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About Lady_Rin

  • Birthday July 4

Profile Information

  • Biography
    I am a transplant from England and the loving and devoted wife of Desert Ranger. We live in a small community of ~8000 where everybody know everything.
  • Occupation
    I am a field geologist for the USGS..

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Member (2/6)



  1. Together we. Tonight that means we are both here since there's nothing on TV and dinners still baking. [Quote="Ranger"] I am a professional warrior. I served in the US Air force as a crewdog flying various aircraft for 15 years. I am an American airman; I rule the skies. Peace is my profession, war is my hobby. LOL [size=1]old saying from the cold war[/size] Today I make war against those who would destroy the environment and the delicate desert ecology. Instead of guns I use tours and education as my weapon. I am also a pacifist by choice, I do not believe in war unless it's justified. I do not support the current war tho' I do support our troops. There is no problem in using deadly force to protect Milady or myself either.[/quote] I am a pacifist by nature. I abhor war and violence. Don't ask me why I married a warrior, I didn't. I married Desert Ranger. I can't defend myself and don't want to cause harm to anyone. I also, despite being married to Ranger don't understand war and like Ranger I too support our troops, especially since we live near major marine and air force bases.
  2. That depends. I act my age when I have to, like at work. I don't act my age when I don't have to. That's too confusing. If I use my husband as an example; most of the time he does not act his age wherever he is; if you put him in his work uniform he acts responsibily yet still nowhere near his age. It is not a display of immatruity but a feeling for life. The same for myself. I think that is the reason I have problems with my peers as I would rather be a girl while most of them would rather be women. So I dress like a girl, pretty clothes, minimal makeup and I try to always be positive. The both of us always try to find something in life each day to stay that way. Phsychologists call it the inner child. Except we let them out to play. Edited after reading a post from Panda: Don't ever bury your inner child for that is the freedom that everyone craves. *sticks toungue out* *skips off*
  3. [b]Lone toddler crying in a shopping mall.[/b] Or any other child
  4. [quote name='"Legacy"']I aspire to be the best daddy I can be. I want my children to be happy, to be loved, and above all, to know how to love. After all, kids are our future, why not take care of it? - J. Schock. I live by my own quote. I am the only guy I know who actually intends to be a good daddy. Yes, daddy. A father and a daddy are seperate in my mind: a father is merely a man who impregnated a woman and does the minimum effort necessary to keep the kids alive. A daddy, however, places his children before himself, gives of himself to make his children happy. A daddy is a man whose worst day is turned to the best day when his child whispers "I love you" to him. THAT is what I want to be, and I believe all men should aspire to it.[/quote] You should meet Ranger he feels the same way. [b]Where did I fail?[/b] Every parents lament when one child seems to have gone wrong somewhere despite everything you have done. In my home it's Mu the youngest of two girls. Not one of my favorites but certainly applicable. [B] When you are walking about in the desert make sure you watch where you put your hands, fingers, feet and toes since everything in the desert sticks stinks bites or stings.[/b] Said to every tourist group for the last 10 years. This quote from Ranger is so popular he had to copyright it. It is a true statement and is meant to warn tourists to keep their hands in their pockets and don't touch anything. Another of Rangers favorites is what he considers the secret to gun control, [b]The fall of the hammer should come as a complete surprise.[/b] Ranger mandates firearms training for everyone starting at age ten. His logic is that if you know about firearms you won't get hurt. There hasn't been a shooting accident here in years. Most kids here learn gun safety in the scouts, 4H or at summer camp starting around age 10. The newer city-zen children are afraid of guns... and knives.
  5. There is a quote, "Publish or perish". At least you won't perish now. I am not a writer but Ranger is. He has written two books published locally and a series of phamplets that go with his trail safety and survival courses. He also sells them to the tourists as souvineers.
  6. I'm not sure about posting this. I met Ranger almost 22 years ago at a party I didn't want to go to. We actually fell in love that night. We were married at Disneyworld 3 months later. The ceremony was attended by members of his squadron in the Air force Cinderella, Snow White, and Mickey and Minnie Mouse. He was and is my first and only and has been for a very long time. There have been hard times and good time and we are very happy together living a life and lifestyle we created for ourselves and our children. I love him very much.
  7. I understand now. Forced extra curricular study and you have to pay for it on top of an already full day. Disgusting practice. Governents in an effort to mean well often pass laws that don't work or make any sense. This is one of them. Students these days in many countries are driven to succeed. Look at Japan were there is a high suicide rate among high school and college students. Other countries like America have let education languish. What I see on the forums proves it. An inability to spell or use proper grammar is the most noticeable. I quite often find that people in other countries often write better than their American counter parts. 100 years ago in America there was almost no illiteracy; today they rank near the bottom in the entire world. California where I live is at the bottom of that pile as well. Here no one cares about education . Where you are they may care so much they try to force it down your throat until you can't eat anymore. Education needs to be balanced, liberal arts, fine arts, sciences and physical education in an 8 hour day with minor homework not volumes of writings and scribblings. It is a shame that one of the best english speaking writers I know,a university student in Turkey, is being accused of having his English being too good. What do you expect of an engineer and pilot. English is their second language. It would be interesting to find out how your school district does in your education; your parents as well. The Core classes, the 3Rs, reading writing and arithmatic (math), science and fine art. Do you play an instrument (not guitar or drums) or the last time you went to a museum, art gallery, concert, play or ballet. A county, renaissance or other period faeres and fetes. Maybe fouinders day where you are. etc. I don't think rock concerts, sporting events and such should be included however. While the school district didn't see to this type of education for our children, we did. We took our children to see everything from museums, zoos and gardens to the Nutcracker Suite and even a Pink Floyd concert. I think that was in 1991 or '92. The arts are as important top you being an well rounded individual as anything else is.
  8. I would have to say family with two caveats. 1) I'm not a teen. 2) My parents and siblings are not included.
  9. I,m confused I think he/she may mean being tutored. The context of her English says that. [quote="Eternal Snow"]...some parents "force" them to [b]have tuition[/b] every day (don't laugh, my friends have this almost everyday [b]for about 2-3 hours[/b] on different subjects) just because they want their child to get to University, and get a good paying job. So I shall ask; Eternal Snow, when you say tuition do you mean to pay for materials and classes or additional study with someone to help you privately.
  10. There's a stomach virus going around here. Ya, Mu and I all had it. horrible, very nasty. It lasts about 3 days and I had it from last Mon. to Weds.
  11. I collect dolls and things faerie and fae. Ranger always tries to find something unique and this year he found an exquisite doll. Unfortunately it didn't arrive in time for the holidays and it's still hasn't arrived yet but I do have a catalogue photo. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v43/desertranger/Photos/Strawberry4a.jpg[/IMG]
  12. I went to Georgia once. Beauitiful, however it's was to wet and too green. I live on the line between the Mojave and Sonora deserts in So. Calif. While Panda lives in the Great Basin desert, technically a cold desert (what do you expect where the temps only go to 108) it is a lovely place to vacation, especiially along the Columbia River or further east on the Snake river. The Mojave andSsonora are hot deserts. The summer temps here go over 120 with evening temps in the 90s. The winter temps go below freezing and for the first time since we move into this house we had 2.5 ft of snow in November. Something I've never seen here. To date we have had almost three inches of rainfall (includes the snow) this year. The weatherman says this is the worst winter since 1889.
  13. People who pass me going down the mountain. The mountain road is narrow and only two lanes wide and very twisty. For some reason people will pass me crossing over the double yellow line. I'm not suprised at the amount of traffic fatalities on the mountain road.
  14. How about being backed into and the person who hit you makes it sound as if it's you fault?
  15. I love hot chocolate. Try this. Make up just enogh coco and hopt water to make it mix together. Then use whipping, heavy or double cream to fill u[p thje cu[ then heat it in the microwave. Nice and thick and creamy
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