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Everything posted by Twilight_Kioku

  1. anyone know of her? shes the one whos done music for .hack// and Noir, and some more shows i dont know of. whatcha think of her music? my personal fav is Fake Wings make decision version
  2. 2 come to mind: wierd kid, and paintchip wierd kid, because one of the upperclasswomen got freaked out by me in art, and started calling me that. didnt bother me(i liked the girl, so why would it?) its stuck for 3 years now, and thats fine by me paintchip came first. in a math class, answered a simple addition question wrong, and the girl next to me asked if i was eating the paint of the crib. hence, paintchip. HEAR MY NAME AND FEAR ME, I AM WIERD KID!
  3. welllll........im 18, i get told i act like a 2 year old, i crawl around on all 4's to freak ppl out(on my hands and feet), ima game-a-holic, an anime-a-holic, a manga-holic, a -holic(not alcho!). i have average grades, i think, ive never looked at a school grade survey. ...ya know what, this is starting to sound like one of those ...uhh...oh yeah! one of those find your life mate web site thingys. ...ill shut up now. if i had to judge myself, i have the mentality of a 25 year old or so person, the attitude of a 12 year old, and the plotability of a ...really smart person. i watch court TV and CSI too much...waaay to much... *turns on evil laugh track* so, to answer the thread, no. im an overly obsessed kid with a plotting mind. wait, im 18, so im not a kid. ...i need a new nickname Wierd Kid
  4. i recently watched Saikano. ...it was depressing. it seems like the whole thing revolves around [spoiler] a love that was doomed before it even began. *sob* the most depressing episode, in my opinion, was the 9th, when his best friend, Akemi, died in his arms[/spoiler] i dont reccomend this show for those with a weak depression resistance, or a fear of [spoiler]armageddon[/spoiler], or war ...*sob*
  5. funny funny funny, thats my thoughts on it! i rented it about 2 months ago, had to watch it while my parents werent paying attention(cuz they woulda killed me) and was laughing the whole way thru it. what got me interested in it was the trailer from azumanga daioh 1. (nudity removed) (groping removed) (more nudity removed) (groping, S&M, and wrongful use of a fish removed) oh, and anything that would get them sued was removed from the trailer. now tell me, after seeing that, who wouldnt want to see it? ive only seen about 5 episodes of excel saga, but i loved it, and knew i would love this. dunno about the opera part tho, not a big fan of it myself...
  6. when i watch a good anime show, or read some good manga for that matter, usually what ill do is try and remember if there was any good music to it. if there is, ill see if i can find it, and the lyrics, if any. next: wallpaper hunt! i do this too much....i have over 2600 anime wallpapers (any contenders?) im currently lookin for Saikano wallpapers, and i would like a few more GTO and Fruits Basket. if anyone knows a site besides animewallpapers and animecubed, feel free to tell me. i call my friends and talk to them about it too. if they havent seen it, they will whithen a month, we lan party frequently.
  7. the first ever anime show i saw was the episode of DBZ where goku is in HFIL playing games with the ogres trying to get out and back on snake road. when i saw it though, i didnt have any idea what it was or what channel it was on. ...i just found it really stupid (looking back, i can see why now, lol) later on in motels, i found the cartoon channels and watched that, think i found sailor moon there, and was slightly amused. my first real introduction to the genre was when i downloaded an AMV. wierd al - thats your horroscope for today. after watching it, i hunted for the anime that was in it. found it, it was Love Hina, and i was hooked, to say the least, obsessed, to say the truth, and still am. this was maby 6 years ago. so...in the age range of 10-12 would have to be when i started. from this, i downloaded the love hina series, chobits, .hack//sign, .hack//dusk, a hellovalotta inuyasha(think this was my second one...), evangelion, escaflowne. wait, memory kicked in: escaflowne was the first thing i watched on Fox Kids. it was edited for bloodyness tho. does anyone know when escaflowne first aired on Fox? THAT would be when i first started. *starts singing the .hack//sign intro, obsession* [color=navy][size=1]Next time try using paragraph breaks a little more liberally--it'll make your posts much easier to read. Thanks! ~Dagger~[/size][/color]
  8. sounds like the kind of show that i would really enjoy. did that seagull have a grudge againsed him or something? ah, who knows. i dont know anything about the show, so i really cant say anymore on the subject :(
  9. i think fruits basket should have a sequil to it for the simple reason that they leave sooooo so many questions unanswered and so much information left out. you dont really learn anything about the peoples past, namely yuki, and he and kyo seemed to have the most troubled pasts, but they answered about kyos past. i think the one i would want to learn most about would be shigure, and why he decided to be a book writer. i agree that FLCL needs a sequil, too. im obsessed myself, but not as bad as you make out your friend to be, MoonlitStairway
  10. it only brought 'a' tear, Numiami? well, i can slightly agree with you. ...i was wondering when they were going to shut up. i dunno that it literally made me cry, but in full metal alchemist when [spoiler]the little girl and the dog got transmuted into a chimera, and later killed,[/spoiler] that about made me sick. i think it was the next episode, but the [spoiler]butchers mentality also threw me for a loop. i think he said 'because i can' when asked why he killed the women[/spoiler]. fruits basket also had a few sad parts in it. it was mostly funny though
  11. Religion is a crutch for people who cant handle reality--i think i came up with this out from my annoyance of ppl askin why i was an athiest a riceball doesnt belong in a fruits basket--tohru honda, fruits basket i am just a worthless liar i am just an imbecilel i will only complicate you trust in me and fall as well i will find a center in you i will chew it up and leave i will work to elevate you just enough to bring you down--tool, Sober (i hope lyrics are ok. if not, sorry!) Growing old is mandatory, growing wise is optional--found this online a long time ago
  12. how many and which ones...about 30-40 currently A.I. Love you 1-2 Azumanga Daioh 1-4(complete) Chobits 1-8(compete) oh jeez...forget alphabetical, go by memory... Negima 1-4, i got #4 3 days ago ^^ Love Hina 1-14(complete) Samurai Deeper Kyo 1 FLCL 1-2(complete) Sabre Marionette J 1 Excel Saga 1-3 FullMetal Alchemist 1-5 --dont have them, but ive read them-- A.I. Love You 3-5 .hack//twilight 1-3 Ai Yori Aoushi 1-3 Comic Party 1 Cowboy Bebop 1-3 DNAngel 1-3 Diaobolo 1 Fruits Basket 1-6 GTO 1~3 or 4, i dont remember Kill Me, Kiss Me 1-4 Rave Master 1-3 Samurai Girl Real Bout High School 1-4 Warriors of Tao 1 Wish 1-4 Trigun 1-2 Oh My Goddess 1 Saikano 1 Battle Angel Atilla(who knows?) Neon Genesis Evanglion 1-7 Alice 19th 1 Naturo 1 ---- i have started reading some more, but i dont remember them all, and i think i own a few more, too. someone wanna count em up for me, lol?
  13. how about Chise (did i spell it right) from Saikano with her little wingey thingys? think the website is [url]www.saikano-usa.com[/url]. dont go overboard on the cuts and brusises though!
  14. im like Ed from cowboy bebop in the sence that im a computer junkie that likes to eat a lot, but still maintain the skinny figure(6 foot, 115 pounds, male). throw in a little Tsukasa in the sence that no one really knows whats goin on with [spoiler]her[/spoiler] or whats really goin on in [spoiler]her[/spoiler] head. ...i have a nicname around school, i go by wierd kid, and the wierdest anime character i can think of would have to be Excel. shes always spouting off random crap and wierdness just seems to follow her. i think in the girl department, though, im kinda like Keitaro from Love Hina. so many girls, not enough balls. *sob*
  15. the origional mobile suit gundam show i did not care for too much. no reason really, i just seemed to gravitate away from it. gundam wing, what i saw of it, was great. only, what i saw was about 5 episodeds, lol. so, not much of an opinion on that one. SD gundam was a disgrace. im not goin to say anymore on the subject. 8th MS team was great. i watched the entire thing twice when it aired on cartoon network. it could have been longer, but i was happy with it. the one im most into at the moment is SEED, since its on, and ive missed maby 3 episodes of it. had to vote for 8th MS team since SEED wasnt on the poles, though.
  16. hey all u ppl out there, whats the top 10 anime u want to see/finish up, or just want to watch again? 10. excel saga-seen 5 episodes, and addicted 9. puni puni poami-some kind of sequil to excel saga, freggin halarious 8. inuyasha-seen 140 episodes and 2 movies, FINISH IT UP ALLREADY!! 7. yu yu hakusho-seen about all theyve shown on cartoon network, and still not bored with it 6. evangelion-...must...watch...again...NOW! 5. serial experiments lain-...must...also...watch...again...LATER! 4. gatekeepers21-saw the OVA on techtv, wanna c it again ^^ 3. gatekeepers-i know absolutely jack about it, but i want to see it 2. saikano-this is the one about the girl who agrees to have her body changed into a government weapon. must see must see must see must see 1. Read or Die- want to see the movie again, WANT TECHTV TO FINISH THE SERIES OFF!!!... im gonna go watch .hack// after school today. i think im in love with it
  17. ive seen the movie on cartoon network, and it was freakin cool! i thinkn i read somewehre that it was the OVA's thrown together, but i dont care, it was freakin cool!!! i watched it the first time on G4TV after the Gatekeepers21 OVA went off(reccoment even if u havent seen the series, i hadnt, and still havent), but im pretty annoyed with the ppl up there for not airing the entire show. i mean, WTF? theyre gonna show 11 episodes, stop with a cliffhanger, and then go onto episode 90 of some old show, i think it was soulstealer or sumtin like that. if anyone reads these boards that actually has some authority in the techTV world, would u please tell them to fix that MAJOR problem?
  18. pokemon would be more interesting if they didnt try and throw morales in them. 'lets all be friends' 'catch it, dont hurt it!' and whats the deal with them not dying? most things ive heard of, you fight to the 'death', or to 'k.o.', not to the 'fainted' good for a while, both the shows and the games, i admit i was obsessed a few months after it came out, but it just got too damn repetitive. some of the voices were annoying too. digimon shares some of my quirks with the pokemon tv show. too many morales, not enuff violence. oh, wait, yeah they did have violence. ...oh yeah, the digivolve scenes that took up 3/4ths of the episodes, THATS what ticked me off. dragonball z, for a very quick summary go to [COLOR=#503F86][SIZE=1][Link removed][/COLOR][/SIZE] and to to the bottom of the page to the link 'zim acts out dbz' inuyashsa, repeated scenes, winey kagome, 140+ episodes, it gets old even though im a major fan of the manga, azumanga daioh the anime just sucks. i think the tried unsucessfully to pull a garfield in the manner of taking sunday comic style manga and converting it into a show(and i hope that made sence) mobile suit gundam, for some reason, i just didnt like it. SD gundam 3 words: WHAT THE ****!!! chibi style cell shaded mobile suits a gundam show does not make. end of story. end of commentary. [COLOR=#503F86][SIZE=1][b]Please don't link to sites with illegal mp3 downloads. -Solo[/COLOR][/SIZE][/b]
  19. guy meets girl, or vice versa, girl gets kidnapped, guy goes on a rampage looking for girl, alotta ppl die. then we got the sappy scene(who saw this coming? better yet, who DIDNT see this coming?) in the gundam series, the main ships, say, the legged ship or whatever from gundam seed taking all the hits from all the attacks and barely gettin a scratch on it. some huge freakin battlecruiser comes in, takes a hit from a blaster rifle, and blows up. wheres the logic in this, can someone answer for me, and dont say better armor, because im sure a battlecrusier thingy would have much better armor.
  20. SHES SO CUTE!!! well, shes an airhead somewhat, and i think thats what makes her cute. she tries her best to do what makes everyone happy, even if it doesnt mean well for herself. the sheep kinda stresses that, and not in a good way. b.t.w, it took me 2 days and an episode to watch it all, i love the ending, even if it wasnt what i expected. ill just say i like Kyo even more. [color=navy][size=1]Again, please watch your punctuation and such. Though your post makes sense, it's somewhat lacking in that regard. Thanks! ~Dagger~[/size][/color]
  21. go me, i am now the proud owner of the Fruits Basket boxed set. i have watched 2 and a half episodes. $66 at Best Buy. the Escaflowne boxed set is the same price, so if u want one of the two, i suggest getting it here. by the way, thats a lotta black hilighting up there, lol. lotta spoilers, eh?
  22. i dont nessecarily know if they are the best dubs, but i like the ones for Wolfs Rain, R.O.D. the TV, and Full Metal Alchemist. it seemed like the characters came to life on the screen. that, and the production quality is top notch. like someone said before me, i liked the dubs on inuyasha until i saw some japanese subs. kagome's actor isnt very good, but i still like the english inuyasha actor. as for the first three i said, i cant compare yet because i havent seen the japanese versions. i dont know if i dont like the voiceovers or just the show as a whole when it comes to DBZ\GT. it just seems way to exaggerated to me. that, and they scream to much, lol. either way, i dont like it.
  23. eva 01 would win because of its S2 engine. thing has an unlimited power supply and some pretty strong armor(restraints), and it is a berzerker. some of the seed pilots can also go berzerk, but they dont have a sync ratio with the gundams. 400% is pretty damn good, but not the consequences.
  24. it kinda depends on which ive seen/read first. ill go watch the anime, think it great, read the manga, and think it greater. turn it around though, in the case of azumanga daioh, its got the funny quirks in it, but you know whats coming. theres a lot of pauses in it and parts where theyre just sitting their staring at each other, or petting the dog for 45 seconds, or walking in the sunset for 2 minutes. fillers, basicly. it ruins it. in most cases, the two run allong each other, but they have differences in it, say, a different person does this line, or a person wasnt even there in that scene where he should have been. i like the manga better because it IS longer, and you can go back a few pages to clarify something if needed. occassionally, youll get the anime that is more elaborate than the manga is, for instance, Evangelion, and you'll like the anime better(like i did). it seems i just go for the stuff that has more detail in it. one exception to the trend ive found is Chobits. it takes about 15 episodes to get to the end of hte first book, and there really wasnt anything missing from either side. but i dont remember in the manga is the scene where their trying to teach Chii to bathe and Sumono/Plum starts hopping up and down yelling 'hot hot hot hot!' i think i deffinetly like the manga better than the anime, because you dont have to worry about when it comes on, or the crappy voiceovers, or rewinding to the part you missed or didnt get. theyre cheaper, too +. i read pretty fast, but i can usually get an hour out of each book, so they'll last a while for most readers out there. they tend to be more revealing than the anime is, so check the age ratings on the books, if any. i reccomend azumanga daioh, GTO, chobits, and love hina.
  25. well, it aint exactly a death, but it was cool when [spoiler]Sora was data drained in .hack//sign by skeith. the actual person was put in a coma for a while.[/spoiler]
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