what you say is the fact that you said we have a god of death. HOW CAN THAT BE TRUE? Why are even living if we have a god of death. I don't think you understand the concept of that. God has always been. One day, he created humans, for pure delight to see us happy. But the humans turned their back on God. God, being just, provided a way for them to regain God's trust. You are turning your back STILL! I wonder how you can sleep thinking the way you do.
Adahn[b][font=Trebuchet MS][size=2][color=#556b2f]We were born of Adam first, but we are reborn into Jesus, are we not? The second birth replaces the first. Adam was human, and he was the one who dented us. If we are baked anew in a pot with no dent, why must we insist that the dent is still there?[/color][/size][/font][/b] The problem with that is...we are not baked in a new pot. It is the same pot, same dent.(adam, sin) Adahn[b][font=Trebuchet MS][size=2][color=#556b2f]Reincarnation is not the way to live forever, it is the way to die forever. It is not the reward, it is the punishment. As for how I came to the conclusion, I will tell you soon.[/color][/size][/font][/b] Why would we die forever? God is not cruel and unusual. He loves us, in fact the bible says that he is love. Also, you believe in reincarnation. That means you also believe in Karma, no? And that the reason people who are reincarnated continue die is because they are doing something wrong? Adahn[b][font=Trebuchet MS][size=2][color=#556b2f]It's odd to hear you say Jesus did not get rid of death, but opened up the way for us to receive everlasting life. If you mean he made it so we could believe in him and not die, we are in agreement. I do not think that is what you are saying, though.[/color][/size][/font][/b] It involves a lot more than just believing in him. Adahn[b][font=Trebuchet MS][size=2][color=#556b2f]Here's what made Sheol seem like the womb to me. Read what it says about Sheol, and tell me how it is different from one who is in his/her mother's womb. If you read what you said, the womb resembles VERY much what you believe (we all go there).[/color][/size][/font][/b] The common GRAVE of mankind. How can that sound like the WOMB? Now you just sound ridiculous. Adahn[b][font=Trebuchet MS][size=2][color=#556b2f]Even if I were wrong in my interpretations, do I deviate in any way from the rules that were laid down? I would not believe anything if I did not have a valid reason for it.[/color][/size][/font][/b] But your valid "reasons" sound more like excuses. You provide your own information, and go by that, rather than believing the bible.(i.e. The bible does not speak of reincarnation, yet you believe it.) Also, do you curse? most everyone does. But, when you do, you disobey God's law on obscene speech and refraining from using it. Adahn[b][font=Trebuchet MS][size=2][color=#556b2f]For the first part, I agree with you. Reincarnation isn't the resurrection. Reincarnation is being sent to Sheol (the womb) over and over. As for your ideas on Revelation, I can't address them, as I have too little knowledge.[/color][/size][/font][/b] If you say you have too little knowledge, then inform yourself! That is your problem. You seem to busy to go against something that you do not even inform yourself of all the things involved. I would hope you would do that soon. I also hope that you have met your match in your use of persuasive speech and quoting the bible. I will be back. I will not allow you to misrepresent the bible in the way you have formerly. Heed my warnings.
Before I begin, I would like to say, I was raised(from the age of 2) a Christian, but I refer to myself and my family as "True Christians" because we are not misled by the false things in this present system of things. Whenever I have a question, or I doubt things, I am told to research it by myself, and believe what I have found. I am only 13, and yet I seem to have more accurate knowledge regarding the bible than any here. I have read many of the posts, and would like to give my input, as well as back my information with evidence. First I would like to inform you all:::: You should rethink everything you have previously said. Adahn- since you started this whole thing, I will address you. On some points you are right, such as NO, we were not created to die. Obviously, as you brought out, when Adam and Eve sinned, they ruined their opportunity to live forever. Now, why do we die? Because we are their descendants, their children. Like a cake baked from a pot with a dent, we live with a "dent", sin. We are all human, and cannot escape that. BUT, you were wrong in how you said we could accept the gift that Jesus gave, and accept that death was done away with. HOW could death be done away with if we still DIE? This truth is right in front of your face. The bible says in Romans 6:23- For the wages sin pays is death, but the gift God gives is everlasting life by Christ Jesus our lord." MEANING:: WE do die, but there IS a way that we can continue living, as we were created to. But that way is not reincarnation. I do not understand how you can read the bible and come up with that solution, as reincarnation is found NOWHERE in the bible. Many of you have mentioned about the reason Jesus came to earth, and died for us. Jesus did not get rid of death then, but opened up the way for us to receive everlasting life. He is the intercessor. Adam was perfect, but gave in to sin, thus making us imperfect. One thing, I am not sure if any of you have noticed, but the bible says that men have gone from "bad to worse"( I cannot remember what scripture). This is what has happened in the world- people are developing their sins, becoming practicers of them. You can see this by Homosexuality and Immorality being all over the TV shows and movies, while even 10 years ago it was not as bad as it is now. So, there will be a time when we will have to WORK to achieve perfection once again. But, to get to that point, you will be judged by Jesus. Another thing. HELL? Some say it does not exist. Some say that it is eternal fire, which punishes people for their sins in life. CORRECTION::: There is a hell. But, the bible does not say that it burns you for your sins. The bible says in Ecclesiastes 9:5,10- The living are conscious that they will die, but as for the dead, they are conscious of nothing at all....All that your hand finds to do, do with your very power. For there is no work of devising or knowledge or wisdom in Sheol (Hebrew translation for hell) the place to which you are going." So, that right there tells you, you will not be burning in hell. Yet, did you know EVERYONE goes to hell? Yes, in fact they do, for hell,Sheol, is actually the common grave of mankind. Bet you didn't know that. How do I know, you ask? I read up on the translation of my bible(new world translation). So, we all go to the grave, or die. Now, someone once said in this post that we are keeping the power of Satan alive...and that the power of Satan is now inside us? no...no...no... What do you mean, the power of Satan? Satan is actually a former nameless angel, that went against god's(lied to Eve and persuaded her to eat the fruit-the serpent) authority, and said that he was not fit for ruling us. Thus the scripture in Genesis 3:4,5- You positively will not die. For God knows that in the very day of your eating from it Your eyes are bound to be opened....." He was accusing god of lying! He was implying that humans could rule themselves, that HE could rule himself.(he was an angel before that, making him subject to God) But, we have evidence that God did not lie, for "in that day" they did die! You must remember, if you did not know this, that to god, one day is as a thousand years to us. So, man being created in the sixth day of creation, they died before that day was over.(no one knows when that day ended. But we are in the seventh day of rest) Therefore, Jesus was sent to earth to balance the scales. God is just, and so Jesus had to be perfect, which he was, and he had to die. Get it now? God also sacrificed something when Jesus died. His son. Jesus was Michael, the archangel, previously in heaven. God had to give up his only-begotten son, firstborn of all creation, when he went to earth and died. It was no coincidence that Jesus ended up dying. He knew he was going to die. Another point- The cross. Some believe Christ died on a cross. HE DIDN'T! It was a stake. REASEARCH IT IF YOU DON"T BELIEVE ME. What really annoys me is that people who believe Christ died on a cross, they wear necklaces with crosses on them or decorate their house with crosses. That's sick. That would be like, if you had a friend who was run over by a car, then you made a miniature of the same car, and put it around your neck. I'm not done yet---We are not all automatically saved. We have to accept the rules god put into the bible, and live our life by them. The whole world is full of hypocrites, who say the lord's prayer over and over, thinking it keeps them close to god. Would you like someone who said the same thing to you in your entire friendship? Neither does God. Also---Reincarnation is not the resurrection hope mentioned in the bible. Let me explain:::: The bible tells of Armageddon-this many people have twisted, as the bible also says they will (false prophets). Armageddon is not the destruction of the world, it is the destruction of the wicked.(This is actually coming soon, so watch your step, you may be one destroyed) The wicked ones are the goats among God's true people, his sheep. He is our shepherd. Jesus will judge us, separate the goats from the sheep(God having put him in charge of this), and the "goats" will be destroyed. Now, the resurrection will begin then. Those who will be resurrected are the righteous(the ones who, to the best of their ability, followed God's laws and lived their life accordingly) and the unrighteous( those who didn't have a chance to hear the truth about God). Those who survive straight through the Great tribulation(Armageddon), will be still be alive, and they all will, through the thousand year reign of Christ, attain to perfection. During this time, the devil will be locked away from the people(he is presently roaming about in the earth), and God will not allow him to influence us at all. After the thousand year reign of Jesus, Jesus will hand the kingdom back over to god, and Satan the devil will be allowed back among the people for our final test. Being perfect, we can either behave like Adam and Eve did, or like our great exemplar, Jesus. if we give in to Satan, we will be destroyed, if we do not, we will continue living forever. Satan will be destroyed after this test. Where do I get this from? The book of revelation. The whole book is symbolic, and must be interpreted correctly. Trinity-- God is not Jesus. Jesus is not God. The bible makes no reference to this at all. Or else, who was Jesus praying to in Matt 26:39, where he is asking for the cup to be passed away from him? Himself? I think not! The trinity is a belief that started back in ancient days with ancient PAGAN religions. According to the Encyclopedia Americana, we read" Christianity derived from Judaism and Judaism was strictly Unitarian(believing that God is one person). The road which led from Jerusalem to Nicea was scarcely a straight one. Fourth century Trinitarism did not reflect accurately early Christian teaching regarding the nature of God; it was, on the contrary, a deviation from this teaching." I did my homework, maybe you should redo yours. Adahn- There is a difference between listening and hearing. I know you hear what all these people who reply to you say, but are you listening?