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  1. I bought the movie on Sunday and it was sooo good! Affections Touching accross time is so good i'll have to watch it again, it was a little funny also.
  2. ARG, I need to see the movies out there or buy them. I hear they are REALLY good Plus if I buy the movie I get a little inuyasha keychain. ^_^
  3. [quote name='Meggido']It seems like the same plot each separate episode but the overall plotline does progress towards the ending. The thing I like about the series is the fact that they throw in episodes where Kaze does not save them. On volume 4 there is an episode where it comes down to Lisa to save them all including Cid and the Commodeen.[/quote] I agree the plot progresses slowly but some episodes are just boring. kaze is my faveorite character because he is mysterious and cool. I love when he summons Ifrit muahahahah I like fire :devil:
  4. My most painful was when I was in 5th grade. I was bikeing with a friend when a car came out of nowhere and hit me while I was on my bike. I flew over the car and broke my leg and had to go into emergency. I lay there yelling my arse off with a huge dent in my leg I saw my bone. :( I couldn't walk for a couple months and In all I was in a cast for 7 months! and on one of the last days after my last cast they pulled the HUGE pinn out of my leg....And I had NO meddication before so the doctor pulled it out when my eyes where wide open. Then I had 3 months of leg therapy. Well, that was it I still have a huge scar on my leg :P
  5. For some reason the OP of Noir made me want to watch. I really liked the tango kindof music and the girls with guns were awesome, they killed everone LOL. The OP of Inuyasha was good also great music and you can tell alot on the characters even by watching to intro!
  6. I own the first three DVD's of FF-U. I should have rented them first before buying :o. It's basicly just the same thing. Lisa-Ai-Yu, get in trouble and kaze always recuses them! But I like his summons, they are awesome. it's way to predictable.
  7. Konnichiwa!, They cancelled inuyasha because they ran out of idea's for plot and characters and maybe differen't demons. For the poll I voted Kagome because [spoiler]Inuyasha has kissed her before and he shows ALOT of signs to love, lol.[/spoiler] :wigout:
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