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Everything posted by Twilight_Kioku
heh...heh...heh... this isnt even a competetion...i got sick of kagome a long time ago... let me give you and example of why: Kagome yells "Inu Yasha!" Kagome yells "Inu Yasha!" Kagome yells "Inu Yasha!" Kagome yells "Inu Yasha!" Kagome yells "Inu Yasha!" Kagome yells "Inu Yasha!" Kagome yells "Inu Yasha!" ....again...and again...and again...and again...im flooding...i think my point is made... sango doesnt. she just slaps miroku when he grabs her ***.
in reply to Daggers post, they better make a second season! just cutting it off after [spoiler]kyo's transformation[/spoiler] when that happnes in the manga in the...4th, 5th book? i dont remember.. anyways, they dont need to cut it off like that! speaking of bad endings, ive watched about 3-4 bad endings this week alone. maybe not bad, but depressing...*wimper* Maburaho was good though, if anyone doesnt care that this is off topic. nyah nyah!
Anime Only one anime the rest of your life! CHOOSE!
Twilight_Kioku replied to geekinthecloset's topic in Otaku Central
watch over and over...and over...and still not understand it...and still yearn to throw a remote at the tv because i dont get it...and laugh at it...and im rambling...FLCL a good show just to get that warm, fuzzy feeling in you, i would say Fruits basket. a couple sad ones would be Elfen Lied and Saikano, ive seen both now, and Elfen Lied has a much better overall story(and much nudity/violence, underage warning, lol) i kept tellin myself 'dont let that happen, dont let that happen, oh no, no no no...'...it happned overall...umm...umm...i think .hack//SIGN is my favorite. its a show taht makes u think. if you want to, anyways, lol -
man...i like asuka, but nana takes the vote... asuka just doesnt compare at all to nana. first of all, asuka doesnt have to live with [spoiler]prostetic arms/legs, nor did she have to watch her (adopted) father get blown all to hell, nor did she choose to sacrafice herself[/spoiler]....i could go on poor, poor nana gets my vote
its been too long since ive watched any of the Tenchi thingys to remember much about Ayeka, but i have the Love Hina manga, so Su still rings fresh in my memory. i dont care if she is 12, or however old she is, she's great, and if u make her mad, she'll kick your ***** no problem! as it says above, i vote for Su! NYA HAHAHAHA!!!
FLCL...FLCL again...and more FLCL...is there goin to be a second season of taht? i hope so. Bleach, where Ichigo becomes a death god(expected, but a WTF moment, the calmness of it) i would have to say much of the entire Elfen Lied series, expecailly when [spoiler] Kouta and Nyuu/Lucy learn that they already met, and other things im not goin to say even behind a tag, its just too good :p[/spoiler]. Midori Days, just started watching it...when Midori showed up [spoiler]in place of his hand[/spoiler], that was just halarious! also saw the first episode of Full Metal Panic Fummofu or whatever, the guys military mentality was just...insane. [spoiler]he blows up his locker when he determines that a bomb was in it due to a hair being beside it, and when he reads teh remains of the (love) note, determines it was a plot to kill him[/spoiler] also, i think [spoiler] Shugi goes insane at the end of Saikano[/spoiler], but im not sure.....wah hehe, aint it great?
i think my favorite anime would have to be(currently) DNAngel. i havent watched it in a couple months, but i still love it. second best would be Bleach, i think the visuals are great, expecially the spirit form, or whatever you want to call it, hazyness. step into the black and white, my favorite Manga(the korean kind, i forget what its called) is Kill Me, Kiss Me. its a great gender bender/street fighter/love quadrangle series. fav japanese manga is The Deomon Ororon. i just dont like the ending, thats my only gripe
in my opinion, having manga on a phone will be no better than having a book on the phone. most of them have really small screens, excluding the pda phone things, and after you start thinking about it, will you even be able to see the pictures? [i]clearly?[/i] or how about the words? it would give me a headache. me's thinks i agree with lady katana. tokyopop is gonna loose some major money on this deal
Anime Your favourite Anime Seiyuu (Voice acting) & Music
Twilight_Kioku replied to PWNED's topic in Otaku Central
well, i dont know any names, but i know some characters english/japanese Kyo Sohma(fruits basket) english Shigure Sohma(fruits basket) english Haruko (FLCL) english Flaye (Gundam Seed) even though i didnt like the character english that one guy whos always going on about his daughter in Full Metal Alchemist music....ohhhh....i dont got an individual fav! its a tie between Rakuen ~Fanatic~ and Kodou ~Whenever~, both from DNAngel. after that, most of the non-violin music from .hack//SIGN, the Hellsing music, and Heavens Not Enough, from Wolfs Rain. -
Anime Questions, and Curios about the state of Otakudom.
Twilight_Kioku replied to a topic in Otaku Central
1. to me, bein an otaku is just having a love for anime, plain and simple. oh, and knowing something about it too 2. descrimination isnt nesecary to me, i watch a wide range of anime(from flcl, to serial experiments lain, to escaflowne, back to excel saga, over to dnangel), but i seem to gravitate towards the comedy/action/romance-ish types (i think fruits basket has all 3 in it) 3. yeah, yeah, but i dont care for some of it. oh, wait, shaman king? i saw that once, thought it was interesting (translation: PUT IT BACK ON TV!!!) 4. im teaching myself japanese. it isnt neseccary, but hey, i want to go to japan and be able to speak some of the lingo over there, and know what im ordering at mcdonalds international. and read some of the sound effects in manga, lol. 5.i cant descriminate because i watch teen titans, so sure, why not? 6. not really sure how to answer this 7. i would hope 8. under 15.....well i started in the...8th grade, and that would put me at....i dunno, roughly 13-14 with a love hina AMV, so...hell ya! -
i dont know much about naruto, but isnt he supposed to be a kid? so why get someone like vash the stampede to voice him? wont that make him seem...older? im not going to claim divine knowledge of dubbing, but wouldnt someone like Yahiko from kenshin be a better pick? from what little i read of naruto, the personality seems to be a better match.
Anime The ever luming presents of nazism in anime
Twilight_Kioku replied to a topic in Otaku Central
thogh i havent seen the anime, there is actual nazi's in the manga hellsing. theyre the bad guys, goin on vampire resurecting masquerades or something similar. havent finished all of the books set, so i dont know for sure -
Anime Best Anime Girl Tournament: Qualifiers *56K warning*
Twilight_Kioku replied to Bloodseeker's topic in Otaku Central
oh jeez...a best girl contest...YAY! ok, umm, #1 would be Merile from Escaflowne, theres a picture above of her. i like her because of what she is, a cat creature. and because her and Hitomi are always nitpicking at each other, lol. (cripe, too many!!!) oh, wait, heres one for you to think about: Helba, from the .hack// series'. shes a hacker, she doesnt take any crap, and you dont know if Helba is a she or a he! that just adds to the confusion! SU! SU! Kaola Su is number 3 for me! shes cute, and always hungry, and a genious tryint to take over the world with money that no one will take. [img][/img] the greatest thing about her, though, is that shes so clueless. it just cracks me up! (Love Hina) honorable mentions: Naru and Motoko from love hina, Excel and Hyatt from excel saga, Risa/ Riku from DNAngel(the short haired one, cant remember), Kisa from Fruits Basket, Rei from Evangelion, Asuna, Chachamaru, Kanoka, Setsuna, Makie, Kaede, Evangeline, and Nadoka, all from Negima, and im gonna stop before i flood the place. -
to keep- ed from cowboy bebop-hackers are cool, and i want my face on a moon! kotoko from chobits-hey, shes a laptop, but shes an instant dictionary. i need one ocassionally. kanoka from negima-shes a good cook Kyo from Fruits baket-i like cats, and i like his attitude Hatsuharu from fruits basket-AKA haru AKA black haru. i like his attitude too. get lost- everyone from sailor moon and DB/Z/GT - they...dont...shut...up! excel from excel saga-yeah, shes funny and all, but not reliable and she eats too much. yuki from fruits basket-hes just too quiet for comfort... scar from FMA-i like living! no, really, i do. hey, keep that arm away from me...! *the sound of liquid splattering againsed a wall* well, it seems im dead...so i cant add anymore!
Anime the problems with school and anime
Twilight_Kioku replied to Twilight_Kioku's topic in Otaku Central
[quote name='EVA Unit 100']I must be lucky. My school provides the SGT Frog, Gundam Wing, and CLAMP School Dectectives manga in the media center (I've thought about lending them some of my older Ranma 1/2 or Naruto volumes), and most teachers get embarassed when they admit they haven't seen Spirited Away (things get even worse when they mix it up with that ****ing horse movie Spirit: Stallion of the Cimmaron). The school guidance counselor even knows every episode of Cowboy Bebop by heart. Plus there's an afterschool "Art in Japan" class, and despite the ptiched premise for the class we spend less time doing traditional Japanese art and more time drawing manga/watching Miyazaki movies.[/quote] eva....i want to go to your school!! they dont have any manga here at all, or in the towns library. i have to drive about 15 miles to go to hastings or the library to buy/read any. i myself am not supposed to buy any manga, but i do anyways. [QUOTE=Transmutation]One walks up to your litle group (and the reason you're so far awy from anyone is because you want to be), then he takes a look and yells out in a more louder than necessary voice: "HEY, WHY ARE YOU LOOKING AT ANIME PORN?" We sust stare.[/quote] this happnes to our groups too. at lunch we had a nice little group of ppl who really liked anime and manga. safe to say we've had our share of gawkers. same for in the classroom. and as for reading when im supposed to be doing other things, im in 12th grade, i only have 1 real class(english), and the schoolboard made some stupid amendment that we have to stay all day regardless of how many credits we have. so, back to point, i do whatever were supposed to do, and then read my manga or draw. they still bug me about it though. i think theyve gotten used to it by now(kinda), so they just stare at me. its really annoying when im trying to draw, though. i dont like an audience. we really need an anime/manga club. we have an art club, but they never do anything. i signed up last year, and it was 5 dollars gone to waste. oh well, whos next? -
Anime The False Assumptions of Anime and Manga
Twilight_Kioku replied to gaarasgirl90's topic in Otaku Central
i agree with azurewolf. you tell someone its not something, they instantly beleive it is, and it doesnt matter what it is. went into the living room last night and told my parents i got a show that made absolutely no sence, and that i had watched it at least 3 times to the same result. FLCL. i was on the 5th episode, and my dad decided he wanted to see this. (if i get dual audio, i usually turn on the english/*** subtitles) i turned off the words, and he sat there for about 5-10 minutes watching it. im suprised he stayed there that long, really... i asked him if it made any sence, and he said no. i warned him, though, lol. now, if i can just get them to sit down and watch fruits basket. i think they would like it if they could just get over the same language they say on prime time series. my moms book is something like this cartoons/anime + language and/or nudity = explicite lyrics/evil/porn -
Anime What anime do you think has the best visuals?
Twilight_Kioku replied to a topic in Otaku Central
most of the anime that Gainex produces have exelent quality, and i am quite partial to FLCL like some of the ppl here. the best overall visuals i have seen so far would be stand alone complex, even though i dont care for the show. the best animation instances for me would be the fight scenes in rurouni kenshin when he was fighting Saito Hajime an a building of some kind(i think episodes 29-30), and when kenshin fought shishio's student. i dont know if they upped the frame rate there, but it looked freakin cool! -
ok, im a high school student, have about 30 manga novels, 6 dvd's, 72 gig of anime on my comp, and a hellovalotta wallpapers. recently, one of my teachers in my computer classes noticed my wallpapers i have up, and some other classmates as well. recently, mine has been DNAngel wallpapers, and negima. she gets kinda mad and tells us to get rid of our wallpapers, calling them cartoon porn. i was just sittin there thinking 'yeah, porn my a__, if she wants that, i can bring some'. not goin to, of course, but just the idea of excluding it from my computer classes when all i do in there is draw anime on the computers...well, i dont have anything to do in there anymore! and neither does a couple of my friends. we are now forced to BS our way through the day. i also bring my manga to school to read, because my parents dont really like it, when its nothing worse than whats on the local channels at prime time. i bring them to school, and some more teachers chew me out for reading that, and i contenue to think, 'wtf? itsa book, im an adult, GET OVER IT!' long story short, my teachers are anti-anime, anti-manga, and im stuck with nothing to do for a few hours. anyone else have this problem around school or anywhere similar? good new is, she hasent said anything about my .hack// music, yay
simple question: what is anime? simple answer: japanese cartoons. complicated answer:those animated shows from japan that are characterized by elaborated violence, wacky hairdoos and colors, long legs, and in some, those strange, gravity defying breasts.(example: magical shopping arcade abenobashi)
Anime Have you ever thought that maybe anime could be real?
Twilight_Kioku replied to gaarasgirl90's topic in Otaku Central
me and a couple of my friends used to wonder what the world would be like if pokemon were actually real...and im sure im not the only one whos thought of this, but im not goin into detail because i dont remember any! -
Anime Which animes should be on or put back on t.v.?
Twilight_Kioku replied to graysky07's topic in Otaku Central
yes, escaflowne would be a good show to return to tv. last i saw it was, oh, say, 7-8 years ago on FOX Kids saturday morning cartoons. of course, that was fine by me, but 3/4 of the time, we went somewhere and i missed it *sob*. ive seen it all now, but mostly in japanese. although R.O.D. has been shown on G4TV, they should show the whole thing, instead of goin so many, and restarting or goin onto another show. i find it really dissapointing because i get really into the show, and then they cut it off. i just sit there at one in the morning, tired, thinking 'wtf?' they did that with abenoboshi, too. im sure i speak for many people when i say 'let the seething anger commence' some others for no reason, really: evangelion, gundam seed, love hina, azumanga daioh, saikano, fruits basket. serial experiments lain should be on tv again because it was just an absolutely freakin awesom show -
the Outlaw Star from, ya, outlaw star. i would take that thing planet hopping! a Caster Rifle from the same. that is a sweet gun, and you could blow stuff up with it! and breaking away from the space age stuff...well...no, i'd want some of those cell phones they used on Gatekeepers 21. dial a number, and instant bomb, flame thrower, or anything else u want!
ya, i read about this off another website, i think it was the helba gate (good site for info) if anyone wants to check it out, the website is [url]http://home.austin.rr.com/tsote/dothack/helba_gate.html[/url] i was talkin to weaver the other day, and he reminded me of it. so now, after dnangel gets done, im gonna go hunting for [i]the ellusive 28th episode[/i], lol
Most memorable 2004 moments IRL
Twilight_Kioku replied to ChibiHorsewoman's topic in General Discussion
i got to meet my brother and his new family over the christmas/new years holiday. i feel lucky, because hes going to marry a Japanese woman. i can get some help from her now ^^ yay