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Everything posted by Kairi

  1. [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1][CENTER][COLOR=Black][SIZE=1]OOC: I will fullfill my promise Redemption :-p. I apologize to everyone for not posting for an obseen amount of time. I'll work my character slowly back into the fray of things. [/SIZE][/COLOR] [CENTER]Not only for the annoyance of her meeting with the crew being interrupted by the attack, but now before her stood an incompetant male assisstant asking for instructions for the repairs needed on the ships which were now being docked in the cargobay. [B]"...Also, we're going to need a new installation of power cells into every Volker battleship...I didn't have enough time before the intitial launch to fully equip each of their power supplies. It was a good thing that the battle lasted shortly as it did. From these readings each of their power supplies are nearly burnt out...make sure this is done more efficiently this time."[/B] with that Dr. Xerinth turned off the small monitor on her wrist and returned to her meal. [B]"Yes...as you wish."[/B] that was all that the young man said, and he was quickly on his way with his instructions. Just the tone of his voice gave her a headache. It was so foreign...so alien in a way. Laying down the fork, Laura massaged the sides of her temples...trying to subdue the pain. The pills she took hours before while the battle ensued weren't taking any effect. [I] ...I need to see a doctor...this sudden change in pace must be getting to me already...but the doctor is a male...would probably only make it worse...[/I] from what she gathered alread from her male subordinates...men weren't very reliable, and were somewhat arrogant. In her frustration as the pain seemed to reach its threashold, Laura slammed her fist on top of the table, shaking the contents on her tray..[B]"fine!"[/B] Leaving her food behind, she decided to go see the doctor. [/CENTER][/CENTER][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][CENTER][SIZE=1][I]Very good.......break my dear friend....break.....the transition with me so much easier when you finally learn to break.....[/I] sipping only a taste of the red wine before him, The Master of Games made a firm gaze at the members around the table who were resisting to sharing the contents of their cards. He was very very proud of those who had come forward and committed to their cards thus far, but those who were cowering...they would be swiftly dealt with. [B]"Excuse me..."[/B] the tears and the aura of saddness enveloping the dinning table would be overwelming for anyone, but it was making Dante sick to the stomach[I]...how pathetic...[/I] [B]"Everyone...please relax for a moment...I need to say something."[/B] There were quite a few sniffles and deep breaths around the table as the noise quietly died down. Those who hadn't shared the contents of their cards were keeping their eyes on their food and would not look up at Dante who now rose. "I believe that will be all for the evening. I am sorry if some of the contents that you were asked to share were...personal and private. However I must warn you, this is only the beginning of the game...and for those who have stayed true to the rules...I applaud you. But don't think that the game will get any easier. For those who refuse to follow through with their cards will be punished...this I promise." [B] "For now, let us retire to our rooms and get ready for bed...your new cards will be delivered to you before you go to sleep."[/B] with that, Dante...seemingly in a rush left quickly from the dinning room and left everyone in their present states without another word. [I] I'll teach them to make a fool out of me...[/I][/CENTER][/COLOR] [B]OOC: I'm somewhat dissapointed at the people who have not posted...I apologize for the pause to all those who did post, thank for for staying true to the RPG. Those who have not posted...if you don't post by the end of the day I will be killing off every single one of you, and use those characters who have posted. Again, I apologize for the wait everyone...I was trying to give ample time to those who haven't posted...however I cannot wait any longer. [/B][/SIZE]
  3. [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1][CENTER]A loud screeching noise echoed throughout the entire mansion...speakers could be heard above everyone's heads as a soft feminine voice could be heard breathing in the background.[B] [I]"It is not time for dinner...everyone please make your way to the dinning area and take your seats...the Master of Games will be with you shortly. Please, do not forget your cards."[/B][/I] Dante Lui'ci was sitting in his living quarters on the far side of the mansion; far away from everyone else. Sitting in front of a fireplace, the glow of the flames radiated over his face. A warm sensatino spread throughout his entire body...not from the fire, but from the females voice...[I]it's time[/I]. Despite his new appearance, Lui'ci always required the use of his cane...a curse upon his leg since he began this game so many years ago. Slowly making his way through what seemed to be an endless string of hallways, the excitement of the night became more and more overwelming. Upon entering the dinning room, his servants were already hadn't out everyones specially made to their most favorite meals. The master smiled to himself as he made his way to the only lone seat. The table was circular, allowing everyone to look at one another...everyone was completely exposed. [B] "Hello ladies and gentlement!"[/B] Lui'ci's voice was strong and direct as everyone in their seats turned to him with curious looks on their faces. The master of games continued to circle the table, almost stalking everyone...looking them all in the eye.[B] "Welcome to my humble home...as I stated in your emails, whatever you desire will be given to you."[/B] Immidiately a wave of servants flooded the dinning room and circled the table. [B]"These fine men and women that surround you now will answer to whatever call you ask of them."[/B] Dante Lui'ci simply snapped his fingers, and all the servants exitted just as quickly as they entered. [B] "As you can see, they are very efficient, and will listen to any command that you give them. But enough of formalities..."[/B] Finally, Lui'ci made his way to his seat and sat down. The smell of so many exquisite meals filled his nostrils...however no one seemed to be eating...listening intently to what he had to say next. [B] "I apologize...I should've waited to start this until you all were finished with your dinner, so I will maket his quick. My name is Dante Lui'ci, however I've also been known as the Master of Games. This game that you are now a part of has been going on for centuries. The rules of this game have changed over the years, however the priniciples have been handed down from generation to generation of my family."[/B] [B] "I hope that you all have brought your cards with you. We'll be opening them up soon enough, however I want to make clear the rules of my game. First, you must obey your cards...by not following through with your card will result in a penalty (the masters voice sounded seductive while saying this word)"[/B] [B]"The only way to get out of what your card requires of you, is to present to me something of equal value...which will be determined by myself. However I will not tell you what would be equally presentable to me. If you lack in your offering, this will result in a penalty..."[/B] [B]"Every so often...so that we can weed out the strong from the weak, I will be holding votes which will determine who shall leave the mansion. These votes will of course be confidential."[/B] [B]"Other than those rules, there is nothing more I need to say. You all are adults here..."[/B] then the master turned and looked at the young girl sitting to his right...she looked nervous, and held her head down when he looked at her. Not getting a look back from her, he turned his attention back to the others. [B] "I know that you all know how to take care of yourselves. Oh...before I forget, Mr. Kuro has already been eliminated due to a certain complication...I won't get into anymore details.......*pause*......forgive me I find myself rambling..."[/B] Dante clapped his hands together and rubbed them together as if he was preparing himself for something. [B]"If no one has any questions...let us continue to eat. Once you're finished with your meal, you may read your card and follow it through immidiately."[/B] Leaning back in his chair, Lui'ci rested his chin in his left palm and relaxed as he watched them all continue eating their meals, him not having anything in front of him...his appetite wasn't for food..... ***[/CENTER][/SIZE][/COLOR] If any of you have any questions just PM me, and I will answer them asap so that you can include them in your post. Everyone who was not in the dinning room before Dante's entrance just write a short clip of you entering the dinning room before this time. Once you've finished eating your meal, you may follow through with what your card asked when you open it at the table.
  4. Regarding the cards, you as the characters will be writing your responses/actions towards the card that is given to you. You of course can decline to do the cards will, however remember the rules I posted in the Inn...so go read those. they will also be repeated when I post before i ask u all to open ur letters. If you refuse your card I will PM you all what punishment you'll receive, or the actions I will take so that you can plan your post around that. I'll also be involving myself and my posts around that punishment. This is all part of the game...the cards you all received...are nothing to what i have planned, and u always have a choice not to do them. however, there is always a risk of being punished, and/or getting voted off by myself and your other housemates. How do u think they'd feel when they go through with their cards, and u decline...this is a game.
  5. I'm glad to see most of you are using this tool for what is was created for :). Remember I am not in charge of these kinds of things; this is your rpg and how you want it handled. Remember im constantly evaluating your accuracy and efficiency in your writing, because if i do see problems people will be voted off so I'm glad to see most of you working with one another to make this work. everyone has made some good/valid points and please work with one another...I will be initiating dinner and the events to follow soon so please be ready for your "card" posts.
  6. [CENTER][COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1][B]"Mr. Kuro!"[/B] the sudden yell took both Ben and Kuro off guard as a behemoth of a man stood at the doorway of their bedroom. It was another black man wearing a white suit, obviously another servant. Kuro, standing a good foot and a half smaller than the servant, approached him slowly and looked up. [B]"Yes sir...."[/B] his voice stuttered...surprinsgly for him being known as a tough young man back in his hometown. [B] "Lord Lui'ci requests your presence back at the mainland." [/B]the servant stepped to the side and motioned for Kuro to follow him out immidiately. Kuro shot a concerned look at Benjamin who returned the same glance as Kuro turned away and held his head down load as he left the room. The servant immidiately followed behind Kuro, and Benjamin was left in bewilderment. [SIZE=2][B] ***[/B][/SIZE] The ferry ride for Kuro was a quite and lonely one, for he was the only one on the boat besides to captain. The night began to turn cold and bitter as the wind from the ocean began to blow towards the mainland. All he could think to himself was what this master could possibly want from him. His demeanor from eariler demanded respect, however it came only through that of fear. Fear which now spread throughout all of Kuros' veins...it felt like his spine was freezing from the inside. The lights all around the ferry began to flicker on and off as new chill spread across his body as cold air rushed into his lungs. Without warning Dante Lui'ci was sitting behind Kuro. Banging his cane against the back of Kuro's chair, the young man spun around and stared into Dante's blue eyes. The moon seemed to make his face glow as a slight grin came over his face. The old man...didn't quite look like an old man anymore...before Kuro's eyes, the master of games seemed to be getting...younger... [B]"What....."[/B] Kuro stumbled...trying to muster up some courage. [B]"What is it that you wanted..."[/B] Leaning close to Kuro who backed away from Dante in his seat...the lights began to die down, surrounding the inside of the boat with darkness. It was too sudden for Kuro to react...listen to the last words he'd ever hear... [B]"We wanted you..."[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR][/CENTER] [CENTER][SIZE=2] [B]***[/B][/SIZE][/CENTER] [SIZE=1]Everyone, please continue to interact with all your housemates. Also, everyone start get ready and head to dinner. Kuro (LoT) will not be posting in this rpg from this point on due to personal problems, so I've taken the liberty of him being my first "victim" which will become part of the many truths that you'll find out about Dante and the mansion. I will arrive to dinner once you all are there...and will initiate when you all are to open your cards. Please take note that Dante is now a young man...and not an old man anymore. I thought I had described him in my first post him being young, so I've corrected this :) [/SIZE]
  7. [CENTER][SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1][CENTER][B]"Koala's huh?"[/B] the young man seemed to appear out of nowhere as his comment could be heard from behind Allen's shoulder. Allen froze for a moment, and slowly turned his attention towards the man before before him. The Master of Games was leaning on his cane, slightly leaning to his left. Besides the cane he looked surprisingly strong and firm for a cripple. Behind his waving silver hair in the wind Dante's warm looking emerald eyes met with Allen's who immidiately felt weak at the knees. To his surprise, the Master of Games leaned closer to Allen, almost touching his lips to his right ear. [B]"I know something else you're quite fond of...much much more than any Koala."[/B] The statement shook Allen to the bone as Dante stiffened himself into a firm posture yet again and addressed everyone. [B]"Welcome everyone!"[/B] the annoucement now startled everyone else and not only Allen...surely they would've noticed a man with a cane amongst them. [B]"I'm sorry to have startled you. You all seemed to be preoccupied with getting to know one another, and I couldn't help myself but walk amongst you unknowingly and endulge in what you all were talking about."[/B] He loved this part of the game...the anticipation. The feeling was spreading as the thought of the rewards flooded their minds; all were looking at him, waiting like helpless dogs for further instructions...each with their own intentions. [B]"I welcome you all now to enter my home. Please, pick up your belongings and make your way inside. Just follow the driveway all the way up to the grand hall entrance. The doors will be open to you, as my servants will attend to your every need. Everyone has a roommate which they will be staying with for this ordeal due to so many of you accepting my invitation."[/B] [I] ...there were more than just us?[/I] questioned Mariko to herself, the small little girl as she tried to get a glimpse of the master through the crowd that now surrounded him. [B]"Don't worry each room is quite large for each of your individual needs, I hope you find all to be satisfactory. I will meet you all promptly at 6pm for dinner. It is now 4:40pm so please endulge yourselves for the time being and tour the mansion to your hearts content. Your roommate assignments will be placed on the doorway as you enter the mansion. Also, your first cards are already placed on your beds."[/B] There was a long pause, and the group instinctively began to turn away from Dante and head up the driveway. [B]"However!"[/B] everyone stopped and turned back to him. [B]"You may not open and read your card yet...that will be done at dinner time; where all the rules of the game will be explained."[/B] Before anyone could question him or say anything, the master was already heading to the Ferry back to mainland...[/CENTER][/SIZE][/COLOR] [SIZE=2] [COLOR=Black][B]***[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE] [LEFT][COLOR=Black]Let the games begin. As I've said you all will be receiving your first cards after this post is up. However I've instructed that the cards wont be opened until dinner, so don't make mentions or hints of what your card contains until dinner. Your post during dinner you will be allowed to write your card in your post as you read it. I'll be initiating the dinner post to bring you all together for the event. Each room is designed to exactly what your ideal living environment is in conjunction with your roommates dream room. Make the mansion out to be whatever you want it to be, what it includes and basic layout. *giggle*...this is going to be so much fun. For me of course, your characters im not sure about :-p. Here are the rooming arrangements[/COLOR][/LEFT][/SIZE][/CENTER] [COLOR=DarkRed][RIGHT] Jennie/Ally Mariko/Wendy/Cecille Allen/Sena Sean/Roland Kuro/Benjamin[/RIGHT][/COLOR]
  8. [SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkSlateGray][CENTER][B]"Systems checks on all Volkers."[/B] Xerinth was in her typical working mode as worked with the spacecrafts unique computer design. While the rest of the "crew" was dinning Laura took the opportunity to work with the AI systems and robotics to get ahead of her duties. With such tension in the air, they needed to be ready for anything. [B][COLOR=Black] [LEFT]All Volkers Meet Standard Regulations And Are All At 115% Working Capacity[/LEFT][/COLOR][/B] Pressing a series of coordinates and commands into her small computer on her arm, Volkers all over the station began to mix and match according to name registrations. [I]We might as well make it interesting for them...[/I] Xerinth smiled to herself at her sedistic humor as she took a deep sigh, realizing that there was no human presense around to share with her in her humor. [B]"Oh well."[/B] Taking out a plastic pen, Xerinth typed a series of numbers into her planner to be filtered out to every Volker Pilotes room on the ship. [I][COLOR=Black][B][RIGHT] Attention all Volker Pilotes...at 1800 hours there will be a full debreafing on your new Volker Models and battle strategies. Thank you...Dr. Laura Xerinth, Obsession.[/RIGHT][/B][/COLOR][/I] [I]What a day...[B]"yawn"[/B][/I] but Xerinth new that her night wasn't over yet. Thinking about meeting with the other crew members, she decided not to until the debreafing later that night...to try and keep some kind of professionalizm with this new element of "men" being on the Obsession. [I] Maybe I'll mix it up a little tonight[/I]. Smiling to herself again in her humorous ways she planned on what and how the meeting would go. [/CENTER][/COLOR][/SIZE]
  9. [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1][CENTER][B]?Where are you!?[/B] the young mans usual cool demeanor vanished as a coffee mug flew over-head amongst the other desks in the office and smashed into the nearest wall. The soothing smell of Starbuck coffee flooded the office space as it began to stain in the wall. While many other FBI agents turned their attention to the loan desk in the northeastern corner, Special Agent Frank Michal kept his sights to the loads of paperwork in his desk, ignoring his recent outburst. [COLOR=Black][RIGHT]September 20th, 1960?another mansion is found abandoned on the outskirts of Japan. The belongings of almost 20 missing person?s reports around the world have been found within the mansion?no bodies have been found?no witnesses. In all my years of service to my country, I?ve never seen anything like this?anywhere. Have there been more of these?have more of these occurred that just simply haven?t been documented?[/RIGHT] [RIGHT]March 3rd, 1987?we are convinced this is the work of a mimic?a copycat of the original murders back in 1960?this is the seventh. We?ve acquired a photograph of the complex?s owner?however there seems to be no paper trail to follow. This?Dante Lui?ci seems to be a ghost. July 16th, 1990?this report is filed by Special Agent Frank Barrows. Whoever this man is?he is becoming daring, and the frequency of these events are increasing with each year. It has been told to me that his hunger for?whatever it is that he does is increasing. It is puzzling that with each new photograph acquired through a single paper trail of property ownership, he continues to change in appearance. However that damn smile??.is he taunting us?how can he still be alive?is he letting us find these photos?because all leads have come to a dead end.[/RIGHT] [/COLOR] [B]?Are you alright Michal??[/B] Special Agent Maria Lowes came up from behind Frank who gave no sign of acknowledgement to her voice? [B]?No?.?[/B] Franks voice trailed off as he continued to shift through old reports on the case. [B]?I don?t know what to do Maria??[/B] she quickly pulled up a chair next to him. [B]?We can?t put out a photograph of him on our Most Wanted List because of the constant change in photo?the rest of the world things we?re nuts, that this is all a hoax due to no bodies have ever been found. They just cover things up that they don?t understand and pass them off as fairy tales.?[/B] Frank paused for a moment; Maria listening intently? [B]?But we found his body Frank; why are you still concerned about finding him. We found the body of an old man in the mansion that had the same appearance as the most recent photograph that we had of Dante Lui?ci. He was one of only a few bodies that weren?t taken in the fire. The case is closed.?[/B] [B] ?I don?t believe that?this doesn?t fit his pattern. This was the first time there were any bodies?and what of the missing body??[/B] Now Maria was becoming slightly irritated with Frank, [B]?it could have been an accident where his games finally caught up with him and ultimately killed him, we was after all an old man and may have lost his touch. As for the other crimes dating back to the 1400?s?it could?ve been a family legacy, you just don?t know those details Frank! At least he?s dead!?[/B] There was a long pause? [B]?Do you know what my father used to say to me about this case??[/B] Franks father was an FBI agent himself who spent his entire life on the Lui?ci cases. Maria said nothing; Frank finally turned to her in his chair away from his desk and she simply nodded?allowing him to continue. [B]?He used to tell me about Hansel and Gretel?do you remember that story.?[/B] [B] ?Of course I do?but what does a child?s fairy tale have to do with this case??[/B] Frank smiled at her; if only she could see and know what he had in his mind about all this?about the horror that he predicted for the next victims. [B]?In the story of Hansel and Gretel, the two children are drawn to the house due to it being made of candy?it enticed them, and an old woman invites them in to share what the house had to offer. However, in the end?the old woman plans to eat the children.?[/B] [B]?So??[/B] Agent Maria had a very apparent look of annoyance at this fabrication and insanity that she saw Frank going down. [B]?This is the real world Frank, you?re losing it. Maybe you need to make a visit to the psychiatrist. You have forgotten that this past incident was different than the others. For once we have bodies?instead of going off on your fairy tale nonsense?case closed?move on? [/B]She shook her head and got herself up from her seat. [I]You don?t understand Maria?all fairy tales have truth?they?ve just been changed from century to century?I don?t know why?I don?t know how?but maybe?just maybe? [/I] Frank took a moment to stop his thinking, for the result was just too unreal to think of?all his training told him not to think in such dimensions. But at this stage of the game?he had no other options. [I]?Something evil?something evil was at work here?and evil?never dies?[/I] [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=2][B]***[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR] [B]?Has everything been arranged??[/B] his voice was confident and almost heartwarming as the Master of Games walked down a long golden hallway with stretch out red carpet leading all the way to the Gallery of Dreams. The Gallery was more like a Grand Hall that lead outside through its massive twin doors. Two spiral staircases went up to the second floor where two separate wings, one leading east, and the other leading west. In the east wing were the living quarters for his guests; the west was his living area. The remainder of the massive complex was connected to the Gallery from the first floor. A single servant stood at his side as they both made their way to the front door, which was already open, letting in the fresh salt air of the Australian coastline. The Master of Games leaned against a cane on his left side with a black spherical globe on it?s top with a glint of red shining from its center. The Master of Games was young and strong; his long silver hair blowing in the rush of wind from outside, covering his deep emerald eyes. [B] ?Everything has been done as you?ve requested my Lord, we shall be leaving shortly to pick them all up.?[/B] The slave was a big black man who was dressed in a white suit. [B]?Thank you, you may take your leave.?[/B] The servant bowed to his master as Dante did likewise in acknowledgement and watched his servant head towards a long line of black limousines. One by one they exited the courtyard with a simple, yet large fountain in its center. Dante himself wore a black suit with a long brown trench coat. In his right hand he began to feel up and down the envelopes in his pocket the first of many cards that he would present to his guests. [I] ?let the games begin?[/I] [B][SIZE=2] [COLOR=DarkRed]***[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] [LEFT]Welcome everyone to the House of Dreams. In this place everything you want will be yours. The rules of this house will be explained in detail in a future post. For your first post I would like you to write your experience leaving whatever home you have, being picked up by Dante's servants, and you arriving to the mansion. You may not go inside until I post again to let you all in. Please get to know and interact with your fellow housemates, you're going to need friendships and bonds in this rpg to survive. My next post will be at the latest on thursday/friday. If you don't post by then I will be continuing on the rpg without you and you must write a post to catch yourself up and you'll be considered "late" arriving to the mansion. Again thank you for playing :) Your first two sets of cards are already made and you'll be receiving them by my third post at dinner that day of arrival. [/LEFT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  10. [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1][CENTER]Haha, I figured a lot of people would sign up once I posted that the thread would be closed soon. So now that I have 10+ people, this thread is now officially closed. The rpg will be starting in the adventure square tonight. Some reminders for everyone who has posted, I have two hints to offer you that will make this rpg run smoother, as well as avoiding you being voted off the roster and thus ending your opportunity to continue posting. 1) Read everyone's profiles with great care, because most of your cards and all the senarios that I will be placing people in are derived from them, so you need to know a lot about the other characters to fully understand what is going on. This also includes read everyone's posts FULLY. If I even get a hint that you're skipping reading people's posts and mess up the rpg due to not reading the prior posters elements, you will immidiately be questioned and will be voted on by the other posters. So you are constantly going to be evaluated by not only myself but by your peers. 2) Make this rpg your own. My role is simply to "stir the pot" with all the things that I'll be asking of you which will be a great fun for all of us to go through together. But inbetween all of these segments, make this rpg your own...and be openly creative. I have put very little limitations on you all (I mean come on, this house will give you everything that you want). So get involved and be active, dont be lazy and just work off of what I write. Get ready, cause i've got some juicy cards already made out for everyone...mmwwaaahhhaaaaa!!![/CENTER][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  11. [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1][CENTER]Alright ladies and gents, thank you all for posting. Yes all your sign ups are great and are accepted :-p...and Nucifer you can be whatever kind of character that you want. Whatever makes you the most "comfortable." mmwwaaahhhaaaaaaa!! To answer your question Neko in the underground, yes my brother was in charge writing the rpg, however I was the one who came up with the cards (hospital drugs worked wonders in creating those cards). Reason for it failing was he became a lazy bastard and just stopped writing for me. Tuesday 8:00pm (US Eastern Time) is when I'll post the rpg up in the Adventure Square. THIS IS A MUST READ due to the conten that is going to be included. Along with Lui'ci's initial post, I'll also be including a quick summary of what happened in the past two sessions. This rpg was initially intended to be a 3 part series, however due to complications it never ended up that way, so I'll be writing a short story clip of the first 2 series that I wished to occur, and this will be its final installment with all questions answered. For those who plan on posting a sign-up...I recommend you do so asap before Tuesday because i need time to plan out all your "cards." Again, thank you all for posting :) I'm very happy with the quality, variety, and number of respondants. [/CENTER][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  12. lol...ssshhhh! dont spoil the "surprise" lol Yea im glad as well, I just hope more people start to actually view the freaking rpg and maybe sign up ;). It was unfortunate that I had to go to the hospital for surgery when the last season of this rpg started which I left in the hands of my brother...biggest mistake ever. So im hoping more will come so I can show off this rpg's "true colors"
  13. [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1][CENTER]Welcome for all those who've Sign'd up thus far, definitly keep them coming everyone. If you have'friends definitly let them know about this rpg to join. I'm hoping for a bout 8-10 people. Nefertimon, I find it saddening that there was a "cap" on the last version of this rpg. Unfortunately I had no idea that there was one due to my brother running the Adventure Inn signups for the rpg due to me being in the hospital with surgery. So for his arrogance I apologize for the hurt before. Believe me I'm not going to make his mistakes (which resulted in the last one not starting up at all). So yes you will definitly be participating and developing yourself within the storyline :). I'm sure that you'll be having a lot of fun. Again, I apologize for the misunderstanding last time. I hope that doesn't influence your skill and impact on the rpg this time around. Again, get the word out...we need more. I'll start this regardless, but I'd like to get a couple more "entertaining." ;) Just to warn all those who have posted I'm a very sick bastard in this rpg...so please dont let that influence what your thoughts of me are...im a very nice and understanding guy. Like i've said, there is an underground up for any questions or comments. This rpg will not be a dissapointment; just ask Neko ;)[/CENTER][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  14. If you have any questions please dont hesitate to ask.
  15. [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1][SIZE=2][B]Fantasies Desire / Realities Sin [M-LSV][/B][/SIZE] [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][I]In the mountains of Scotland, looking out onto the crashing waves of the Atlantic Ocean against its rocky shores; is a Mansion named ??Heavenly Home.?? A single man lived within the mansion; for years, he had been choosing individuals from all over the world to participate in a game which he has prepared for them. He was very wealthy...and wished to fulfill the desires of these poor souls. [CENTER]Now the house that once held the souls of thirteen now lies in ruin to the consuming flames of hell[/CENTER][/I] [/COLOR] [CENTER][B]"Inspector Michal,"[/B] a half-witted Lieutenant of the Scotish police walked besides a strong looking American who was dressed in a very casual attire. [B]"We've been able to identify all of the bodies found amongst the rubble. To our surprise, there was no evidence of any kind of servanthood. No clothing of a maid or butler has been discovered...we've assumed that any flammables were taken in the fire."[/B] Even in the brisk winds of the Scotish coast and the enduring rainfall, the fire with now consumed the mansion conturned to live on...as if some greater evil fueled its rage. Despite the Scot's complex accent and dialect, the American understood every word. [B] "Even so Lieutenant, there have been many reports from town that there lived a single old man who kept to himself. There were weekly transports of food up to the mansion, and there was no sign of any servants."[/B] The inspector paused for a moment; taking in his thoughts and the situation that was before him. [B]"Did you acquire the owners name of this establishment?"[/B] [B] "Yes...a Dante Lui'ci, an American like yourself. However, there were some...problems with the date of birth."[/B] [B] "Such as?"[/B] [B] "...it says right here on his birth certificate that he was born in the 1400's..."[/B] the inspector quickly snatched the folder of papers from the Lieutenant and took a look for himself. It was what he had feared. Pulling a picture out of his pocket, the inspector matched that picture up against the records that he had taken from the Lieutenant. The picture was different was the current one of 2005....but on the bottom right hand corner, there was inscribed the name Dante Lui'ci, dated 1875; one of five pictures with different dates with the same name. However, the same devilish grin was in each photo... [B]"What is the matter inspector?"[/B] the Scot was concerned as the inspector suddenly turned a shade of white, even in light of the fire in front of them. [B]"...this isn't over..."[/B][/CENTER] [B][COLOR=Black]10/2/06[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=Black]Unknown to the inspector, an email is now being sent to thirteen individuals all over the world... [/COLOR] [I]Hello, I?m writing to you, my friend, to congratulate you on winning an all expense paid trip to visit me on a secluded island off the coast of Austrailia to live in my mansion for as long as you wish. Beware, this is no ordinary mansion mind you. Within the walls of my home, everything you ever wished for will be granted to you. And I mean....everything. All the deepest, darkest desires of your heart will be yours. Whatever pleasure you seek for yourself...will be granted to you. If you desire love, sex, money, drugs, food...all of life?s commodities will be yours. If you wish to accept this honor, please...simply reply back with a smile yes or no; and immediate transportation plans will be set in place for you to arrive. If you choose to decline this offer there will be nothing held against you. Upon arriving, there is but one rule which you must obey while in my home. [RIGHT][I][B][COLOR=DarkRed][FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium]You must obey your card...[/FONT][/COLOR] (the lettering looks to be written in blood) [FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium][COLOR=DarkRed]You must obey whatever I say... You must sacrifice something of equal value in order for you to refuse the laws above...[/COLOR][/FONT][/B][/I][/RIGHT] That is all..,everything will be explained when you arrive...any questions that you have will not be with held from you prior to entering the mansion. You may be asking yourself...??why would I bother coming to a place such as this??? I?ll tell you why...if you play my little game...if you last living in the house, you will earn half of my family fortune, which comes to around thirteen billion dollars. I?m not joking, I?ve come to realize the worthlessness of money...so I?ve decided to give most of it away to the ones who I find to be worthy. And I will wait as long as it takes to find the right ones. So; whomever can stay within the house for six months, will be declared the winner...and the thirteen billion will be split between those who are left. But hear me...once you enter the mansion, you may not leave the grounds of the estate. Doing so, unless being told to do so by myself or the decisions of your fellow housemates will result in severe punishment. So there you have it; come to my mansion...where all your dreams come true...and have the opportunity to win thirteen billion dollars. No strings attached...and believe me...it will be worth your while. Oh, one more thing...do not tell anyone of this, for we want to make this as smooth and without interruptions from the outside world. Don?t worry...we?ll know if you tell...which will automatically revoke your chances of coming to my mansion. As clarity for your honesty and silence...I have taken the liberty of electronically sending thiry thousand dollars to your personal back account, as a token of my friendship too you. That is all I will tell you...once you reply back to this email...you will have an escort waiting outside your house within two days to bring you to the mansion. I have chosen you because I feel you to be worthy of such a reward; for your dedication to society, your love and compassion, your leadership, your strength through turmoil, and last but not least...for just who you are.[/I] [FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium][COLOR=DarkRed]Catch ya later... Sincerely, Dante Lui'ci...[/COLOR][/FONT] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ New mansion, new master...new rules...same horror. Welcome everyone, this story takes place after the disaster which occured in Scotland. Thirteen of the Fourteen who occupied the house, including the Master himself have died...leaving only one survivor, who's taken the former Masters name as his own to continue. All of the secrets and mysteries of the first rpg will be revieled. Being a former writer for the rpg is a plus, but if you're new to the story it will not hinder you. I warn you, there is a lot of detail in this rpg from myself and other writers, so be wary. Something I've added to the story is that there is a possibilty of your character getting "voted off the island" so to say. This will be based on attendance, accuracy in your writing, and your ability to perform your cards, so do your best. In this mansion...everything you've ever wanted will be given too you. Let your imagination soar...and it will be given too you. This mansion also contains many secrets.... The Cards: Envelopes that will be given to you by the Master of Games (Dante Lui'ci) every so often. On them will read a task...and you must obey them...or there will be consequences if you do not. You may not share the information that is given too you. You think....wait...wont the other member be seeing my card when I post. Ah....that?s the best part...they wont. I will personally send out the tasks by PM. So that it will always be a mystery to the rest. If you do not obey, or fulfill the request...you are punished. And believe me...within the mansion are hidden camera?s watching your every move. If you tell....you die. You must obey them....no matter what they say. Something I'm adding which I didn't allow in the last rpgs; if your card involves another character, you are allowed to tell them your card. However, you can only do it outside of the rpg storyline, whether by PM, AIM, etc. etc. ***Of course your characters wont know the specifics of this law until they actually go into the mansion. If you have any questions...just PM me. This story is going to be full of twists, suspense, gore; everything you can think of will be shown in this RPG; especially with the usage of these cards. This RPG is yours to make your own...for you will be living in this mansion with everyone else. Form friendships...bonds, relationships...because you?ll need them when the Master of Games interferes. This is what I need... Name: Age: (be creative if you'd like) Sex: Location: (anywhere in the world, but you must speak English, but can curse and whatnot in your own languages if you wish) Appearance: (picture needed) Personality: Bio: (include an aspect of yourself from any of the elements that I've stated above in the email given that has caused the Master of Games to choose you, nothing else is needed in this section) Greatest Desire: Greatest Fear: Also...not all thirteen openings need to be filled. But if there are more then 13 I'll determine if I'll go above the given number, or I'll be selecting writers. I will be opening an underground for any questions that you all need to be answered. If asked for, I'll give an indepth pre-story to what happened in the last mansion.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  16. [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1][CENTER][LEFT][COLOR=Black]4:20pm...[/COLOR][/LEFT] Laura's patience was wearing thin as she awaited further instructions while waiting within Satellite Dock 1. The western entrance was cold and empty with only a few insignificant workers making their way through the zone. [COLOR=Black][B][I] [CENTER]Download Complete[/CENTER] [/I][/B][/COLOR] A thin pastic strip connected to Xerinth's forarm burst to life in a brilliant aque blue aura as it expanded out into a mini computer. Pulling out a digital pen, Laura scrolled the new files on each of the individual's profile whom she'd be supervision. First file contained her subordinates who'd be in charge of refuelling, reloading, and maintaing all of the Volker fighters. They were a basic model, nothing special from what Xerinth could see. They were a similar model used in the Water Wars 4 years ago in a couple colonies rebellion against the Council of Svune. Second file contained the files of each of the Volker fighter pilots. To her surpise, only two files out of the five slots filled were given to her. Xerinth cursed underneath her breath as she contemplated this error. [B] "People are such idiots...how do they expect me to do my job without the proper information."[/B] she quickly dismissed the error and reviewed what files she did have...only again realizing that their 'employer' had only acccepted five pilots from the standardized number of 6 per squad. Xerinth swore once again...this time out load, echoing throughout the entire dock. She'd have to accomidate for that loss later....Laura noted this in her notepad on the computer. [B] "Maybe I should've been a pilot this time..."[/B] her statement drifted towards the end as the mini computer normalized into its sleek black rod state once again. Pressing a button on her belt, the gravity field formed desipated and she began to float in the air. Bringing her left foot out, Laura pressed firmly against the wall behind her and sent her flying towards the opposite wall. With grace and control Xerinth began doing flips and kicks while her bodies motion carried her. In perfect syncrony Xerinth stopped her progressing and kicked the wall with her toes pointing upward, forcing the sole of her foot to lunge her body in zero gravity towards the wall. The same routine continued from one side all to the other; her long black leather dress (if that what you'd call it) and thrust herself from the ceiling down towards the ground. Supporting her collision with the floor with her hands and knees, with her right hand she pressed the gravity field on her belt at the right moment to eleviate the contact made with the floor. Xerinth breathed in deeply as she rose and brushed her long brown hair away from her face. [B]"I've missed that feeling."[/B] Calming herself down with continual deep breaths, Laura returned to her personal belongings which were strapped to the walled and searched for a sandwich to eat. [COLOR=Black][LEFT][B]4:50pm...[/B][/LEFT][/COLOR] [/CENTER][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  17. Lets get this started! I want to play a woman :)
  18. [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][CENTER][SIZE=1][B]"Miss Xerinth, when are you going to come back."[/B] a little girl by the name of Alexandra pulled at the end of Laura's long silk shirt as she began to walk out the door, catching her by surprise. Alexander was her sisters son whom she stayed with since moving into the city. Laura was once a very successful business woman who also specialized in military tactics, ethics, and negotiation. Over the past couple of months she's grown soft and tired from the constant need of her skills...and with her sister falling ill, Laura was drawn to return home to house where she grew up. However, now that she was out of the excitement her job used to bring, she now felt bored. Laura looked down at Alexandra who looked up at her as she lay at her ankles, grasping her loose open skirt tightly. [B]"I'm sorry Alexandra..."[/B] Laura knelt down beside her and hug her close, resting her head softly against her breasts. [B]"This is something that I have to do..."[/B] With that, Laura rose and pulled away her shirt from the child and headed to the taxi waiting outside. Several hours later... [B]"Thank you for your patience Miss Xerinth, your application is very important to us...please fill out this simple form."[/B] [B]"With pleasure."[/B] responded Laura who took the paper away from the young woman and began to fill out the form as the young woman took her seat behind a desk in front the the room. [URL=http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y158/IceSton2/ffac2.jpg]Picture Here[/URL] [B][RIGHT] [COLOR=Black]Name: Dr. Laura Xerinth Gender: Female Age: 24 (Third Generation) Position Applied For: Ship Analyst and Head of Registrar Reason for Application: None of your business [/COLOR][/RIGHT][/B] The last segment of the application disturbed Laura for a moment due to it's ridiculousness...she'd been in enough situation to find this question strange from the rest, and the ultimate purpose of the application...or so it seemed. There was more to this puzzle...and puzzles were her thing. Her leather boots clapped down on the solid marble flooring as she walked to the desk clerk in front of her and handed in the application...[/SIZE][/CENTER][/COLOR]
  19. [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1][CENTER][I]...oh no...[/I] a sudden overwelming feeling of being drained of strength clouded Kairi's mind as the spawn began to appear like cockroaches. Gunfire could be heared echoing throughout the woods as Zach came into view besides Eve, blashing away. [B]"I'll hold them off!"[/B] the voice of anger came into Kairi's voice once again as a pack of wolves emerged from the bushes. It didn't take long for Eve to bring her eyes to Kairi's and nod. WIthout warning a single wolf sprung from its hiding place and made quick chase to Eve and Zach who didn't seem to hear its charge as they made their way towards the safehouse. Forming in his hand a whip, Kairi flicked his wrist and was able to tangling the wolf's hind legs, causing it to fall on its belly. With all of his strength, Kairi pulled the beast towards him causing it to lift off the ground. As the wolf flew through the air towards him, the whip dissapeared and formed a battle axe in Kairi's hands. As the wolf was close enough, Kairi spun...creating momentum for himself and the weapon and slashed towards upon the beasts back, severing its spinal collum. Without warning two more wolves attacked Kairi, one latching onto his right thigh, and thee other on his left shoulder where he had been injured before. Their jaws clamped down on his tightly as the pain intensified. Kairi screamed in agony as the beasts tore through his flesh. For a brief moment, he felt only a taste of the pain he had once inflicted innocent beings in what he called ''hell" when he once served Isabell. Trying to seperate his mind from his bodies pain, Kairi concentrated a simple dagger and jabbed it into the wolves skull which was bitting down on his tight. The wolf died quickly, releasing its grip on his leg, causing Kairi to collapse to his knees. The other wolf still began to chew on Kairi's shoulder as he reached up with both arms and grabbed its up and lower jaw. Trying as he may, Kairi opened the wolfs mouth and slip out from its bite and began to wrestle with it. Kairi leaped into the air, still holding onto the wolfs jaws and landed on its back, causing it to collapse onto its belly. Using his one good leg, Kairi made sure not to let the wolf to be able to push up with its hind legs. The wolf struggled underneath Kairi's grasp. His eyes once again turned a golden tint as he ripped the lower jaw of the wolf completely off. The body fell limp and dead as another wolf emerged from the forest, attempting to take Kairi from behind. Suddenly the growl of a lone cat was heard as its small body fell on the wolfs face, scratching and bitting at its eyes. Kairi took this opportunity to seperate himself from the fight as much as possible and began to crawl along the forest floor. Suddenly Faith was thrown into a tree close to Kairi as the animal screamed in pain as its body crushed against it. Kairi turned back to see the wolf in quick persuit. Mustering up his remaining strength, Kairi created a massive mace and pushed it up towards the sky and let its face from crashing down onto the wolfs skull; its cracking noise could be heard clearly as the animal entire head flattened. Taking the cat into his good arm, Kairi turned his gaze towards the safehouse...Eve and Zach weren't to be seen...he muttered a prayer hoping they had gotten in safely. The safehouse rested on top of a hill which Kairi now attempted to crawl up, using the trees roots sprouting out of the ground and the solid rocks imbedded into the hillside to climb. Howls of other wolves soon erupted all around him...and for a good moment or two, Kairi felt fear for his life, and began to sob as he tried to continue to climb with Faith moaning in his arms. [/CENTER][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  20. [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1][CENTER]The weather outside was beautiful as the suns rays beamed down upon Dante as he lay naked beside the crystal foundations of the pool. His short blonde hair looked like gold in the sunlight. His bangs fell over his eyes; shading them. In front of him on the ground lay a half dozen or so folders packed with papers and pictures of the individuals now making their way to his mansion. The rush of excitement was overwelming...almost exhausting him whe he took his break beside the pool. In his mind he was already planning, creating and destroying all the elements that were now about to take place...as like a serial killers sexual arousal and anticipation before an obduction. It would be soon...so very very soon. In just a few hours he will create the cards of fate before everyones arrival. He could almost see the decisions that were going to be made...and the sin that will eventually overtake them all. [/CENTER][/SIZE][/COLOR] [LEFT][SIZE=1] [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][B]OOC[/B]: oh boy, im getting excited :) Your next posts will involve your arrival to the mansion. You'll find that the front doors are looked and must wait within the mansions walls to be greeted by the Master of Games. During this time please introduce yourself and interact with thee other characters. If you want to survive this game, I strongly suggest that you get to know everyone and have some kind of connection or involvement. Don't limit yourself to just one post, have casual conversation or whatnot till I post and invite all of you into the mansion. For whoever has not posted yet, if you do not do so by the time I invite everyone inside you will forfeit your place in this rpg, you know who you are. [/SIZE][/COLOR][/LEFT]
  21. [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1][CENTER]Something about Aesera unnerved Kairi as they were directed to head back to the safehouse[I]...what the fuck is with all this waiting and walking in circles...[/I] Eve and Zach walked behind him as the cat took its place beside him and walked at the young boys pace. Kairi looked back to Eve and Zach who were talking amongst themselves about the evenings events...how he envied them and their love for one another; in that moment...the two of them looked like his mother and father. He would've given anything to be held right now by someone, his impulse was to just turn around and run towards them and embrace them...even though he didn't know them. However his pride got the better of him, and he turned his gaze back towards the trail leading up towards the safehouse. [B][I][COLOR=Teal]What troubles thee young master...[/COLOR][/I][/B]...the voice inside his head was feminine and divine as it echoed in Kairi's mind. He smiled softly and looked down at the feline which purr'd against his leg. [B]"So it was you who warned me before."[/B] Kairi's voice was soft and peaceful; Eve could hear over her and Zach's conversation that Kairi was speaking, but couldn't make out what he was saying. Kairi's memory flashed back to his encounter with the spawn...and his temptation. The cat meowed in acknowledgement, [B][COLOR=Teal][I]I was surprised young master that you would listen to such a foreign voice and its instructions...[/I][/COLOR][/B] [B]"At this point in my life...there is no such thing as coincidence...and it was ment for me to listen and obey; for everyone's safety."[/B] Again the cat meowed and brushed its tail against Kairi's ankle, going underneath his pant leg. [B][I][COLOR=Teal]I must ask however, you look tired and frustrated...what is it that makes you so?[/COLOR][/I][/B] [B]"Did your master put you up to this as she talkes with her lover?"[/B] Kairi was getting defensive...the cat was prying. [B][I][COLOR=Teal]No no...however I am looking out for my masters best interests...and I find it curious as to why no beast has attacked us yet while you've been in our presence...are you holding them at bay now?[/COLOR][/I][/B] Kairi said nothing, but as the cat did in its own noises, Kairi bowed his head in acknowledgement. Just at that time, Eve's pace behind them quicken as she caught up with Kairi and the cat. Faith quickly turned and jumped into Eve's arms, snuggling and showing affection as she glided her fur up against Eve's tender skin. [B]"How are you doing Kairi?"[/B] knowing she'd left Zach to fend for himself behind them, she decided to take the opportunity to get to know this young boy. Looking down at him, her suspicions of him grew stronger, sensing something was "out of place and differnt" about this boy. Kairi looked up at her and smiled brightly like a small child getting a piece of candy..."I'm doing very well thank you besides a slight feeling of anxiety about what to do next...youself?" He was so proper and polite, definitly not typical of a young one; "The same, I w's wonderin' bout your wound...Cole told me that she had quickly repaired it earlier." Kairi had completely forgotten about it, [B]"It's fine thank you..."[/B] in a somewhat timid response. Eve gently placed a hand on his left shoulder...which unknown to her comforted Kairi more than she could have possibly imagined...the feeling of touch and kindness towards him was like a drug; something so despritely needed in his life to surpress "it" away. Zach quickly joined them and took Eve's other hand as she continued to hold Faith. As they continued their walk to the safehouse, there were still no attacks upon them...and their fear seemed to desipate which resulted in more joyous and comfortable conversation.[/CENTER][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  22. [CENTER][SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][LEFT][I]Along the coast of Australia, looking out onto the crashing waves of the Pacific Ocean against its rocky shores; is a Mansion named ??Heavenly Home.?? A single man lives within the mansion; in his solitude he's choosen individuals from all over the world to participate in a game which he has prepared for them. He is very wealthy...and wished to fulfill the desires of these poor souls. [/I][/LEFT][/COLOR][/SIZE] [B]"My master..." [/B]a tall, but timid young man bowed before his master as Dante continued to sit in his chair and look into the flames of the fireplace. "we've received word from all the participants...everything is prepared for them as you requested." [B]"Thank you."[/B] as Dante quickly motioned with his hand for the slave to leave him as he arose from his chair. Besides the light from the fireplace, the entire master bedroom was in darkness. Keeping his gaze on the flames, the Master of Games grinned as his mind became overwelmed with excitement and anticipation. Muttering underneath his breath, [B]"let the games begin."[/B] [/COLOR][/SIZE] [/CENTER] [B][SIZE=1]OOC: You all have ur instructions in the adventure inn...have fun :) Let the fun begin. As a reminder, you must have two posts written before you are introduced into the mansion together (use whatever discriptions of the mansion as you'd like). Your first post should be about your daily life leading up to the Master's servants picking you up from your home. Your second should include your introduction to everyone who will arrive and wait outside the mansions main doors before entry. [/SIZE][/B]
  23. [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1][CENTER]Thank you all for signing up for this...I garentee you that this will be worth your time. Tomorrow night the rpg will officially begin and all sign-ups will be closed. There are a few things I want to say before we proceed. First, I say again that this is going to be a very detail-based rpg, so please...read EVERYONE's post COMPLETELY before you write your own. Because of the importance of information I do not want confusion because of someone not reading anothers post. Second, content of cards cannot be "written" into the rpg unless I specify for you too. Third...post often; if for some reason you feel that you wont be able too please dont hesitate to PM me:) im very friendly so dont be scared (throughout the rpg that may change ;)...u'll come to fear me mwwaahhaha) Fourth...for your first posts, I want you to write about your characters daily lives, and their responses to the email...this post should end when the men arrive outside your all's homes to pick you up. Your second post will be you arriving to the mansion to meet everyone for the first time...(I will post when you all are allowed into the mansion, but not before). [/CENTER][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  24. [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1][CENTER]The forest was cold and dark, the aura that seemed to pulse from the trees make it quite different from any ordinary. However it did give the sense of safety which Kairi took into himself with my appreciation. To think nature as his father instructed to him when he was young in his teachings, that everything on earth had a soul, and everythign could be given a will of its own. [B]"Kairi...Sir..."[/B] a strange glowing ball appeared in front of Kairi as quickly stopped. The boy looked up in curiosity as Boo hovered in what appeared to be a timid behavior resulting in its spiratic color changes. Kairi said nothing as Boo continued...allowing it to speak. [B]"Marquis and the others are looking for you, I can bring you to them if you'd wish."[/B] [B]"Oh course my little glowing friend...lead the way master...''[/B] Boo was struck dumbfounded as Kairi continued his walk, going right past Boo. Realizing Boo wasn't leading Kairi turned back to him. [B]"Are we going?"[/B] Boo had never been called "master" before, the notion of it made the creature feel quite uncomfortable...a sense of power he hadn't felt. Boo had always called others master, but never in the same respect to himself. Kairi smiled to himself and motioned with his head that they should get back to the others. Glowing a bright aqua blue, Boo decided that he liked this boy, and set off deeper into the woods to find Marquis and the others. Behind Boo, Kairi grinned slightly...knowing exactly what he did, but quickly drifted to others thoughts...such as whether or not to tell Alexia what he had done to her home and to her mother. [/CENTER][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  25. [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1][CENTER]The last remaining foundations of the mansion began to finally crumble and fall as Omega continued its rampage. The beast suddenly cried out in rage as Kairi looked up from the mansion below and saw an arrow piercing in its eye. It was only a splinter in Kairi's sights, but it was certainly enough to catch the beast off-guard and disoriented. As Kairi made his way to escape from the crumbling building around him, to his surprise Omega began to walk away from the estate into the mist that began to flow through the area. With adrenaline taken hold over reason, Kairi abandoned his escape and persued the beast quickly. Making his way to the outskirts of the mansion towards the open plains of New York, Kairi looked out across the fields and watched the monster dissappear into the fog. A feeling of rage and sadness surged through him as single spawn arose from the rubble and grabbed towards him. Kairi gerked away quickly as the spawn tore away his shirt. Thrusting a katana underneath the spawns chin as he turned around, with the blade curved towards himself; Kairi jumped into the air to meet the spawns eyes with his own and pulled the blade towards his own face, completely seperating the spawns face into two parts. The spawn fell lifeless before Kairi as a certain satisfaction flowed through his veins as the blood from his blade dripped down to his hands as the blade dissappeared. With his exposed chest, something seemed to be pressing against his exterior skin as a set of sharp fingernails looked as if they were trying to claw their way out of Kairi. That same golden tint in his eyes returned as he quickly placed a hand over the pressure and pressed back firmly, holding the beast within back. Knowing what needed to be done whether the others would wait for him or not...the young boy stalked the foundations of the mansion, looking for any visible remaining spawn that were trapped underneath the rubble and decapitated them all and began to set the mansion ablaze with fires. Through his searches Kairi finally found Alexia's mother lying lifeless underneath a section of the ceiling that had come down upon her; she hadn't been tainted by the curse of the swarm yet. In the cold New York air, Kairi knelt beside her and looked at the frozen tears that were upon her cheeks. [I]Alexia must have found her...[/I] Kneeling there before a woman who had just a short while ago ripped at his very being, he began to sob...the inner child within him crying out in pain at this great loss to not only himself, but what it ment for Alexia. Lady Karma's eyes still were open as Kairi whipped away his own tears, and gently closed them in respect. It was a foolish tradition, but Kairi out of further respect pulled out two coins from his pants and placed them on her eyelids and muttered a prayer that his family taught him to give him strength in times of turmoil and doubt. [B][COLOR=Black][I] [LEFT]And Shepherds we shall be. For thee, my Star, for thee. Power hath descended forth from Thy hand, that our feet may swiftly carry out Thy command. So we shall flow a river forth to Thee and teeming with souls shall it ever be. [/LEFT][/I] [/COLOR][/B] And with that, Kairi formed an Double-Sided Axe and cut the head from Lady Karma with such great percision that the head didn't move from its resting place. [I]I will not let your fate be with them...[/I][B]"whatever road there is for me to follow Lady Karma...I will assure you that death will follow."[/B] Suddenly the golden tint in his eyes faded and his normal silver-glass eyes returned, and a rush of a bitter cold came upon him in his nakedness. Quickly finding a broken closet, Kairi pulled out a long brown leather coat and ran away from the mansion which began to burst into a brilliant yellow and orange. Turning his attention away from the burning mansion, Kairi burst through the branches of the woods and found himself alone[I]....I need to find the others. [/I][/CENTER][/SIZE][/COLOR]
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