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Everything posted by Dielover

  1. thanks. his ankles (in the picture I drew off of) are under his pant legs. :D
  2. I also like The Final. All Dir en grey songs are good.
  3. I know it goes here I just posted on the wrong thing. (I was e mailing at the same time) I try to multi task, but I'm not very good. This will become a manga, my scanner isn't working.
  4. I love Larku! Lover Boy is an awesome song. :D Merciless Cult is an awesome song too! :demon:
  5. The Majin, that guy is cool! I also wanna know if the blue guy as your avi is a smerf :D
  6. [URL=http://www.fanart-central.net/pic-208038.html]Zelos Wilder[/URL] here ya go. Hope you enjoy! :D :demon:
  7. I am back from the dead! I'll post more or e mail it to you. I'm just under tons of stress. Fanfiction? where? I love writing fanfics! :demon: :catgirl: these smileys rule ^_^
  8. He's guilty and that's all there is to it. Why would he pay half a million dollars to the first family that charged him if he didn't have something to hide? I also agree, stop wasting time with this jack *** and catch the other ten billion child molesters and rapists in the community. The people of this country can be so stupid... :animesigh :animeangr
  9. The guy and girl who played the lead parts in Returner. I don't know their names, but that movie was the best movie I have ever seen
  10. Oh I've seen the live performance. His guitarist kissed his crotch! I had a bit of a nose bleed.
  11. Best Album? Vulgar :catgirl: I will never listen to english music. Dir en grey owns all the bands in the u.s.a
  12. Yay! I'm not alone anymore! Have you ever noticed how naughty some of Gackts songs are? I think Vanilla is his naughtiest one. :naughty: :twitch:
  13. Dielover


    If you don't kill me, I'll say it. Slipknot is over rated. Some people listened to their music, then, magically, their shirts appeared in Hot Topic and everyone in the world is a maggot. It drives me insane when people come up to me and say :You're weird. You aren't a maggot!" so I tell them that they are posers and my friend who is a real follower punches them in the face. :D It is very funny
  14. I knew it! I'm alone in the world! :animecry: I'm not surprised at all when people say that the only japanese song they've heard is from a anime. Once someone came up to me and sai "Dir en grey rocks! I heard one of their songs last night on the radio!" I tell them they are full of crap and to go shoot themselves in the head.
  15. Who is this person of which you speak? lol anyway, I may have heard one song, but don't remember the artist :D
  16. I have been drawing for three years and how I started was I would take my favorite artists artbook. (mine was Rumiko Takahashi at the time) and I would look at a pictire and draw only that picture for a good three weeks, then I would move on to the next one. As time progressed, I didn't have to rely on a picture and was drawing my own characters. :catgirl: A long, fun process
  17. For a girl: A womans ninja robe with tie around belt ( the knot in the back ) knives in one pocket and a short sword running on the back of her waist. bandages on one hand up to her elbow and on the other arm a black fingerless glove running to her elbow. For a boy; A traditional samurai kimono and two swords on his waist. Gauntlets on his hands and a scar running down his chest. with the sandels and a Japanese symbol for dragon on the back of his kimono. that's just me though. I have a folder full of ideas so just ask :D
  18. 1. Die from Dir en grey 2. Karou from Dir en grey 3. Toshiya from Dir en grey 4. Hyde who plays for Gackt 5. some person I don't know Yes they are all japanese :D
  19. This is a really cool idea. I love it so much I've been thinking about it more then my own manga. :animesigh I need to start working on that more. Anyway, the lady killer should fall in love with the vampire and the pervert should just be like, "I don't want a real realationship, cuz then I can't be a perv to other chicks" but then he falls in love with someone. I know... I'm messed up :D
  20. I agree, is the cockroach thing a joke or are you unsure? I need more info if you want me to help. :animeswea srry I couldn't be of assisstance
  21. I've been going out with this guy on the net and he has never seen my face, but still he insisted that we date. He liked my personality and he begged on his hands and knees. (so he says) If all people were like that with their friend ships and love realationships, then not so many people would go home and say "Why am I here God? Nobody needs me, so maybe I should die." It makes me sick to see people making fun of other people. I have actually beaten people up for doing so. hehe... I'm a bad girl
  22. Yay!! I live! Anyway, another over rated band is ICP. In my school only my friend liked them and all of the sudden, after their shirts appeared in Hot Topic, everyone was like "ICP rulez!" :animesigh They rock but everyone in the world are like posers
  23. How do I get the url? It doesn't say properties when I right click :animeswea This is so confusing and I really want that banner too! :animecry:
  24. I love them! Now how do I attatch them to my signature?
  25. I would like to ask anyone if they could make me a Tales of Symphonia banner or a Dir en grey banner thanks :catgirl:
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