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  1. [COLOR="Blue"]I love the new layout of theotaku, the vibrant version is beautiful. But where is the report button? If I see something offensive how am I supposed to report it?[/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR="Blue"]Does theOtaku ban plagiarists? I noticed this yesterday after report several stolen images, all posted as wallpapers by the same person. The plagiarized wallpapers were removed but the offending member was allowed to stay on the site and all her other works are still up. Isn't it unwise to let people who have stolen art work to such a magnitude stay on the site since they are more likely to do it again?[/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR=Blue]Does anyone know who drew this picture?[/COLOR] [url]http://img383.imageshack.us/img383/5607/inuyashaekagomefofook5vd0.jpg[/url]
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