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About C_Tyrant

  • Birthday 05/27/1988

Profile Information

  • Biography
    I'm good. I'm great. I'm straight how 'bout you?
  • Occupation
    Evil is my occupation/Love is my alternation.

C_Tyrant's Achievements

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New Member (1/6)



  1. Well I live in Birmingham. Alabama not United Kingdom :rolleyes: anyways, we had probably the first cold Christmas in bham since before the Civil War or something...
  2. well if u think about it this world just cant turn without segregation. Y u ask? u probably didn't but still everything in this world has labels right?. If it didnt have a label u would not know what to call something... Then you have the fact that a majority of people in this world wants a winner and a loser.... u put the two together and you have a society where people think something has to be in a group and it has to be better or worse than some other group...
  3. Well, you probably won't see this this anyways. but just in case.... I suggest Heat guy J.... The first few episodes might leave you guessin but the plot really comes together after a while :) . You would really like the show if you are into crazed maniacal villians i.e. Clair Leonelli than this is right up your alley!!!!!!!!!! :D if not, then..... I'm so sorry for u :(
  4. 16 aint been seen on tha block....' anyway by this time i dont think anyone is looking at the replies *blinks* so uuuuhhhhhhhhhh I'll leave quitely................ :smirk:
  5. Okay lets fess up. How many of you guys have actually watched heat Guy J? Show of hands plz? :smirk:
  6. Well, I saw a topic that said something about who is the best pop band.... I ain't too much of a pop person so what I would like to know is who is the best artists per :cool: iod....
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