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Everything posted by Miyoko-chan

  1. [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue][FONT=Arial]Heh. . . Looks like I'm gonna have to get a program to screentone my manga. . . So, what program do you guys think is the best? Oh, and thanks for the links they were very usefull! ^_^ If you want to see some of my art, go to: [url]http://fanart.theotaku.com/artist.php?user_id=46921[/url] That was all done in pen or pencil though, no comps involved except for resizing.(unless the pic says otherwise) The ones from the manga I'm wanting to screentone are Tsuya, Nica and Kinari, The two forms of Atsuko, Tsuya 2, Demon Girl, Atsuko, and demon. Let me know what you think! ^_^[/FONT][/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue][FONT=Arial]That sounds very interesting. The only thing I would change would be to add a little more originality. I think one of my friends came up with a very similar story. A good suggestion would be to give your characters a few quirks to make them stand out. Hope that helps!! ^_^[/FONT][/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue][FONT=Arial]Does anyone know how to use screentones or where to get them? I've been wanting to use some in my manga.[/FONT][/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]Anime is definitely more mainstream than it used to be. The only anime I used to see when I was younger was Sailor Moon and Thunder Cats.(Is that an anime?) Now there are at least ten series running on different channels. I've been labeled 'weird' because of my love for anime, but that is only because of my location. Idaho isn't exactly culturally advanced. I was shocked when I found out that in other states, some schools have anime clubs, and being an anime fan is perfectly normal! Another thing that shocked me is the popularity of anime conventions. In states like Ohio or Florida, anime conventions are common and very crowded. I mean like thousands of people crowded. In Idaho, we get one a year, and only a couple hundred of people are expected to show up; and that's if we're lucky. I plan on going of course, but I have a friend who is constantly bugging me about it.(She doesn't like anime). Even the Otaku wasn't very crowded awhile ago. Just last year, if you submited some fanart, it would stay on the new page all day, maybe even two days! (I know my site says I've only been a member for a few months, but I used to have a different account.) Now look at the difference! You're lucky if it stays on there for more than a couple of hours! Another way to show the growing popularity of anime is to look at bookstores. When I first became interested in manga, my favorite bookstore had only three or four series for sale. Love Hina was one of them. ^_^ Now the store has at least thirty or forty series for sale!! Anime is going mainstream. Slowly but surely. [/COLOR]
  5. I know no one seems to like him, but I'd date Keitaro from Love Hina. He's just so sweet!! Think about it, he's smart(sort of), cute, and lovably clumsy! I just want to snuggle him!!(mind out of the gutter folks, I mean a hug). Other than that. . . uhhhh. . .Maybe Daisuke from DNAngel. Sure he's your classic confused, angsty teen, but I luv his personality! One problem; he's younger than me and I don't like younger men. :o *sigh* oh well . . . he's still cute!^_^ Nozomu or Mitsuru from Crescent Moon would work too. I know, polar opposites, but they both have good personalities(okay, so Mitsuru is a little grumpy). Nozomu I like because he's so bright and bubbly!(Also, he's a vampire and LOVE vampires). Mitsuru is just so. . .I don't know! I just like him! ^_^ Tidus from FF-X. Not an anime, but it's sort of like one with all the story. He's sweet, devoted, and determined! Not to mention very cute! ^_^ Okay, on to guys I would NEVER date. First off, and people will bug me about this, but Yugioh. ICK!!*shudders* He's just weird! I mean, short, little kid-ish, and has a really deep voice. That anime just hits my ick button. Also, I don't understand why ppl insist on always drawing him half-naked. EWWWWW!! Got that out of my system! Whew! Anywayz, moving on, Inuyasha. He's cute and has his moments, but he's just WAY too confrontational. Tatewaki Kuno from Ranma 1/2. This one is almost self explanatory. Two-timing, fighting, and completely STUPID!!! Ugh, I can't stand stupid people. Tenchi from Tenchi Muyo!. Again, not much wrong with the personality, but he is just too oblivious. How many girls like him again? six? Yeah, just pick one.
  6. I really love DNAngel. It can get a little confusing, but so can FLCL, and that's one of my favorites. I love the way the art is. The detail and cuteness of it! I've tried a few fanarts, but that particular style eludes me. I'm better at Love Hina type stuff. Anyway, I have the first four manga volumes, and am eagerly awaiting the fifth. I'm really a sucker for angsty love stories, sappy though they may be. DNAngel isn't the least bit sappy, mind you. I love how Daisuke is believably confused about who he likes, and I like how shy Risa is about it(even if she's not shy about other things). I don't care what anyone says, I love DNAngel!!
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