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Um...whats to say? single (LIKE ALWAYS!) , bisexual, italian/british, brown eyes, 5'9'', dress in black w/ silver jewlery.(mostly pagan symbols) Purple hair. A sorta gothic dark japanese look. lol.
Stop and Shop supermarket. (the bakery department)
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The truth is, you never REALLY forget someone you care about. Time IS the best cure, but even years later when you think of that person, some of the old feelings [I]will [/I] come back in almost a shadow of what things used to be like. I went through a HORRIBLE breakup a few years back, and I mean it almost wrecked me. But what helped the most for me, is healthy venting. Writing poetry, taking up new hobbies. I got fully emerged in Ancient History and Philosophy, because it kinda protected me from the pain. A lot of people say (and told me) that a distraction only hurts you in the long run, but I had [I]so [/I] much help with healthy distractions, until enough time passed where I said to myself, "damn...I really just dont care anymore. Its not an emotional feeling, just an old memory by now." I dont know if that works for everyone. I just know it helped me cope.
Ugh. I hope I'm not too late with this topic. I don't want to dredge up old posts, but I have been away for a few weeks. Monday was really horrible for me. Working in a supermarket bakery the last few years has made me hate almost all holidays. I spent all of Feb. 14th working my butt off, and it was insane. What I really want to know is, why does everyone wait till the last minute to get their cakes and pastries for their loved one? I spent the whole day in my own private Hell of a bakery writing on peoples cakes, and filling up the front that was picked clean like vultures pecking at meat. I spent the rest of Febuary 14th taking down V-Day decorations and putting up St. Patricks crap. How appropriate. Me, ripping up paper hearts and plastic cupids, and throwing them in a garbage bag, awaiting to be crushed in an industrial sized compactor. ^_^ Lenny
Well, I almost didnt post in this thred, because I'm not really in a debating mood. So, I'm just going to give my general opinion on weed. I must smoke no more than 3 joints a year, and I have plenty of friends who more or less smokes the same amount. We kind of reserve it for the biggest of house parties or special occasions. For instance, my friends wedding was in January, so after the reception we got a little high and drunk. The point I'm trying to make is, I don't beleive it is bad at ALL if people are not stupid about it, and just use it to have a good time every once in a while. I feel that way about a lot of things; alcohol (I drink more than I smoke up, but not every week or anything), caffine, bad food, etc. If people use these as simple pleasues in life (in moderation) and not become addicted or obsessed with it, then I personally don't beleive there's a problem. I am not against weed in any shape or form, but I AM against people who would abuse it and ruin their lives. The same can be said about people addicted to eating. (We don't blame the food, after all.) I LOVE my life so much, and I take pleasure in a variety of things. I really dont know the extent of damage from three joints a year, but its probably so infinitesimal, that it can't be quantified. I'm sure the cigs or the bad food are doing MUCH more damage to me. (I have to quit cigarettes, I know.) Bottom line, however; we all put dangerous or risky things in our bodies, at least in some form. Be it fatty foods, or the occasional joint...these are things that sometimes, I beleive....just makes life worth living. =) Lenny
Anime What type of storylines appeal to you?
DarkOtakuBoy replied to Redemption's topic in Otaku Central
Oh, this is tough. As with most of my preferences, it really depends on what mood I'm in. I tend to look for substance over appearance. (Thats not to say I'm against bishies for some nice eye-candy) ^_^ The one thing I usually look for in anime plots are philosophical/sociological subtext, which [I].hack//SIGN [/I] and [I]Evangelion[/I] does beautifully as well as (to a lesser extent) [I]Wolf's Rain[/I]. You know, anime that actually says something behind all the entertainment. A lot of times I also look for fantasy-comedic elements like in [i]InuYasha[/i] and [i]Ranma 1/2[/i]. Finally, when I'm feeling romantic, I like watching dramatic love stories ([i]Gravitation[/i] and whatnot) The reason I love [i]Fruits Basket[/i] so much is because it has EVERYTHING that I look for in anime. philosophical meanings (yes, they are there. lol), fantasy, comedy, and drama. As well as some hot bishonen dudes. (which of course is just a bonus) ^_~ Dark Otaku Boy [i]The story behind the painting I drew is already told. No more tear-stains on the pages of my diary.[/i] - Nightwish -
Anyone think my Playstation 2 would like chocolates or hard candy? ^_^ Seriously though, I just don't see the appeal of Valentine's Day. Just like anatema said, I don't think I ever was in a relationship duing that day. But if in the future I am, then I still wouldn't see the big deal. People should make their significant other feel special every day of the week. Can someone really say that they are touched by getting flowers and candy from their boyfriend on a day where society is expecting him to buy a gift? A gift looses its meaning if one is pressured by society and modern custom. If I had a boyfriend, I can honestly say, I would feel more special if he gave me a gift for no reason, just because he wanted to. Aside from all that, I really only celebrate Pagan holidays. Valentine's Day is just a day where businesses can sell more product related to the holiday. I work in a supermarket bakery, and damn.....I cant tell you how many pastries and heart-shaped cakes we sell. So, I guess Valentines day is good for the economy like all other modern holidays, but its not special to me. By the way, does anyone notice over the past few years that this holiday is getting bigger? At least in my area. People now have Valentines day lights on their house. Just weird. Dark Otaku Boy EDIT: To answer Sonata's question, Beltane (thats how its really spelt...no offence, Chibi. ^_^) is a pagan feast of fertility that takes place after sunset of April 30th into May 1st. Also called, May Day. Basically its a traditional night of bonfires, followed the next day by dancing, continued feasting, and the weaving of the Maypole. For Wiccans, sex magick and other fertility rites are also performed on this night/day.
Dont forget, theres a big difference between smoking pot every now and then at say... a house party, and being a raging Pothead. I mention this because I have been accused by parents and police in the past of being a stoner, when in reality I [spoiler]smoke weed no more than 3 times a year[/spoiler], and thats not even an exaggeration. Its a stigma on society that just doesn't need to be there. Its the same difference between a raging alcoholic and being a social drinker. Also, medically speaking...being a raging alcoholic is actually worse than a raging stoner. (And I have a degree in Biology.) You know, its just....one is more socially acceptable than the other. I've also been wrongly accused by some teachers because of my "questionable" style of clothes in high school. It's like, if your attitude and interests are gothic and arcane, than your automatically considered a danger to yourself and others. lol. Its so funny, that I get questioned and accused for having blue hair and wearing shirts with dragons and graveyards on them, but they dont even FLINCH at this girl who always wore an "I AM THE GOD OF F...." shirt. Yes....with the whole f-word on the shirt. She wore it so much, I doubt she washed it. In any case, as far as I'm concerned, the school spends too much time worrying about the so-called well being of its students, and not enough time worrying about the actual text-book education that school is about. This is why, and I've SEEN it, kids getting horrible, horrible accusations...and these are very good kids being who they are. Thank the gods for college. I love it, because they dont care how you dress or what your personality type is. As I always say, its High School without all the rules.
I'm very honest when it comes to relationships and friendships. For example, I have never and will NEVER cheat on someone, because in all honesty...pardon the pun, I dont think I could live with that on my mind. Also, if I dont feel a relationship is going right, I would tell my boyfriend either we work on it or we break it off. Theres no point in lying to myself or him about our good status when one doesn't exist. Its the same way with friendships, if one of my friends is in a bad spot (too much drug use, or noticeably depressed, etc) I will be honest with him or her, that I notice a problem and will try to help if I can. In examples like that....honesty to me is [I]very [/I] important. I'm not talking about being tired and telling my mom, "If my friends call, tell them I'm sleeping." lol. That doesnt really count. I'm honest where it counts, I guess. When am I not honest? As a lot of people said, to cops. My friend used to have house parties when his mom was away, and once or twice the police were called. (long story) So, we hide the beer and pop in the chewing gum/mouth wash, they come knocking, ask us if there is any drinking and we lie and say no. The most that ever happened is the police told us to keep it down since it was late. And of course, I'll try to get out of tickets. Success rate: I guess about 50%. Finally, when it comes to questions asked about apperences and such, I have a bad (or good?) habit of telling someone to their face what my true opinion is. But only if I'm asked first. hehe. DarkOtakuBoy
My absolute favorite is "The World" by Yuki Kajura. (sorry if I spelt her last name wrong.) and from what I understand from the lyrics, its about being so afraid of the real world and its trials and tribulations, that you lock yourself in your room and loose yourself in a false RPG world. It also begs the philosophical question; if your life is too sad and your videogame becomes your reality, who is to say that the world you loose yourself is less valid than the reality that we all know? As a student of philosophy, and a fan of .hack//SIGN...I really appreciate the song in all its depth. ^_^
For me, the answer isnt really clear. It depends on the series and it depends on what mood I'm in. I love the [I]Fruits Basket[/I] manga more than the anime. The artwork is phenominal, and I almost got to the point of drooling, looking at Yuki in the manga. ^_^ I also think the story in [I].hack//Legend Of The Twlight[/I] manga is far better than the anime. (to my surprise, no less) I also want to point out, I hope they never make [I]Diabolo[/I] into an anime, I dont think they can do the manga justice. On the other side of that coin, I enjoy [I]Peacemaker, Inuyasha, Gravitation [/I] and a host of others as animated series rather than their respective manga. For a variety of reasons depending on the anime; including the music tracks, the voice overs which I've gotten used to, and storylines. Dark Otaku Boy
[quote name='Gravy Train']Okay Morpheus, let's see. In nature, all animals mate with animals of the opposite sex. So, humans doing the opposite would go against that. I don't see how to make it any easier to understand.[/quote] Ah, but most everything humans DO goes against nature. From building roads and cities, to genetic engeneering. Pretty much every techological advancement these past 200 or so years. I personally believe nature is indifferent to these things and evolution compensates (to a point) for each and every discrepancy. I also hate to bring this up, but whats so wrong about "un-natural" intimate relations when the human population is so high? Believe me, the Earth will suffer for the many [I]other [/I] things we do, like nuclear proliferation, if we dont cut it out, but homosexuality isnt one of them.
[QUOTE=Morpheus] DOB: Marriage is a bout rights. Right to be in thehospital room when your significant other is unconscious, Cheaper insurance, etc.[/QUOTE] I understand that. All I'm saying is, its not for [U]me[/U]. I dont agree with the ideology of marriage. You gotta understand, I know I sound like an Anarchist, but dont confuse that with cynicism.(I've been a punk rocker from the age of 14 to 17. lol. some of those thoughts still dwell within me, even a couple years later) In any case, I just find it messed up in a society where we need a piece of paper like that to gain rights like seeing a loved one on their death bed. Love is love. Thats what I beleive. I dont need no organization to tell me otherwise or put limits on it
[QUOTE=sinna]Try this one: I am what you cannot see, I am what you cannot flee, I am what kills you If nothing else does. What am I?[/QUOTE] I'm thinking its "time", right? you cant see time, you can flee it, and if nothing ELSE kills you, time will. Here's an one I heard as a kid. I hope this is less obvious than my last one. ^_^ [I]What happened in 1961 that will not happen again for over 4000 years? [/I]
Here is a different problem I have with homosexuality. I hope this doesnt seem like a rant. First of all, I'm gay. (well, bisexual leaning towards the gay side. but whatever. I dont like labels) In any case, this means to me that I have a certian gender preference. Its what I'm attracted to. its what I find not only attractive, but also emotionally connected to. I came out not too long ago, around 17 years old give or take a few months, and nothing changed with my friends. As a matter of fact, I told my friends that I had something important to tell them and they were on pins and needles all night until I finally got the [spoiler]balls[/spoiler] to tell them. They were pissed at me because they thought I was gunna tell them something groundbreaking, and they were like, "what?? thats it?? who CARES" lol. I found this awesome that they didnt even (and still dont) SEE it as an issue. I didnt, to this day, lose one friend. I was lucky. Not everyone is. My point is though, I grew up with my friends and we have been friends for almost ten years. I'm still the same person they knew. What I dont understand about MOST homosexuality is that whole "flaming" thing I've seen at clubs. They come out of the closet and then decide to feed into the lifestyle. You know the stereotype. That "gay" accent, the hand gestures, slang, etc. Well, its all true among so many homosexuals. Other gay people have asked me in the past (seriously, not joking with me) "Why dont you like Cher?" or "OH my GAWD....ewww you are SO not wearing trendy clothes! Goth is like, SO last year" And I think, damn....since when did homosexuality have to mean a lifestyle? I really believe that so many of those types of people have given us a bad name. Like that whole "Gay Pride" crap. I dont have pride in my preferences. I have pride in my accomplishments. But of course, the public sees the (very) vocal minority and assumes we all talk, act, and yes...even walk, a certian way. The sad part is, most of them do, and its so hard and SO frustrating to meet a gay or bi dude who is "real" and not trying to be "fabulous". This is why I only have one gay friend. Dark Otaku Boy EDIT: Since gay marriage was brought up, I wanted to give my opinion. I'm against it. Weird for a gay guy to say that, but the truth is I'm against[B] all [/B] marriage. See, I'm against any institution who tries to dictate love - a biologial emotion - via politics and religious dogma. This is just me. I fully understand how it works for people of certian faiths, and would support your freedom for it. But even if I was straight, I personally would NEVER get married.
Well, I always wanted to cosplay but I've never been to a convention. Living here in New Jersey, I would have to travel too far to go to one. (Thought about starting a con of my own at a local hall, though.) Anyway, I'm going to cosplay next Halloween (can we [I]call [/I] it cosplay if its for Halloween? lol), and I'm gunna try to dress as Tsukasa, or maybe Elk, from [I].hack[/I]. I have to admit though, I dont know where to even begin even though they are seemingly easy pieces to put together. I have no skills when it comes to that, so I'd imagine I would have to do a lot of window shopping and make-shift substitutes. I cant sew, but by God, I can cut and paste-together with the best of them. ^_^ As for "glomping", of course I heard the term, but I'm not FULLY sure what that is. If its like "moshing", I've done that quite a bit at rock gigs Correct me if I'm wrong, but the term "glomp" started with [I]Ranma 1/2[/I] , right?
You would pay one million dollars to see...
DarkOtakuBoy replied to CaptainAnarchy's topic in General Discussion
I would pay one million dollars to see the origin of the universe, so I can finally stop reading all those Stephen Hawking books and having all those late-night drunken "insights" with my friends as to what constitutes the meaning of existance. Seriously, though. I dont think theres anything else I would want to see or know more about, then to finally understand the origin of reality. Quantum physics and cosmology are a little side hobby of mine, so that would be the ultimate prize. ^_^ But knowing me; I would pay my money, see the origin of the universe/existence, understand how it all began.....then be horribly disappointed. Dark Otaku Boy