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Everything posted by Twilight_Kioku

  1. real bout is great, my couzin has 4 books of it. ive been going to hastings almost on a weekly basis to try and find the 5th book, but they never have it!!! it really ticks me off, too, because i was enjoying it
  2. oh god, i dont know! naru(love hina)- a private hot springs, so keitaro can quit walkin in on her, lol miroku(inuyasha) a computer with high speed internet access, take a guess what he'll do with it*evil laugh* Kagura(inuyasha) her heart back, so she can get on with the life she wants Mr Kimura.(azumanga Daioh)make him principle of a girls only school for a day. he would have a hay day Ms. Kurosawa(azumanga Daioh)alcohol that wont get you drunk, because 'she beleives in herself!' Sakaki(azumanga Daioh) a cat that wont bite you back, i mean, just look at her hand! goku, vegeta, trunks, gohan, and anyone else i missed that needs one worse than their next meal(DBZ) A HAIRCUT!!!! Hiea(Yu Yu Hakusho) new sword, and....confidence in his sister Kuwabara(Yu Yu Hakusho) a new voice, its freakin annoying. Su(Love Hina)all the electronic equiptment she needs to take over the world(its her dream) Motoko(Love Hina)more secureness with her feminine side, she needs it desperatly Haru Glory(Rave Master)some new cloths, or prehaps some armor, he always is gettin beat up Plue(rave master)a lollypop!! Su(love hina)a BANANA!! ill come back to this later and put some more down for ya ---------------------------------- [color=navy][size=1]I've merged your two responses; in the future please don't double-post, as it's a violation of OB's rules. Here's your second reply. -Dag[/size][/color] (continued) Sumono/Plum(Chobits) a common sence upgrade. looking at a picture in an email attachment- heideki--sumono, do u know what it is? sumono--this is! heideki--is what? sumono--AN EMAIL ATTACHMENT!! Shinji(evangelion) a father taht you can talk to Asuka(evangelion) something she can take her anger out on, she seriously needs some anger management classes yomi(azumanga daioh) the adkins diet, she thinks shes fat Hibya Chiotsu(chobits) her own real daughter Dita and Zima(chobits) their own souls Daisuke(DNAngel) a body that he can put his alter-ego in, he keeps having an identity chrisis illpallazo(excel saga) a date sim game he can win, the last one he got, he broke it ta-kun(FLCL) a brain, cuz his heads empty! Kira(Gundam SEED) a girlfriend he can relate to, he has girl problems Jean Starwind(outlaw star) his desire, and another set of grapple arms for his ship. you can never have too many! Nanana(R.O.D.) her best friend, so she can finish her new book Lain(serial experiments lain)...id give her some psyche, she needs a rush desperatly Suichiro(wish)his mom, he misses her Hitoshi(A.I. Love You)a ...game he can actually win, hes gettin desperate Ryoko(Real bout High School)a new sword, no reason, really Ekichi(GTO)a proper high school education, this way he might know a little bit more about women Kanako(love hina) someone new to chase after, she needs to leave her bro alone *shudder* tsume(wolfs rain) a little more self security and confidence in others. he may be a loner, but it never hurts to trust others, too. Jung-Woo Im(Kill me, Kiss me) some more girlish clothing, they suit him everyone(all of the people in Gundam) SOME PEACE
  3. only anime things i can think of that would be christian friendly(no nudity, little language, and such) would be Love Hina, FLCL(i think), and Azumanga Daioh. like otaku princess said, Mr. Kimura is a pervert, and ive only seen the first DVD, but it looked mostly tame. one thing i for sure dont reccomend is Chobits. it seems to revolve around Heidaki pervertedness at first, but it later turns into a 'boy meets robot' show, with a twist.
  4. konnichi wa(hello) its funny, its stupid, and the only things i got out of it were the little quirks of japanese. arigato(a casual thank u)
  5. puni puni poami. its too hard to explain, youll have to watch it yourself. ...well, ill try. psycho girl super hero voice actor sensored nudity pointless superpowers fishhead wand big breasts excel saga giant robot testicle nunchuck masquerade crucified robot dog(now go back and say it 5 times fast, and you might get there)...enough or do u need more?
  6. hey, thanks! thats exactly what i was lookin for. *printing*
  7. in my opinion, music really can make or break a show. take for instance serial experiments lain. there was very little music in it, except in cyberia, and that was just fine. the whole show was set to be kinda creepy, i think. then you take a show like Inuyasha, where theres over 100 episodes to it, and they just use the same clips over, and over, and over, AND OVER, AND OVER(contenues for a while). it just get so frekkin repetitive that i just want to turn the tv off. it reuses the same clips too much too. then you get a show like azumanga daioh with its quirky theme that is currently stuck in my head now that i thought of it, lol. one show i know of that used the music content really well is the .hack// series. if it wasnt there, there really wouldnt be any mood to it, dontcha think? yes, i consider the voice acting good, but that just wouldnt be enough to me. a step away from the anime, some video games know how to strategicly use music in them too. when the action picks up, the music picks up. one game(i think it was SSX tricky) the better your doing, the better the music is. but if the music isnt right, it can ruin the game for you. i beleive the same can be said for movies and other genere's too. good topic choice, by the way
  8. PIKMIN!!!!! good game, way too short. you have 30 game days to beat it, but ive beaten it in 16. maby 6-7 real hours. pretty sad, wouldnt you say
  9. hey, anyone know a site where i can find some info on the eight phases? i used to go to one with maho/maha on the background, but i think its down now. any others out there i should know about? thanks [color=#4B0082]Merged this with the original thread about the .hack games. - [i]Desbreko[/i][/color]
  10. i like those, and...well...all of the songs! maby not Des Wandren and Open Your Heart, but i like all of them except those two. for some reason, im starting to really like japanese music. maby because im tryin to figure out the language ([url]www.kanjisite.com[/url] for a good library of the symbols.) who knows? ^^
  11. it is confusing, but at the same time it makes sence. i had to have a friend of mine watch it and explain it to me before i got it. after that, ive been thinking that i was kinda dense. well..not really. i didnt get Lain on the first go, nor FLCL, nor Puni Puni Poami(if ANYONE gets this on the first go, im impressed. for those of you who know what excel saga is, Puni is that, only riskier). i think i just like the abnormal anime
  12. yeah, anime music is cool. im obsessed with the .hack//(any) music. my current favorite song is Tasogare no Umi, or Sea of Twilight. most of the songs on the soundtracks are by Yuki Kajiura and See-Saw, and they have some sweet songs. favorite one thats in english would be Aura. its a sad, haunting melody that sounds upbeat, but once you listen to it a few times, you realise what its actually saying. some of the music is kinda depressing, but i love it anyways anyone else have a favorite .hack// song?
  13. Ed's cool, i think, but the most annoying character would be either Kagome from Inu Yasha or Flaye from Gundam Seed. Kagome is always yelling 'inuyasha! inyasha! look out inuyasha!' SIT!!! (ok, the sit is funny sometimes) but her voice is just too winey. Flaye is....just....letcherous....i guess. shes always hitting on someone throught what i have seen of Gundam Seed. dunno if that will change or not, though. i guess you could say she's like Miroku, in a less funny, more vengeful way.
  14. azu azu azu, who doesnt love this if theyve read it? i went to hastings about 4-5 months ago, read about 30 pages of the first book, and was hooked. since then, ive gotten all 4 books and the first DVD(going to get the rest, just hold on). my fav character would have to be hands down Mr. Kimura. at one point in the dvd(no spoilders) in english, he comments 'DING DING DING DING DING~' play that part back in japanese, and youll burst out laughing. the manga's great, but i dont really care for the ending, im sorry to say. GREAT OTHERWISE, dont get me wrong
  15. Fave character(s)? i got a lot of them Mr. Kimura from Azumanga Daioh. hes a pervert, but he doesnt bother trying to hide it at all, including what he says. Edward from Cowboy Bebop. Shes a computer freak, highly intelligent, loves to eat, and can type with her feet. who couldnt love someone like that?¿? Hideki from Chobits. a 17 year old virgin and computer clutz who stumbles across a persicom that doesnt know ANYTHING and tries not to act like a pervert around it or his many cohorts, all of whom are computer literate, making him feel left out. good for confiding in, though. Sora from .hack//sign BOING BOING ...hey baby, can i have your address? 'no.' hmm....ok *slice* by the way, hes a fourth grader Fulken from Escaflowne. been a while since i watched it, but he's hella cool Excel and Hyatt from Excel Saga. theyre just both so wierd, i cant choose!! one is extreemly stupid, and the other falls over dead every 5 minutes. Ed from Full Metal Alchemist. a pipsqueak master alchemist with a short temper Sesshoumaru from Inu Yasha. a one armed, human hating, dog-demon killing machine with a sword that can only heal, and travles with a goblin thingy and a human girl named Rin. confused yet? Aisha Clan Clan(Klan Klan)(something like that) from Outlaw Star. shes some kind of cat creature that has a high sense of pride, and doesnt like to take any crap from anyone Rei Ayamani from Evangelion. ive watched the whole thing, but shes still an enigma my all time favorite would be...oh hell...i dont know! HELP!! theres probably tons of others i like, but i cant remember them all! T_T
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