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Everything posted by Kairi

  1. [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1]''....WAIT!'' Michael cried out as he awoke from a dream, or was it a nighmare. He sat up, pressing his fingertips into his temples...trying to rid himself of the dream. [I]Deep breathes Michael...calm down. [/I] immidiately he placed himself into a meditative state, soothing all the nerves and muscles in his body; his thoughts in complete control. [I]This is the fifth night in a row now...[/I] Ever since that old man gave him this new earing back in Thai Land...he's been having visions. The images are all jumbled...no clear meaning. Tombs, pyramids, faces...faces of people he never knew. But Michael was able to get over it easily as always, getting himself out of his bed in his fairly large apartment building in the city of Cairo. The University that had invited for him to study there was paying for everything. Michael was one of the brightest minds in the field of psychology and philosophy...a down to earth kind of guy whom the university had taken great interest in. A conference that Michael had taken great interest in, was an assembly of all the brightest minds of his field converging on the topic of ''how the human brain could possibly function with two minds.'' Its a known fact that the two hemisphere's of the brain contain their own conciousness...and together they fuse together into on cohesive vision. Michael was the one who challenged the fact that maybe there was a spiritual connection between the two. In order for there to be a bridge between the two halves, there must be a mediator. In other words, a soul, a spirit, or simply the ''Jimminy Cricket'' theory. One mind wants one thing, and one wants another...good vs. bad, evil vs. devine, the battle between right and wrong. Each side converges into a single entity which makes the individual who they are....thus...a spirit or soul. Making everyone unique...one side may be more dominant than another on multiple levels. ''Eh...I shouldn't worry about that right now.'' the theories behind all of it were so damn confusing, Michael's mind moved so fast sometimes that he can't keep up with himself. ''I might as well train before tomorrow's conference...'' Walking over to the kitchen...he got himself a glass of orange juice and drank it in one shot. Going to the cabnet, he pulled out his two scimitars. The living room area was quite large, making it easy for Michael to practice. The bright morning sun shined through the curtains, lighting up the entire apartment. Michael was becoming a master with the two blades, swinging and jabbing them in unison. His footwork was sublime, in complete sink with his movements. He would play alternative/rock and heavy metal songs to to get a rise out of himself...to intensify his concentration and drive to fight. It was like fighting himself...just like the two minds. All humans have a demon side, but always having the potential to have a pure heart. [I]Is it the darkness that tries to survive within the light; or is it the light that is threatened to be taken out by the surrounding darkness...[/I] He loved thinking to himself as he trained...there was something about the sweat and pain that made him feel more alive. The weakness of the body breaks down all walls...exposing the true self. After a good two hours of none stop training...Michael felt that he should go for a jog. Despite how hot it was outside in the Egyptian sun...he loved the feeling. The warmth was like a blanket during his days back at home in America. Think about it...he really missed his mother and brother. His father was still in Thai Land for his business career as a Financial Director. Even at the age of 20...with all the friends he had...he felt alone at times. [I]What was it David told me the other day.......I need a good woman in my life.[/I] Michael could only laugh to himself...he hadn't had a girlfriend since Senior Year. One that didn't end to well...he was quite handsome. Most of his college buddies here in Cairo kept trying to hook him up with someone. They were all sweet...but just weren't right for him. Putting on a pair of black running and shorts, he grabbed his keys, mp3 player, wallet, and a bottle of cold water from the fridge and locked the apartment door on his way out. The sun outside was intense... [I]I should have brought sunglasses...oh well...the sweat would get into them anyway...[/I] Playing the song ''Feuer Frei'' by Rammstein...Michael began his run down the streets of Cairo. Where he was going...he didn't know...nor cared. That was half the fun...getting lost. You never know whom you may bump into. Without a shirt on...you could clearly see the scars on his back however as sweat continued to creep down from his dirty blonde hair onto his muscularly toned body. Scars of his pasts...he sometimes thought about it when he ran. Thinking back to home...he may even let a tear or two come because of the thoughts...but he let it go. He let it all go...all those years ago. Sometimes he used to think that he ran because he was running away from his past. But to him...he ran because his feet told him that his life was far more worth than that place...and he needed to move on...forward...never backwards. [/SIZE] [/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1]OCC: Thank you for posting Eric...but, I'm not the leader:) No leader on this team. [I]Good...we have the Presidents daughter...things should go much more smoothly as well with the head vampire killed. [/I] M walked out of the ship and looked out at the stars that lit up the night sky...taking in the cool night air through his nostrils. This sort of things always relaxed him...that feeling from Lee was completely gone now. And everyone seemed to be calming down as well from the battle the had just transpired. He was getting worried though about Taikaru and Farel. They had been gone for almost a day, without any word...and then...he saw it. ''M...'' said Ivy as she walked out of the ship towards him. ''What are you doing out here?'' His attention turned from what caught his eye...and turned towards Ivy. ''Just taking in some fresh air...looking at the stars. How is everyone doing inside?'' ''Good, Eric's arrival has gotten everyones spirit up...and all wounds have been treated.'' ''Great job Ivy, how's Andy doing?'' ''She'll make it...she's a fighter.'' ''I know she is...''...M looked back out towards the sky...''how are you feeling?'' ''I'm fine...just a little tired.'' ''You should get some rest then...we'll head out once Andy wakes up...no later than tomorrow afternoon I hope.'' ''Why...whats wrong M...something is on your mind. I can see it...aren't things gonna get easier now. All we have to do is to kill the head Lycan, maybe save any civilians, and then we're out of here.'' ''There's been no sign of Farel or Taikaru, I'm getting worried.'' ''Don't worry...'' punching him in the left shoulder...she felt something odd about it though...but just let it go by without any real thought. ''haha...I know...Farel can take care of himself. And when we head out tomorrow I'm sure they'll lead us right back to their main base and we'll kill their leader.'' M paused for a moment...thinking on how to say what he was about to say. ''But...we have a problem.'' ''Whats that M?'' M pointed in the direction that had caught his eye before...a good distance away from the ship, there were multiple shadows moving around in the dark. The only reason he spotted them in the darkness was due to his left eye. ''I can barely make them out...there's definitly a lot of activity going on there.'' suddendly there was a scream, not of a Lycan...but of a.... Ivy was shocked...''but how...'' ''I dont know...but whoever Eric killed...wasn't the head vampire. If it was...those vampires wouldn't be here...and the war would be over.'' Ivy couldn't believe it...she was so excited about the mission being over...and now they were back to square one in their place in this war. ''Come on...'' as M placed a hand on her shoulder...dont worry about it...we'll get them. Lets check up on Andy and we'll call it a night.''[/SIZE][/COLOR] OCC: :)...oh I have more plans for the vampires...dont you worry :devil:
  3. [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1]''Tired already...what a shame...tisk tisk.'' Storm looked up in horror as the demon rose out of the river. His hair had gone back to a normal white and silver shade...his appearance no longer looked like that of a demon. ''What...do you want?'' uttered Storm under his breathe from the exhaustion. ''I want a lot of things Slayer...but what is most important is what my master wants. He is free...Azrael has been freed from his prison and has taken back the throne which is rightfully his own. It is only a matter of time before he transends into this world. I merely wish to test your abilities to see if you are worthy.'' ''Azrael....is free...'' ''Don't sound so surprised.'' Alexander out from the river directly in front of Storm now. ''You felt his presence Im sure....however, you do dissapointment me.'' Alexander shaking his head, placing his hands on his waist. ''Are you mocking me Demon...'' then suddenly...a burst of fire flew over Storms shoulder and exploded after making contact with Alexander's mid-section. The shot pushed Alexander back, his feet dragging in the ground, but he held his ground. ''hmph...I see one of you at least has some spunk left.'' looking over at Keisha passed out on the ground. Her soul was easily influenced by the darkness...and Storm was reckless. The two of them are not ready....but this one. Maybe Alexander was only intreged by his power over fire. ''I still have fight left in me demon.'' Storm slowly trying to get to his feet. But was immidiately knocked to the side a great distance by Alexander's blow from his broadsword Oblivion. ''I wasn't talking to you now was I.'' Alexander snarled...''I've already had my fun with you...now I wish to entertain this Leon. Turning back towards Leon, his weapons drawn. The demon began to do a ceremonial motion with his left hand. At the end of it...Alexander stretched forth his fingertips towards the Slayer. ''Sin Harvest.'' A golden ring surrounded Leon, trapping him within. And in a quick moment, the rings size decreased, collapsing not on Leon's body, but his very soul. The attack was draining Leon of his life energy quickly...his eyes turned dark, his body levitating in the air. Alexander walked up to him...and place a hand on his cheek. ''I could have your soul...this is how all demons are made...those who do not yeild to this power, will suffer an incredibly painful death, or torture to whatever I so fit. If it were up to me I'd take you now...but not this not Slayer...not this night.'' Grabbing the collar of Leons shirt, Alexander threw the Slayer into the river, diminishing the flame that burned within him. Without even saying a word, Alexander looked over at Keisha...still laying on the ground. A evil grin came across his face as he looked down upon her...but whipped away the thought and dissapeared into the night. [/SIZE] [/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1]As much as he wanted to kill her...he couldn't bring himself to do it. For a brief moment, he saw the vampire who he came to care for all those months ago as a human. But now...all those dark amber eyes of her wanted was his blood, not for who he was. [I]So she did know about David...[/I] Keitha's shadows still surrounded them, blocking the view from the others...she continued to approach him. Instead of bring up Oblivion to cut her down, he simply dropped it to his side. His face was emotionless, his red eyes still burning with hatred for the vampress. His body desired her...but his heart was cautious, not forgetting what happened at their last encounter. [I]A pitty she craves only my blood...if only there was something more there behind those eyes than mere lust. [/I] The vampress now stood directly in front of Zoku. Still, he made no facial expression, but inside, for the first time since becoming a vampire...he was torn. The Moonstone craved for satisfaction in her death...but the Opal saught forgiveness...to take pitty on her, for it was his blood...that brought out her lust once more. Keitha rubbed her hands up and down his chest...feeling his muscular form, sensing his sweet blood flowing through him. She wanted it...she wanted it more than anything. ''Drink..'' Zoku put his hand behind Keithas neck, and ushered her to drink. Slowly, she dug her fangs deep into his chest. With each intake of blood her grasp intensified, just as she had done upon the cliffs. Zoku pushed her head in farther, and farther as her nails penetrated Zoku's back, bringing herself as close as she could. He couldn't feel anything...his feelings for her diminishing...''is this all that she sees me as now...food.'' and with quick motion, Keitha took a blow directly on the back of her skull with the side of Zoku's hand, causing her to go unconcious. The shadows surrounding them dissapeared as Keitha's fangs fell from Zoku's chest as she feel towards the ground. Zoku caught her in his arms...and lifted her up, as well as grabbing her blade as he leaped into the air at great heights. Jumping from one roof to another... till he finally chose to set Keitha down far from the battle ground. Setting her down gently...he kneeled himself right beside her. Her face looked at peace...calm and undisturbed. ''I can't believe these feelings still linger Keitha...even now as a vampire.'' [I]Is that the only reason why you lust for me so...is for my blood. I take pitty on you vampress...such a desire as that for another is pathetic.[/I] He took her head, and layed it on his lap as he looked down at her...the memories flooding back. She may have been cold hearted, but he cared for her neither the less. And now look at her...barely able to keep sane without his blood. ''No blood will every satisfy you Keitha...such is my curse.'' He felt so torn inside...part of him just wanted to end it all. It would be so easy, her tender neck would be so easy to break. But... [I]Do I love her...[/I] ''It's a shame things ended up like this Keitha.'' Zoku rubbing his fingers through her hair. ''I wish I could trust you...but you haven't shown me anything to do so. You say you lust for me...but all you seem to want is your blood. To satisfy your needs...I miss the old you.'' He leaned his head down, close to Keitha's ear in a whisper, rubbing his thumb smoothly up and down her cheek. ''You should have come to me that night...I would rather have died that night...than to live in this life without you...to see you where you are now. I hope one day you come to realize that you want me not only for my blood...but for who I really am. I care for you Keitha...but know that I will not be seduced by your simple lust again. I will not have my heart be played with. I've given you the peace which you sought out this night...my blood corses through you now. Your lust is satisfied...for now. Come find me again to talk if you wish...my friend.'' Genlty resting her head back on the gravel of the rooftop...he stood up and took another look down at the beautiful vampress before him. ''I could have killed you this night Keitha, Shadow Assassin of the Grysham. Think about what I've said...I know you can hear me, even in the state that you are in. *smile* nothing is done without it passing through your ears. I wish I could help you...to take this torment away from you. But, that I will leave too you...'' Zoku left the rooftop and began to make his way back to where Dusk and Dracula were fighting. [I]I loved you once Keitha...I truly did. But, I cannot come back too you...not now...not with the way you are now. [/I] He had gotten back to the park, picking back up his Oblivion as he continued his watch over Dusk. No one seemed to noticed that he had even left, not to mention even being there. [/SIZE] [/COLOR]
  5. [SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkSlateGray][B]***In The Park: Night began to cast itself over the city***[/B] ''No wonder Abaddon found favor with you...maybe you are indeed worthy to lead the Myrkur Aniol.'' ''I am the King of the Myrkur Aniol demon...I will do what is needed in order for my people to survive.'' Zoku walked closer and closer towards Zuriel, leaning up against a tree...his wound on his chest regenerating slowly. ''You killed Abaddon, and for that...I respect you...but...you will die this night.'' Oblivion drawn, Zoku held out the katana to his right side, preparing himself for another attack. ''We'll let our blades decided who is to take the glory from this field.'' replied Zuriel. [I]This man is indeed worthy to rule, he shows the same tenacity as Kuroichi...interesting. [/I] In a burst of speed...Zoku charged at Zuriel, swinging Oblivion across his chest. Zuriel lifted up both of his short swords to block to attack...it was intense...pushing Zuriel back. Holding his blade to his left...Zoku charged again with his right shoulder, hitting Zuriel square in the chest. Zoku kept running...crashing right into the wall...but he kept going. With his massive body, Zoku burst through the wall with Zuriel still being pressed up against his shoulder. Going through the wall...both Vampires found themselves in the middle of a street with incoming traffic. Zuriel flew from the impact of Zoku's shoulder, as Zoku swung his blade back to his right side, catching Zuriel in his belly, as he collided into the side of a passing car. Zoku turned to see a car blaring its horn for the behemoth to move out of the way...it had no time to stop, it was going to hit Zoku. But he didn't move...instead, he stretched out his hand and blew the car away with a small amount of energy. The car exploded...causing a huge pileup of cars in the street. As Zoku turned around...Zuriel lunged his two short swords into Zoku chest. The titan cried out in agony as he punched Zuriels face, causing him to pull out the blades. Catching himself on his feet, Zuriel stared up at Zoku, looking down upon him. But Zuriel contained himself, despite the pain he felt, he lifted up his swords in preperation. ''You're bleeding my king.'' a smirk came upon Zoku's face, as his wounded healed up instantly...Zuriels were only slowly healing. ''Not enough it seems; for I still stand!'' Zuriel charged at him in full force. Slashing and jabbing with his short blades in unison. Surprisingly, as big as the titan was, Zoku was easily able to wield his long katana to block and dodge his attacks. [I]Is Zoku just toying with me...he's not attacking me. [/I] Zuriel kept at it though...as he leaped back for another charge, Zoku stretched out his hand and blasted Zuriel away with another energy blast...sending him to the wall on the side of the street. As Zuriel collided, Zoku was right on him...thrusting a knee into his mid-sectionm making him drop his two swords. Zuriel caughed up a spat of blood from the impact... Zoku grabbed his throat and began running up the side of the building carrying him with him. When he reached the top, Zoku tossed Zuriel into the air flying across to the middle of the street when Zoku kicked off the wall in a somersault, spinning in the air, Zoku connected with a kick right on the back of Zuriel, drifting in the air as he descended back towards the street pavement. The impact hitting the ground created a fairly large crator...Zoku, still drifting in the air, thrusted his body weight towards Zuriel on the ground. ''This is the end of you Myrkur Aniol.'' As Zoku's fist came right at Zuriels' head,Zuriel quickly leaped out of the way, his wings visible now with him flying in the air... ''SHIT!'' as Zoku's fist went right into the pavement, hitting nothing but air. Zuriels eyes were like the flames of hell...his anger was building as his pain intensified, he could feel his body giving way...he was going on will alone now. Going into a trance, Zuriel began using his telekinesis to throw cars at the behemoth. The first one crashed into Zoku's left shoulder, sending a shock of numbness down his arm. Placing Oblivion back into its sheath on his back, the second car Zoku hit to the side easily with his good arm. A third came at him, Zoku shot out another energy blast, and sent the car flying, going right back at Zuriel. He moved out of the way easily...and create a ball of fire in his palm, and threw it at Zoku...it hit Zoku right in the chest, exploding on impact, making all of Zoku's upper body to burst into flame. He quickly took off his trench coat and shirt off...revieling the old ying and yang dragon tattoo on his back (back in the first HTDD). Zuriel then continued to throw multiple amounts of fire balls onto the street. His aim was random, hitting everything and anything in sight. Zoku easily was able to dodge the blasts as they exploded nearby windows, cars, and sidewalk stores. ''Enough...'' said Zoku underneathe his breath...and a dark pulse shot out of his body...intensifying with every burst. Zuriel was blown backwards due to its evil power, and came back down to the street from the sky. The feeling intreged him...all he could do was stare at Zoku as gathered his energy, as he tried to catch his breathe. *chuckle*...''.......my turn....'' said Zoku as he shot right at Zuriel...with a little energy ball in his hand. Zuriel didn't have enough time to respond as Zoku hit him with his fist right into his chest. Zoku didn't stop his onslaught as he continued to bash and jab at the angel. He grabbed his head with his huge hands and rammed Zuriel again straight into a wall, his head inside the brick wall itself. Dragging his head across the entire wall, leaving a deep horizontal gap in the building as it began to collapse upon the street. At the end of the wall...Zoku leaped up into the air with Zuriels head still in his grasp and crushed his head right into the pavement of the street. Zoku stood up...and marveled at his work, Zuriel lying motionless...but alive. [I]Now...time for Dracula...[/I] as Zoku walked to his now burned up trench coat and picked up Oblivion. He then went back through the hole that was created earlier in the wall connecting to the park, as Zoku took witness to Dracula's and Dusks battle; Jinsei standing off to the side in shock to Sole's transmormation. [/COLOR] [/SIZE]
  6. [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1]''Excellent...so this is Storms hideout...interesting...'' Alexander had been witnessing the Slayers abilities in their attack on them outside the bar. As powerful they were....he wasn't impressed, they still were no matter against himself, not including his master as well. [COLOR=DarkRed]I am free Alexander...[/COLOR] [COLOR=Navy]That is wonderful master, the energy created by the dead souls of the vampires was enough against the Dragon and Lazarus I see[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkRed]Yes...you have done well my friend. What of the Slayers?[/COLOR] [COLOR=Navy]Now there are three master, at this moment I stand outside their hideout. [/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkRed]Good work...introduce yourself to them. I want them to get a taste of the power which they face...torture them my servant, but do not kill them. That right will be mine, do you understand?[/COLOR] [COLOR=Navy]Of course my master...who do you take me for. I've killed my fill of fallen angels for one night...I will merely have fun with the mortals. [/COLOR] Alexander walked to the entrance of Storms hideout...and walked in. [/SIZE] [/COLOR]
  7. [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1]''Sakura!'' she slowly turned around to see Joseph running at her with great speed. ''Joseph...'' ''Sakura...are you hurt?'' he got to her and placed a hand on her shoulder, sighing in relief that he had found at least one of his friends. ''I'm not doing too well...'' as Sakura continued to lean against her staff. ''Don't worry, I'll take care of you...'' stepping back a couple of feet, Joseph pointed the staff at Sakura as it began to glow a bright aqua green; ''Curaga!'' As always, a white aura began to surround Sakura, feeling a rush of a warm energy spreading through her body. Above her head, 3 droplets of water appeared over her and feel upon her body. In moments, her wounds were healed; she could feel her strength coming back to her. ''Wow...'' the feeling was incredible...''thank you Joseph.'' ''No problem...'' he walked up and gave her a hug...''I was worried about all of you.'' He released her and held out his hand...containing a ring. ''Whats that?'' ''It's called a Haste ring, for brief amounts of time...you're able to go at great speeds. Take it...'' ''Really...cool.'' she slid it onto her left pointer finger...looking at the it, it contained a yellow gem within it...with a red band for the ring itself. ''The power is activated immidiately on a thought...so try to control it when you're searching for everyone else. I gotta see if anyone else needs healing...'' ''Ok...I'll go down this road, and you go down there...'' ''Sounds good too me...lets go!'' Sakura sped off in her direction, running like the wind. Echoing through the streets, Joseph could hear her cheering joyfully in the distance. ''Be careful Sakura...'' as Joseph ran off in the opposite direction. [/SIZE] [/COLOR]
  8. [SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkSlateGray]''LEE!'' yelled out M...grabbing Lee's shoulder. ''We need that sheild back up!'' ''I don't know if I can man...'' ''Fine...'' M threw his shotgun to the ground...''take my hand.'' ''What...'' replied Lee, still shooting at the incoming Lycans. ''Take my hand!...and get that sheild back up, we've done enough for one day. Everyone's tired Lee, you gotta do it.'' Taking M's right hand...Lee closed his eyes and tried to focus another barrier around the ship. For a brief amount of time, a barrier materialized, but just as quickly fell. ''I can M...my mind can't take it.'' ''No...Lee watch out.'' as Lee began to open his eyes, a Lycan jumped at Lee. M pulled Lee in back on him and lifted up his left arm to block the attack. The Lycans claws slashed against M's artificial arm, ripping through most of the wiring and armor. M cried out in pain, the emotion surging through his body, transmitting into Lee as well; a surge of energy passed through him as he outstretched his arm to try again. Within moments, the barrier was up again at full power, pushing every Lycan in the area away from the ship. When Lee calmed himself, he could tell that something had left him...something was missing. Turning around, M was already gone, heading for the ship, holding his arm. ''M...are you?'' ''Get everyone into the ship Lee...'' his voice sounded tired, his back still turned to Lee...M drifted to the left and right as he walked towards the ship.'' ''Alright M...'' Lee was concerned, whatever M did to him...Lee could feel his sanity coming back to him. Even with the chip out, yes his powers had increased tremendously, but he could control it...to his surprise. As everyone began to walk towards the ship, Lycans were all around the barrier, trying to force themselves in. Carl still had his weapons drawn for battle till a fleet of vampires descended upon the Lycan forces. The battle was bloody, everyone looked out in shock. Such violence and hatred, this truly was a war zone. The Lycans ran away as the Vampires pursued them into the shadows as nightime began to fall upon them all. M was already in the ship, heading towards the pilots chamber...''Get some rest everyone, you all were wonderful today. I thank you all...for everything.'' speaking into his earpiece as he shut the door to the pilot chamber...locking it behind him. ''........shit....'' his arm was in bad shape. Setting down all of his weapons, M took some tools out of his backpack and he went to work as he opened a transmission to headquarters. [B]***OPEN TRANSMISSION: HEAVEN***[/B] ***M: Commander Red? ***Red: Yes M, go ahead? ***M: We've taken major losses sir, all but one of our support team has survived. We all are pretty tired, and Taikaru has been kidnapped by the Lycans; Farel is on route to rescue her. We are requesting immidiate evac...I repeat...we are in need of an emergency evac. ***Red: No can do M. ***M: What! ***Red: You haven't completed your mission soldier. You must still find the Presidents daughter, and to destroy the leaders of the Lycans and Vampires. Once that happens, all of those blasted creatures will die...and then you may come home. Remember, keep an eye out for civilians as well M. ***M: Damn you Red..... M's voice was failing...he was extremely tired. ***Red: I warned you M...you and your team asked for this assignment, and we gave it too you. Complete your mission, and then you will be able to come home. [B]***TRANMISSION ENDED***[/B] M had repared most of his arm, spraying a mechanical skin-growth substance onto his artificial arm, creating a new layer of skin on top. His head began to hurt as he sat there in the pilots seat... ''I shouldn't have done that....'' M placed his head in his hands as he tried to concentrate and calm himself. He had absorbed Lee's emotion of insanity, the confusion, the visions. M knew that the feeling would pass, like it always did...but his head now felt like it was splitting in two. Some moments he felt himself shaking, quickly shaking his head from time to time. [I]Only a little bit longer....[/I] he was rocking back and forth in his chair. Only a little longer till the feeling subsided. Images crept into his mind, flashes of the battle, all the blood, Andy's smile, Farel's face as he looked at that Lycans eyes, his friends fighting with all that they had. Ivy falling to the ground, her saving him, everything seemed to be passing through him so quickly. Then in an instant...the visions were gone. M felt back to normal again, his strength coming back to him. Taking out a bottle of water from his pack...he unlocked the door, he didn't want anyone to worry about him. Locking the door would only worry them more... ''Everyone'' as he spoke into his communicator, ''get some rest, with Lee's shield up for a while, we might as well make the best of it. We'll let tonight pass, and let those monsters fight it out. Do not worry about us leaving Farel nor Taikaru behind...because no one is coming for us. Because we've chosen this mission, Commander Red has ordered us to carry out our mission. I'm sure some of you will be upset at hearing this...with all my heart, I am sorry my friends. But let us make the best of this...so get some sleep, get something to eat and drink, and relax...we're gonna wait here till dawn. Hopefully by then...the creatures will be gone. And we will continue our search tomorrow morning ok. Don't forget to mend your wounds as well...we done want those things smelling our blood.'' M took the communicator out of his ear...leaned back in the chair...and sipped at the cool water. [/COLOR] [/SIZE]
  9. If you don't mind amgoddess...I'll explain what the crystals are. Originally, in the Final Fantasy Tactics game, Ivalice was only a dream world, set apart from reality. Mewt, a boy who thought up of the world, hated his life in the real world. So in his mind, he created this world...trapping everyone else inside. The crystals were what held the world together, these crystals all had their own guardians, the totems. The main characters goal in the game was to destroy the crystals so that Ivalice would go back to reality. In his party, he would have his moogles, dragoon etc. etc. in the clan. Before you could destroy the crystal, you would do battle with the guardian, which amgoddess has already assigned names and whatnot to your race. Once the guardian was defeated, the crystal would be destroyed...and the totem would actually help aid the party in one attack. Each totem would aid the individual who represented that particular race which that totems crystal pertained too. Hopefully that helps out. The problem with my totem is that ''the world'' was actually the final boss in Tactics. The final key which held everything together, Mewts mother. So i'm winging mine because of that...I have some good plans for my character too as well if you'd like me to tell you amgoddess over PM so that no one gets a spoiler:) So yea...thats what the totems are. But since this place is REAL, we're not out to destroy the crystals, but to find them. Which I believe is being done so that we can defeat this evil that is in Ivalice...or any other plot twist that amgoddess has concocked:) Im glad to hear that you all like the ideas that i came up with in my other entry. I really hope everyone else picks up on it as well. So Shinji wants to be a time mage, sakura a illusionist, me a summoner...please, ,everyone else do the same...and also:)...work on those ''specials'' or limit breaks:) And yes Altron :D ...I got the idea of a evolving weapon from you;). You didn't necessarily claim your idea:)...or bring it to light..but i do give you credit :laugh: take care...later -kairi
  10. [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1]YO EVERYONE!...I have a great idea to solve all this job and ability confusion and all:) I thought of it while trying to figure out what the hell to do with my race:)...and it should work with everyone else. Alright...we'll have our basic abilities that we learn. Those who are black mages, they learn more and more magic as they use it more and more, since we have two black mages. One should each pic one element...and work from their developing and coming up with new stuff. For soldiers and dragoons and all...you all know what to do...technigues and whatnot to your hearts desire. Now as for other ''techniques'' apart from our jobs. Like Zeth...and his attacks as a soldier of the Blue Moon...those will be his ''specials.'' For the other races...you all could come up with your own ''specials as well. Like Altron, you have your flight and your other marble orb to unlock. For soldier and dragoons and all...you can have combos, like from ff7 with Cloud, or ff8 with Squalls limit breaks. And all these limit breaks or specials will grow over time...but not really changing much, just stronger and more flashy:) As for the crystals, or totems. Whenever we find yours...we can treat it like a summon as in the game. BUt just can't be used frequently. Because of my race as ''the world'' being unique...my limit break and crystal will be one. As explained in my post, the Sacred Fire was a clan that used to worship Quenbryl...my totem. And so their powers derive from that. For Jobs...hopefully this is a good idea amgoddess. We all chose our final job that we would like to have...this will help prevent mix up when people want to change. As well as preventing any repatition in jobs, so that the story will have more variety:) So from that...we'll build up on our skills...till we ''advance'' where we decide to take on another trade. Also with weapons...it may get annoying to have to change our weapon everytime we learn a new magic. I mean...i was white mage...and i couldn't do anything with just that on a one on one battle...(tis ok though amgoddess:) i managed). So...i think that our weapon should evolve. Transform so to say...or an attachment becomes part of it like Altrons orbs, or my staff changing. Well...*sigh*...thats bout it. Hopefully those are some good ideas. And for the record...I choose to be a Summoner to be my final job:) ITS MINE:) take care... -kairi[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  11. [SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkSlateGray]Name: Michael Obalisk Age: 21 Appearance: Michael stands at about 6' even with the body of an athlete. He's not bulky like a football player, but he does have muscle tone. He has dirty blonde hair that?s kinda fluffy, with bangs that come down just to the midpoint of his eyes. With a silver earring in his left ear which contains a light aqua blue stone in it...given to him by an old Thai Chi master of his, silver framed glasses for far-sighted vision, and a silver cross hanging from his neck. His eyes are a hazel-blue, which change periodically to change in light and mood. Apart from his everyday attire, Michael prefers to wear a brown muscle shirt with light baish pants with black boots. He has a black tattoo on his right arm with a sword (see thumbnail...just add glasses and blue eyes to face). Bio: At the age of 6 years old, his parents got divorced...having him live with his mother and his brother Brian. However, mom had to work all the time so Michael and Brian were sent to live with his grandma for a while till mom got back on her feet. She taught Michael everything good and right in his life. When his mom remarried, Michael and Brian left their grandmothers and lived with the new couple. His father was young and naive...who was very abusive towards Michael. Michael fought hard though...and never let his step-father lay a hand on his brother. As the years went by, Michael turned out to be a very wise, and intelligent young man. With his step-fathers abuse subsiding...he finally was able to move on with his life around the age of 15. This was a time when he truly blossomed. He was popular with his friends, always a councilor in need, a leader to his friends, a team player for the high school basketball team and a loving individual. Time went on...and the divorced situation never subsided though. His real father constantly pressuring him to leave, constantly being pulled between his mother and father. Then one day, at the age of 17...Michael's mother had enough of it and sent Michael away. Ever since then...Michael has been all over the world traveling with his father because of his career. Moving from one school to another...living in a bunch of different neighborhoods, he has gotten a very broad learning experience. Leaving for college with a major of psychology in mind, Michael decided to study abroad with his open-mind growing with each passing year; and has brought him to a University in Egypt where some of the brightest minds in Philosophy and Psychology are meeting. Michael has no clue about the Jirax stones, nor anything about their history. Personality: Despite Michael's harsh family history, he's grown into quite a strong individual. Firm in his convictions, he bows to no one...however with his loving heart and wisdom, he respects everyone and is not judgmental towards peoples differences. At times his emotions get the best of his due to past memories, but he easily gets over them. Very adaptive and understand...Michael tries to bring a sense of passion and devotion to whatever he does. At times he does value his solitary, but merely to focus his thoughts, to meditate and whatnot. He prefers to be passive in his everyday lifestyle, but once conflict occurs, he is right there in the middle of it...fighting for what he believes in. Weapons: With his fathers upbringing in Thailand for 2 years, Michael has mastered the use of a 9mm automatic pistol...prefers to have two at his side...he also has a collection of duel daggers and scimitars, yielding the powers of the ying and yang (dark and light energies) which he learned to use in his years of studying under various teachers; as well as his skills in Thai Chi .[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  12. [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1][B]*** The Night Before***[/B] ''Hey Zeth, hows it goin?'' Joseph said warmly as Zeth took a seat beside Joseph in the garden. ''Couldn't sleep...you?'' ''The same...just looking up at the stars, they're quite beautiful aren't they?'' Zeth looking up at the sky himself. ''That they are my friend...that they are. Amazing really...'' ''You really like it here, don't you Zeth?'' ''Don't you Joseph...you've been acting weird lately. Usually you're one of the must uptempoded, energetic ones out there. Since the desert, you keep wandering off on your own. I would imagine you would be thrilled to be in a place like this. I mean, I can't get enough of it.'' ''Sorry Zeth, I've just had a lot on my mind.'' ''Thats what Zedekiah told me as I came into the garden, something wrong? Is it about what the mage told you in the presence of the queen? I saw you lower your head when she talked about ''The World'' crystal.'' Zeth tried to look into Josephs eyes and see what was wrong. He and Joseph have been friends for a long time, and they knew each other well. But this was the first time he's seen his friend like this. ''I'm lost Zeth...this whole ordeal with my crystal. They keep telling me I already have it...but I don't see it. It's frustrating at times...but Zedekiah told me not to fret. All things will come to pass I guess.'' as Joseph tried to show a smile. ''I feel the same way, we still don't know much about our crystals...or the powers that they might possess. But look at the bright sight...apparently you've already found yours'' both of them began to laugh ''even if you don't know exactly how!'' ''You're right Zeth, better let it be I guess.'' ''Thats very wise Joseph to think about it like that...prevents a lot less stress in the future. Come on...lets get outta here.'' Joseph was the first up and stretched out a hand to help his friend up. ''So...you're a soldier right...wanna spar?'' ''Like the old days...sure, why not *with a smile as Zeth drew his sword* but, you don't have a weapon?'' ''I may not have a sword *picking up his staff* but this will do. Come on...*stretching out his hand and motioning Zeth to come forward* bring it:)'' The two of them went right at each other, remembering the times back home. The fight was playful of course...laughing at everything...but, even if it seemed like play. They had been doing this for years, and they always got better and better. [B]***Next Day: Muscadet***[/B] ''Zeth, Kent, Dyne, Sakura, Shinji...ANYBODY!'' The winter tundra had died down with Zeth's help...but everyone was gone. Joseph was seperated from the rest of the group... [I]They must all be somewhere in the city...[/I] ''Don't waste your time human...'' a dark voice echoing across the emptyness of the street. ''Your friends are all scattered around the city, fighting for their lives...'' ''Reviel yourself coward.'' Ever since this morning, Joseph felt refreshed and renewed. Whatever he felt within him...didn't feel so alien to him anymore. With the spar with Zeth last night...he felt alive. ''Such brave words towards an already dead man...'' as a dark figure appeared from around the corner of the local pub. Whatever the thing was...it glowed with bright red eyes hinden beneathe its hood, and skeletal hands coming from the cloak ''No one will come to save you human...one such as you doesn't deserve to have the power of Ivalices Crystal, Joseph of the Sacred Fire.'' ''You know me?'' Joseph nearly dropped his staff upon hearing the beings words. He could sense an evil aura emmiting from the creature. Its words were cold...and deadly...speaking right to Josephs core. ''I know a lot about you...unlike these pathetic clan members that your friends are facing, I on the other hand know what you all are...and what you, Joseph, possess.'' A harsh breeze swept past the two beings...staring down each other in the middle of the street. The wind lifted up Joseph's bandana reveiling the black half moon on his forehead. ''What do you want from me?'' ''I want to fight you...show me what you've got Lord of the Sacred Fire.'' Joseph didn't need any second thought, he wielded his staff and casted Curaga around the creature. [I]If this thing is undead...then it must be weak to healing powers. [/I] ''CURAGA!'' As a bright light opened up above the creature, white little water droplets fell down from the light, however...the droplets didn't touch the being. An invisible wall prevented the Curaga to pass through. ''Your powers are futile human!" within an instant...the creature was upon him, the barrier around the being pushed Joseph straight into a wall from its force, then it came for him again, swiping away the Spring Staff, causing a deep cut in Josephs forearm. The being lifted him up into the air with one hand....and began to strangle the life out of him. Joseph battled back...hitting the creatures arm as hard as he could with his good right arm, but all he was hitting was bone, the creature couldn't feel a thing. ''Pathetic...I expected more from the Essence of Ivalice...servant of the Sacred Fire...ha...your friends will all be dead by my hands by nightfall.'' ''No...please....'' Joseph was on the verge of passing out...but a surge of energy came upon him. Looking down at the skeleton warlord, Josephs blue eyes dissapeared, leaving only a white flame burning in his eyes. ''There we go...thats much better Joseph...'' the skeleton warlord threw Joseph back up against the wall. Joseph slowly got himself back to his feet. Outstretching his right arm...the Spring Staff came back to his hands. At a mere thought...the wound in his left forearm was healed. When Joseph spoke...his voice was different. As if another being was speaking through and in him, as if he was in a trance. ''Enough...'' he said calmly...with a certain gentleness to his voice. The tattoo was burning as well the marvelous white flame. ''Be gone...'' stretching forth his hand once again...the same flames in his eyes now surrounded Joseph...and suddenly surrounded the skeleton warlord. The creatures screams were deafening...''master!'' and then it was gone, vanishing into dust leaving only behind his cloak and two rings that were on the creatures hands. Joseph nearly blacked out when it was over...his body felt exhausted. Not remembering completely what happened...''..wh....what happened?'' His head began to hurt again...pressing his palm up against his forehead. He was looking frantically for the warlord, only to see a pile of dust underneathe a black cloak. ''Did I do that...'' with the staff in his hands...Joseph heard a voice in his head yet again. [I][COLOR=Blue]You have mastered Curaga...Life[/COLOR][/I] The staff began to change...the orb on its stand was now a pure white, attached to a now silver walking stick. ''Weird...'' [I][COLOR=Blue]Life...to save souls. [/COLOR][/I] ''Amazing...I've learned another ability...'' looking at the pile of dust, Joseph picked up the two rings that the creature left behind. Placing both on his left hand...Joseph again...felt a strange feeling surge through his body. [COLOR=Blue][I]Haste, and Wall (barrier, shell) aid you...[/I] [/COLOR] ''This is too much...'' his head still throbbing...''I gotta find the rest of the gang...they're gonna need my help.''[/SIZE][/COLOR] OCC: Basically, Josephs little trance was a surge of energy from his powers as a servant of the sacred fire...a clan that served ''The World'' Crystal, which im also calling the ''Essence of Ivalice.'' Since mine really isn't part of the Final Fantasy storyline, I figured I'd let you all know where I was going with it. The reason why Joseph is coming to understand these powers quickly and there terms is because it the actual spirit of this world working in him...aka...his crystal. PM amgoddess if this is ok...trying to wing it:)
  13. Kairi

    A Nation Reborn

    OCC: Well, I said to ya I'd post for ya:) Don't know if I'll get in but...we'll give it a shot:) Interesting thought bout making the personalities like us...this will be fun:) [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1]Name: Michael Obalisk Age: 21 Appearance: Michael stands at about 6' even with the body of an athlete. He's not bulky like a football player, but he does have muscle tone. He has dirty blonde hair thats kinda fluffy, with bangs that come down just to the midpoint of his eyes. With a silver earing in his left ear which contains a light aqua blue stone in it...given to him by an old Thai Chi master of his, silver framed glasses for far-sighted vision, and a silver cross hanging from his neck. His eyes are a hazel-blue, which change periodically to change in light and mood. Apart from his everyday attire, Michael prefers to wear a brown muscle shirt with light baish pants with black boots. He has a black tattoo on his right arm with a sword (see thumbnail...just add glasses and blue eyes to face). Bio: At the age of 6 years old, his parents got divorsed...having him live with his mother and his brother Brian. However, mom had to work all the time so Michael and Brian were sent to live with his grandma for a while till mom got back on her feet. She taught Michael everything good and right in his life. When his mom remarried, Michael and Brian left their grandmothers and lived with the new couple. His father was young and naive...who was very abussive towards Michael. Michael fought hard though...and never let his step-father lay a hand on his brother. As the years went by, Michael turned out to be a very wise, and intellegent young man. With his step-fathers abuse subsiding...he finally was able to move on with his life around the age of 15. This was a time when he truly blossomed. He was popular with his friends, always a councelor in need, a leader to his friends, a team player for the high school basketball team and a loving individual. Time went on...and the divorsed situation never subsided though. His real father constantly pressuring him to leave, constantly being pulled between his mother and father. Then one day, at the age of 17...Michael's mother had enough of it and sent Michael away. Ever since then...Michael has been all over the world traveling with his father because of his career. Moving from one school to another...living in a bunch of different neighborhoods, he has gotten a very broad learning experiance. Leaving for college with a major of psychology in mind, Michael decided to study abroad with his open-mind growing with each passing year; and has brought him to a University in Egypt where some of the brightest minds in Philosophy and Psychology are meeting. Michael has no clue about the Jirax stones, nor anything about their history. Personality: Despite Michael's harsh family history, he's grown into quite a strong individual. Firm in his convictions, he bows to no one...however with his loving heart and wisdom, he respects everyone and is not judgemental towards peoples differences. At times his emotions get the best of his due to past memories, but he easily gets over them. Very adaptive and understand...Michael tries to bring a sense of passion and devotion to whatever he does. At times he does value his solitary, but merely to focus his thoughts, to meditate and whatnot. He prefers to be passive in his everyday lifestyle, but once conflict occurs, he is right there in the middle of it...fighting for what he believes in. Weapons: With his fathers upbrining in Thailand for 2 years, Michael has mastered the use of a 9mm automatic pistol...prefers to have two at his side...he also has a collection of duel daggers and scimitars, yeilding the powers of the ying and yang (dark and light energies) which he learned to use in his years of studying under various teachers; as well as his skills in Thai Chi .[/SIZE][/COLOR] OCC: I hope this is good. And the other thumbnail you wonder why its doing there...I thought it was hilarious :laugh: Or thats just me :D
  14. [SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkSlateGray][COLOR=DarkOrange]I have an idea Ajack...[/COLOR] [I]What is it Apollo...please let it be a good one. We're running out of time...I wont be able to take muc more without our armor. [/I] [COLOR=DarkOrange]I know Ajack...I know...remember the attack we did together against that T-Rex...[/COLOR] [I]Yes...I do but....[/I] BOOM!...a couple Terradactyles came crashing down from the sky. The first ones beak when straight into Apollos back...in his agony, Ajack turned to his back to rub off the Terradactyle...but then another one came, aiming straight for Ajack's cockpit. When it made contact, it barely missed the cockpit, but the damage was so severe that electrical charges began to surge through every muscle of Ajack's being. Crying out in torment, he was able to pull the beak out from Apollo's chest. [B]***Transmission Opened***[/B] ***Sayne: Ajack...NO! ***Ajack: ugh....its...alright Sayne....mmm...that sucked. ***Sayne: Hang in there... ***Dale: We've got these bastards on the run Ajack, don't give up. ***Liz: Think of Lyu... ***Ajack:.......I am thinking of her.......what I would give to see her now......to touch her face....to kiss her.....to hold her *tears began to swell in his eyes, his voice got calm, and gentle...* God I loved her... ***Sayne: Ajack, get up!...I almost died, I'm not letting the same thing happen to you. ***Ajack:...I've got nothing else to give...except for one more thing. Please, win this thing guys, and Liz....don't forget... [B]***End Transmission***[/B] [COLOR=DarkOrange]I'm sorry Ajack, communications are down. [/COLOR] [I]Can we link with the other mechs. themselves. [/I] [COLOR=DarkOrange]I'm afraid not...you are in no condition to make that kind of connection. [/COLOR] [I]Damn...ah....[/I] Ajack put pressure on a deep cut on his right side...[I]this sucks.......do we still have power to the boasters? [/I] [COLOR=DarkOrange]You know my plan...dont you...[/COLOR] [I]Yes Apollo...its all we got left. Charge up the boasters...full power. How are the wings and hind legs?[/I] [COLOR=DarkOrange]Functionable...I've lost the ability of my right arm Ajack. [/COLOR] [I]Well...thats gonna make getting up interesting...might as well take step one. [/I] Slowly, Ajack willed Apollo to get to its feet...looking up into the sky. Squating down...the boasters began to power up as the wings created more and more force. [COLOR=DarkOrange]Ajack...[/COLOR] [I]Yes...[/I] [COLOR=DarkOrange]It has been my honor...to serve you. [/COLOR] [I]No Apollo...the honor is mine..............Apollo?[/I] [COLOR=DarkOrange]Yes...[/COLOR] [I]She was beautiful...wasn't she...[/I] [COLOR=DarkOrange]Yes....that she was.[/COLOR] [I]LETS GO APOLLO![/I] And with a sudden burst of energy, Apollo shot up into the sky, passing all the other Terradactyles, heading for the center of the fleet. He passed Sayne on the way up, and Ajack could have sworn he say Sora's Phoenix in the distance. As Apollo came to the pinnical of its assention...in the deepest part of Ajacks mind, with all his heart, in his mind he cried out to her...from her to hear him. [COLOR=Blue][I]I told you I wouldn't go without saying goodbye Lyu *Ajack tried to picture her in his mind, Lyu standing right in front of him as he spoke to her*...I'm sorry I couldn't save you, I did all that I could. *In his vision, he walked up to her and embraced her in his arms* Please, don't forget about me...I will always love you; till the end...for all time. *and the vision faded away* [/I] [/COLOR] [I]Ready Apollo...[/I] [COLOR=DarkOrange]Yes Ajack...for friendship...[/COLOR] With a nod [I]for friendship...and love. [/I] Targeting rings surrouded hundreds of enemy mechs...as Ajack looked out upon the sky surrounding him before Apollo began to fall forward back towards earth. ''OBLIVION!'' The entire area seemed to light up in a blaze of fire. Explosions erupted all over the sky and hundreds of mechs. began to descend. Through the smoke, Apollo was free falling back towards earth...at the last moment....it seemed that Apollo prevented some of the shock from the fall with its legs and arms as they shattered to pieces as the mech. bounced upon the ground. With the last resort of energy Apollo had...he opened the hatch to Ajacks cockpit, and let him fall to the dirt easily as Apollo feel onto its back...both Ajack and Apollo were motionless. [/COLOR] [/SIZE] OCC: HHmmm...is he dead or alive...since Sayne is ending the rpg soon...I'll let him or Lyu:) decide his fate. And with the new Projects: Destiny coming in a couple of days after this....we shall see :laugh: the outcome. And hey, if I get bored again, I'll steal an idea I got from ULX and make a playlist for us all :D
  15. Or...how bout we just forget all the rules in general and just battle:)...cause we dont want to have an unfair advantage over the other teams now do we:)
  16. [SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkSlateGray]OCC: Its aight ULX...just gonna change things up abit:) With Sumiyaka going back to the bedroom to change...Zoku and Kuroichi both took a seat. He had missed being in the presence of his friend, so much has happened...he didn't know where to begin. To imagine, only a couple months ago these two wadged war over on another, both coming to the brinks of death. And yet now...here they were, sitting with one another. ''It has been a while...my old friend; you've changed...indeed the gems have made you powerful.'' Kuroichi finally speaking. ''I hope I am in good company, choosing to meet with you.'' ''You are my Lord, as you've been told...you haven't anything to fear from me.'' ''So it seems, I've heard a great many things. I've heard that you've been looking for me. As well as your quarel with Keitha...I'll be the first to apologize for her actions. I don't know why she came down on you in that manor, but neither the less...she is Krilat Zmaj. And she will be treated as such Zoku-sun...do you understand?'' ''Crystal, however I cannot promise anything the next time it happens.'' Zoku had a harsh tone to his voice, he still had the scar from where Keitha had bit him. His primative side demanded satisfaction. She had spilt his blood, one day he must return the favor. ''Understood, I encourage you Zoku to let it go. I'm sure Keitha had her reasons, and it will be brought to light in time.'' ''Yes my Lord...'' Kuroichi leaned back in his chair...staring at the titan, trying to get a read on his feelings. Despite the essence of the Darkness Moonstone running through his veins, something was obviously on the mans mind. ''Are you displeased Zoku-sun, for bringing Sumiyaka into the clan.'' ''Merely confused Kuroichi...*shaking his head* you and your women. It seems you have a thing for them when it comes to recruitment.'' Both men laughed to themselves; it was quite true, Kuroichi always had his eyes on the opposite sex. Through all their battles together in the old days, during their conquest of Japan, more and more females would join their cause. ''She is quite lovely, I'll admit Kuroichi; you've done well for yourself. And from what I've heard, quite the warrior as well. However it does hinder my plans as well.'' Zoku rose from his chair and walked to the window with his...''you know of the Ijuuj's demise do you not Kuroichi?'' ''Aye...that I do.'' Kuroichi himself getting out of his chair, coming towards Zoku. ''I present you with a gift...'' and at that moment, two dark hooded figures appeared by Zoku's side as they came through the window. Kuroichi's eyes turned red, not flinching for a moment; but the demon produced two blood claws on each arm...ready for battle. ''What is the meaning of this Zoku-sun?'' ''I've killed many vampires in your name...and you still do not trust me. By my hands, I have killed David, Lord of the Grysham...Caine, Master of the Gwyar...even that of a certain Ijuuj. The one they called Night Rider...'' The claws slowly dripped away, Kuroiching seeing that Zoku had no intention of fighting him. ''What...'' ''These are two of my demons my Lord, created by blood...with the combination of the Darkness Moonstone and the Opal.'' ''Yes...I've been told of such a gem, Caine's first...'' ''And this my Lord...'' as one of the demons put a chain in Zoku's hand...''is the Pearl Fang.'' ''Excellent Zoku-sun...indeed you have brought great news.'' Kuroichi could only with that great big smile of his. Zoku remembers it far too well...to see his master pleased with his work. ''My demons were more than enough for him back in Paris while I was away...you would have the rest of the gems if it weren't for Sumiyaka.'' ''What...'' again, Zoku surprised him. He was being very blunt about himself, even with Sumiyaka in the other room. [I]Zoku indeed has changed quite a lot over these past couple of months. [/I] Zoku, clearing his throat...explaining himself to Kuroichi...''Sole is here in Australia at this moment; for one purpose, and one purpose only...to find Sumiyaka. I met with him the other night, and he was eating out of my hands master. The darkness within him grows, what an ally he would be. However, once he finds Sumiyaka, he will know in an instant that she is now with you...and will be drawn by vengence to kill you at any cost.'' ''I see...'' Kuroichi crossing his arm...again, in thought. ''And from as well as I know you Kuroichi, for such a prize that you have claimed for yourself...you will not let her go back to Sole...and seduce him to join us. The Gwyar and the Myrkur Aniol have joined forces this day...making Zuriel, the new King of the fallen, as well as Dracula and Sole even more dangerous.'' ''I'm sorry you plan didn't work out the way you planned Zoku-sun, but what is done is done...and we will live with it.'' ''Indeed my Lord...so for the time being, I will hold onto my gems...and one day, I will give them all to you. But not yet...my work is not finished.'' ''As you wish Zoku-sun, I will call for you when I need you.'' However Zoku didn't respond...he still perfectly still in concentration... ''He is here...'' Kuroichi could sense it too, both the Death Diamond and the Skull Sapphire were nearby. Then there was a knock on the door, turning Kuroichis attention away from Zoku towards the door...with a unfamiliar voice shouting ''Beth!.'' ''It must be Sole and his apprentice Jinsei......so it has begun.'' As Kuroichi turned back towards Zoku...he was already gone, a gentle breeze blowing through the blinds. OCC: Hopefully that was good for ya...hopefully Sole-Energie posts...since now we're finally back on track with time and everything:)[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  17. [SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkSlateGray]He noticed Andy's smile as they went back into battle...the first time he saw her smile. But it was only for an instant till she turned around back towards the Lycans which were pushing aside all the dead corpses from Andy's plan. ''"You wanted one of these bastards to question?....You got one? said Lee through his earpiece. "Nice work, Lee, but don't go off like that again, you hear me?" said M. "I hear you." ''Alright...get that thing in here quick...I'll get the information that we need.'' Running through the crowd, Lee had kept his barrier up while dragging the Lycan by its legs. M led both of them to a back room of the complex where M showed Lee where to drop him. ''Lee...get back out there and help them, I will join you shortly.'' ''No...I want to help as well man. This guys gonna talk one way or thee other.'' Due to the Lycans injuries to his legs, the silver spread through his body just enough to transform him back to his human form. ''I'll never talk you pathetic humans.'' the Lycan roared. ''Please Lee.'' with M placing his hand on his shoulder. ''Help the others; there are not many left out there...I'm sure the rest of you will be able to take down the remaining Lycan force easily. Trust me...you don't want to be here right now.'' Lee looked puzzeled, looking into M's eyes...he could feel that M ment the best. ''Alright...no problem.'' and Lee was gone...closing the door behind him. ''You're wasting your time human, we Lycans will never submit; to the vampires, nor too you. Go one with your torture...no amount of pain will be good enough too..'' M's voice was deep, and dark...stretching out his left arm...he placed his hand on the Lycan's forehead ''Oh, believe me...I will make you beg for Hell before I am done...'' Suddenly the rest of the team could here a terrible howl coming from the back room, and a feeling came upon them; something words could not describe. But it was suttle enough not to bother them from their battle. Farel was concerned and shifted into the shadows and opened the door to the room, finding M about to leave. ''What happened...I thought you...'' but Farel was silenced as he looked beyond M's shoulder...he saw the man coiled up in a ball in the corner of the room, looking in ever direction...a sense of paranoia and fear was upon his face. M saw the look on Farels face and placed a hand on his shoulder...''Lets go...we need to get back to the others to help. I've gotten the information that we need about the Lycans, and I know where they've taken Taikaru Farel, she'll be fine. Don't worry...Come now...'' M was trying to lead Farel away from the doorway, who was still looking at the Lycan. Apart from his face...what frightened him the most, was that its eyes were pure black. [/COLOR] [/SIZE] OCC: I'm sure you had an idea about the Lycans having no heart Meggido...by all means, take it from there using my character:)
  18. [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1]''Well well, things sure are set in motion now aren't they...'' exclaimed Zoku from the shadows of the alley. Zuriel turned towards the voice and saw a massive figure leaning up against the building with its arms crossed. The being radiated that of evil...a feeling that made Zuriel's stomach turn. ''So...you must be the new Myrkur Aniol Lord, Zuriel, the one who killed Abaddon...his scent is all over you.'' Despite the sudden rush of fear for the being, Zuriel held his ground and confronted the man...looking straight at his face. His eyes were death...like two flames of hell looking from beneathe its hood through the darkness of his sunglasses. ''You know so much of me...how bout telling me who you are?'' ''Haha...'' Zoku chuckling...''why, I'm the one who's been killing your precious Myrkur Aniol these past nights.'' ''Die you DEMON!'' cried out Zuriel, with his blade drawn, he gabbed it straight at the beings head. Effortlessly moving his head to the left, dodging the attack, Zuriels sword went straight into the brick wall behind him. And in an instant...Zoku thrust his right hand onto Zuriels throat and pushed him into the opposite wall, pressing him upward into the indentation in the brick wall that was created from the force. ''Impressive...foolish...but impressive. You have spirit my friend, no wonder you defeated Abaddon. I was hoping to meet him...but I guess I'm left with you.'' The grasp on Zuriels throat was tightening...unable to breathe...''what...the helll.....are you?'' Zoku released the king from his hold...gasping for air. Standing back, Zoku drew his Oblivion and pointed it at Zuriels throat. ''First...I want you to answer my questions my dear king.'' He had no choice...looking at the beings eyes, even through his sunglasses, he knew he was serious. ''I will answer.'' ''Good...now, what business do you have with the Gwyar?'' pressing the blade to Zuriels throat. Struggling against the point of the blade...''we have made a pack...I, the King of the Myrkur Aniol has pledge my alligence to Dracula, overlord of the Gwyar; in blood.'' [I]Already...that was quick...[/I] ''So Dracula is here in Australia...'' [COLOR=DarkRed]No...he is standing not more than 10 feet from you.[/COLOR] ''I know you're there Dracula...'' as Zoku turned in his direction. [COLOR=DarkRed]I followed those two Gwyar who picked up Zuriel back at the lair...they had a slight essense of your scent, I was hoping that they would lead me too you. [/COLOR] ''Wait...Dracula, you know this man?'' questioned Zuriel...still being pressed against the wall...a slight cut forming on his neck from the blade. [COLOR=DarkRed]He is no mere man...please...let Zuriel go. [/COLOR] As much as he wanted to kill him...Zoku lowered his blade, as Zuriel looked back at him in rage. ''Now...who the hell are you?'' ''My name is Zoku,'' as Zoku lowered his hood from his head...his black hair falling to his sides. ''I used to be in league with the Gwyar not too long ago...till I turned.'' Zuriel was beside himself...he didn't understand anything the vampire said...only his name...Zoku. ''It's a long story Zuriel...I believe Dracula may be able to fill in the gaps.'' [COLOR=DarkRed]So...you still wont return to us Zoku. I was hoping with time you would come to your senses. I know the moonstone has taken hold of you...but that is no reason to give yourself to Kuroichi. [/COLOR] ''That is him to decide now Dracula, we meet tonight...I will have my answer then. You should be more concerned with your own my friend...I sense Sole is falling.'' [COLOR=DarkRed]What...[/COLOR] ''I met with Sole the other night...I tried to convince him to join me. All he seeks now is his precious Beth, or Sumiyaka as you are probably well aware of.'' ''Where did you see him...it is vital that I find him...he and I must meet'' proclaimed Zuriel after finally pulling his sword from the wall. ''I do not know where he is now...but I await his answer as well.'' [COLOR=DarkRed]So...you still are torn between sides Zoku. As a human...you didn't belong anywhere. And now as a vampire, from what you told me last night...you cannot chose because of her. Your loyalty is with Kuroichi once again, and yet you cannot imagine working with the likes of her. It's a pitty...[/COLOR] [I]Keitha...[/I] ''You know nothing old man.'' Zoku's voice was becoming bitter, and dark. ''I've had enough of this...'' pulling his hood over his head he leaped up into the air, falling on top of the neighboring rooftops. Zuriel was about to follow him, weapon drawn when Dracula grabbed hold of his shoulder. [COLOR=DarkRed]Let him go...[/COLOR] ''He has killed members of my clan...he must perish.'' as Zuriel pushed aside Draculas hand. [COLOR=DarkRed]Zoku has killed many men Zuriel, from all clans...let us be grateful that he didn't kill us this day. [/COLOR] Hearing this...Zuriel showed his sword back into its shealth. ''So what do we do now?'' [COLOR=DarkRed]We prepare for the battle ahead; as for Zoku...we will wait. [/COLOR] *** A few rooftops away from Zuriel and Dracula *** [I]Kuroichi...I am tired of waiting...I'm coming to meet you now whether you like it or not....Gaia...warn him. [/I][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  19. [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1]''HaHA...what a fool!'' Alexander thought to himself...leaping from rooftop to rooftop away from Storm and Keisha. To Storm...he looked like any other vampire, a child at only 5'6''. But he didn't comprehend the enemy that was before him. Oh how Alexander loved taking pleasure in spilling that of human blood. With his silver hair streaming over his face by the wind in his flight...he took note of the nights events. [I]So...two of the Slayers have already found one another...excellent. My master will be very pleased....they are more powerful than he imagined that they would be. Only two more too be found... [/I] More and more vampires were coming through gate everyday...Azraels will was being fullfilled. [I]Once my master has taken back his throne that which is rightfully his; away from his blasted brothers...there will be no place for the world of man.[/I] ''HALT!'' Stopping in his tracks on top of a tall skyscraper overlooking the city...6 angels collapsed around Alexander. ''Stay rigth where you are dark one...we've come for your head.'' ''My dear friends...I don't want any trouble.'' Alexander put on an innocent... calming face to the fallen angels. But behind his beautiful blue eyes, he was already winning the battle within. He already had his sights on 2 of the angels...harboring evil within them. ''Be still you Dark Angel...'' ''My my...aren't you the brave souls......however...I am no mere angel.'' bursting through Alexanders shoulder blades came 4 massive wings...a color of white which looked tainted within the feathers, that of blackness. Sure...he looked like a typical angel...but his eyes harbored much much more. ''No....'' ''Ah....yes. I am a higher demon...bringer of death to worlds...Azraels messenger...the last thing you will ever see.'' In a blinding flash of red light...all of the fallen angels but two perished at Alexanders blade. The two still alive stood in shock...looking upon the demons true form. ''Now...my brothers, open your hearts to the darkness...'' outstretching his hand...the two angels exploded, revieling a new creation...two freshly created dark angels. ''Be gone now my brothers...I will call upon you at the opportune moment.'' and with that...the two dark ones flew off. Just as quickly as he transformed...Alexander was back to natural human state, desending to the street below. He walked among the humans as one of their not...not knowing the evil that was present, the wolf dressed in sheeps clothe. ''I think more vampires are needed this night my master...yes....there will be more.'' The waxing moon (half moon) tatoo on Alexanders forehead faded, hiding within his skin as the demon walked the streets. Looking for another gate point...[/SIZE][/COLOR] OCC: New appearance on attached thumbnail for Alexander...better than the one in the INN.
  20. [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1]The living conditions were quite grand and exquisit. With the barrier between the girls and boys...no one had to worry about any unexpected visits while changing and whatnot. ''Hey guys...I'll be back later alright. I wanna take a look around the castle ok.'' ''Alright Joseph'' replied Shinji ''Later'' responded Zeth and Kent at the same time. The structure of the castle was enourmouns. Massive hallways that seemed to ever end. Carpeting and tapestry beyond imagination with its complex and yet sublime formations of colors and images. [I]This is incredible...[/I] Eventuall Joseph found himself in a beautiful courtyard within the castle walls. Laying down his staff, he sat on the ground crosslegged...staring up at the stars. Through his eyes...they looked foreign, but inside he felt like he was back home. It was a warm night...the gentle breeze was soothing to the nerves. [I]I don't understand...what did that Nu Mou mean by me having the all-mighty ''World'' crystal. I have nothing...[/I] as Joseph looked at his hands palms up. ''What grieves thee...'' asked Judgemaster Zedekiah...taking a seat next to Joseph. [I]Whats up with these people asking about me and grieving?[/I] ''...Just thinking thats all my Lord...'' ''It is I...who shall be calling you Lord, Joseph, Servant of the Sacred Fire.'' ''Please...stop calling me that. I haven't earned any such title.'' ''But it is what you are...ain't it not?'' ''No Zedekiah, I'm a simple student in my world...I'm not what you think of me. I don't understand...Zeroun saying that I have the all-mighty power of ''The World'' crystal. Zedeziah...I have nothing.'' Zedekiah didn't say anything at first...he just looked staring at the stars with Joseph doing the same thing. ''I used to look up at the stars like this all the time when I was your age...'' bringing Josephs attention back to Zedekiah, however Zedekiah kept looking up at the sky. ''I've been in service to the Queen all my life. I used to think if there was any other purpose for me out there in the world of Ivalice.'' ''Did you find any...'' ''No need, I kept my undying loyalty to the Queen, and I have become the most powerful Judgemaster of our time.'' Joseph just sat in silence...looking back up at the stars. ''I heard of what you did in the city today Joseph by a moogle by the name of Kirby...............I don't know what you were in your world, but I do know this. No simple creature could have done what you did today...and this is only the beginning for you. In time...'' as Zedekiah looked at Joseph with his big and powerful brown eyes, placing a hand on his shoulder...''you will come to understand the power within you. As will the rest of your friends.'' ''I still don't understand Zedekiah, if the others have crystals for each of the different creatures of Ivalice...what does ''The World'' crystal mean.'' ''That you are a part of this world...more than you know. You feel it do you not...deep down inside...dont you?'' ''I feel...different yes. Like I've been here before...'' Zedekiah patting him on the back...''see...thats it. Thats the power within you...it may not be much...but its a start. Sooner or later...you will come to understand your purpose...just like I did all those years ago.'' The judgemaster stood up from the ground...as Joseph continued to sit on upon the grass deep in thought. ''Always remember Joseph, Servant of the Sacred Fire...in order to lead, you must learn to serve. No greater way to do that then to learn the ways of healing with that Spring Staff.'' Joseph shot a stare up at Zedekiah, almost in tears of joy. [I]In order to Lead...you must Serve.......the words of Grandma...[/I] ''Never forget...'' Zedekiah rubbing his hand through Josephs hair...messing it up. ''don't stop looking up at those stars...they contain our dreams...and with you...nothing ever ends...this is only the beginning'' with that...the judgemaster walked out of the courtyard back into the castle. Joseph feel backwards onto the grass...feeling the world upon his back. Lossing himself in the infany of space, he could feel reality on his back with the blades of grass...all he could do was lie there in awe to Zedekiah's words. [I]Even if I don't understand...this is the path, the life that has been set before me...there is no turning back now. I promise Zedekiah...I will not fail. [/I][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  21. ''Keep going...don't stop!'' yelled M through the earpiece as Carl, Farel and the other soldiers ran ahead...blasting through the Lycans at the center. Ivy and Andy were doing beautifully on their end...the left side was being whipped out...not being able to ambush the others going forward. You could hear the sounds of hundreds of bullet casings falling to the ground as M matched forward...pushing the right side of the Lycan force back. The chain gun was heating up only slightly as M continued his onslaught against the Lycans. One after another they fell...just as they had appeared one after thee other went they first arrived. ''Didn't expect this to happen now did ya...that's the last time you'll underestimate us again.'' With Andy and Ivy taking out the left, and M on the right...Carl and Farel led the charge with the other soldiers easily...leaving them with a gap to run. M was halfway done clearing out the Lycans on his front when he realized he was using up more ammo than he wanted too. He would have to rely on the chain gun again during this mission for sure... ''Come on guys...get out of there...'' Turning towards Ivy and Andy...he saw Ivy take out 30 Lycans at once....quite impressive...till he saw her fall to the ground in exhaustion. ''Ivy!''
  22. ''THEY HAVE NO HEARTS!'' yelled M as he stomped on a Lycans head and shot it in the head with 3 shots. ''Thats right M...we should take note of this for later.'' ''Good job Farel...that was valuable info...'' Everyone seemed to holding their own...Andy and Ivy each others backs, Lee was tossing Lycans oall over the place with his telekinesis, bashing them away with his sword; and Carl, well...he was doing what he did best. [I]Wait...where the hell is Taikaru?![/I] ''Lee...where is Tiakaru?'' M yelled through his ear piece. ''Hell if I knew man...I haven't had time.'' ''She was taken by the beasts a little while after Lee's barrier fell, and I haven't seen Farel anywhere.'' answered Andy. ''Sorry M...I lost her in the crowd. I tried to get to her but it was too late...she's gone.'' replied Farel. This wasn't good, one of their members were missing already, and their support group was failing fast. M fought with all his might through the crowd of Lycans...there were too many of them for him to use his shotgun, their speed was incredible. However M was a master with his spear...swinging and spinning in every direction with the spear being thrust and twirled with his left hand, in his right he unloaded round after round with his automatic 9mm. Swinging the spear over his head, with fluid motion he swung across decapitating a Lycan, coming back down again and almost splitting one in two, and swinging horizontally again slashing at anothers midsection. Continually spinning and turning...all he could see were more and more faces of Lycans. To his shock...he foolishly found himself seperated from the rest of the group. ''M!...you're being surrounded, get the hell out of there!'' cried out Lee, fighting two other Lycans that had surrounded him. Andy and Ivy were doing very well together, with Andy's fire abilities and Ivy's ''rage''(thought it was a good name for it:)), Lycans weren't getting even close to them. ''How is everyone doing on ammunition?'' asked M. Trying to keep the Lycans surrounding him at bay. With the length of the spear, he could keep a few at a safe distance till one had the balls to attack him. ''We're good.'' Ivy replied back. ''I'm all set.'' Lee right after. ''Shit...I'm running low M.'' as Carl roared into his ear piece. ''Me too...'' Farel replied. [I]Damn...alright...we can't keep this up. We're pinned against the wall. [/I] *click...''No...empty'' as the pistols chamber closed shut. Dropping the gun back into its case on his side...a Lycan leaped out of the crowd and fall right on top of M. Switching the spear from his left to right...M stepped slightly to the side and as the Lycan came down, he thrust his fist into the beasts' sternum...going right through its body. M tossed aside and struck a couple of Lycans as they began to back away at the sight. ''Andy...I need a path back to the ship...'' ''No problem...'' in the distance M could see Andy hold out her hand and five Lycans instantly burst into flames, crying in agony. As M began to spring back towards the ship...''Carl...Farel...cover me at the ship...Lee, meet me there. Will you two be able to hold out ok for a moment?'' ''Of course...who do you take us for...girls'' Ivy responded with a laugh. ''We've lost our sixth soldier for support M...whatever you're gonna do...you better make it quick.'' responded Carl as he moved his position in front of the ship. ''Farel...round up the other soldier...get them with you and Carl as well ok...'' ''Ok.'' At the ship as M detracted his spear down, ''M...what do you need?'' ''Grab all the supplies and ammunition that you can...we're getting out of here! We wont be able to survive much longer.'' Lee did as such and grabbed all that he could...''Should I bring some for everyone else to carry?'' ''Just Carl and Farel...the girls are our ticket out of here. ''How...'' as Lee continued to pick up more ammunition. With a couple of backpacks on M's back, he knelt down and unzipped his backpack that he had prepared before leaving... ''Are you shitting me? That thing is far too heavy to...'' M lifted up the chain gun with his left arm and put the strap over his head onto his right shoulder. Securing a strap around his left tricep and bicep, M carried the gun with a massive amount of bullets dragging behind as he stepped outside the ship. ''It's fine....don't worry about me. Just get those packs to Carl...and instruct the men to run towards that building over there.'' M pointing to an abandoned housing complex across the street from their position. ''Ivy, Andy...come in...'' ''What...'' ''Use all of your powers to clear out the right side of all the Lycans...while I take out the left...everyone else...concentrate all your fire into the center and make a break for the abandoned housing complex over there.'' ''How are you going too...'' The chain gun was already starting to turn... ''NOW!''
  23. [SIZE=4]CHAPTER 2: BLOOD LINES[/SIZE] : Current Chapter These are the characters so far: Blayze: Lee-male:)-telekinesis Amgoddess: Andy-female-pyrokinesis LyuAnn: Ivy-female- telepathic explosions (best way i thought to put it) Rei_Man: Carl-male-weapons specialist Kaiba_the_Chosen: Taikaru-female-dark energie (please PM to tell me specifics) Meggido: Farel-male-stealth/shadow manipulation kairiKIce2: M-male-empathe Commander Red: Leader of the Heaven Projecy President Micah: President of Earth Now that's out of the way...here are some ''Rules'' which I feel that are needed to be addressed. I believe I have posted with most of you before and I love your work:). But some things I would like to see in this rpg. Nothing big...but issue's im sure all of you will appreciate. 1) Please read all posts, and take into account [U]ALL[/U] information that is given. This will prevent confusion... 2) Both long and short posts are fine:)...as long as you post whenever:)...you're good. However, please don't progress the storyline quickly moving from one scene to another in the blink of an eye. Because so much will be missed by the other writers...so be calm:)...don't take over the story. 3) Be patient...some of us don't post as much as others. Post all you like...but remember to include everyone to keep them involved with the story so that they don't have to catch up. I'm not leaving anyone behind...too often does that happen (amgoddess in Demons and Angels:(...we missed ya...sorry for that). 4) Plot twists are great...it makes the storyline more interesting. But please keep them in check, so that everyone else doesn't get lost in the change. As great as change is...the story should also go nice and smoothly. We don't want things getting out of hand, causing confusion and contradiction of ideas. That's why I have the underground. Detail in the story are good...just dont go overboard. 5) As always...respect other writers characters and personalities:) 6) And finally...please use ALL rules 1-5 in your posts, as I'm sure most of you already know:) *** I am very excited about this rpg...as I've heard many of you are as well. Your knowledge of the paranormal and things ''not quite right'' in the world will become very useful as the story progresses. As for your all characters...I like them all. Its a nice mix...I apologize Meggido if your character was originally supposed to be the quite type...and now all of a sudden you have become a talker. I want you all to be comfortable in whom you want your character to be. Please...try to concider these rules while posting...it will really be a big help. As of now...below I will give an overview of chapter 2...placing us where the chapter will begin. I already know that Kaiba and Blayze have posted...so I will work off of that for the rest of you to read. ************************************************************* [SIZE=4] [COLOR=DarkRed][FONT=Georgia]Chapter 2: Blood Lines[/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE] *On the outskirts of London, crashing down into the city by a strange breed of vampires who apparently aren't affected by sunlight (not all of them ok;))...the Angel Team landed with the surprise attack of a group of Werewolves whom have the ability to transform at will. As the battle began...Taikaru was captured, and brought to the Werewolves (or Lycans if you would like to call them) lair where the head Lycan Michael resides (no...not the dude from Underworld, just the name :D ) While the team fights off the enemy attack, it is now daytime (as I stated before), so there are no vampires out at the present time...not all of London has been turned into either werewolves or vampires. Most are dead yes, but some still live...hiding all over the city. Remember your objectives...and happy hunting. ************************************************************* I'll do this kind for every chapter, so that there is a basic background for you to work off of. The only reason you're thrown into a battle already is because Blayze and Taikaru have already posted. Go off from what I have just written above...you all are NOT captured by the werewolves...u are still fighting outside while Taikaru has been taking hostage. Go off from what Blayze wrote for the battle:) Thank you for taking the time to read all this through. I appreciate it greatly. Please PM if you've read this...or if you have any questions or comments.
  24. OCC: [U][B]Please read Underground before posting again[/B]...[/U] Information important, regarding to the storyline and other ''details'' i believe need to be addressed. This is a must...please read it before you post on Adventure Square. thank you;)...take care... -Kairi
  25. [SIZE=1][COLOR=Purple][B]Bottoms Up...figured you were hungry. You should never turn down an offer from anyone. They could one day save your life...you wouldn't want to dissapoint them.[/B] [/COLOR] as Richard placed a plate of food on his bed. There was a peanut butter and jelly sandwich with some potatoe chips and a pudding snack on the side. [COLOR=DarkGreen][I]Oh no...now I've really pissed him off. [/I] [/COLOR] [B][COLOR=Purple]You seem very uneasy around me Jakob...like your avoiding me...[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=DarkGreen][I]What the hell...first time I meet the guy I can't read him...now he's giving me a psych. examination. [/I][/COLOR] [COLOR=Purple][B]Hunger was written all over your face, however I may have been mistaken...but, maybe you lied to me just so you could get away from me.[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkGreen][I]That's it...I'm a dead man. [/I][/COLOR] [B][COLOR=Purple]I know its not much...but its better than the food on New Pluto[/COLOR][/B] Richard trying to show a smile... [COLOR=DarkGreen][B]Th...Thanks Richard...I was kinda hungry...[/B][/COLOR] [I][COLOR=DarkGreen]wait...should I trust this guy, or is he luring me in like another one of his victims, maybe the food is poisoned.[/COLOR] [/I] [COLOR=Purple][B]Listen Jakob.[/B][/COLOR] Richard obviously seeing his concern on his face[COLOR=Purple]...[B]There's no point in killing any of you, despite my past...I would hope you would come too see that. Enjoy...[/B][/COLOR] with that...Richard took his plate with him and walked out of the bedroom. [COLOR=DarkGreen][B]Wow...I didn't expect that...[/B] [/COLOR] Jakob deciding to eat what Richard had given him...he was really hungry. A couple of minutes later...Jakob could hear Jayme yelling and screaming in the kitchen. Moments later...Jayme was outside the door, glaring down at the plate of food that Jakob was holding. [B][COLOR=Blue]So you're the one who made the food and messed everything up in MY KITCHEN! I HAD A NICE MEAL PLANNED FOR ALL OF US![/COLOR][/B] After a couple of minutes of Jakob trying to calm Jayme down, telling him that Richard was the one that made the food. He looked a little worried bout wanting to confront the convict...but he had disorganized his entire kitchen, the way he liked it to be. [B][COLOR=Blue]RICHARD![/COLOR][/B] as Jayme yelled...stomping out the door. Jakob couldn't help himself but laugh. Unknown to Jayme...Richard was walking around the ship, taking a tour for himself. He stopped by a weapons hold and found himself some weapons that he found to be to his liking. A nice 12 gadge shotgun...and a 9mm automatic pistol....there were also a pair of knives hanging by the wall. [I][COLOR=Purple]Nice...[/COLOR][/I] Strapping an ammo belt around himself...putting the pistol in its case, as well as the daggers to his sides....and harnesed the shotgun over his shoulder. [B][COLOR=Purple]Damn right...[/COLOR][/B] [I][COLOR=Purple]HHmmm...maybe I can live with these people. However, I am not sleeping in the same room as those two...I'd prefer the couch. [/COLOR] [/I] OCC: I call the couch guys:)[/SIZE]
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