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Everything posted by Kairi
[COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1]OOC: Ok Lyuann:)...I'll be the bad earth guy:-p Name: Yuri Age: 27 Personality: Yuri is a very bright young man, highly confident in himself without any sense of cockyness...he stands firm in his convictions and is very independent. Friendly and outgoing...you wouldn't take him to be an enemy. His voice is gentle and yet profound, never a moment of hesitation nor doubt. Despite his age, he looks like he's still a teenager. Apperance: With red eyes and brown hair, Yuri stands at about 5'10'' with a fairly toned body. He isn't big, but you can see the muscle tone on his body. Typically he wears black pants and boots with a brown, unbottoned trench coat which its sleeves covering the silver bracers on his arms (see extra weapon below). He wears a long silver chain around his neck with two silver earrings in his left ear. Bio: Simply known as Yuri, he was the first to be tainted by Rasputin. Taken away from his boarding school at the age of 16, Rasputin didn't teach him vengance, nor hatred towards the world. Better yet, he showed Yuri a great many things of the world. Teaching him the powers imbedded within him...the power of earth, to manipulate the spirit of Gaia, mother to all of the earth. Leaving behind his entire life to persue knowledge, wisdom, and strength from his new master...Yuri has become a remarkable man and leader, walking the world looking for others like himself... Element/Sword: Earth/ Spirit of Gaia (see attachment) Extra weapons: Two silver/metallic claws on each hand which are strapped to his forearm and bicep as they run all the way up to his shoulders, giving him another weapon to attack with as well as a shield against attacks. Only his hands are revieled from his trench coat. On each side of his belt, he carries two shotguns. One a typical 12 round while the other is a double barreled, sawed off shotgun. [/SIZE] [/COLOR]
Manga "Angels Must Die" RP comic Discussion
Kairi replied to You Don't Care's topic in Otaku Central
If only I continued drawing...*sigh*...but ya know what:)...im gonna take a hit at it as well. See if I still got it. Wonderful job so far Xy...i wanna see more!...NOW!:) -
[COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1]"No...." Rubedo rammed his shoulder into the side of a concrete building as the strenght from his legs gave way. Leaning up against it with what strength he had left...he focused with all his might to try and heal himself from his wounds. Inside he could feel his lungs gushing with blood as his broken ribs pierced into his flesh...ripping its tenderness to pieces as he continued to move. He palm still pressed upon his chest, a white aura surrounding the sternum as he slowly repaired himself. The realization of what he had just done overcame him...an angel of God had been slain...just as he had done all those years ago before being sent to hell. Angel, Demon, human, guardian...it didn't matter to him back then...loyalty ment nothing in the end; as if it were like paper...thin, and easily disposed of. But now... "what the hell am I doing!?" suppressing the pain, Rubedo fought back the thoughts of which had been entering his mind ever since Albedo let him go of his grasp. He wasn't sure of anything anymore. Pushing off the wall, Rubedo walked down the abandoned street yet again...following what he thought was the path to where Raven's apartment building was. "You did well my friend...'' responded Albedo as we walked around a corner, revieling himself to Rubedo... "I should have known..." Rubedo walked closer and closer to his master as he stood stilll...waiting for him to come to him. "It was you who helped me wasn't it..." "Perhaps..." he responded with a smile as he took his former pupil into his arms..."but rest now my friend...I'll heal you..." "Why did you help me...?" Rubedo's voice was empty...having no satisfaction in his victory...resting his head on Albedo's shoulder. "I came here to inform you on what has been going on...you defeated that angel on your own my friend...he just simply didn't catch onto the fact when you cut off his wings. Don't worry about that now..." as he brushed his fingers through Rubedo's red hair. "What is it that brought you here then Albedo?'' Rubedo could already feel his strength returning to him...his injuries healing right before his eyes. "Reoan is dying Rubedo..." spoke Albedo bluntly...holding nothing back from the truth..." becoming tired of all of this...she is but a moment away from death from what it looks. Those faithful to her are frantically trying to keep her alive..." Rubedo finally felt revitalized and stood upright once again as he cracked his neck and back; stretching himself out...his muscles sored only a little...the strength gained from the battle was already being incorperated into his being. "Why are you telling me this?" responded Rubedo as he continued to stretch...he reached into his pocket trying to find a cigarette...realizing that he had none. Albedo however was one step ahead of him and gave him two packs and a lighter. Rubedo lite one immidiately...and let Albedo continue to talk. "Because both Heaven and Hell know what is happening with her...and are at a stalemate at the moment. However, the war here on earth is continuing still...and we can't just let everyone know what is going on." "So why tell me?" he could tell that Albedo wasn't telling him everything. "Cause it still needs to be told...you're slowly gaining more and more Zodiac. I sense that two are already heading to Morocco...that Raven has stayed behind for you first." "She did..." Rubedo was puzzled... "Yes...she's quite taken with you..." "Whatever..." nothing stirred in Rubedo whatsoever about it. "Regardless...I felt that you needed to know firsthand the situation that Reoan is in. Zadar is searching out more and more Zodiac...I see that soon you all will be united with one another. I still don't see your purpose in this Rubedo...but I think you should stay with them. You've certainly proven your valar once again by defeating Ezeqeel." "And what of Reoan...what will God do now that she is weak?" "That is for us to know..." Albedo was saddened that he couldn't tell his pupil the truth...or all of it... "So I keep being told...will I still be hunted?" "That is yet to be determined at the moment Rubedo...I'd encourage you to tell the other Zodiac what I've told you." Rubedo nodded and walked past Albedo as he continued down the street... Stopping..."Albedo...do you think Reoan will live?" "Why do you ask?" Albedo was pleased that he was asked...finally he was starting to think for himself... "I just wanted to know...if we'll live through this war?" "I don't know Rubedo...do what you will...and everything else will fall into place." With that...Rubedo continued down the street with great speed as he continued his search for Raven. "I need to get some clothes on...I can't just wear pants...." Rubedo muttered to himself...[I]Damn it...I'm already starting to care about how I look from going shopping before...damn it![/I] [I]...What will you do now Zodiac...[/I] as Albedo faded into nothing. [/SIZE] [/COLOR] OOC: Yo Reiku...meet up with Rubedo and let's head to Morocco with the others...would probably be best to stay together;)
[COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1]hhmmm...interesting points. I definitly agree that all school environments are different in their own way...I myself grew up in a very large high school, filled with many different kinds of groups and clicks. "Be in the world...but not of the world." I'm not one to let others dictate my life...holding a strong, firm foundation with myself and my convictions. I was concidered to be popular, but for different reasons. Like everyone else has been saying...to be your own person...to be comfortable with yourself is the key. Best thing is to try and understand and accept different forms of living...while at the same time strengthaning and reforming your own. "If you show others respect...sooner or later someone will take notice and give it right back to you." If that means being unpopular for a while...then so be it. I hate classifying things anyway:)...who says ones cooler than another. A geek, gay, goth, prep, jock; honestly...who cares:) And if someone can have that kind of mindset...truly being free in that kind of harsh environment that we tend to be raised up in...I can garentee you...that someone...maybe be many or few (im my case many, cause I'm a leader and councelor at heart), someone will take notice of you and ask themselves..."what's so different about this one...she/he isn't like the rest'' "It's not till we've lost everything...till we're free to do anything." "Believe in yourself, create your own destiny, and don't fear failure."[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed][CENTER][SIZE=4][FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium]Blade Masters[/FONT][/SIZE][/CENTER][/COLOR] [FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=1]Imagine a world, where mortals no longer dishonor themselves with firearms and technological advancements (1600's). Imagine a world, where strength and honor rule the lands...the clash of steel, the mixing of sweat and blood truly determine the fate of the future; not by simple talk or politics...only by the blade is that possible. Do you fight for glory, honor, money, power; or simply for the pleasure of the kill...what set of moral principles and devotions do you follow in your walk...what is your disicpline. These are the things that must be learned in order to become a master of the blade; to defeat your counterparts. [/SIZE] [/COLOR][/FONT] [CENTER]***[/CENTER] [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1]Before I continue, I want to mention that ones writing abilities will determine if you are accepted into the tournament. Yes, a tournament...not a singel elimination nor a bracket format...no no...but by record. After everyone has posted a profile, you may challenge anyone of your choosing. Once all profiles have been submitted and confirmed, your name will be placed on a list in the Underground for those who are able to be challenged. I will monitor and regulate the list while you all will make your challenges to one another in the underground. Anyone can withdraw or enther their name from the list at any time for any reason. You may either accept or decline a challenge by another rpg'r...and their are no rules in these fights. Any blade of your choosing will be allowed...any environmental setting acceptable. You may even arrange two vs. two battles, battle royals, or even one vs. two if you're up for it. However, the goal of the challenges are not to kill the other...unless you would like to raise the stakes with one another...saying whomever the loser is...will have to take out their name from the list permanently. But to test each others fighting/writing abilities against one another. Once a fight is agreed upon by the combatants...I will lock their names in the underground till the battle ends so that they may be challenged again. Once a challenge is arranged, those involved in the battle will post their own thread in the Adventure Square where they will post their fight amongst one another. The winners will be determined by a voting system. Once the combatants stop the fight...me, and select members of my choice (The Blade Gods) will read the battle whom I believe will not have any bias in the readings (these Gods will change due to my discretion, everyone will have a chance to read and vote)...and determine who the victor is. The fighters will be able to vote as well if they felt that they were the winner...or losers (hopefully in that you'd be honest) unless one gives up of course..then they automatically loss. Once the battle is over, and the votes tallied, I will PM the winner and put up their winning/lossing/tie record up on the underground. Where both fighteres will be able to challenge another individual. Once profiles are posted...and the underground is opened...all this information will be found on my first post which I will be constantly editing due to changed in idle fighers, ranks, records etc. etc. Everything below that will be you all challenging one another. This I hope will attract and involve a vast amount of OB users to participate in spars....and becoming interested in their writing capabilities...striving to become better so that their record relfects their work. As for the profiles...you may take up on this idea or not; but try and use your OB names:) You may have a grudge against another OB'r, or you want to fight a friend...or simply to have fun...but I think this would be more enjoyable if we used our OB names. As I, Kairi...challenge all of you! And if your name isn't a usable one...then of course I'd understand...but most I know will be able to use their own. Remember, you all are blade masters...traveling the world to seek out those you may test your skills against. [/SIZE] [/COLOR] [CENTER][B][U]Sign-Up Sheet [/U] [/B] [/CENTER] [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Name: [If you've chosen not to use your OB name...please have it reflect your place of origin] Age: No Limit Place of Origin: Appearance: [picture must] Occupation: [ex: Tyrant, Soldier, assassin, samuri, rogue, trader, priest, artist etc. etc.] Body: Description of body type Fighting Style: [this will reflect the individuals personality, strengths in battle, overall style, past training... ex: calm, strategic] Weapons: [Anything with a blade acceptable, picture much appreciated, there is no limit to what your weapon is, just remember that speed plays a factor if you have too many...keep that in mind for when Gods vote] Skill: [what abilities that your character possesses that make him/her unique. If I sense any form of [I]God-Modding[/I]...I will ask you to change it...or reject it completely] Blade God: [A simple yes or no will suffice if you want to be a Blade God for battles used for voting the victor. These positions will constantly change so that everyone has a chance to feel like a god, to have the power to vote who wins or losses...and yes, blade gods will still be able to make challenges of their own to others. I will simply replace your vote with anothers while you fight your opponent][/COLOR] PM me if you have any questions...thank you...sharpen those skills ladies and gents...you're going to need it.
OOC: Innocent...since you haven't posted yet...what you can do is have your character arrive later than expected. I encourage you though to post quickly for once the cards start being given out...the story will be moving very fast. [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1]Just as Kaine made the comment, the master suddenly appeared out of nowhere from the back of a tall brush in the garden. Everyone stood and sat up straight as he entered the garden. His tall, pale figure leaned on a silver cane with a diamond shaped skull at its hold as he made his way towards everyone. The master was certainly a sight...despite his age, his face still seemed to be young with long silver hair, despite how weak he seemed. "Hello my friends...I see that everyone who has responded to my little invitation is here presently. As you all have probably guessed...I am the master. Do not refer to me to anything else but master." what once started out as a friendly old man, his voice suddenly turned harsh and direct catching everyone off-guard, and somewhat affended at his rudeness. The master quickly saw this... "I'm sorry for habits of an old man...I can't control my temper at times. I'm just very excited about this opportunity, as I'm sure many of you feel as well. I've brought you all out here to formally meet you all...to introduce myself and the mansion which you all will be staying at." "How long will we be staying here?" Maria raised her hand just as she was asking the question. "Please my dear...do not raise your hand...there is no need; we are all adults here. Anyway...you all will be staying here as long as I see fit...till I see who is truly worthy of receiving my prize." The master took a pause as he caught his breathe... "This mansion is full of wonders...everything that you ask for will be given to you without question by myself or the vast number of servants around my estate. Please...I hope that you all enjoy yourself and make the best of the time that has been given too you...however..." Everyone was completely silent...knowing that there was some form of catch what seemed just short of a miracle... "I cannot stress this enough...so that you may be able to survive the game. You must...I repeat...you must abide by the rules which I have set up for you all...for your own safety. You must never enter the Angelic Wing....you must never leave the light...ever....and lastely..." The last thing what everyone was nervous about the most...awaiting their fate... "Is you must obey your cards...they..." "When will be getting our cards?" Kaine rudely interrupted. The master had a deathening glare in his eye. Everyone in the group saw it...they were like death itself...a black shadow which seemed endless. "Yes..." the master staying calm..."the first of your cards will be given too you at dinner time which will be in an hour. I will meet you all there..." and just like that...the master walked out of the garden from which he came...leaving everyone completely lost. "That was a waste of time..." Everyone agreed and started to head back into the mansion to get dressed for dinner. [I]You all have no idea what you are in for...not everyone has arrive yet...but no matter...I'll have fun with you all yet...[/I][/SIZE][/COLOR] OOC: You all sweating yet...the cards are coming. The reason why I wait for dinner to give them out is well...makes peoples responses more interesting:) Plus...your alls interactions really dictate what your cards will be. So...everyone go to dinner and start eating...directly after my next post...I will be sending all of your cards via PM. You ready........cause this will be only the beginning.
[COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1]Name: Matsuri Kouu Age: 29 Relation to Partner: Matsuri Yuki is Kouu's twin sister...while Yuki was trained by their father, Kouu learned from his mother. With his natural tendency of violence, the teachings from his mother trained him to calm his spirit, while learning to control his anger for more productive purposes. Fighting Style: Unlike his sister, Kouu finds no artistic purpose to fighting. His movements are swift and percise with a tremendous force behind his attacks; not relying on complex combos. While his persona with his sister is friendly and calm, once in battle, he truly becomes in his element...completely focusing his energy and thoughts to the moment. Weaponry: Duel Scimitars strapped beside his grey kamono (see attachment) Skills: Kouu's focus in battle in unflinching. Highly disiplined and toned for any situation, his form shows no fault. [/SIZE] [/COLOR] OOC: Dagger, Ozy created it for me as well...working on a new banner as well together which is coming out really really really cool:)
OCC: I've been wondering where you've been Lyuann:) [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1]Unexpectedly, all the witches suddenly dissapeared.......all those who surrounded the group in the streets...along with those attacking Ivy. Lee and M were only illusions created by the shadows. As quickly as they all appeared...they all vanished. Not one killed...not one left behind. "Lee........" the visions began to fade away from them...still strapped to the iron pipe, the two men gasped for air as the pressure and intensity of thier visions subsided. "....Lee.....you alright..." "Yea man.......what's going on..." replied Lee as he sat himself back up against the pole. "I dont know..." both men were weak and exhausted...besides themselves they were completely alone in the darkness. The pain got worse in M's arm as the needle could be felt pinching at his muscles. "If I dont get some medical attention soon Lee, my arm is gonna get infected...I personally would like to keep my last arm." the two of them laughed...both trying to lessen the seriousness of the situation...keeping their minds clear. "Can you use your powers yet M?" questioned Lee "...No....." M closed his eyes...trying to focus his thoughts...."I can't......you gotta try Lee" "I don't think that I can though..." "yes you can..." M said with confidence...."just try..." For about 10 minutes...Lee tried to let out a mental signal to anyone who might have been around them to help. Suddenly...bursting through the concret wall...a pettete looking figured appeared from the glimmering light shown behind. M and Ivy shielded their eyes as they were freed and carried away by a few soldiers.[/SIZE] [/COLOR] OCC: Sorry for rushing things...but demonchild has chosen to withdraw from darkness for the moment...so i've had to make some quick changes. sorry for ruining lyuaan saving M and lee but i said that no one was saving them anyway. The person who has saved me and lee are soldiers from the Heaven Project sent by Red who is led by a new character who I will be introducing...or she will be introducing herself to everyone. You'll be able to find us at the hotel....where I'll de-brief everyone...again. Sorry for the changes again...i hope i dont loss anyone else. Also...Taikaru and Eric...please PM me in the direction you two are going with these twists in the story...thanks.
[COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1]A loud speaker could be heard cracking on above everyones head as a heavy breathing could be heard. >>>[COLOR=Black]......I see everyone has made themselves comfortable in my home. I hope you've found everything to your liking...I request all of you to meet me outside in the back of the mansion. There is a fountain in the middle of the garden which I would like to meet all of you for the first time...please make haste...there I will formaly introduce everyone. [/COLOR] >>> The speaker clicked off as the master rose from his chair in the massive bedroom of his...still covered in darkness as a slight light was shown from a couple of screens. "So...I see all of you have gotten to know a few of your fellow roomates. Good good....that will make my decisions much more interesting. Prepare yourselves..."[/SIZE][/COLOR] OCC: Sorry that my posts are short...but you guys are so damn fast:) I've very pleased...card making is very easy right now. I just need all of you to meet with the master outside in the courtyard where I will explain what the master requires of all of you. Just remember...I said for all of you to wait outside the mansion to be introduced. It's not a big deal now...just take note for future reference in what I ask...thanks. Remember...this is your alls rpg...just keep in mind the rules and the things I ask. Everything else is fair game.
[COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1]"Now why did you have to go and hurt that poor girl..." responded Ezeqeel in a mocking tone. The three Zodiacs had just left their sights when the angel finally chose to speak. Rubedo turned his attention back towards the angel who was now walking towards him, his pace quickening with each passing moment. The lightening began to strike above their heads, crashing down on the nearby rooftops as the storm continued (reminds me of Matrix Revolution setting at end:)) Suddenly Ezeqeel burst towards Rubedo in a charge, his body slightly above the ground as his wings propelled him forward. The angels speed was incredible, but Rubedo was faster. Purposefully letting his feet come out from underneathe him, Rubedo back became parellel with the ground as he fell backwards, nearly avoiding Ezeqeels punch. Shoving his right palm straight at the pavement, thrusting his body upwards towards the angel, Rubedo sent a left foot straight into Ezeqeels sternum, sending him skywards as he tried to regain control of his flight. Quickly flipping onto his feet, Rubedo squated slightly and shot himself upwards...within an instant Rubedo was standing on top of a neighboring rooftop; seeing Ezeqeel approaching him in his motion. Jumping off the building, he clutched his two hands together and swung at the angel, catching Ezeqeel in the upper jaw which sent him back towards the ground. Drifting slowly back towards the ground, Rubedo saw the angel catch himself on his feet as he hit the ground. Flapping his great wings, the angel charged Rubedo once again....airborn, Rubedo couldn't move. Clutching Rubedo's skull with one hand, Ezeqeel swung him around like a rag doll. Flying back towards the streets below, the angel threw Rubedo straight into the pavenment, causing a slight indentation in the ground. Folding his wings behind him, Ezeqeel stood with his arms crossed as he watched the Guardian rise to his feet, whipping a trickle of blood dripping from his lip. "Not bad Rubedo...it's the first time someone has shown me my own blood...this is better than I expected it to be." Rubedo raised himself to his feet...the pain of the angels blows quickly subsiding. Ezeqeel's strength was incredible, it left even Rubedo's body crippled for a moment. A few more attacks like that an he was finished... Catching Ezeqeel off guard, Rubedo instantly appeared before him, thrusting a series of uppercuts into the angels stomach. Ezeqeel raised both of his arms and tried to crash down on Rubedo. He swifly moved to the side, dodging the attack and jumped into the air, taking hold of both of the angels wings Rubedo sent one knee after the other into the back of Ezeqeels head. The angel turning around quickly to shake him off...Rubedo left go, with the angel facing him now, and performed a roundhouse kick which sent Ezeqeel into the wall of a building. The entire stucture seemed to shake by the impact as Rubedo persued...crossing both of his arms over his face, he attempted to press the angel further into the structure. Gaining his composure...Ezeqeel punched straight through the guard, connecting with Rubedo's face as he was sent flying into a wall on the opposite side of the street. "This is how it's done!" Ezeqeel exclaimed as he rammed into Rubedo's body, the two of them body going through the entire buildings contents, crushing Rubedo's back against everything. Coming out of the other side...the building collapsed on the street behind them as the angel threw Rubedo up against a Taxi car, him falling on all fours. The battle continued for quite some time...nearly two hours. Rubedo's speed against Ezeqeel's strength...whenever Rubedo gained an upper-hand, blow after blow the angel weakened. But with one simple attack, Rubedo's spirit and momentum would be crushed with a single hit, making the battle balanced once again. Lifting a car up above his head, Ezeqeel threw it at Rubedo with ease which was easily dodged...running down the street towards the Guardian, the angel simply grabbed each passing car with one hand and tossed it at Rubedo...a barrage of cars. Evading as best he could, Rubedo was finally hit by one mid-air once again as his body was sent sliding across the pavement....Rubedo lay motionless. "Do you yield yet Guardian!" Ezeqeel was becoming rather annoyed...as much as Rubedo had taken...he never cried out...he never falted...showing absolutely nothing. No satsifaction could have been gained in something that did not feel. "Damn you Rubedo..." the massive giant stand above him, holding the handle of his broadsword..."no wonder Lucifer disliked you so...even that pathetic Zodiac....you're nothing whatsoever...a shell completely empty of anything. Cry out you!" Ezeqeel raised his sword high and jabbed it down towards Rubedo's heart. He quickly rolled to the side...it slightly grazing his side as the blade went straight into the ground. Unsheathing his two blades at his sides, Rubedo jumped over Ezeqeel; as he came down, he slashed the angels wings completely off. The angel roared in agony as he let go of his sword and swung full force, catching Rubedo in the face with his forearms. Falling to one knee...Ezeqeel's eyes were closed tightly as blood poured from his back...feeling the sense of mortality spread across his entire being. "Damn you Rubedo!" The angel quickly got to his feet and charged again...leaving the sword behind. In a flash of light, a lightning bolt struck right in front of Ezeqeel, blinding him for a moment as Rubedo slowly rose to his feet. He was weak, only being able to carry one scimitar...staring down his prey...a certain flame seemed to be burning inside Rubedo chest as he started to gain momentum in his run at Ezeqeel. "I will not go back to that place.....ever!" cried out Rubedo as Ezeqeel could see his figure flying towards him. Lunging the blade through Ezeqeel's throat, the giant slowly fell to its knees before the Guardian as he looked into Rubedo's golden eyes. "Who do you serve........." the form angels voice was almost gargling as he choked on his own blood... "I will always serve God...however I will not be a simple puppet any longer...you've wrongly accused me and my kind once before...I won't allow it again..." and with that, Rubedo spun around, decapitating Ezeqeel as he felt lip to the ground. Falling on all fours again, Rubedo gasped for air as he the pain in his chest intensified...the burning was subsiding... Quickly looking up at the surrounding rooftops, Rubedo searched for the one who helped him..........certainly Raven's electric abilities created the lightening...but someone must have directed it themselves....but who was it. Pressing his palm upon his chest...trying to hold down the pounding of his heart...Rubedo walked aimlessly away, carrying only the two blades at his sides...Raven and the other Zodiac's were gone, Raven must have been upset with him...but he had to get her out of there. Again, he was alone...deserted in the flooding streets of Athens as he walked. To where...he didn't know...but he had to find the others once again. [/SIZE] [/COLOR]
Hey everyone...as promised...I've opened up an underground for this rpg. I'm sure plenty of questions will be asked...and I'm up for any suggestions, questions, comments etc. etc. Have fun posting...cause I know I will have fun posting...and creating all your cards:-p
[FONT=Palatino Linotype][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=1][I]In the mountains of Scotland, looking out onto the crashing waves of the Atlantic Ocean against its rocky shores; is a Mansion named ??Heavenly Home.?? A single man lives within the mansion; for years, he has been choosing individuals from all over the world to participate in a game which he has prepared for them. He is very wealthy...and wishes to fulfill the desires of these poor souls. [/I] [/SIZE] [/COLOR] [/FONT] [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1]"Master..." bowed a dark cloaked figure, standing in the presence of the master himself, the leather chair turned away from him as a old mans breathing could be heard in the stillness. Only the light shining from the hallway with the opened door revieled the contents of the room. The old man said nothing...instead, he simply turned around in his chair to acknowledge his servant which was behind a very large desk scattered with pictures, papers and files of a group of thirteen individuals. The masters face was hidden among the shadows as he rested his head in his folded hands. "Has everyone answered..." he said with a deep, demonic tone to his voice... "Only eleven of the thirteen have responded to your letter my master...we are making preperations for those eleven as we speak; do you wish for me to proceed." The master began to breathe heavily again, obviously deep in thought. "Yes...you may proceed........now be gone, I must rest." "As you wish" as the dark cloaked servant bowed before his master in respect and shut the door behind him...the room becoming completely dark once again. All that could be heard...was the suttle laughter of what sounded like a young boy.[/SIZE] [/COLOR] OCC: Alright everyone...sorry that it took me a while to get this posted...was praying for 13...but that's ok. For your first posts, please tell me your initial reactions to the offer sent to you and begin to pack. A black limosine with large bodyguards will escorting you from your home all the way to the mansion where you all will convine together; where you will meet the master before entering the mansion. I will be opening an underground for any questions or comments. Thank you again for waiting...and get ready...this is going to be fun :D :p
OCC: Time for a little action...this is a war isn't it;) [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1]Underneathe the streets of Athens...Rubedo and Raven awaited for their train in the subway to arrive, unaware of the news brewing around the city. ***On a local news station*** >>> [COLOR=Black]This is Raquel Mario, bringing you the lastest update on the assassinations that took place just the other day. The supposed assassin was captured and detained by the police...however; yesturday while the execution process was underway...a power outage enabled the killer to escape, and now is nowhere to be found. As of this moment, delgates of North Korea have declared war upon all of Greece. Those who have served under those past politicians are hungering for blood...and they will not accept a simple escape of such a killer. They believe that the Greek government, and the police were neglegent; and are convinced that they had something to do with these murders. We've just recieved word that Russia and the United States have declared war upon one another...as well as with North Korea. Alliances are being formed...old ties reformed...ladies and gentlemen....it's begun. No nuclear weapons have been launched yet is about the only good news that I have for you all at the moment. We don't know when the attack will occure ladies and gentlemen...but we do advice that everyone stay indoor; locking all doors and windows. Our government feels that they will not attack civilians...but are indeed targetting two of our major cities for invasion...Athens, and Sparta. God bless everyone...especially for those in the cities I just mentioned. [/COLOR] >>> Suddenly, the same broadcast was heard over the speakers of the subway track. Raven shot up from her seat as everyone in the subway began to panic; cramming into all of the subway cars, as well as many others heading for the surface. Screams could be heard echoing off the concrete walls as children began to cry as their parents lifted them into their arms. "Are they crazy...we had nothing to do with it!" Raven screamed...her fists clinched together...but a flow of worry spread across her face at the realization of what was going on. Rubedo simply sat on the stone bench...his expression emotionless as usual...his thoughts were someplace else. [I]So...they've come for me....again...[/I] "How can you remain calm in a time like this Rubedo...we need to find those Zodiac as quickly as possible...." but before she realized what Rubedo was doing...he stood to his feet and hit the back of her skull with his fist, causing her to go unconcious. Lifting her into his arms, he carried her towards one of the subway cars, pushing through the crowd of people and placed her in one of the unoccupied chairs. Leaving the car, Rubedo made his way up the staircase to the surface...his sight coming to glimpse with what was happening. Planes could be heard overhead as complete chaos spread throughout the streets. Huge masses of people began running downt he street...completely abandoning their cars, fleeing the traffic on foot. Fires began to surface as cars hit people, people pushing past others...it was sad...and yet....beautiful. The storm grew worse as the cloud hid the view of the planes above. [I]They'll probably start outside the city walls and push their way in...forcing us into a corner...[/I] Rubedo's senses and thoughts were firmly tuned...this being his true element...that of battle and chaos. As he walked down the sidewalk of the street...an old man lay crippled on the ground. His body was mangled and torn do to the masses footsteps pressing up against him when they passed not a few moments ago. The old man thought he was looking at his doom as Rubedo appeared before him....at first he shivered in fear, knowing the end was coming when. But gently...Rubedo placed a hand on the mans chest...and in a glimmer of light...the mans body was restored. "Now get out of here..." Rubedo said in a tensed toned. Without a second thought...the man was gone....followed by a deep laughter in back of Rubedo... *laughter*..."Amazing...even in a crisis which you started..you still try to abide by your precious code." "....Ezeqeel.....the strength of God." replied Rubedo as he turned on his heel to face the angel ([URL=http://oneshot.anifics.com/xmen/sabertooth.jpg]appearance[/URL] ) The angel was huge, standing at about 6'5''...his muscles were thick...its very presence demanded respect and obediance. "Rubedo..." the angels laughter quickly fading...satisfied to see the Guardian acknowledge him. "What the hell took you so long?" as the Guardian took off his hat and sunglasses, swinging his hair around to loosen it up from its confinement. The wind was picking up...Raven's thunderstorm wasn't letting up. "Much better Rubedo...there is no need to conceil yourself among these humans...not any more." Ezeqeel was already outstretching his wings, the large broadsword at his side. Rubedo already knew where this was going...it felt like a tape recording...[I]Things really do never change...[/I] "What to do with you Guardian..." the angel began tapping his foot on the ground as civilians of the city began to run past them, taking some confused glances towards them. "I could kill that Zodiac with you...she seems to have a thing for you..." "Do what you like Ezeqeel...this isn't the first time this has happened. If it's your will to send me back to the depths of hell till I'm reborn again then so be it..." a slight smirk came across Rubedo's face as he slowly approached the angel. "Besides...I'm sure you and the rest of Heaven need these Zodiac to bring forth the balance..." "True...you've seen right through my bluff Guardian...you certainly are a cold one." [I]My vow has been fullfilled Raven, my debt repaid...[/I] Rubedo began to undress himself...taking off his trench coat and throwing it off to the side, he began to undue the straps of his arm holisters... "I'm sure I won't be using these..." tossing them to the side as he took off his black t-shirt. Ezeqeel was quite pleased as he began cracking his fingers..."you've betrayed God, and helped put in motion what could possibly be the end times. Becoming in league with Reoan...I'm to have your head and send you into purgatory till God sets things back to normal. "I haven't turned my loyalties to Reoan, Ezeqeel...if I had...I would be hunting these Zodiac, not protecting them. And you would be the hunted...not I. But so be it...do what God has commanded to you...and let us see where this goes."[/SIZE][/COLOR] OCC: Don't interrupt this fight just yet...Ozy, Astdis and Reiku...this would probably be a good time to meet.
[COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1][I]You've got to be kidding me...[/I] Rubedo thought to himself as he stood... "Come on Rubedo...I just took a look at the news...they may be looking for us, but they don't know that it was me that helped you escaped. You've avoided capture before; I just got lucky..." Raven was cut off by Rubedo... "Regardless...I'm not going." "How come...." now she was really irritated...this guy was impossible. "Cause I said so..." he responded as he stood before her. She now was really upset...loosing control of her rage, she threw a punch at his face, only to have her fist caught by his palm, his strenght pushing back at hers. "You're an asshole...you know that Rubedo!" she almost had enough of him...maybe letting him go was a bad idea. "Not my loss..." he responded as he threw her arm to the side and walked into his room...leaving Raven to ponder. Raven wanted to be so mad at him...but she couldn't bring herself to do it. For some reason...she instantly forgave him. Taking a seat in the living room, she turned on the news to get an update on the situation..."I'm going with or without you Rubedo!" she declared to him with his bedroom door closed in an act of defiance. "Stupid girl..." he muttered underneathe his voice as he got himself dressed. Raven had gotten all his weapons for him before they escaped the complex the day before. Putting on all his black clothes...his trench coat covering the scimitars at his sides, and the holters for his two 9mm automatic weapons below his armpits. He looked at himself in the mirror, and saw the dark figure before him...his eyes burning red like that of the flames of hell....too many times he had to visit that place...dressed in all black...he looked like a goth...a shadowy tint underneathe his eyes...hidden behind the falling bangs. [I]God.......damn it![/I] Rubedo left his room upset with himself as the door banged up against the wall as he opened it. He quickly walked past Raven and headed for the door..."I'm coming too...lets go!" Without saying anything...Raven followed him out, locking the door behind her. [CENTER][I]***The Mall***[/I][/CENTER] [I]I have to stay with her...especially if the Zodiac find her...and I still have to keep my word to make up for my debt.[/I] Rubedo hated being out in public...the black backwards hat and red sunglasses were back on as the couple walked throughout the mall. Little kids were becoming frightened of Rubedo...just his presence was intimidating enough. "Why do you have to be that way?" asked Raven...seeing the people around them getting worried. "Why do they have to treat me like that for who I am...why must I change for them?" he quickly responded. [/SIZE] [/COLOR] OCC: SOMEONE SAVE RUBEDO!!! ACK!!! ;)...happy Reiku!
[SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkSlateGray]"Farel!...Taikaru" Lee yelled as he caught their attention, the two of them walking down the street side by side. With both parties waving to one another...they all converged with one another in the middle of the road which was deserted... Only lights from the sky about, the incredible machines and buildings lighting up the old style pavement of the 20th century. "What is everyone doing out here?" questioned Taikaru after everyone had greated each other. "Looking for you" replied Andy..."you all weren't at the dinner." "Indeed...Farel was getting worried and went after you." added Eric, who finally had spoken since M previously talked to him. "So...I see that everyone is here then...should we be heading back to the bar?" Farel had already taken Taikaru's hand as the two began to walk; the rest of the group followed suit. But Andy and M didn't move..."wait everyone...there is something I want to talk to all of you about first." proclaimed M in a gentle, and yet authoritative tone. The group had always looked at him as the leader of the group, but this was the first time where he actually took a major initiative. "Sure M..." replied Farel...he was taken back a little, but also with a sense of curiosity. He had always respected M for who is was...so his action intreged him. Everyone stood side by side as Andy left M's and joined the others as M stood before them. "It's good to see everyone again; I'm happy to see that everyone is doing well..." M immidiately sensed a rush of emotion from Eric...something holding back...[I]What's wrong Eric?[/I] "I see that our friendship has been kept in tact...as well as a few passions I see..." M had a huge grin on his face as he looked at Lee and Farel; everyone laughed at the remark. "So memories rush to my mind, about everything we've shared and experianced with one another...all that we have accomplished..." everyone could sense from M through the output of his powers that he was getting to a serious point. "But; do not forget that we now on duty once again...serving our people...for the darkness that was caused by the virus...as not yet subsided; and we've been called here to fight against the new rise." Immidiately the Angelic Team realized the point... "I rejoice with all my heart to see everyone so happy...running around and enjoying life. But right here in this moment...that is not why we are here. Jace had prepared for us to arrive at dinner which was instructed, and many of us blew it off..." M suddenly turned his gaze to Ivy and Lee. He wasn't upset at them...but was driving the point home. "You all are my friends...and I care for every single one of you as you already know. And I am not telling you to stop feeling for one another...but do not forget that we are soldier...sent here to do a job...and help save mankind against whatever enemy." "Please dont think that I'm upset at anyone...you all know me." M said with a smile..."but I do hope that my point is seen......we are up against a new dark power here in this city everyone. Jace is our expert...and will be telling us exactly what to expect...some form of witchcraft is at work here...and Jace has the answers with us." "I don't care if you like the guy or not..." now M was acting like the leader...not hiding his feelings anymore...Andy and Lee saw this. Lee had once touched his mind and almost died because of it...he didn't know if this was a good or bad thing... "...but we need him...and he needs us to destroy whatever it is that is infesting itself within this cities walls. Be what I know you all are capable of being...we're a team...and family...just like how things used to be. Completing this mission effectively, and efficiently...as well as making some adjustments along the way...'' M letting up...giving a wink to everyone. "...lets do this...so that we can go back home..." Everyone was silent...taking in his words. Reading their reactions...M could tell that they understood and agreed with him. All of them giving a nod...M and Lee suddenly sensed a stirring in the shadows surrounding them. "Heads up everyone!" yelled out Lee as everyone drew their weapons. "Be cool everyone...something is here with us...'' M added as everyone could see now shifting movements within the darkness. In a blinding flash of light...everyone's eyes closed shut as some unknown forces took hold of both Lee and M. Everyone scattered when within moments...both Julius's and Carl's cries could be heard echoing in the streets. As the light died down..the two mens bodies could be seen decaptiated as the rest of the groups eyesight came back. "Where's M!" cried out Andy as she frantically looked around after seeing the two dead bodies among everyone else. "I don't know...but I can't see Lee anywhere either!" responded Ivy as she got to her feet...crying out Lee's name. "Everyone..." Farel's look was concerned and bewildered as the five of them were now surrounded by a dozen dark cloaked figures...their faces hidden beneathe their hoods. Farel, Taikaru, Eric, Ivy and Andy all backed up to one another as they the cloaks drew nearer. They looked like ghosts...their bodies gliding over the pavement slightly. Eric noticed one of them raising on of their arms...pointing in their direction... "Get ready everyone...they're about to attack!" [CENTER]***[/CENTER] "Lee...yo man...you alright?" questioned M as he slowly opened his eyes. His head felt dizzy...a drozy kind of feeling. His arms and limps were bound to a metal pipe; touching what he imagined to be Lee's back. Their restraints were made of pure titanium...practically unbreakable. Lee seemed to be coming around to M's words as he shook around for a moment..."Hey I'm ok...a little dizzy...where the hell are we?" "I don't know...its just dark in here...."[/COLOR][/SIZE] [SIZE=2][COLOR=Black]End Chapter...[/COLOR][/SIZE] [FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium][SIZE=3][COLOR=DarkRed]Chapter Two: Spawns[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT] OCC: Alright...Lee...you and I have been kidnapped for the moment, and we wont be escaping. Everyone else...you're being attacked by witches...those powered with the element of Shadowmelding (dark magic). Thing is is that you can't kill them...imagine for that is up too you. DC will be posting to finalize the battle....settnig the plot of the Chapter into motion. And yes...Julius and Carl are dead:)...had to kill them. Dont cry... :animecry:
[COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1]M's grip on Andy's hand became firm as people continued to leave and not show up to the dinner...it wasn't just a dinner, but a time to get an introduction to the task at hand. Everyone was walking around...doing their own thing...despite how irritated he was becoming with Jace, he knew that he was right. "Jace...I'm sorry, but everyone seems to be going off on their own right now..." "No shit! Jace leaned back against the wall in discust. "I know man...look...I'm gonna go find everyone and bring them together. You can stay here if you want...but if you want to leave, that's up too you...I'll just explain everything to them myself." Jace said nothing as M turned his attention to Andy beside him..."You wanna come with me?" "Of course..." as M kissed her, and the two of them got out of the booth and headed for everyone's rooms first. "Where did Farel go M?" "Farel was the only one who told me where he was going...Taikaru went somewhere; and he's out there looking for her. Once we get everyone together here...I'll track the two of them down and meet up with them...I'm sure Eric is outside somewhere as well." "M..." as she whispered into his ear..."I hear Lee and Ivy in their room together." M could only shake his head as he knocked on the door. He could hear a rustling sound within...M and Andy could only imagine what was going on in there. "Ivy...Lee!...get ready and dressed now!" M's voice was firm but friendly..itching his friends to get ready. "Ok ok..." he could hear Lee saying as shoes and weapons could be heard being thrown around. The door burst open...with Lee and Ivy at each others sides with a somewhat innocent look upon their faces, as if they were children. "Alright kiddies...let's go" Andy said with a laugh as M joined her...both Julius and Carl walked out of their room as well all dressed and ready to go as the six of them walked into the streets of Tokyo. They easily found Eric leaning up against the wall of the resturant. M could see that something was on his mind... Whispering in his ear as the rest departed...searching for Taikaru and Farel..."you alright Eric?" He didn't say a word... "If you need to talk...I'll have an open ear for ya later tonight if you wish..." "Thanks man..." "No problem...now lets find everyone...I need to tell you all something." M putting a hand on Eric's shoulder...they both walked and joined the others who all clumped together in one large group as M led them in Farel and Taikaru's direction. [/SIZE] [/COLOR] OCC: Alright...Farel, Taikaru...whoever posts first...please do whatever you wanted to get done...and meet up with the rest of the group...there is something very important that M, as well as myself needs to say to the entire group:) Danko... Oh...sorry to have ruined your moment Lee and Ivy...you're on duty...tisk tisk:)
This is Retributions Profile...it'sName: Sergio Alvarez Age: 25 Sex: Male Location: Madrid, Spain Appearance: [link] But nix the clothes he's wearing, as well as his eye color. He has light brown/hazel eyes, and wears a gray long-sleeve shirt and gray cargo pants. His chin is less-sharp than what's shown in the picture... the one there could cut someone! Sometimes you can find him with black jeans and a white dress shirt with the top button undone. Personality: He is amiable and enjoyable to talk to. He can hold an intelligent, pleasant conversation with you for hours, and it'll feel like no time has passed at all. However with his happy, carefree side also comes his berserker, angry side. This doesn't surface out of the blue and unprovoked, but when you have set off his temper, which is usually very forgiving. He enters a berserker frenzy when his life is in danger, preparing to do anything to save his own life, and he people he loves most around him. Bio: Sergio was born in Castile, Spain, and moved to Madrid when he was seven. His family raised him well, he coming out as an intelligent young man by the time he was 18. When Sergio was young, his family taught him the value of knowledge and what it can get you in life. His mother and father worked very hard at both their jobs and at home to raise him and his two sisters right. They stuck together, and life got easier for the family. His father got a promotion, and his mother got a pay raise. They sent Sergio off to Oxford for college, wanting on the best for their aspiring prodigy. He learned english at Oxford, making him fluent in both languages. He prefers to use spanish, because he feels allows him to portray his true feelings. He worked hard at Oxford to become an aeronautical engineer, hoping that one day one of his own creations would allow him to fly above the world. He recieved a letter in the mail, telling him that he had been selected to live in a mansion of delights and to earn free money. What could go wrong? he thought, so he accepted. His parents were extremely happy for him, hoping that the extra money would give him a head-start into adulthood and establishing himself in the world. Greatest Desire: To travel in space. He loves the idea of weightlessness, zero G, and the infinite vastness of space. He even wanted to be an astronaut when he was little. Greatest Fear: Being killed. He will do anything to survive. The survival instict runs strongly in his veins. also up in the underground.
[COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1]Eating away at his bowl of noodles...Rubedo didn't say a word while Raven sat uneasily in her chair..waiting again for him to speak. "Um...Rubedo..." she was getting impatient again..."I asked you what we're to do now." Swallowing what was in his mouth, keeping his eyes focused on the bowl he held in his palm..."I'm eating...after..." Raven could feel the electric current flowing through her veins as it boiled. She couldn't believe the nerve of this guy..but..she figured it was best to eat something first. So she sat in silence eating out of her own bowl. When the two of them had finished, Raven took both of their bowls and began to wash them in the sink. Yelling back to him in the living room..."So...what now Guardian!?" "We wait..." he responded quickly as she walked back in and took her seat. "Why must we wait..." "If these Zodiac are too join together...then they must be already seeking each other out. I'm sure with time...that they'll find you as well. You'll be easier to find if you stay in one place...but we can't stay here in this home for too long. They know that you helped me escape from the execution chamber..so this will be the first place that they'll start." "I understand...my boss will buy me some time first...so we should be safe for tonight." "If you say so..." Rubedo leaned back in the chair and closed his eyes. "You said that they would fine me...what about you?" "What about me?" he slowly opened his eyes again, annoyed at her persistance. "Are you leaving...after everything I've done...you're just gonna leave me! I risked my job for you pal..." "And that was your own foolishness...I told you I could have escaped whenever I chose too...did it not occur to you that I wanted it." Raven knew exactly what he was talking about...the point he was making. She tried all that she could to keep her emotions in...her past memories and feelings flooding back. She could only imagine how this Guardian felt within... "I'm sorry...but I thought you'd be able to help me in all this. You said it yourself though...that both Zodiacs and Guardians will bring about the balance of this world...we might as well stay together...right?" Rubedo raised to his feet, clutching his fists together...becoming rather annoyed at all of this..."I...thank you for the food, and for wanting me to live...........one day I'll repay my debt." "...ok" she didn't know what else to say...maybe she was pushing or assuming too much. "I'm tired...let me know whenever you decide to leave." he turned his back to her and walked into the spare bedroom. Raven said not one word to him...she quietly packed her things for the next morning..and drifted off to sleep. [CENTER]***3 hours later***[/CENTER] Meditating upon his bed...his legs crossed, palms firmly placed upon his knees, Rubedo began to focus his thoughts...regaining the energy he had lost in the past couple of days. His body was beginning to crave action once more...this damn restriction from his master was becoming quite taxing. He wasn't getting hardly any action anymore. Without someone to dictate him...he felt lost. Awakening from his trace..with only his black pants on...his upper body exposed with the scars, Rubedo walked towards the balcony when he saw Raven's door wide open to her room. She was naked as she slept over her silky sheet, peacefully sleeping the night away. Not stopping for even a moment...Rubedo made his way up the fire escape, finding himself at the rooftop of the building. The moonlight shining down upon his red hair looked like it brought it alive..his golden eyes sparkling in awe as he looked up at the full moon. With a gentle breeze blowing through his hair as it came across his face...he breathed in the cool night air as he reflected... [I]The Zodiac are already coming...good.....least I'll finally find out where this will go.[/I] [COLOR=DarkRed][I]The castle walls were being torn down; the town below burning to ashes...a war that will never be recorded in human history. The humans fighting their own war, while they...the angels and demons forged their own in the shadows. To protect the human cause..to further prolong the rebellion, to fight evil of any form. They've killed your lover...they've killed the one family you did raise up as your own. Friends...everyone...you were made to watch them die. By both angelic and demonic hands..slaughtered like simple cattle. What will you do now....what will you do?[/I][/COLOR] Reading from his journal, Rubedo closed it and placed it into his back pocket. The book couldn't have been any bigger than that of his hand. But within carried his entire life...this was his only source to his past. All his memories...lost from one life to another; only leaving the experiance...feeling and scars..no recollection of why...or when. Only on a few occastions did he ever died of unnatural causes...not that of old age, either being executed, defeated in battle; in those times his book was lost. But then...was soon found again. At his old age...before his death, he would always pass it to a care-taker...one who would return it to him when he returned. Shining in the moonlight, you could get a glimpse of how glazed over his spirit felt...shown only through his eyes. He felt so tired of this body...his powers almost uncontrolable with this mortal form. [I]Why did she have to save me...[/I] "Because she chose to save you..." replied a voice in back of Rubedo. He slowly turned around, already knowning who it was. "Albedo...my master...finally you show yourself." "I'm dissapointed in you Rubedo...do you have any idea what you've started..." his tone was serious as the angel approached the guardian. Rubedo was silent...he didn't care nor seem to bother at the thought...it wasn't the first time that the world was at risk of being destroyed like it was now. "What's done has been done...I have no right to place all of this on you. It is Reoan that is our main concern at this moment...however the Zodiac will be preoccupied with the war brewing." "So what will you have me do..." "Oh Rubedo...even now...you still stay loyal. How did it feel...not having to answer to me...not having to kill anyone...to live out your own choices." "Are you tempting me Albedo with human emotions...you know our code." "Yes..I do...I wrote them...I'm simply trying to teach you...to further develope your growth." as Albedo placed both hands on Rubedo's shoulders. "I love you my boy...and I am very pleased with you; forget about those politicians...you do what you feel you need to do." "Alright..." Rubedo kept his answer simple...we hasn't much of a talker like his master was. He had gotten out of that a long time ago...there were no more heroes in the world anymore...why should he continue to... "Rubedo...I want you to stay with this Zodiac...get to know them...let them get to know you. And you'll be able to help them..." "Whatever you say Albedo..." "What..." Albedo stepped back from Rubedo..."you didn't call me master...why?" Rubedo stood silent, his expression blank upon his face...but something much much more deeper lay underneathe. "You've been a father to me Albedo.......but something must change. I will seek out these Zodiac with Raven...but I will not call you master again. I won't be tighed down by you anymore...I will obey..but nothing more than that." For a stranger reason, a grin spread across Albedo..."I respect your decision Rubedo...I will always look upon you as a pupil...but you're right...I wont hold you down any longer...not like those Grigori." "Thank you..." replied Rubedo as he leaped down from the rooftop into Raven's balcony and went to sleep. ...For a couple of moments...Albedo stood on the rooftop alone...[I]Finally...he learns...[/I][/SIZE][/COLOR] OCC: All those coming to Greece...I take it you're coming to find Raven. We'll be waiting:) Reiku...your turn.
Yea...Ragnarok is pretty awesome...I just got lazy and decided to use my avatar...i'd never used it before...wanted to get personable with me and my character;) Can't wait for this to start...nice and simple...not too many people...awesome.
[COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1]Andy and M had moved into each others rooms during their little break. After they had finally finished packing...the annoucement sounded throughout the entire complex that the ship was being preped for departure. Andy had chosen not to use any other weapons but her abilities with fire...so she watched M get dressed and ready to go. Putting his mini gun in a backpack, and strapping his 9mm automatic pistols onto his belt...M gave Andy a deep passionate kiss before he opened the door; carrying his two backparks as Andy followed. Everyone was all set and ready to go onboard the ship...everyone seemed so calm...and yet excited for the mission at hand. M figured that they all felt rusty...desiring some action. With Andy's hand in his...M peacefully feel asleep; desite the roaring engines of the ship as it made its way to Tokyo, Japan. [CENTER]***[/CENTER] "Tahlia!" yelled out Jason as he approached Jace; still leaning up against the local bar that he had gone too. Jace always came here whenever something was on his mind...naturally, Jason went looking for him. "Yea..." he replied...not bringing his attention to him as he continued to sip at his drink. "Project Heaven is on its way to Tokyo as we speak...if you hurry, you'll be able to meet up with them when they land...it'll be approximately an hour before they dock at Platform 437...do you need a ride?" "No...I'll get there on my own thank you." as Jace finished his drink in one gulp, slamming it onto the table as he paided the bar-tender and walked outside the door. Chained to an old rusty post sticking out of the ground, lay Jace's ancient bicycle. A black and dark green shade on the bars...Jace unlocked it and pushed off and headed towards the outward walls of the city of Japan. No one ever used the streets down below anymore...usually people were driving flying cars and taxi's...and most prefered to stay away from the bottom streets anyway. They were dark and desolate...where the poor and weak lived out their lives...set apart from "upper-class" society. Looking up above, Jace could see the pollution being poured out from the automobiles above him. The towers surrounding him seemed to stretch towards heaven as he approached the out wall of the city. Showing his ID to the guard within...he rod his bike in and took the elevator all the way to the top...slowly making his way to the Platform. Leaning his bike up against a wall...Jace watched the ship land in the middle of the platform as the steal door opened. One by one...members of the project who Jace saw earlier in his reports began to pour out. He took notice of M...and made his way towards them. "You must be Jace...'' M said as he stuck out a hand..."I'm M...and this is the rest of the Angelic Team...its a pleasure."[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1]Name: Ajack Masters Age: 28 Race: Human Class: Outlaw/Fighter Height: 5'11'' Weight: 185 Eye color: red (see attachment) Hair Color: white/silver (see attachment) Short Bio: Born and raised within the walls of Theode..ever since Ajack was able to speak and understand back language and communication, his father Leo Masters began to teach his son the family trade of priest. Aside from the knowledge and wisdom offered by the church..Ajack was trained in the art of being an active hand for God, using now only his words, but his fists to bring about peace. At the age of 17...something terrible happened within the church one afternoon. No one really knows what happened. All that is known is that Ajack was the only one to survive....only the scars on his body, and over his left eye truly tell the tale. Over the next couple of weeks, evidence was found holding Ajack responsible for the murders. In his humiliation and rage, Ajack ran away into the depths of the desert, abandoning his mother, brothers and sisters. Growing up into a man..he tried to hold onto the basic foundation that his father taught him. Rumors surrounded thoughout the country about Ajack..him consipiring in other acts of trechery, assassinations, and destruction..making his name feared. But that's all that they were...merely rumors. No one knew the truth...his scars however, a constant reminder as he wanted through the forests, deserts and open waters. Equipment: A staff given to him by an elf living in the forest of Ashenhire, remedies and potions straped to his belt, money, his journal...and a [URL=http://www.discountknivesonline.com/images/GH2025.jpg]Dagger[/URL]...Upon his left pointer finger is the silver ring of his order...and a silver cross and chain around his neck which could been seen through his open white trench coat...which is always worn with black pants and steal toed boots. (guns?) Armor: Upon the shoulders of his white cloak/trench coat, he wears two plates of armor. Underneathe are metallic bracers which are strapped onto his forearms which run down to his hands and wrap around his fingers apart from his thumb, giving him a sense of a glove with free mobility of his fingers, enabling him to form a fist with the metal covering. Spells: Spirit of Gaia: In a short prayer..Ajack is able to resurrect individuals from death, as well as create barriers. Abilities: If Ajacks armor is taken off, not holding down his speed...he becomes much faster and stronger. Within his palms...he's able to create energy to use against the enemy, whether to push them backwards with a quick burst...or for an explosion. Rage: Within Ajacks chest seems to be a red flame shining through his flesh. This raises Ajacks speed, strength and endurance to incredible feets...however, if used for too long, it will drain Ajacks energy significantly, and will alter his state of conciousness...becoming not like himself. Weakness: Not very good against heavily armored warriors... [/SIZE] [/COLOR] I hope that's ok...looks like a lot of room for character development...yay!
[COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1]It was a good two hours that Raven and Rubedo sat in the cell together...with long chains strapped to Rubedo's wrists and the wall, there was no point in trying to escape. He was however becoming irritated with Raven's persistance. He could tell by the look in her eye that she was becoming impatient...but she seemed determined to get at the bottom of the situation; not like Rubedo knew much anyway about it. Letting his hair fall over his face, Rubedo simply closed his eyes and drifted into a dark oblivion as Raven kept her presence known in the cell. Finally...after now three hours..."I never got your name detective..." Rubedo spoke as he opened his eyes and returned the gaze that Raven had been giving him for the past few hours. Raven was quite annoyed at this Guardians persistance to resist and avoid her questions...but...she didn't have much choice, so she answered him calmly and professionaly. "Raven...call me Raven." "Nice to meet you Detective Raven; I'm Rubedo.....I'd shake your hand but...I'm chained to the wall, so please forgive me." [I]He's become quite the gentlemen all of a sudden...what's he planning...[/I] "I'm not planning anything...the anxiety and curiosity rising within you is unnecessary at this moment in time..." he proclaimed; interrupting Raven's thinking. "So...you can read my thoughts Guardian..." "No...just your feelings...living as long as I teaches you how to read those feelings..." Rubedo sighed loudly and snuggled himself up against the cement wall. Again, the room went quiet for a moment...neither one of them saying a word till Raven broke the silence. "Well...if you don't choose to talk; then I might as well give you your options Rubedo. You either cooperate with me and help me figure all of this out...or you will be executed...it's that simple." Her voice seemed to demand respect as she leaned back in her chair and crossed her arms. "So...are you going to talk to me now and answer my questions...or are you just going to sit there and rot." "Let us get one thing straight my dear..." Rubedo now slowly getting to his feet..."save your threats, if you know about Guardians...then you'll know that feel no fear for death..." "Then please Rubedo....help me..." Raven was trying to hold in her hatred for the being...all the murders that he had committed...she just couldn't grasp it all...or understand the purpose behind all this. "There's no point in hiding your hatred for me...I'm quite used to it in this world. I merely carry out my orders...a puppet for all time." "Who gave you those orders then Rubedo..." Raven sensed the opening that he was trying to give her in an instant..."who's behind all these attacks...what's the purpose behind it all?" Rubedo began to pass back and forth in his section of the cell..."who knows the will of God...truly. Other than he...we beings of flesh and blood do not have the pleasure of hearing his voice. They're hardly ever the same...but holy being's of this world come to me with a purpose...to kill...to heal." "You of all people should understand that...to see the corruption and violence in this world. The typical citizen's eyes are blind and naked to the world within their own...of crime, drugs, sex...you know this. The same is in regard to you and me...there are far more things at work here as I told you when you had your gun pointing at me." "Then tell me...if what I'm hearing from you is true...I get the feeling that those other murders that you committed were for a higher purpose...something beyond my understanding; fine. But what of the presidents...who told you to kill them? You must know why?" Finally...this man was starting to talk...she needed information...and she needed it fast. "Reoan...a powerful Guardian has turned against God...seeking revenge for he and some other I do not know. She came to me with a proposition...to show me a new way of living. You must understand Detective..." "Please...call me Raven." trying to be more personable. "Raven...I'm a killer...and yet I also save...forever alienated from the rest of this world. My soul will never die...never with a purpose of it's own...as I said...I'm a mere puppet to those above." as he looked towards the ceiling. "I don't know why I continue to live this way...but it's the only way I've ever known. So Reoan came to me with a new way...or what I was led to believe." "So what did she tell you to do?" "She gave me a new mission...to kill those political leaders...for what greater purpose...I don't know. But I followed through without question...I know in some shape or form...all of them had wronged God in a great way...other than that...I don't know what else I can tell you." "Tell me of the other Zodiac's..." Raven was now persuing more...she now at least had a name...now for the details. "Humans such as yourself...they're being gathered as we speak...or so I've been told. It is said that the Zodiac....as well as Guardians such as myself will bring about balance to the times to come. I can only imagine what will sprew from my works....whatever it may be....I'm sure you and I will become a major part in the battle ahead." "A battle..." Raven was worried at what that might entail. "Oh come now...you know...World War 3...Armageddon; the end times..." "Yes I know that...but what the hell are we to do about it?" frustrated and confused...she was drawing more and more questions unanswered than finding real answers to this whole mess. "I'm sorry I can't tell you anymore" as Rubedo fell back to the ground, leaning up against the wall yet again. "I myself am waiting to see what kind of part I'm to play in all this..." "You already have become part of it...you killed those men...it's your fault that this is happening!'' her voice was booming...this guy would just not crack. She began walking straight towards him in her rage as Rubedo quickly got to his feet in a flash, coming face to face with her...his arms now being pulled in back of him due to being chained to the wall. "It is not the end yet...you and the Zodiac still have time to figure this all out." "And what about you..." her voice quickly became weak from the burst of adrenaline...her body still acked with pain from their fight earlier... Rubedo looked down at her hand and ushered to take it..."give me your hand..." Taking back by the request, she cautiously stuck it out for him to hold in both of his hands. Without taking his eyes away from hers...she could slowly feel a warmth spreading through her entire body. The pain within began to subside at his touch... "I don't know what I'm to do...whatever God has for me." he let go of her hand and walked back to the wall; leaning up against it as he stood. "Even after all this...you still follow God?" "I will forever serve him.....but....Raven...there is only so much a man can take. So...what now detective?"[/SIZE][/COLOR]
Alright...looking good everyone. I only need a few more to post for this rpg before I can get it started...if not...I'll figure it out from there. Please, have patience everyone;)...just a little more.