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Everything posted by Kairi

  1. [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1]Selene was quite upset at the fact that Nicholas and Robbie were now being held by the Slugs. She was determined to complete their objective and get that mask. Michael agreed with her that they should follow through with their plans.......but...Michael had a different plan. Everyone in the guild began to prepare themselves for the ball when Michael came walking out of his room fully prepared for what looked like a war. With gun holsters underneathe his trench coat, and two more clipped to his belt; all 9mm automatic pistols, two which were silent. And of course the duel daggers at his side, and the shotgun strapped to his back. Putting on his black gloves, Selene approached him in confusion... "What the hell are you doing Michael...we're to be at the ball in 2 hours. I pray that you don't plan on wearing that to the ball..." "Of course not...that's why I'm not going to the ball." as he continued to get himself ready; picking up the keys to his BMW. "Then what the hell are you planning on doing then?" Selene had a high respect for Michael, though she only knew him personally...her father always spoke highly of him...in his abilities...and as a man. But she was concerned at his actions at the moment... "Selene..." as he turned his eye towards hers..."I just got here...and I haven't been given any assignment in this mission. However, I do know that these slugs will never give up Nicholas once they have the mask in their possession. The slugs haven't seen me yet...nor do they know that I've come back. So...why'll you all continue with the mission objective so that they don't suspect anything...I'll find and kill the men who are holding Nicholas and Robbie." Selene was speechless for a moment as the rest of the guild filtered out of their respectable bedrooms all dressed up for the ball. "Xander...I need a favor..." as Michael walked away from Selene who was now deep in thought about the idea. "Sure..." Xander had never spoken a word to the guy...but he seemed friendly and honorable enough. "I need a list of all the contacts you got whom might have information about the Sergio and the Slugs." "Not a problem...here...the met get a piece of paper to write on" as Xander pulled out a black pen. He began to right the names down for Michael as Selene walked up behind him. "Are you sure about this?" she asked...concerned for him. "Yes...you know better than anyone that they will never let those two go so freely. We've got to try..." "And what if you're caught...or killed?" "Then do what you need to do Selene..." as he gave her a reasurring look that he was going to be ok. "Here you go..." Xander accidently interrupted. "Thanks a lot man...I owe ya." as Michael showed the piece of paper into his trench coat pocket and began to walk out the door. Finding himself in the parking lot of the hotel complex...looking at his silver BMW...he took a moment to focus his thoughts and energy, concentrating at the objective at hand. [I]I will not fail......take care everyone....[/I] as he got into the car and drove into the city. [I]I've got two hours to find them...and about four hours after that to free them. [/I] [/SIZE] [/COLOR] OCC: I know Nicholas hasn't posted...but I figured it would be more interesting have both he and Robbie being kidnapped....
  2. [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1]"Arcaine....I think you should transform.....now is a very very good time...." Arcaine was mistified by Ebony's transformation...so eligant and profound...but he turned away from her sight and started to walk towards the cyclops. "Don't worry about me...just make sure this monster goes down Ebony..." [I]He knew my name...[/I] "Are you insane...that thing will kill you...you must transform!" Ebony replied as she drew back her bow, preparing to strike. Arcaine simply turned his head slightly over his shoulders, his big, aqua-blue eyes piercing hers, giving her a smile of confidence... [I]Don't worry about me...[/I] a voice could be heard in Ebony's mind. She quickly glanced over at Apollo who was standing in the distance with his arms crossed, looking at Arcaine with a smile... Ebony didn't understand...but like before...Arcaine voice was soothing; reashuring of what he was doing. She quickly pulled back on her bow, and began to attack the monster with a flurry of arrows. Arcaine began to rush towards the cyclops at it swung at him. His barrier was already up, absorbing the impact as Arcaine lunged up and punched the monster in the eye, causing it to go blind for a moment. Arcaine was very quick, and with Ebony's aim, she never hit the boy as he began to constantly move around the beast, slashing at it with a knife that materialized in his hand. [I]He does know what he's doing...[/I] As often as the two of them damaged the monster...it didn't seem to phase it much, it muscles massive and thick, protecting its internal organs. Arcaine suddenly was caught off-guard by the cyclops, his barrier weakening as its large hand crashed through, connecting with Arcaines sternum; sending him backwards towards Ebony. She continued to shoot her arrows at the monster as it approached Arcaine's body whom seemed to be unconcious. As fast as she was shooting her arrows, the cyclops continued to persue... Suddenly, Arcaine's eyes shot wide open...materializing two arrows similar to Ebony's; however these were golden, not silver. With the cyclops arms raised into the air, preparing to crash down upon Arcaine...he quickly got to his feet in a flip and pushed up with all his might, thrusting the two arrows into the monsters throat. Ebony saw the perfect opportunity to bring the beast down, its face completely unprotected now as she drew back a final arrow....whirling it straight at the cyclop's eye. Piercing straight in the back of its skull...the monster fell to the ground, causing what seemed like a mini earthquake. Arcaine was kneeling on the ground, clutching his sternum with his right hand as Ebony approached him... "You're such a fool..." an echo of both Ebony's and Artemisis's voice could be heard coinciding with one anothers as they spoke. "why didn't you transform?" Slowly, Arcaine rose to his feet...letting go of his chest as he brought his eyes to Ebony in her transformation. "I have my reasons..." as Apollo could be seen walking beside Arcaine; putting a hand on his shoulder. "Beside...I'm fine...and we won...let's go see Kain and Mia, and take care of your brothers." Arcaine said, giving that look from his eyes to Ebony again. In the same blinding light as before, Artemis's body and Ebony's seperated from one another. Arcaine could now see Artemis unlike from before as he bowed. "Nice to meet you goddess..." Ebony was already running out the door where Kain and Mia had brought her brothers outside, Artemis took a glance at her brother and followed Ebony. Arcaine and Apollo walked slowly behind... [COLOR=DarkOrange]Are you ok Arcaine...[/COLOR] [I]Yea...I'll be fine...[/I]as he pressed his palm up against his chest once again...as a white light began to fill his hand. [COLOR=DarkOrange]How much longer are you going to push me away...you could have defeated that monster without being hurt nor effort. Why...[/COLOR] [I]How long have we known each other...[/I] [COLOR=DarkOrange]Too long...[/COLOR] as the two of them laughed with one another. [I]And even though I haven't fully accepted you...we are still here...I don't want to be foolish...I want to master these powers myself without making too much of a leap...[/I] [COLOR=DarkOrange]You've come quite a long way Arcaine....I understand your decision...maybe you just shouldn't seem so dense to the others...[/COLOR] [I]I suppose you're right...I don't want to hold your's and Artemis's reuinon back on my account...[/I] [COLOR=DarkOrange]Thank you...I will forever be in your debt. [/COLOR] [I]No need Apollo...let's get to the others...I'm sure Ebony is worried about her brothers...and I know Artemis will need you there with her to be with Ebony. [/I] [COLOR=DarkOrange]Yes...lets...[/COLOR] The two walked side by side through the double doors of the mall exit, and headed towards the others. OCC: [COLOR=Black][URL=http://smedia.vermotion.com/media/7794/prodimages/GH2025.jpg]Duel Daggers Picture[/URL] [/COLOR] : a duel weapon that I want to add to Arcaine Also...I hope that little convo showed the relationship that Apollo and Arcaine have with one another...[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  3. OCC: *sigh*...Arcaine knows...but I'll sort that all out...no worries:) [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1]As Artemis and Ebony began to talk to one another with the spirit of Apollo standing by the side of his dear sister Artemis...without them knowing...Arcaine had already begun to walk towards the Cyclops. Curiosity and awe overcame him..his calm and demenor unflinched as he approached the beast. It was already beginning to attack the other civilians as they tried to escape the building. Walking slowly towards it...Arcaine raised his left hand into the air, a sense of holy power left him as the three's gaze turned towards him. In an instant...all the mortal humans were surrounded by a golden aura. As the cyclops brought a massive club down upon an innocent little girl, the attack was absorbed, causing no damage whatsoever to her, as if the club was hitting a barrier. Through to apparent cloak that the beast posessed, you could see a red orb shaped eye staring at the God as it turned towards Arcaine. Closing his eyes, Arcaine lifted his right hand into the air as he stood still, with the cyclops walking towards him, shaking the very foundation which they stood upon. All around them; the injured people that Ebony was tending too began to heal. Their wounds, strength...healed in a glimmering white light that surrounded them. It was only a moment before that Arcaine opened his eyes to see the cyclops club coming down upon him. With his speed and quickness, Arcaine easily dodged out of the way. [COLOR=DarkOrange]Arcaine...[/COLOR] cried out Apollo as he began to run to his friend. "Stay there...it'll sense you" responded Arcaine as he ran from table to table, throwing food, drinks, everything and anything he could at the cyclops as it walked slowly towards him. "What the hell are you doing?" asked Ebony as Artemis stood quickly as Apollo rejoined her at her side. The two's sister and brotherly love apparent to one another...inseperable now that they were reinited. Then Ebony realized what Arcaine was doing...slowly, with everything that Arcaine was covering the beast with; it gave it a certain shape, an apperance showing made of all the materials. "Kill this thing..." said Arcaine in a calm and gentle voice as he contiued to run from table to table, constantly dodging the monsters swings. With her bow and quivers clutched in her hands, hearing the boy's voice brought her out of her uneasyness and began to fire upon the monster. [COLOR=DarkOrange]Arcaine...we must....[/COLOR] Apollo tried to yell at Arcaine...but was quickly interrupted. "No...we're won't do it now! I will tell you when I'm ready..." Arcaine quickly responded as Arcaine lunged himself towards the Cyclops. He had obviously been trained in the arts as Ebony looked at his skill. Even if his blows didn't do much damage, it certainly kept the beast busy as Ebony continued to pullmel the monster, arrow after arrow. [/SIZE] [/COLOR] OCC: Tag
  4. [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1]"I'm sorry..." Arcaine replied as he bumped into a girl walking past him in the crowd of people in the mall. He turned around to see her...but she had already continued to walk by....[I]I guess she didn't hear me...[/I] [COLOR=DarkOrange][I]Ah...haven't felt that presence in a long time...[/I][/COLOR] [I]What...?[/I] [I][COLOR=DarkOrange]Oh nothing Arcaine...[/COLOR][/I] "Whatever..." Arcaine muttered under his breathe as a slight laugh came to him. He had grown a custom to the voices' sudden outbursts at times...he simply referred to it as his concience. But what it said intreged him... Turning his attention back towards the crowd, Arcaine continued to walk around the mall...just looking to his eyes content. As his legs began to tire, he decided to go to the cafeteria section of the mall and got himself some italian to eat. His parents never understood his facination for foreign food...but Arcaine just found it more appealing and satisfying to his tastes. Choosing to do something speratic...Arcaine finished chewing what was in his mouth, and from his backpack, he pulled out his silver Lyre. Leaning back in his chair...he began to play such a heavenly tune, signing a hymm...some people simply didn't hear it...some just ignored him...but many, caught the sublime rythm of his play. Not drawing a crowd around him, the people simply continued on their marry way...letting the words pass through them as if they were a warm blanket around their souls. His voice was divine, with no hestitation; just full of emotion. [COLOR=LightBlue][I]Spend all your time waiting for that second chance for a break that would make it okay there's always one reason to feel not good enough and it's hard at the end of the day I need some distraction oh beautiful release memory seeps from my veins let me be empty and weightless and maybe I'll find some peace tonight in the arms of an angel fly away from here from this dark cold hotel room and the endlessness that you fear you are pulled from the wreckage of your silent reverie you're in the arms of the angel may you find some comfort there so tired of the straight line and everywhere you turn there's vultures and thieves at your back and the storm keeps on twisting you keep on building the lie that you make up for all that you lack it don't make no difference escaping one last time it's easier to believe in this sweet madness oh this glorious sadness that brings me to my knees in the arms of an angel fly away from here from this dark cold hotel room and the endlessness that you fear you are pulled from the wreckage of your silent reverie you're in the arms of the angel may you find some comfort there you're in the arms of the angel may you find some comfort here[/I][/COLOR] After he was finished...Arcaine simply put away his Lyre without saying a word and went back to eating. [/SIZE] [/COLOR]
  5. OCC: Just so that everyone knows...Jace is not at the base with the others;)...he's in Japan actually...please read posts so that confusion like that doesn't happen:)...thanx [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1]Everyone began to gather into the meeting room, with Commander Red of course at the head. Carl, Julius, Eric, M,Taikaru, Andy, Ivy, and Lee all sat at the table in front of Red...awaiting their orders quietly. "It's good to see everyone up and about again..." Red began..."we've been through quite a lot together...and I'm sorry to say that our services have been requested once again." Everyone remained quite...being respectful to the Commanders status, waiting to listen to his words. "Here in my hands are you progress reports for you all to read. President Micah has taken quite an interest in every single one of you; so all of you have been evaluated...in terms of abilities...improvements, weaknesses...all in which are free for all of you to read at your leisure. Now...onto more important matters...." "As you are well aware...there hasn't been any word of another virus infection since Taikaru created her anti-virus. For that I congradulate you all for...but that unfortunately is not the end. We've been getting reports...and rumors...of some kind of power shifting around earth. Even with the virus eliminated...I, as well as the rest of you probably have felt a resinating evil upon earth." "Thirteen hundred hours ago...we were contacted by New Tokyo of a disturbance rising within the city structure. They dont know what it is...but there are scenes of.........massacres...brutal killings throughout the city. These scenes seem close in relation to the events that took place at New Berlin that fateful day." "So Project Heaven of course has taken a great interest in this case...and I'm sending all of you to check it out...your objectives are as followed... One: Seek out Jace , he will be your contact who will provide you with additional information; he apparently is an expert in the matter. Two: Seek out and kill the cause for these murders Three: As always...find out any information you can about the events at New Berlin. You all leave in 25 hundred hours...get ready everyone...and God speed." Commander read closed his book as everyone rose from their seats. "Hey Andy..." M asked..."you wanna go get something to eat...I'm starving." "Yea sure....hey everyone...wanna come with us to the mess hall!" Everyone agreed...saying that they'd meet M and Andy there. With all of them going their seperate ways...M gave Andy a kiss, taking her hand...and walked together down the hall towards the cafeteria. [/SIZE] [/COLOR] OCC: Just making a little bit more time for everyone else to post...
  6. [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1]Rubedo was quite amused with the girls pose; she was obviously prepared for anything...looking through his sunglasses...as the rain began to pour on the both of them. He closed his eyes...relaxing his muscles "and why do you want to fight me so; Gemini." his voice was calm, unflinching at his enemy. "You reak of death Guardian...something about you isn't right..." she replied as she gripped her two blades even tighter...trying to get a read on him. "Is that all...wow, for an officer...you assume too much." [I]He knows who I am?![/I] ''Here...let me give you a better reason..." immidiately, Rubedo began to reviel his full facial features, taking off his hat and sunglasses, throwing them to the side. Raven looked long and hard through the rain as she began to realize who this man was..."you...you're the man who's portrait was drawn from the attack on the U.S president...you're Rubedo...the outlaw!" She quickly sheathed one of her blades and drew her weapon and fired upon him...in the blink of an eye, Rubedo dodged the bullet and was upon Raven, thrusting a firm palm into her sternum, sending her flying backwards with only the water of the flooded street for a cushion. She lost her her gun in the water...but was able to hold onto her blade. Slowly rising back to her feet, her clothing now drenched...the wind began to pick up from a gentle breeze to that of a hurricane. Rubedo's hair blowed violently in front of his golden eyes as Raven's turned back to a neon yellow. She quickly yeilded her other blade and charged at Rubedo who neither drew his weapons nor moved. Slashing one of her blades at him, he effortlessly leaned to one side, dodging the attack. Raven continued to do a fluid motion of attacks; jabbing, slashing, everything and anything she could do to try and hit him. But if was futile, Rubedo's speed was unmatched compared to her movements. Simply keeping his hands in his trench coat pockets...he merely taunted with the Zodiac. In a sudden explosion of strength and speed, catching Raven off guard, Rubedo rushed straight into Raven and lunged his right knee into her abdomin, causing her to leave her feet from the ground. Lfiting up his right arm, he brought his elbow down to the back of Ravens neck, having her face fall into the pavement of the street. Rubedo began to walk away...leaving Raven alone in the street, becoming bored once again...he turned his head slightly around his shoulder to see Raven's eyes coming to meet his. She was in a flurry of rage, but she looked at his eyes as well...showing nothing at all...no emotion, no pleasure nor pitty. As he began to walk away, a sudden feeling of a shockwave pulsed from Ravens body as she pressed her palms into the water of the street. Using her electric powers, the energy was conducted throughout the entire area...including Rubedo walking through the flood. In a burst of fire, Rubedo's trench coat and shirt blazed in an inferno do to the current now passing through his entire being. Blood rushed from his eyes and nose as his entire body tensed up. Trying to regain her composure from Rubedo's blows to her body as she rose to her feet, his coat and shirt all melted away, even with the rain that poured down from up above. Veins in his biceps, neck and back were all pulsing...his skin was severly burnt; steaming rising from his body as the water droplets feel all over his body. Before he could react...Raven had already run towards him, jabbing one of her blades right into his right shoulder, piercing through his lung. Rubedo however didn't cry out...he merely focused his eyes towards the wound, his body tensing up. Blood dripped down the side of the blade as Raven twisted it, ripping through his flesh. In a desperate attempt, with his left arm he threw an upper-cut, catching Raven in the jaw, causing her to fly back. Instantaniously, as Rubedo wripped the blade out of his chest, Raven catching her balance on her feet as she fell towards the ground; they each charged, both throwing a punch which each dodged. Turning sharply around...they each pulled out their gun and aimed it at one anothers head...holding each other in a stalemate, each breathing heavily. "Why...." Raven muttered..."why would you kill all of them?" the barrel of her gun was shaking as she began to loss strength, struggling to hold it up. With Rubedo's right arm limp, gasping for breathe as he took in his own blood, the wound slowly began to heal itself, amazing Raven at the sight. His skin was now its original complextion...just as he was before. "Because....there is far more to this than you realize." his eyes told her that it was the truth...something far more lay at the depths of all of this. This man seemed to feel nothing, a wandering soul...nothing seemed to phase him. A steady rock against the raging winds. To Raven's surprise...Rubedo began to slowly lower his weapon... [I]So this is one of the Zodiac......you were right master...all I had to do was be pat...[/I] A blast in the distance echoed through the entire abandoned neighborhood as two shots were fired at Rubedo, one hitting him in the left thigh, and another on his right shoulder blade. Falling slowly to his knees, he looked up at Raven and brought his head back down where he fell into the flooded road; blood mixing with water all around him in his exhaustion; his powers drained. He had done far too much....as much traveling as he had done. From one of the ally's, Raven could see Nathan and the Chief running towards her, weapons drawn. "What the hell happened here Raven!" proclaimed the Chief in a booming voice as Nathan cuffed Rubedo, confescating his weapons. [/SIZE] [/COLOR]
  7. [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1]"Arcaine............" asked his foster mother as he walked in through the door, coming back from school. "Yes mother...I'm here.'' he answered as he closed the door quietly in back of him as he threw his backpack to the bottom of the stairs; leading up to his room. "Can you come in here for a moment and help me mix this batter..." "Sure mom...no problem." Arcaine replied as he walked up to her and lunged his hands into the batter to mix. "So how was your day at school hunny?" "It was ok mom...how about yours?" "Well...your father is out at the store buying some more material to finish up building your new room." "He is...that's awesome mom......hey...can I go to the mall in a little while?" "Um...sure...what for Arcaine?" ''Just to wander around...you know me...I enjoy walking through the mall...looking at everyone." "Alright Arcaine....do you need to take the car as well?" Without answering, Arcaine finished up mixing the batter and gave his mom and hug and kiss...."Thanks a lot...I'll give you a call on my cell to let you know if I'm coming home" Running out the door, he quickly started up the car and drove to the mall where he simply wandered around...loosing his thoughts in the moment, and what had happened at school. [I][COLOR=DarkOrange]Isn't drama fun...[/COLOR][/I] *Arcaine laughed* "Yea...I guess you can say that....wouldn't be much of a point in living if there wasn't any...both good and bad" [I][COLOR=DarkOrange]I suppose...how do you feel after healing that girl...[/COLOR][/I] "I'm fine...not like last time where my strength was drained. Sorry..but I can't fully embrace you just yet." [I][COLOR=DarkOrange]Understood...[/COLOR][/I] The voice finally left Arcaine...leaving him to wander aimlessly among the large crowd of people...[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  8. [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1]The chilling cold of the winter frost in Moscow was almost fatal...with all its buildings nearly caged in a prison of ice, Rubedo walked the streets as casualy as he would if he were on a beach. Eventually...he found himself outside the gates of the Prime Ministers office... [I]Vladimir Punto...[/I] [COLOR=Black][CENTER]***An hour before in New York City***[/CENTER][/COLOR] "You must be Rubedo..." replied a young and vibrant woman who stood before the Guardian in a local bar of NYC. He was sitting at a booth in the far corner enjoying himself in a cigarette and bear as she approached... "I was wondering what Reoan would send....I take it you are the messanger..." he replied, not making contact with her eyes... Without asking for permission...Dakota took a seat beside him, sliding close to him so that she could not be heard by any other. "I will only speak of the names and locations of the politicians..." she leaned in close...seductive as she was, her tongue grazed his ear as she spoke of his targets. Rubedo was quite amused...not at the names..but how this girl presented herself...[I]did she truly think such petty efforts turned him on....[/I] so...he decided to play along...gently sliding his hand down her cheek, he seduced her, his golden eye blazing straight into her very being. Slowly rising from the booth...Dakota became lost in his gaze as they seemed to glide to the dance floor among the many civilians who were already dancing. Breathing heavly, Rubedo circled her...taking in her scent...gliding his hand across her neck. Dakota closed her eyes...taking in a pleasure which she hadn't felt since being in service to Reoan...before she could react however, Rubedo tightened his grip around her chin with his hand and snapped her neck. [I]Foolish girl...[/I] falling limp in his arms...he carried her off to the booth they were previously at and gently lay her on the seat. [I]that is for Reoan's lie...of promising something more...[/I] Casually...Rubedo walked out of the bar, with a cigarette clutched between his fingers...he psychicd himself out for the task at hand...without question. [COLOR=Black][CENTER]***Moscow***[/CENTER][/COLOR] [I]Vladimir Punto...[/I] one of the most active Prime Ministers of Russia of this century...the second on his list. The first was Lee Wan-Yong, another radical leader of the North Korean people. It was quick and easy...a single sniper shot through his forehead did the job in his private pentehouse. It was now nightime...the stars above shining upon the snow on the ground. It looked quite beautiful to Rubedo's eyes...but he was not in the state of mind to bother with such imputance. Walking down the street...he seemed to suddenly fade into the mist of the falling snow as he made his way into the building. His stealth was unmatched...especially with his speed, he easily slipped past all the guards; as well as avoiding the cameras set up throughout the building. Just has had done with Lee Wan-Yong...Rubedo shot a single bullet into his forehead as he sat in his office chair; overlooking some kind of nuclear power-plant plans. Opening the window, a sudden alarm went off throughout the estate as footsteps could be heard running up and down the corridors. Rubedo has a slight grin on his face as he leaped out...fading again into the darkness like the wind. [COLOR=Black][CENTER]***Washington D.C***[/CENTER][/COLOR] Within a few hours...Rubedo has already infiltrated to his final target.. [I]President George W. Bush....[/I] Standing above the sleeping president in his bedroom, his wife calmy resting upon his chest...Rubedo raised his gun to shoot. Instead...he had a better idea. He was already growing bored with killing these men in the same quite, repetative manor. Taking out his scimitar...he swiftly cut across the presidents neck as he burst awake in agony. The presidents eyes were hid open in terror as he looked up at his attacker. Rubedo clamped down his hand over the presidents mouth as he struggled. The first woman woke up do to the struggle as was about to cry out before Rubedo drew his gun unsilenced and shot her between the eyes. What happened from there...could only be described as a massacre. No one was left alive within the White House..........there was but one who survived...who, when the autorities arrive; gave a quick and vague description of the assassin before he evidently died as well. Everything happened in less than 24 hours...each attack all around the world was swift and accurate... [COLOR=Black][CENTER]***Athens***[/CENTER][/COLOR] Rubedo searched throughout the entire city looking for his master...conceiled in his hat and sunglasses...he finally ended his search in the Central City. News of the murders hadn't reached the media yet... Sitting at the bar, ordering himself a drink...he felt nothing for what he had just done. He could see it now...[I]Three powerful politicians murdered....they all blame thee other...as if it were a domino affect...[/I] He didn't care, nor thought of why Reoan asked such a thing from him....he tried to find pleasure in it...but it didn't excite him anymore...not like he hadn't done it before...[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  9. Alright everyone...Darkness is now in the Adventure Square...Julius (retribution) and Carl (rei_man) will not be joining us...but we will keep their characters in the group till I say otherwise...other than that..have fun posting:) Be excited...very excited...
  10. [FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium][COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=3]Chapter One: New Beginnings...[/SIZE][/COLOR][/FONT] [SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkSlateGray]News of the teams success spread throughout all of earth like wildfire. Due to their efforts...the virus that once plagued their planet was now destroyed. So much death had already taken place due to its affects..tranforming humans into vampires, which apparently began due to the presidents daughter Maria being infected; which seemed to spread thoughtout the entire city of England...where Werewolves apparently resided as well. Along with sand-vipers...Gargoyles...zombies...the team was fully thrown into the mix of things. But because of each of their own gifts and experieces..they were able to resolve the situation..and helped earth settle down into a more calm environment. They never did find out who created and administered the virus to the general public..but everyone was so happy for their victory against the darkness..most didn't even ponder the thought. M never truly felt that they had won...they might have completed their mission...but the war for earth was far from over; as he was sure that many of the others felt the same way. [CENTER]***[/CENTER] ~The Base~ M was in the exercise room, hitting a punching bag...thinking about what Commander Red has just talked to him about...it had been little over a 2 weeks that the Heaven Project had been called for an assignment. [I]M...I know you all are still tired from the last mission...but something else has come up...something that has nothing to do with the virus. We've confirmed that we contained and eradicated the virus...but something else is sturring which I'm sure you already know...[/I] [I]In two days...you and the rest of the team will be sent to Tokyo, Japan; where you will meet up with an expert in regards to your mission. I'm sorry I can't tell you anymore than this...you will be briefed in full detail when you arrive. I will inform the others...I just wanted you to be the first to know. [/I] "Damn son of a bitch!'' M muttered underneathe his voice as he continued to force his punches into the bag. He had already tuned down the strength of his artificial arm to balance its strength to its right so that he didn't tear the bag to shreads. "Nothing ever changes..." M's sweat poured down his exposed back as he contiued his routine...trying to sort out all of his thoughts. His love for Andy held strong...they just seemed on and off as of late. He understood; especially with Andy's tattoo, what held her powers in check, now broken...must be tough on her. He did all that he could...and it seemed like it did some good. M was just tired...and drained. Everyone else seemed to be relaxing during this break of their's...but M felt restless...ever since lossing control that one night...things just seemed a little different. [B]Attention all of the Angelic Team...you are to report to the meeting room in 2 hours where Commander Red will hand you all your evaluations to this point...and thee potential mission at hand. [/B] the loud speaker could be heard perfectly throughout the entire complex as M stopped and whipped his head with a towel. "So its begun..." he said to himself as the electronic doors opened to the exercise room as he left....preparing to get himself dressed properly. [/COLOR] [/SIZE] OCC: Alright everyone:)...darkness is now up and running again. For those who didn't repost for this rpg...they are still with us until I choose to kill them off. Other than that...let us all post whatever we'd like:)...and await the meeting.
  11. [SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkSlateGray]Rubedo turned his gaze back towards the children who were now being gathered by their respective parents...as much as Reoan's offer intreged him; she as a fellow guardian certainly knew of the appeal that would course through his being at the opportunity. At the same time however...he was very dissapointed... "so..." as he lifted himself up from the ground and finally turned to face the woman before him. As she leaned up against the tree with her arms crossed, awaiting his answer...he finally got a full feeling of the former Guardian. The depth of her eyes were incredible. Water from the tree branches above gently slid down Reoan's face as Rudebo simply stood in the pouring rain, his red hair falling over his face, and his clothes becoming wet. He just didn't care...such meaningless things didn't phase him anymore. It was now twice in one day that Rubedo had met a Guardian...their energy was like his own. But he wasn't impressed...he had come for something greater. She was indeed lovely...even as dark as she preseved herself to be...it was appealing to his neutral nature. However, he again was left numb...not satisfied with this gesture. Finally completing his statement..."can you tell me anything about these officials?" he said in a professional manner as he lit another cigarette. "A contact of mine will give you the necessary information needed...I'm sorry, but I cannot tell you anything more." she slowly responded...still leaning up against the tree. Everyone in the park had left due to the rain...leaving just the two of them. Rubedo let out a long sigh as he looked heavenward, trying to take in its sweet and cool taste...it seemed like a distant memory when he used to take great pleasure in the noise to the water droplets that surrounded him. He truly was....alone... "You dissapoint me my lady..." he finally responded...catching Reoan off guard as he took another puff from his cigarette. "Either you...or your associate named Jacob lied to me...promising something new for myself, another way to live...but even you...a fellow Guardian hasn't learned a thing. Apparently...I'm just another puppet for you to carry out your wishes...a coward to do it yourself." Reoan's expression showed a sense of anger...and yet...part of her understood... "You of all should understand that better than anyone...I have heard of you before...your eyes give it away mistress..." as Rubedo suddenly did a slight bow. "We...set apart from the rest...are sent out alone to fight for a cause that was never our own. And yet we continue to do so...for that is what we were ment to do...never shown another way. I came here for something more mistress..." Reoan was about to respond when she was interrupted by Rubedo yet again..."I will do as you ask...I'm sure your associate will be able to find me easily just as you found me in Athena." finishing up his cigarette...he threw it into the street and looked back to Reoan who had now stood upright from the tree, her arms still crossed. "I'm sure I'll see you again soon mistress......." Rubedo proclaimed in a gentle, and yet respectful manner as he motioned to leave her presence. As he continued to walk away...he didn't bother to hear any reply from her..nothing she could say would change anything at the moment. She offered nothing but a job... Rubedo turned his head slightly around his shoulder to get another glimpse at her...the dark complextion still there...hiding underneathe the shelter of the trees' branches. Even due the distance...through the mist of the rain falling down upon them and their line of sight...Reoan could see the burning behind Rubedo's golden eyes, the aura surrounding him before still resided...never fading. He turned his glance away as he walked down the street, lighting yet another cigarette...he was even growing numb to those as well. Looking upwards yet again...letting the rain brush down his face. The sky was a dark grey...showing the signs of a lightning storm approaching. Rubedo didn't know if it was the rain...or a single tear sheading from his eye...the void within continued. Longing for something more.... Letting his head fall back down, bringing back his attention to reality...his eyes focused...awaiting for Reoan's messenger...preparing himself for the task at hand. [/COLOR] [/SIZE]
  12. [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1][SIZE=2][B]Fantasies Desire / Realities Sin 2[M-LSV][/B][/SIZE] [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][I]In the mountains of Scotland, looking out onto the crashing waves of the Atlantic Ocean against its rocky shores; is a Mansion named ??Heavenly Home.?? A single man lives within the mansion; for years, he has been choosing individuals from all over the world to participate in a game which he has prepared for them. He is very wealthy...and wishes to fulfill the desires of these poor souls. [/I] [/COLOR] [B][COLOR=Black]08/20/05[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=Black]An email is sent to thirteen individuals all over the world... [/COLOR] [I]Hello, I?m writing to you, my friend, to congratulate you on winning an all expense paid trip to the coast of Scotland to live in my mansion for as long as you wish. Beware, this is no ordinary mansion mind you. Within the walls of my home, everything you ever wished for will be granted to you. And I mean....everything. All the deepest, darkest desires of your heart will be yours. Whatever pleasure you seek for yourself...will be granted to you. If you desire love, sex, money, drugs, food...all of life?s commodities will be yours. If you wish to accept this honor, please...simply reply back with a smile yes or no; and immediate transportation plans will be set in place for you to arrive. Upon arriving, there are three rules which you must obey while in my home. 1) You must obey your cards... 2) You must stay in the light... 3) You must never go into the Angelic Wing... That is all..,everything will be explained when you arrive...any questions that you have will not be with held from you prior to entering the mansion. You may be asking yourself...??why would I bother coming to a place such as this??? I?ll tell you why...if you play my little game...if you last living in the house, you will earn half of my family fortune, which comes to around thirteen billion dollars. I?m not joking, I?ve come to realize the worthlessness of money...so I?ve decided to give most of it away to the ones who I find to be worthy. And I will wait as long as it takes to find the right ones. So; whomever can stay within the house for six months, will be declared the winner...and the thirteen billion will be split between those who are left. But hear me...once you enter the mansion, you may not leave the grounds of the estate. So there you have it; come to my mansion...where all your dreams come true...and have the opportunity to win thirteen billion dollars. No strings attached...and believe me...it will be worth your while. Oh, one more thing...do not tell anyone of this, for we want to make this as smooth and without interruptions from the outside world. Don?t worry...we?ll know if you tell...which will automatically revoke your chances of coming to my mansion. As clarity for your honesty and silence...I have taken the liberty of electronically sending ten thousand dollars to your personal back account, as a token of my friendship too you. That is all I will tell you...once you reply back to this email...you will have an escort waiting outside your house within two days to bring you to the mansion. I have chosen you because I feel you to be worthy of such a reward; for your dedication to society, your love and compassion, your leadership, your strength through turmoil, and last but not least...for just who you are.[/I] [FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium][COLOR=DarkRed]Catch ya later... Sincerely, The Master of Games...[/COLOR][/FONT] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ An old RPG I attempted to create when I was a new member on Okatuboards...one that I hope will come back to life. I recently installed it once on Adventure Square...becoming one of the hottest rpg's out there. But unfortunately...it died due to my lack of attention for quite some time. So...I've been making a few changes...and have decided to restart the entire story. So for those who missed out last time..or those who've missed the story in the first one...are now free to post. In this mansion...everything you ever wanted will be given too you. Let your imagination soar...and it will be given too you. This mansion also contains many secrets....ones that lie within the three laws. The Cards: Envelopes that will be given to you by the Master of Games every so often. On them will read a task...and you must obey them...or there will be consequences if you do not. You may not share the information that is given too you. You think....wait...wont the other member be seeing my card when I post. Ah....that?s the best part...they wont. I will personally send out the tasks by PM. So that it will always be a mystery to the rest. If you do not obey, or fulfill the request...you are punish...by means which you are not allowed to tell anyone. And believe me...within the mansion are hidden camera?s watching your ever move. If you tell....you die. You must obey them....no matter what they say. Light: As the law says....you cannot leave the light......ever. Or you will pay the consequence by living out your worst nightmare. Ghosts reside in every corner...beware. The Angelic Wing: The only forbidden section of the house. You?ll learn soon enough what lies within those hallways. ***Of course your characters wont know the specifics of these laws until they actually go into the mansion. If you have any questions...just PM or write to the underground. This is story is going to be full of twists, suspense, gore; everything you can think of will be shown in this RPG; especially with the usage of these cards. This RPG is yours to make your own...for you will be living in this mansion with everyone else. Form friendships...bonds, relationships...because you?ll need them when the Master of Games interferes. I?ll be playing both the Master of Games ONLY...in the last installment...I played both the master and another person within the house. This time...I will not make the same mistake again...giving myself much more time and energy to create twists and turns for all of you Even if all thirteen people aren?t filled by the time this starts...there will still be thirteen individuals within the house. They?ll just be dummies...making this far more ??entertaining.?? Please...I need writers who will be loyal to this rpg...trust me...you wont be dissapointed. This is what I need... Name: Age: Sex: Location: (anywhere in the world, but you must speak English, but can curse and whatnot in your own languages if you wish) Appearance: Personality: Bio: Greatest Desire: Greatest Fear: For your convenience...I have included a picture of the mansion for you too look at. I?d like to thank Amgoddess for helping me bring this to life again...[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  13. [SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkSlateGray]Michael rose from his bedroom given to him by Selene the night before...he had slept to almost 3pm in the afternoon. His trip from Australia was exhausting...the job wasn't the easiest one to pull off. Reaching under the pillow to grab his two pistols which had been cleaned of blood that night in the mini bathroom attached to the room...he quickly checked the mag. and put them into the inside of his white/silver trench coat. He didn't bother changing out of his clothes...cause...he didn't have any with him...only that which he carried on his back. Taking off the coat and setting it onto a chair...wearing only a black muscle shirt underneathe; Michael walked out of his bedroom to get something to eat in the common area of the hotel. [/COLOR] [/SIZE] OCC: sorry that it's a little short...just wanted to introduce my character a little...the more important aspects of Michael can be read in my profile which I put up in the Adventure Square for you all to read. Danko again Reiku for letting me come back...since I am a co-creator;)
  14. [SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkSlateGray]Name: Michael Crest Nickname: Ice Age: 27 Nationality: American Professional Trades: The Transporter...The Cleaner(Hitman) Transport: A Silver BMW 3 Series Coupé...customized of course with NOS and other ''special'' items with tinted windows and a full bullet proof window and body job. However he prefers to use it only on missions. In a casual day, he simply takes a cab or train, or just simply steals his means of transportation... Weapons: Two 9mm automatic pistols with duel daggers to his side. Appearance: (see attachment) With silky, soft black hair covering his blue-hazel eyes...Ice looks young for his age. Standing about 6foot; he is musclar but toned from his days in the army. He wears two silver rings...one on his left ring finger (college wedding ring) and one on his right pointer finger (family ring) as well as a silver earing in his left ear. He usually wears casual clothing; however on missions it is of course all black which is usually a tight black shirt with baggy black cargo pants and his white trench coat. Personality: Ice is both wise and intellegent. In everything he does; it is always very precise without fault. Despite how strong-willed he is...he choses a life of humility. Although he isn't the boss, he holds a high respect in the group. His leadership is undenyable...but his loyalty is unflinching. With that he is very protective of everyone in the secret society, taking them in as his own...the majority of the time being a friendly, gentle soul; but in heated times...he is a scary sight to see in battle. He is a gifted theif, viewing the world as ''his playground.'' He's also an on and off smoker...depending on his mood. Biography: Throughout his entire life...Michael has always been moving; always active in whatever he has done. He was raised in a very simple and stable home. His father was a commander of the Florida based navy; while his mother was a full-time mother. All throughout school he got good grades as well as playing football and basketball through college. He had many connections in school making him a very prominant student...spreading his influence all over. Everything was perfect...with him on his high pedistal above the rest. Until one day his wife of two years died of bone cancer in his senior year from Miami University; her name was Alev. He blamed himself and decided to leave his entire life; leaving for the army...he was 23 at this time. For 2 years he was in the special forces; learning the dark arts of combat and infiltration, becoming highly trained...making many connections and contacts around the world. But yet again, Michael was dissapointed in seeing the corruption in the system. His fellow comardes dying for a cause that was not their own. So he feel off the grid...not wanting to be in the ''spotlight'' any longer. He wanted to live his own life...to get away from the petty complications of life. Over time he found the art and precision; as well as the challenge of life of the theif. To live life by a certain code...but disconnected from the rest of society. At first he was a simple transporter for ''back ally'' deals and jobs. Then as he gained more and more of a name for himself...he was the guy all up and down the California coast line. And whenever something went down badly...he always cleaned up the mess. Whether to massacre the police or aposing force, to take a certain individual out, bodyguard...he did the ''dirty'' work, earning him the name Ice. A two years before Ethane Le Marc's death...Ethane had invited Michael to join the Secret Society. Michael only met Selene for only a moment. He looked at the group as his family now...for his parents and relatives were alll dead. And his life in America over...as if he were a ghost. A ghost which the government trained him to be. However, since he has been gone for several years...the society and its members have changed due to Selene's leadership now due to her fathers death. Michael has finally come back from his duties elsewhere around the world...and has again joined the Secret Society. [/COLOR] [/SIZE] (Sorry for coming in so late...hopefully it all works out)
  15. [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1]Rubedo glanced back down at the little slip of paper, reading its contents yet again... [I]She wishes nothing from me...but if you wish to meet her...[/I] he saw right through the manipulation...supposibly, a Guardian by the name of Jacob breaks into his apartment..seeking his audience..and simply states a comment like that. [I]Do you truly take me to be a fool...[/I] Rubedo thought to himself as he dressed himself, then picking up his weapons from the table that he had placed them upon. He had nothing else better to do..figured he might as well meet this Reoan. Knowing his master would be displeased..Rubedo has already grown bored. [I]She saught me out...so she must want to see me about something...[/I] Walking out the hotel room, carrying nothing but himself and the contents that he carried; he casually checked out of the hotel, giving his key to the receptionist and went on his way. Knowing his destination to be New York City, Rubedo knew he had to leave the city and its everwatchful eye in order to be on his "trip." Alongside one of the roads lay a young woman...rapped and beaten, no one surrounding her took notice nor care for she was poor; ravaged, left alone in the darkness of her thoughts. As Rubedo passed her, her eyes locked with his...her soul, her spirit opening up to him. He had compassion on her...and knelt to one knee beside her. Holding his hands upon the wounds..the girl screamed as her wounds closed up and healed. Rubedo could feel his power flowing out of him into this young lady..her heart willing..the blood stopped running. Placing a hand upon her forehead..her eyes sheading tears of joy and pain, Rubedo did what he had always done...uttering a prayer to God and the powers that bound this world together and walked away. [CENTER]***[/CENTER] Jacob was only the third Guardian Rubedo had any contact with in this life..primarily...he worked alone..and chose solitary. Wearing is usual headwear in public, he looked at the ever passing crowd as if it were in fast motion...as if time was speeding itself up. [I]Some things will never change..such a shame..and yet..I always hope, that some things will...[/I] as Rubedo walked past them all, not knowing the being that graced before them. Heading towards the outskirts of Athens..where the open plains await him..his mind fluttered to his other encounters of Guardians..how pathetic they all seemed to be; Jacob didn't impress him either. One thing his master taught him...was to have a sense of identify.."to know thyself..." he muttered underneathe his breath as the sun peired over the horizon as Rubedo walked the same dirt path he had done only a few days ago. [I]But who truly knows themselves anyway...[/I] Lighting up a cigarette..Rubedo breathed in its soothing sensation..if only for a moment..the only thing that really felt real anyone. Dissapointed in it all..he so strong...and yet so many fools. "I need a companion.." Rubedo spoke to the wind..talking to no one in particular...perhaps to God...or any other demon and angel surrounding the area. "I don't mind walking the same path over and over again...I..walking beside others through their pain..will someone truly take notice...and walk beside me. That's all I truly ask for..." With a flick of his finger, Rubedo sent the cigarette bud into the gravel and took notice of his surroundings...sensing no one was around him. "Oh well...lets see where this new path takes me..." stopping in the middle of the road, Rubedo bent both his knees slightly and closed his eyes...focusing upon his new now certain destination; central park...located in New York City, laying beyond the great Atlantic sea. He had been there before...so the trip wouldn't be so "stressful." Lowering his heart rate, concentrating all his stength which now coarsed through his veins and tensed muscles upon his destination..the breeze picked up around him..whirling around him, blowing his hair from side to side...revieling the scar with cover the right side of his face, running right over his eye. Coming down the road at great speeds...a jeep blared it horns...warning the young man who stood in the middle of the road. It was only a few feet away till Rubedo's trance was complete. Opening his eyes..Rubedo cocked his head back within moments of being hit by the jeep and looked heavenward...letting go of all the tension in his body. It looked all of his surroundings broke to pieces, shattering into nothingness as a new reality faded into perception. Within only a few moments...Central Park was created around him.. Taking in the cold Northern U.S air...cooling his now heated body..Rubedo looked around him...trying to sense the presence of this Reoan. There were so many people dwelling within the area..human, guardian and angel alike...Rubedo decided not to care and walked towards a pond where children were playing with one another. A smile spread across his face as he felt their joy; taking a seat beside the water... [I][FONT=Book Antiqua][COLOR=Black]Dear Journal, I've broken away from my master for the time being...taking full advantage of this supposed break of his. I now await someone named Reoan whom as asked for my presence; bringing to me another form of living for this life of mine. I hope this is not a waste of my time...[/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR][/I]
  16. [SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkSlateGray]As of late...tons of rpg ideas have been running through my mind. I was away from OB for a long time..not posting, nor involving myself with rpg's that I had created and been a part of. Now that I'm finally writing again; ideas have been flooding through my mind for rpgs. Currently...I will be bringing back Darkness Falls and Fantacies Desire/Realities Sin. Both which had excellent results; however...I'd like for you to take a look at some current ideas of mine. [U]Games of War[/U] Basically, this will revolve around the new hit online videogame World Of Warcraft. With races such as elves, orcs, trolls, humans etc. etc...with classes like rogues, mages, warriors, priests etc. etc. with a more story based atmosphere instead of regular game play and ''leveling up." The story wont be centered around warcraft, but a basic set up of the game. The Horde vs. The Alliance set in the medevil times. With many side-quests...lots of massive battle scenes...thought it would be a good idea with as much variety and versatility that it holds. [U]Alternate Future[/U] I had a conversation with a couple of friends on mine about anime storylines being "dried up" as they tried to keep the series alive. For example....Dragonball Z, Sailor Moon, Final Fantasy (game) and other quality shows that just died due to lack of material to be used. I see people trying to bring the alive in other rpg's and whatnot; which are very good...but I find at the same time difficult. So I thought up of something original. You know how everyone keeps changing their user name lately on OB. Well...I figured; why not put that to the test. We put avatars and banners of people and animated figures to represent ourselves...or what we are trying to perseive for the moment...whether it may be due to our mood; persona, or just a liking for the character. Why not use that in an rpg; such members like Reiku, Jian, ULX, Gabriel, Mouse, Treno, Rin, Meggido etc. etc...using those names as our characters..having communication a little easier;)...not having to remember all the diff. names all the time. And if the name isn't a name persay to use...you then could create a new one. I'm sure we all communicate with other rpr's outside of this...forming friendships, connections...we should use that in an rpg...forming our own series...creating completely unique characters interacting with one another. Doing this creates deep character development...as well as throwing in conflict, drama, turmoil; and of course the usual bad-guys:) But killing the enemy wouldn't end the story...just simply the "saga" which I would use...kind of like a Dragonball z kind of setting. Yes there is fighting and big actions scenes...but something much more to it...loves, rivals, mysteries...all that formed into a brand new story using ourselves as its players. Haven't u ever pictures yourself as something greater...something beyond what this normal reality holds for us...wanting to be like a person in a favorite anime of yours; wanting to explore and elaborate on those fantacies. That would be what this rpg would be about...our own alternate future...us interacting with one another in our own different forms...like a .hack//sign kind of thing I guess...but it would be real...no computer stuff. Well...those are my two ideas for the moment...hopefully they sound interesting enough. I've noticed a lot of new stories are opening up in both the Adventure Inn and Square...so I may not use them for a little while but...please give me your insights about them. thanx...take care...later ~kairi[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  17. [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1]LOL...as much as those games are addicting... I think WoW (World Of Warcraft) definitly is at the top of most people's list. Seriously...so many people I know have already dropped out of school because of failing cause of that games:) If you haven't played it...or know nothing about it...:)...take a look. And if you start playing...and u start failing...ill take full responsibility. [/SIZE] [/COLOR]
  18. [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1]Name: Arcaine D'Lor (real last name unknown to him) Age: 18 Gender: male God/Goddess: Apollo: God of the Sun, Prophecy and Healing; twin brother to the Goddess Artemis Appearance: [URL=http://www.rpgfan.com/pics/xenosaga-episode2/art-003.jpg]Arcaine[/URL] He stands at about 5'10''...only weighing about 170 pounds with a lean appearance. Lacking in size...he makes up for in speed and quickness with some force behind his attacks. Transformed Appearance: [URL=http://img4.photobucket.com/albums/v29/yu_na/chaos_wings.jpg]Apollo[/URL] Nothing changes in his facial expressions nor personality...he merely grows to an adult size gaining 4 massive white wings from his back. Personality: Arcaine has a very gentle and passive spirit..his compassion for everyone surrounding him is incredible. Never do you find him in anger...even in tough situations..his voice may appear harsh and determine; however always followed with a tone of love and care, always contained that sense of gentleness in his voice. He chooses to stay in the shadows in terms of leadership..perfering to be a support..a strength to fall back upon in any situation. A certain vibe of mystery surrounds him to those he knows..never does he talk about his past, nor does he seem to need or want to. With the bad and good...he has taking into account all of it, having him act much more older and wiser than his age. A certain trait however is very distingished above all else..aside from his calm demenor..he is a very loyal individual who protects all those he loves. History: As far back as Arcaine can remember; he never knew his real family. Put up for adoption at a young age...he found a home with a peaceful family of two whom the wife couldn't bear children. His foster parents were simple; living in a basic suburban neighborhood. Like any typical teenager, Arcaine lived out a High School lifestyle; making friends, relationships and drama of all sorts. Surprisingly to his parents and friends...he possessed a strength most kids at his age wouldn't possess..seeming much older in his thinking. Despite as supportive and strong as he was for others..never showing any sign of weakness..he always felt complete..not knowing his own history..his real family. As known as he was to everyone around him...he prefers to remain a secondary figure..not to be held high in the public eye. Just wanting to live out his life...to whatever purpose that may be revieled to him. Weapon/s: [URL=http://www.darkworlddesigns.com/bownarrow.jpg]Enchanted Bow and Arrow[/URL] [URL=http://www.terrysimonguitars.com/images/lyre.jpg]Lyre[/URL] : It has no battle purposes...but Arcaine carries it around with him, playing the instrument beautifully. Magic: Being the God of Healing and Prophesy...Arcaine possesses the power of foresight, as well as many holy powers; none of which "attack" an enemy. [I][U]Heal[/U]: [/I] Heals an ally to full-health. [I][U]Holy Barrier[/U]:[/I] Surrounds an ally with a barrier of holy energies absorbing an enemy attack for a set amount of time. [I][U]Resurrection[/U]: [/I] Either Apollo may choose to resurrect himself, or another individual; but draines a lot of his power. [I][U]Summons Pegasus[/U]:[/I] Self-Explanitary;)[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  19. I really dont know what to do guys...I'm very tempted to close the thread and start up a completely new thread so that new rpgr's can come into the mix..a reset so to say. Since so many people have gotten up and left without telling me...I can't just simply kill everyone that isn't posting cause that'll just make the story a complete mess...*sigh*...if anyone has any suggestions for me...please let me know...cause as of now...we only have 6 out of the beginning 12 now left. This story when it first started was amazing...i've gotten quite a few complements about it...and i'd hate to see it die; or not be used to its full potential. As I said...my only choice is to restart the rpg...PM about your alls thoughts please...thank you...i'd appreciate it a lot if you would. Again...i am sorry for such a good story coming to a halt all of a sudden...and some of that is partially my fault. If i do start a completely new story...small changes will be made so that it never happens again. take care...later ~kairi
  20. I hope my posts have been adequet for explaining how my character may be important...if you can PM me or something if u have any ideas for what you'd like my character to do...cause i dont know quite what to do now that my intro has been complete:)...danko hun
  21. [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1]"Grigori...servant of Dominic...judge of human morality...what you have asked of me has been done...nothing more...nothing less." proclaimed Rubedo as he leaned up against a brick wall in a dark ally. To his right...he could see the people of the city walking past him, living out their daily lives with a certain state of unrest among them...no doubt the assassination the day before. Standing across from Rubedo hiding in the shadows, a massive figure could be seen before him standing at least 8 feet tall. "Yes..your work was well done..taking Lor's life was indeed the Lords will. But now it is a public matter..I've already told you about the shift that is ensuing. Now he and others will be alert." its voice boomed with authority...demanding respect; but to no avail as Rubedo's vibe remained the same as always..firm and unmoving. "As yes..this Reoan..Lor spoke of her for a brief moment before his end." Rubedo coming to a realization in his voice. There was a moment of silence between the two beings. Rubedo could sense the Grigori reflecting upon the name that was spoken. "This is going to stir up a lot within heaven Rubedo..Lucifer has become a coward..but with the emergance of Reoan..he and many others are becoming bolder." "And what of these Zodiac?" "How do you know about that?" responded the Grigori quickly... "Lor spoke briefly of them...he mentioned they would bring balance, and stand against Reoan..why are you..one of Dominic concerned with such matters...wouldn't that be in Michael's duties...not mere outcasts judging mortals." The Grigori quickly was upon Rubedo and lunged a hand around his neck and lifted him into the air...pressing him against the wall. "Watch your tongue Guardian..remember your place..this concerns all of heaven..and we will do whatever is necessary to stop this rising power which seems to hold Reoan as the key." Rubedo's face and composure did not change..merely staring back at the black eyes that looked back at him..."and we Guardians are merely tools for you to command." "What else did he tell you Rubedo!" its grip tightening..."you are far more arrogant and bold..." A grin spread across Rubedo's face..letting the Grigori have his fun of superiority..."that these Zodiacs...and the few remaining powerful Guardians will have the power of choice.." Rubedo's golden eyes glared at the darkness glaring back at him in an act of defiance and strength...something within him growing..a true self coming out..."that we will change the course of your very existance..for we are the balance..." "Release him!" cried out a powerful voice which seemed to echo through the entire ally..both the Grigori and Rubedo looked over to see Albedo..Rubedo's long forgotten mentor ([URL=http://www.rpgfan.com/pics/xenosaga-episode2/art-029.jpg]Appearance[/URL] ) The Grigori obediantly settled Rubedo back to his feet and backed away as Albedo approached. He was after all...a true angel.. "His duties have been fullfilled Grigori..the rest Dominic wishes for you to resolve and filter out...now be gone...your services are not needed here anymore." Without saying a word...the behemoth bowed to the angel and dissapeared in an instant. "And as for you" Albedo had a harsh look upon his face...which suddenly melted into a gentle expression...smiling at his old apprentice. "how have you been?" The two quickly embraced one another in a hug and walked out into the street. Rubedo quickly pulled out a hat and sunglasses from his trench coat and put them on...having to hide his face so that he wasn't recognized by the authorities. "Why do they always seem to hold me back master.....always pushing me underneathe their boot." questioned Rubedo as they walked. "Cause it's been done for centuries my friend.." "Is that the only reason?" Rubedo persued... [I]I'm sorry my friend...I can't tell you why...I hate to lie...but it must be done..[/I] "yes...one of the reasons why Reoan resists us now is because of mal-treatment...however I'm sure more lurkers deeper then simply that." "So what am I to do now master...?" "Rubedo...I'm worried about you. With how you just treated the Grigori...and how much death you've brought in the recent months; I'm afraid for your well-being." "It's not my fault master...I feel restless..you ask..and it is done...whatever come across my path is done withouth hesitation. Despite it...I'm never satisfied..incomplete. So I feel that I must do more..." Albedo thought long and hard about this...he had taught Rubedo everything he needed to know on how to be a Guardian..the perfect warrior...uninhibated by foolish emotions and possessions in battle. But he never taught him how to truly live... [I]The human side is pushing...his....[/I] "What do you wish of me master?" Rubedo asked; interrupting Albedo's thinking. "Rubedo...I wish for you to do nothing...continue to do what you've always done..to walk, explore...involve yourself..but no more hunting for the moment. If you are to play a part in the events to come...I want you to be patient." "But..." but Rubedo was interrupted immidiately. "That is my will my friend...do not question it..please..." he stopped walking and put a hand on Rubedo's shoulder..."listen to my words...you need a break." [I]God...please let my decision be the right one...[/I] "As you wish master" as Rubedo bowed in respect...and with that, Albedo nodded and walked away from him...fading into the distance. Inside...Rubedo felt confused...and yet distasted at the thought...but, as always; he swallowed his pride and obeyed. Walking in the opposite direction..he sighed and embraced the warmth of the sun blazing down upon him, trying to feel something. [I]What the hell is a break anyway...what am I supposed to do now...?[/I] And so...he began walking again...wandering the city aimlessly; waiting to be noticed once again..or to come upon one in need. [/SIZE] [/COLOR] [FONT=Book Antiqua][COLOR=Black][I][SIZE=1]Dear Journal, I feel held back...they are not telling me something..how they take me for granted..my mal-treatment..my blessings..my curse. I feel so disconnected..a part of nothing..am I nothing..is that my purpose. I don't know what to do...now that I can't fight..am I only to heal now..and for what. What do I gain..in anything anymore? Whatever..who cares anymore anyway..least the beast is dead now. I feel so misunderstood..underestimated..I hate them all...and yet..I feel such a love for them all..blast it all. The mind and soul should never have been created...rarely are they in unison. [/SIZE] [/I] [/COLOR] [/FONT] OCC: Sorry so long...but I felt I needed to open up on Rubedo's persona and background at little since he's so complex...especially for being a guardian...and the role that he might play.
  22. [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1]*Day 10* [FONT=Book Antiqua][COLOR=Black][I]The road grows closer to him..his path of death leads me to his presence..whole families..the men, women, children..slaughtered by he who must not be named and his minions. I grow tired of this persuit..a coward I follow..preying upon the mere puppets of humanity.[/I][/COLOR][/FONT] In the scortching sun of the afternoon..walking along the dirt path which he followed. A full view of farmland and forest surrounded him as he wrote in his journal..wearing nothing but black; the heat phased him none.. [FONT=Book Antiqua][COLOR=Black][I]With every new family ravaged..their souls tell the tale..a monster..evil, and yet beautiful..there seems to be no more goodness in the world...even from an angel...[/I][/COLOR][/FONT] For days..Rubedo simply walked. His destination..unknown..only the binding power within him which drew him on..on towards his mission..his purpose. Day turned to night..night to day; a forever, neverending cycle. The sun nor moon ever changed..nor the landscapes and views he looked upon in his walk. They all had become dull to him, one just the same as the next. The meaning of beauty had left him..phantomed and bored. He looked so young upon his face..you wouldn't notice from looking at the guy at how old he was inside. A sense of mystery always seem to blanket over him with whomever he came into contact with..his red hair covering over one of his eyes; a golden glare looking back. Finally, upon the 13th day...Rubedo was led to the city of Athens. The rush of the ocean breeze blowing through his hair as he walked across the beach; the view of the city to his right. As he entered the city..again, mid-afternoon, with not a single cloud in the sky..he drew closer... "So it is here you hid yourself..." Rubedo held a low, and stealthed presense within the city..he was afterall a hunted man. So poorly misunderstood by the world around him..he musn't be captured..his existance must stay a secret to the public. His virtues, accomplishments and duties hidden and unrecognized. A blessing sent to these humans...looked at as a common murderer..not knowing the beasts which he protected them from...of all sorts. [CENTER]***[/CENTER] That night...it was all over the news. Famous Athenian politician decapicated in his luxious pentehouse hotel room...it was wonderful, Rubedo thought to himself. [I]People die of disease and poverty everyday...but you kill one politician...and everyone cries for such a horrible tragedy...pathetic.[/I] Rubedo's golden eyes burned with intensity as he stared up at the full moon hovering up above him. What a numbness that surged through part of his being towards humanity...as he looked down upon them; sitting upon the edge of a tall rooftop. And yet...he felt a sense of pitty for them; how he envied their ways. He felt so bored...the same thing...day after day; killing what was required...healing what had been broken, to bring peace through love and/or death...and yet...he lived for it. [I]Interesting how this angel begged for his life though...speaking of another guardian...Reoan.[/I] as Rubedo pondered at the thought. [I]That a new kind of tension was arising...and the few remaining Guardians would come into play; to make a choice...as well as something known as the "Zodiacs."[/I] He quickly shruged of thinking about it..he needed to sleep...he would speak to his superiors later about it. There on the rooftop, his two scimitars close at hand...he slept underneathe the stars with the sounds of the city beneathe. [/SIZE] [/COLOR]
  23. [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1]Name: M age: 24 Gender: male Home Planet: Da Moon Apperance: Standing about 5'11''...M has short hair which is a dark shade of purple with black/purple eyes as well. He's very well built with a calm look upon his face...you can't see it; but his entire left lung and arm is artifical, along with his left eye. The rest of his body is human. Personality: M has a very gentle spirit...you never find him out of control in any given situation. Very focused and calm, M is always a pleasure to have along...never is he on the extremes on any level; he's always very moderate and caring. Bio: Both of M's parents were scientists on the Moon, studying the vast potential of the human mind. They never expected to find such power in their own son; not able to come up with a name...they simply named him M...for empath. It was hell for them as baby, for every emotion that came to his thought was expressed through their own emotions. Whenever M got upset...his parents could always feel it inside. However...as he grew up...he began to control his emotions, as well as directing his efforts towards feeling others, sometimes looking into their past...and futures. But he always surpressed it for he felt like he was invading on others privacy. Whenever he does look into the heart of humans, animals, etc etc...he would shiver and go into a trance...and at times...he could even sense the presence of ghosts, which he has come to fear more than anything. Through his entire life...not once did his parents place him in any experimental setting. They wanted to protect their son from such a life...however his father constantly trained him to control his powers as well as his military capabilities. Despite it being outlawed on earth...the colonies weren't under such jurisdiction. Accidenlty...revieled to some of the members of the team...M and his powers were responsable for the deaths of people in their community; including his mother due to lossing control. His father wanted him killed...but his father superiors decided to place M in isolation for 2 years so that his powers would be surpressed and controlled. Now...supposibly the "leader" of the Angel Team of the Project; M has been doing a lot of reflection upon the events that have transpired. His growing love for Andy; despite her constant needs from him in her growth, his friends well-being, the virus now being healed...and more importantly...the instant where he lost control of his power for just a moment at the base just a month ago. It's blank as day upon his face that something is on his mind...but constantly...he puts up a front..continuing to be the leader and strength that he is. Weaponary: A miniturized chain gun with armor piercing bullets and a shotgun on his belt. He also has a spear which he carries aroud with him with a long blade which can retract making it a simply walking stick. Gift: Empath- very powerful in manipulation peoples emotions; and influencing their minds. When he losses control...his eyes turn a dark black. Your Greatest Fear: Ghosts[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  24. OCC: Tis ok demonchild... [CENTER][COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1]Name: Rubedo Height: 6'0'' Weight: 180 pounds Age: 27 (soul-600)[/CENTER] Appearance: [URL=http://www.rpgamer.com/games/xeno/xenosaga2/screens/xenosaga2047.jpg]Rubedo[/URL] Rubedo has a tall, and yet firm body structure. Beneathe his clothing; usually a basic black pants, boots and t-shirt; you can see the scars that he has accumulated over the years. One stretching around his right lung, down to his side; another few cut down his chisseled back, and one over his right eye which is covered by his hair. He has a silver earring in his left ear, and a basic silver chain around his neck. Race: Guardian Position: Torn...his loyalty resides with God...but...since his duty is to satisfy the balance...maybe it is time to side with the evil that rises...for God has been superior for far too long. Power: Aside from the basic powers of a Guardian; the ability to heal...and to sense others emotions around him... -Rubedo is gifted with super-speed; what looks to be teleportation, is merely his quickness from place to place. -Rubedos' body is also resistant to all outside ailments such as diseases, as well as attacks from other individuals..making him like a tank. However, he is still mortal... Weapon: Two scimitars, both buckled to his right side on his belt, and one 12 round shotgun strapped to his back, both weapons being conceiled underneathe his brown trench coat. (see attachments below) Bio: All Rubedo can remember from his past life is his first "birth." He never knew his parents...nor the one who created him. All he knew of was his master Albedo...who named him Rubedo. Devoting himself to a set of moral principles; a code which the Guardians followed, becoming a very wise, strong individual. Albedo cast him away to wander the world as he had been predestined to do. He lived a very long life, due to the powers which had been given to him, fullfilling his purpose. Whatever happened between that time and now...Rubedo does not know..nor cares. As he did once before; once his mind was of rightful age, realizing his true nature..being born to two simple suburban parents..he cast down all his materialistic possessions; leaving behind the life that he had built..and walked down the road that he has walked for so long before. Wandering the fields of Europe, Rubedo has become somewhat of a renegade...following the will of his master...and of the Grigori; killing both demons and angels...the humans hunted him, not knowing the work that he did for them. To them...he was killing people, but they weren't people at all...but monsters. So...he wanders...detaching himself from such petty emotions and connections of the world...ever persueing his inner growth. Becoming one with the individuals who cross his path for whatever time is given to him...with nature that ever envelopes around him..he feels a constant peace, and yet a sense of incompleteness. News of Reoan's activities has reached his ears in his travels...a guardian well known to them all; one whom he has not yet met personally; has interested him as he senses the coming conflict. And a single word, "zodiac", continues to ring in his ear...so he waits...to see what part he is to play in this. [/SIZE] [/COLOR] OCC: Tell me if anything needs to be changed...
  25. OCC: Time to bring this back to life... [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1]The master sat at his computer screen...looking through the camera screens at everyone in the mansion as they slept; except for Marcus of course..continuing his routine in the gymnasium. He had no need for sleep anymore...the sickness in him grew with every passing moment...savoring every last breathe that he had till his time came..whenever that may be. [I]All such brave souls...[/I] he thought to himself. [I]Even through everything that has happened in the past 24 hours..they stay.[/I] He laughed uncontroably at the thought...his victims not knowing the horror that lay before them. Quite dissapointed however he was at so many already breaking the rules. *7pm* Over a loadspeaker throughout the entire mansion..the masters voice boomed..awaking everyone in their gentle slumber. "I hope you all have rested well...I have to say...I am very dissapointed in those individuals who have already disobeyed the rules which I have set in place for you. Because of this...you all will be recieving all new cards at breakfast. I encourage all of you to attend. Remember; those who have been punished...you are not allowed to speak to anyone of last nights events. I hope you see now how serious I am...and the power which I possess. This is a game...and the game will continue to how I see fit...understand." Everyone was now wide awake as they got out of their repectable beds and began to dress. "Breakfast is in one hour...see you there." as a loud click could be heard as the master ended the transmission. [/SIZE] [/COLOR] OCC: Alright...let us see who we still have on board...everything will be revitalized at breakfast I assure you.
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