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Everything posted by Kairi

  1. OCC: ALright everyone....hugoxx is leaving the rpg...this is the new member that is going to be joining into the rpg as one of the thirteen ok. PLease...make her feel welcome right off the bat so that we dont have anyone left behind when things start to heat up after the dinner:) Angelus_necare: OB user name PROFILE: Name: Adrien Lemont Age: 27 Sex: Male Location: France Appearance: Adrien stands taller than most men, yet holds a slender non-dominant figure. While one would say he is slim, it is not to say he is undefined as far as muscles are concerned. Adrien is not a bulky brute, but he is naturally chiseled through years of mediocre physical activity. Many have called Adrien handsome in the past, and most would call him so today upon first appearances. Adrien posseses long cornsilk hair that is tied loosely at his neck, and peircing blue eyes that would draw in any hapless soul that wore their heart on their sleeve. Personality: While Adrien comes off as the proper, well-to-do gentleman that any girl would take home to mother, that doesn't make it so. In all honesty Adrien is an underhanded, liar who would od or say anything to get what he wanted. Adrien doesn't stand for the word "no" either, it's the one thing he hates hearing the most. While Adrien is a keen source of social darkness among others, he does have a small sense of nobility that he usually uses for himself. One important trait that Adrien posesses is his lust for women and sex, he will chase down any woman and use his charms to get what he wants. The power he has over the oposite sex (or same sex, depending on how he feels that day) enthralls him with a most powerfull feeling, one that has become an addiction for him and one that seems a bit out of controll. Bio: Adrien grew up in a wealthly family that now resides in Paris. His family inherits their weath through unknown means, yet claims their weath came from an ancient family member who was a noble and prestigious knight. Regardless of wealth or nobility it seems Adrien's family strives to do its best for the community. While the family was full of do-gooders, Adrien's father and himself seemed to be the rotten eggs of the family. Adrien's father wanted notihng more than power and wealth that the head of the family would provide. All seemed true untill the elder Lemont died, leaving his adolescent son in his stead. Since Adrien was next in line to lead the family, the rest of the Lemonts scrambled to prevent his inheritance to the family head. The standing member of the Lemont Family, Alphonse Lemont, casted Adrien from the family on the pretenses of allowing him to live on his own. This infurriated Adrien beyond all means, although he didn't fight as he left, he promised himself that he was going to rise above and beyond his family, make an inheritance of his own and live comfortably for the rest of his life... Greatest Desire: Sex, Power, Money. Greatest Fear: Failure, Rejection, Poverty, untimely death.
  2. [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1]Everyone was in the hotel resting...watching over one another when M decided to go for a walk. The bite on his thigh was healing...but the pain intensified with every step that he took. Taikaru had wrapped it up with a rag, tightened by a leather belt so that it would help stop the bleeding. [I]damn it....[/I] he thought to himself as he walked outside into the night. There was a gentle breeze within the town...everyone now calm since the attack; all sleeping in their beds. M was glad that they were safe...but he was concerned for his team. They all wanted to go back home...back to Heaven. But M knew the Commander better...their mission had not yet been completed. Hong Kong still needed to be investigated. Even if the majority of the population was already dead...the team still needed to analyze the situation. [I]We must leave though...now...we can come back later......maybe in a day or two. [/I] worrying about Farel now in his coma...Lee, as exhausted as he was...and just the emotional strain that seemed to be bearing down upon everyone. [I]Something has to be done....[/I] ''Commander Red" as M clicked his earpiece on. ''M...give me the situation over there..." ''Sir...Farel and Lee are down. We've collected all the necessary data needed about the serum in reaction the virus. However, the mission to Hong Kong is a no go at this point...we all are hurting sir...there isn't much more we can do here at this point." ''No M...you will continue with your mission and complete it...do you understand me?'' M didn't know what to say................he knew that if they continued, more of his friends were going to get hurt, maybe even die. The pain in his thigh was almost unbearable. He didn't care for the mission...all that concerned him was the pain of his friends...and the fucking sting shooting up and down through his leg. "No..." replied M as he walked farther away from the hotel so that no one would hear him. "I don't think I can do that sir" ''What...are you defying my orders soldier...do not forget who you are talking too boy!" ''Oh I haven't sir...but do not forget who you are talking too. It is not your life that is in jeopardy here commander, and I will not allow you to treat us like this. I'm requesting an emergency evacuastion immidiately from the area...and well will continue to Hong Kong in a couple of days...sir" ''How Dare You!" screamed the Commander on the other end..."this is my operation M...and I will not allow you tooo...'' but there was a sudden gasp on the other end of the line. The commander went completely silent.... M's eyes were black once again...he had had enough. Tired of having another human being control them. He didn't mind taking orders and doing these missions...God knows he loved it...but to endanger those he held the closest to him... "did you forget my warning Red" M's voice was once again cold and deep....the pain in his body dissapeared. Still...silence...all that could be heard was a shuffling in Red's leather chair; struggling with something. "If you do not send us help immidiately...I will tear out your soul now and forever Red...I swear it on the lives of my friends. The next time you question my judgement of their safety...well *as an evil grin spread across his face*...you imagine the rest." M let go of his hold on Red as he awaited his answer. ''A ship is coming now M." and a sudden click could be heard on his end. Slowly...coming out of his trans, M looked back towards the hotel and began to limp himself back, placing a hand on his wound yet again...the pain returning. "Everyone..." ''M...'' answered Andy on the other end..."whats going on?" "Get everyone ready to go...we're going back home for a couple of days. And once everyone is rested back up...we're heading back to Hong Kong."[/SIZE][/COLOR] OCC: If you all want to include in your posts that you heard the conversation between Red and M...thats cool. Let us all get some rest...be excited...a new member is coming to the Angelic Team:)
  3. [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1]Marcus was puzzeled at the question Karyan had asked him...was a long time since he thought about the divorse. Like a thorn in the back of his mind...could only sense it was there unless something reminded him of the pain that it inflicted. [I]*sigh*...she was lovely....seems sensitive....[/I] he thought to himself as he picked back up his luggage and headed towards his room. Approaching the door with his name carved into it...he looked at his neighbors and saw Karyan on his left and Sergio on his right. There was a loud noise coming from Sergio's room... [I]hahaha.....Halo...aweomse game...[/I] as he opened his door and plopped his luggage on the floor. The room was exactly what he hoped it would be; a large king size futton lying on the ground; shelves full of books with a large flat screen tv and PS2 with a wonderful view overlooking the waters surrounding the island. Some of his favorite movies were already on display for him; ''The Shawshank Redemption,'' ''Independence Day''...the list was so long, Marcus couldn't believe that it was all here. Taking out his laptop from his duffle bag; he placed it onto one of the desks next to his bed...the room was so big, he could fit his entire apartment into it. Turning on the computer...he pulled out the internet cord and looked for a phone jack; until he realized that there was no phone at all. Suddenly there was a knock on his door with the master of games leaning up against the side of the door frame. Marcus got up from the floor to take in the appearance of the old man. ''There is no outside connection to the outside world my friend...only calls and communications within the mansion is allowed...such as with your cell phone.'' ''Um...thanks...didn't realize that that was a rule...'' ''Oh...its not...its a requirement without a choice my friend.'' the Master replied as he left the entrance of Marcus's doorway. He ran after him, wanting some more questions answered...but when he got to the hallway...he was gone. ''Quick little devil for an old guy...'' gun shots could still be heard from the room next to him. ''I might as well pay a visit.'' he said to himself with a smile on his face. It was the first time in a long time...where he felt like he could start over; to make his life anew. As he got to the door, saw that it was open and knocked on the side of it to be polite of his intrusion. ''Hey...'' spun around Sergio who was watching Kai and Sean play on the X-Box system. ''Another visitor guys.'' Kai paused the game as she, Sean, Sergio and Karyan turned their attention towards Marcus. ''Hi...I'm Marcus...sorry if I'm bothering you all.'' ''Not at all...please...come join us...the more the better.'' answered Sean as they all introduced themselves; except for Karyan...who just kept her head down. ''Thanks everyone...means a lot to me. Would be nice to make some friends here...'' ''No problem.'' replied Kai...''Hey Sean!...thats cheating, I wasn't ready yet.'' as she and Sean went back to playing as Sergio followed suit. Marcus walked into the room and stood by Karyan. ''Nice to see you again Karyan...I hope I didn't bother you or anything before.'' ''I'm sorry...'' she answered...finally bringing her eyes up to his. [I]wow.......[/I] he thought to himself. ''Thats ok....nothing to forgive.'' as he gave her a nice big smile. [/SIZE] [/COLOR] OCC: read underground:)...I think I said that the maps really dont matter at this point anymore:)...just the basic picture of the house. The floor plans dont really mean anything...were only a basic idea of what the house looked like...you didn't have to follow them. But thanks for the effort though;)
  4. [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1]Zoku bowed in respect to the Grysham Lord....''Nye...overlord of the Grysham Clan; I come here to pay my respects.'' ''For what?'' Nye answered back quickly. As he rose his head...''to pay my respects to yet another dying clan.'' ''You bastard...how dare you mock me.'' his voice deep with anger...this man killed his father...his mother. Nye yielded his sword from its shealth and swung it at Zoku. As the blade came at him, Zoku stuck forth his hand and grabbed the sword before it connected with his body. Nye pressed harder onto the blade; but it did not move in Zoku's grasp. ''You have ever right to hate me Nye...your father was a great man; but you must understand...he asked for his death.'' ''What?'' questioned Nye as he was taken back by the titians words. Slowly he dropped his sword as Zoku let go of it. ''State you business Zoku.'' ''Thee old king of the Grysham...David...was honorable...but imagine for a moment young one; I was once a human...and he nearly destroyed me for my friendship with Keitha.'' ''Keitha? What about her?'' ''It was only a few months ago that I was turned by the blood of Cain; turning into what is before you now. But...I was once a human; fighting against Kuroichi and his quest for power. Me and Keitha found one another...as she became curious about my origin. To make a long story short...David became jealous...and brought me over the edge of madness; nerel breaking my infatuation for Keitha.'' ''So you're saying my father deserved to die?'' ''No young king...no one deserves to die. I've come for two things this night Nye...one; to ask for your forgiveness... [COLOR=Black]Forget forgiveness....KILL HIM[/COLOR] [COLOR=Black]Now is the time to break the Grysham...KILL HIM[/COLOR] [I]...no[/I] ''and two; to bring the Grysham Clan alive again.'' ''How?'' ''Please my king...do not forget about your children in New York City. You have many followers still there in your underground city. If you want to do anything in this war...reunite with them...and bring them here to Japan. Whatever side you choose will be yours to make. Make Lana your general...she will know what to do.'' Zoku bowed once again...and started walking towards Lana who was still hiding in the shadows. He brushed by Nye as he whispered into his ear...''thank you for bringing this to my attention Zoku...your apologize is accepted.'' His attention did not faulter as he approached the shadows...Lana was leaning against the far wall with her arms crossed; torn between sadness and hatred. ''Lana.......forgive me as well. What history is between me and Keitha is our own...and I assure you...that all has been forgiven between the two of us. Take action vampress...lead the Grysham army...and obey your master Kuroichi.'' Zoku said nothing else...and didn't wait for a response from Lana as he exited throught the window...descending to the streets in a free fall once more. [I]Now that I have said my peace....we can have a war....for I now can fight you. [/I] The wind in the streets was brisk as it whistled around the tall buildings. Everyone around him were being pushed from side to side easily as they tried to contain themselves and their possessions while Zoku kept on walking perfectly. *ring ring ring* Zoku reached into his trench coat pocket and pulled out his cell phone, flipping it open. ''Dusk...'' ''Hey Zoku...where have you been?'' ''As I said before Dusk...I've had other business to attend too.'' ''I'm sorry Zoku...'' ''Dusk...no apology is needed...you know that from me. Now whats going on?'' ''We've made contact with the Project Members...and have agreed to a meeting at the Hearts Covenant. I'm here now with Jinsei, Dracula and LeStat...we've also requested Zuriel's presence here as well. The meeting is nearly upon us now...and we were hoping to have you accompany us.'' ''As you wish Dusk...I'll be there in a moment...I may be late...but I will arrive; I promise.'' ''Thank you Zoku...we haven't seen you in a while; I'm sure everyone will be happy to have you around again.'' ''Perhaps...good luck with the talk before my arrival Dusk. Take care...later.'' as Zoku snapped the cell phone back shut. [I]......oh Keitha....how I miss you so.....[/I] Leaping onto one of the neighboring rooftops, as the crowd around him stood in shock and awe...Zoku made his way towards the covenant; taking his time.[/SIZE] [/COLOR] OCC: :D hopefully you all are seeing what I'm trying to do with all these clans...if not.......more anticipation then;)
  5. [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1]The children of the town who were playing with M were all giggly and happy, jumping up and down as he chased them...sometimes tickling them, or just simply lifting them up into the air like an airplane. M also let them beat him up...as he pretended to quirm around as they attacked him. Ivy and Andy were standing to the side, laughing and talking with one another as they saw M make a fool of himself. In the distance...and veichle could be heard approaching the town. M sat up from the ground, and gently moved the children out of the way as M ran hard towards the gates of the town. It was Lee and Carl...as they got out, M embraced them both...happy to see that his friends were still alive. ''How come you didn't contact us...'' asked M as he continued to joke with the two men. ''We had a little trouble M...can't you tell.'' Lee smiled as he pointed at all the black blood that had begun to stain his clothes. ''I can see that...how bout you Carl...you alright?'' ''I'm good M...our mission was complete in the town which you sent us too.'' ''As with everyone else...this is the last town before we head for Hong Kong. However, Farel was bitten by those sand vipers and is now in a coma.'' ''Is he gonna be ok?'' Lee questioned...suddenly the emotions in the air died down. ''I hope for the best my friend...'' as M placed a hand on his shoulder...''only time will tell.'' The three men walked together towards the hotel where Ivy and Andy greated Lee and Carl. M left them to talk as he entered the hotel...he hadn't actually seen Farel yet. Walking up the stairs...Eric greeted M at the door as he took notice at Taikaru sitting on the edge of the bed. ''Taikaru...'' as M gave a nod...looking at a concerned look upon her face. She didn't answer him...but acknowledged his presence. M grabbed a chair and sat at the head of the bed, overlooking Farel as he placed a hand on his forehead. ''Wait!'' yelled out Taikaru...almost jumping off the bed. ''SSSHHhhhhh...dont worry Taikaru; I'm not using my powers on him. Farel has always been quiet about his feelings...and I plan on keeping it that way. Please....relax...'' M ushered calmy as Taikaru took her seat back on the edge of the bed. M began whipping away the sweat the was pouring off his head...[I]he's dreaming...[/I] M thought to himself. ''Eric...can you get me a wash clothe drenched in water.'' ''Sure...no problem.'' as Eric went into the bathroom and quickly got a wet wash rag. ''Thank you very much...'' as Eric went back to his spot, leaning against the door frame. He slowly rubbed the rag up and down Farel's face and forehead...trying to cool him down. M then folded it and placed it over his forehead. Leaning up against the wall with the chair...M looked at Farel intensly...caring for the well-being of his friend. ***Outside*** Ivy, Lee, Carl and Andy were all talking to each other outside the hotel when suddenly Lee went quiet... ''Whats wrong Lee?'' questioned Ivy... ''Everyone...'' replied Lee...his voice was deep, and yet caucious and quiet... ''Lee...whats wrong man?'' asked Carl. ''Everyone...be quiet...and slowly...move into the hotel.'' as Lee motioned for the civilians on the streets to clear out. Suddenly...5 massive heaps of earth began to close in on the town which could be seen through the gates. ''RUN!'' cried out Carl as he saw them...''GET INSIDE!'' everyone ran into their respectable buildings as the group rushed into the hotel... ''What the hell is going on Lee...'' declared Andy....taking a hold of his collar. ''Those sand vipers who attacked me and Carl must have followed us by the sounds of the jeep. These things have no eyes Andy...they can hear us on the surface through sound...we need to get above ground...''[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  6. [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1]''Uh....what the...'' as Jacob awoke...finding himself upon a bed. His shoulder from the arrow had been stitched, and he was clothed in fine robes. The room was bright....brilliant decorations and tapestries surrounded the bed room. [I]Where am I....[/I] he thought to himself...as he tried to move...a headache came upon him; and he became dizzy and weak. Falling right back upon the bed...Jacob went back to sleep. [/SIZE] [/COLOR] OCC: Jacob has been taken in by a noble from the crowd. If you'd like Altron; it could be your knights or another noblemen you know who is for the rebellion who brought me in. thanx.
  7. [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1]''Damn It!...hold on a second will ya!'' yelled out Marcus as he got his things together with a blaring horn was sounded from a limosine parked on the street outside of his apartment building. It had been a few days since Marcus had recieved that perculiar email on his laptop. All he did was simply replied with a ''yes'' in the response; Marcus truly didn't care...just got him out of the house. Was the first thing since being fired from the college that he had finally gotten a break from the realities of life. The divorse ended horribly; with his wife taking almost everything that he owned in use for their children. And since he had no managable income; slowly Marcus was selling his property to pay for the child support. Upon recieving the email, Marcus couldn't believe that the Master really gave him 10 grand as a persuation for coming to the mansion. With that amount...he could pay for his childrens welfare for almost 7 months while he was gone. [I]...No worries....[/I] he thought to himself. It was a very warm day outside in Brooklyn...the sun shining through the window, illuminating Marcus's fine blonde hair. ''Damn...where the hell is my hat?'' he had managed to pack two suitcases full of clothes. The drivers outside insisted that everything else would be provided for him. Suddenly he saw it...his black nike hat sitting on his bed. He quickly grabbed it and put it backwards upon his head and headed down the stairs with suitcases and laptop in hand. *** The trip seemed all but a blur by the time Marcus arrived at the gates of the mansion. Looking out of the window to take in the view of the estate...he was all but speechelss. Surrounding the entire courtyard were 12 similar limosines, with 12 other people; apparently the others who had won this little prize. The rest of the other drivers and servants were all dressed in black...seperating themselves from the rest easily. The weather had cooled a bit as Marcus stepped out of his own limosine into the brisk Scotish weather. Everyone else followed suit...not really talking to one another...just simply following to where they were being directed. As they walked up to a send set of gates, with all of their bags being carried from behind by their drivers...an old looking man with dangling white hair and a cane walked to the gates from the opposite side. The massive steal gates opened for the man as he approached the group. ''And then there was thirteen *as he clapped his hands together, looking pleased* ; I'm happy to see that you all have accepted my little invitation. I hope that your alls trip was pleasant enough....for that is only the beginning.'' ''Sir...what...'' started one of the women, whom was immidiately cut off by the old looking man. ''please my dear...do not call me that...I am simply known as the Master of Games...or simply Master if that pleases you. This is my estate; where your journey into your hearts greatest desires will begin.'' ''I'm sure you all have questions...but it is quite chilly outside, so if you please...follow me.'' the master turned on his heel...and walked towards the mansion. Everyone in the group looked at each other...[I]this wasn't part of the agreement...[/I] they must have all been thinking to themselves. But with the 30 or so men standing around them...they seemed to have no choice but to follow. The walked seemed like forever until they finally came to the door of the house. It's steps were made of marble...its handles and framework all made out of gold. ''Now...'' as the master turned back towards the group, directly in front of the mansion's doors...''remember the rules of my house ladies and gentlemen...my servants await to serve you as you all find your rooms. Explore the rest of the mansion if you wish...get to know one another if you'd like. Remember...a formal introduction will be held at dinner tonight which will be at 7:00pm.'' Everyone nodded...not saying a word...all in anticipation of entering the mansion. ''Tonight...we rest...and tomorrow will begin the true reason why you all are here....now...'' as he opened the doors; revieling a grand hallway, so bright that it looked like a paradise...''welcome to Heaven.''[/SIZE][/COLOR] OCC: For those who haven't posted...you may post your reactions to the email if you wish in the beginning before including yourself within the story. Already:)...the master is changing the rules...at dinner there will be a time for questions. So for now...get to know everyone...and have fun exploring:) Remember...obey the laws...or you might get hurt;) Enjoy...
  8. [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1]Ajack finally made his way back to Apollo...preparing himself for the grand opening for the tournament. [I]System's check Apollo....[/I] [COLOR=DarkOrange]Everything is cleared Ajack...and the special weaponary is on hold as you asked. [/COLOR] [I]Good...lets get going then. [/I] Apollo opened up the cockpit, and Ajack jumped inside...following his usual procedures...Ajack took a look at an old picture of Lyu, clamped on the far side of the cockpit... [I]....Lyu........[/I] he didn't know what to feel. With everything that was going on...how was he supposed to act. Pressing two fingers to his lips, he placed them upon the picture. [I]I still love you Lyu...I just need something from you right now. I feel like I have nothing else to give. [/I] [COLOR=DarkOrange]Why can't you just admit the fact that you miss her Ajack...[/COLOR] [I]Why can't you listen to what I've told you about reading my thoughts without permission...[/I] [COLOR=DarkOrange]I know my friend...I just thought...[/COLOR] [I]Everything will work out Apollo...whatever that may be. What is ment to be; will be so. [/I] [COLOR=DarkOrange]So you still have hope then...[/COLOR] [I]I've never given up hope Apollo...but I can only wait......I can only give so much without it shown in return my old friend. [/I] [COLOR=DarkOrange]Understood...now...shall we Ajack Masters. [/COLOR] [I]*sigh*...that we will. [/I] and with that, Ajack pressed down on the controls and shot out of the hanger into the open. At first he headed towards the Stadium, but suddenly shot upwards...higher and higher into the beating heat of the sun. With Apollo's golden exterior...it seemed to be steaming as they ascended towards the sky. Soon...Ajack evened out their ascent and flew upon the clouds of the sky. He may have turned a little cold...but his soul was still free...the child still within him. It was beautiful; the white and puffy clouds streaming up against the hull. [I]....Lyu.......I wish I could share this............Apollo...cut it![/I] Immidiately, Apollo's four boasters shut down, as well as for his wings as the two of them slowly drifted in the air; using no power what soever. Then evidently began to free fall from the sky...just like it had happened that fateful day against the Cylargian. [I]Remember this feeling Apollo....[/I] [COLOR=DarkOrange]I do...[/COLOR] [I]Every man dies........but not every man truly lives.......[/I] About a mile away from the surface of the stadium, Apollo flapped its four great wings with such incredible force that it caused a typhoon underneathe them...causing them to come to a complete stop in the air. Stopping its wings movement again, the mech. landed on the ground with on all fours...causing the earth to shake from underneathe everyone on the stadium. The crowd roared when over the loudspeaker...Ajack heard his and Apollo's name being introduced. Jumping out of the cockpit...Ajack looked across the playing field; feeling a sense of peace in the vastness of it all. Sora came running to him, followed by two unknown pilots...as well as Dale and Keiji. ''I'm sorry I haven't been very friendly guys........how've ya been.'' as Ajack embraced his long lost friends... ''I've been looking all over for ya man.'' said Dale...''where have you been?'' ''It doesn't matter now...all is well....who are these two pilots.'' ''Well....'' as Sora began to introduce...''this is Jinn and Kai...'' ''Hello...'' ''Hey...'' they both answered as they both shook Ajack's hand. ''I'm Ajack...pleasure to meet you.'' ''Oh Ajack...'' as Sora got within a whispering distance to Ajack...''Lyu is waiting for you in the cafe...she really wants to talk too you.'' as Sora pulled away, Ajack looked deep into her eyes...and saw that she was sincere, as well as serious. ''Thank you...'' Ajack took a glance at Apollo who did a simple nod. He said his goodbyes...and ran towards the cafe. [/SIZE] [/COLOR]
  9. [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1]''Sumiyaka....'' as her name echoed in the night. With Kuroichi unconcious in her arms, sitting down upon the rubble...Sumiyaka frantically looked around her to see who was calling her name. But no one was there...all that could be heard were thundering footsteps in the distance. ''Hello!'' she cried out...she could feel the presence of a vampire, but couldn't see the figure calling for her. Suddenly, out of the darkness appeared Zoku at her side, kneeling down with her. ''......Zoku.....'' was all that she could mutter. Taking in the view of the titan, his eyes had changed from there once red shade to a know humanistic looking aqua-blue. She didn't know whether to concider him ally or foe. He had broken most contact with the Krilat Zmaj...everyone concidered him to be a rouge. But that didn't matter now. If he came to kill them both, he would have attempted to do so already...the shocked look upon her face soon became that of compassion and grief...''please...Zoku-sai...help him.'' Zoku gazed turned away from her own...and looked upon the silver-haired demon. ''......master...'' he muttered underneathe his voice. ''The winds called out to me...I am here...'' as Zoku shot a glance quickly at Sumiyaka in a calm sensation upon his face. ''What happened here Sumiyaka?'' Zoku finally asked as he outstretched his right hand upon Kuroichi's chest, who was now lying on his back on the ground, Kuroichi's hand being firmly held by Sumiyaka. ''I dont know...I wasn't here when it happened. I felt that he was in pain...and I...'' she went speechless as she lost herself in her emotions...[I]whats happening to me...[/I] ''It'll be alright.'' Zoku replied profoundly; pressing his hand upon Kuroichi's chest. Sumiyaka knew he was sincere...but didn't fully trust Zoku's intentions. ''Doubt not my mistress...'' as he began to close his eyes. Zoku began speaking in an ancient language...understood only by those who practiced its magic. [I]Gaia...spirit of this plain...I envoke thee...I envoke thee...Gaia...mother....father....lift the pain set upon this being. I command thee! I command thee![/I] A bright blue aura surrounded both Zoku and Kuroichi...a gentle mist being cast out from his palm upon his chest. ''You worship earth?'' questioned Sumiyaka...she figured Zoku to be a cold hearted killer...especially with the Darkness Moonstone. Zoku ignored her...and continued his concentration upon Kuroichi's wounds. Slowly...Kuroichi's strength and body rejuvenated. The dark angel flicked his eyes open and shut, trying to regain himself. Suddenly, footsteps could be heard...Kuroichi's name being cried out into the night. [I]The Zugai and Kuroichi's followers..........Keitha [/I] Zoku rose to his feet, and looked down upon Sumiyaka who was no comforting her lover's head in her lap and began to leave. ''Where are you going Zoku-sai?'' He turned around to see an enlightened expression upon the vampresses face...''He awaits you my lady.'' [I]....Sole....[/I] was the first name that popped into her head...''What?'' she questioned. But the titan simply noded his head...and dissapeared into the night as Kuroichi's followers appeared. [I]....Keitha.......[/I] ***Tokyo*** Memories seemed to be flowing like a gentle spring breeze across a plain as Zoku walked the streets of Tokyo. The old days...back in the times when The Project flourished. [I]So much has changed........so much has happened since I've been away...[/I] he thought to himself, recognizing the old hideouts, bars, battlegrounds...[I]I'm home...[/I] ''My lord...'' whispered a familiar voice from his side. ''What news do you have Kairi?'' responded Zoku...continuing to walk down the streets as Kairi followed. ''Lady Rose and the rest of the Knudrap from America will be arriving to Japan in two days time. At that moment, the Knudrap will finally be reunited as you wished...and the Mirichai are accompaning Lady Rose with some specialty items for the war my lord.'' ''Excellent...and what of Gwyar and Myrkur Aniol?'' ''It is as you feared my lord...the Myrkur Aniol had begun a civil war. Those Night Blades are causing conflict...causing major damage to the cities. And something has happened to Zuriel again as well...something isn't quiet right.'' ''And Dusk?'' ''He and Jinsei have made contact with the last remaining members of The Project...beyond that, my information is limited my lord.'' ''Don't worry...make sure our brothers and sisters are ready........and I want you to accompany Dracula and LeStat. Protect them..........and await my arrival.'' ''As you wish...'' answered Kairi as he drifted back into the crowd of people walking the street. The people of Japan were so small compared to Zoku.......every single one of them wanderered around him as he walked past them on the street. The Japanese were accustomed to such beings; with all the wars that they have experianced upon their streets...who could forget. [I]Be well my master..................seek him out Sumiyaka.........[/I] ''Time to have a little chat with the King of the Grysham...''[/SIZE][/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1]Suddenly...Zoku's strong composure faded from him; he felt naked...exposed. He quickly made his way to a dark ally as he fell to knees...the emotions flooding through him. [I]....Keitha..........[/I] the night prior...all of its glory still lingering in his mind. Once again....he had felt alive. The history they had begun to form with one another...finally, they had embraced one another. Looking into the true form of her eyes...he felt his cold heart melting...as it still was. [I]Why must this be.....[/I] he on one side...and she on another. [I]Please....come back to me Keitha......you don't have to hurt....[/I] Zoku couldn't help it...the titan even shead a tear...if only for a moment. He knew though...that she had her duties; her loyalities. And he understood...Zoku finally rose to his feet once again; the surge of emotion leaving him...bringing him back to normalcy. [I]Take care of your master Keitha...always know...that I will always be here...no matter how much you hurt me...[/I] saying to himself in his mind. Walking back out into the street...Zoku took a deep breathe...and continued his walk to the presence of Nye and the young assassin Lana. [/SIZE] [/COLOR]
  10. I'm already on it;)...when I post; It'll bring everyone together...and will explain everything;)........if people dont post before then....they can just add it in whenever they'd like and they'll catch up. Thanks for the heads up though:)
  11. [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1]As Damion stopped talking, Jacob pulled his head forward, despite the pain of Damions grasp upon his hair and sent the back of his fist straight into the jaw of the mighty king. The blow caused him to loss his grip on Jacob as he stumbled back. ''That's it Jacob...'' as the king rubbed his jaw from the sting...''that's what I want.'' ''I will not fight you Damion.'' even with the thoughts of his wife and daughter...he wouldn't give into the kings temptations. ''Why not...'' as Damion began to circle him...Jacob standing perfectly still, staring down Damions glare. "I'm not part of this rebellion my king...'' the crowd surrounding them gasped. [I]He's not a rebel[/I] [I]He's not a rebel?[/I] [I]Why is he here?[/I] [I]Then why is the king fighting him...[/I] [I]What is it between these two...[/I] Damion could see the looks on everyone faces...lossing interest in the battle; fast. Bring his attention back to Jacob, ''you invade my castle...you killed my men...and still you defy me.'' ''I merely wanted to watch the entertainment with the nobles...I'm no spy. Your men attacked men without cause...so I defended myself sir. Does that deserve such a punishment such as this...YOU KILLED MY...'' but before Jacob could finish, Damion lunged at him with his right fist, connecting with him square in the face, sending Jacob flying backwards. Damion pursued him and layed an all out assault upon Jacob. Kicking him in the abdomen as he lay on the ground, gasping for air. The king lifted him off the ground, grasping him by the throat with his two massive hands and lifted him to his feet. ''Your wife........was so very lucious Jacob; what a queen she could have made. And your daughter...how fair and innocent her body was when I ravaged her in her prime.'' Jacob's face great angry...clinching his blood covered teeth, staying deathly into the kings eyes. Damion headbutted him and threw him halfway across the playing field, almost flying straight into the crowd. Jacob hit his head hard on the ground...feeling himself become dazzed. [COLOR=Sienna]***Night Before***[/COLOR] [COLOR=Black]''Daddy!'' screamed a young girl as she ran towards her father...walking through her door. ''My dear Rinoa...'' as he swept her off her feet into the air...embracing her with so much love. ''I thought you were dead my sweet...'' ''I thought you were dead too father...*she was in tears, as was he*...It's so good to see you.'' Jacob couldn't speak, he felt so overwelmed with joy. All he could do was hug his little girl tighter with each passing moment. ''Please dont leave me again father...'' ''How have they been treating you...'' trying to calm his daughter down. ''Ok....they feed me good...and keep me warm. But they...they killed momma!'' the child burst out crying histarically again. ''I know baby...'' as he brushed his fingertips through her hair...''but mommies in heaven; you know that.'' *sniffle sniffle*...''will I ever see her again daddy?'' ''Of course you will my sweet...she waits for us both.'' ''Please dont leave me father...not again.'' ''But I must...I may not see you again Rinoa...I believe our king wishes for my life.'' ''NO!'' suddenly her tone of voice was harsh and direct...''NO...YOU MUST LIVE FATHER!''[/COLOR] [COLOR=Sienna]***Back to Reality***[/COLOR] Jacobs eyes flashed open...as the memories faded from the night before. He was laying on his back...the crowd behind him was both speechless and unsound. They didn't know what to think....[I]why was he not fighting back....whom did Damion kill?[/I] Damion stood above Jacob, knelt down and clamped his hand over the mans forehead, forcing him to rise. ''Now...Jacob...bow before me...and show these people who your true king is.'' Damions hold was strong, Jacob felt like he had no strength left to resist since the beatings. Slowly, Damion pressed down on him, forcing Jacob to go to one knee. ''See!'' Damion boomed ''This is what happens to anyone who apposses me...see how they all fell so easily...know this...that I am the law! I provide you with food, shelter; do you all not respect and honor what I have given too you!'' [I].....Rinoa...[/I] [I]....you must live..........father....[/I] With a surge of energy, Jacob shot up from his crouching position with all his might and pressed against the kings hold. With his left hand, Jacob plunged it into Damions sternum, raising him feet off the ground. Swiftly, Jacob clamped his two hands together and hit down hard on Damions back, sending his face straight into the dirt. Before Jacob could continue his attack, Damion swung his leg around, causing Jacob to loss his footing. The king was fast, and was immidiately back on his feet while Jacob stumbled. Damion thrust a punch at him, but Jacob ducked and began to fall to the ground. Bracing himself with his right arm, he pushed all his body weight unto it, sending a strong kick to Damions abdominal area...sending both men back. The two titans rose to there feet, both bloody and bruised; but they didn't care. They both ran at each other and clashed; blood spattered all over the dirt ground, flying into the crowd as well. Jacob's and Damions eyes were blood shot red, full of emotion...passion...both men were truly desiring something like this. For the longest time, they each exchanged blows to one another. Fist against fist; each others were being handed out flawlessly. Jacob sent a knee into Damions stomach, causing him to loss his breathe...but Damion snapped out of it quickly and grabbed Jacob's now exposed knee and flung him to the ground. Looking upwards, Jacob dodged a stomp from Damion as he roled around in the dirt. The king grew tired of chacing him and jumped into the air, having his knee come crashing down into Jacob's chest. Shifting his knee to Jacob's neck, Damion began to choke the life out of him, pressing all of his weight into his chest and throat. ''Now....submit you fool.'' Jacob was quirming drastically...arms and limbs moving all over the place, trying to free himself from underneathe Damion. Suddenly...in the dirt, Jacob felt a rock...instinctively, he grabbed it and smashed it against Damion; right on his temple. The great king roled over, almost unconcious from the blow as Jacob rose to his knees...and prepared to strick the king again and again in the face. The stone was raised high, Jacob's arm tensing up with adrenaline...but he let the stone come down slowly...placing it back on the ground. The crowd was in complete shock as Jacob rose to his feet......''For letting my daughter live Damion...I'll let you live.''[/SIZE][/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1]In an instant...Jarrod and his troops were upon Jacob, beating him to the ground. [COLOR=Sienna]***Minutes Later***[/COLOR] When they stopped...Jacob was so badly beaten...he could only move his eyes. Looking around...he saw nothing...the Kings Caravan had left...leaving his body to wither away and rot in the streets. [I]...I'm sorry....Rinoa...[/I][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  12. [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1][I]Oh Andy......[/I] M thought to himself as he and Andy walked down the dirt path...he wanted to give her so much. But he felt like he couldn't...that she would not be able to bear his burdens. ''Andy....please wait!" as he attempted to run up beside her. Andy's strides were long and fierce...obviously trying to keep distance away from her and M. ''Shut up...I dont want to talk to you M. No more games...'' she yelled as her pace quickened. ''I know I know...'' as M stepped in front of her, throwing his weapons and bags to the side of the road...''you're right...no more games.'' ''Get out of my way M...'' she protested as she tried to push herself through his body...but M grabbed her, wrapping his arms around her tight, preventing her from leaving him as she struggled. ''M...please...let me go!'' ''No...'' he said in a calm voice; not letting go. ''M...I'm telling you right now...let me go!'' ''No...'' he replied again. Suddenly M's back scortched with fire, burning through his brown trench coat. He kept his grip around Andy as the pain intensified. ''Please....*voice becoming weak by the fire*........listen to me Andy...'' ''Just let me go M..and it will all go away.'' Andy's voice weakening as well...she was getting tired from struggling against his embracing arms. ''Nnnooooooo...please...forgive me...I didn't know what I was doing...but even in this moment Andy...I do still....love you.'' Immidiately...after his words were done...the flames died down, and Andy burst into tears. ''You hurt me M.........I trusted you.'' banging her fists into his chest. ''And don't you dare try and use your powers on me now M...I know when you're in me so dont try to cheat your way out of this.'' Still...M kept his voice gentle and calm; he knew and accepted the fact that he had done wrong to her. But he wasn't going to give up on her. ''I know I did Andy...and I'm sorry...please forgive me.'' Andy stopped banging her hands into his fist, and felt like she was going to pass out from exhaustion from the heat and the struggle. ''M...I just want...'' she stopped herself; the walls were coming back down again...even without him using his powers. ''To be loved...'' added M...Andy was shocked, she suddenly stopped crying. ''I know Andy...I'm sorry I couldn't share that with you before. I only relieved how much I cared for you when I lost you.'' ''You haven't lost me M....I was afraid.'' M slowly petted her hair. ''I know my dear...and I will do all I can to make it up too you.'' ''Then kiss me...'' as she looked up into his eyes...''please....kiss me.'' M leaned down and kissed her so passionately; so lovingly, she almost fell over in his arms. ''Wow.........for my first kiss M....that was amazing.'' Andy was almost in a daze. M embraced her again and pressed his lips against hers...''and that will not be the last. When this mission is over.......I'll give all of myself for you...whatever you want to know about me....or do.'' as he gave a slight smile. Andy grinned and continued to walk down the dirt path; hand in hand. ***3 hours later*** ''I think that'll do it for now M...we've gotten as much info about the serum and the virus as possible.'' ''You're right Andy....*crackle*...Andy...comm's from the others.'' ''M....get to our position quick....Farel is down...I repeat...Farel is down'' yelled Taikaru. ''Andy....can you ride a motorcycle?'' ''Yes M....why?'' ''Get to that motorcycle over there....we've got to get back to the others.'' ''Be careful out there M'' replied Taikaru again...''sandworms are all over the place...and can sense its prey my movement on the ground...be careful.'' [/SIZE] [/COLOR]
  13. aIGHT:) No you all dont have too abide by the maps that were given...was just giving you a basic layout of the mansion....but the specifics really dont matter:) Make it up as you go:)...but the one picture that is important is the one that overlooks the estate. You've spoken to me already ... about the tasks...and I will be taking them into concideration. If anyone else has a problem...please talk to me about it if you have concerns. But dont be complete cowards guys:)...half the fun. And yes...finally it is up. Amgoddess has posted her profile in the INN and will be with us sooner than I expected. To answer your question Ohkami...i got the basic idea from a movie I once saw. Was a long time ago...I believe the basic idea is a Snook?...can't help u there...but really...the entire thing was my own idea. This will survive...even if people dont post much...i could just weed out the weak and keep the strong:) I really hope you all enjoy yourselves.
  14. [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1][I]I hope Dusk and Jinsei met with success...[/I] Zoku thought to himself, the titan sitting on the floor as he leaning up against the wall of his suite. He was shirtless... Nights seemed to never end for him.....he hadn't been able to sleep since giving the Opal to Keitha. The moonstone continued to grow within him...but finally...it was being mastered, submitting to his will. After all this time being a vampire...Cain, the greatest, thee oldest of all vampires blood running through his veins; Zoku finally began to feel at peace within himself. The Mirichai...however hesitante to enter the war up front; they finally saw the reasoning of Zoku's intentions. [I]If were are to fall.......we shall fall with honor....with freedom. ''Every man dies....but not all men truly live...''[/I] both the Knudrap and Mirichai...two of the most unrecognized clans of their people, were now in the thick of things. [I]This war isn't just about key players.......but even the simplest of us. For who is going to remain when it is all over with.....not all of us will live through this conflict. As it has always been the mission....the old fade away, and the new will rise. [/I] Zoku saw no better way than to involve those two clans. The Labareda however were a concern...he couldn't determine where their loyalty lay. For centuries they supported the Grysham, no doubt such influence will be conviened into joining the Krilat Zmaj. [I]my dear Kuroichi....my master........I will bring you your war, just as you asked.[/I] Zoku sensed a stirring in his surroundings...he wasn't alone. But as he always was, he remained calm...waiting for the intruders to show themselves. ''I know that you are there fools...reviel yourself.'' Zoku proclaimed...there was power and authority in his voice. The titan's appearance and vibe demanded respect...even from those of his enemies. As the moonlight shined through the window, 4 dark shadows arose from the depths of the floor. ''....Keitha....'' his voice was deep...realizing who these creations belonged too. The shadows didn't say anything...surprisingly...they bowed to him as he sat on the ground; no doubt because of the Moonstone. They didn't speak, but one revieled a gem with the shade of a bluish pink...dangling from a string that was firmly wrapped around the shard. The being held it out with its hand...motioning for Zoku to take it. As Zoku took the shard, and began to put it around his neck...an image of Keitha's face flashed in his mind; he could feel her presence...if only for a moment. Zoku bowed his head in approval and waved for the shadows to leave him....but they disobeyed. Something was wrong....... [I],,,,She's lost control of them....[/I] suddenly all four shadows prepared to attack Zoku. But...with the snap of his fingers...in an instant two of his creations came from the shadows and dismantled the shadows with their blades, causing them to loss their definite forms. When they were finished...the shadows vanishing into the darknesss, Zoku's two servants faded as well. He arose from the floor and got himself dressed, strapping on the Oblivion onto his back with his trench coat. The Oblivion X, still contained within its shealth was held in his hand as he looked upon it...............[I]What is this for Kuroichi.........[/I] Knowing better than not to weild something he did not understand....Zoku strapped it onto his side and walked out to the balcony. Unlike the previous nights, tonight was calm and peaceful...breathing in the cool, refreshing air of the night, he looked up to the heavens above. [I]A battle has been forged this night............blood has been spilt.....[/I] suddenly Oblivion X pulsed in his belt....[I]and your brothers and sisters have been used............interesting. [/I] ''Kairi!'' he cried out...and immidiately, his servant appeared before him, standing on the ledge. ''What is it my lord?'' ''Forget about the Grysham city....leave them in peace....we're going home. Out time here is no more...'' ''Would you like me to gather the rest of us....'' ''Kairi...I want you to gather everyone...'' "everyone my lord...'' Kairi was puzzled... ''Find Lady Rose...tell her we leave for Japan tonight; as well as for the Mirichai as well.'' ''But Zoku...there's over hundred of them now for our cause...you want all of them....?'' ''All of them...now be gone...there has been enough talk.'' ''As you wish...'' and Kairi was gone. [I]It begins now Kuroichi....[/I] ...............[I]stay safe Keitha...[/I] as Zoku took a hold of the gem on his chest. And he was gone with the breeze of the wind...making the journey alone to Japan. [/SIZE] [/COLOR]
  15. alright...all 13 positions have been filled. THe rpg is now up on adventure square for your alls use. Amgoddess still has not posted...so she will come into the storyline later...so we will begin with only 12...for now:) enjoy posting...and thank you all again for taking the time to join in on my little game. ~kairi
  16. [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1][COLOR=Indigo]In the mountains of Scotland, looking out onto the crashing waves of the Atlantic Ocean against its rocky shores; is a Mansion named ??Heavenly Home.?? A single man lives within the mansion; for years, he has been choosing individuals from all over the world to participate in a game which he has prepared for them. He is very wealthy...and wishes to fulfill the desires of these poor souls. [/COLOR] [COLOR=Black]08/20/05 at exactly 7:00pm in every time zone sent too...[/COLOR] An email is sent to thirteen individuals all over the world... [I]Hello, I?m writing to you, my friend, to congratulate you on winning an all expense paid trip to the coast of Scotland to live in my mansion for as long as you wish. Beware, this is no ordinary mansion mind you. Within the walls of my home, everything you ever wished for will be granted to you. And I mean....everything. All the deepest, darkest desires of your heart will be yours. Whatever pleasure you seek for yourself...will be granted to you. If you desire love, sex, money, drugs, food...all of life?s commodities will be yours. If you wish to accept this honor, please...simply reply back with a smile yes or no; and immediate transportation plans will be set in place for you to arrive. Upon arriving, there are three rules which you must obey while in my home. 1) You must obey your cards... 2) You must stay in the light... 3) You must never go into the Angelic Wing... That is all..,everything will be explained when you arrive...any questions that you have will not be with held from you prior to entering the mansion. You may be asking yourself...??why would I bother coming to a place such as this??? I?ll tell you why...if you play my little game...if you last living in the house, you will earn half of my family fortune, which comes to around thirteen billion dollars. I?m not joking, I?ve come to realize the worthlessness of money...so I?ve decided to give most of it away to the ones who I find to be worthy. And I will wait as long as it takes to find the right ones. So; whomever can stay within the house for six months, will be declared the winner...and the thirteen billion will be split between those who are left. But hear me...once you enter the mansion, you may not leave the grounds of the estate. So there you have it; come to my mansion...where all your dreams come true...and have the opportunity to win thirteen billion dollars. No strings attached...and believe me...it will be worth your while. Oh, one more thing...do not tell anyone of this, for we want to make this as smooth and without interruptions from the outside world. Don?t worry...we?ll know if you tell...which will automatically revoke your chances of coming to my mansion. As clarity for your honesty and silence...I have taken the liberty of electronically sending ten thousand dollars to your personal back account, as a token of my friendship too you. That is all I will tell you...once you reply back to this email...you will have an escort waiting outside your house within two days to bring you to the mansion. I have chosen you because I feel you to be worthy of such a reward; for your dedication to society, your love and compassion, your leadership, your strength through turmoil, and last but not least...for just who you are. [/I] [FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium][COLOR=DarkRed]Catch ya later... Sincerely, The Master of Games...[/COLOR][/FONT] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ''It is done my master...'' replied a dark hooded figure, sitting at a computer desk in one of the rooms of the mansion. His voice was almost demonic...a sense of evil residing it its tone. The man standing behind the figure did not speak; only placing his hands on the figures shoulders, acknowledging his satisfaction. [I]Soon.......my lair will be filled. The halls will once again be filled with joy, laughter, and pleasure.......once again, they will be filled with fear. The staircases will run red, the food will become bitter in their mouths...turning into ash; they will beg for death...but all in good time. I will give them what most men never feel in a lifetime..........to feel alive. [/I] ''Shall I begin to organize a transportation party for all the known applicant for the game master; even though they haven't responded yet.'' The masters grip intensified on the figure before him... ''As you wish...I will make the necessary preperations immidiately.'' The hooded figure sat up from his chair obediantly, and left the room...leaving the master alone. One the computer screen showed the complete profile and history of all that he had chosen for his little game. Underneathe his breathe, there was a faint demonic laughter in his voice. *** Alright everyone...you all have been accepted into the game for those who have posted. Some of you have already come to me for requestes...pertaining to life situations etc. etc; and I will act accordingly. If anyone wishes to drop out of the rpg...you may simply ask...and I will kill off your character. If you feel uncomfortable writting a particular task which I may give you in the future. Please contact me and we shall work it out together. I want you all to enjoy this rpg as much as possible. PLease remember to read the underground which contains a basic list of rules which I'm sure you all will appreciate...kind of...a set of guidelines for all rpgr's:) For your first posts; please...contain within them your reactions towards receieving the email; and all that you will prepare yourself for on your journey to the mansion. You all will be meeting each other at the mansions gates at the same time...where you will be met by the Master of Games. I will give sufficient time for everyone to do their first post, so that we may move along in the story together...so that no one is left behind. Unfortunately...one rpg'r (amgoddess) has requested for me to hold her a spot in the story, but will not be able to post until later. So she will be the only one who is ''late'' compared to the rest of you to the mansion. Enjoy... [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue][I]Obey...and you will rise[/I] [/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][I]Disobey...and you will fall[/I] [/COLOR] [/SIZE] [/COLOR]
  17. [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1]''Excellent Dusk......I'm glad to hear that you all have arrived in Japan without harm. If you chose to continue this....the rest of the locations on the paper I gave you are last known living residences of all the men and women who participated within the PROJECT.'' ''What exactly is the Project Zoku?'' Dusk questioned on the phone. ''I mean, I know of the war that they and the Japanese government waged against the Krilat Zmaj all those years ago...but what exactly are they?" Zoku was silent for a moment...standing in a dark alley in NYC, watching the other humans walk past him; trying to remember the past. ''They're humans Dusk; humans who have powers beyond that of any normal person. Gifted beyond recognition...able to fight against us. Back then...they were called The Hunters....who hunted us down Dusk.'' ''Are you kidding me...you want me too seek these individuals out...wouldn't they be old...wouldn't they want to kill me and the rest of us?'' Dusk was in shock...he couldn't believe Zoku was asking this of him...it seemed impossible. ''Yes Dusk...they are much older now...but many of them were only children when they first joined...between the ages of 13 and 21. So don't worry about age...and they wont attack you. Many only have a hatred for the Krilat Zmaj and Kuroichi. I can imagine that persuading them will not be difficult.'' ''However...if they refuse to aid you, do not force them...we don't need to be on their bad sides...they are old friends of mine. Mention my name...and maybe it'll help. How is everything else there in Japan?'' ''Something is happening within the Mrykur Aniol...Dracula and LeStat are going to see whats happening. And I sense battles occuring all over the city...Kuroichi is here Zoku.'' ''I know...I'll be there shortly...my business here is almost finished. I'll keep in touch Dusk...bye.'' as Zoku shut the cell phone shut. It was still pouring outside...many people in the streets were leaving. [I]Time to meet with the Mirichai....where are you Kairi?[/I] [/SIZE] [/COLOR]
  18. [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1]The mans flesh was sweet and tender as Zoku lifted the man up by his throat, tight in his grasp as he fed upon him within the mens bathroom. The drugs flowing through his veins were a pleasant delight to Zoku's lips. Not as good as a vampire...but was quite a treat for human flesh. His fangs were delicate upon the mans neck as every drop was consumed by Zoku's lust for blood...preventing any kind of mess. After Zoku was finished with him, he simply left the body sitting on one of the toilets and locked the door to the stall; Zoku climbed over. Back out at the bar...Zoku ordered what he usually did, a beer and steak and took a seat at one of the more pretigious booths of the club, listening to some Slipknot playing at full blast in the background. Taking out a cigarette...Zoku lite it and leaned back comfortably, staring into nothingness. There were many Knudrap wandering around the bar, pleasuring themselves in all their desires. They may not be the most respected, and well mannered of the clans...but they were the closes to being human, despite what they were. Living for the moment...living for what they believed. But they had been taught the wrong path...and now are in an everylasting tunnel, spirling down to nothingness. Never were they guided, never embraced as a vampire; merely outcasts. Zoku felt the most connected with them...despite him not taking in their ways, he understood the feeling of being alone...not knowing what to do with ones self; doing only what they thought they could do. [I]So many of our people have come to this Kuroichi...are we to simply let them perish...they are the new generation. [/I] [B][I][COLOR=Black]You cares if they live or die...[/COLOR][/I][/B] [I]Because they didn't ask for this war...[/I] [I][B][COLOR=Black]But why do you care...they are nothing compared too you...what does it matter if their lives are lost. [/COLOR][/B][/I] [I]Anyone can take life...I don't need you to do that...so what more am I...[/I] Then the voice was gone...ever since handing the Opal over too Keitha...Zoku has been battling with himself and the Moonstone. Constantly craving for death...destruction; but he always stayed strong. Reasoning with himself not to loss control. [I]Caines blood runs through my veins...I will not be controled by a mere gem. I will take what power it offers me, but nothing more...I will not become it. [/I] Caines power flowed through Zoku's veins...staying dormant till it was mastered. He...a simple commoner took the blood of the holiest vampire, the first of them all. Such blood was not ment to be taken in...such power was not ment to be weilded. With the darkness moonstone was it able to lay dormant. To stay focused... Zoku closed his eyes and tried to calm himself once more...he began to drift away to sleep till a Knudrap came to his side... ''Zoku...I have a message for you...........the Mirichai will meet with new on the next moon. Meet them at central park...'' ''Thank you...now be gone...'' Zoku replied, as the figure drifted away from his presence and joined the rest of the Knudrap in the bar. *sigh*... [I][COLOR=Olive]She is everything and more The solemn hypnotic My Dahlia bathed in posession She is home to me I get nervous, perversed when I see her to worse But the stress is astounding It's now or never she's coming home Forever Oh (She's the only one that makes me sad)[/COLOR] [/I] The lyrics of the song flowing through his inner being...bring back his thoughts of her. At first it felt like warmth...but then frustration...the taste, the rush of the humans drugged blood was burning up quickly. He needed more... Zoku motioned for the Knudrap who had previously disturbed him to come back to him. As the vampire sat back next too him, Zoku decieved the vampire by showing that he had something to his whisper. With the Knudraps head blocking the view of Zoku's mouth, he ripped through the vampires neck...sucking with great intensity...trying to get in as much blood as possible as quickly as possible. As he finished...Zoku simply put the body underneathe the table; no one in the bar took notice of what just happened for it occured so swiftly. The waitress came back and layed down Zoku's steak and beer for him. He nodded his head in approval...and began to eat.........not taking his eye of the waitress... [I]And you my dear...will be my desert for the evening. [/I] [/SIZE] [/COLOR]
  19. [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1]OCC: HHmmm...lots of people's desires and fears have to do with love :D ...I'm definitly going to have some fun :D Name: Marcus Johnson Age: 25 Sex: Male Location: New York, New York Appearance: *see thumbnail* Marcus has long, bushy blonde hair with eyes that have the shade of bronze. He stands about 5'11''...180 pounds with a typical male body; nothing special. He always wears a black hat, backwards on his head...having small glass on his face for long distance. His eye sight isn't ''bad,'' but is required for seeing people and objects in detail. If he were to take off his hat and glasses...he would be quite an attractive person, but he chooses to look the way he does because of his low self-esteem, however he'd never truly show that side of him. Personality: Very polite, and gentlemen like; Marcus is a well brought up young man. Very intelligent, he's also been blessed with having common sense as well, not having his education making him arrogant and foolhearted. Marcus is a very individualized person...choosing to do things on his own. However he loves to associate and meet new people, but has trouble trusting them, unless they show trust in him. Unknown to most around him is the dark side which he feels within from his past; manifesting itself within him. Bio: Marcus was a professor of Psychology at the University of Columbia for 2 years. Right out of college, the educational program at Columbia saw his brillant talent and understanding in the psychological field and immidiately found a job as a teacher. Very bright, and very influencial; Marcus's status at the college seemed to boom overnight. Being brought up in a christian household, to the public around him...he was concidered a strong, upright individual. Unknown to many was the desires which he kept inside; his intake of alcohol on occastion; and his experimentation with other drugs. At the age of 23, Marcus married his college sweetheart named Maria Thompson. Immidiatley she boar a child, Rinoa was her name...and a year later, Maria gave birth to two twin sons named Joshua and Jacob. With his quickly growing family and status in his life...Marcus felt untouchable. Till one stormy night in his office...he took advantage of one of his struggling students and slept with her that night. Over the next couple of months...his wife Maria found out about the divorse and filed for a divorse. Soon after the college heard of the incident and revoked his teaching license. Maria took his three children away from him and moved upstate to live with family. He was left with nothing...and now lives in an old apartment building, living off what little he has left of his savings. Greatest Desire: To be forgiven by his wife and peers for his sins/ His children. Greatest Fear: To loss control of his dark side/ as well as blood. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Now for the Master of Games Name: (known only as ''The Master of Games'' or simply, ''Master'') Age: 57 Sex: male Location: Heaven Mansion on the coast of Scotland. Appearance: *see thumbnail below (yes the scary looking dude with white hair)* The master always wears a black robe, with his white hair falling over his face and upon his shoulders. He's quiet a scary looking man when you look at him, as if he were a zombie, or a ghost. He walks around using a cane with a Diamond Skull on its top. His eyes almost look pitch black; which when looked upon, seem to be piercing into the individuals very soul. Personality: His voice is very cold...deep...and at times very tired. Rarely does he come out and speak with someone unless it is about the mansion, the laws, or about his family history that lies within the mansion. Never is he not calm; sometimes he has a sick, sedistic sense of humor...and always seems to walk around with a grin on his face; which freaks out even the maids and servants of the house. Bio: UNKNOWN (will be shown little by little while whom he chooses to speak with) Greatest Desire: Pleasure of any form... Greatest Fear: None... *** You may use both characters as you wish. However, in terms of conversations with The Master's family hertiage and past; let me initiate conversation in that regard; for it will become very important as the story progresses. I've reserved 2 spots for amgoddess and heero darkangel...which brings the total to 12. Leaving only one open spot for someone else to fill. If more than one post before amgoddess and heero darkangel finish their profiles, then I will have to begin eliminating people from the rpg. I hate to do it...but I must... Once the rpg is posted in the Adventure Square...I would like your first post to be about your reactions to the email, as well as the traveling that you will endure coming to the mansion. Because it will show me truly what kind of person your character is...and will greatly affect your cards:) There's no problem with many of you wanting love for your desire. But in the first post...try to show what kind of ''love.'' Because there are so many forms of the word. As always...if you have any questions or comment...(as I'm sure there will be once the rpg starts)...dont hesitate to post it in the Underground...or to simply PM me. Thank you all very much so far for those who have posted...as well as for your comments. I'm glad to see and hear that people are excited about this. I was all smiles when i saw so many post...especially those I've already done or been through rpg's with. I hope you all are ready... [/SIZE] [/COLOR]
  20. [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1][I].......Rinoa....[/I] Jacob could feel his heart breaking.......it had been years since he's heard news of his daughter...thinking that she was dead. And now, Damion had him by the balls. To fight him in the center square....or too deny his satisfaction, and go through the death of his daughter yet again. [I]I wonder what she looks like now...[/I] he had missed her so much. He silky black hair, falling over her face and shoulders....*he started to cry for joy* ''She's alive...'' he muttered out from underneathe his breathe. His strength leaving him from the exileration of emotion coarsing through his veins. Suddenly, the pain simply left him; being wrapped in warmth, like a blanket in the winter nights. [I]....but what do I do when I fight Damion. Even if I were to heal back to full strength...he will win. It will be close...he and I are much alike...but, I'm afraid that he will prevail, for he wishes to use my death as an example to the rest. [/I] ''I cannot allow that to happen....but what do I do.... Right then...an idea came to mind. His confidence came back to him, dwelling on the thought. [I]We shall see...[/I] as Jacobs eyes drifted shut; having him go into a deep sleep. [/SIZE] [/COLOR]
  21. [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1]''What business do you have here?'' declared a Knudrap guard, watching over one of NYC's tallest skyscrapers. ''I'm here by request from your master.'' Zoku said politely to the young vampire. He and his followers waited patiently for him to respond. ''Lady Rose does not wish to see anyone this night...please...depart.'' as three more Knudrap came out from the entrance, pointing automatic weapons at them. [I]I don't have time for this...[/I] ''Fine...'' and at that moment, Zoku and his followers leaped into the air, swiflty scaling up the walls of the building. Gunfire could be heard from the surface behind them all, but Zoku and he creations were far to agile and quick to be hit by mere bullets. Ascending up the skyscaper, dissapearing from the guards view in the darkness, they all finally came arrived at the top; bursting through all the windows of the floor. Many more Knudraps were already prepared for them, and attacked Zoku and the rest of his creations. However, they were no match for them, staining the carpets with blood as they progressed their advancements upon the office. ''Wait out here...'' Zoku instructed to the other ten grey hooded figures, as he knocked on the door...and stepped through; they obeyed without question. His strong, muscular form echoed in the long corridor as his boots walked across the tile floor. In the distance Zoku could see a room forming, a red-velvet color blazed through the white colored corridor. As Zoku entered, a fireplace in the corner was lite with a desk, a chair turned towards the fire, hiding the figure sitting in it, and thousands of books stracked on the walls; it looked like it was a library. ''I see you've come to me without much trouble from my guards......Zoku-sai.'' a nice, gentle voice fluttered from behind chair, hiding the figures appearance. ''My Lady Rose...*Zoku bows in respect*...did you really believe you could stop me.'' ''No...'' as Rose turned the chair around, bringing her attention to the behemoth standing in her doorway. She was quite beautiful; exotic, with her flaming red hair pulled back into a ponytail, just like Zoku's as it laid across her lap. Her brown eyes were deep...with much history hidden behind them with the two of them. Her head laying on her folded hands underneathe her chin...''I just needed to know that it was really you Zoku-sai.'' ''All you had to do was take a look for yourself.'' Zoku walking towards her, taking a seat beside her next to the fire. ''True...'' leaning back in her chair...''but where's the fun in that.'' ''You haven't changed one bit Rose...except of course...for turning.'' Zoku looked at the woman before him, once a good and loyal friend during there days being part of the Project in Japan all those years ago. ''As I see the same for you...you've become even more powerful than Kuroichi ever dreamed back in those days Zoku. I must say...I like the new look...still have those eyes I see.'' as she smiled...locking her gaze upon his. ''It's good to see you again Rose...'' ''As am I for you Zoku...but I don't think you've come to me for simple talk. I...the leader of the Knudrap, will hear what you have to say.'' ''Of course.'' Zoku got himself of his chair and paced back and forth in front of the flames. Rose took notice of the blade hanging to his side, as well as on his back. He certainly had changed in appearance back in their days in Japan. ''As you are well aware Rose, Kuroichi and his followers are returning to Japan to bring down your takeover of the island. With his new alliance with the Zugai, it will be nearly impossible for you to be of any kind of threat; especially with your forces divided almost halfway around the world.'' ''I know where our clan stands Zoku my dear...however I did not know of the Zugai betraying their faith for that of Kuroichi. My clan certainly will have our hands full in Japan. Why are you telling me this Zoku?'' ''I'm asking you...my old friend...to let down your pride...and join the Gwyar and Myrkur Aniol.'' ''Are you mad!'' yelled out Rose as she burst out of her chair and stopped Zoku from pacing. ''Those clans would certainly kill us on sight...nor would they ever be our allies.'' ''The Gwyar and Myrkur Aniol have joined forces, despite their differences. We all see that Kuroichi is the greatest threat compared to one another. I have already instructed Dusk; a close friend of mine, to seek out the few remaining comrades of ours from the Project all those years ago. Hopefully, they will also cause Kuroichi some problems in Japan as well.'' ''I will not fight for them ZOKU!'' her eyes were burning like the fireplace beside them. She had such hatred for them....especially the Gwyar. ''They believe themselves to be the greatest of our clans, and for centuries, they have oppressed us. We only survived by spreading ourselves as thin as it is between all the major cities of America so that they could not find us. We felt that Japan, with Kuroichi gone would prove to be a great land to take for our own.'' Zoku was quiet...taking in Rose's words. ''They are arrogant and selfish...forcing us into a corner. They are no better than the Krilat Zmaj.'' ''Then fight for me...'' ''What...'' Rose's intense eyes faded to a soft look upon her face. Shocked at what she was hearing from Zoku... ''Fight for me then...you know me well enough to know my intensions to be honorable. You believe in the fates, just as well as I do. Everything will come to pass at the end of this war. I could not stand by and watch your clan be slaughtered by Kuroichi, nor fall under his control.'' Zoku placed a hand on Rose's shoulder, who only came up to his chest, trying to reason with her. ''Rose...I need you.........you wont be alone anymore. I want peace...but there's a peace, that can be only found on the other side of war. You'll have me by your side in Japan, as well as the support of the Gwyar, Myrkur Aniol...and hopefully the Mirichai.'' ''The Mirichai...they're blood thirsty killers Zoku...they would never...'' but she was interrupted...Zoku placing a hand over her mouth. ''They have far more advanced technology than any other clan...they'll be an advantage in battle. They want to rule over all the clans as well...they have more of a hatred for the advancements of the Krilat Zmaj than any other clan.'' Rose moved away his hands...and stepped closer to him. ''And what happens at the end of this war Zoku...will we be formed under one clan.'' ''No...things will go back to the way they were...and hopefully...a new sense of peace and order will come from all this.'' Rose crept closer to him...and attempted to kiss him, but Zoku turned his head away. ''HHmmmm...'' as she stepped away from him. ''Still the strong one........even with the rumors of the Darkness Moonstone flowing through your veins...you still have emotion. Who is it Zoku?'' Smiling...''a story for another time my friend...we need you...I need you...your people need you. All I ask is to unite your clan into one cohesive unit, and press hard with us against Kuroichi's forces in Japan.'' ''I will speak with the other heads of the Knudrap; but...I can say that we will fight against the Krilat Zmaj.'' ''Thank you my Lady.'' as again, Zoku bowed...and headed back down the corridor. Rose watched him as he and his other creations jumped out through the windows from which they came. ''We will fight for you Zoku....I....will fight for you once again...just like the old days.'' ***Back on the Streets of NYC*** ''My lord...what now?'' asked one of the hooded figures. ''I must wait for the Mirichai's answer; however, I want the rest of you to find the hidden city of the Grysham and aid Kairi in his search...it is vital that I find it.'' ''What about you my lord...'' ''I feed tonight my brothers...now go...'' At his command, the others faded away into nothing...leaving Zoku alone in the rain. [I]Please...make haste Dusk...we need all the help we can get. [/I] he thought to himself...as Zoku walked the streets; looking for his meal. [I]With the Knudrap and Mirichai as allies...we may have a fighting chance. [/I] taking a hold on the handle of his new Oblivion X [I]These blades; were made for a purpose...if I was given one...then Kuroichi's most powerful followers weild such weapons as well. We must be cautious...Kuroichi....what are you planning my friend?[/I] Zoku quickly shruged the thought away, knowing that he couldn't do anything about it now...his goal was to strength the efforts of this new alliance. His work was far from being completed... [I]What to do about the Labareda.........they aid the Grysham...devoted allies to the Krilat Zmaj...our enemies. But........I've already hurt them enough with the loss of David. My dear Keitha...where are you?[/I] Suddenly...Zoku's attention brought him to a bar shining bright with extravagant lighting and attractions. [I]mmmm....[/I] as he licked his lips...[I]something sweet I believe is on for tonight...[/I] as he ran across the road to enter the club. [/SIZE] [/COLOR]
  22. [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1]''Why would Zuriel not want an allegance with the Knubrap?'' questioned Dusk over the cell phone. ''They would benefit our cause against Kuroichi tremendously. However Zuriel would hear none of it from Lucifer...'' ''Yes...'' replied Zoku...staring off into the night of New York City. Rain and lighting poured down from the sky, making the city very dark this night. His voice was cold, uninhibated by emotion as Sole spoke. ''Lucifer is right however...'' ''We've learned that Kuroichi is now moving from Australia to Japan with the Zugai and king, as well as with his generals and other followers.'' [I]Why does he see the Knubrap as such a threat....[/I] ''Me, Jinsei, Dracula, LeStat, and the rest of the Gwyar will be following Kuroichi and will rondevue with Zuriel and the Myrkur Aniol when we arrive. Will you be joining us Zoku?'' ''No...I have business to attend to elsewhere for the moment, however I will be with you all shortly. Do you still have the instructions that I left for you back in Australia?'' ''Yes...I do Zoku...but; I don't understand them. All that is written is a list of locations...with one circled in red ink...'' ''Bring that information to the location circled in red first. The people you will find there will guide you from there.'' ''Who's there Zoku?'' Dusk was puzzeled... ''My creations Dusk...they will aid you and the Gwyar tremendously.'' ''I understand Zoku...be well...I hope too see you soon my friend.'' ''Thank you...for you as well Dusk. I am proud of you and your growth thus far...never forget that.'' the cell phone went dead, Dusk clicking on the other end of the phone. [I]Good.........the remaining human ''Projects'' must be found.[/I] Zoku looked back on the day when he and Kuroichi fought side by side against these humans...genetically superior to any other. Formed by the Japanese government to fight against the Krilat Zmaj all those years ago. [I]But now...they must fight again. [/I] Zoku raised himself from his chair and walked to the screen door of his pent house room, overlooking the entire city. The lighting storm was intensifying...the rain crashing down upon the roof. [I]It's time...[/I] Opening the glass window, Zoku stepped out into the rain, his long black hair getting drenched by the water droplets. If was a rare pleasure, the cooling pleasure of water streaming down his face. Ever since giving the Opal of Thirt over to Keitha...he's emotions slowly seemed to be coming back to him. His once bold, and focused red eyes had now become fragments of their former selves, taking the form of his once human eyes; a now bright, beautiful blue. Stepping to the ledge of the balcony, Zoku jumped and began to free fall down 30 stories high. Never lossing control of his massive body in the air....Zoku landed in an alley, crushing into the cement pavement, leaving a large crator from the impact. Showing no signs of strain, Zoku walked out into the streets of NYC. The crowd passed by the titan withouth even taking notice of his blade wielded on his waist, Oblivion X...his gift from Kuroichi....and the orginal Oblivion, a seven foot long katana strapped to the back of his black trench coat. [I]I love this city.....[/I] he thought to himself. [I]Humans...just living out their lives....oblivious...[/I] ''My lord'' a dark figure whispered as a dozen similar figures surrounded Zoku as he walked down the streets, pushing away all the other humans coming in their way. ''What do you ask of us...creations of Caine blood...your humble servants...'' ''Kairi...I wish for you to find the location of the Grysham city underneathe these streets. Do not engaged....nor disturb them...simply find the entrance. Lyon, seek out the Mirichai in Texas...tell them I'd wish a meeting in the future.'' ''And what of the Labareda?'' questioned Lyon...''you wished to seek them out as well my lord.'' ''I know...they now aid the crippled remaines of the Grysham Clan. I would not want to cut that from them yet Lyon.'' [I]I can at least give her that much for now.............I wonder where you are Keitha...my dear...[/I] ''As you wish...'' and the two men dissapeared into the night, leaving ten of Zoku's creations beside him. [I]We now meet with the Knubrap....they must be unified once more...if they are to survive in Japan. [/I] [/SIZE] [/COLOR]
  23. [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1][B]***THE NIGHT BEFORE***[/B] ''HALT! In the name of our King Damion!'' yelled out one of the soldiers, barring Jacob's way as he attempted to exit the castle grounds. At that moment...four more officers surrounded him. [I]Why the hell is this one man damn important to the king...[/I] one of the soldiers thought to himself. [I]He's not even armed...[/I] ''What would your lord want with me?'' Jacob said politely. ''You are under arrest by request of the King for that of trespassing upon castle grounds without his majesties permission...you are to be sent to the dungeon for further interigation.'' All five officers armor could be heard moving all around him as they approached him step by step. ''As you wish...'' as Jacob stuck out both of his wrists for the head of the pack to tie them together. The soldier approached him...taking out a bundle of rope when Jacob lunged forward at him, grabbing him in a bear hug, lifting him off the ground. Plowing through the surrounding soldier like a battering ram, Jacob pressed the soldier hard into the closest stone wall. Taking his blade from his belt, Jacob thrust it into the soldiers stomach, and slash through his side, exposing his inner organs, intestines oozing from the opening as he collapsed to his feet. The remaining seven were enraged, and surrounded Jacob; forcing him to press against the wall. ''Throw aside your weapon peasant...there's no escape for you!'' declared one of the other soldier...obviously the second in commander of the group. Without saying anything...Jacob slowly bended over and showed that he was playing the sword on the ground. Instead, with a quick movement of his other hand, he grabbed a handfull of dirt and threw it to his left, causing two of the soldiers to go blind. The second in command drew his sword, but before he could attack Jacob had already cut his throat as he rushed past him, persuing the other capable fighting soldier. He was too slow for Jacob with all the armor that he had on...Jacob was strong, and after swiping away the enemies blade with one swing, Jacob brought the blade back to his side, sending it straight into the officers chest, bursting through his armor, coming out through his back as well. Jacob withdrew the sword as the officer fell limp to the ground...dead. The other two soldiers had finally brushed away the dirt from their eyes and yelled out to the archors on the walls to fire upon Jacob. Hearing their cries...Jacob took refuge behind one of the wooden storage shacks, trying to catch his breathe. The two soldiers followed him and surrounded him on both sides. The archors began moving along the walls, trying to get a better position on Jacob as he hid behind the shack with the other two soldiers. More and more reinforcements could be heard coming through the gates. Both officers charged him with swords drawn, determination in their eyes. [I]Begone...[/I] Charging at one of the officers, Jacob stopped the ones blade coming down upon him by grabbing the handle with one of his hands, and with the other, he slashed downwards at the soldiers knees...taking out both of his legs...decapitating the man with one swing. Turning around the other, Jacob lifted his sword from its lowered position and swung downwards with such intensity that it shattered the others soldiers sword, coming down through his shoulder. The officer screamed in agony, as Jacob pulled the blade off and quickly lunged it quickly into the mans chest. As he ran out from the protection of the shack, Jacob was shot in the right shoulder with an arrow, immidiately sending him to the ground from the impact. Several more soldiers surrounded him...but Jacob didn't give up, using the sword masterfully, he took out two more soldiers before one came up from behind him and smashed him in the back of his skull, knocking him dazed. Everyone began kicking, punching, spitting all over him before Lady Ashrel came out from the castle itself. ''ENOUGH!'' she ordered; immidiately the soldier obeyed to her authority and backed away from the Jacob's body. ''Our king wishes for him to live for the moment...put him in the dungeon...Damion will be most pleased.'' Jacobs shoulders were grasped by two soldiers, leaving the arrow in his shoulder and began to drag him into the castle. He looked up and glared at Ashrel, not with eyes of hatred...but passion, full of life. ''Take him away.'' she roared again, as she accompanied them into the castle. [B]***THAT MORNING***[/B] When Jacob finally awoke...he was chained to the walls, his arms spread outwards, exposing his chest, like he was being crucified...the arrow still sticking into his shoulder as a rush of pain shot through his body now sensing the arrow within his flesh. A glimmer of light shined through a hole in the stone prison, revieling Jacobs bloody white tunic, his hair mangled and dirty as he just stared at the ground with a blank expression upon his face. [/SIZE] [/COLOR]
  24. [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1][COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]You dont sleep either...do you Jack?[/COLOR] Lyon said as he walked up beside him, taking in the bright new day. ''No...I don't.'' Jack said in a muttered voice. He didn't truly trust the angel yet...he only had one wing, therefore something was wrong with him. It was one thing to have a tainted Demon...but an Angel... [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]Seem's like love is flowing through the air these days huh Jack[/COLOR]. as Lyon looked back at the now recreated temple; they only had to stay at Lyon's temple for a short period of time before Kane decided to push himself to his limits to rebuild their lost home. [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]It is quite beautiful here...isn't it?[/COLOR] Jack could feel that the angel only wanted to start up a conversation...there was so much confusion now adays...its wouldn't hurt to just talk casually. ''That it is Lyon, that it is...not like the lands of Scotland thats for sure.'' [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]I would have liked to live there for a while...to take a break...ya know. [/COLOR] ''Yes.....but...such things aren't an option for us angels.'' replied Jack, loosening up a bit in Lyons presense. He found it odd that Lyon always exposed his wing...not being ashamed of just having one. To most angels...that would be a disgrace. [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]You may be right...but we'll see once this war is over. Besides...it appears that we have another member to add to our ranks, and he seems to be enjoying himself with thee other elemental. [/COLOR] ''You speak of Kane...'' [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]That I do....*sigh*...I just hope his arrogance doesn't lead to his downfall. Will you walk with me Jack?[/COLOR] Lyon said as he started to walk... Jack followed without responding...the two men walked away from the temple towards the waters of the beach...looking at the horizon as the new sun arose from its dormant sleep. [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]I have a fear Jack...[/COLOR] spoke Lyon as the two men stepped a few feet away from the water. His voice suddenly changed from a calm and peaceful voice to a serious, focused tone. ''What would that be Lyon?'' Jack was puzzled...first time Lyon didn't appear uptempo. [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]This war has been prophesized Jack...before you and I were ever created. It speaks of the two worlds...completely equal in strength...the light and the dark.[/COLOR] ''Yes...I remember the prophecy as well. One day; there will be no more war...humanity will finally be able to live without us angels and demons fighting over their realm.'' [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]Very well spoken Jack...I see why my master holds you in such high regards...[/COLOR] Jack was speechless...not only from the compliment...but by how Lyon spoke it. [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]Have you been wondering...for the past couple of battles...we have been able to fend off the Destroyer without many complications, nor in terms of time. [/COLOR] ''Yes....what are you getting at?'' [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]This shouldn't be so easy............I'm afraid the Destroyer hasn't unleashed his true self yet...nor his armies upon us. Everyone must be told...Kane can only grow so much...he is no God like the Destroyer. And Kala must be strengthaned. [/COLOR] ''What of Sam and Jun?'' [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]Jun and Samantha's love is our greatest weapon...the love of a human, for that of a demon merged with the soul of a human; that stirs even the greatest of demons. [/COLOR] ''I see your point Lyon...you are indeed a true angel...I'm sorry for...'' but Lyon just waved it off. [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]No need for apologies master Jack...I am what I am..............the armies of Heaven are ready...we must prepare. [/COLOR] ''Understood...but let us rest...and deal with it when it comes. Let evil search us out...or we may be led into another trap.'' [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]You're right, as usual master Jack...we shall do as such...we should concentrate on our efforts first before we make a rash decision...come...let me make you some breakfast. [/COLOR] ''You cook?'' [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]Why of course...I am human after all.[/COLOR] as Lyon gave him a wink, as the two men made there way back to the temple. [/SIZE] [/COLOR]
  25. [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1][SIZE=2][B]Fantasies Desire / Realities Sin [M-LSV][/B][/SIZE] [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][I]In the mountains of Scotland, looking out onto the crashing waves of the Atlantic Ocean against its rocky shores; is a Mansion named ??Heavenly Home.?? A single man lives within the mansion; for years, he has been choosing individuals from all over the world to participate in a game which he has prepared for them. He is very wealthy...and wishes to fulfill the desires of these poor souls. [/I] [/COLOR] [B][COLOR=Black]08/20/05[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=Black]An email is sent to thirteen individuals all over the world... [/COLOR] [I]Hello, I?m writing to you, my friend, to congratulate you on winning an all expense paid trip to the coast of Scotland to live in my mansion for as long as you wish. Beware, this is no ordinary mansion mind you. Within the walls of my home, everything you ever wished for will be granted to you. And I mean....everything. All the deepest, darkest desires of your heart will be yours. Whatever pleasure you seek for yourself...will be granted to you. If you desire love, sex, money, drugs, food...all of life?s commodities will be yours. If you wish to accept this honor, please...simply reply back with a smile yes or no; and immediate transportation plans will be set in place for you to arrive. Upon arriving, there are three rules which you must obey while in my home. 1) You must obey your cards... 2) You must stay in the light... 3) You must never go into the Angelic Wing... That is all..,everything will be explained when you arrive...any questions that you have will not be with held from you prior to entering the mansion. You may be asking yourself...??why would I bother coming to a place such as this??? I?ll tell you why...if you play my little game...if you last living in the house, you will earn half of my family fortune, which comes to around thirteen billion dollars. I?m not joking, I?ve come to realize the worthlessness of money...so I?ve decided to give most of it away to the ones who I find to be worthy. And I will wait as long as it takes to find the right ones. So; whomever can stay within the house for six months, will be declared the winner...and the thirteen billion will be split between those who are left. But hear me...once you enter the mansion, you may not leave the grounds of the estate. So there you have it; come to my mansion...where all your dreams come true...and have the opportunity to win thirteen billion dollars. No strings attached...and believe me...it will be worth your while. Oh, one more thing...do not tell anyone of this, for we want to make this as smooth and without interruptions from the outside world. Don?t worry...we?ll know if you tell...which will automatically revoke your chances of coming to my mansion. As clarity for your honesty and silence...I have taken the liberty of electronically sending ten thousand dollars to your personal back account, as a token of my friendship too you. That is all I will tell you...once you reply back to this email...you will have an escort waiting outside your house within two days to bring you to the mansion. I have chosen you because I feel you to be worthy of such a reward; for your dedication to society, your love and compassion, your leadership, your strength through turmoil, and last but not least...for just who you are.[/I] [FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium][COLOR=DarkRed]Catch ya later... Sincerely, The Master of Games...[/COLOR][/FONT] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ An old RPG I attempted to create when I was a new member on Okatuboards...one that I hope will come back to life. In this mansion...everything you ever wanted will be given too you. Let your imagination soar...and it will be given too you. This mansion also contains many secrets....ones that lie within the three laws. The Cards: Envelopes that will be given to you by the Master of Games every so often. On them will read a task...and you must obey them...or there will be consequences if you do not. You may not share the information that is given too you. You think....wait...wont the other member be seeing my card when I post. Ah....that?s the best part...they wont. I will personally send out the tasks by PM. So that it will always be a mystery to the rest. If you do not obey, or fulfill the request...you are punish...by means which you are not allowed to tell anyone. And believe me...within the mansion are hidden camera?s watching your ever move. If you tell....you die. You must obey them....no matter what they say. Light: As the law says....you cannot leave the light......ever. Or you will pay the consequence by living out your worst nightmare. Ghosts reside in every corner...beware. The Angelic Wing: The only forbidden section of the house. You?ll learn soon enough what lies within those hallways. ***Of course your characters wont know the specifics of these laws until they actually go into the mansion. If you have any questions...just PM or write to the underground. This is story is going to be full of twists, suspense, gore; everything you can think of will be shown in this RPG; especially with the usage of these cards. This RPG is yours to make your own...for you will be living in this mansion with everyone else. Form friendships...bonds, relationships...because you?ll need them when the Master of Games interferes. I?ll be playing both the Master of Games and one of the thirteen who will be entering the house; my post will be up momentarily. Even if all thirteen people aren?t filled by the time this starts...there will still be thirteen individuals within the house. They?ll just be dummies...making this far more ??entertaining.?? This is what I need... Name: Age: Sex: Location: (anywhere in the world, but you must speak English, but can curse and whatnot in your own languages if you wish) Appearance: Personality: Bio: Greatest Desire: Greatest Fear: For your convenience...I have included a picture and floor plans of the mansion for you too look at. I?d like to thank Amgoddess for helping me bring this to life again...[/SIZE][/COLOR]
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