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Everything posted by Kairi

  1. [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1]Dusk and Dawn bout flew off into the distance away from the others at incredible speeds. Jun was not supposed to be there....the master wanted to meet the elementalists, so he may measure them up. Which ones to kill off first... ''It seems like Jun has finally returned to them Dusk...'' ''Yes...this certainly will make things more enjoyable huh brother?'' ''Agreed...'' The two angels continued to fly across the waters, heading for America when suddenly the white angel appeared before them once again, stopping the two of them in their tracks. His arms were crossed, hiding his arms within his white kamono. The water seemed to swirl around him in his presense. Those blue eyes of his were staring them down with such focus and passion, his appearance surely demanded respect. [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]I thought I told you two to go...[/COLOR] his said in a calm and yey authoritive voice. ''Damn angel...we told you once before that we do not follow anyones orders cept for the Destroyer. Our master wishes to meet the other elementalists...he is drawing as many allies he can to defeat your precious Heaven.'' Dawn boomed at the angel, holding still in the air as the water beneathe him indented into the sea. The angel took his gaze off the two angels for a moment and looked beyond them...his eyes saw much at far greater distances than any. Upon the land, he saw the rest of the elementalists...and an old friend, one that brought a smile to his face. [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]Well I'll be damn...hahaha!...he's finally returned...my dear old Jun. [/COLOR] ''You know him?'' questioned Dawn. [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]Aye...I once fought beside him in days past. [/COLOR] bringing his attention back to the angels, [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]I'd warn your master...if I were you. [/COLOR] ''I dont like your tone; dont you dare talk down to us!'' yelled out Dusk, his sword in its sheath pulsed with his power. ''Calm yourself Dusk...'' as Dawn grasped his brother shoulder tightly with his left hand. [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]You two are so arrogant...it sickens me. [/COLOR] talkinng down to them even more harshly...obviously provoking them, the angel had a slight smirk on his face. ''Enough!...I'm tired of your persistance Lyon! If you wish to fight us...then so be it!'' exclaimed Dawn as he weilded his sword, Dusk taking suit as well. [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]mmm........I would settle for nothing less. [/COLOR] Both angels charged at him at full force...heaving their swords above their heads, they prepared to attack. Keeping his arms crossed, Lyon simply stood there as they came closer... [SIZE=1][COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]You fools...you have no idea what I'm capable of. [/COLOR][/SIZE] Dusk was the first one to attack, slashing downward towards the water, while Dawn cut across horizontally. However Lyon was far too fast for them...with ease, he dodged the attacks, then stepped back a short distance away. ''DAMN YOU!'' as Dusk flew past his brother and attacked Lyon in anger, slashing and gabbing nonstop. But again, Lyon just simply dodged the blows with lightning relflexs, always one step ahead of Dusk. The angel slashed downward towards Lyons feet, he jumped up slightly and balanced himself upon Dusks blade, standing upon it as ease, his eyes caught in shock. With a quick leap into the air, Lyon connected with a somersault kick right into the lower jaw of Dusk, setting him flying back. Lyon came back down, and stood upon the water as if it were land. Dawn saw Dusk fly by him...a distance away Dusk finally stopped his movement and flew around in a circle, planning to attack Lyon from an angel. ''You're mine Lyon...'' roared Dawn as he held his blade towards the blaring sun above them. Drawing the sunlight into his weapon, he felt himself surge with Solar energy. Lyon simply looked up at his, his face joyace, and focused. ''Now...........SOLARBEAM!'' as Dawn pointed his weapon at Lyon, sending forth a powerful blast towards Lyon. [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue][I]Fool...[/I] [/COLOR] and with a thought, Lyon summoned a thin shield made of water from beneathe his feat. Holding at a certain angel, the water deflected the light energy and sent it at Dusk who was now charging at him. [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]You're naive Dawn, don't you know that water absorbs and deflects all forms of light...including Solar and Lunar energies. [/COLOR] Dawn could hear Dusks cries as the blast exploded on contact, within moments, the angel was seen floating in the water. As Dawn turned his gaze back to Lyon, he was already too late...bursting right at Dawn, Lyon sent a right knee straight into his sternum...makind Dawn loss his breathe. Stepping back, he lunged forward again and kicked him across the face, sending him back towards the water below with a large splash. With only a thought, the two angels were caught in two typhoons of water, raising them skyward. After they spun around for a little while, the two cyclones died off, sending both angels straight into each other. Lyon flew straight at them...planning to kick them again...but they dodged easily and thrust their blades at Lyon again, but to no avail. As like the fluidness of the waters, so was Lyons movements, perfect and elegant. They just couldn't hit him...no matter how hard they tried as they surrounded him. Suddenly, bringing forth his arms hidden in his kamono...Lyon swung both his forearms, hitting them both in the head at the same time. Dusk and Dawn stepped back...trying to catch their breathes...they were lossing energy fast. Dawn seemed to be the only one capable of continuing. ''Blast....if only weren't on your terran Lyon...then you would be no match for us.'' declared Dawn, holding his palm to his chest from the shot he took from Lyons knee earlier. [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]I beg to differ...[/COLOR] answered Lyon, as he stretched for his hand, and seemed to be grasping something when instantly Dusk became tense, barely able to catch his breathe. Dawn could only look in horror as his brother screamed in torment...[COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]tell me Dawn...how much is the body made up of water?[/COLOR] Slowly...Dusk's body seemed to be shriviling up, the water being drained from his body. ''Stop Lyon...please...'' Dusk was pleading with him. Without a response...Lyon let his hand down, and let Dusk fall to the waters underneathe them. [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]As I said...go back to your master, and stop such manipulation and deception upon us with simple words....be gone. [/COLOR] Dawn bowed to the angel before him, and flew to where Dusks body lay motionless. He picked him up, and flew to the distant horizon. [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue][I]*sigh*....least they wont be worried about them anymore. I should head to the temple...I think that will be an appropriate place to meet them all again. [/I] [/COLOR] [/SIZE] [/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1]Name: Zoku Age: 4000 Gender: Male Species: Vampire Clan: Gwyar (Is still loyal to his master Kuroichi however) Appearance: Standing about 6'2'', his size is thick with a muscular form to his body, making him look like what can be described as a behemoth. With his long black hair coming down to his waist...with a tint of silver glowing from his hair when shined upon in the moonlight. His eyes are a pure aqua-blue (Riddick Style). Zoku wears a basic tight black shirt, trench coat with black pants and boots, as well as gloves with a silver earing in his left ear. Weapons: (weilds both) Oblivion: Forged from his masters' two ancient scimitars (a gift given to him by Caine himself)...Zoku now weilds a 7 foot long katana (think of Sephiroth) which he carries on his back. Oblivion X: One of the Night Blades, a gift from Kuroichi himself. He has never used it since he was given the blade, and weilds it on his left side. (see thumbnail below, middle weapon) Powers: As a human...Zoku always had trouble controling his KI powers. He was just as strong as any other Vampire, but always had to meditate in order to keep himself under control. Now as a Vampire, if he could fight with even Kuroichi himself in terms of speed and strength...imagine him now as a vampire. His power has grown to the point where KI blasts don't even affect him. He could use KI...but choices to uses his basic skills unless needed. He is immune to silver, crosses and garlic...and is very resistant to sunlight...however needs to take cover of darkness over time. Moonstone of Darkness: Zoku still is trying to learn the full extent of the power within the gem. Training to become its master, and not having the darkness within to control himself. Personality: Zoku has an uncontrable lust for blood...he constantly feeds on vampires and humans alike. He endulges himself in any desire he sets his eyes upon...thus becoming a pure killer. He still has a heart...but bows to no one. He no longer feels confused and lost; now he's very strong and firm within himself and his abilities. His only weakness are the distant memories of his feelings for Keitha. Bio: (this will explain any confusion above) 2000 years ago...as a child Zoku was bitten by a vampire. But an archangel cursed him, taking the vampire within him out...but leaving the thirst to kill...to spill anothers blood; and it would never be satisfied. Whenever Zoku died...he would come back in another life still contaning the memories of his past...as well as his strengths. Over 2000 years, as a human he learned to control massive amounts of KI within himself...his strength and speed was incredible, especially for a human. And as wise and pure as he tried to make himself out to be...he was always torn by the demon side within him. When he was taking refuge in Dracula's castle...after giving the Death Diamond and Sapphire of Skulls to Kyu. He lost control and snapped in his bedroom...crying out for someone to help him before the demon took hold. But the lord of the Grysham came and broke him and his friendship for Keitha. Zoku had grown attached to her...and even began to like her, still knowing that it couldn't be possible. So after he was attacked by the high lord...Zoku fled and ravaged his anger and killing against every town he came upon. Caine came to him, trying to help the pour human. Taking it upon himself...Caine turned Zoku...in a hope that he would protect him when the fellow Gwyar turned against him. However...the Dark Moonstone took hold of him unleashing the evil within Zoku and he killed Caine himself with his guard down. Since that time, Zoku has killed the leader of the Ijuuj, Night Rider, and the Grysham Lord David. During his time in Australia, he has given all but one gem, the Moonstone of Darkness. The Pearl Fang and Death Diamond reside with Dusk, the Opal of Thirst, given to Keitha, and the Sapphire of Skulls with Zuriel. His loyalty for Kuroichi is unflinching...however choses to fight against the Krilat Zmaj and there ways for now. Currently is in allegance with the Gwyar and the Myrkur...but only respects Zuriel, Dusk and Dracula. Ever since giving up the Opal of Thirst to Keitha...Zoku has been feeding, turning more and more humans into vampires for his own personal army. They are all marked with a red line, circling around that vampires pupil, the mark of Cain. Currently wandering the lands of America...searching out the other clans which reside there; the Knubrap, the Labareda, and the Mirichai. To what extent are his purposes?...to convince them to join his alliances cause...or to merely kill them all.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  3. OCC: Thats ok Blayze... [COLOR=DarkSlateGray] [SIZE=1]Vampires began to disintegrate all around Farel and M as they fought their way towards the surface. Eric's footsteps could be heard in the distance, attempting to catch up with them. ''Hey Lee...'' ''Yea...'' ''What happened up there...all the vampires are dying.'' ''I killed the original vampire M, it was the presidents daughter. She had been decieving us all.'' ''Wonderful news Lee...Eric, Farel and I will be with you shortly.'' Eric at that moment had caught up with them and stood by their sides as they ascended up the subway staircase. ''So we did it?'' asked Eric...''Is it over?'' ''For now Eric...for now. This little blood feud is finally over.'' ''So we can go home...'' ''Yes Farel...we can finally go home.'' Farel, Eric and M finally met up with the rest of the group. Everyone was cheering for Lee and the work that he had just accomplished. [I]How are we ever going to explain this to the president....[/I] M thought to himself as he approached Carl and Lee. ''Where is Taikaru?'' questioned Farel...looking around. ''she should be back by now...'' ''We'll call Heaven, and we'll wait for her...there's no more danger here in London anyway. The two armies are now destroyed...do we have any survivors?'' ''None...'' replied Lee...''they were all killed in the attack.'' There was a silence among the group...everyone just got quiet, feeling as if they had failed the others. M saw Andy in the distance...just standing there, not doing anything. Her body was in flames...his fists clutched together, drawing blood from her palms. M walked up behind her, and just looked at her... ''Andy...'' in a calm voice...''you ok?'' No answer...her body heat was intense, M could see the heat signatures of her footprints melted into the street pavement. ''Andy....talk to me...''as M tried to place his hand on her shoulder...inches away though.... ''GET AWAY FROM ME!'' she cried, as she sent M flying into an energy pole on the side of the road. All of the team turned and looked at where M lay...and back at Andy, who's eyes were burning with that of the flames of hell. Suddenly the flames died...subsiding back into the core of her being. As her eyes and appearance came back into full circle. ''.......M...'' she asked...but he didn't hear her. M got right back up from the attack...and just walked away. He wasn't upset with her...just hurt thats all. ''What was that for Andy?'' Ivy questioned, as she ran up to Andy's side. But she didn't say anything...just continuing to look at M limp away. ''M...I uh...I got a hold of Heaven, they're sending a ship right away...it should be here within moments. *whispers*...what was that all about?'' ''Nothing...dont worry about it...I'm just glad we're going home.'' Soon later, Taikaru appeared...joining with the others as they rounded up all their gear and weaponary as the ship landed. Everyone slowly got on board, obviously exhausted and fatigued due to the mission. M was the last to get in...but stopped halfway and walked back to the camp sight with a duffle bag in his hand. Walking around the dead corpses of civilians...he found what he was looking for, and opened up the duffle bag. Grapping the girl by its throat, he gazed into the vampires eyes, looking at its faces lifeless expression. Placing the little girl in the bag, he lifted it onto his shoulders and walked back to the ship. As he got in...Carl got up beside him. ''Why are you bringing her M?'' ''Will better explain to the president and Commander Red why we had to kill his daughter. I'm gonna do an autopsy on her as well...and hopefully will find some answers.'' The whole trip back to NYC was dead quiet. Farel and Carl were out like a light, sleeping peacefully as Taikaru and Eric tended to Ivy's needs. Lee was talking to Commander Red on the earpiece...giving an update...as Andy just looked down at the floor, not making eye contact with anyone...especially M. M just had his head laid back...staring into nothingness...taking in everything that had happened in the past couple of days. Farel had killed the head Lycans, which was a major blow to their war efforts, making them easy for the vampires to whip out. They were all wrong about who the head vampire was...who would have thought...that it would be the presidents daughter, and the Lycans not having hearts....it didn't make any sense. As they arrived at Heaven, the whole group took in a deep, relaxing breathe of air as they took in the fact that they were finally home. Scientists around the entire complex were applauding and cheering for the teams first successful mission. Ivy was quickly taken to the medical facility for her injuries, as well as for everyone else except M as he walked away from the group, not saying anything. ''Congradulations Team Angel, your first mission was a success...with this unfortunate event of the presidents daughter being a vampire...hopefully we'll be able to learn more about the situation from all your reports. Get some rest...you've earned it.'' as Commander Red went up to ever single individual and shook their hands. As he saw M leaving, the Commander quickly followed him. ''M...where are you going?'' he demanded, spinning M's shoulders around. But as he did, M raised his left arm and grabbed the Commanders throat, pressing him up against the wall. M's voice was serious, and threatening, ''If you ever...send my team out into a warzone like that withholding information from us...I will break your knees old man, and leave you for a cripple. Next time...if we need an evacuation...you will give it, because your precious mission, cost the lives of 10 of your men, and almost got the rest of us killed. I will not let that happen...do you understand?!'' M's grasp around Red's throat was intensifying...his purple eyes burned with intensity, focused right upon Red's...M's feelings flooding through him into Red. The feeling of the battle, pain, loss...he felt it all. With a simple nod of his head, as tears began to swell in the Commander's eyes...he agreed. He realized him, walking away profoundly as the Commander gasped for air. M finally came to an observation room, and placed the dead girls corpse onto the table. Pulling a tray of scientific instruments to his side, as he put on a set of plastic gloves...he pulled out a scapula, and began slowly cutting a midline down the girls chest, breaking through the skin and muscle tissue. Pulling it all away, he exposed the girls organs, as well as for her ribs. The penetration of Lee's blade was apparent...jabbing right through the girls chest, connecting with her heart. As he ripped away the rest of the bone, he looked upon the rest of the organs. The rest were all intact, unlike the Lycans...who had no hearts of any kind...this girl still looked to be human. Liver, splean, intestine, lungs...they were all there. No abnormal changes in body structure or heat. Only the fangs in her mouth were the only visable signs of her being a vampire. [I]No wonder we were reading her as a human...she wasn't like the rest. [/I] Looking at her arms as he took off her shirt, his attention brought him to a large, circular opening in her arm.....as he looked at it closer... ''This is a mark of a shot...something was pumped into this girl...she was truly the original. And the rest were of her creations...the perfect weapon to assassinate the president. To use his own daughter as the killer. But who would do this; a better question is...how can someone do this?'' One thing bothered M though...ever since the day at New Berlin, this new evil has been attacking only humans, killing everything. Why were the Lycans and Vampires fighting each other...both being part of the darkness...why were they fighting one another?[/SIZE][/COLOR] [B][COLOR=DarkRed]End Chapter 1[/COLOR][/B] OCC: Alright everyone...great job for the first chapter. We had our ups and downs, difficulties, and Rei_Man hasn't been posting :( But you all did very well. Take a breather everyone...the next mission will start soon enough. All I ask is to pick one...yes, you get to decide which mission to take next. It will either be ''virus,'' or ''hunter/hunted.'' The choice is yours...take care... [I][B][COLOR=DarkRed]The Darkness Fell...but Man has not fallen...yet....[/COLOR][/B][/I]
  4. [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1][COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]Oh Sam....why do you grieve so?[/COLOR] the angel thought to himself, overlooking from a high mountain top upon the sight which the others were at. The strong Scottish wind blowing through his long blue hair, catching his one wing on his left. His blue eyes showing great depth and wisdom, beholding all that was before him. [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue][I]We both will return to your side once more...I'm sorry I cannot tell you the truth of my existance still upon this plain; however it is for your own protection. One day...we both will return.[/I][/COLOR] Wearing a white kamono, and simple sandels of a monk, the auro surrounding the angel was breathetaking, an image that demanded respect, and yet...that of comfort and love. With Oblivion, his double-edged sword strapped to his back, he stood there on that mountain top with his arms crossed...watching over the travelers. [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue][I]You are not alone my friends...my eye will never leave your sight. I will open the road for you to travel as Moses parted the waters. But do not fret...the power is within you to persevere. [/I][/COLOR] this was the angels prayer, as he kept watch for as long as time allowed him...till he was called again into heaven. Looking downward, his gaze was drawn to the distance due to the presence of evil coming from the west. [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]So...Dusk...Dawn... [/COLOR] as two great beings appeared in back of the angel. [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]What brings you to humble yourself in my presence?[/COLOR] ''We bow only to our master Angel!...we are here to give you a proclamation...do not interfer in the masters war, for he respects you out of all great angels...he wishes not to kill you when the final hour will come.'' proclaimed Dusk. ''His wrath will come in due time...whenever that hour may be, we ourselves do not know. But he tells you not to interfer...or he will see you as an enemy, and not like he onced called you....friend.'' added Dawn... The two figures reeked of darkness...but it didn't intimidate the angel at all. His breathing and heart beat was calm...as the two men continued their threats. [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]If you're master knows me well...then he must realize that I don't answer to anyones call. Run back to your master fools and tell him that I have returned...and that I will do what needs to be done. Everything that will be will come to pass...I promise that.[/COLOR] They both began to draw their blades, when the angel simply turned his head around his shoulder...and stared at the two men with his glowing blue eyes, sending a cold shiver down their spines as he touched their souls with his thoughts. ''We'll meet again angel...Dusk...let us depart'' as the beings dissapeared just as they had appeared. He turned his attention back again to the area in which the party was taking refuged for the night. Keeping his ever watchful eye upon them as they slept. [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue][SIZE=1]Dream dreams my friends...tomorrow is another day...believe in yourself...believe in one another...and you shall not fail. [/SIZE] [/COLOR] [/SIZE] [/COLOR] OCC: Just showing that I'm still here...just on the outskirts for now;) Then tension...can't you feel it...he has returned!
  5. OCC: Hmm...I guess only Farel and Eric are with me now:)...thats ok;) [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1]Farel and M werw already deep within the tunnels of the subway when Lee began speaking into his earpiece. Taikaru was nowhere to be found...running off on her own again. ''Is everyone alright up there Lee?'' ''Ivy has been cut...but it doesn't look severe.'' ''And what about everyone else...Andy, Carl, the civilians...how are they?'' ''The rest of us are alright M...but...'' Lee's tone of voice began to mumble...''the children, they were...slaughtered. And Maria isn't anywhere to be found.'' [I]Damn it...this isn't good. [/I] in the background of his earpiece, M could hear the moaning and screaming of the childrens mothers...probably looking upon their childs corpse. ''What happened M?...whats going on up there?'' asked Farel, stopping in his tracks when M did as well. ''The children have been killed....and the presidents daughter is no where to be found.'' ''What should we do M...should we go looking for the girl?'' asked Lee in his earpiece. ''No...stay where you are...we're coming back up. Get Ivy some medical treatment and have Carl keep a look out. If those vampires got into the camp without being noticed...they may still be around.'' ''You got it M...Lee out.'' ''You wanna head back up now M...'' responded Farel, as he let his weapon fall to his side. ''I don't want too...but this mission is getting too dangerous; we haven't had any rest for days. We gotta contact headquarters...'' ''Sounds like a plan to me...I don't know what's so damn important about that little girl anyway...especially to those Vampires.'' M stood in shock as he stopped walking through the tunnels. ''Wait Farel...what did you just say?'' ''I said I don't know why that girl is so damn important to those vampires.'' repeated Farel. ''I know...'' added Eric...''when I saw her with that vampire before...she looked so peaceful with it. I was sure that the one I killed was the head vampire. And now her being taken back again...its just weird to me...'' ''M...'' Farels voice becoming focused and serious... M was thinking the same thing Farel was...''Lee...Lee! Come in!'' ''Whats the matter M...you seem kinda freaked out.'' Lee wasn't wrong, M suddenly went into a panic...he hoped to God his thoughts were wrong. ''You ok M...'' responded Andy as well... ''Yea...whats the problem...'' Carl cutting in. ''Guys...how did the children die?'' ''Um...they look like they bled to death M. There's blood everywhere...'' ''Were they bitten?'' "what?''' questioned Lee... ''Were they bitten?!'' ''I dont know...let me...wait...Andy, Ivy, Carl...can you hear that...'' M could hear Lee talking to the others. ''M...somethings not right...the bodies...they'r...OH SHIT!...ANDY...BEHIND YOU! *click'' ''Lee...Andy...ANDY! FuCK!'' ''Whats going on M?'' questioned the two of them. ''We gotta get to the surface...quickly...'' suddenly a wave of vampires flew over them...knocking them to the ground. ***ON THE SURFACE*** A swarm of vampires had emerged as the darkess of the sun setting spread through the entire city. All the civilians were being picked off...one by one...as the song of a little girls laughter could be echoing off the buildings surrounding the Team. [/SIZE] [/COLOR] OCC: well...if you haven't had guessed:)...the little girl is the head vampire. Have fun...
  6. [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1]''............BRIAN!" sweating uncontrolably down his entire body...his body acking with anger and sadness. He had the dream again...the one he's been having since he was very young. ''Fuck!...I can't believe this...three days in a row...this isn't good.'' Michael said to himself, quickly getting out of bed to bring himself to ease. With all these intense visions he's been having lately...it only made his dream more real. It was so long ago when it first started...and ever now and then, it would resurface. He and his brother are running through a very dark forest, he is only at the age of 9, and his brother is 7. Running together, he turns around to see his entire family running behind him. Bringing his attention to the forest before them, they go further and further into in. He's filled with a very terrifying feeling; that they are all running away from something. He turns aruond yet again to look at this family...but realizes that they are all gone, lost in the darkness. Gripping his brothers hand...they find themselves before a great oak with its roots and trunk sticking out of the ground, forming a place to hide. Michael goes in...but finds that his brother does follow. Through the roots he cries out to him to get in...but he doesn't. And before Michael can do anything...a beast comes out of no where and comes face to face with his brother, about to kill him... And then he wakes up... *ring ring* ''Hey...its Mike...no no...I'm fine...I know I'm breathing a little heavily, just had a bad dream thats all. Um...I'm giving you permission to put the artifacts out onto display as well as for study without me being there.'' ''yes yes...I know I should be there but...*heaving heavily for breathe* I'm not feeling to hot alright man. Thanks...take care...later'' *click* ''Damn it...'' feeling exhausted he layed himself down on his couch. The sweat on his body cooling to the fan above him. [I]I can't take these nightmares anymore...[/I] pressing the back of his hand onto his forehead. He hated having this dream...it made him feel so torn inside, so empty. Battling with himself between rage for his brothers dead...*sniffle*...''I miss you Brian.'' It had been a year ago...when it happened. And he wasn't able to be there for him...in his time of need. Everytime...it broke him inside. He wasn't wearing a shirt, only black pj pants as he lay there on his couch...thinking...wondering... [I]I'm such a failure Brian *crying*...I feel so alone...empty and forsaken. [/I] he continued this for a good hour or two...letting his mind and heart wander in the dark before he finally calmed himself down. It didn't take him long to do so...but it made it even harder in those two hours. Quicker than most could do...he'd been to councelors, all they had were answers which he knew...not the comfort and love which was what he wanted. His fathers weren't able to do such things...not since the days of his past and his scars. *beep....you have, one new message* as his answering machine clicked on. Michael didn't even notice that it was ringing. ''Michael...It's Pheona from last night...I was wondering if you'd like to go out tonight...I've invited Ty to....''*message deleted* Michael shot out from the couch and saw a cloaked man standing over his phone. ''Sounds like a nice young woman there Michael...you should try again...'' ''what are you doing in my house, and how do you know my name?...'' Michael declared as he ran to his living room fireplace and took out one scimitar from its sheath. ''We know a lot about you...Ice.'' ''Get out...'' he hadn't been called that for years. ''No...I will leave with what I came for.'' ''And what would that be...'' as Michael brought his blade to his side...ready for an attack. ''My masters...wants your head...'' as the man charged at Michael, with two daggers drawn. ''Fool...I am in no mood...'' he said softly as he swung the scimitar across his chest, knocking the two daggers from the attackers hands, however, not before cutting the side of his forearm as Michael brought the blade back around and decapitated him. [I]No one calls me that name....no one...[/I] Reaching over the dead corpse for the phone as he nursed his wound on his left forearm...and dialed 911. Speaking in Egyptian...''Hi...I would like to report a break in, and an attempted murder on my life.......''[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  7. Keisha awoke from her slumber to the sounds of the crickets. She was back in the safehouse...the same spot she was in before she left. [I]Wha...where is Alexander...was it all a dream?[/I]
  8. [SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkSlateGray]OCC: If you have the song Vermillion by Slipknot...use it while listening to this...I thought it was good. Zoku found himself walking the streets of Sydney....looking at all the faces of those walking past him in the moonlight sky. He had pulled his hair back to a ponytail, and hid Oblivion underneath his trenchcoat. Something was wrong, without the Opal around his neck...his mind began to fade in a out. He didn't even notice that as he walked, his body swayed from side to side, knocking into people on the street. Because he was so large, he brushed them aside with ease...no one dared to attack him, but just cursed at him for his rudeness. His head started to spin...a sickness forming in his heart, like a dagger twisting itself further and further into his flesh. Stopping to rest, he laid a hand on the side of the wall and leaned against it...pressing his palm onto his forehead as he played with his eyes with his thumb and pointed finger, trying to ''wake up'' from this trance. ''This isn't good...'' his mouth turned dry, the headache intensifying as a feeling of paralysis shot through his entire being, spreading through his muscles. [I]No................[/I] behind his eyes he felt like he was being hypnotized....the Moonstone pulsed from within him...breaking down all those walls that were built up by the Opal. Every few moments his body would twitch uncontrolably...flinging him into the wall...or onto the ground. Visions of his past lives began to swarm through his mind...the death of his mother by that of the vampire....the archangel who cursed him all those years ago...his entire life surrounded by death. Trapped within a human body, never having his thirst for blood quenched. The loss of his loved ones as the years turned to decades....decades to a millenium. It was only recently that he had become a vampire, the curse finally ending...his thirst for blood able to be satisfied...but he craved it so much. He wanted death, he wanted suffering...but his body was still so new to that of a vampire. Despite how powerful he was...and as long as he had lived, he was still young. The Opal kept the darkness at bay...but with it now gone, his control started to fade, his glazed over red eyes began to turn back the aqua blue that they once were. ''Keitha...'' his old memories of her flashing through him. How she had treated him as a human...and even now, only thirsting for his blood. His mind was torn...he wanted to kill everything...not just the vampire clans, but humans. He didn't realize how much he cared for her till now....he had a chance to kill her....he had a chance to end her life. And things would have gone back to the way things were. His alliance would have benefited from it. But he couldn't come to grasp it...he couldn't end her life. He cried out to her that night...the night he turned. Every nerve in his being told him to leave...to hurt her...to kill her...to end her forever. [COLOR=Blue]You seem confused...[/COLOR] [I]Shut up...[/I] [COLOR=Blue]Oh but I wont...[/COLOR] Zoku pressed fists into the side of his head...hurting himself more so the voice would go away. [COLOR=Blue]She's not worth this...[/COLOR] [I]She needed my help...[/I] [COLOR=Blue]and see where that has gotten you...[/COLOR] [I]no...i can still do this. [/I] [COLOR=Blue]no you can't...you needed that gem...and now you are lost. lost within your own darkness...[/COLOR] [I]I'm not lost![/I] Zoku began to spin, out of control as the crowd around him screamed...running away in fear. [COLOR=Blue]Let it go...go back...and kill her![/COLOR] [I]No...I wont...[/I] [COLOR=Blue]but you want too...you need to, without the gem you can't control me .[/COLOR] [I]yes...I can...I've done it before...I'll do it again [/I] [COLOR=Blue]you think you've mastered me already Zoku...fool![/COLOR] [I]No...you are the fool...I am no ones slave! [/I] As he yelled...he began to smash everything in his way, from cars, people...to the buildings surrounding him. [COLOR=Blue]she doesn't care for you...[/COLOR][I] yes she does...[/I] [COLOR=Blue]no...she doesn't...look what she has done to you. Your only weakness...the only one who makes you ''sad''[/COLOR] [I]doesn't matter...if she cares.....or not...i did what I WANTED TO DO![/I] [COLOR=Blue]then i leave you now...I hope you have better control than she did. [/COLOR] [I]I will control it...I must...she is not what i live for...but she is still part of me...now that she has my blood...[/I] His body was finally beginning to calm itself, he had lost all sense of time and place...as he opened his eyes...looking upon the crowd surrounding him. The headache was fading away as did the voice. He felt a part of himself empty, a void once filled by the Opal. Zoku's mouth still was dry, as he overlooked all the people...their eyes wide open at the sight of the titan. Suddenly police cars came into the street...surrounding him. ''Put your hands up...NOW!'' yelled out an officer as they all drew their weapons. An old power surged through him...a dark aura surrouding his entire being. The moonstone was finally at full strength without the Opal holding it back. With a quick lick of his lips...Zoku merely smirked at the cops. Raising his arms up to the sky...a dark force shot out of his body as the shockwave spreaded through the entire city. ''Ah......'' bring down his arms, he cracked his neck from side to side. The cops could only stare at him...whatever that power was that they felt...they were afraid. ''Now...let us begin.'' and with a simple blink of his eyes...the entire area turned completely dark. Not a sounds could be heard...only that of the wind blowing through the buildings. When the darkness fell...nothing was left alive. The air was still....full of death. [/COLOR] [/SIZE] OCC: And no ULX...no transformation. Just him letting go of the Opal thats all. His eyes are just blue now...not red. He's still the same person...but his thirst for blood is only a little stronger, trying to keep control of himself...concentrating with the moonstone. >>>This is horrific ladies and gentlemen...we are now shooting live from up above, looking down from a helicopter at the massacre. Bodies....everywhere...nothing...is moving. Dear God...what...I...I'm lost for words people of Australia. It seems the events of Europe are now here at Austrailia...God helps us...Jason King...bringing you live covereage from Sydney...and the night...where everything changed for humanity. Something must be done...the army will be coming soon to try and help resolve the situation. >>>Till then...I advice you all lock yourselves in your homes, and stay out of the streets till help arrives. Dear God have mercy on our souls...wait...I see something...there's a dark figure down there on the streets. We're trying to get a close up...wha...he's just jumped to the top of a building...oh my God...he's had a very long sword...shit...get out of here... get....*click The helicopter was destroyed.
  9. [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1]''Damn it.'' exclaimed Alexander as he opened the large, thick doors to his estate. The manor was enourmous...upon entering were two spiraling stair cases which seemed to go forever towards the ceiling. The hallway was filled with tapesties of old and new. Alexander had been living for thousands of years...collecting art was a hobby of his. Portraits of the Great Van Gogh, Leornado da Vinci, Raphiel, Einstein; the great minds of their times, looking at Alexander through their lifeless faces as he made his way down the great hall. Going through a series of door, he found himself within his library. It in itself could have been a building; and endless series of books and journals. Within the center was his chair and desk, being overlooked by a huge fireplace which seemed to at least 10 feet high. Connected to the library was his bedroom, where he changed out of his clothes and put on a statin red rob. Letting his dark wings stretch through the holes designed for them...he took a seat in his chair...and stared into the flames. [I]I couldn't find Tara anywhere...where could she be?...I'm bored. [/I] Alexander had done the hardest parts of his mission; to destroy the fallen angels outpost to the gates of Nephilia...to bring forth an army of vampires and demons to break down the walls...and to aid in Azrael's escape from his prison. *yawn*...suddenly the air turned cold as the fire went out, with a crashing noise coming from one of the outer windows overlooking the property. [I]She came back....[/I] he figured she would have stayed away, her torment and pain gone from her...without moving or being phased from this turn of events, Keisha came into the library, being carried by her little stream of ice. ''Alexander!'' she cried out...as she unweilded her sword. ''You're mine!'' ''You still hate me so Keisha...'' with a snap of his fingers, the flames in the fireplace returned as her ice began to melt away from beneathe her feet. She jumped off as she began to confront the demon, as Alexanders chair stayed turned to her. ''Persistant aren't we...'' and with a wave of his hand, 4 demon shadows surrounded her. She was ruthless...slashing through the demons with her blade, freezing them in their place and breaking them apart with her powers. ''Fight me!'' she yelled...holding her blade in front of her body. The demon rose from his chair...the four dark wings spreading outward to their full capacity, they seemed like they would engulf her. As he turned to her...revieling his face...she almost lost hold of the blade. ''Why did you come here Slayer?'' Without saying a word, Keisha lunged at him with her blade and jabbed it straight into his chest. Blood flowed out of his lungs as she twisted and turned the blade in her hands. As Alexanders body turned with the blade, he did not cry out, nor show pain. Keisha pulled the blade out and swung the towards his abdominal area. But with a quick movement of his hand...he grabed the blade...and threw it aside. ''Don't you know my dear...the only way to kill a demon is to take its head'' Keisha was breathing heavily...she was getting weaker, looking into those eyes of his again...she lusted for him...wanted him. ''Why..did you call me ''my love.'' demon?'' Keisha questioned as she came closer and closer to him...swaying side to side. Her appearance softening from its once agressive state. ...Alexander stayed silent...he was lost for words. At first he was merely playing with the girl...in hell...he felt something, but turned from it. Now...he couldn't find words for it. Glimmering in the light of the fire, her hair began to shine like a golden red, her hazel eyes sparkling in the light. [I]She looks...just like me...one of us... [/I] he may be a higher demon, but at one time...he was once a guardian of this realm. Only till he joined Azrael did he become like this...a vile, blood thirsty monster. And now...for the first time...he was tired of it...his loyalty unflinching for Azrael...except for this. Keisha wrapped her arms around his waist, embracing him...burrying her face into his chest. He no longer was in his human form, that of only a boy...but a full grown man...he still had his long silver hair, and the complextion of a human. Slowly she shifted her nose through his robe...exposing his skin. ''Take me...my love.'' she whispered...sliding her hands to the strap on his rob, beginning to untie it. As it came apart, he grabbed her hands, and brought them up to her cheeks. They were soft as he rubbed them with his thumbs. Just looking into each others eyes...no words were needed to be said what was wanted. ''You've never made love to a demon before...have you?'' said Alexander as he lifted her face to to his own. Jumping from where she stood, she wrapped her legs around him and kissed him with all her might...''there's always a first.'' as she continued to kiss him. With her in his arms, he let the robe slide off...exposing his nakedness...and carried her to the bedroom. Letting his wings go back into his back...he put her on her back began to undress her, as her movements on the bed continued to seduce him. Once he had penetrated her...they were as one. She began to heave, and quirm with pleasure as he endulged himself. The connection was incredible as there lips touched, breathing heavily in sink with one another. Her skin warm and smooth like silk as he pressed himself further into her. She cried out for more...and more...not stopping. [/SIZE] [/COLOR]
  10. [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1]He embraced her closer with his firm arms wrapped around her warm body. The wounds from her blades were already healed...and he brought her closer to him. He could feel the darkness within her spreading, becoming part of his own. She was indeed worthy... Alexander found himself lost in her touch...the sweet, gentleness of her lips, she was quite beautiful...there bodies were one with one another. Keisha could feel the pain within her subsiding...as she slowly fell more and more into his being. He corressed his fingertip down her cheeks as he brought her face away for a moment...Keisha's heart was beating faster and faster....lossing herself in the moment. She gaved up at him, and didn't see a demon, but just man. Suddenly timed froze all around them except for Alexander...Keisha's body held still. [COLOR=DarkRed]What is the meaning of this Alexander?...[/COLOR] [I]My master...why not turn her? I want her...[/I] [COLOR=DarkRed]Because it is not for you to decide...with you now dissobeying me, you are jepordizing our plans. How am I to escape if the Slayers dont continue to kill...bring her to us wont help....but hinder it. [/COLOR] Azraels voice was booming as an image of himself appeared before Alexander. [COLOR=DarkRed]The walls are not yet down Alexander...do not dissapoint me again. Now end this...[/COLOR] The image was gone, leaving Alexander alone with Keisha...still frozen in animation. ''I free you...from your pain, from you memories, from your darkness''...as he stretched forth his hand as she dissapeared once more, back to her own realm. Did he just release her of bondage to him because of his masters wishes...or because of his feelings... [I]Be well my love...we will meet again.[/I] as he himself teleported out of Hell and back into the earthly realm. The wind was brisk as he swirled around him...intensifying with every pass. ''Time to go back to work...Tara...my Captian...where are you? We move foward master Azrael's plans tonight!'' *** Back at the safe house, as the others were just about to leave in search of Keisha...she suddenly appeared in her frozen state from the point in which she left from, and then fell to her knees. She looked up at the others who were looking down upon her in suspicion. As she stood, she felt a new kind of energy flowing through her...the pain, the memories...gone. [I]He...healed me...[/I] ''What happened out there Keisha?'' proclaimed Leon, ''what the hell were you thinking?'' [I]I can't tell them the truth...[/I] ''That portal had to be closed from the other side guys. It wasn't easy, but I was able to kill off the incoming demons, sealing the portal. All of them stood next to her...agreeing with her actions. ''But how did you get back?'' asked Storm. ''I don't know...I just don't know...there was another portal there which I jumped through...but it guess it's only one way.'' ''Alright...'' Leon finalized...''We were worried about you Keisha...please dont do anything like that again, we thought you had fallen towards evil.'' ''Never guys...I would never do such a thing.'' in her mind she believed what she said...but in her heart...she couldn't forget him. Even with the evil and painwithin her gone.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  11. [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1]Unknown to Jakob...as he tried to get everyone up from sleeping to see the message, Richard was already in the pilot control room preping for departure. He had seen the message this morning...and recognized the name. With a hard gerk of the ship, the Bebop slowly began to ascend into the sky, away from the harbor. ''What the Hell!?'' cried out Carmen as she ran inside and collided with Jayme, who was coming to get her. The floor was shaking from underneathe their feets; the Bebop felt like it was going to fall apart. ''Who's piloting the damn ship?'' ***In the control room*** [COLOR=Purple]We don't know what he did, but we're down with captain kidd, we don't wake up before lunch, but we all eat captain crunch, we don't smoke, we don't chew, we watch captain kangaroo...[/COLOR] Bane was singing to a very very old song on the radio as he continued to elivate the Bebop into the sky. His voice deep and masculan, he seemed to actually enjoy himself. Natalie and Jakob were the first ones to burst through the control room doors when suddenly Bane's voice became soft, with a opera kind of style behind his tone. [COLOR=Purple]and I've never licked a spark-plug and I've never sniffed a stink bug and I've never painted Daisies on a big red rubber ball and I've never bathed in yogurt and I don't look good in leggings[/COLOR] Suddenly the lyrics became faster, the bass booming, the rythm intensifying as Richard lifted up on the controls as the Bebop lifted up towards space in a more rapid pace. [COLOR=Purple]and I've never been to Boston in the fall[/COLOR] Natalie and Jakob were sent clear off their feet, as did Jayme and Carmen down below. [COLOR=Purple]we are the pirates who don't do anything we just stay at home, and lie around and if you ask us, to do anything we'll just tell you, we don't do anything[/COLOR] Bane's body was swaying back and forth to the music as the Bebop itself twisted left and right to his beat...he looked like he and the ship were out of control. Everyone was flying into the walls, falling onto their hands and knees while Richard rested comfortably in his pilot chair strapped down. Once the sound died down...Richard placed the ship on auto-pilot, and set a course for the Anubis System. While in space, there was no more turbulance....and Bane unstraped himself from the chair. As he made his way to the door, both Carmen and Jayme blocked his way to exit, Jayme folding his arms as Natalie covered Bane's back as Jakob ran to the counsol. ''What they hell were you doing Richard!'' Carmens face was intense, a blood red complextion. ''And where the hell are we going?'' [COLOR=Purple]What...[/COLOR]as Bane shrugged his shoulders, trying to show an innocent face to Carmen. I thought we were heading for a new bountry. ''I already know about that Bane...but where...'' ''We're heading to the Anubis system Carmen...'' interupted Jakob, coming back from the counsole. ''What's there convict?'' as Jayme's voice lowered, trying to intimidate Richard. As tall as he was...Richard knew he was stronger, and he slowly walked directly in front of Jayme ,his heavy boots pounding on the steal flooring underneathe them. Richards eyes were only a couple inches away from Jayme's...[COLOR=Purple]Because that's where he is...[/COLOR] ''But how do you know?'' replied Natalie from in back of him. Richard turned only his head around towards Natalie...his purple eyes shining with conviction and focus. [COLOR=Purple]I don't know the man personally, but he is known to me...in the Anubis System there is a drifter colony called Abaddon; he's been known to pop up there from time to time...it's a better place than any to start looking around. Now....[/COLOR] as he turned his attention back to Jayme...[COLOR=Purple]Excuse me...[/COLOR] Bane brushed past both Carmen, forcing Jayme's shoulder aside with his own and headed down the metal staircase. [I][COLOR=Purple]There's no such thing as friend....that's what the slam taught me. I'm not going to wait forever for you all to warm up too me...for then you will recieve none. [/COLOR][/I] [/SIZE] [/COLOR]
  12. [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1]''Jinsei...please watch over Dusk till he fully recovers. I must leave you for now...head for the Gwyars main base of operations...or go with Zuriel...the choice is yours.'' ''Where are you going Zoku...'' he and Dusk had just completed a simple training session, helping Dush to control his new found darkness within him...with time, and the power of the darkness moonstone...he would certainly become more powerful once he learned control. Zoku had finally found a shirt and a spare trench coat to wear after the originals were burnt by Zuriels attack. ''I won't be away from you long...I must tend to my own needs for now.'' ''As you wish...see ya later Zoku...and thank you again.'' As Zoku turned to walk away...he stopped himself and tossed a white necklace to Dusk. ''take this...I wish not to have it anymore.'' Dusk grabbed it...and noticed a gem contained on the chain. ''...is this...'' ''Yes...yet another gem of the Ijuuj, the Pearl Fang. I have no use for it...with this gem, it intensifies the power which you gain from taking the blood of a human and vampires alike, apart from that I do not know.'' Dusk was speechless... ''Now leave...'' roared Zoku. ''Of course...'' and both Jinsei and Dusk dissapeared into the night. ***an hour later*** Zoku was in another ally feasting upon the flesh of ten or so humans; Gang members who were congregating with one another. He came upon them like the wind...they didn't last a second as he killed them, one by one. Once they were all dead...one by one he feasted upon their corpses. Blood flowed from the ally like running water...the red liquid flowing down from the walls and onto the streets. Ripping and tearing through their necks, he endulged himself to the very last drop. [I]Ah...much better...[/I] as he felt their essence flow through him...rebuilding his lost strength. The darkness flowing smoothly through him once again. But...something called out to him...as Zoku turned to look at the night sky falling down upon him. The stars cast out like jewels in the sky...a voice from above called down to him. [I]Zoku....help me![/I] For a good couple of minutes...Zoku just stood there...thinking on what to do...leaving the flesh of the humans to rot in the ally way to be eaten by the rats...Zoku faded into the night. ***In The Wilderness*** Keitha was crawling through the grass of the neighboring forest of Sydney...forcing herself not to fall unconciousness again. ''Zoku...please...'' her voice becoming softer and softer...her strength leaving her. ''help...me.'' Her face collapsed into the dirt, her body covered in mud, mixed with blood...she felt like she had nothing left within her. In her heart and mind, she struggled...thinking on what she had just done. ''What have you done Keitha?'' She lifted her head up slightly to try and see who was speaking to her. It sounded like Zoku...but it was a lot calmer; softer. ''What have you done Keitha?'' the voice repeated...Zoku hiding within the shadows of the forest. ''I......'' ''You've attacked your own people...you've betrayed them...just to satisfy yourself yet again.'' his voice becoming harsh, and intense. ''No...I didn't mean too...'' Keitha trying to get up, at least on one knee...''Lana...she...'' ''You attacked Nye, Keitha!'' ''I didn't mean too!'' she cried out, pressing both of her palms into her temples...her head began to intensify with pain, Nyu's blood stained upon her hands. The nights events flashing through her mind...she felt sick to her stomach. Suddenly Zoku rushed out of the dark and grabbed Keitha by the throat, pushing her off the support of her one knee and fell back down to the ground, now on her back. Flashes of her past came back to her...sending her into a rage. She hated to be held down by another. Despite how strong Zoku was, she began kicking, hitting and screaming at the top of her lungs. The faces of the Vikings flashing before her eyes...the ones who rapped her for years. The pain inside she had felt, having to subject herself to those kinds of acts for so long. As she struggled, Zoku kept pressing her down, holding her down with his palm on her chest, grabbing both of her hands. Her body began to twitch and turn, her eyes flashing different colors on and off. Shadows began to swarm around Zoku, slashing at him with some unknown weaponary...causing cuts to go through his trench coat through to his flesh. ''Enough..'' he cried out as a pulse shot through the area...causing the shadows to fade, pressing Keitha further into the earth. She finally calmed down...but tears began to form in her eyes again. ''please...zoku...help me...'' she was drifting back into nothingness, her strength fading, her arms and legs falling limp onto the ground. Kneeling at her side, he continued to press her down with his right arm, and drew her sword from her sheath, holding it up in the air...preparing to strike. Tears continued to flow...her eyes sparkling in the moonlight. ''do it...please...kill me...end it...please Zoku.'' She reached up with her left hand and grabbed him by the collar of his coat, pullling him closer...''please...kill me.'' Raising up the blade, he knew that it had to be done...Dusk could at least be shown to control his dark side...but she now had his blood flowing through her veins. This was his doing...Zoku looked into her eyes, tears of sadness and pain flowing from her...mixing in with the dirt upon her gentle complextion. He could see the pain behind her eyes....as much hatred and anger she had within her, there was so much more behind those amber eyes of hers. ''NO!" he cried out as he brought the blade down....only inches away from Keithas head, sticking into the ground. Zoku kept his head down...crying at the thought of what he was about to do...he couldn't do it...his tears mingled with her own. [I]Please....just for a moment...let me go[/I] Raising his head back up, moving his hand away from Keitha...she looked up and saw the old Zoku. With his glowing aqua-blue eyes, and short black hair... ''I'm only free from the Moonstone for a little while Keitha...'' replied Zoku...looking back into Keitha's eyes. ''I wont have you suffer any longer...I will do what I can...'' Pulling his coat sleeve up...he exposed his wrist and pressed it against Keithas lips...''now drink...for the last time...'' Wrapping her arms around his...she pressed it against her fangs, tasting the burning sensation of his blood once again. After a good minute, he pulled away...leaving Keitha gasping for breathe...a new sense of energy spreading through her entire body once again. Ripping the Opal jewel from his chest...he placed it in his hand and held it to Keitha's heart...taking her hand, he wrapped it over the gem in her own grasp. ''This gem will quench your uncontrolable thirst for blood once again Keitha...it will also show you what it means to be a true vampire...our history...lies within this gem Keitha. I hope it brings you comfort, as it has for my curse.'' Letting go of her hand, his appearance turned back to its original form, his black hair falling over his shoulders and face, glowing with stands of silver in the moonlight, shining through the tree branches; his glazed over red eyes were back to normal. Zoku slowly leaned over her body and kissed her on the forehead... Getting himself up from the ground...Zoku walked out into the shadows of the forest once again...and vanished. [I]Be at peace Keitha...even if only for a moment. [/I] [/SIZE] [/COLOR] OCC: Aren't I nice...I just gave away all my gems to other people to have fun with:) Least I have my one from the beginning from htdd:)
  13. [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1]''Great job Andy...Ivy.'' as M gave both of them a nod...''I'm glad to see you all come back safely.'' ''Of course M...we had each other.'' replied Ivy as Andy came to her side. M noticed that Andy's eyes were a lot softer now in complextion...hopefully from there talk in the ship. Taking refuge beside a bus, the team helped aid the survivors. ''M, how are we gonna protect all of these people...we can't possibly protect them all, there are women and children here...we can't tale them with us to the vampire nests.'' replied Lee, coming up beside M as he tended to an injured teenage boy, probably the age of 19. ''He's right...'' added Farel as he walked back from the wall that he was leaning up against. M noticed him whipping something from his eyes...probably dirt or sweat. Farel looked tired neither the less. ''It's gonna be very dangerous down there in those nests.'' Everyone was now beginning to form a large circle, all getting in on the conversation. ''I agree with Farel.'' Taikaru walking inbetween Eric and Farel. ''These people aren't soldiers...'' ''What do you mean...we'll fight.'' declared a civilian male coming into the circle. He was quite muscular, he had oil staind hands, probably a mechanic of some sort. ''Us men will fight, just put a weapon in our hands and lead us sir.'' ''Please...'' M waving a hand in front of his face, putting off the comment...''Don't call me sir...second, you've got spirit, I'll give you that. Do any of you have experiance with a gun.'' ''Some of us do yes...'' ''Fine...Carl, can you arm these men...and make sure they at least shoot in the same direction...'' Carl smiled and headed towards his backpack and pulled out a couple weapons. ''You don't intend on bringing them with us do you M...'' questioned Ivy. ''Of course not Ivy...I wont endanger them...but they have a right to fight for themselves...I wont take that away from them to protect their loved ones.'' ''So what's the plan then...'' Lee starting to get himself ready for some action. M pointed a way down the street...towards a subway leading underground....''thats the way in...we'll set up camp here. Some of us will stay up top and will cover our backs as the rest of us goes under. I'm sorry Lee...but I gotta ask you to stay here...your shield will be able to protect us from any ambush. And the presidents daughter is comfortable with you.'' ''Alright...I guess I understand.'' ''Dont worry...'' M putting a hand on his shoulder, ''there will be plenty of action up here for you as well...I'm also gonna have Ivy and Andy stay up here with you as well. Please...protect these people.'' ''I will...'' ''Alright...Carl, Farel, Eric, Taikaru! You all are with me...Andy, Ivy, and Lee...stay up on the surface. If we need your support...we will contact you.'' Everyone was getting psychied up...even the civilians... [I]Now this is the strength of man...[/I] Everyone was getting ready...determined at the completion of this mission. Through all the movement, M caught a glimpse of Andy's eyes...focused and strong...her head started to turn towards him...but he turned his head around so that she didn't see. [I]Take care...[/I] [/SIZE] [/COLOR]
  14. [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1]''Come now Keisha...stop resisting...it's futil.'' responded Alexander, walking out from among the shadows. ''It hurts more when you resist.'' ''Wha.....what are you doing?'' She could barely talk, her head twitching from side to side, as if something was invading her body. ''Oh...I'm mere playing...why...would you like more?'' a pulse shot out of Alexanders outstretched hand...intensifying the pain...the pleasure. ''You like it...dont you...'' ''NO! Fuck you, you damn demon.'' as she spat at him. ''Quite a fighter you are...tisk tisk...you have far too much anger and bitterness within yourself...just let it go. You have so many layers my dear, just let go.'' His words was like poison in her mind...visions of her past flashing before her eyes. A emotion she hadn't felt for the longest time surfacing...in the pit of her stomach she felt sick. Alexanders voice echoing in her head. ''Stop.....please...'' ''Oh...but you dont want me to stop. I can take it away you know Keisha.'' She continued to levitate in the air as he purged further and further into her thoughts. ''..................'' she couldn't speak...the pain was intense, all of her muscles began to tense up as another shot of dark energy surged through her body. ''I can give them back to you my dear...would you like to see them?'' at that moment...Keisha's parents appeared in back of Alexander as she opened her eyes. Despite her not remembering who they were, or what they looked like...in her heart she knew it was them. ''They're waiting for you...'' Alexander dropped his hand, letting Keisha fall to the ground. He needed to get this girl out of Hell soon...for the Slayers would certainly die at the hands of his horde. Azrael had his realm...and Alexander had his own...that of the guardians. ''Darkness is the key too all things my dear...'' the visions of her parents had already died away as he circled her. Obeying his masteres orders, he was not to kill her...but why not ''play'' with her. The pain was subsiding throughout her body as she tried to catch her breathe. ''Do you truly believe that it is light that prevails above darkness...no...darkness concumes the light. The light must fight to survive...but darkness will live forever. Why fight it Keisha...embrace your hate...I see the evil within you. So young...so agile to learn.'' [I]For your soul is still open and free to twist...and manipulate. [/I] Stopping in front of the Slayer, her body weak and damaged...he knelt down in front of her and brought her eyes up to his. In his human form...he was quite seductive, his bright blue eyes shining within hers. ''I can take it all away my dear...I can give you the peace which you thirst for...'' She tried to pull away his hands on her face...but it was too late...he had already planted his dark seed within her. One day...it would grow...and grow. Suddenly Alexander kissed her lightly on the lips...a surge of warmth and compassion seeped through his lips onto hers. Causing her to go back into unconciousness. She didn't know how long she was out...but she suddenly awoke, unharmed...her wounds completely healed. Looking at her surroundings...she found herself outside a gate of flames. The gates of Hell...but to her back...there was a light, going into a tunnel. Keisha had to get back to the others...trying to shake out of her mind the encounter...and headed towards the light. [I]The Slayer is still yours my lord to use for your purposes...but once you are free...well...we'll just have to wait and see what becomes of her. [/I] [/SIZE] [/COLOR]
  15. OCC: This is bad news...two lovely ladies to choose from to dance with...and only one of me to go around...and both are energetic...THIS ISN'T FAIR:)! [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1]For the longest time...all three of them sat at the bar, introducing themselves, talking about everything and anything. Not in depth stuff though, for they had just met each other. But they all seemed to be getting along quiet well...almost instant friends. ''wow...look at the time...'' as Pheona glanced at her watch. ''I gotta get going, I have things to do in the morning.'' ''You're not saying that just to get away are you?'' Michael tried to sound like he was joking, but deep down Phoena could tell he was serious...[I]this guy certainly has been hurt in the past. [/I] ''No no...I really need to head out. It was wonderful meeting you, as well as for you Ty...you wanna all exchange numbers?'' ''Sure'' replied Ty as she set down her drink. Michael wrote his number twice on a piece of a napkin and gave it to both girls. Ty only wrote a napkin for Pheona... ''Cool...thanks a lot guys...I hope to hear from you soon. We should get together again sometime'' waved Pheona as she walked away towards the exit. ''So...'' ''....so...'' answered Ty. She was really trying to hide her blushing, not only was this guy the one she checked out on the street...but now she was alone with him. ''I'm sorry if I sounded inconcederate about saying that that drink was too strong for ya.''' ''Its ok...'' [I]he's nice[/I] ''I'm just not used to girls being like that...I don't like most of them that I know.'' ''Well...I'm not like any other girl.'' ''I've noticed...thats good.'' Michael said in a calm and reashuring voice. [I]Oh My God...he's so sweet. [/I] ''So...'' ''....so...'' answered Ty again. [I]Why are you being so shy....speak up.[/I] ''Would you like to get this date started and go dance...'' [I]Yes![/I] ''Um...sure, that would be great. Are you any good?'' ''You'll just have to see now dont you.'' he said with a smile as he took her hand and guided her to the dance floor. Instantly, the both of them were dancing to the music, Michael placing his hand on her waist as she got closer to him. Both of them took a quick glance towards there friends, waving in the distance. ''So...this has been your fourth blind date huh?'' ''Yes...'' [I]wow...he's pretty good. [/I] ''I hope that this one is going good for you as it is for me.'' The musics pass intensified as the bass boomed all around them. Ty's and Michaels movements were in complete sink with one anothers, both of them lossing themselves to the rythm. Michael was a complete gentlemen, keeping his hands where they should be...not taking advantage of the moment. Ty was loving it...for once a guy who respected her for who she was. They both completely lost track of time...swinging and dancing, all the motion, movement and contact was amazing. Ty finally got out of being so shy and went all out...the alcohol getting to her just a little bit. But Michael wasn't any different. To think they had just met each other...and they were being this way with one another. Sweating, breathing heavily...they continued on and on into the night as the bar night came to a close. ''Um...I guess thats it then.'' replied Michael as the music died down. ''I wish that is wasn't...'' Ty's arms wrapped around his neck. Turning to her friends...who were about to leave. She let go of him...she quickly placed a piece of a napkin in his pocket. ''Wha...'' as he tried to grab what she placed in his pocket. But she leaned forward and whispered in his ear. ''I'll call ya sometime...thank you for a wonderful time.'' and she bolted towards her friends as they left. A couple hours later...after hearing his friends talk what seemed like forever about the night...Michael finally got back to his apartment and collapsed on his bed. [I]wow...[/I] [/SIZE] [/COLOR]
  16. [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1]OCC: I take you will decide who comes to fill the roles above? Name: Jacob Reise Age: 25 Height: 6'0'' Weight: 189 Gender: Male Occupation: Farmer/Rebel General appearance: Jacob has long brown hair with dazzeling blue eyes; depth that seems to never end. He looks older for his age, with scars scattered around his body, hair (not thick) on his legs and and forearms with a clean cut face. His cloths are that of a simple peasant, a white and dirty tunic with an open chest, with baggy brown pants with animal skin (wolf) wrapped around his feat and shoulders as a jacket. His body is muscular but toned due to his years of work on the farm. Surprisingly...despite his body showing strain, his hands never loose their softness. Bio: Jacob lived in the town with his parents when the kingdom was invaded. At the age of 20...he and his father fought against the invaders, devoting himself to the rightful king. But they were defeated, as Damion killed his father, and Jacob was punished for his crimes against Damions forces; but Jacob never gave in. No matter what Damion tortured him with, he never broke, nor bowed down. Ultimately, he was allowed to live because of his respect for Jacobs as a farmer, his tremendous skill and power with a broadsword and bow, as well as his perseverance and strength. Later on in his life, Jacob took a peasant girl for his bride...and she bore a child the year after. He was at peace, working the farm land...loving and tending to his family. Then, one night...Damion's soldier barged into the house, stripping away everything that he owned. His dear wife Maria and daughter Raine were taken from him...he knew what would become of them, so he fought against the attackers with his fathers large broadsword, which was at least 6 feet long. All 12 soldiers ganged up on him and beat him within an inch of his life. Lying on the floor, bloody and bursed, hearing the screams of his wife and child...one of the soldiers lifted Jacob onto his feet and read a note from the King himself. ''My dear Jacob, now I will take full payment for letting you live. Your daughter will become a slave...and your wife will become mine.'' A year later...Jacob learned that his wife had been killed, and of his daughter was unknown to him. He became a very quiet man...and continued to live out his life in grief and sorrow. Till one day, for the opportune moment to take back his honor...his life. To this day, Jacob remains a strong and firm individual, loyal to his country, more loving and wise as ever. But upon his face...you can see the scars within because of his wifes murder. [/SIZE] [/COLOR]
  17. [SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkSlateGray]Name: Ajack Masters Age: 23 Agenda: male Appearance: With long blonde hair put back into a pony-tail, hair falling over his brown eyes. He now wears baggy black pants with a black muscle shirt. Ajack stands now at 6'0'', over the past 5 years, he's grown in strength having a a somewhat muscular form. Personality: Ajack has a very carefree spirit...energetic and emotional, he's usually joyful, laughing, trying to lift others up around him up. Somewhat of a rebel...he bows to no one...but respects everyone. But this side of him lies dormant as he now is very passive, you can tell by the look on his face that he grieves. A tension between wanting to be angry and vengeful, sad and lonely, or just...trying to let it go, and move on. Weakness: Memories of his past...as well as his fear of loss for those he holds most dear. Bio: As a young child, Ajacks parents left him with his grandmother JoAnn for they both were in service with the military. Ajack never knew what they were involved in...but he rarely saw them. JoAnn (who he calls Jo) was a kind soul, who loved her grandson with all her heart; teaching him to have a the same kind of loving heart. As Ajack grew up...he got involved with a lot of streetfights, getting quite skilled with electronics, weapons and espionage...but Jo never was hard on him. Despite him never getting caught, she always knew what he was getting into. It had been 5 years since the last time he had seen his parents...his Junior year at high was hard for him. A street fight had gone south...resulting in him being tortured by the opposing group, killing his old girlfriend Alev, and leaving a knife scar up and down his right side. As he lay in the hospital, Jo told him the news that his parents had ''dissapear.'' The agency for which they worked for had lost his parents...hadn't heard from then in years, so they now assume that they must be dead. Ajack was heartbroken...once he recovered he vowed to be better. Another 5 years have passed, after the victory against the CyLargians. Apollo was finally rebuilt; Lyu and Ajacks love grew to new heights.. However, one night...she left him in the middle of the night...never to be heard from again. Ajack tried to find her...but with no success. His heart was broken...he understood that she was havnig difficulties with the memories from the war, but what was the reason for leaving him. Yet again, he had opened himself to love...and lost it. The year didn't get any better with the news of his parents coming up dead. They were lost for years...but there bodies were found mutilated by the Cylargian. For the first 4 years...Ajack constantly kept himself busy. Working on the new mechs...becoming an expert pilot, one of or thee best pilots. He kept thinking about Lyu everyday...his heart just couldn't come to grasp it. The pain was too much for his heart. But he continued to live out his life, involving himself with people...getting his work done. Now...after 5 years...Ajack lives on a beach, disconnecting himself from everything and everyone. He started to become numb inside...his old self still residing within, something that would never leave him. He wouldn't allow it...he just wanted to be left alone. Ever since the war...his relationship with Apollo was minimal, as Ajack worked to further improve his mech, alone on the beach. One of the greatest pilots; leaders of his team...reduced to nothing. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Tornament MA (MechAnima) Griffin Name: Apollo Personality: Apollo used to be a very stubborn MA with Ajack...but over time their bond became something wonderful...helping in the victory against the Cylargians. Ajack's fighting style coincides with Apollo's, going all out...seems like out of control...but merely is giving everything they got. However now, with the pain and lonlyness that Ajack feels...this new found isolation, Apollo keeps quiet, for Ajack doesn't listen to him anymore, but continues to be a loyal friend. Waiting for the time when the real Ajack will arise to do battle again. Appearance:*thumbnail* Apollo's body is completely golden with red ruby eyes, one of the larger MA's. His body and 4 massive wings look real...but its feathers have a metallic shine to them. Abilities: -Melee Attacks: Apollo used its razor sharp talons on its arms and hind legs...using its powerful beak to crush enemy units. Apollo's wings may also be used as a shield only temporarily. -Blade attack: Installed into Apollo's wings are eight energy blades (2 on each wing) residing among its feathers. When the wings are outstretched...the blades are revieled, cutting through anything. -Anubis System: Because of Apollo's size, Ajack has installed 4 power boasters onto its back going in corrilation to its wnigs. Unknown to everyone is a new technology that Ajack has developed himself which lies dormant within Apollo till the apportune moment with the instalment of these boasters. Weakness: If Apollo is angered beyond its limits...it will act on its own with or without Ajack as the pilot; lossing reason between right and wrong. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ledgendary Mechanima: Griffin Name: Apollo Personality: Becomes completely calm...very focused and yet cold. Appearance: Apollo's eyes remain a ruby red, but the rest of his body turns into a metallic black...or remains a golden color...depending on Ajack's mood. Normal Abilities: Anubis System becomes activated... Special abilities: Oblivion- From its wings...Apollo's feathers become hundreds of missles causing a massive barrage against the enemy units. However because of this, Apollo losses its ability to fly. Energy Blast- Apollo powers up, shooting out a bright red beam of energy from its mouth destroying anything in its path. It's much more powerful from when it was originally created. Apollo can do this multiple times...pushing Apollo's power far beyond normal measures. However it puts strain on both the pilot as well as for the hull of Apollo. [/COLOR] [/SIZE]
  18. [QUOTE=kairiKIce2]OCC: I apologize in advance for gore...im in one of those moods. And ... asked for it... [SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkSlateGray][I]I will have satisfaction...[/I] As Alexander approaced the Fallen Angel's gate between this world and Nephilia...all he craved for was blood. His skin burning red...his hair like the flames of Hell, and those eyes...those blue eyes of his...which saw into anyones soul were bright with the moonlight shining upon them. Crossing over the barrier...he saw the gate, surrounded by dozens of angels. With Oblivion drawn, clutched in his fist...his sword craved for blood. ''My brothers...prepare yourself...for I am here to fucking destroy your lives, and display your corpses upon these golden steps, leading to you God forsaken homeland.'' ''Prepare for...'' cried one of the commanders until Alexander appeared out of nowhere in back of him and decapitated him. Blood splattering all over, falling upon his face. The taste was a delecacy...a warm surge of energy flowing through his veins. The other angels were now fully prepared to fight, with weapons drawns and eyes of determinatino. [I]Fools...[/I] It was a lost cause for them from the start. Alexander moved just like an angel, but with incredible speed. It was if he were one of them, these angels didn't realize that they were fighting a guardian of worlds. The one being who had the keys between the realms. Alexander felt no pitty, after he had taken the lives of all the other guardians...he felt no grief or remorse. He loved to kill... He slashed at one of the angels with his claws, exposing the intestines as they spilled out from the body. They all tried to surround him...but the size of Oblivion was enourmous, and he wielded it like it was a paperweight; surprisingly, especially for his size. Swinging the broadsword at the incoming units. He slashed them to bits....heads falling to the ground, severed arms and legs...no eyes, no tongues, no ears... [I]This is your punishment for fighting me...you will wander the pits of hell with nothing...and people will laugh at you, ''there goes the fool...the fool that thought Alexander could be defeated.'' You will be utterly and completely alone; tortured for the rest of your unatural lives. [/I] An angel leaped over the bodies that fell to Alexander in yet another swing of his blade...coming down with full force with its sword. WHY DO YOU PERSIST!? screaming at the top of his lungs as Alexander cut of the angels arm, spattering blood to the ground. The angel kneeled in agony as it began to loss conciousness. [I]You're mine...[/I] as the demon lashed his fangs into the angels throat. The others could only watch in horror as the beast teared through the angels flesh. Clutching down, harder, and harder...blood was all over the place. Every victim already to Alexanders hand lay in a pool of blood. After he was done with the angel, its wings withered away...he tossed the body aside and picked up another corpse. No one dared approached the demon...as it feasted on their commraded flesh. One angel turned to three...then to five...then finally ending with ten. Ten fallen angels; savagely sucked dry to the last drop. The sight was hidious...standing up from the bodies...Alexander licked his blood stained hands dry, whipping away the red liquid from his face and hair. Without even a warning...the demon was upon the rest of them in an instant. Blasting them apart with his energy, body parts all over the place...some tried to run, but he was too fast for them. They were given a quick death...but some weren't so lucky. With now only three angels left...Alexander ripped there wings out so that they couldn't escape...and tortured them to his liking. Taking out their organs, one by one...letting the victim stay alive by only a thread. Eventually he got to their hearts, which he ate whole...all three of them. Opened up bare...nothing left within them but skin and bone. When Alexander had finished...he set off a great blaze, burning the now rotting flesh. The stench was terrible...one Alexander loved all too well. The once golden stairway was now covered in red. Blood dripping from the walls, gates...if looked like hell itself. Licking himself of the blood spilt...Alexander turned back to his human form, his silver hair hanging down without a sign of blood, nor for his cloths...he had become instantly clean from his havoc. ''There we go Azrael...now no one guards the gates of Nephilia...our forces are ready to attack.'' ''DARKNESS...RISE!'' rising from the floor, hundreds of beings now stood in back of Alexander...looking upon the gate of the angels. ''Burn it all down, rap them, torture their pathetic souls...kill everything. My master seeks death this night.'' After upon seeing all of his minions pass through the gate towards Nephilia...Alexander turned back, leaving the barrier and ascended back into the sky. [I]Time to replenish the ranks...so that we can have more fun with those Slayers.[/I] The blood continue to boil in his veins, the evil within craving more...MORE! It was as if Alexander was in a trance...his body flinching, eyes twitching...he was lossing it. Lossing himself to pure darkness... ''I think I should pay this girl a visit....she was so easy persuaded...I'm going to have some fun Azrael...not only with pain, but in my smooth manipulation. HA!...how I love to play this game.''[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  19. [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1]''MICHAEL!'' yelled Lee from the back, waving his hand as Michael walked through the door to the bar. As he approached him....everyone surrounded him. ''Wanna beer?'' ''No thanks...you know I can't drink beer...give me whatever liquor you got waiter.'' ''You're gonna be pleased tonight man...we got you hooked for tonight.'' replied Nick while shaking Michael's shoulders. ''You didn't set me up with another blind date did you...who is she?'' taking a shot of a Hurricane. ''Not a clue man...thats the best part.'' Lee falling all over himself, he obviously was already drunk. ''A old friend of mine asked me to help out one of her friends...I don't see her at the moment. But trust me...she said that you should be excited.'' ''Lee...I should hit you for this.'' As Michael helped push him back into his stool next to the bar table. ''Come on man...don't worry about it...you'll be fine.'' ''So...when is she gonna get her?'' ''Crystal told me on my cell phone that she was already here...you came a little late dude.'' ''I know I know...so where is she?'' ''Not a clue...I'm sure you'll find her...or she'll find you.'' Michael turned around from the bar...he was wearing a black silk shirt with black pants. He hair was like it always was...a dirty blonde look, his earing shining in the light. Scanning the dance floor...he saw the the girl on the street again. The one from his visions...her blonde hair seemed to glitter in the lighting. [I]Wow....what a dancer...[/I] but then he noticed that she was dancing with another guy next to her... [I]Too bad...*sigh*...another loss[/I] All his friends' girlfriends came up to them agani...and began to grag them to the dance floor. ''Come on Michael...come out here with us.'' ''Na...I'll stay here at the bar...I'm not dancing solo.'' he said with a smile. ''Your loss man...later'' Looking out onto the dance floor again...he caught notice of a girl with purple hair, she looked like she was lost...or alone. She had this amulet rapped around her neck with a red jewel inside. *sigh* Michael turned back around and took another sip of his liquor, staring at the table.... [/SIZE] [/COLOR]
  20. [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1]''.......NO!'' Michael punched at nothing but air as he shot out of his bed yet again. ''Damn it...'' rubbing his head...''these visions are getting worse...that girl was in it again...out in the road while joggin.'' It was 6:38am, 2 hours till classes started ''Might at well get out of bed...'' putting on some black shorts and a white t-shirt, Michael finally made his way to the kitchen to fix breakfast...the nights visions still in his head. [I]All they are are incoherent thoughts and images...nothing more Michael, you don't understand them. But those eyes...those violet eyes. [/I] That look that she gave him on the street...she obviously took an interest in him. [I]Weird though to see her in my dreams...[/I] ''You gotta stop waking up like this...'' he repeated to himself outloud...making himself some toast and cheese eggs. He cheerish his a good hot meal...energized himself the day ahead. Today was gonna be an interesting one....after his presentation at the convention...everyone at college going to be buzzing about it. [I]I'm never gonna get any rest....or peace for that matter...[/I] as he let out a big and long yawn, tears coming to his eyes. ''Damn it...'' whipping his eyes...''I hate it when that happens.'' Everytime he teared up...even for the most meaningless or reasons...a shiver would always run down his spine. Memories of good and bad rushing through him like the speed of light. The feeling would be there...and in an instant...it would be gone. ''I need something new in my life...I feel bored.'' washing the dishes after he had finished his meal. Getting his books and backpack from underneathe his bed...Michael got his skateboard from leaning next to the door and headed out. ***At College*** ''Yo yo M...whats up? That convention man was sick...'' Michael's friend Lee giving him a high-5've as he approached the school. ''I saw how you tore apart that scientist...incredible.'' The usual gang was now together...all 7 of them...with Michael being the eigth, all in a big circle outside the college classrooms. The same kind of talk insued...as well as Michaels little stunt during the convention. ''Mike...you gonna come out with us tonight?'' ''We'll see Ajack.'' ''Don't be such a stiff Michael...'' Nick hitting him in the shoulder. ''I know what you guys are trying to do...please stop.'' ''Hell no, we are finding someone for you...whether you like it or not.'' The rest of the group had a girlfriend (in all the many definitions of the word)...Michael had told them about his last relationship with a girl named Alev. And ever since then they were determined to find someone for him. ''Dude...you have no reason to be single. You're popular, attractive if I do say so myself, and you're a great guy. Why are you being like this?'' questioned Lee, getting in Michaels face with curiosity... ''Maybe I'm just waiting for the right one aight.'' Michael pushing Lee backwards playfully. ''Fine...but you're still coming with us tonight ok...'' exclaimed Lee. At the moment...all the other guys' girlfriends came over and began to excort them to class. [I]Now thats definitly not something I like...[/I] Michael didn't like the whole college popularity of ''social class.'' He just wanted to be himself...to enjoy himself. But the way the order is in this place...kinda hard not too. ''Jane...'' ''Oh hi Michael...'' turning around from her locker. ''I found that paper you were looking for online...'' ''Thanks...'' ''No problem...see ya.'' as he walked off to his next class. ''Michael...may I have a word with you after class...'' his psychology teacher said as Michael walked into the room. ***After School*** ''Some people...I tell ya.'' Michael was a little disspointed all day after his talk with his teacher. Professor Nail had told him that as correct as Michael was at his convention in his theories...he should never have doubted the speakers thoughts as well. That he should be respectful to others...even if they seemed to be wrong. [I]Yea...so just keep speaking lies...thats great...[/I] oh how Michael hated liars and hypocrits. He was a councelor, a leader, teacher...someone who was always there for his friends with a compassionate, loving heart...and yet people like that are in positions like that...spreading lies which lead to so many issues. ''I might as well let it go...tis the past...'' taking out his skateboard...Michael began to head home.... *ring ring ring ring ring* ''Hello...'' as he answered his cell phone. ''Yo Mike...we're meeting at the bar tonight...prepare yourself for some fun man! Later'' *click [I]Oh boy...fun fun indeed. I might as well change...[/I] [/SIZE] [/COLOR]
  21. OCC: I was hoping for Sole-Energia to post first...but it feels like I have no choice now...damn. [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1]Zuriel looked to be dead as Zoku withdrew his sword Oblivion from the body. Blood was all over the blade...but Zoku couldn't sense that he was dead. A slight light in him still glowed within him. Walking towards the now battered and bruised Dracula, leaving Zuriel's body behind...Zoku confronted Dusk before he attacked the fallen vampire again. ''That's enough Dusk...'' as Zoku placed a hand on Dusk's shoulder in order to calm him. ''No...'' as he pushed his arm aside. ''The Gwyar are weak...they stand for nothing. I must kill this one...he is not worthy to take witness to this new generation.'' Dusk was lossing it, he wasn't in the right mind at all. All he wanted was death...Zoku was getting concerned. Not only had Keitha subdued to the darkness...but Dusk now seemed to be as well. Without intervention...he would kill everyone in the city. ''Dusk!'' ''Leave me alone...I want this kill'' as Dusk swung at Zoku. He easily grabbed Dusk's fist and pushed him backwards. However Dusk caught himself easily and lunged towards Zoku. Zoku punched out at Dusk with his left hand, and Dusk with his right...both blocked each attack, causing their hands to be locked together. The power surging between the two was intense, each pressing harder and harder to gain some kind of position and advantage. They were like the center of a tornadoe as the winds intensified around them. ''What are you doing Zoku? We fight for Kuroichi...you are his first...why are you fighting with me?'' Dusk's teeth were grinding together...gathering as much force from his new found power in a attempts to topple the titan. ''Think about what you are doing Dusk...you dark side has taken control of you. Think reasonably...don't be weak and let petty anger fuel you.'' ''Anger...what anger...I've never felt this alive before.'' ''So you're not angry with where Sumiyaka is at this moment. Sleeping with Kuroichi as his mistress. AM I WRONG!'' Zoku was gathering strength...pushing Dusk backwards slowly... ''So what if you kill Dracula...and all of your enemies...where will that leave you...what will be left for you Dusk!'' He was silent...his mind seemed to be split in two. Despite his resent transformation....he hadn't gained full control. In his thought...Zoku continued to push, harder...and harder. ''Think damn it...THINK!..do you think this will bring Sumiyaka back too you...back to the way she was. She was so easily turned by him...are you as weak DUSK!'' ''NO...'' Dusk started to push back in his rage...the thought of Sumiyaka plagued him. He wanted her back...he had missed his friend. He had loved her more than anything...''I am not weak!'' ''Do you see Dusk...your dark side has been unleashed. We can't do anything about it...but together...we will be able to create a new world for our people.'' ''...our people...'' his voice began to sound like the old Sole. ''Listen to me Dusk...the Gwyar and the Myrkur Aniol have joined forces, and they force that they form will be a great threat to Kuroichi...I promise. Think of Jinsei...'' ''...Jinsei...'' ''Yes...Jinsei, do you want him to live in a world such as the Gwyar of old...with Caine gone, you'll be able to create a new world for your clan. And Jinsei will be brought up in righteousness...as oppossed to Kuroichi. You saw how he lives his life....sleeping with whatever woman he wants, doing what he pleases. That will be this world if he wins.'' ''I....don't want that....Zoku...help me...I can't....'' Dusk collapsed to one knee...the typhoon dissappearing from around them. Zoku let go of Dusks hands...and let him struggle with himself for a moment. [I]What do I do...what do I do...should I kill...should I lead...[/I] ''Remember Dusk...I gave you those gems long ago because I felt that you were qualified to lead against Kuroichi. And I still believe that to be true...'' Zoku could swear that he saw a tear in Dusk's eye...he was battling tremendously within himself as he lifted his head up too see Zoku kneeling before him. ''I can't do this alone Zoku...'' Placing both hands on his shoulders...''you won't be alone my friend...Dracula, Zuriel, Jinsei, Gabriel and the other fallen angels and Gywar will be here for you......I.....will be here for you.'' ''you...but Zoku...u'' ''ssshhhhhh...dont worry about me. I finally realized something about this war...something a friend of mine told me.'' ''What was that...'' ''Maybe it is destiny for Kuroichi to rule...perhaps it may not. But in order to see who is to be worthy enough to take the throne over all vampires...there must be struggle to prove his worth. She told me...*thinking of Keitha...back when he first knew her...* that I was the one thing that stood in his way.'' ''I'm confused Zoku...why betray your master?'' ''He will always be my master...I hold him in the highest regard...but with all the change that has gone on. I truly feel that my place is not by his side at this moment...nor ever. We'll only have to wait and see what happens in the days to come.'' ''So you will fight with us then.'' a smile seemed to creep over Dusk. Happy to hear that their side had such a powerful ally now. ''I will fight with you brother.'' Zoku helping Dusk up to his feet. When he rose, he felt a new kind of energy flowing through him...something was different...''Zoku...'' as Zoku turned around to care for Dracula...''what did you do?'' ''One thing that we will work on Dusk...is to control that dark side within you. Once you learn to control it as I have...you'll become even more powerful...in time.'' ''But what did you do...the rage is gone.'' Zoku helped Dracula get to his feet...''I took a part of it out of you with the Moonstone...and quenched your thirst for blood with the Opal. Soon it will fade...but by then you will have learn much from me.'' ''Do you feel guilty for betraying Kuroichi Zoku?'' ''I do not regret for my decisions...I am my own person. I may be a servant...but I am not slave to Kuroichi. However I do grieve...once I became a vampire...I wanted to join him...and to be by his side once again. But fate it seems...has pulled me away from him again. Maybe I'll understand why in time.'' Jinsei ran over to Dusks side to see if he was alright...taking in the new image of his friend. ''Boy...'' yelled out Zoku, carrying Dracula over towards Zuriel. ''Give me the Skull Sapphire!'' Jinsei looked at Dusk cautiously...but he gave a nod indicating to do so. ''Thank you...'' ''Are you worried that Kuroichi will find out that you have betrayed him?'' asked Jinsei, as he gave him the gem. ''He's spy's have already been killed...'' as Zoku pointed to the building above where shadows were dwelling.'' ''What are those?'' ''My vampires...my friends...I've also spoken too Gaia, conveing that it is not the elements business in knowing war plans. It would be an unfair advantage.'' With Jinsei keeping Dusk on his feet, with Zoku helping Dracula...they got to Zuriel who was coming to his own.'' He attacked...but Dracula stretched out his hand...''Be still Zuriel...Zoku, Dusk and I have come to an agreement.'' ''I hope you can get over me fighting with you Zuriel...but I had to make it real for Kuroichi's spys...this is for you.'' ''The Skull Sapphire...?'' Zuriel was shocked...just a moment ago this man tried to killl him...now all of a sudden, he was presenting him with a gift. ''That...my friend...will be the key in swaying the Zugai...the Skull Clan.''[/SIZE][/COLOR] OCC: Sorry Sole:)...had to do it. now the alliance has been made...ULX...just try and stay unknown to the fact that we have turned till later:)
  22. [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1]Name: Lyon Heart Age: 24 Gender: Male Appearance: Lyon stands at about 5'11''...his blue hair is long coming down to his ankles. He wears a white/grey kamono, barefoot...with aqua blue eyes. He has one white wing on his left side...representing the one entity that has fused with him; his angel Misty. Demon: Poseidon In contradiction to Greek Mythology, Poseidon was no God...but merely the Demon of the Seas. After the fall of his worshipers...he had no need to dwell among men till an opportune moment. When Lyon was born he resided in his soul sensing he had powers himself over the waters. His body is completely blue...both eyes are entirely back with a long white beard and mustach with long white hair. He has one demonic wing on his right side...with a golden trident as his weapon. Poseidon is dressed with ancient armor back in the days of the Greeks. Element: Water Weapon: A simple staff seven feet long. The wood that it's made of is ancient and indestructable to blades, fire, and any other kind of element. Was created by the monk order of the region...blessed with holy water...with a barrier encanted into its very foundation. Lyon also weilds a double-edged sword with a blue color for the steal with a golden handle named Oblivion. Bio: Since he was born...Lyon has been training within the monk order of his parents. Against their believes, Lyons parents became intertwined with his mother bearing him as a son. The order didn't exile the two lovers...however they required that Lyon to stay with them. Even from his birth...they knew the ultimate future of his demon/angel sides emerging. So his parents live outside the temple in the residing town at the mountains base...overlooking the sea...keeping in close contact with their son. As he grew up...he became a quick and effective learning in the martial arts. At the age of 18...he was presented with his staff...to guard all that was holy and good in the world. He was looked upon by the other monks as one of the greatest of their time. However...just recently...his demon side had been unleashed...as well as with his angelic being. Lyon had passed out from the strain...and the two beings clashed together in a heated battle. Fortunately the monks fought them away from the town...scattering them to the fair reaches of the globe. In his shame...Lyon felt himself unworthy to lead the order at this moment...and vowed to reclaim his honor.... Now...5 years after the final battle with Kelthor...Lyon has been wandering all of heaven in his angelic form which occured when he fused with his water elemental angel, Misty.Battling demons of all kinds...his power and wisdom has grown to incredible heights. He senses the darkness...and the rising of his nemesis, Poseidon, demon God of the seas. [/SIZE] [/COLOR]
  23. OCC: Hey everyone, a tradition im starting with rpgs that im a part of that end:) Soundtrack everyone:) [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1]1) Keiji Theme- ''Nobody'' by Skindred 2) Sora Theme- ''Days of the Pheonix'' by AFI 3) Sakura- ''My Immortal'' by Evanescence 4) Sayne- ''Wait'' by Earshot 5) Vick- ''We Still Kill The Old Way'' by The Lost Prophets 6) Darrius- ''A Shade of Green'' by Incubus 7) Dale- ''Falls on Me'' by Fuel 8) Lyu- ''Someday'' by Nickelback 9) Liz- ''From The Inside''' by Linkin Park 10) Ajack- ''Staring Back'' by Pillar 11) Aliens Attack- ''The End of All Things'' by Mudvayne 12) Meeting of Mechs/First Battle-''Science'' by System of a Down 13) Pain of a Parents Love(sayne, dale, liz)-''Going Under'' by Evanescence 14) Hidden Love (dale, sayne, lyu)- ''Iris'' by Goo Goo Dolls 15) Second Battle- ''Bombshells'' by Powerman 5000 16) Keiji's Rage/Jealousy- ''Out of Control'' by Hoobastank 17) The Ball- ''This Love'' by Maroon 5 18) Ajack and Lyu- ''I Don't Want to Miss a Thing''' by Aerosmith 19) Passion of Sora and Sayne- ''Cold' by Crossfade 20) Randel Theme- ''Judith'' by Perfect Circle 21) Sayne vs. Randel- ''Name of the Game'' by The Crystal Method 22) Tears of Love and Friendship- ''In The Arms of an Angel'' by Sara McLaughlin 23) Reconciliation of Family(sayne and liz)- ''Let It Be'' by The Beatles 24) Ajack Snaps-''Change(House of Flies)'' by Deftones 25) Ajack's and Sora's Sacrifice- ''Open Your Eyes'' by Alter Bridge 26) Victory/Ending- ''My Sacrifice'' by Creed 27) Project: True Destiny Unwinds Theme- ''Rest In Pieces'' by Saliva[/SIZE][/COLOR] OCC: If you dont have some of these songs...download them. I'm so proud of myself...im sad i know.
  24. [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1]''It's a shame that you think of me that way Andy.'' spoke M as Andy froze in her place as she got out of her chair.'' ''Nothing in this world could possibly mend what you've experianced completely. You're right...I don't know you...as for you towards me.'' Could have Andy misjudged him...she picked him as this perfectly brought up man. For the way he acted and presented himself to everyone else...he couldn't have possible gone through harm in his life... [I]Was I wrong about him...[/I] ''There is more behind my eyes than you realize Andy. I may not have been tortured by others for your powers...but ones such as ourselves never have it right...cause we don't belong.'' [I]What is he not telling me...I know about his arm but...is there more?[/I] ''I had to isolate myself from everyone around me because of my powers. I knew very few people...even when I mingled with the community, my power was out of control. Images, memories, emotions of all kinds flooded through my mind. Something could make a child at that age go crazy...'' Andy was in shock...the man standing at the doorway was just as complex as she was. What lonelyness he must have felt... ''Things happened...terrible things happen because of me...and for that. I will forever atone for them. I too believe in God Andy...'' ''You do?'' ''Yes...for it is through his blessings that I have become the man that I am today; forgiving me of my sins. As he has forgiven you Andy.'' She was silent... ''I can only imagine the pain that you have endured...I wish I could be there for you, but these walls you put up.............you deserved better. But the past is the past...if you ever let down your barrier Andy, know that you will always have someone to talk too. Maybe one day I'll share my story...'' giving her a nod...M turned and headed out the door. Andy didn't know what to say...M looked so hurt by her words to him before. She felt torn...she wanted to open up...his words spoke right to her personally. Not as a psychiatrist would talk to a patient...but from one friend to another. He truly did care... As Andy began to walk behind him...M stopped, not turning his face to her. ''I wish I could take away your pain Andy...there is honor in the service that you have devoted yourself too God. Never let anyone take that passion and desire away from you...'' M turned his head around his shoulder...to take a glance at Andy with a smile... ''I'll tell you a verse if you'd permit me...'' ''Please do...'' M turned around and closed his eyes as he focused on the words...''Ecclesiastes, chapter 11, verses 7 through 10...The light is sweet and it pleases the eyes to see the sun. However many years a man may live, let him enjoy them all. But let him remember the days of darkness, for they will be many. Remember, everything to come is meaningless.'' ''Be happy young one, while you are young, let your heart give you joy in the days of your youth. Follow the ways of your heart...and whatever your eyes see. So then, banish anxiety from your heart and cast off the troubles of your body, for youth and vigor are meaningless.'' ''Remember your creator in the days of your youth, before the days of trouble come and the years approach when you will say...'' He opened his eyes...and gazed right at Andy with that of compassion and kindness...''I find no pleasure in them.'' ''wow...'' was all that Andy could muster up. ''Thank you...my mother taught me that...now lets go...we have a mission to complete.'' ***Outside the Ship*** ''Good...the suns out.'' M smiled...''that should decrease the vampires intrest in us for a while.'' as he walked out with Andy still in back of him. ''Everyone...get ready to leave. Grab as much ammo as you can...it seems like the Lycans have been whipped out by the vampires. Hopefully we will be able to meet up with Taikaru and Farel...I'm sure they are alive.'' ''What about Maria, the Presidents daughter...'' answered Lee, coming up from behind him with the girl in his arms. ''Condragulations Lee...you've been prommoted to babysitter.'' responded M... everyone in the group burst out laughing...looking at Lee, Maria, at the age of 8 was smiling from ear to ear. ''Look Lee...I think she likes you.'' added Ivy as she walked past Lee who was standing still in shock. ''But M...I can't take care of a little girl.'' ''You don't have too...you have your tele-barrier...she's safest in your hands my friend.'' answered Eric at Lee's side. Carl could only shakes his head in amusement...he didn't say much. But he was quite giggly with the thought. ''Now lets go...we got a lot of ground to cover till we reach the north of the city.''[/SIZE][/COLOR] OCC: Sorry Blayze...but you got baby-sitting duty. Go all out guys on whatever you want to do...Meggido and Kaiba...meet us either on the way to the nests or at them, your choice. Post to your hearts desire...either with convo's to the nest...or automatic fighting:) Just remember it is daytime;) Also...do not kill the head vampire yet. I have a nice little twist for you all, and will bring to light the events at New Berlin. Also Meggido...please PM about the Lycans not having hearts. I thought it was a good idea...but what was the reason for it if any. I'll try to incorperate it into the overall story of the paranormal events.
  25. [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1]OCC: Aight Heero...since you asked me...I'm in. Please give me a little time to get my mind back into the gundam mindset:) I'll brush up on my history and teminolody and all. But here is the basic..and I will fill out the rest later. I will be customizing my gundam only sightly when I come back to this. Name: WuFei Personality: Bad ***...the lone wanderer. Martial artist... Appearance: (thumbnail) Bio: ancient history:) Mech: Nataku One Doubled ended twin beam trident. Over sized highly extendable Fang claws on both arms, which are capable of sending out bursts of fire from its mouths when mounted. Nataku has also been equiped with what has been come to be called ''The Hand.'' Nataku's left hand is capable of gathering massive amounts of energy into the palm of his hand...whether he chooses to contain in within the hand to disintegrate a enemy mech, to protect itself from a energy blast, or to create a large ball of green energy to launch at the enemy which draws in the enemy from escaping...rivaling even the Wing Zero's blaster cannon. Nataku still contains the same sensory systems as before. Also...WuFei...with his training in the mountains since the last war...as improved on his strength...and cordination, choosing not to dishonor himself by using systems such as the HALO of Zero system,however, he has developed an old technology abandoned by the colonies years ago. Fused onto Nataku's back are 4 gravitational boasters, capable of bending time and space, creating their own black hole to move from one place to another. The speed created by this is incredible...and with WuFei's countless years of martial arts training and meditation, he is the only one to pilot such technology because of the mental and physical strain. The system is called Anubis...which will not allow any system to increase fighting capabilities of any kind. Thus why WuFei has chosen not to upgrade his original systems apart from the Anubis. (If you've every played Zone Of Enders for the ps2...you'd understand better. Basically...nataku can move from one spot to another in an instant by compressing space) Nataku has also been added the program called ''Wisp''. Replacing the gatling guns on his waist and shoulders...he has been equiped with a wide range of missle ports...missiles up to the hundreds. But instead of simply launching the missiles...Nataku is able to withdraw the missles from there holdings and keep them levitated close to his back, even while in motion...where he may launch one or all of them if he chooses during battle. OCC: As I said...just give me a little time to get myself into this:) Its been a good year since ive seen the show. Good old internet downloading....[/SIZE][/COLOR]
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