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Everything posted by Kairi

  1. Year: 2200 [CENTER][COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1]At the dawn of the 23rd century, mankinds technological advancements were beyond anyones comprehension. - cures for every disease known to man; including cancer and aids. - the perfection of A.I (artifical intelegence) - space travel - unlimited amounts of natural resources for earth and all its colonies due to advancement in the sciences. Earth was at peace; there hadn't been any fighting, nor any full scale war for 7 years. All nuclear weapons were dismembered, unifying all of earth under a single government through the leadership of the President of Earth for 10 years; Micah Armago. Every country still had their national leaders, presidents, kings etc...but they all answered to Micah Armago. Through this time of peace, there was no need for soldiers to serve in the military for combat. All weaponary research came to a halt by the the order of President Armago because of his policy for peace on earth and all its colonies. Till now...[/CENTER] [CENTER]*** New Years Eve: 12:58pm 2200 ***[/CENTER] As like ever year, millions of citizens gathered together in celebration within the walls of all the major cities of earth. ***We are now taking you live to New Berlin, where we are only two minutes away from the crystal ball being dropped. We all here at BBC...the Berlin Broadcasting Corporation, would like to congradulate all the citizens of earth for having such a successful year of 2200. ***The view is incredible from down here at the base of the Omega Health Instution...the tallest building in the world. Everyone is looking up at the ball as it prepares to decend upon the OHI's tower peek. ***The entire city is lit up in a marvelous setting of lights, fireworks, and yes...even candles now being held by some religious members wishing for yet another year of peace. ***Here it comes ladies and gentlemen....the hour we've all been waiting for...only 10 seconds away.............5.......4......3......2.......1.. ....* Suddenly the entire city went dark. All forms of power connected to the city grid were out...leaving no lights for people to see. With the fireworks dying down...all of New Berlin was blanketed in darkness. (In a whispering tone) ***Its me...Katie King...reporting from New Berling. ''Are you still filming Dave?'' ''Yea...the camera has its own battery; but the light is very dim.'' ''Fine...thats good enough'' ***Sorry...Katie King here. I don't know if anyone is watching this...the site which your looking at is incredible. All forms of light have gone down across what seems to be the entire city. People aren't in a panic...but they're just standing around. Still looking up into the sky speechless. The silence is actually un-nerving....'' About an hour goes by without nothing being said...then... AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! A deafining scream erupts amoungst the crowd. Everyone is running around in circle...trying to escape the masses. ***OH MY GOD...OH MY GOD!...Dave...Dave where are you?'' No response...Katie turned around to see Dave's dead body lying on the ground with the camera still running on her. (In a panic...too terrified to move) ***Oh MY GOD...whats going on?...they're bodies everywhere... With corpses all around her...she circled in the same spot...trying to see if she could see anyone around...alive. With her back turned...a massive, grey hand came out of the darkness and swept Katie off her feet. The camera couldn't see exactly what it was...only the screams of the tormented Katie as her flesh was wripped to screds...being tossed into the dark. After a few minutes...the camera picked up a faint shadowy figure...then the picture went out. *** Minutes later in London, England *** ''Mr. President...Mr. President...there's something I need to show you.'' ''Not now Admiral, can't you see I'm showing my daughter the fireworks.'' From his coat pocket, Admiral Vega revieled a video tape. ''Sir...this can't wait.'' Moments later...in one of the many suites of President Armago's mansion. The admiral put in the video tape recording of BBC's New Years broadcast...showing what transpired above. ''My God in Heaven...'' proclaimed Micah...''notify the board. It's been a month since that day...and similar attacks have been made in other populated and desolate areas. With these new events...Micah has had no choice but to reopen the world wide military to help control the situation. Unknown to President Micah; there has been an underground facility underneath the streets of New York City for years preparing for a time such as this. Full of scientists, researchers, inventors, and soldiers; the project known as Heaven, under the supervision of Commander Joseph Red of America, is now recruiting the most potential individuals on earth and on all of earths colonies to lead the team to learn, contain, and destory this new threat. *** It's now been 6 months since that day...the attack on New Berlin. The Angel team was formed for the first time...a virus seemed to be the cause of the darkness. Vampires and Werewolves were discovered and destroyed in London..where they found the presidents daughter Maria to be the first one infected..her vampire qualities were hidden from them till it was too late; all the survivors which the team had found in London all died. Next was Asia..where Taikaru, a member of the team discovered an anti-virus to fight against these "monsters." Attacked by sand-vipers; then later zombies and gargoyals...the team now rests at Project Heaven..their base underneathe the streets of New York City. It has been a month since the last attack on earth. The president still resides in space and the planet begins to heal from all the lives that were lost. The team was able to cure to virus which was spreading...and things seemed to be returning to normal. However...the darkness............continued. [/SIZE] [/COLOR] -------------------------------------- I would recommend new rpgr's just to take a brief look at the first installment of this story Darkness Falls: The Fall of Man to get a basic background, or just the ending post...but its not necessary. For those who will returning to the rpg...you may have a little background to the past events in your first post to square as well as in your profile as well if you'd like. For those new people who will be joining us...have fun:)..and I will give you directions on how to introduce yourself to the team before square starts up. Your mission is to search out and destroy all form of the paranormal that you come across. Everything from vampires, zombies, ghosts, witches, demons, and monsters will be incoperated into this; using a chapter system with gaps inbetween each mission to socialize and ultimitaly process information leanered through each encounter with the paranormal with what is going on on Earth. I have a basic ideal where this will ultimitly lead too...but by all means...you can make this as creative as you'd like it to be. You will be the leaders of this team that goes out into the unknown...with the ones posting as well as other soldier who will come to some gruesome deaths I will be opening an underground as well if anyone has any questions or ideas. No one person will be the center of this...so make this rpg your own. I hope your not afraid of the dark... ------------------------------------------------------ Profile Information Name: Age: Gender: (robots with A.I are accepted...but not too many) Home Planet: Apperance: Personality: Bio: Weaponary: 2 ranged weapons (mini guns, machine guns, pistols...even some futurisitic stuff is fine...just keep it in reason) 1 melee weapon (sword, dagger, phaser etc. etc.) Gift: Not required (through the evolution of humanity...there are only a select few who have developed beyond other human capabilities. Such as psychics, telekneisis, empaths; powers in that regard. No KI energies of that sort. Other than that...go all out. Just one though please) Your Greatest Fear:
  2. OCC: *smiles* wow....what a story this has turned into indeed. Again, I apologize for being away for so long. This post will clear up everything...and get things back on track. This thread will be closing...and a new one will be opening up for you all to rejoin, and for others as well. Be ready...cause the next chapter will be nothing like the others;) [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1]*One month later from present day* The team has been left crippled..for days they have been fighting an unseen enemy; a virus which spread like wildfire. All of project heaven put there efforts towards healing the planet from the virus; with the anti-virus now in their possession. Now..with the earth at peace for the moment..the team returns to their home. New York City looked alive again. But the rest of earth still lay in darkness...they could only do so much. But with time..they would heal. Lee and Ivy's passion for one another grew; each others turmoils supporting and comforting one another as did Taikaru and Farel's. Julius, Eric and Carl continue to train; preparing themselves continually for anything that may happen in the days to come. Andy's powers continued to grow, now with the tattoo gone from her back..she truly became the goddess of fire. But in her turmoil...she began to push M farther and farther away from her. He could only help so much..his love for her undying..but it didn't seem to be enough for her. So..M continued to lead the team in the month that came; and now...here they all are...back at the base...awaiting to see if their efforts were in vein or not. As happy as he was to see everyone settling back into their comfort zones..not having to worry about fighting for the time being..M still felt......that something else was coming....[/SIZE][/COLOR] OCC: Sorry to end so briefly...but I felt a new chapter and a new thread is needed. Great job everyone...I'm very pleased...and I promise..the second will be much more clear...and better than the first;) Take care...later
  3. Alright everyone...I will be back on OB officially by monday...so please...if you may...before that day...please try to bring the rpg back to life for I am choosing to continue it. You will all be receiving new cards, full of twists; and things you would never possibly imagine. So by all means...post post post...please:) take care...later ~kairi
  4. Hey...may I ask for the spot for the cancer...ill edit this once I'm able to work online longer...thanx...later
  5. I would like to apologize for my absense as of late....thank you very much for keeping this alive as long as you all have..I commend you all for that. I will be returning shortly to run the rpg...but...as I said in the beginning...this is not only mine...but yours as well. Please wait for me...
  6. [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1]Jacob; riding his horse Oblivion...entered the town of Asta...behind him followed four men on horseback. Everyone in the streets glared up at them as they made there way to the center of the town. He had changed a lot since that day, since his fight with Damion. Wearing leather armor, holding his fathers long claymore on his back; he finally stopped in the center of the town, drawing everyones attention. The other four laid back in the streets. Everyone in Asta knew that that war was upon them...one even noticed Jacob. "You're Jacob Reise are you not" as Jacob came to a halt. A space was cleared around Jacob as the man in the crowd spoke...coming forward as Jacob looked down on them with those blue eyes of his. "You're the one who's been going from town to town...bringing more people into the rebellion, killing Damion's forces on your way." he continued. "He can't be Jacob Reise...he's seven feet tall, and kills men by the hundreds." yelled out one of the young men standing in the crowd. "Yes...if I were Jacob Reise" as Jacob replied with a smile and a slight chuckle. "He would be able to face the armies of Damion; shooting fireballs from his eyes...and lighting from his arse." Everyone in the crowd laughed at his humor... "I am Jacob Reise!" "We don't want to be part of this rebellion" yelled out another from the crowd. Just as quickly...the crowd was in an uproar. "There are too many...we have heard that the leader of this rebellion, Asher, has landed an attack upon Damion's castle...outnumbered..." added the man who walked up to Jacob before...his name was Dante. "We don't want to die at the hands of Damion's army...so we will stay away." "Aye...if you stay away from this...you will live..." as Oblvion paced back and forth, as Jacob continued to look at them all. "But what will you do without freedom?" "Your father was a patriot Jacob..." replied Dante..."I remember him fighting in the war against Damion's takeover...do you wish to follow in his same footsteps...you know it is feutile to fight against Damion...he is too strong. Why not let us live out our lives in peace..." "Aye..." replied Jacob..."I myself want to live a life of peace; to harvast crops...and God willing...to have a family once again...but..." as he took a pause "Fight, and you may die...run...and you will live. At least a while...*long pause* and dying in your beds...many years from now. *pause* but...would you be willing to trade, all the days from this day to that...for one chance! Just one chance!...to say to our enemies...that they may take our lives...but they will never take....OUR FREEDOM!" Jacob's voice was profound and direct; seeping into the hearts of the crowd. At first they were left speechless...till the end...they roared with patriotism. Oblivion ran in a circle, Jacob raising his fathers claymore up into the air. Coming to a stop..."My friends...my countrymen...this is our chance. Do not flee from this...search inside yourselves...and seek what you truly want. Our lands; our lives were taken from us by a force not of our own. Only by taking our kings throne did Damion recieve such a title as king." "I see...a whole army of my countrymen...here, wanting to stand in defiance of tyranny...able to fight for your freedom...*pause* free men you are, and together...we will combine our forces with Asher, and create our own fate." Jacob ushered Oblivion to move as he left the city; the crowd spreaded, letting him pass through. The four others followed suit and followed. "Do you think that some will come?" replied one of the men at his side as they stopped outside the town gates. "Fine speech Jacob...but do you think it was enough?" asked another. Suddenly...horses could be heard within the town, as dozens of men on horseback flooded out of the town with swords, spears, and bows...lead by Dante who rod up next to Jacob. "Seventy men in total Jacob...we are with you. Do you truly think that we will be able to bring down Damion?'' Dante asked... "I don't think...I know that we can.'' answered Jacob has he rod off down the dirt path. As the now group of seventy-five shot down the path, a horde of over two three hundred men came into view...all camped out beside a forest. Jacob motioned for the others to stay as he prepared to go off to the next town. [I]We need more...[/I] "Keith...'' asked Jacob to one of the four who was following him. "Send word to Asher and Sir Marquise of our rally...that they are not alone. Ask Marquise as well if he would like to discuss a strategy to fight this war. Asher's intentions are pure...but foolhearted. We must plan this together...to take out the surrounding castles before taking on Damion and his armies full force." "Understood..." as Keith rode in the opposite of Jacob now heading to a new town.[/SIZE] [/COLOR] OOC: You want a war demonchild...I will give you one :D :p And yes...I know that it has a lot of references to the movie "Braveheart"...but it works:)
  7. Yo kitty...thats great... I know you're working on the shower one now...but for the avatar...you know the banner you made. The left side image with vegeta and the shade of green adn black in the background...try to make that an avatar as well if u want..that might work as well... Alright people..keep on working. Sorry if i sound picky...just challenging ya:) all in good fun:) one thing though...no more using ss4 vegta:) Here are some bigger pictures as well...but id still like the shower one to be used if possible.
  8. i highly doubt u will be able to find a way around it...but if u want to try..then by all means try:)...can't guarentee anything though:) And Sean...people will remember what their punishments were...but again...u cannot tell anyone. Also...please dont make this rpg too much a love thing. I love the relationships that are already forming...but dont make it the only thing;) (aka ULX, Saishi, Tre,Mouse:))
  9. mood can be angry...confused...sad...something like that. For the shower one for the banner if thats what you choose to do...kinda misty looking. She loves the colors gree and black. A mix of white would go well with it too... here are some more pictures to work off of if you wish...and a bigger one of the shower.
  10. If you really want to cheat like that...im sure you all are anyway:)...I personally dont care:)...as long as they dont tell in the rpg...thats fine...just as long as you make the story come out good:)...thats all I think we all are looking for anyway:)
  11. Alright...another avatar and banner for you all to have fun with:)...no...this one isn't for me...I'm quiet happy with mine right now:) However...this one is a gift for a friend of mine who keeps complaining that she doesn't have a good banner. So this will have the theme of VEGETA! Here are a couple of pictures to work off of for the avatar and banner. I have one suggestion though for the banner that you can try out. THe picture with vegeta in the shower:)...have that as a banner in any form (no red) with the phrase. "I came to bring you death, but I failed when I fell in love with you" You dont have too use it...and u can add a picture too it, like a fade or something if you want. You dont have too...but knowing her...she may like it. Make two if you wan too of it:) I have a bigger layout of the shower picture if someone needs it for the banner and its length. Other than that...do whatever you guys do:)...and have fun with it. Hopefully the pictures are good to work off of as well. She's a fan of the color green and black...so if you can incorperate that as well...that would be amazing. ~kairi
  12. OOC: I warned you all...now you pay...people have broken rules...and it hasn't even been a day yet...wow:) [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1]*punch....punch kick jab...uppercut....punch* Marcus was in the weight lifting room...attacking a helpless little punching bag. [I]I can't freaking sleep...at all...what a piece of shit card[/I] his muscles were burning as his punches intensified with every attack. Sweat poured down his face, blood coming out from the cuts now on his knuckles from hours of training. [I]Damn people...whats so wrong about me...not one makes an effort to talk to me[/I] Marcus was getting bitter...old childhood memories coming out. Reason why he was as strong as he was...constantly working out...improving himself...cause no one made the time for him. [COLOR=Black][B]***The Masters Office***[/B][/COLOR] "Sir...shall we proceed?'' "Immidiately...do what you will..." replied the master as he leaned back in his leather chair, his hands folded underneathe his chin. Suddenly, loud footsteps could be heard throughout the entire estate...running to their destinations. [COLOR=Black][B]***Imogens Room***[/B][/COLOR] Bursting through the door, five hulk looking men came into the room; witnessing Imogen and Xander holding hands. Two of the men went right for Imogen and wrapped their muscular arms around her...carrying her away as she screamed. "Let go of me...NOW!" she cried out. "Before Xander could react; the other three jumped him...he tried to fight back...but there were far too many. The men locked the door behind them with Xander unconcious on the ground. [COLOR=Black][B]***Kai's room***[/B][/COLOR] *knock knock* "Hey Sean...can you get the door?" "Sure thing" as Sean shot up from his bed on the floor and walked to the door. Outside; he saw three tall men standing with their arms crossed...staring down intensly onto the young man. "You must come with us...now." Sean was speechless...but turned around and nodded towards Kai...not knowing where he was being led too. [COLOR=Black][B]***Alicia's Room***[/B][/COLOR] Another five men burst through Alicia's room...catching the two of them in bed together; obviously about to do certain "things." Four of the men grabbed each of Tre's limbs and carried him out the door as the other held Alicia to the bed. "If you know what's best for your friend...you will stay here...understand!" She nodded obiediantly and watched as her beloved was carried away from her. Marcus was walking up the staircase as he saw both Imogen, Sean, and Tre being carried away...all of whom were struggling to get free. Instantly....Marcus realized what must have been happening, and ran towards them. "Let go of them...'' he roared in a battle cry as he attacked as many as he could. Taking down only two with a series of attacks; the rest dogpilled him as the others were carried down the hallway...to where...no one knew. [B]***[/B] All three of the individuals were tied up with their hands behind their backs, kneeling on a solid pavement floor. Breathing heavily...a bright light shined on all three of them compared to the rest of the darkness that surrounded them. In the shadows...you could hear the tapping of some kind of rod on the floor. The Master of Games then came from the shadows...walking in front of the three of them. "You all have disobeyed....now you shall recieve your punishment...remember...if you tell anyone what is now going to be done to you...you will leave the game perminately..." with a quick nod...each of them were carried to different rooms set apart from the one they were in. [I]...........TRE!........[/I] "you fell asleep with Alicia...having you loss sight of her at all times which violates the card which was given too you." "Are you fucking kidding me!" yelled Tre as a group of men began to tie him up. A wooden post stuck out from the floor. His arms began to be tied around the post, exposing his back. He struggled...but to no avail. "You will now recieve ten lashing for such disobediance...such foolishness and such dense perception upon reading your card...you will now be cleansed" [I]............Imogen.......[/I] "you told Xander what your card told you to do which is in complete violation of the rules. For this...you will be punished." Imogen sat on the floor in tears...fearing the torment that was about to be ushered to her. [I]Xander...[/I] The men surrounding her all left the room, locking her in the room alone...a cold shiver shot down her spine as a man walked out of the corner of the room. She looked only to see the image of her father! He stared back at her with such hatred in his eyes...the man who Imogen had come to fear...come to hate for all these years...now locked in here with him. [I]..............Sean..........[/I] "you told Karyan what your card told you to do which is in complete violation of the rules. For this...you will be punished." Sean was exhausted...already from his experiances with the ghosts before...his mind and body was drained, now laying naked and exposed on the concrete floor. The men surrounding him left the room, locking him alone in the dark. The ghosts began to come back...more intense this time...high pitch screams and voices began to surround him...horrible images now coming to his thoughts and eyes. [/SIZE] [/COLOR] OOC: Those who aren't being punished...you have no idea where they are...nor will you be able to find them. Those being tortured...you broke the rules...have fun:)
  13. [SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkSlateGray][COLOR=Black][B]***Open Tranmission with Jinn, Kai and Darrius***[/B][/COLOR] Ajack's image appeared in everyone screen within their mechs. as he made contact. Ajack: "EVERYONE!" Jinn: "Ajack?" Kai: "We're leaving now...who's the one in the cheetah?" Darrius: "The names Darrius...nice to see you again Ajack..." Once Ajack had heard about the two being kidnapped..he immidiately lef the base and went after them. He didn't need any chip for his mech...he had kept it with him ever since he had left. Ajack: "Darrius....are you ok...." Darrius: "Yea...just being chased by a couple of these shitheads." Kai: "Me and Jinn are heading back to the base now...where are you?" Ajack: "I'm right in front of you...about a mile or so above your current location." Kai looked up with her eagle and sure enough...with the sun shining off its golden body, a massive Griffin could be seen flying above her. Ajack: "Darrius...get out into the desert right away...Kai and Jinn...lure the rest of the enemy mech's to your position." Jinn: why? Ajack: "Trust me.....your mechs haven't been upgrades with special attacks...Darrius, just get those enemy units out in the open." Darrius: "Gotcha man...I'm sure I know what you're planning...just like old times." Ajack: "Just like old times my friend..." [COLOR=Black][B]***End Transmission***[/B][/COLOR] As Ajack said...Darrius ran out into the open with a number of enemy mech's following him. Kai and Jinn hung back for him to catch up.......the speed of the Cheetah was incredible...easily creating distance from the enemy. [COLOR=DarkOrange]All special attack systems are now online...shall I activate the Anubis System Ajack?[/COLOR] [I]No...there's no need at this point Apollo...prepare to engaged. [/I] [COLOR=DarkOrange]As you wish......now?[/COLOR] [I]NOW![/I] Apollo immidiately began its rapid decent back towards the earth, its four massive wings and boasters working hard to pick up speed. He looked like a missle cutting through the air as Apollo got himself between his friends and the enemy. As he landed...there was a minor earthquake that erupted, causing the enemy units to halt and stand their ground. [COLOR=DarkOrange]Aim for the bulk of the enemy units Ajack...[/COLOR] [I]Not only that...look...[/I] and beyond the enemy...the warehouse which Kai and Jinn were obviously held in was in view...the enemy just happened to be inbetween Apollo and its target. [I]Masterfully dont Darrius.......excellent. Charge Apollo![/I] as Ajack's hands grasped his controls tightly...Apollo lunged its hands and hind legs into the earth, finding itself a solid base as its massive wings began to flap. His ruby red eyes began to glow brightly...a small tornadoe seemed to be created around Apollo as he continued to charge up. [COLOR=DarkOrange]Already.....50% Ajack...[/COLOR] [I]Alright....[/I] suddenly...memories of the last battle flooded to his mind. When Lyu and the others were captured...the hatred brewed within him against such foes. To attack those who mattered most to him....the worst anyone could do.... [I]Lyu...........[/I] Ajack's eye intensfied as the cockpit began to shake. [COLOR=DarkOrange]70% Ajack[/COLOR] Ajack took a glance at Lyu's picture and smiled slightly... "FIRE!" Thrusting Apollo's neck forward towards the group of enemy units....a massive beam of energy came forth from Apollo's beak and tore right through all the mechs, destroying every last one of them. The beam continued right towards the warehouse...and once contact was made. An explosion insuded, sending out a shockwave through the ground due to its force. Sand blew all over the place as Darrius and the others looked on. When the dust finally cleared...Apollo was seen walking out of the mist. [COLOR=Black][B]***Open Transmission: Darrius, Kai, Jinn***[/B][/COLOR] Ajack: "Time to go home....we have a tournament to play in" as he gave a smile to everyone. [/COLOR] [/SIZE]
  14. [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1]Once he had penetrated her...they were as one. She began to heave, and quirm with pleasure as he endulged himself. The connection was incredible as their lips touched, breathing heavily in sink with one another. Her skin warm and smooth like silk as he pressed himself further into her. She cried out for more...and more...not stopping. Andy felt him over her... in her... she had never felt this way before... and she needed the feeling... she needed to feel him... inside of her. She stared at him and was lost..she was..enjoying him..wanting him... was that sin? He groaned in pleasure as he pulled her closer to him, she clutched his back, and shut her eyes as she took him in. She felt him as he tensed up inside of her and continued pressing his body closer to hers... she felt a deep burning inside of her..memories of her distant past flooding through the temples of her soul as they continued to make love. For an instant, the horrors of her past swept over her; however, at that moment, M genlty glided his hand over the side of her face...rubbing his right thumb across her cheek as he leaned his head down to the side of hers as he stopped. Andy began to cry..of pleasure...love...pain, the emotion was almost unbearable. M though...knew what to do. With all the strength that he had..he became one with her once again. Not only in body..but in mind...her tears were his own as he wept alongside her. No words could describe how comforting it was for him to be there...all she wanted to do was to live in the moment... not thinking of her future, nor her past... she would continue living... making each day count... not holding anything back anymore... She opened her eyes and was surprised to see him staring at her..his expression..was soft..something she did not expect..she..tried to say something, but the feeling he gave her was too much... she could barely speak a word... Andy snapped...not caring anymore, and pulled M's face close to hers and ravaged him. Turning him to his back, she completely lost herself in the moment and made love to him. The bed banged up and down, pushing into the wall as it intensified. M held her soft and tender hips and pulled her in and out with the motions. M sat up and kissed Andy with all that he was as Andy wrapped her legs around him. Each seemed to know exactly how to kiss thee other as M grasped the back of Andy's head, with the other around her waist as she held her close. Her breasts pressed up against his own as they continued to kiss with them still connected as one in every possible form of the word. He suddenly broke the kiss and bit her in the neck softly, his teeth grazing along the tendens and muscles of her neck. Andy burst out in an uncontrolable moan as the feel spread through her entire being as she tensed. As he stopped...his eyes locked on with hers...it seemed that the night had been going on forever...both of them burning; sweating from the activity. Andy was tired and simply laid her on his shoulder as they hugged. The tears subsiding, each others heart beat still quickening. Finally...after a few moments of silence...the two of them simply lay back onto the bed, and slipped into a deep sleep with each other still in one anothers arms. [/SIZE] [/COLOR]
  15. wow...these are coming out better than I had hoped for:) And Ozy:)....im glad that this one didn't scare you so:) and thank you Reise as well (can't remember new name...got lazy) Lets see how others may do...cause i honestly can't decide:)
  16. Hey everyone...if you'd like...can you make me a new avatar and banner for me please...me gonna make a little change for my look:) The two dont have to look the same...variations would be nice...i may use one...both..or a combinatino from multiple peoples works. The pictures belows in the attachments are what I'd like to be used. Faded appearance of the man would be cool...but not necessary...and the ''eyes'' were a cool background I thought...but again; not necessary...use whatever you'd like. Just make it cool and ....smooth. You have a choice of phrases as well to include in the banner. ''Live free...die well...'' "Every man dies...not every man really lives...'' "It's not until we've lost everything...till we are free to do anything." "We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are." "I don't give them hell...I just tell them the truth and they think it's hell.'' Other than that...go all out. Use colors like red, grey, white and black to match Kairi's look (the guy in the pictures name:) dude from street fighter and my nickname in real life). Enjoy:) PM me or write on here if you have any questions...much appreciated for looking at this for me...later.
  17. [B]OOC: READ THIS BEFORE YOU OPEN YOUR PM! IT WILL BE TITLED ''DO NOT READ THIS TILL YOU READ MY LAST POST ON FANTACIES"!:)[/B] [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1]''I don't know if he's stalking us or not..." replied Marcus softly, after he had finished chewing some of his food. Almost everyone was done with their meal already; they all seemed quite content with their dinner...obviously hungry. ''It is strange that he knows so much about us Imogen...'' added Marcus, as he turned his attention back to Imogen. Suddenly there was a ringing noise echoing through the entire dinning room...The Master had risen from his chair and was tapping his fork up against his crystal glass. ''Attention everyone...my brothers and sisters. I hope that you all have enjoyed your stay so far at my mansion and have found everything to your liking. I'm sure you all are already making friends...and settling yourselves in. I propose a toast...let the rest of your days here be adventurous and fullfilling, just as my life has done for me.'' Everyone raised their glasses and clanged their glasses together with the person sitting next to them. Sarah was on Marcus's left...and Imogen on his right. He smiled at Sarah, and did the same to Imogen. "Least he's polite" said Imogen. ''Yea...'' ''Now...'' said the Master, still standing. ''I have some things I need to address to you all. I apologize for not being able to explain the rules of this little game before you came into the mansion...I commend you for your courage.'' "I would like to begin with the rules...please...do not speak while I'm talking for here on out.'' everyone in the dinner room became silent. "Danko......now...the rules. They are as stated...rule number one." as he pointed up one finger. "No one is to go into the Angelic Wing...it is forbidden to all who live in this house. I will warn you...this house is haunted..." Everyone gasped... "You heard me right...the Angelic Wing is forbidden because of that regard...which concides with rule number two..." as he shot up his hand again with two fingers. "You may never leave the light...for within the shadows also lie the ghosts of this place. And believe me...they will feed upon your greatest fears." Still...there was complete silence within the dinning room. "It going to be tough at first...constantly being in the light...but I'm sure you all will persevere. And finally...the last rule...number three." this time however...he did not put up three fingers; he simply leaned on the table with his two arms. "You must obey your cards." At that moment...servants circled all thirteen individuals and placed an envelope with their name on it before them. "These cards are very important everyone...whatever is said inside...you must obey it...or you will be punished for your disobediance. And if you tell anyone about your card without consulting me first...you will be punished for such a violation." "These rules have been placed within the game to keep things interesting...remember; you all knew what you were getting into by reading my email to you all. Billions of dollars await you if you are able to survive within my home for a certain period of time which I will designate at another time." "Other than the three rules...anything you ask for will be given too you. Believe me...we have the technological advancements within this mansion to do anything you wish. Just ask either the servants around the house or myself for your needs...and it will be given too you without question." "Now...I bide you all a goodnight" as he picked up a napkin and whipped his face; picking up his cane he walked out of the dinning room, leaving everyone to themselves."[/SIZE][/COLOR] [B]OOC: Remember...you must obey these cards...or you will be punished:)...some of them are tough i know...and some not that bad:) I hope you all will be able to fullfill what has been given too you:) If things get complicated or difficult for you...PM about the situation. Take care...and enjoy *with a very evil grin*[/B] Oh...if you all know the band ''Orgy,'' I highly recommend them:)...a new motivational music for writting:)...sorry...random thought:)
  18. Here's an underground for the rpg if people even bother to ask a question:)...take care...later
  19. [B]Apocalypse: When Worlds Collide [M-LVS][/B] [FONT=Book Antiqua][SIZE=1][I][COLOR=DarkRed]When the seventh seal was opened, there was a silence in heaven for about half an hour... Seven angels who stood before God, were given seven trumpets... The first angel sounded his trumpet, and there came hail and fire mixed with blood, and it was hurled down upon the earth. A third of the earth was burned up, a third of the tress were burned up, and all the green grass was burned up... The second angel sounded his trumpet, and something like a huge mountain, all ablaze, was thrown into the sea. A third of the sea turned into blood, a third of the living creatures in the sea died, and a third of the ships were destroyed... The third angel sounded his trumpet, and a great star, blazing like a torch, fell from the sky on a third of the rivers and on the springs of water. The name of the star is Wormwood; a third of the waters turned bitter, and many people died from the waters that had become bitter... The fourth angel sounded his trumpet, and a third of the sun was struck, a third of the moon, and a third of the stars, so that a third of them turned dark. A third of the day was without light, and also a third of the night. The fifth angel sounded his trumpet, and a star fell from heaven to the earth. The star was given the key to open the shaft of the Abyss. Demons and Locusts rose to torment the people...they had a king over the; the angel of the Abyss, whose name in Hebrew is Abaddon, and in Greek, Apollyon. The sixth angel sounded his trumpet, and a voice could be heard coming from the alter of God. ?Release the four angels who are bound at the great river Euphrates.? And the four angels killed a third of mankind. The number of mounted troops was two hundred million. The seventh angel sounded his trumpet...and God?s temple in heaven was opened, and within his temple was seen the ark of his covenant. [/COLOR] [/I] [/SIZE] [/FONT] [COLOR=Black][B]***[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=Black][B]>>>We are here...live on the shores of New York City...ladies and gentlemen...this is incredible...this is....terrifying. The world is now in complete and utter chaos. Supernatural powers are at work here...so many dead...death is all around us. I don?t know how long we?ll be able to broadcast...may God have mercy on your souls. This is Peter Griffin; from NBC news....
  20. HEY EVERYONE...VERY IMPORTANT!!!...WE HAVE A NEW MEMBER JOINING THE ANGEL TEAM...THIS IS [U][B]ALTRONS[/B][/U] PROFILE FOR HIS CHARACTER... Name: Julius Aurelius Age: 26 Gender: Male Home Planet: Born on Mars, lives on Earth. Apperance: [url]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v...nfinity/gah.jpg[/url] Imagine him without the flight suit. 5'10", with green eyes. Medium build. Personality: Julius loves to talk to people, and is usually very personable. He likes to have fun, and enjoy life. However, his job comes first always. Before and during the mission, he will become extremely serious, psyching himself up for the challenge ahead. If the mission fails, he blames it on himself. If it succeeds, he pushes the credit to someone else. One could go so far as to say Julius is humble, but it is not so. While he likes being praised, he thinks that too much of it will make you become complacent, so he shuns it. Bio: Julius was born on a Martian city. At his birth, he was diagnosed with a special 'gift' which the doctors labled a syndrome. It's medical definition is "Responsive Shell Syndrome," and it was so hyper active in Julius that he learned how to talk nearly a year before the average age of speaking infants. His father took advantage of such a gift, and helped him learn all he could in such a short time as the infantile years. He knew that children's brains absorbed information much faster than an adult, but his child was extraordinary. He had learned multiplication and division in kindergarden. He lived on Mars until he was four years old. After that, his father decided it would be better if they moved to Earth, as there were better job prospects there, and his family needed the money. Once they reached the Earth, his family's situation became much better, and they began to succeed. Julius had become very good in school, mastering information nearly five grades ahead of where he was. His teachers didn't know what to do with him, but the government did. When he was 16, he was recruited by the military to join them in a project which he readily accepted. He hungered for a challenge, wished to better humanity. The government agency offered both to him. So, he joined, and trained as hard as he possibly could, and as a result learned to conquer his previous fears of death, and became an outstanding soldier. He could think much faster than any other soldier in the field could, as his brain soaked up all possible information on the battlefield, and actively applied it to his previous encounters and lessons. Some joked that he had a computer lodged inside his head. All in all, he trained very hard, for he was told that "One day, people like you will save the world. You must bear that weight. You must save us all." His time had come. Weaponry: - long range weaponry: Assault rifle, silenced pistol. - melee weaponry: kodachi [small katana] Gift: Hyper responsive brain. This means that he has no "powers," but can react to stimuli four to five times as fast as a regular human. Whether learning a new skill, reacting to a new combat situation, or sheer reflexes, his are much faster than normal. Basically, he reacts to things faster than most. Your Greatest Fear: Bodily mutilation, loss of an apendage, and death of a loved one. He fears death of a loved one because he becomes very attached to them, and if they are taken away from him, he would suffer extreme grief. He is completely afraid of bodily mulitation or a loss of an appendage because he likes to remain mobile, without hinderance of a wheel-chair or some other means of help.
  21. [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1]Name: Jacob Reise Age: 25 Height: 6'0'' Weight: 189 Gender: Male Occupation: Farmer/Rebel General appearance: Jacob has long brown hair with dazzeling blue eyes; depth that seems to never end. He looks older for his age, with scars scattered around his body, hair (not thick) on his legs and and forearms with a clean cut face. His cloths are that of a simple peasant, a white and dirty tunic with an open chest, with baggy brown pants with animal skin (wolf) wrapped around his feat and shoulders as a jacket. His body is muscular but toned due to his years of work on the farm. Surprisingly...despite his body showing strain, his hands never loose their softness. Bio: Jacob lived in the town with his parents when the kingdom was invaded. At the age of 20...he and his father fought against the invaders, devoting himself to the rightful king. But they were defeated, as Damion killed his father, and Jacob was punished for his crimes against Damions forces; but Jacob never gave in. No matter what Damion tortured him with, he never broke, nor bowed down. Ultimately, he was allowed to live because of his respect for Jacobs as a farmer, his tremendous skill and power with a claymore and bow, as well as his perseverance and strength. Later on in his life, Jacob took a peasant girl for his bride...and she bore a child the year after. He was at peace, working the farm land...loving and tending to his family. Then, one night...Damion's soldier barged into the house, stripping away everything that he owned. His dear wife Maria and daughter Raine were taken from him...he knew what would become of them, so he fought against the attackers with his fathers large broadsword, which was at least 6 feet long. All 12 soldiers ganged up on him and beat him within an inch of his life. Lying on the floor, bloody and bursed, hearing the screams of his wife and child...one of the soldiers lifted Jacob onto his feet and read a note from the King himself. ''My dear Jacob, now I will take full payment for letting you live. Your daughter will become a slave...and your wife will become mine.'' A year later...Jacob learned that his wife had been killed, and of his daughter was unknown to him. He became a very quiet man...and continued to live out his life in grief and sorrow. Till one day, for the opportune moment to take back his honor...his life. To this day, Jacob remains a strong and firm individual, loyal to his country, more loving and wise as ever. But upon his face...you can see the scars within because of his wifes murder. Recently...Jacob has slowly become more and more involved with the rebellion. After his public fight with Damion; alongside the leader of the rebellion Asher, Jacob has been taken in by the noble named Rion, healing his wounds. Jacob fights alongside the rebellion...but fights and gives his life for the people...and the people alone. He does not pledge himself to one individual. Now weilding his fathers claymore, the same blade that fought against Damion in the first war when he came to power...Jacob hopes to bring back true freedom to his people. His daughter Rinoa still lives, serving Damion with an unflinching loyalty. Despite his anger towards Damion for killing his wife; strangley enough he thanks the king for not killing his daughter. The one thing that keeps him sane at this point...[/SIZE][/COLOR] OCC: Tis good to be back:)...
  22. [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1]*sigh*...[I]everyone seems exhausted[/I] M thought to himself as he made his way to the room. [I]I'm sure everyone will come into their own...[/I] thinking back to his conversation with Eric; and how everyone else had been ever since arriving. Seemed like they were not only fighting against these monsters...but also with themselves in a sense. *yawn*...M had just gotten finished talking with Commander Red. Finally; they had reached an agreement. M was tired of being pushed down by the Commander...making rules and regulations about missions that have never been done before. Some flexability needed to be administered. The doctors told Farel was in a stable condition in his coma...the poison had been extracted from him; his heart beat however was slowly diminishing. They were going to administer a quick shot of adrenaline to his heart to start it back up. But M declined the procedure; it wasn't like Farel was OD'ing or anything. He knew Farel would come out of it...he wasn't the kind to merely give up. After his wound had been treated...he knew he had to go to sleep. He sensed Taikaru was avoiding him...but he didn't care. He didn't know what her issue was with him; but it didn't matter right now. Everyone just needed to get some rest...not to think about the mission at all. A little vacation... [I]Maybe I should talk to Andy...she seemed silent towards me ever since coming back to the base....did she hear the conversation with Commander Red?[/I] Stopping at his own door, M turned around and headed towards Andy's room. He knocked gently so that he would not wake her if she was asleep...there was no answer. He was about to leave...but he had a feeling that he needed to go in. [I]She did come into my room that one time...[/I] Opening the door as quietly as he could...he walked in...[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  23. [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1]Bursting through the doors...Zoku's thundering foots steps could be heard approaching the group of men and women converging with one another. His escorts waited at the doors as Zoku towards the group of individuals. On one side...were the vampires...and on the other, were the hunters who immidiately recognized him. Apart from his long black hair and heavier exterior; they could never forget those eyes of his. Looking at both of the groups as he approaced; the room was a solid red; the carpets, chairs...even the lighting in the center of the room. No one was sitting however, the tension could be felt between the two powers. [I]Kuroichi underestimated the power of the humans...he did with me....it will be his downfall once again. [/I] Between the two groups was a single light...the shadows surrounding them all as the red light penetrated the dark in the center. Whomever wanted to speak...merely had to step inside as the others respected thee other. A common practice within the convenant. ''Zoku!'' yelled out Dusk as he acknowledged his presence. The first person to draw Zoku's attention was Tetsuya and the rest of the hunters. At first...no one knew what to say as Zoku took his place in the center of the light; leaning closer to the hunters. ''Yukiko, Akio...Naoto...'' as Zoku addressed them seperately, giving each a respectable bow. ''Tetsuya...'' as both men bowed to one another. Zoku remember them just as if it were back in the old days...during the times of war against Kuroichi...during the times of the project. ''It's been a long time Zoku...you've changed.'' with a sudden sarcasm underneathe his breathe. It was the first time Tetsuya saw of Zoku ever since that fateful day; and now here he was before him...a vampire...that which he hated the most. ''I know Tetsuya...hear me out.'' as Zoku walked away; returning to the light, coming into view for everyone. ''My brothers...friends...allies!'' Zoku's voice was profoud...unflinching as he spoke to the others; making himself be heard perfectly. ''We come together under a common banner...a cause which has been brewing for centuries. You...survivors of the Project have a fought against Kuroichi and the Krilat Zmaj's presence here in Japan for a long time. Despite your efforts...Kuroichi sitll maintains control over this provance.'' ''And what do you have to offer for us Zoku...we've survived this long without the help of likes of you.'' Naoto exclaimed. Tetsuya ushered for him to be quiet...but Zoku was already reacting. ''And where has it gotten you...................no where. It is now by the likes of the Knudrap Clan that pose a threat to Kuroichi now...drawing him back here. With him he has brought his most powerful allies...including the Zugai and its king...Jarrod.'' ''What of the Knudrap...'' replied Zuriel...stepping out of the darkness...''they are weak...stubborn and cruel to our ways Zoku. They do not deserve our support...'' ''And yet they were able to make Kuroichi flinch Zuriel...bringing him here.'' Zoku took a moment to gather himself...''and what if I told you that the Knudrap are now unified." At that moment...Lady Rose, as well as the leader of the Mirichai followed from behind. The vampires were in shock; while the hunters intensified the look upon their faces...preparing themselves for anything. ''Do not be afraid my friends...they are our allies as well. With the leadership of Lady Rose...the Knudrap forces are now one.'' ''We have also developed some efficient weaponary against Kuroichi's forces as well.'' added Brolly...a pudgy looking man, standing at about 5'4'', almost three hundred pounds. Despite his size...his knowledge in human technology was far superior to any other. Dusk and Dracula and the rest of the vampires all had large grins on their faces...marveling at Zoku's work over the past couple of days. "So this was what you were up too Zoku.'' Dusk smiling at his friend. "You see...............we are not alone in this. Kuroichi has created some of the most powerful weapons this world has ever seen. We must be ready...we fight off against the Krilat Zmaj, the Grysham clan, the Labareda, and the Zugai. We; the Gwyar, Myrkur Aniol, Mirichai, the Knudrap...'' turning his attention back towards the hunters...''ask you...to side with us...to bring down a common foe.'' Silence spread throughout the entire room... ''The rest...I leave too you all.'' ended Zoku and his little speech as he walked out from the center of the light, walking towards Zuriel. "Michael has informed me of your needs Zuriel...once these meetings have ended...I will meet with you in private with Dusk on the next moon.'' Turning around before Zuriel could answer, he drifted towards Jinsei, Dusk, Dracula and LeStat...''I will tallk with you all later...as I will with Tetsuya and the rest of the hunters if need be.''...he then walked back to the center. ''Please...take this opportunity to reflect...and to decide on what course of action to take against Kuroichi. Together...we will bring the fight to his footsteps; and we will certainly give him a war.'' and with that...Zoku walked away back towards the exit; letting everyone talk amongst themselves. ***Outside in the cold night air*** ''Zoku!" cried out Kairi as he ran out to his master... ''Not now Kairi...watch over Dracula as I commanded." "As you wish...'' leaving Zoku in the open air alone. [I]I've done what I can....let us see where this goes...[/I] [/SIZE] [/COLOR]
  24. [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1]Jacob stood looking out his window...now wrapped in nobility. He didn't care much for such things...but it was better than wearing the blood soaked garments that he previously had been clothed in. He had been bathed...feed to his full...and treated with gentlness and respect by the servants; maidens of Rion's house. "I'm glad to hear that you fight with us Jacob,'' replied Rion stepping through the door to his room. ''The way you fought with Damion; you certainly will become a valued ally to our cause.'' Jacobs long brown hair blew back across his face as a gust of wind came into the room. The night was cool...a very pleasant feeling to Jacob's spirit. ''What do you fight for Rion...if you dont mind me asking...'' replied Jacob...not turning his gaze away from the view of the balcony. "There a lot of things to fight for Jacob...why...do you doubt yourself?" answered Rion as he walked to his side...looking out upon the city as well. "No...I doubt the rebellion...are we fighting for our own cause...or are we truly fighting for our people." Rion was silent for a moment...analyzing what Jacob had said. "I've already lived through one war Rion...I've lost my father, my wife; my life to Damion. But I cannot have a personal war against the man. He has kept our country safe from invaders...and he is a strong leader...do not forget that. Damion is no pushover...nor the army that he commands.'' "agreed" "If you wish to rebel against your own king...make sure your followers believe as you do...for one common goal...for true freedom." ''You are right Jacob; Asher has been leading our cause for a while now...as us Noblemen have been gathering information...bidding our time against Damion" "Do not underestimate him my lord...for it will be our downfall if we do." "We?...so you will join us then..." Rion having a lightened expression upon his face...enjoying the fact to be able to fight alongside this man. "Yes...but know this...I will not fight for you...nor any noblemen. I do fight for our people my lord." "As I'm sure that they will fight for you Jacob.'' Rion placing a hand on his shoulder..."but we must do this together..." "understood" *** A red moon hung above the heads of all those who lived under the rule of Damion. Outside of the castle walls...beyond the town residing underneathe. To the open plains, mountainsides, and forest keeps of his people...a stirring was rising. Men from every village began to form into one cohesive movement...attacking Damions small outposts all over his lands. Some were won...some cost many lives...some ended in complete failure. One of Damions' high knights named Joel was killed in one of the attacks near the city; however, he was able to defend his keep from the rebel invaders. But neither the less...more and more rebels were being drawing into the fight. Soon; if given enough time...would lead into a full scale war; forcing Damion to unleashed the full power of his armies upon his people. Will they find allies...will they rally more to support their cause. No one knows...but there numbers are growing to the hundreds...almost thousands. *** [I]Damion....................now.........we are even. Your move....[/I] ''Rion...'' Jacob finally speaking... "What is it Jacob?'' Rion responded... ''I ask a favor of you.......may one of your servant please get me my fathers sword from my home...I live on a farm on the outskirts of the town." "Of course...what kind of sword is it?" "A very large claymore...used by my father in the last war against Damion; he shall know the blade well." "Anything else?" "Yes...my horse Oblivion is still tied outside the local bar; can you please take care of him?" "Of course...I'll see to it myself...'' and with that, Rion exited the room...but before he went through the door, "get some rest Jacob." "I will...'' and with that...the door was shut. [/SIZE] [/COLOR]
  25. [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1]*shakes head*...that was all that Marcus could do after that. [I]I was only being polite...wasn't asking for a relationship or anything.......[/I] walking back to his room...as the group departed...he waved goodbye to Sergio and went into his room. *sigh*...''I hope she didn't anything the wrong way.'' he said to himself as he locked the door behind him and began to strip. Set apart from his own belongings...there were already sets of clothes folded up into the draws; all to his exact size and style of liking. [I]Least I got to meet some new people...I wonder what they thought of me...[/I] wondering if they liked him as an individual. It was like starting his life all over again...what a humbling feeling he felt inside. Suddenly a large gong could be heard echoing throughout the entire mansion. [I]must be dinner time now...[/I] as Marcus quickly looked to the clock lying at the edge of his bed. 7:00pm on the dot... At the end of looking through all the clothes options...Marcus decided to be semi-formal and put on a black pair of pants with a black silk shirt as well. Placing his black hat on the bed...he quickly combed it to his liking and walked out the door. [COLOR=Black][B]***Within the Dinning Area***[/B][/COLOR] "Is dinner prepared..." asked the master as a servant approached him. The servant...covered in pure white; unlike the drivers from before. "Yes...everything to their liking has been prepared for them." "Excellent...that is all" as the master waved a hand; sending him away from his presense. Pulling out the chair from underneathe the circular table, the Master sat himself down, leaning his cane up against the table as he awaited for the others to arrive. [I]Come my little children...come to me.......your fate awaits you. [/I] again...an evil looking grin spread across the old mans face. The thirteen civilians had no idea what they were getting themselves into. [/SIZE] [/COLOR] OCC: Important information...if you all want to have your next post just making your way to the dinning room...thats fine. Or the next one to post can bring us all together so I can get things going:) By the time you see my next post of on this rpg...you all will have recieved your first cards. Please...do not read them until after reading my post on here. Also...hugoxx will be leaving us unfortunately...however I have already found another to fill the 13th spot. Angelus_Necare...her profile is already up on Adventure Inn and I'd greatly appreciate you all too take a look. Other than that...you all are doing beautifully...I apologize if the beginning was a little boring; now the fun begins; starting with the dinner.
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