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Everything posted by Twilight_Kioku

  1. *struggling to remember* *failed* a thought, it seems like it was bigger than regular MS's, maby a mobile armor? does that help?
  2. Gundam 08Th MS Team, for those who dont know ive been tryin to find this out for a while now, but can anyone tell me what the name of the gundam in the mountain is? im pretty sure i made its first and last showing in the final two episodes, if that helps any. thanks!
  3. ah, the times change, and so do some of the desires. i would like to see Gundam 08th MS Team back on the air. still want to see R.O.D. on G4, but without the crap they refer to as 'barbed wire biscut' but hey, they got RahXephon on there, and its pretty kick-***
  4. Primura from Shuffle! shes quiet, slightly magical, ...and quiet. and nonemotional. and quiet. hehe ok, seriously, i think Junko from Megatokyo would be a winner. she dont take any crap, and knows how to dish out the pain if necessary! maybe im just wierd tho, hehe. ok, now if i was a girl, the one person i would avoid at all costs is Aya from fruits basket. he just scares me. come to think of it, i would avoid him anyways. *shudder*
  5. been a while since i posted, heres my contribution- white hair - using my patented displacement technique, i shall remove all water from his body! see, its gathering around my hand! naruto - OUCH!!! oh well, im dry now. better than towels. origional? i dunno
  6. ah, anime songs! i love the music from .hack//SIGN and Haibane Renmei. my favorite one overall would have to be Rakuen Fanatic, from DNAngel. creepy song, creepy lyrics. love every minute of it. if it comes down to the artist, i think ill have to go with Yuki Kajiura, who did some/most(?) of the .hack//SIGN music, and music from Noir and MADLAX
  7. ugh.....sounds like another DBZ to me. seen part of one episode, and the animation reminded me of DB waaay too much. that, and they all acted like idiots. theres a limit to how much idioticy(spelling, i dunno) i can take, lol.
  8. ah yes, anime tradgeties.....im thinkin elfen lied right now...when the little kids [spoiler]clubbed the puppy to death[/color]....or outlaw star, when jim [spoiler]finally gets a girlfriend....he kills her[/spoiler]...i dont remember this one clearly, but i remember it enough to feel sad about it... [color=6699c]I have edited your post to include spoiler tags. It's very rude to reveal such elements of the story, as there are people around who haven't seen the shows in question. If you are unsure of how to use the spoiler tags, [url=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=46199]read Dagger's sticky at the top of the Anime Lounge main page[/url]. Thanks. -Lore[/color]
  9. yay, a simple question!! it depends on who its oriented to. a show like...oh, i cant think of any off the top of my head so im gonna say Angelic Layer even though i havent seen it, looks to me like its aimed mostly towards kids. others, like Elfen lied or Midori Days, is more mature audience oriented. yay, a complicated answer!! simplified, it varies from show to show.
  10. my guess would be because its mostly misunderstood. most unknowing people (at my school anyways) asociated anime with pokemon, digimon, and DBZ, because that was all they ever heard of, would be my guess. and yeah, they are crap. some of the really good shows have slightly unpronuncable titles (haibane renmei, azumanga daioh((the manga, not the anime))), or really strange, dorkish sounding titles (fruits basket, appleseed, read or die). to me, this adds to the bad steriotypes...and my train of thought just derailed, guess im done here [color=#6699cc]Please make an effort to punctuate and capitalise appropriately. Consistant failure to do so may result in a ban warning. -Lore[/color]
  11. adults in general? most of who ive met do. my high school art teacher, No. a few of my friends mothers, no. the greatest majority of my friends, no. my parents, yes. a few of my other friends parents and sibblings, yes. i got my parents to sit down and watch the first episode of Fruits Basket, and they told me that if i critized anime like i do some movies, i would hate it (ex. bad special effects, poor quality) what they dont gather though, is that sometimes poor quality/bad special effects is exactly what the animatior wanted in specific parts to emphasize certain things. (say, when Haru drops the bomb to Tohru and Momiji as to what kind of shop Aya runs). and in comparison to live action, some of the FX in actual anime movies put to shame the FX to live action (GITS2:I) the thing that attracts me the most, i guess, would be the origionality of some of the shows. Haibane Renmei, Fruits basket, DNAngel, MADLAX, FLCL, and so on....
  12. yay! the top two i already checked, but the bottom two are new, thx!
  13. i dont guess i really care for some of the older anime. cyborg 009, old or not, the noses just...*ugh*. same for Astro boy and....that 5 minute black and white giant robot thing they had who knows when (saw parts on CN giant robot week who knows when, lol) that, and the low fps i dont like, but i still get that nowadays, so hell with it. FYI: theres a post floating around somewhere for first anime. im tired, its 2 in the mornin, night world
  14. yep, i remember it, only reasons being because it came on around the time Escaflowne did, which i am still in love with, and that it sounds like cyber sex..... as for anything about it, i know nothing, didnt even know it was anime, just thought it was an american wanabee, like.....uhh.....*gimme a sec on this*..... so yeah, it was at least 7-8 years ago though, before i moved here...was i in texas at the time? if so, then 8-9 years...boy, i cant rmemeber that long, it hurts
  15. not anime, but in Kill Me, Kiss Me (K2), two of the main characters cross dress, and throw everyone for a loop. me, i had to read and reread the things about 3 times before i could figure everything out! (ok, hes a guy, and hes a girl, and shes a boy, and that dog is a girl...(jk)) not really sure waht my point is in here, sorry if spam, but this being Korean Manga, its not limited to Japan. i think this is done in some cases to make the story a little bit more understandable(or uncomprehensable, in the case of K2, LOL) PS: how the hell do u prounce that word, and wtf does it mean?!!?
  16. simple question: does anyone know any good sites for Saikano? ive looked around a bit, about the only thing i came up with was the official anime/manga sites (ADV and Viz or sumtin like that). a little more specific, any of those that have some good wallpapers? i guess the show was just never popular enough, but i really want to get the books...
  17. hehe, i vote for for Lucy/Nyuu for 2 reasons: 1. Ceres is too much of a panzy by herself 2. Ceres is too freakin afraid to drink some blood to become a full vampire(or sumtin like that) 3. Lucy has those kick-*** vectors! (i want a few dozen of em!) 4. Nyuu is just so CUUUTE~~ [spoiler] shes grope-happy[/spoiler] i guess thats 4, but oh well ^^ two arguements for each
  18. ahh, good times...my first one was Chobits, but it was way after i was addicted to the anime. someone brought it to school and let me start reading it. afterwards, i started hunting for them in hastings, and my collection is currently at 52.*really really big grin*
  19. *looks over the previous posts* OK, smoking sucks, editing sucks, a lot of the dubs suck. i watched a little bit of One Piece on CN, and it was the penicle of all suckdom, like a new Dragonball, only lamer. and why do they call alcoholism a disease? how do u get infected? its not a disease, its an addiction. i agree that the .hack//dusk anime wasnt the best in the world, they 'kiddiefied' it, so to speak. ...oh wait, i remember now, they dont have Zyphe, but they have another Vagrant AI named morgan or sumtin like taht. *MORGAN!?!?! ITS MORGANA U FOOLS!!!*. i saw that and it pissed me off so bad, cant even get the names right. the .hack//sign was great though oh, and 4Kids can go to hell, get caught up in purgatory for a while, finally get to hell, get rejected, and sent back to purgatory, but theyre not wanted there either, so they go to limbo for a while, get rejected there too, end up floating in nowhere for a non-amount of time, therefore making them nonexistant. hey, Escaflowne needs to be redubbed!
  20. no, i hope not... but if you ask me, around my area, its already half-dead because nobody really knows/cares about it, or they think its all pron or pokemon.
  21. hey, uhh, cat girl, no caps next time. its like u yelling at everyone. the bad guys, huh? Naraku from Inu yasha. he is just so much cooler, as most 'evil' ppl are. Krad from DNAngel. same reason, but he and Dark are both cool >:) i agree with the post earlier about Chloe. she was cool, but u couldnt tell about her. Renji(i think that how u spell it) from Bleach. main reason is the sword, its so freakin awsom! him, and Jakotsu(i think) from Inu yasha. he got the snake bone sword, its much better than the tetsusaiga in my book. also agree 300% about GIR!!!! im gonna sing the doom song! doom doom doom doom doom(six months later) doom doom doom doom doom the end
  22. pure speculation: if i was a girl, i thing gettin with Kyo Sohma would be rather interesting. hes freaky, quick tempered, and turns into a cat when u hug him....oh, thats a downside....oh well, i love cats, so it wouldnt be all bad, lol. as a person, i like who he is. once again, this is speculation
  23. i guess you could say a desire of mine would be revoicing some dubs to where they dont suck ***. plain and simple. that or get someone other than a cowgirl hick to voice a drunk floozy (kitsune from love hina). goin allong with the thread, yeah, voice acting sounds cool. ive been reading the megatokyo comics, and one of the girls in it is a new voice actress, she gets the part in a H-game, and she messes with the, uh, supervisors a lot. guy says line from book, she says 'like that cheezy pick up line is going to work' its great. i would like to do something like what he has done and create a webcomic, or actual manga, but i just dont have the motivation i would need for it. it makes me sad, really, i think i could really enjoy that...
  24. ive heard rumors flying around of a second season of Fruits basket. you can be sure ill get it too, if its true. i think its way underrated myself. seems like not many ppls heard of it. azumanga daioh the anime is ok, but it has too many filler scenes. example: Sakaki petting Mr. Takadachi for ALMOST A MINUTE. a lot can happen in a minute in anime, or any other type of show. following the rest, DBZ sucks. waaay overrated. i have a little thing called 'zim acts out dbz' on a cd, and it pretty much sums up about 30 episodes in ....a minute and a half 'i will destroy them all with my................................................POWERFUL HANDS hahahahahahahahaha and my superpowerful attacks.' 'hey look, whats that?' 'oh no, its this guy and hes going to kill us all!' *exaggerated screams, all done by the same person* cracks me up every time
  25. lmao...finally got around to watchin it huh? 1. Su from love hina. shes nuts, i love her. 2. pink haired chick from RahXephon. shes wierd, i love her 3. anyone esle thats freaky/non-psychotic-mass-murderer(aka lucy)/freaky 4. Miho from teh megatokyo webcomics! Woot, go goth girls!
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