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Everything posted by Kairi
[COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1]Welcome to the underground of my litte game.....please....by all means, leave any questions, thoughts or suggestions for the development of this rpg. Make it your own...and enjoy it as much as possible. Now that's out of the way...here are some ''Rules'' which I feel that are needed to be addressed. Nothing big...but issue's im sure all of you will appreciate. 1) Please read all posts, and take into account ALL information that is given. This will prevent confusion... 2) Both long and short posts are fine...as long as you post whenever...you're good. However, please don't progress the storyline quickly moving from one scene to another in the blink of an eye. Because so much will be missed by the other writers...so be calm...don't take over the story. 3) Be patient...some of us don't post as much as others. Post all you like...but remember to include everyone to keep them involved with the story so that they don't have to catch up. I'm not leaving anyone behind...too often does that happen (amgoddess in Demons and Angels...we missed ya...sorry for that). 4) Plot twists are great...it makes the storyline more interesting. But please keep them in check, so that everyone else doesn't get lost in the change. As great as change is...the story should also go nice and smoothly. We don't want things getting out of hand, causing confusion and contradiction of ideas. That's why I have the underground. Detail in the story are good...just dont go overboard. 5) As always...respect other writers characters and personalities 6) And finally...please use ALL rules 1-5 in your posts, as I'm sure most of you already know. Thats about it...this will be a very ''involved'' rpg where everyone will be included...so doing this will prevent any complications and confusion in the future. Thanks for reading.... take care...and be well...later ~kairi[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1]OCC: ooo...u pushed it Heero with Ajack:), just remember next time he doesn't come out and talk like that...not his persona anymore...u get those lyrics for your signature from the song I gave u2;) [I]You're such a hypocrit Sayne...[/I] as Ajack saw Sayne walk away. [I]You would have died to save Sora as well...who are you to judge me...did I turn a cold shoulder to your needs.......[/I] Ajack just shook his head in dissapointment...[I]keep on walking away Sayne.......just when I needed you the most....just when I needed her the most. So don't tell me that I did wrong to her; I loved her...and I would have died fighting not only for her...but for you all; I was willing to give everything for you all. Not a suicidal mentality...but willing to give all that I had. I guess you just dont understand that...you assume too much. [/I] [I]She should have trusted me to be strong for her....but I guess I can't trust someone to care...not even you Sayne, of all people. I forgave Lyu a long time ago...but, things aren't the same anymore. [/I] He turned his gaze around and looked at Deviryn...''You saw that...was I like that when people needed me, when Sayne needed me...I don't think so.'' The dragons eyes stared straight at Ajack who didn't flinch. ''Oh I understand we all felt loss during the war.......but, *as he let his head down*...no one seems to understand...nor care for me.'' His old self briefly showing...the pain that was caused. Deviryn head came back down....and tried to get a look at Ajacks eyes. ''You really dissapointed me Sayne......I'm sorry you had to be like that...even with Sora.'' ***Attention...the tournament will officially begin tomorrow morning at 0900 hours. All Mechanima pilot; please be ready by then to begin introductions. Thank you*** ''hhhmmm...I might as well get my things situated in my quarters...and maybe I'll go get something to eat. Rest well Deviryn...'' as Ajack walked away. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1]''Dear me...'' as Jacob bowed his head in respect...standing above most of the other people in the crowd...''what a vile time we live in father.'' He had is arms crossed as he watched the brawl take place. A man was being dragged away by some of his fellow knights...being directed to the medical wing by Damion himself. Jacob looked up at him with a blank look on his face, showing no emotion. Damion couldn't see him in the crowd...but Jacob certainly saw him. Turning his attention away from the King...Jacob looked back out onto the Central Court where the fighting was subsiding finally. ''There's no need for human loss such as this...you had picked a better world father...I pitty them.''[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1][I]Lyu....[/I] [COLOR=DarkOrange]You should talk to her Ajack...she still has your ring...and it is Valentines Day. [/COLOR] ''I have nothing to say to her Apollo...if she wants to say something...ill let her; she's not the one who was abandoned.'' [COLOR=DarkOrange]I'm sure she has her reasons...[/COLOR] ''As I have mine...lets end this conversation Apollo...she's not the only reason why we are here.'' [COLOR=DarkOrange]As you wish...[/COLOR] Apollo stayed ever patient for the old Ajack to come back to him. He had become so bitter...his emotions all confused...leaving him mainly in silence around people. Ajack and Apollo entered the hanger where all the old mechanimas; as well as new ones resided. He walked past Deviryn as Ajack gave a nod to acknowledge his presence showing respect to the beast. He looked upon Blaze as welll as Amatu...and an unknown eagle as well lying on the ground. [I]So...Keiji is here as well. I wonder who else will come...[/I] Going to the dark, back corner of the hanger where the two met one another...Ajack watched Apollo get on its belly and relax itself. ''Rest well my friend...'' taking his black duffle bag out of the cockpit...Ajack walked away; back down the hanger when he was stopped by both Dr. Kane and Commander De'Larne. ''Ajack...its good to see you boy.'' as the Commander stuck out a hand of friendship. ''You haven't changed much, but you sure have grown.'' ''Thank you Commander...Dr.'' as Ajack did a slight nod. ''We're so glad that you decided to come back to us Ajack.'' replied the Dr. ''I'm sure you are well aware of the tournament and the rules that are involved...yes.'' ''Yes...I do.'' replied Ajack. ''I am intreged however, to learn of this Anubis System which you've developed during your years away. I've heard rumors but...no one quite knows what it is.'' ''Then thats all they are then Dr. Kane...rumors...nothing more.'' answered Ajack....obviously hiding the truth. ''We've been watching you Ajack...'' De'Larne cut in...''you've been quite busy with yourself...it was only a year ago that you finally decided to settle down. You've been all over earth, as well as to the space colonies...working on our new mechanima systems, testing...training; I'm surprised to see myself still in command.'' ''Is that supposed to flatter me Commander?'' De'Larne was shocked at the response...''I have my reason for moving around so much...I wouldn't want to be a man like you however; keep your title...I dont want it.'' ''Why you...'' the commander was furious...he couldn't believe what disrespect he was shown. ''Now now commander...'' as the Dr. placed a hand on his shoulder. ''Ajack's right...he wasn't ment to be bartered with a title. He's a free-lancer...the lone wanderer is the name I believe they call you. The leader who walks alone...is that correct.'' ''Only the colonies call me by that name....sir.'' Ajacks tone was solid...focused...no hesitation whatsoever...even in the presense of the now angered Commander. ''I'm sorry for my disrespect Commander De'Larne...I lost myself there for a moment.'' ''Apology accepted...but do not forget your place Ajack. Things have changed...since you've been gone.'' ''Oh...'' as Ajack began to walk past them...''not that much has changed I'm afraid...good day.'' as he waved a hand at them, not turning his back. [I]I should meet with the others...before I train for tournament. [/I] heaving his duffle bag up onto his shoudler once again. [/SIZE] [/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1]This girl obviously knew he was...she was crying...tears coming down her cheeks. Ajack though felt nothing, he didn't know who she was....apparently she must have been close to him; then he saw the ring... ''....Lyu.....'' he muttered underneathe his breathe. The girl who he hated for years....not saying anything for 5 years, now was before him...crying to him to remember her. ''Ajack...you do remember me.'' Lyu smiled...trying to fight back the tears. ''I....I don't know what to say...there's so much I want to tell you....I'm sorry...I know nothing I say will justify what I did...but...'' Lyu was suddenly interrupted ''It's good to see you again Lyu.'' Ajack said in a calm, smooth voice, not showing much emotion in his face. ''...Ajack...I'' ''AJACK!....LYU!'' came Sora running tow\ards them. ''I can't believe you guys are here already!" Lyu turned her gaze back to Ajacks eyes...she had so much to tell him, so much she wanted to share with him. Lyu's eyes were full of love, and compassion towards him...but he just looked back...empty...hurt. Sora came up and gave Lyu a hug...taking her eyes off Ajack. Sayne wasn't around...so Ajack decided to just leave the two of them alone to catch up. ''Where are you going Ajack?'' Sora asked... ''I'm bringing Apollo to the hangar...I'll catch up with ya later.'' he didn't even turn around to make eye contact with Sora...he didn't want to see Lyu's face again. [I]She still wears your ring...........but.....she still left...[/I] walking beside Apollo...they made there way to the hanger. [/SIZE] [/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1]''Thank you very much my lord...the apples are marvelous.'' replied to one of the serves girls in the market place. ''You're welcome...and dont call me that. I am no lord...but enjoy.'' as Jacob continued to walk down the streets of the market place. He had tied out Oblivion outside one of the local bars that resided in the town as Jacob went exploring. Jacob loved to walk through the streets...just taking in the sight of people at work, living out their lives to the fullest that they possibly could. Some of the soldiers were in a buzz, whispering to each other about something. [I]No doubt the escape of the rebellion leader Asher. [/I] he thought to himself as he took his attention away from them and up further down the road. A select few civilians were making there way through the castle gates...as Jacob looked harder, he say servants of Damion fantically getting some sort of entertainment ready within. Taking a last bite of his apple, Jacob gave the rest to a little boy sitting on the side of the road. [I]Interesting...[/I] As he approached the gate, two guards blocked his way from entering. ''Do you have an invitation?'' snarled one of the men. ''Um...no...I don't...but I am a loyalist to the king himself; isn't that enough.'' ''No...it is not! Who are you?'' as the other pointed his blade at Jacob's throat.'' ''Aye...I would be a noblemen...a long retired soldier of Damions Army. See...I am branded with his mark.'' as he lifted up his shirt and exposed a burn mark ingraved with Damions symbol on his side. Little did they know that is was from his days of torture all those years ago. ''You don't dress like a noblemen my lord.'' both soldier backed away...taking a look at him. ''Aye...I don't like thee attention if you know what I mean. I like to walk the streets without being bothered...'' Jacob gave a intense gaze upon one of the soldiers...his blue eyes showing that of innocence and truth. ''Well...since you aren't armed...I guess we can let you in. But no farther than the central court; do you understand?'' ''Completely.'' as Jacob walked past them and handed them each 4 gold pieces and entered into the central court, blending himself in with the rest of the crowd. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkSlateGray]OCC: You're moving the story a little too fast Kiba:), everyone finish off your posts and meet us at the jet. And you are a pain in the butt Amgoddess :D ''Lee...'' M was standing over Lee in shock...was he dead? M knelt down and felt Lee for a pulse, vomit was all over his body as he lay unconcious in the corner. ''Lee......I'm sorry my friend.'' placing his hand on his forehead, M took back the feeling and images that he had given to him. ''No one must have my pain....'' as M stood back up and walked out of the garden. His head was throbbing...the walls around him began to get hazey, he felt sick in his stomach...M suddenly lost his balance and rammed his shoulder into the side of the hallway. [I].....no.......not again.......not now. [/I] be M could feel it coming out. His mind had been unlocked by Lee...and he couldn't close it. ''Commander Red!........''' as M yelled into his earpiece...''its happening again.'' ''Alright...I'm sending an A.I unit your way...hold on...dont loss control.'' as the reciever clicked on the other end. [I]please Red.........hurry[/I] M was now on his hands and knees...gasping for air as it felt like the life was being drained out from him. Images...horrible images and feelings flowed through him...not only his own...but of others. [I]Andys....upset at me...........[/I] M felt his insides turning at the thought. He knew why...cause he didn't give her what she wanted. She wanted love...he just didn't want to take advantage of her. [I]Andy...please hear me...I want what you want...I just.......ugh....dont know.....how to........dont know.....how to.......just know....i do love you.......more than you know...i just...w..ant it to be right. [/I] M couldn't finish the message he slumped to the floor...his stomach down. The A.I unit quickly got to his side and lifted him to his feet...trying to lead him to the Isolation Chamber. M's head was twitching...with the blink of his eyes, images filled his mind, not being able to contain them within himself. Everyone in the base could feel it...that of pain, sorror, hatred, love. All of it was so random...but yet so real. ***FROM THE CONTROL ROOM*** ''what do we do now Commander Red?'' asked on of the soldiers. Red pushed a button for the load speaker to the base as red lights flashed in all the hallways and rooms, sirens blaring all over. ''attention....attention....we are have a code red...please...return to your rooms immidiately. I say again...we are having a code red...return to your rooms immidiately, leave whatever you are doing now...this is an order!'' Everyone in the base began running around in a panic...running back to their rooms as M walked into the Isolation room. ''How far along are you M?'' ''I..........Lee........in the garden.........open........me...........needs......he..lp'' M felt so weak, stumbling as he tried to walk with his shoulder around the robots neck. ''We'll get him...just hang on.'' Red directed one of the soldiers to go get Lee...and get him to safety. The living quarters and mess hall were all a good distance away from the lab rooms...so they wouldn't feel the affects as much. ''Sir...why did you send an A.I to go get him?'' questioned one of the soldier...''what the hell is going on?'' ''Because A.I's dont have feelings soldier...and if we dont lock down that room soon, or calm M down...we all die.'' everyone was dead silent. The A.I set M down on the floor which was completely white, Red was looking through a one way mirror set up on one of the walls in the control room. The A.I left as a doctor came in with a syring as the door shut tight. On and off..M would have another surge of emotion...sending it out into the rest of the base where everyone could feel it. ''M...we're administring the drug to calm you down....stay focused.'' ''No...get out of here...'' but before the doctor could respond, M stood up and grasped the doctor by its throat, staring straight into his eyes. M's eyes were black again, just like the Lycan was back in London. In an instant...the doctor went limp...his eyes turning black as well. With a thrust of his arm, M threw the doctor through the window, colliding with Commander Red. ''I'm sorry M...'' as Red flipped as switch and ceiled 4 blast door surrounding the room, completely isolating M from everything. No noise...nothing. ''Activate the surpressor now!.'' ''But he doesn't have the drug...'' replied another soldier. But Red didn't care...he needed to protect the rest of the base. He pressed a bottom and the system was activated. The room would not let any of M's mental pathways out, nor letting any in. M was completely shut off from the world. ''no........No.......NO! DONT DO THIS!'' cried M has be banged against the walls. Red couldn't see into the room...but he could only imagine.... ''Please...not again Red....no!....please....i can't.'' M was breathing heavily, his eyes were still completely dark. His past...all the peoples worries and pain that he had touched flowed through his being. The room was spinning, he felt like he was getting sick. His head hurt so much...he began to press his palms into the side of his temples as he continued to ramm himself into the walls...trying to get out. ***OUTSIDE THE ROOM*** ''Whats going on Commander?'' as a soldier finish checking the pulse of the now dead doctor. His eyes blanketed in darkness...''how could M do this?'' ''Whatever happened...M's lost control of his powers. If we didn't get him into that room...we all would have been dead. Our minds would have been drained completely. Before he came here...he was isolated in a room like that for a full year; after the death of his mother...and countless others on the moon due to this kind of episode.'' The men were speechless... ''Back then...M had no control. By a simple thought...he would drain everything from ones mind...memories, feelings, everything...making the person like a shell...absolutely nothing underneathe their flesh. Whoever caused this...made a big mistake. Now...we wait...'' ***IN THE ISOLATION ROOM*** ''SOMEONE!....HELP ME!'' M yelled out...but with no answer. He was out of control...his feelings speratic; from sad to anger, confused to vengeful. ''AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! he cried at the top of his voice. His breathing was rapid, making himself hyperventilate. M was crying histarically...blood running from his nose. The tears soon became blood themselves as the episode intensified. His body felt like it was on fire...as if he were dying. [I]....andy..........[/I] ''NO!'' as M flung himself into another wall. Her anger towards him was felt 10 fold. He felt heart broken...hurt by her feelings. In the back of his mind he knew better than to act like this...but it was too late. With the suppressor on...M's thoughts continued to flow out from his being, only to be sent right back to him...no one feeling anything. The sirens had died off outside...but inside the room. M was completely alone...just like before. His body was shivering, feeling numb....empty. Falling to his knees in exhaustion...he continued to cry, wrapping his arms around himself. Arms, legs, hands were flinching with each and every memory and feeling that came to him. Leaping from one memory to another...reliving his own, as well others emotions. It seemed to last for hours. ~flashback [I]....daddy......dont go....[/I] I WANT MY SON DEAD! [I]no daddy....dont go....[/I] Kill him...he must not live! [I]I'm sorry daddy.................i didn't mean to hurt mommy....[/I] He will me valuable to us...he is one of many who have gifts such as these... [I]daddy....hold me....im scared. [/I] You bastards...he can't be controlled... [I]daddy...whats going on...[/I] Put him in isolation...one year...we've already lost enough. [I]No...daddy...where are they taking me...NO!....DADDY![/I] ~end flashback ''FATHER!'' M yelled...clutching his fists together...drawing blood from both. A faint pulse shot out of M...but was sent right back off the walls. Suddenly M went blank...his arms became limp...falling to his sides. Just staring into nothingness. Just like his eye...his mind was dark, containing absolutely nothing. Slowly...he can back to reality....calming himself down. His eyes turned to their normal purple color...as M collapsed to the ground in exhaustion...tears coming down his cheeks. ***CONTROL ROOM OF ISOLATION ROOM*** ''There is zero activity within the room Commander Red...'' replied the soldier beside him. ''Open the blast walls...'' as they raised, Red could see M paralyzed on the ground, crying.... ''Is it over M...'' he questioned M couldn't respond while crying...but gave a simple nod. ''Good...we're going to keep you in there for a couple more hours ok M...'' and the blast walls came back down. ''No ones knows of this...do you understand?'' ordered Commander Red to the other soldiers. ''Tell everyone we had a system failuer...thats all...the emotions emmitted were from the monsters in the Delta Wing...understood! No one must know...'' Both soldier saluted and left the control room to tell the others about the situation. [I]I'm so sorry M...we're here...we're here for you...just take your time to come back to yourself. [/I] ***NEXT MORNING*** Red lifted up the blast doors to see M sitting in the corner of the room. ''You ok M?'' M slowly got to his feet "its over Red...I'm ok.'' his voice and persona were back to normal...the episode was over. ''Is everone ok...'' ''Yes...they dont know...dont worry. It's been taking care off...you had us worried M...we almost didn't get you in in time.'' ''I'm sorry Commander...but I'm ok...what of the doctor?'' ''Dead...'' M noded his head...and took in the loss. ''I guess I'll get myself washed up and dressed now.'' M walked out of the Isolation Room and made his way back to his quarters...making sure no one saw him like that. After changing and washing up...he met with Taikaru for a moment...and made his way to the Delta Wing...looking into the cage of the HellKnight once again. ***ON THE JET*** ''You looked out of Taikaru...you gonna be alright?'' ''No problem...'' ''Ok...'' M showed no signs at all about what happened that night. He was like he had always been. [/COLOR] [/SIZE] OCC: sorry its long...but it gives a insight on M's past. Go by my post and not Blayze...since there is a big mix up in post:) Blayze...please change it soon.
Request Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children Avi and Banner
Kairi replied to Orcus's topic in Creative Works
HAHA...well if you wont take it Sole-Energia...I'll take altrons creation for an avator...oh i love art:)...great work girls/guys. later;) -
[COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1]''No need...'' as Michael pulled out one of his scimitars...''duck...another wave!'' Michaell and Kevin hid behind the truck, as the soldiers unloaded once again... ''At least their attention is away from the rest of them.'' yelled out Michael over the noise. ''Some date huh...'' ''You aint kiddin man.......'' suddenly Michael stopped and looked at Kevins wound. "you're hit...'' ''Dont worry about it...I'm alright.'' ''Like hell you are." ripping off a part of his shirt into a piece of cloth, he knelt down and wrapped it tight aroud Kevins leg. ''They're reloading...ready for another go?'' asked Kevin, as Michael stood back up. ''Yes...ready...'' ''GO!'' yelled out Kevin as the two men yeilded there blades and slashed through the line of soldier as the swept past them. Michaels scimitar and constant shooting brought down a good amount of the soldier as both Kevin and Michael took cover as they jumped over the top of a brick wall; once again to avoid the gunfire. Both men were breathing heavily... ''You're hit Michael'' as Kevin pointed at Michaels right shoulder. ''As are you my friend...'' responded Michael, pointing at Kevins left thigh. Both men just gave each other a look...and grasped each others hands covered in blood with a high five. Looking over the top of the wall...they two of them continued to fire upon the enemy. [/SIZE] [/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1]''You alright Ty!'' Michael cried out over the sounds of gunfire coming through the windows. ''I'm fine...dont worry about me...'' ''I know...'' as he grasped her hand...''I know...'' as he gave a wink. Michael was glad that he prepared himself for something like this...especially with what happened at his home earlier today. Taking out his two automatic pistols from his belt which was hidden by his long black, silky over shirt, he got up quickly and jumped out of one of the bars windows...falling into a forward role as he hit a car which was parked outside. The incoming fire concentrated on the noise that was made and shot at the car. Michael brassed his back against it....and prepared himself. His scimitars and knives serculey harnessed on his back and sides, he clicked pistols off saftey and stood up from behind the car as the attack died down as the enemy reloaded. Running parallel with the road, Michael used the automatic pistols and shot at the soldiers standing outside the bar, catching them off guard. Michael was fast, and before they could reload and fire upon him again, he found himself taking cover once again behind another car...Kevin was there as well... ''Hey...nice to see you again Kevin.'' the two guys just smiled at each other...instant friendship:)[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1]''Are you sure that's necessary Commander...she hasn't harmed any of us yet?'' exclaimed M, who was talking with Red in his office. ''Ivy is a severe danger to this team...I will not allow such a threat to take place out on the field again. Do you understand me M...she is to be administered for treatment with the attachment of a damperer for her powers.'' M didn't say a word...he just gave Red a look and slammed the door shut behind him as he left the office. [I]...Ivy isn't going to like this. [/I] as he thought about it...worrying about what he would say to Ivy...M remembered Andy's little gift; the image of the Pheonix...and that kiss. He was completely unprepared for it...it was so.........real. M understood that Andy hasn't felt much emotion in her life before. But that made it even more powerful of a kiss...no strings attached...no hidden agenda, she did it because she wanted to. After that...they just sat and talked in the dark. Just taking in each others presence as the Phoenix continued to burn in the darkness. [I]...thank you Andy...[/I] she had left him....and had gone off for something else. But gave him a hug before she left...no kiss though. M knew though that she must have felt so embarrassed about it. M stopped by to see everyone in all there different hiding places. Farel was locked in his room, so M figured to leave him alone...Lee was wandering the hallways of the Delta Wing, they both stood there for a while talking about everything and anything, just as good friends do. As M said goodbye, he realized that he needed to apologize to Carl. M found him in the training facility alongside Eric. M walked up and shook Carl's hand...assuring him that he would talk to him the next time he asked a question like that. He didn't want to hold out anything from the group...even if it could wait till the meeting. Carl accepted his apology...and continued to train. After an hour of looking...he couldn't find Andy anywhere. He finally decided to talk to the one person he was avoiding....Ivy. M found her in the mess hall...with her face hiding underneathe her hat. He could only assume that she had been told the news not too long ago. M walked up beside her...and croutched down to speak to her. ''Ivy...'' ''Go away...'' she yelled at him, as she sniffled. ''Ivy...its time.'' he tried to say in a calm voice. ''please...dont do this M...you don't know what this will do to me.'' as she lifted up her cap, trying to reason with him. ''please...i dont want to do this.'' ''come on...'' still keeping himself calm as he got himself back up to a standing position, looking down at Ivy's eyes. M began to walk out of the mess hall, as Ivy got herself out of the chair and followed her. The two of them walked side by side in complete silence. Every now and then...she would tear up, but wouldn't cry. M kept his head looking forward, not wanting to embarrass nor upset her. ''So....how did Andy's little gift go?'' asked Ivy finally...clearing her throat, whipping away the tears. ''How'd you know?'' responded M in a more happier tone of voice. He was glad that Ivy was at least talking. ''She came to me not long before she did it...she's didn't know what to do for you. Andy's says that she's never felt this before...so she's really not ready nor prepared for it ya know.'' ''I understand...thats why I'm letting her take one step at a time...with everything. Thank you...for talking to her...helping her out.'' ''If you dont mind...may I ask what she did.'' ''She created for me a Pheonix..and then kissed me.'' ''Andy kissed you?'' Ivy was about to fall...she couldn't believe it. First, for the way Andy had been acting ever since she got to the base, and now with the way she is. And second...the fact that she could create something like that. ''Yea...just a kiss...'' ''And the Pheonix...how did she do it?'' now Ivy was curious... ''I taught her...to show her that she doesn't just destroy things with her powers, but to create life.'' ''Don't let go of her...'' as Ivy punched him in the right shoulder. ''She's one of a kind...'' ''I know...I know...'' as M rubbed his shoulder. [I]Man she can hit hard...[/I] ''Too bad I can't do something like that...all I can do is make stuff blow up.'' Ivy then went quiet again, crossing her arms around her chest. [I]She really doesn't want to do this...I dont blame her...its better for her to control this power on her own...instead of using technology. [/I] M understood...because he knew how it felt to be bound like that. A past he still can't look back upon. He felt compassion for her...he couldn't think of how to help her with her powers, cept maybe to help control them. ''I'm sorry Ivy,'' as they camp to a door marked TECHNICAL LAB EXPERIMENTS...as he opened the door...''for what your past...and for what has been brought upon you.'' They both entered too see a table set up with a head rest. The doctor instructed for Ivy to lie on her stomach, and to place her face on the rest where her face was exposed. M stood in the corner as the doctor pulled out a clamp with a little plastic pin on it..a chip to be placed behind Ivy's left ear. Ivy was gripping the sides of the table, crying at the thought of what was about to happen to her. The doctor walked up beside her and leaned forward to place the chip. ''Doctor...'' interrupted M...walking out from the corner. "what is it M...you know this must be done.'' "I do...but please...let me do it...I'm her friend...she may feel more comfortable with me doing it." ......the doctor pondered over it...looking over Ivy's body. ''As you wish...I believe you know what to do?'' ''Yes...'' as M took the clamp from the doctor and moved to the side of Ivy. He leaned down and whispered in her ear...''this is going to hurt.'' Unknown to the doctor, M had a pin in his hand, which he held with the clamp and pushed it into the back of Ivy's ear, making it look like she was getting the chip attached...but instead it was only a needle. Ivy screamed in pain as she felt something press against her...just the thoughts of what she may become because of this frightened her. The doctor was satisfied...as he nodded his head. Taking his other hand, M pretended to be pulling away the clamp...but instead destroyed the chip with his fingertips pressed against it. The sound created was so faint that the doctor didn't even notice...there were no cameras either...so no one could have seen. But Ivy heard it...the faint crushing sound in her ear. M leanded back down and whispered in her ear...''I'll take full responsibility for this Ivy...so you have nothing to worry about. I trust that you will be able to control and weild your powers to benefit us...and not need to help of a piece of technology.'' She slowly moved her head up and down in agreement. She was sweating at the thought of the chip being administered...and now...she was just happy. ''She's all set doctor...I believe that we are done here?'' ''Yes...we are...you may go. I will inform Commander Red that the operation was a success.'' Ivy sat herself up on the table, only too see M walk out the door. [I]...thank you...[/I] ***DELTA WING*** ''Hey M...whats up?'' ''Not much Lee...still here?'' ''Oh yea man...I find this so intreging...with all the monsters I've killed...these are truly incredibly...especially this HellKnight.'' ''Yes...I know...'' as M stood next to Lee...looking through the glass...pondering on what he had just done. [/SIZE] [/COLOR]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkSlateGray]Bane could taste the smell of Jayme's cooking the air of the ship...he was again, just strolling the ships corridors like he usually did. They had changed course due to his error...as much as it hurt his pride, he was dissapointed in himself. [COLOR=Purple][I]Three years in the slam...and no one told me...[/I] [/COLOR] he thought to himself as he leaned up against the wall with his arms crossed. [COLOR=Purple]I better not go into the kitchen again...or that knife is gonna look real friendly if he keeps acting up...[/COLOR] Bane had friends on the Anubis colony...he was in no caring mood. Echoing through the hallways, Richard caught the faint sound of a Saxophone being played from the lounge area. Shrugging off his emotional loss of the Anubis colony, and the way he was treated...he calmly made his way back to find Natalie playing on her Saxophone; playing to the tone earlier on the radio. He liked the old kinds of music...this particular song he used to play when he was only a child. Leaning against the side of the entrance way...Richard began to clap, which startled Natalie who was sitting on the couch, not knowing that he was there watching her. [COLOR=Purple]Very good Natalie...very good. [/COLOR] ''Um...thank you.'' Natalie answered...calming down slightly. It was the first time that Bane had addressed her ever since walking by her and Carmen earlier... [COLOR=Purple]Do you like the song...?[/COLOR] as Bane took a seat across from her. ''Yes...very much. I remember you singing it before...and I just felt like playing.'' [COLOR=Purple]The Saxophone is a wonderful instrument...you played beautifully.[/COLOR] ''Thank you Richard'' [I]did he just compliment me?[/I] ''do you play at all...'' [COLOR=Purple]I used to play the fiddle actually...and the drums. But unfortunately I don't have anything like that with me. [/COLOR] ''Sorry to hear that...be...*she stuttered...not knowing if she should continue the question*...because you were in prison.'' [COLOR=Purple]Yes............if you don't mind, can you keep on playing...but something slower, something more soothing and relaxing. [/COLOR] ''Of course...'' as she thought for a moment...and began to play. With the music playing in the background...and the smell coming from the kitchen, Bane felt at peace, drifting further into a deep relaxing point, leaning his head back against his folder arms in back of his neck. Not fallling asleep...but simply resting his eyes. [COLOR=Purple][I]Now this....is peace and freedom. [/I] [/COLOR] [/COLOR] [/SIZE]
Request Darkness Falls: The Fall of Man Banner Request
Kairi replied to Kairi's topic in Creative Works
wonderful job...sorry that they slightly creeped you out. Lets see what other people come up with. -
[COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1]All of the evil versions of the elementalists began to charge at the group on the ground. Jun and Jack prepared themselves for battle as Osiris continued to heal both Kala and Kane from their injuries while Sam looked up and stared at her long lost demon, the memories flooding back to her. [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]STOP![/COLOR] cried out a voice from beyond the rubble of the fallen temple. Everyone turned there gaze towards it when a angel, glowing in an aqua-blue aura walked from behind it. [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]Now now Destroyer...isn't it rude to come to a mans home without inviting himself. [/COLOR] the angels voice was calm and direct, staring up at the warlord hovering above. ''.....Lyon....'' Juns gaze was in complete shock...as was Samanthas. He was just the same as he was when he departed from them. His white kamono, with his long blue hair and one white wing on his left. The same calm and sensitive voice as before. ''I don't have time for your interferance Lyon! I warned you...'' the Destroyer roared. [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]As I warned you friend...a pitty you came with such a weak group. You're a fool...more foolish than I've come to believe. You first send your two generals to persuade the elementals...as they feel one by one to my hand. [/COLOR] Lyon definitly hit a soft spot, the Destroyers pride...you could see the hatred burning in his eyes as Lyon continued to stay come. ''Weak group you say...I have my fellow elementals here as well. The demon reincarnations of the old elementals.'' [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]As we have the angelic reincarnations of old!...so please...do not threaten us with such petty threats again. Lyons voice became serious...angered at such disrespect he showed to his friends and to himself. [/COLOR] [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]And if you think your presence is of any accord...they have me now by there sides...as well as my own loyalists....you may come out now.[/COLOR] suddenly...an entire army of angels appeared surrounding the entire area. There light seemed to light up the entire plain in a brilliant showing of power. The demons that came through the portal halted in their tracks, and looked down upon the army that was before them...who then retreated to the side of their master. ''You fools...fight!'' [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]They can't...because you haven't trained them enough...simply having powers means nothing. As these elementals here will be taught as well. Now leave...before I have you and your precious demons saked with my vengence.[/COLOR] A dark portal opened in back of the destroyer and his minions and dissapeared into the void. As instructed by the slight nod of Lyon's head...the army of angels dissapeared as well. Everyone was in complete shock as both Kala and Kane rose to their feet...Jack was the first to great Lyon who was walking towards them. ''And who might you be...'' Jack's arms crossed in protest to the angels advancements towards the group. Lyons face was calm, a sense of friendship and peace was upon his face. But Jack didn't buy it. ''His name is Lyon...'' replied Jun, walking with Samantha at his side. [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]It's good too see you again Jun....Samantha...you two have changed. [/COLOR]...Lyons gaze turned towards Kane walking beside Kala...with Osiris close behind. [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]It's been a long time Kane...I'm glad to see that you are well. [/COLOR] ''You know him Kane?'' Kala questioned...trying to look at Kane's eyes, who were fixed upon Lyons. ''He's the water element...a fellow monk of our order.'' [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]Indeed....and you must be Kala. [/COLOR] as Lyon bowed slightly in respect to her presence. [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]And the great Jack...master of steel, I'm honored...[/COLOR] stretching forth a hand of friendship. Both Sam and Jun were trying to move in closer and try to speak with Lyon...[COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]dont worry Samantha...Jun, we'll talk later...for now...I see that you all are in need of a home. No problem...me and Kane will be honored to have you stay at our temple on the coast of Asia...we'll be safe there for the time being till The Destroyer grows a back bone. [/COLOR] Jun nodded in agreement...and with a blink of Lyon's eyes...they found themselves on yet another beach. The water was a light blue, the fish clearly seen in through...with the sun beating down on them; with a temple shown up upon a moutain side, with a town at its base. [/SIZE] [/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1]The waves of the oceans were crashing together off the coasts towards the horizon. Shirtless, shoeless in the sand of the beach with black training pants, Ajack trained in the blazing heat of the day. Jabbing and kicking at nothing but the air surrounding him, he tensed up his entire body in concentration in his movements. His skin began to light up to a shade of red under the gaze of the burning sun. Sweat mixing in with the sand being kicked up into his face and body...he didn't care, he didn't care for anything...even the news that he had just recieved. Over the past 5 years, Ajack has been conditioning himself to the fullest extent. Stronger and toned muscle growth, he was able to become far more adjile and flexable, not lossing a touch of speed. Twisting his feet in the sand, he continued his reutine for a good three hours. The ocean breeze was a blessed soothing sensation...one of few that Ajack now felt in his life. He felt at peace here...he didn't want to go back there, not for his sadness towards the war...but because of how much he hated them. [I]Five year...[/I] punch...[I]and now you decide to contact me...[/I] kick kick, jump kick...[I]on all of days...now[/I] jab jab uppercut [I]why should I bother again...with so much that I lost...lossing what I thought I had gained. [/I] Ajack suddenly just went ballistic. [COLOR=DarkOrange]Calm yourself Ajack...[/COLOR] spoke a familiar voice in his head. [I]Why should I...does it matter...[/I] Ajack replied back, as a massive Griffin arose from the back of the house as he calmed himself. Apollo's golden body shined brightly in the sunlight as it relflected off his golden exterior. [COLOR=DarkOrange]You can't blame them for anything...you all went your seperate ways...[/COLOR] [I]Yea...[/I] as he brushed back his now filthy blonde hair hanging over his face. [I]And you know what happened because of that. [/I] [COLOR=DarkOrange]She felt that that was the best thing for her Ajack, she wasn't ready...maybe she'll be there. [/COLOR] [I]So she just goes off and leaves....[/I] ''What kind of love is that?!'' as he cried out into the clear blue sky, collapsing onto his knees. His long hair blew in the breeze has Ajack kept his head down, hiding his tears..even though no one was there. For a full year he had become cold and bitter...but alone, he was always battling with himself...never being able to come to grasp his emotions. What to think...what to do? Then as quickly as it came upon him...his rage, anger, sadness, was gone...calming himself down once again. ''Alright Apollo...we'll go.'' as Ajack got up and walked into the house. [COLOR=DarkOrange]Thank you Ajack...maybe it will do you some good...maybe you'll be able to be your old self again. [/COLOR] ''I doubt it...but whatever...'' closing the door behind him, he packed all that he needed for the journey and desided to take a shower. Having the cool water flow down his face and body, washing away the dirt that covered him...he thought of her...Lyu...the one he had come to love during the war 5 years ago. But she left him...no word...nothing for 5 years. Ajack felt that he didn't love her anymore...but the feelings for her...and the scar left behind remained. And now...being asked to come back. Once on of the leaders of the team, now asked to fight in a tournament, to meet them all once again. But they weren't able to use any of their special abilities...how unfortunate as Ajack had a slight grin on his face. Ajack stepped out of the shower, and began to dress himself. His typical black muscle shirt and pants, with heavy black boots and weight lifting gloves. ''Apollo...'' [COLOR=DarkOrange]Yes Ajack...[/COLOR] ''Disable the Anubis System, Oblivions and Enery Blast attacks for the tournament.'' [COLOR=DarkOrange]As you wish...Ajack...can you please try to be your old self again...everyone I'm sure is going to be glad to see you. [/COLOR] ''I really don't expect them too Apollo...who cares for little old Ajack.'' he had such bitterness towards them...ever since Lyu had left him... Then...again, Ajack caught himself in his rage, and sat on the bed with his head burried in his hands...he wanted to cry...but couldn't bring himself to do it. [I]I miss you Lyu....I miss you all. [/I] as much as he wanted to warm up to them when he got there...he couldn't bring himself too...not yet. This was a tournament...nothing more. [I]Just calm yourself Ajack...its not worth getting upset over. It was five years ago when she left....dont let it bother you now. Make the best of this...[/I] [COLOR=DarkOrange]Ajack...I know that you hurt inside...but please give it another chance. [/COLOR] ''We'll see Apollo...we'll see.'' throwing a black dufflebag onto his back, Ajack made his way out the door, locked it, and ran towards where Apollo was. He was the only one out of all the pilots to have kept their mechanima. Apollo saw to that...as Ajack smiled at the thought of it...so much damaged he caused when Apollo wasn't allowed to be with Ajack. Hoping himself into the cockpit, strapping himsef into the seat...the inside was completely different from when it was first built. Ajack had been customizing it for years. Placing his helmet over his face, the screen showed up before him on the screen inside helmet, making him see everything surrounding him, as if he were out there himself. ''Lets go Apollo...let us see where this goes...'' and the two of them shot off into the sky with a simple motion of Apollo's four large golden wings. [/SIZE] [/COLOR]
OCC: *shakes head* :D [SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkSlateGray]''Alright Andy...come...follow me.'' as M grabbed her hand and lifted her up from the couch. Walking through the corridors together...there was a silence once again between the two of them. M could feel the tension that she was putting herself through. [I]I wish she wasn't so tight...she doesn't have to worry so much. [/I] he could only imagine what thoughts were going through her mind, especially from what transpired last night. He wouldn't allow himself to look though...wasn't his right to do such a thing...especially with what could be seen was growing between the two of them. Coming to a electronical sliding door, marked Training Room # 3...''you ready?'' ''What exactly are we gonna be doing?'' Andy questioned...as the room went completely dark. From the darkness around her she could feel a warm body press against hers from behind. M's arms wrapped around her shoulders gently...preventing from her to raise her arms. ''What are you doing M?'' she questioned...still in the dark. She turned her head but couldn't clearly see M's face, but knew that it was him. Andy was thankful that it was dark, to show once again the blush that spread across her face. She felt so relaxed and safe in his arms...she loved the feeling. ''We...Andy...are going to help you create that fire within you...run program Creation.'' with a burst of light, the room lite up brightly...showing just the two of them standing in a very large room. ''Lets see if you can bring life to your fire...'' ''What do you mean M...'' as much as she wanted to learn from him...she just enjoyed being close to him again. She felt bad though...having to have him make the initiative all the time...to show affection; she just didn't know how too... ''Well...you feel that all you do is destroy and hurt with your pyrokinesis powers...lets see if we can give life...now...*bringing his mouth closer to her ear*...close your eyes.'' A shiver of pleasure shot down her spine as if all the tension within her just melted away. She loved that...the tingling feeling in her ear...[I]is he seducing me...or training me. [/I] Andy did though what he asked...and closed her eyes. ''Now...with my powers...I'm going to help you create an animal in your mind. And in those thoughts...I want you to create it in the real world. If you truly believe that you can...than you can do anything...ready...'' Taking a deep breathe...''ready...'' ''Now...picture a dog.'' as he spoke the word...a dog suddenly appeared in her mind. ''Good good...now...picture it in the real world. Using your powers...make it real.'' Keeping her eyes closed, without using her hands...Andy could feel M working through her...embracing the feelings of seeing the dog, and expressed it through the fire. A warm sensation filled the room as she felt the fire being started in front of her...''wonderful job Andy...take a look.'' As she opened her eyes...she saw the figure of a dog standing before her. Wiggling its tall...having its firey tongue hang out of its mouth. She knelt down and stared into the creatures burning eyes. But its features were sublime...the dog was showing signs of happiness and play. ''How did I do that...its like it has a personality of its own. I'm not even doing anything...'' ''All elements have a mind of there own...you just gave it life...a form to take. Here...lets try again.'' Andy was getting excited...with a big smile on her face...she wrapped herself back in M's arms and closed her eyes. ''Now...lets try something harder to control...think of a tiger.'' the same thing happened...a vision of a tiger entered her mind. And stretching her mind in tune with M's....she was able to create the tiger. When she opened her eyes however, the tiger wasn't happy...but acted just like any other real tiger would. Full of pride and strength...the tiger walked around the walls of the room, staring down its prey. ''M...it doesn't seem to like us...'' as she pressed herself into his chest...fearful of what the tiger might do. ''Don't be afraid Andy...you are its master...you must earn its respect.'' ''That I can do...'' walking away from M...she stood in front of the beast, and stared it in the eye. The tiger walked around her...taking sight at the woman standing before him. Roaring and threatening to attack, Andy didn't flinch. [I]wow...she's quite a woman...[/I] M though to himself...having his arms crossed, looking at her work. Over time...without Andy flinching...the tiger finally stopped, and slowly moved its way close to Andy, and lay at her feet. Andy felt overjoyed at her accomplishment as the fire died away. ''That was amazing M....thank you.'' ''No problem...you see...your fate is not only to destroy and fight. There is so much more to life. With more practice...you can come to tame even the mightiest of beasts.'' Andy was again left speechlesss...but she rushed over to him and gave him a hug. He squeezed her tight...M was glad to see her so happy. ''Just believe in yourself Andy...and you can create them even without my help...'' he let go of her and took in the smile that was upon her face. ''Shall we go...'' as he turned for the door. ''Don't you want to train for yourself M...'' she asked him...as she followed him out the door. ''I have to train alone Andy....dont take it personally.'' ''I wont...as she hugged his arm.'' But she was curious...wondering why. She cared for him...and wanted to do something for him...for all that he had done. [/COLOR] [/SIZE]
[COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1]Night was falling upon the temple, as they all laid to rest. Unknown to them...Lyon sat in the distance...taking in the cool breeze of the night. The wind blowing through his hair; mingling with his wing. Sitting crosslegged...he brushed his palms gently across the cold blades of grass, feeling the mositure and life within. [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]This is a beautiful night...[/COLOR] he thought to himself...the sky was lite up brightly with a vast amount of stars stretching beyond what the normal eye could see. [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]Love had been born this day.....oh Jun and Sam...my old friends. [/COLOR] he could only smile to himself at the thought. [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]I'm so happy for the two of you...its owed to you by the heavens above. [/COLOR] Playing with the ground before him, he felt like a child again...lossing himself in the simple things...the solitary. [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]I wonder how everyone will react to seeing me again...what my presence will bring. I guess tomorrow...will only tell. [/COLOR] glaring up into the sky...he felt the darkness coming swiftly...but not yet...not yet...[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1]OCC: sorry this is short...just to get everyone togther. ''I'm sorry I'm late...'' as Michael came running through the doors of the club ''Midnight.'' ''It's ok...please...sit down'' Phoena motioned as Kevin stood up to great him. ''My names Kevin...'' as he stuck out a hand of friendship. ''Mines Michael...'' shaking his hand....''nice to meet you. Any sign of Ty yet?'' ''Nope.'' as they all took their seats once again... After a moments pause...Michael decided to break the silence. ''You won't believe what happened to me today...''[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1]''Excuse me...'' came Jacob, with Oblivion following behind him. ''Quite a lot of soldiers after a one man...wouldn't you say?'' All four soldiers turned there attention to the unarmed man before them, turning away from Asher. ''Be gone peasant; this doesn't concern you.'' growled one of the soldiers...pointing his blade towards Jacob. ''Forgive me sir...but I don't mean to intrude...I saw the young lad running out of the castle gates as I made my way to the market place. He seemed to be in trouble, so I followed him to this place.'' answered Jacob as he bowed to the soldier before him, showing respect. ''What is your name?'' replied another soldier, as the two one them surrounded him...as the other two kept an eye on the Rebellions Leader. ''My name is Jacob...that is all that you need to know...'' as Jacob raised his hands into the air; the soldiers persuing him step by step with weapons drawn. ''Wait...I know who you are...you're the fool who defied the king all those years ago.'' ''Yes...i remember now...he's the man who's wife and daughter we saked...haha...what a small world.'' Asher looked at Jacob for only a moment and saw the gaze that Jacob was giving him...giving a slight nod. Immidiately Asher swung his sword at the other two soldier surrounding him as Jacob lunged his hands at one of the soldier grip around his sword, stopping his swing and kicked him in the midsection. The other soldier came up from behind him swung downward towards Jacob's head. But he ducked out of the way easily as he pulled the other soldiers arms out, causing the other to slice right through them. Splattering blood all over the ground. Loosing the grip of the sword as the soldier cried out in agony, Jacob wielded the sword. A short battle began between Jacob and the soldier, swinging and jabbing...trying to gain an upper hand on the other. The soldier began to tire, but Jacob was only toying with him. Locking swords together, pressing against one another chests, Jacob gave the soldier a headbutt and and slashed at his throat as he drifted backwards. Asher had just finished off the other two when Jacob walked over to the soldier who's arms were now severed, quirlling on the ground as he came down with great force into his chest with the blade. ''Thank you...Jacob I believe is the name that I caught...'' beconed Asher as he walked up beside Jacob. Asher was much younger than Jacob, who's muscules and looks definitly showed age. ''Don't worry about it...'' as he threw the blade to the ground. ''Why were they after you?'' ''My name is Asher; I'm the leader of the rebellion against the king...you fought honorably Jacob........'' as he placed a hand on his shoulder. ''Then be one your way then...reinforcements will come in time.'' as he moved back towards his horse, brushing away the young mans hand. ''Come with me...we could use such skill that you possess. No simple man could take out two of the kinds men unarmed. Fight with us...'' Jacob had gotten to Oblivion, and hoisted himself on top of his back. ''I have no use for a rebellion Asher...not now.'' ''But why not....our people are being held under the rule of a killer, a man with an iron fist, pressed against the poor and weak. Are you a coward?'' suddenly Jacob jumped off his horse and looked Asher straight in the eye...toe to toe. ''I will not risk another outbreak of war, I know that man which you seek to overthrow. Simple words and outbreaks of violence wont help your cause...only to anger him. I know of your rebellion; I fought Damion when his fury first ravaged these lands, and I know what you attempt to stir; this isn't the way to go about it.'' Looking up into Jacob's big blue eyes...Asher could see the hurt and pain behind them...but he also saw...the rage of a tiger, wanting to be released. ''Please...fight with us Jacob...'' Asher uttered as Jacob once again turned his back, walking out of the forest...he didn't respond, as he just left Asher there in the forest as he made his way back up the dirt path towards the castle walls; towards the castle walls. [/SIZE] [/COLOR]
Hey...just wondering if someone would make a banner for me for my rpg Darkness Falls. The pictures that I'd like to be used (doesn't have to be all of them) to be included...with the quote ''In order to satisfy the light, you must sometimes risk the dark.'' If you can....try to make the banner ''dark,'' if u know what i mean :D
[B][COLOR=DarkRed]CHAPTER 2: VIRUS[/COLOR][/B] OCC: Good post Kiba...I'll just change things a little bit;) Don't worry everyone, we wont be fighting much in this chapter [COLOR=DarkSlateGray] [SIZE=1]''Excuse me...Commander Red... I have a question?'' as Lee raised his hand. ''What is it Lee?'' ''We were all led to believe that the vampires and Lycans were only found in England, which is an island. How did the virus get all the way to Asia?'' ''Thats true Lee, thats a wonderful question....this serum that we've derived from you encounters with the Lycans and Vampires will hopefully slow down the infection which is spreading throughout the southern parts of China.'' ''What exactly is the infection?'' added Carl. ''If we killed the head vampire and lycan, shouldn't they all be dead now?'' ''True...but I didn't say this was the same exact virus.'' Everyone looked at the general in confusion. They didn't understand what he ment...why were they using the serum then for these people? ''In London, you found out that the presidents daughter was infected with a virus, turning her into a vampire. From the information that we learned from Farel about the Lycans, we have concluded that the Lycans were actually natural.'' ''Lycans have been living in London for centuries...but usually kept to themselves. With the sudden emergance of vampires, they chose to defend their territory, even from the likes of you. Whatever created those vampires, are also affection the people in China. Everywhere, people are sick...throwing up, and evidently dying. We hope that with this new serum, we will be able to counteract the affects. We dont have much of the serum, and we wont be able to save everyone at this time.'' ''We depart Wednsday morning...these are you mission objectives... One: Learn as much about this virus that you can...how it is spread, and the effects of this new virus. Two: Administer the anti-virus into as many people as you can. Three: And of course, remember to keep an eye out for any leads on the events that took place in New Berlin. You all are dismissed.''[/SIZE][/COLOR] OCC: Alright...we all still have time left before we depart, so do whatever you guts do:) Sorry Kiba for changing things a little bit...basically, people are suddenly dying because of a new virus that has come up. Heaven believes that with the anti-vampire serum with have an affect on the others, do to the serums ability to prevent people from becoming like the undead. This mission will be mainly study and observation with a nice twist at the end. Not too much fighting on this one...will explain the story much more clearly.
[COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1]........[I]Andy...[/I] he didn't know what to do...or say. M's body was tired; exhausted from the connection that they had just made prior. Just the thought of her feelings in that dream sent a cold chill down his spine, making him shiver, even in the blankets of his bedroom. But in the darkness...she saw...she realized that she wasn't the only one who battled within themselves. However, Andy's was more apparent and straight forward; but M...he had it deep down, where no one would see it, not letting it control who he was. In moments alone though, she imagined how he must really be...alone. Andy crept slowly closer to him, moving herself away from the edge of the bed to where he sat. ''I know about your arm M...I've seen it.'' Andy replied in a whisper, now just inches away from him. ''May I...'' as she reached out to touch his hand. M didn't say anything...but lifted up his left arm for her to see. Pressing into his flesh with both of her hands, she was amazed at how real it was...as if it were human itself. Locking fingers with his, she slowly moved up his arm with her free hand. Feeling his muscular biceps, his shoulders...then to his chest, where she pressed her palm up against him as she motioned herself to sit on his lap. ''...what happened to you M?...'' she said bluntly, but with a sense of concern and compassion. With M's other hand her grabbed hers on his chest and held it close...''it was a long time ago Andy...I.....we, my mother and I...'' he was trying so hard to let it out. Like breaking out of a cage, locked away in his heart. The tears from earlier had subsided...but the pain remained...this only made it worse. ''The two of us were heading back home in our little ship on the Moon; I was upset that day...because she wouldn't let me have any friends. Fear that I would do things with my powers while with them. Back then I didn't have control...but I got upset, vengeful...lonely...'' ''M......'' ''Because of my feelings; we crashed......she was killed, died instantly; and I lived...but the damage was severe. My father was so upset with me, he didn't want me to live, but his co-workers decided to let me live. Just so that they could exploit my powers.'' Andy was shocked...she had taken away both her hands and rested them upon her thighs as she sat on his lap...listening to every word M spoke. ''My father soon forgave me...but...I could never forgive myself. After that...I fell. I had to be quarenteened...because my emotions were running rampad, hurting everyone around me. Took me 3 years to get over it alone...since then I've never looked back. But these parts of me *motioning to his left side...rubbing his right hand up and down his arm* remind me of how I failed her and the few that were around me.'' At that moment...Andy wanted to just embrace him with all of herself...this night, both of them, together, were breaking down for one another. Andy's walls, pushing people away from her...and M's strength...not letting someone help, but helped others. Before she could do anything...M raised his hand and gently rubbed Andy's smooth skin on her face with the back of his hand. ''Don't worry...please, its only a piece of a neverending past. We all have our dark sides...but.....'' rubbing his thumb across her cheek, whipping away her tear. ''we're never alone Andy...'' M was smiling at her, his strength was undenyable...he wouldn't cry, nor show signs of weakness...he was a humbled man, one who cared for her deeply. ''I don't know what you want from me Andy...'' as he brought her close in his arms around her lower back, as she wrapped hers around his neck. ''and I don't know what to give.............whatever it may be, just ask. I give all of myself...the rest is up to you.'' She was on the verge of tears...Andy hadn't felt this before. Even on his bed...in her weakened condition, M would not take advantage of her. The desire was there...but he knew better than to do such a thing so quickly. She didn't know what to say...she was left speechless. ...''thank you...'' was all that she could mutter out. M kissed her on the cheek...''your welcome...anytime.'' as he brought his face up to hers. She felt scared...not knowing what to do, wanting to kiss him...love him...she didn't know. ''...are you using your powers again M...'' as she let out a slight chuckle...''is this feeling real?'' *nods* ''whatever you are feeling Andy...is by your own heart.'' as he smiled back. Placing both hands on her neck, both their foreheads leaned up against one another as she placed her hands upon his. ''...can I stay with you tonight...'' Andy questioned...she never wanted to leave him. ''of course...we both need our sleep.'' genlty laying her on her back, placing the covers over her body, he got in as well, and gave her a pillow. But instead, Andy decided to lay her head upon his bare chest, wrapping her left arm around his body, to feel his warmth. M did likewise, holding her with his left hand on her left shoulder. ''Sweet dreams Andy...'' as M began to drift to sleep. Andy squeezed him tight and drifted to sleep as well. [/SIZE] [/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1]Life was like any other day for Jacob; he had just finished picking the harvast for the coming fall. Carrots, Lettuce, Potatoes and other loads of fruits and vegatables overflowed his baskets as he placed them into storage within the house. His fathers sword hung above the blazing fireplace in the little cottage. Animal skin covered the floor, comforting Jacobs acking feet as he took his working shoes off. A crackling sound could be heard from the pot boiling above the fire. A stew, mixed with deer meat, potatoes, cabbage and carrots was cooking. While it cooked, Jacob placed the rest of the harvest in the storage room which was attached to the house by a side door. A good two hours later the stew was done, which was around noon time. Sitting alone at his table, he quietly ate his stew, taking pleasure and warmth with every satisfying bite. After he had finished eating, he left the plate on the table and walked outside to the stable close to the cottage. Opening the gate, Oblivion, a large, brown haired horse with a single white line coming down his face, greeted him as he entered the stable. Oblivion was the only horse to remain after the last time Damion had saked him of his possessions, his most precious being his wife and child Raine. ''Ready to go into town boy?'' as he gently patting the horse on its side, rubbing his other hand up and down the horses white line, running inbetween its eyes. ''Come on...'' as he lunged himself onto the horses back. Jacobed used no saddle nore rains on the horse, purely using the hair on the back of its neck to guide it. Ever since Oblivion was born, he and Jacob were always together, something which helped build upon such a friendship between the two. Slowlying walking out of the stable, with a swift movement of Jacobs heel...Oblivion shot off with great speed down the dirt path towards the castle gates where the market place was within. [/SIZE] [/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1]The lights throughout the entire compound began to dim...with a dozen or so guards patrolling the hallways, the rest of the Angel Team and staff were already in bed. M was standing outside the HellKnights cage once again, staring into the darkness as the lights in the Alpha wing began to flicker on and off...but he continued to just stand there...looking at the monster through the glass. [I]Red....you bastard...[/I] he was so upset at the Commander, clutching his fists tighter and tighter with each thought, drawing blood with his fingers. His eyes began to darken...to that of the Lycans eyes back in London. The fear of loss consumed him, the lives of his friends, lying in the hands in such a man...withholding information as he had, so close to coming to death. [I]Mother....I will not let it happen again...I swear it...![/I] the blood from the cut in his hand dripping to the floor, in the silence it could be heard making contact with the flooring. Both arms flexed...the muscles flaring with pain and adversity...he wanted to be so bitter and vengeful, constantly he battled with it. His past...the lonelyness he's felt most of his life....it wasn't fair. But it wasn't the anger that made him like this, merely the battle within himself. The human flesh craving for vengance...to subside the pain with pain itself. And yet...his spirit would never break, bringing him back to the light...controling his powers so that he would not faulter, giving him wisdom and strength. Throughout his entire life...this had been going on...making him a stronger individual, the reason why he never showed such weaknesses to another, because there was no need. His love for his friends stayed true and loyal...the feeling of helping and supporting his friends was more powerful than any pain which could be put on him. But it didn't mean that he had needs as well, so often he just placed them aside. Suddenly an image; no...a vision came upon him, causing a tear to come down his cheek. In an instant, it was gone; relaxing his muscles, he whipped away the tear in confusion...then it came to him again. [I]Andy...[/I] He could see her...twisting and turning in her bed. M wasn't even using his powers...her thoughts, her emotions were crying out to him...he couldn't block them out. M saw what she had drempt...the vampires, Ivy, Carl...then himself. [I]You think I'm mad at you...[/I] he thought to himself, as her thougths poured out into his mind like ink on paper. [I]Oh Andy...[/I] as the dream replayed to him...witnessing himself walk away from her; scowlding her. [I]please dont think such things. [/I] he thought to himself. The dream ended...showing Andy's face burried in her pillow, crying...wanting him to be there. *sigh*...''oh Andy...I haven't done this in a while...please let this bring comfort....'' M closed his eyes...and pictures himself with Andy in her bedroom. With her head in her pillow...she opened her eyes from the tears pouring out from her, and felt M's presense around her. She felt safe...as if he was right there with her, even if it was only in her mind. Looking up from her pillow...she saw M, standing in her room with those bright purple eyes of his, cutting through the dark. She stood up to great him...asking him what he was doing there...but he didn't answer. As she stood, M simply opened up his arms and embraced her in a loving hug. Andy felt like she was going to melt away in his arms as she took in the warmth; the safety as she wrapped her arms around his waist. ''M....I...'' ''ssshhhhh'' whispering into her ear''....be still, you have nothing to explain for. I know you didn't mean to hurt me...we all have our inner demons, so I understand completely. I feel you are having nightmares.'' ''Yes...you...you were...you left me'' ''I know...I know.'' as he patted her hair. ''dont think such things...never assume. *sigh*...I will always be here for you. Never will I leave...'' Andy couldn't say anything...she was lost for words. All she could do was to hug him tighter...to feel that he was really there. Both of them began to cry, as her emotions began to flow into him...taking it all in. ''I take in the good with the bad Andy; I'm sorry that so many have left you...just dont push away too much...you never know what you may miss out on. You will not loss all your friends here...you will not loss me.'' Andy pulled her head away, and looked up into his eyes...full of compassion. ''Andy...I have something I want you to have...one of the greatest feelings I have within me.'' M pulled one of his hands free and placed it on her forehead...immidiately, a wide open grassland lay before her. Animals in the distance with their herds and families...a cloudless blue sky was before her. She began to walk, brushing her hand over the tall grass. As she continued to walk...her pace quickened, becoming into a run. As she ran...the burden of her scar on her back was lifted, catching the gentle breeze in her face. A couple of dear came up next to her as they ran with her for a great distance. The emotion was incredible, sending a joy throughout her entire being which she hadn't felt forever. For the lack of a better word...all she could think of was... [I]Freedom...[/I] The vision faded, Andy still being held in M's arm. Then...he slowly lowered his head...and kissed her on the forehead. Immidiately...Andy woke up...shooting out of her bed. [I]Was it all a dream...was it not real...[/I] [I]I felt him...I felt it all...[/I] as she contemplated the event. Despite her confusion, the feeling left by M still remainded, stronger than anything she had felt for the longest time. ***Back In the Delta Wing*** M was breathing heavily...it had been many years since he's made a connection such as that. Usually he did such things by touch...but in instances like that. It was very intense on his mind and body...opening up his eyes, the blackness was gone. His agony and torment gone by her warmth...but her pain remained. M was still crying, even after the connection had ended. ''I hope that brings you peace Andy...please dont worry about me...you deserve it more than I do.'' he had taken away her tormented feelings for now. Even if only for a moment...he hoped that she felt joy. M made his way out of the Delta Wing, swaying from side to side in his exhaustion...and made his way into the living area, heading for his room to sleep. [/SIZE] [/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkRed]So Alexander...you fail to obey me...and now you will pay the penalty. Because you are the last of the guardians, you must pass judgement upon her...what choice will you make?...will you betray your love for her...or will you falter and give up your powers for her....[/COLOR] Azrael's voice echoing in his head, over and over again as Alexander sat in his red velvet chair...staring into the flames. His heart was contemplating on what to do...something happened that night...something deep down, something he couldn't express into words. [I]What have I done...[/I] rubbing his palm into his forehead. What was he to do? Everything had progressed so swiftly...something he was not prepared for. He truly cared for this girl...and yet he had sworn himself to Azrael, and the Slayers as his enemies...but Keisha. ''I can't choose...I can't.......................'' his words tailed off into the darkness surrounding him. The fight within has just been taken out of him...especially over this. He never made contact with humans like this before...even to manipulate them. There must be something there...he could feel his cold heart melting moment by moment; wherever he thought of her. [I]What is she feeling...............................what does she think of me....I ment every moment togther...but I just can't...[/I] the emotions were flooding through him. He hadn't felt these kinds of emotions ever since he killed all the remaining guardians. Ironic; isn't it...the last remaining guardian, now must judge the one girl who was ever able to bring him out of complete darkness...or to love her, and sacrifce his powers for her life...[/SIZE][/COLOR]