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Everything posted by Lady_Rin
Twenty one years ago I fell in love overnight. I have a beautiful home, family and a loving husband. Our feelings toward have each other have only deepend with time even through hardship, of which there has been a lot. It may be cliche but I love him as much or more as the day we met. We depend on each other so much that I don't think we could ever be serapate. In my life; the only thing I can think of to thank my father for was to make me go to the ball where I met my husband.
Arguments For And Against the Necessity of Guns & Gun Control
Lady_Rin replied to lcrisler's topic in General Discussion
*jumps up and down in glee* Sorry about the Q marks. So I ask you; is it a crime to kill in defense of your loved onese? Should Ranger go to jail defending me? How are you going to force people to register? Ranger has any number of weapons, a few of which are unregistered some he's owned before those laws were placed. How are you going to do that without violating the constitution with illegal search and siezure? Absoultely, a gun in your house not meant for hunting is meant for killing people. I totally agree. I thank God that it will be in Rangers hands. I don't understand: You can't shoot a gun safely? What do you meant by that? Ranger shoots safely. He hits his targets. According to him that's gun control. If someones in my house I want Ranger to defend and protect me. I cannot defend myself. Ranger will and has (usually from the bikers at the Alamo). [size=1] see correct placement of the period outside of the parens.[/size] Ky hunts varmints. Ranger hunts for food in the back country. Rattlesnake is better than Adahns squirrel. Ranger has not "hunted" just to hunt since his return from Vietnam. Ranger has had a handgun get him out of a sticky situation, in Vietnam. He told me about it, the result was three dead and Ranger alive. Ranger is also skilled with martial arts. He says, "All the martial arts in the world can't stop a .45". Ranger carried a pistol as a law enforcement officer. Because of that I have come to learn that there is a place in the world and my house for firearms even though I don't countenance using lethal force or want them in my home. I also know that I cannnot defend myself, I found that out one night leaving the Alamo in the parking lot. Ranger almost killed him with his hands. If someone like that comes into my home I want Ranger to protect me by whatever means. So now I ask you, with a properly placed question mark, what would you do when threatened with bodily injury or death and you have a pistol? I know I won't shoot. I know Ranger will. I don't know about you but I would like to live a little longer. I don't want them in my house yet they are there and since they are there I do feel safer even knowing it might mean a persons life. -
Today I am using a[COLOR=deeppink] pink[/COLOR] link [size=1]disgusting[/size] [quote="Siren"] And I think this is a very important point to consider. I think your definition of "traditional morals" is the best one any society can have, because it's all about acceptance and love, not bigotry or social restriction. [/quote] Thank you *curtseys* [URL=http://home.earthlink.net/~lady_rin/sigh2.html][COLOR=deeppink][/COLOR][/URL] I was beggining to wonder if anyone was reading or thinking about my posts. Adahn, once again you return to the same rehortic as at the beginning. Nothing has changed since page one. You cannot quantify a relationship. *strikeout* No! That hasn't worked. [URL=http://home.earthlink.net/~lady_rin/sigh1.html][COLOR=deeppink] [size=1]it's different[/size][/COLOR][/URL] Try this; Adahn, what makes you think you can quantify a relationship? How can you make a specification for a life companion? Siren mentions unconventional relationships. I'm sure that for the most part that most of you think of means gay relationships. What of other kinds. [color=dodgerblue]Panda you may want to edit this.[/color] My best friend Wendy of 14 years is a single divorced mother of 2. Married three times she has sworn off anymore men. She still needs affection of a kind her children can't give her. Not sex, get your minds out of the gutter lol. She has no tendancies towards being a lesbian or bi. She needed a relationship to fullfill her emotional needs and she found one with a unique solution even if it did take both Ranger and I totally by surprise. [color=dodgerblue]Panda, I'm trying very hard to keep this within your rating but since we have been talking about gay relationships. *Crosses fingers and goes on* [/color] After about four years Wendy came over and was helping me around the house one day. [color=dodgerblue]*Pandaaaa help - stomping feet in frustration* [/color] Changing sheets she came around the bed and took me in her arms the way Ranger does when he comes home and gave me a long kiss. There was nothing sexual about it. It was a kiss of love, of wanting to belong to someone, something. I couldn't refuse her as I knew she needed to belong somewhere. My heart said that place was here. The way Ranger found out I thought my marriage was over and I didn't expect him to welcome Wendy into our home. He surprised me and truly her family became a part of ours. She doesn't live here yet is very close by, she doesn't depend on us financially, if she needs money, she just has to ask and never has to worry about paying it back; is she my sister? Alice and Jake have become my children and siblings to my three. Over time our relationship changed dramatically for all three of us and it did become a manage-a-trois, ( I feel gutter thinking), but not for that reason or that often. Wendy now has security. She and her children feel safe and can they walk in here anytime day or night even if we are asleep or not here and have done so. This is her home of course she can walk in. If she's in troubl;e she calls us, there is a bedroom for Alice and Jake, and one for Wendy. Although there are times, as after the [URL=http://www.tmpforums.com/index.php?showtopic=11944][COLOR=deeppink]veterans day parade yesteday[/color][/URL] when Ranger needed us and the three of us slept together. Again I feel gutter thinking. lol This is some of what Siren has learned from [i]our[/i] set of Traditional Moral values. True compassion for someone in need weather it's Ranger or Wendy. I learned this as a result of the Traditional Morals values and hate that infects my family. I have learned to think outside the box, as Ranger puts it, something I learned from him and it has allowed me to view the world in a totally different light for a long time now. [URL=http://home.earthlink.net/~lady_rin/sigh.html][COLOR=deeppink] [size=1]different again[/size][/COLOR][/URL] Now Adahn, how do you quantify a relationship like that. It either works or not. And if you repeat yourself once more I'm going to take you out to Pinto Basin and leave you there. *stomps foot* [size=1][color=dodgerblue]Announcer:[/color]Lady Rins virtual threat is is quite real. Matt Reilly tried to cross Pinto Basin on foot and died for his efforts on July 4th, 1926. Lady Rins birthday is on July 4th.[/size]
Arguments For And Against the Necessity of Guns & Gun Control
Lady_Rin replied to lcrisler's topic in General Discussion
[quote="Godelsensei"] If you want a gun, get a hunting rifle, and use it for hunting.[/quote] Why kill for sport? That's cruel. Paper and cans are just a good and they don't bleed. [quote name='"Godelsensei"']...or simply threaten him with it, [/quote] He'll take it and use it on you. [quote="Godelsensei"] ...without needing an AK-47 Assault Rifle. [/quote] You can't swing an assault rifle in a house anymore than you can a shotgun. That's what handguns are for. [quote="Godelsensei"] ..every gun should be registered[/quote] What of the already existing 5 million unregistered guns in the United States right now. [quote="Godelsensei"] If you want to have fun learning to kill people...[/quote] Killing people for fun? That's barbaric. Not even soldier thinks that way. Godelsense, have you ever fired a weapon? If so what? Have you ever killed anything just for 'fun'? My son doesn't even do that. Everything in his Boot Hill is a pest, hazard to the ecology and non-native to this area including pigeons, grey squirrels and CT rabbits. All non-native and displacing the local animal life. All of them eat my flowers and vegetable garden. I don't approve yet he still does it. At least my vegetable gardens now survives until harvest. -
I've been reading this thread as well. Gay marriage is a fraud. What the gay community wants are the same rights as married couples. To that I agree. But for publicity purposes they have chosen to get married since that's what many commpanies define as "being eligble for benefits" which is crass and unfeeling. Being gay is not a social disorder it is genetic. "Traditional morals" were thrust upons us by the church as far back as the first popes. (I'm Church of England). Traditional morals while they have included sex most often included the 10 commandments as well. Sexual morals didn't really appear until the 13th century and only gaind a foohols at the start of the rainsseance which was also the start of many modern beliefs. The definition of" Traditional Morals" if you must have one; could be said to be what your direct ancestors and their communities held as balanced an fair, weather it was fair or not by todays standards or even then. i.e. Jesuits vs Franciscans. Event then it was the spanish Inquistions that brought these values to the forefront. My family is and old one. We can trace our history back 280 years. They hold those Traditional Morals of Aristocratic England in high regard and because I stepped outside those "Traditional Morals" I am ostracized and vilified by my entire famil, my village, even the people I grew up with. Would you like to know what I did that was so terrible? Was it because I married a man who was Jewish? That would have been acceptable because Jews were money lenders and arrange marriages of the time found that acceptable. Or taking him to my flat the night we met? In Victorian England that would have; soiled a girls reputation. "Untainted amoral sex, that poor young girl, seduced by a barbarian". In the Rainsseance I would be expected to marry an officer from a noble family in my fathers regiment. I was expected to full do that on my graduation from finishing school. They had even picked out a groom. Yes, that evens happens today in a civilized country like England. Instead I married an American Air Force officer, a vulgar American, a pilot, son of a pilot and architect. [b]A [/b], just like the faerie tales I escaped to in school. Americans are outside the Traditional Moral values of my family since the Coloniel Wars, what you call the American Revolution and wasn't only revolution going on at that time., (*giggles* I was born on July 4th). So there, Traditional Morals and family values. The traditional morals and values I try to teach my family are honesty andfairness and love, not to intentionally harm anyone, that means no bigotry, and to protect family, even the not so good ones. We used to tell the children; love each other, be polite and zero BS. That's all. It seems to have worked. Love, you are still trying to quantify the unquantifiable. Your wasting your time. I know peopll deeply in love with no sex marriages, others who have separate bedrooms or lives frm each other and others who can't keep there hands off each other like right now *go away* even after 20 years of marriage. I've read the books, studied other cultures and their is no rhyme or reason why relationships work. t's like I said before; either they do or they don't because that's where all of this started with; trust,"where were you until 2 am?", Amiablilty, I love you, I love you, I love you or appearance and again I say look around you.
Arguments For And Against the Necessity of Guns & Gun Control
Lady_Rin replied to lcrisler's topic in General Discussion
I'm new here and my husband Desert Ranger is not a member. We are sitting here with coffee and reading this thread. Have fun with this one. Background: We live on a ranchito in the desert southwest. My husband is a retired Air Force major and Tribal Ranger and is now a guide. He grew up with firearms. I am an English Lady by title. I grew up in Wiltshire, England and never even saw a firearm other than Rangers service pistol until I moved to America. 3...2...1... Start [COLOR=DarkOrchid][SIZE=2][FONT=Comic Sans MS] Lady Rin: I have often wondered about the reasons for firearms in the house. Even though I don't like them I have to accept them in my home. Both Ranger and my son Ky are excellent shots with all kinds of long and hand guns. Ranger has a .45 cal Lama Omni he carried as a T-ranger and now uses for house defense and when we travel. also live in a area where houses are left unlocked and gunfire is common. A lot of boys and some girls get .22 rifles when 12-14 and there are places here where they can go shooting safely. Some of them hunt varmints, others hunt cans. Ky hunts paper targets and cans at 1000yards and has a boot hill for squirrels and rabbits. I highly disapprove of that. Th egirls gave up shooting when they became interested in boys however both of them are qualified handlers of firearms. I read and hear all of the time about a child -
[quote=Kane] Just out of pure curiosity what does a barbecued rattlesnake taste like ?[/quote] Some say snake tastes like chicken however in reality chicken tastes like snake. [iMG]http://img14.photobucket.com/albums/v43/desertranger/lol.gif[/IMG] It's somewhat stringy and chewy, very lean and high in protein. Perfect Atkins food. Mom Sauce is my teriyaki style made with chili peppers from my garden. It needs to age for a week or so to get any real bite to it. Unlike most we live in a small community and try to live within the environment and ecology. My husband was a tribal ranger for a local band of Indians and learned much from them and is now a guide in the desert. Waste of any kind is not something we do. It's also fun to serve at a party (we are not barbarians, I do know how to cook and entertain lol) and serve it to the city-zens who say, "Rin this is delicious, what is it"? How would you respond? [size=1]My first one.[/size][URL= http://home.earthlink.net/~lady_rin/giggle2.html ] Please click here.[/URL] [IMG]http://home.earthlink.net/~frogstar/images/speckled2.jpg[/IMG] Speckled rattlesnake taken last summer by Desert Ranger.
You are still trying to quantify something that can't be quantified. There is no measure of a relationship. It either is or isn't. It works for ever how long it does then disolves one way or another or it doesn't disolve at all. Relationships change, they have to, for without change you're going to get pretty dam [size=1] engineering project that holds water[/size] bored and tired of each other. Our relationship has changed since we first met yet we have weathered good and bad. There has never ever been any question of trust, did you take extra money? or amiability? And as much as I love my husband it would be very dull with out the occasional half hour over a dent fender, burnt meal or not enogh money for something especially when it's really needed. Attraction? Physical, intellectual or emotional? Many relationsips wouldn't even start if it were a physical atrraction; yet something has to start it.
We do not knowingly harm any animal except rattlesnakes found inside the fence line. I won't do it, but my husband shoots them with a .45 pistol and special ammunition for snakes called snakeloads, a shotgun shell for a pistol. This usually happens several times during snake season. The rattlers wind up as hat bands, rattles for gifts and BBQ in my special Mom sauce. Although Ranger keeps firearms and is an excellent shot he has not hunted since retiring from the Air force. My son Keighel on the other hand has a Boot Hill on the ridge behind the house for pigeons (rats with wings), rodents and CT rabbits. I don't approve but it does keep them under control.
Being a parent of teens I can say that while we do what we think is right it is not always right. By the time most parents learn this it is too late, many never learn. Of two teens at home one is a hardworker and the other won't even try to do anything and she's older. Like other parents we are always asking ourselves, "Where did we fail with Mu"? Most of the books published are usless after a child starts school and that makes parenting a do-it-yourself thing. Unfortunatley it's not like fixing a broken sink. Most parents will never say this to you. It is something we learned the hard way and now I say it to all three children. Today I say it to you, "We are very sorry; we truly do want only the best for you".
[QUOTE=Sonata][font=Book Antiqua][size=2][color=darkorchid] Serious relationships will fall apart if there isn't trust, attraction, or friendship with a person. If you can't trust someone you love, you might suspect their cheating on you or something. If you're not attracted to the person, you might cheat on them, or not stay in the relationship very wrong. And now here's an important one. Friendship. (Not that trust isn't important, too.) If you're not friends with the person, you might argue with them, or just not have anything to talk about with them. But like everyone else said in many different ways, there isn't a certain order for all of this to happen to have a good relationship.[/color][/size][/font] [color=dodgerblue] [font=comic sans ms][size=2] There is far more than trust, amiability and attraction to a relationship. There are things that most people today laugh at, even about us after 21 years of marriage. Trust, amiability and attraction are not the major reasons for our lasting relationship. I doubt that they are even minor reasons. What has held us together is love pure and simple. You can't have any of what you have spoke of without it. It has held us together through some very hard times. Times that have driven many of our friends to divorce. Times I lived in terror yet knowing my husband was there I knew I was safe. We met at a ball neither of us wanted to attend. I had never met any one like Ranger and even allowed him into my flat that first night. We were married three months later in a faerie tale wedding at Disneyworld. Why does it work? With Ranger I feel loved all of the time even when he's not there. I also feel protected and I have need for that protection physical and emotional. For Ranger it's love, security and someone to care for. It is because of the love we feel for each other our realtionship has lasted this long even with children. If you have that you don't need anything else since it's everything else already part of your relationship as a result of your love. Everybodys needs are different yet everbody needs love. I have seen many relationships built on concepts like trust, amiability, attraction, etc Most have failed and when they fail usually nothing is left but anger and hurt. [URL=http://home.earthlink.net/~lady_rin/bodyandsoul.html][color=deeppink] [font=comic sans ms][size=2]Click here for an anime explaination of our relationship. I really do feel this way.[/URL] [/size][/font][/color] [size=1]Since this is my first post; this link is acceptable on PG rated anime forums elsewhere as are all others I post. If this is not appropiate here please remove it or or let me know and I shall make an edit it the next time I'm here. - Thank You.[/size][/size][/font][/color] Do you use *actions* here? If so *hugs to you all*. If not; then keep the hugs anyway. .
My name is Lady Rin Todoroki - Taken from the TV series Mahoromatic since Lady Rin looks like me (I look like her?) I registered here because of a single topic where I am going to post. I have been watching Anime ever since my husband Desert Ranger introduced me to it a very long time ago. Ranger may very well be the Oldest Otaku I came here to play with you; may I? [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v43/desertranger/smilies/1luvu.gif[/IMG]