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Everything posted by DarkOtakuBoy
What do otakus think about Homosexuality?
DarkOtakuBoy replied to Miryoku's topic in General Discussion
[quote name='Adahn][font=Courier New][size=2][color=blue]Probably not, but when I see a verse inbetween 'don't have sex with animals' and 'don't commit adultery', I take it rather seriously.[/color][/size'][/font][/quote] Woah, wait a min....I understand you putting your faith into something thats important to you and thats commendable, but you must understand that not everyone HAS the Christian idea of values, not everyone FOLLOWS that faith or believes in it. Everyone has their own idea of how the universe works and they have their own set of values. But quoting passages from the Bible wont change anything or anyones minds, just as if I were to quote to you, accounts of Pagan sabbats and their dogmatic and ethical belief structures. Religious argument becomes moot to those who just dont share that faith. I personally dont beleive that pentrating another boy will send me to what you call Hell. I dont even beleive in Hell. lol. So the Bible thing is irrelevant. Religion is personal, it should not be mixed with debate, because how can you argue against someones faith, intellectually? -
Scott Peterson to get death sentence
DarkOtakuBoy replied to Hell Raizer's topic in General Discussion
[quote name='Moi']I do agree with their decision. Scott Peterson was definitely guilty, and he deserves death. I think that he should get firing squad, but oh well. He is getting off easy compared to what he deserves, that lousy bastard![/quote] I may be wrong about this, but I heard somewhere years ago that theres actually a state that still implements the firing squad. In any case, I'm 100% against any form of capital punishment. I dont agree with a government that can take your life away. Whenever I hear about 'Justice' all I can think is,"wow...thats a really rose-colored word for 'Revenge' " I know its not a very popular stance, but I just agree so strongly with every sentient being's right to exist. And aside from that, life in prision, away from society would be a better more harsh punishment for him. -
Ok, I'm in no way proud of this, but I'll tell it anyway. ~The scarest moment of my life~ When I was 16 years old, me and my friends wanted to get drunk so bad, and we just couldnt find a way to get beer that night. Well, we ended up getting desperate and we went to the local Stop and Shop for 5 bottles of Robotussin. We all heard about druggies 'robo-tripping', and heard it was like getting drunk....with hallucinations. We were sitting in my friends back yard, kinda scared at first to do it. We never ever did anything remotely like this, except the occasinal beers in my room. Eventually, we downed the bottles. I killed mine in a good few minutes. To top it off, my friend Tony backed out on half the bottle, so....like an idiot, I killed half that bottle as well. Things were sane for a good, i dunno, 15 minutes. Maybe 10. Well, I noticed the numbers on my digital watch started to look all swimy and I was feeling giddy as Hell. Eventually, we were all laughing and telling our dumb inside jokes. (Really did feel like being drunk) About two hours after that, I stagger home, go to my room, alone. Party ended. I'm looking at the empty bottle, getting a kick out of the words floating and dancing. Then, I noticed the phrase, "IN CASE OF ACCIDENTAL OVERDOSE, CONTACT A POISON CONTROL CENTER IMMIDIATELY" I got so scared, I cant even describe it. I mean, an accidental overdose of a tablespoon or two? How about chugging a bottle and a half? I convinced my self I was gunna die. Thats it, no backing out now. Suddenly, a panic attack followed, although I didnt know that at the time. I never had anything CLOSE to an anxiety attack before, and since I was tripping on Robo, I figured, my body was shutting down. I had all the classic signs: shortness of breath, rapid heartbeat (and i mean, RAPID AS HELL), mouth going bone dry. I dont remember much after that, just crying and asking any spirit that exists to spare me, trying to walk while knocking my bookcase over. Eventually, I must have passed out, which I'm sure was a mixture of the Robo tripping and the panic attack. I know now that what I did was dangerous as Hell, and I prob. DID come close to death. I was sick to my stomach for days after that, and my pupils were as small as pinholes. Also, to this day, I get anxiety attacks all the time now. I really think it had some lasting effect on me, psychologically. Being 100% convinced your dying, is the worst feeling alive. Otaku Boy
Ah, lets see....a wish list.... 1. DN Angel and .hack//SIGN wall scrolls.(if not, ill order them myself.) 2. Star Trek: Voyager *Season 5* boxset. (this i KNOW im getting. yay!) 2. a Fruits Basket t-shirt. (if one exists) 3. a CD player.(my last one was stolen) 4. money to pay off credit cards. 5. sanity.
What do otakus think about Homosexuality?
DarkOtakuBoy replied to Miryoku's topic in General Discussion
Well, I came out about a year ago. Luckly, here in New Jersey its more or less liberal as you can get, so I never had one problem or lost one friend from being gay. I just, I dunno....I dont even, nor ever HAVE seen it as an issue. My mom is a little (ok, a lot) disturbed about it, but I guess its understandable. I was just so happy when I told my friends and they basically said, "umm...so? i thought you had something important to tell us." Its just so wonderful that a lot of people dont even SEE it as an issue anymore. I always just looked at it as a sexual preference and not a lifestyle or a social issue. For example, my friend asked me once why I dont wear rainbow pins in support of "the cause", and I told him, I'll never have gay pride because in my life, I wanna have pride in my accomplishemts, not preferences. Also, I just hate making something into a political issue. (My old punk rock anarchist days are still showing. lol.) The cool thing about coming out is, I met some awesome gay otaku right in my school, and made some close friends. I used to think gay anime fans were a rare breed, but its so cool that when your 'out', people feel secure and will tell you about themselves too, when they wont tell anyone else. I'm thankful that I made some people confortable when they were going through being in the closet, cause I know from experence that 'the closet' is a very lonely place. As for gay marrage. Lets just say I'm against the whole institution of marrage. I dont need a church or the U.S. government to dictate the unconditional love me and my boyfriend feel.(if i still had one. lol.) This is only my personal opinion. Dark Otaku Boy [I]'I'm a 21st century digital boy! I dont know how to read, but I got a lot of toys' - Bad Religion[/I] -
Anyone pick up Diabolo yet? If your a horror fan, I would suggest this strongly to anyone who hasnt yet read it. I only read the first volume so far, but I'm getting the second one for xmas. yay. The manga centers around two 17 year old friends, Rai and Ren who [spoiler]sold their souls to a demon 10 years earlier, in order to save Ren's sister.[/spoiler] Some parts of it can be downright horrific. (The videogame series, Silent Hill, will prob. come to mind many times as you read it) Actually...think, Silent Hill meets Hellraiser I'll just say that although there is a [I]center [/I] plot, the chapters seem to be basically stand-alone stories in which the two friends try and save others who [spoiler]sell their souls for various reasons (to become beautiful or for revenge against others) and end up trapped in a Silent Hill-type nightmare.[/spoiler] I dont know if this will change in the later volumes, though. Also, the art is fantastic, and Ren and Rai (especially Ren) are hotter than hot. Anyone else have any comments about this (so far)fantastically dark story? DarkOtakuBoy
Gravitation is also the only one I got into so far, and I absolutly loved it. (I finally picked up the manga after watching the anime twice.) Shuichi is my offical fantasy boyfriend (yea, I dont go out much.) Anyway, its just so cleverly written with actual trials and tribulations that I really didnt expect, going into the world of [I]shonen-ai[/I] I DID read the first Eerie Queerie and I dunno, I just couldnt get into it that much. Very cute, but I think I expected more in terms of, heartwarming-ness. (yeah, I dont think thats a word. lol) In any case, I felt I was left with a more shallow experence than I anticipated. Gravitation spoiled me. ^_^ *~Dark Otaku Boy~* [I]"Take a look to the sky just before you die. Its the last time you will" ~ Metallica[/I]
[quote name='Miryoku']LIKEOHMYGOSH. Gravatation is like the best. :wigout: The series is ok but I realy liked the manga. I'm one of the only Guys I know that actualy likes it. yuki-kun is so cute and shuiichi reminds me a lot of myself. hiro is awesome and K is way cool. the worst thing about the anime is that it doesen't have shuiichi's sister in it shes way cool. I hate tohma hes a J E R K.the manga is also a lot more yaoiish, I f you like that kind of thing (I do)I would recomend reading the second manga its so cute I like the OVA too. YAAAAAAAAAAAAAY :love:[/quote] Yeah, I'm also one of the only guys I know who like Gravitation. I showed it to a few friends, and they were turned off to say the least. I think, however, since this came state-side and was a mega sucess, hopefully we'll be seeing more [I]shonen-ai/yaoi [/I] titles in the near future. ^_^ Hehe...I'm also very much like Shuitchi, especially after I have a few cans of Pepsi in one sitting. You know....After watching the anime again, a few weeks ago, (going in with knowing the ending from the start), it amazes me how such a dark and gritty (and sometimes downright heart-wrenching) plot, can be so cleverly hidden in a covering of sweetness and comical goofery. When you really think about it, Gravitation has a deep surreal atmosphere. Maybe this is obvious throughout the show, but I didnt really pick up on the subtitles of it all until my second viewing when I looked beyond the love and music aspect. OtakuBoy "Although one is too much.... you know 10 is not enough. I'll introduce myself today: I'm the demon, Alcohol. Lets party." ~ Ozzy
Oh geeze. I dont know. lol. I know Miroku is the obvious answer for so many reasons. *Drool* but....something about Koga, and I think its his ears. ^_^ Dark Otaku Boy
I beleive anime has taken off quite a bit during the last year or two. The Best Buy anime section is growing bigger every month (at least here in New Jersey), and Suncoast is really becoming an Anime store. The Suncoast at the mall near my house is like 70% anime and manga. They now also sell japanese kanji jewlery, manga, magazines, toys, shirts, and even Japanese soda and snacks. Almost every customer is there for anime. Aside from that, I noticed more and more people in my school wearing anime or Japanese themed shirts and talking about "that new Inuyasha movie" I mean, I think this is a great thing. Anime is much more accessible, its REALLY easier to make otaku friends somewhere other than the net (and i recently made one with this awesome dude, Chris, in my philosophy class of all places. yay!) The problem is.....when something, and it can be anything, becomes TOO mainstream, it becomes watered down for the masses. Resident Evil franchise anyone? Punk rock music? Metallica? lol. I can go on, but suffice to say, theres a happy medium between Hollywood level mainstream and an underground esoteric lifestyle. That happy medium is where anime is getting to be, and I'm more than thrilled about that. but there is a danger of becoming too mainstream and TOO marketable. Personally, I dont think that will ever happen with anime though.
I have to say, I absolutly love this anime. Romance, goofy antics, harsh drama, and J-ROCK!!! ^_^ I normally dont get so involved in the characters plights (only other one I felt as strongly about is, Fruits Basket), but this one really brought me into the storyline. I do have to say however, I'm not a HUUUUGGEE fan of short, 10-20 episode, anime series. I like epics. lol. I somehow always feel with short anime that the plot is thrown at me at lightning speed, and a lot of character development is left out. Thats not really the case here. I mean, the plot was right on track. I would like to have seen more of the supporting characters fleshed out. True, we got some info on Hiro's own love problems, but it didnt really seem to be enough. Hell....maybe I'm just too hard to please. hehe Question....does the manga go more in depth about the characters backrounds and maybe have some side stories? That would rock much. DarkOtaku Boy